Infinity House Magazine Adopt a Dog

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Change your life and Adopt a Dog BY HENRIETTA HEDBERG ON 1ST JANUARY 2017



Do you spend your coffee breaks watching cute dog videos? Or do you spend it stalking famous dogs on instagram? If you do either, or both, adopt a dog will provide you with a daily dose of cuteness. Here are a few reasons as to why you should adopt a dog (as if you really need any, I mean come on). They save your life and you save theirs.

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When you adopt a dog you’re saving a life. In the US, 2.7 million dogs and cats are euthanized as they are left without owners. By adopting a pet, you are literally saving a life. But they will also save yours. You will involuntarily be exercising more by walking your dog, playing fetch (what they don’t tell you is that fetch means you’re running after the ball just as much as the dog). What’s more than that, you’ll get so spend more time out in nature (be it a park, or a “real” outdoor experience). Already house trained and checked by the vet

When you get a puppy from a breeder your precious bundle of joy may not have been checked by a vet. Getting your dog checked is incredibly important because it will get vaccinated and get checked for any diseases. If the mother had a disease during pregnancy, it can be passed on to the adorable pups. If you adopt a dog from an official adoption center they will have been checked by a vet and given the appropriate vaccinations. You will know upfront if your dog is healthy or not. Keep in mind that dogs that aren’t healthy are going to cost you more money, in which case you should get pet insurance – don’t be stingy, it’s worth it.

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You’ll get a dog! And dog owners are happy!

According to psychology today, pets make us happier! They are essential for psychological and physical well-being and provide us with a sense of belongingness. Past research has also found that those facing serious health issues such as heart attacks, or HIV fare better with pet companions around. Hanging out with a dog all day is nothing like hanging out with a human being. As dogs are super eager to please and needs rules, the relationship is completely up to you (to a certain extent, walks and food are mandatory). When you want to watch TV together, the dog wants to do it too. When you want to play, the dog wants to play. When you want to go out for an evening walk, your dog might want to join you – but if he doesn’t you can make your precious dog join you. It’s almost like it should be mandatory to adopt a dog. Unconditional Love

It is needless to say that unconditional love is one of the greatest things life has to offer. A dog will be so ever excited every time you walk through the door, it’s like an explosion of excitement and happiness each time that you meet. As you get surges of happiness throughout the day you will eventually feel yourself becoming more positive and outgoing. To quote J-Lo, “my love don’t cost a thing” and that’s really what it’s like to adopt a dog.

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Make new friends at the Park

Getting a dog is a great way for all introverts to get out there and socialize with fellow civilians. It doesn’t matter if you walk in the park or around the city, people will want to pet your dog, ask you dog related questions, and take pictures with it because dogs are awesome. Your pet is also going to want to say hello to fellow four legged animals providing you with the opportunity to talk to the owner. If you still don’t have your partner convinced to adopt a dog, check out an adoption centre nearby – there is no way you’re leaving the way you came in.



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Henrietta Hedberg is a creative writer who grew up around Europe. With a degree in law she loves to discover the functioning of society and the evolution of culture. Her interests range from fashion, culture, and politics. RELATED POSTS

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