Infinity House Magazine New Years Resolution

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The kinds of new years resolutions you should be making




2017 is here and you might all of a sudden realize that your new years resolutions for 2016 have not been fulfilled. Well you can now start fresh. New years resolutions are often about pressure, becoming a better person, knowing more, losing weight etc. Life’s already pressuring enough (2016, anyone?), you don’t need more pressure from yourself, do you? So here are some alternatives to the most common new years resolutions out there. 1. Want to lose weight: Start playing a sport such as swimming or horse back riding!

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Do an activity you enjoy instead of sticking to a juice diet that’s bound to make you crash four hours in. Instead of promoting yourself to set a negative goal, set yourself a positive one! Start playing a sport instead, that way you get to make friends, get some exercise and live a healthier life. In this social media crazed time we live in, individualistic sports gives you a date with yourself which might be just what you need. 2. Eat healthier: join a cooking class or start planting your own food!

Many want to adhere to a better lifestyle and eat healthier. But do you know what eating healthier even means? (I tried the dictionary, but I’m not so sure we’re on the same page.) If you’re considering cutting out a whole food group, you probably don’t know what eating healthier means, either. Join the club. If you want to be healthier, attend a cooking class! You’ll learn more about food, be able to treat your friends and family to healthy meals and maybe you’ll even start a food blog! 3. Enjoy life to the fullest: stop trying so hard, or you just might miss it.

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This is a tricky one. Many of us feel as if we’re not living life to the fullest. We read countless articles on how to lead better lives, how to be happier, enjoy more, be more optimistic. There are so many musts encouraged by society, but more importantly, that we push onto ourselves, inflicting pain through procrastination. As opposed to trying to hide our feelings, why not feel them? It’s alright to not be happy all the time, because no one is. It’s alright to stay in bed all Sunday and eat ice cream, if that’s what you enjoy, aren’t you living to the fullest? Sometimes you forget to live when you’re trying too hard. 4. Be less stressed: Go on a yoga retreat or get weekly massages.

Yes, you could sign up for a yoga class and try drinking more green tea – but wouldn’t going on a yoga retreat be more fun? Learn a few tricks on how to breathe properly, how to eat better, and get a brain massage. If you’ve got the world on your shoulders, a few days away from your daily frantic life might be what you need. And who doesn’t need a little time off after the Christmas holidays? Another fun idea is to get weekly massages like Diane von Furstenberg, because who doesn’t want to be more like the queen of fashion? She looks very confident and calm.

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5. Spend less money: Save money for a trip!

Spending less money should not be tied to an actual price or prize. If you for example save 20 quid a week, that’s the equivalent of a meal at Ibiza! Therefore, you’re not depriving yourself of money, you are giving yourself a future vacation. You could also save up for a house, or a bag or a computer. Really, anything you want, not anything that you need. That way your home economics will improve and you can fancy yourself a new addition to your CV.



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Stay in your own lane: Words over digits: Energy, Adrenaline and naughtiness. Two.


Henrietta Hedberg is a creative writer who grew up around Europe. With a degree in law she loves to discover the functioning of society and the evolution of culture. Her interests range from fashion, culture, and politics. RELATED POSTS



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