Calendr Digwyddiadau | Calendar of Events (HCAW 2023)

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Wythnos Genedlawthol Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2023 Yng Nghymru / 2023 in Wales Cylchlythyr a Chalendr Digwyddiadau Newsletter & Calendar o

Wythnos Genedlawthol

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb



Partner Pack and Social Media Pack


Lansio HCAW (Dydd Sadwrn 14 Hydref | Dydd Sul

15 Hydref | Digwyddiadau’r wythnos)

Digwyddiad Allweddol: Mae'n Dechrau Gyda Ni (Weminar)

Profiad Gwaith Ella

Dydd Llyn 16 Hydref

Hyrwyddwyr Troseddau Casineb

Profiad Gwaith Ella

Dydd Mawrth 17 Hydref

Sbotolau ar….

Dydd Mercher 18 Hydref

Dydd Iau 19 hydref

Mae Casineb yn Brifo Cymru

Newyddion o'r sector

Dydd Gwener 20 Hydref

Llais y Dioddefwyr

Saturday 21 October

Coming Up...

*Mae’r ddogfen hon yn hwyluso rhannu digwyddiadau gan amrywiaeth o bartneriaid ledled Cymru yn ystod Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb. Nid yw digwyddiadau yn y ddogfen hon a gyflwynir gan bartneriaid allanol yn gymeradwyaeth gan Gymorth i Ddioddefwyr.

Gallwch ein ffonio ar 0300 3031 982 i gael cefnogaeth

emosiynol am ddim os ydych cho wedi dioddef trosedd

casineb neu ewch i'n gewfan

National Hate Crime Awareness Week



Partner Pack and Social Media Pack

Before HCAW

HCAW Launch (Saturday 14, Sunday 15 and events happening all week)

Key event: It Starts With Us (Webinar)

Monday 16 October

Hate Crime Champions

Ella’s Work Experience

Tuesday 17 October

Spotlight on...

Wednesday 18 October

Thursday 19 October

Hate Hurts Wales

News from the sector

Friday 20 October

The Voice of victims

Saturday 21 October

Coming Up...

*This document facilitates the sharing of events by a range of partners across Wales during Hate Crime Awareness Week Events in this document delivered by external partners are not endorsements by Victim Support

You can call us on 0300 3031 982 for free support if you've been a victim of hate crime or visit our website at


Croeso i rifyn eleni o Gylchlythyr

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb a Chalendr Digwyddiadau Cymru.

Eleni, mae Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn nodi wyth mlynedd o ddarparu

cymorth arbenigol i ddioddefwyr

troseddau a digwyddiadau casineb yng Nghymru.

Mae hi wedi bod yn flwyddyn

ddiddorol a heriol i’r gwasanaeth, wrth i ni addasu ac ymateb i newidiadau o fewn cymunedau yng

Nghymru a’r DU gyfan.

Mae’r galw parhaus am y gwasanaeth, a’r ystadegau diweddaraf gan y Swyddfa Gartref, yn ein hatgoffa’n gyson pa mor bwysig yw herio casineb o fewn ein cymunedau, codi ymwybyddiaeth

trwy ymgyrchoedd fel Wythnos


Troseddau Casineb a sicrhau bod

Mae llais dioddefwyr yn ganolog i’n gwasanaeth, gan ddylanwadu a darparu cyfeiriad ar gyfer yr hyn a wnawn. Un neges sy'n dod i'r amlwg yn glir yw pa mor bwysig yw bod yn

gynghreiriad ac yn wyliwr gweithredol. Adlewyrchir hyn yn hwb

newydd yr ymgyrch Mae Casineb yn

Brifo Cymru, ac yn arbennig yn ein digwyddiad Allweddol ddydd Llun 16

Hydref, ac yn y gweithdy peilot 'Mae'n

Dechrau Gyda Ni'.

Yn y rhifyn hwn, byddwch hefyd yn gweld amrywiaeth o ffyrdd o fod yn rhan o'r mudiad Gwylwyr, o fynychu'r peilot neu gefnogi'r ymgyrch Mae Casineb yn Brifo Cymru, i ddod yn

Hyrwyddwr Troseddau Casineb neu gofrestru'ch sefydliad neu grŵp i ymuno â'r Siarter Troseddau Casineb a gweithio tuag at y Nod Ymddiriedaeth.

Sefydlwyd Wythnos Genedlaethol

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb

yn 2009 i nodi 10 mlynedd ers yr

ymosodiadau Bomiau Hoelion yn



annibynnol, arbenigol o safon yn

parhau i gael eu

cynnig ym mhob

rhan o Gymru.

Llundain. Diben craidd yr wythnos yw

sefyll mewn undod â’r rhai y mae

troseddau casineb yn effeithio

arnynt, i gofio’r rhai rydym wedi’u colli, a bod yno i’r rhai y mae angen cymorth parhaus arnynt.



Welcome to this year's edition of the Hate Crime Awareness Week Newsletter and Calendar of Events for Wales.

This year, Victim Support marks eight years of providing specialist support for victims of hate crime and incidences in Wales.

It's been an interesting and challenging year for the service, as we adapt and respond to changes within communities in Wales and the UK as a whole.k

The voice of victims sits central to our service, influencing and providing a steer for what we do. One message that comes through loud and clear is how important being an ally and active bystander is. This is reflected in the new burst of the Hate Hurts Wales campaign, and particularly in our Key event on Monday 16 October, and in the pilot workshop 'It Starts With Us'.

You'll also find in this edition a range of ways of being a part of the Bystander movement, from attending the pilot or supporting the Hate Hurts Wales campaign, to becoming a Hate Crime Champion or signing your organisation or group up to the Hate Crime Charter and working towards the Trustmark.

Awareness week and to ensure that quality, independent, specialist services continue to be offered in every area of Wales.

National Hate Crime Awareness Week was founded in 2009 to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Nail Bomb attacks in London. The core purpose of the week is to stand in soldarity with those affected by hate crime, to remember those we have lost, and to be there for those who need ongoing support.

The continuing demand for the service, and the latest statistics from the Home Office, is a consistent reminder how important it is to challenge hate within our communities, to raise awareness through campaigns like Hate Crime uk 05

Y thema genedlaethol eleni yw

'Casineb ar sail ffydd gyda ffocws ar Wrth-semitiaeth' - mater rydym yn mynd i'r afael ag ef yn ystod ein

digwyddiad Allweddol wrth i ni groesawu ein Rheolwr Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr newydd i'n trafodaeth

banel.Yn ogystal, rydym yn dal at ein thema 'Cymru Gyda'n Gilydd' wrth i ni geisio creu deialog a thrafodaeth

ynghylch mynd i'r afael â chasineb yng nghyd-destun Cymru.

Yn bersonol, mae mis Hydref hwn hefyd yn nodi pedair blynedd o weithio yn y tîm troseddau casineb a fy mhen-blwydd cyntaf fel Rheolwr

Gweithrediadau’r Gwasanaeth.

Eto i gyd, heb amheuaeth, cryfder

mwyaf Canolfan Cymorth Casineb

Cymru yw’r bobl sy’n camu i’r adwy ac yn ymroi i ddarparu gwasanaeth

rhagorol i’r rhai y mae troseddau

casineb yn effeithio arnynt - diolch i’n tîm gwych o Swyddogion Ymyrraeth

Gynnar a Brysbennu, Gweithwyr

Achos, Cynorthwywyr Cyflenwi

Gwasanaethau a Hyfforddi a Swyddogion Ymgysylltu am eu

hymrwymiad, eu diwydrwydd a’u hymroddiad i’r bobl a’r cymunedau

rydym yn eu gwasanaethu yng


Eleni cymerais y rôl o Gadeirydd

Cymuned Ymarfer Troseddau

Casineb (CoP) Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr

hefyd, sy'n cwmpasu Cymru a Lloegr.

fMae lleoedd fel CoPs, o fewn sefydliadau, ar draws rhwydweithiau a sectorau, mor bwysig ar gyfer hwyluso rhannu gwybodaeth, arfer da, mewnwelediad a dysgu. Mae

Cymunedau Ymarfer a mannau tebyg eraill yn arfer da yn y diwydiant. Eleni rydym yn edrych ymlaen at ddysgu o'r model hwn a chreu Rhwydwaith Troseddau Casineb ledled Cymru.

Edrychaf ymlaen at barhau i roi arweiniad i’n gwasanaeth wrth inni wynebu heriau newydd, gan barhau i ddarparu lefel ragorol o wasanaeth a chymorth i bobl yng Nghymru y mae casineb yn effeithio arnynt, a hybu arloesedd yn ein cymunedau a’n partneriaethau.

Diolch i bawb o fewn Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru a'r gymuned ehangach a sefydliadau partner am eich cymorth, dewrder ac ymroddiad trwy gydol y flwyddyn yn ogystal ag yn ystod Wythnos Genedlaethol

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb

Becca Rosenthal, Rheolwr Canolfan

Cymorth Casineb Cymru 06

The national theme this year is 'Faith based hate with a focus on Antisemitism' - an issue we address during our Key event as we welcome our new Victim Support Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager to our panel discussion. In addition, we're holding onto our 'Wales Together' theme as we look to create dialogue and discussion around tackling hate within the context of Wales.

Personally, this October also marks four years of working in the hate crime team and my first anniversary as Operations Manager of the Service.

Still, without doubt, the biggest strength of the Wales Hate Support Centre is the people who step up and dedicate themselves to providing an outstanding service for those affected by hate crime - thank you to our fantastic team of Early Intervention and Triage Officers, Case Workers, Service Delivery Assistant and Training & Engagement Officers for their commitment, dilligence and dedication to the people and communities we serve in Wales. This year I also took over as Chair of the Victim Support Hate Crime Community of Practice (CoP) covering England and Wales. Spaces like CoPs, within organisations, across networks and sectors, are so important for

facilitating the sharing of knowledge, good practice, insight and learning. Community of Practices and other similar spaces are industry good practice. This year we look forward to taking learning from this model and creating a Hate Crime Network across Wales.

I look forward to continuing to provide our service with a steer as we face new challenges, continuing to provide people in Wales affected by hate with an excellent level of service & support, and driving forward innovation in our communities and partnerships.

Thank you to everyone both within the Wales Hate Support Centre and the wide community and partner organisations for your support, courage and dedication all year round as well as during National Hate Crime Awareness Week


Cyn Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb

Rhwydwaith Pencampwyr

Troseddau Casineb

Canolfan Cymorth Casineb




16:00 - 17:00

Fis hwn, bydd ein cyfarfod Rhwydwaith

Troseddau Casineb yn cynnwys hyfforddiant

Pencampwyr Troseddau Casineb ar Droseddau

Casineb a'r gwasanaeth y mae Canolfan

Cymorth Casineb Cymru yn ei ddarparu, yn

ogystal ag edrych ar ffyrdd y gall Pencampwyr

Troseddau Casineb ddylanwadu'n gadarnhaol o fewn eu gofod.

Sesiwn Hyfforddiant

Ymwybyddiaeth o

Droseddau Casineb

Cyngor Sir y Fflint



09:30 - 11:30

Hyfforddiant ymwybyddiaeth o droseddau casineb. Sesiwn staff.

Troseddau Casineb a

Canolfan Cymorth Casineb


Swyddfa Comisiynydd Heddlu a

Throseddu, Gwent



Cyflwyniad i staff ynglŷn â beth yw Troseddau

Casineb a sut y gall Canolfan Cymorth Casineb

Cymru gefnogi pobl sy'n dioddef casineb.

Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon 365

Neath Port Talbot Minority

Ethnic Community Association / Unis / Safer Neath Port Talbot

Sr Pauls Centre, Gerald Street, Port Talbot, SA12 6DQ


11:00 - 14:00

Ymunwch â ni i ddathlu Hanes Pobl Dduon

Cymru 365! Siaradwyr gwadd a dangosiad ffilm o 'Just ah likkle piece of Jamaica inna Port Talbot'. /


Hate Crime Awareness Week

Before Hate Crime Awareness Week

Hate Crime Champions Network

Wales Hate Support Centre



16:00 - 17:00

This month our HC Network meeting will include Hate Crime Champion training on Hate Crime and the service the Wales Hate Support Centre provides as well as looking at ways a HCC can make a positive impact within their space.

Hate Crime Awareness Training Session

Flintshire County Council



09:30 - 11:30

Hate crime awareness training. A session for staff.

Hate Crime & The Wales Hate Support Centre

Office of the Police and Crime

Commissioner, Gwent



A presentation to staff about what Hate Crime is and how the Wales Hate Support Centre can support people who are a victim of hate.

Black History Wales 365

Neath Port Talbot Minority

Ethnic Community Association / Unis / Safer Neath Port Talbot

SrtPauls Centre, Gerald Street, Port Talbot, SA12 6DQ


11:00 - 14:00

Join us to celebrate Black History Wales 365! Guest speakers and a film screening of 'Just ah likkle piece of Jamaica inna Port Talbot'. /







HoliCaerdyddyw'chcyfleirannupamorddiogelrydychchi'nteimloyng Nghaerdydd–pamorddiogelydychchi'nteimlogartref?



Sutydychchi'nteimloamyrhynmaeasiantaethau'neiwneudigreu Caerdydddiogel,gangynnwysrhagTroseddauCasineb?




MaeHoliCaerdyddynarolwgblynyddolagynhelirganGyngorCaerdydd.Mae’rarolwgynrhoicyfleibobl sy’nbywacyngweithioyngNghaerdydda’rrhaisy’nymweldâ’rddinasirannueuprofiadauowasanaethau cyhoeddus.

Hoffemglywedgangyniferoboblâphosib,awnewchchiannogeichffrindiau,teuluachymdogioni gwblhau’rarolwg–poboedran,pobcefndiracobobrhano’rddinas.










-UnoddegTaleb£50FORCardiff,ygellireugwariomewnystodeangofwytaiasiopau’rstrydfawr *Gweithredirtelerauacamodau 12

Ask Cardiff Cardiff County Council


9 October 2023

16:00 - 17:00

Ask Cardiff is your opportunity to share how safe you feel in Cardiff – how safe do you feel at home? How safe do you feel in your neighbourhood? How safe do you feel in the City Centre? How do you feel about what agencies are doing to create a safe Cardiff, including from Hate Crime? Don’t miss your opportunity to have your say.

Ends mid-November

For more details, follow Cardiff County Council on social media

Ask Cardiff is an annual survey undertaken by Cardiff Council. The survey gives people living and working in Cardiff and those visiting the city the chance to share their experiences of public services.

We want to hear from as many people as possible, please encourage your friends, family and neighbours to complete the survey - all ages, all backgrounds and from all areas of the city.

By taking around 20 minutes to complete this survey, you will help us to:

- Better understand how people experience the city and our public services.

- Understand what is important to you and your local community.

- Make changes and improvements to our city's public services.

Last year almost 5,000 people shared their views with us - make sure your voice is heard.

You can enter the Prize Draw to win

- A family ticket to skate at this year's Winter Wonderland

- 4 tickets for the Cardiff Devils

- 4 tickets for a Cardiff Rugby game

- one of ten £50 FOR Cardiff Vouchers, which can be spent in a wide variety of high street shops and restaurants.

*Terms and conditions apply


(Dydd Sadwrn 14 | Dydd sul 15 | Digwyddiadau’r Wythnos)

Ymgyrch y cyfryngau


Canolfan Cymorth Casineb


Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter) and Instagram

Drwy'r Wythnos

I ddathlu lansiad Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth o

Droseddau Casineb, bydd Canolfan Cymorth

Casineb Cymru yn cynnal adnoddau ymgyrch

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau

Casineb Cymru heddiw. Gellir dod o hyd i'r

pecyn partneriaid a'r adnoddau cyfryngau

cymdeithasol yma

Ymwybyddiaeth o

droseddau casineb

Heddlu De Cymru

Drwy'r Wythnos

Drwy gydol yr wythnos, bydd Heddlu De Cymru yn rhoi gwybodaeth i bartneriaid amrywiol am

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau

Casineb, gan gynnwys prifysgolion, ysgolion, cynghorau sir, canolfannau diwylliannol a grwpiau cymunedol.

Ymgyrch codi

ymwybyddiaeth staff

HMP Parc

Drwy'r Wythnos

Codi ymwybyddiaeth o droseddau casineb a Chanolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru gyda staff

Ymwybyddiaeth staff o

Ganolfan Cymorth Casineb

Cymru ac adrodd am

droseddau casineb

YMCA Cardiff

Drwy'r Wythnos

Drwy gydol yr wythnos byddwn yn hyrwyddo gwasanaethau ac yn hyrwyddo adrodd ymhlith ein defnyddwyr gwasanaeth mewn gwahanol

fformatau, gan gynnwys rhannu gwybodaeth ac yn ystod digwyddiadau fel boreau coffi. noah,


Hate Crime Awareness Week Launch

(Saturday 14 | Sunday 15 | All Week)

Social Media Campaign

Wales Hate Support Centre Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter) and Instagram

All Week

To celebrate the launch of national Hate Crime Awareness Week (HCAW) the Wales Hate Support Centre will be running the Wales National Hate Crime Awareness Week campaign materials. The Partner Pack and Social Media materials can be found here

Hate Crime Awareness South Wales Police

All Week

Throughout the week South Wales Police will be providing information to various partners about Hate Crime Awareness Week, including at Universities, Schools, County Councils, cultural hubs and community groups.

Staff awareness raising campaign

HMP Parc

All Week

Raising awareness of hate crime and the Wales Hate Support Centre with staff.


Staff awareness of the Wales Hate Support Centre and reporting Hate Crime

YMCA Cardiff

All Week

Throughout the week we will be promoting services and promoting reporting amongst our service users in various formats including information sharing and during events such as coffee mornings.



Dyfodol Newydd -- Ffilm fer ar anabledd

Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol

Gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru


Drwy'r Wythnos

Roedd Dyfodol Gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru

(N.E.W. Futures) yn brosiect peilot a

ddatblygwyd gan dîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol

Gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru i ymgysylltu ag

amrywiaeth eang o grwpiau cymunedol yn

Wrecsam, Sir y Fflint a Sir Ddinbych, a hwyluso eu mewnbwn ar themâu diogelwch, cydraddoldeb a lles. Cafodd y ffilm ganlynol ei chynhyrchu i dynnu sylw at effaith Troseddau

Casineb ac effaith gadarnhaol y grwp


Troseddau Casineb tuag at Ffoaduriaid

Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol

Gogledd-orllewin Cymru

Drwy'r Wythnos

Cydweithrediad rhwng Tîm Cydlyniant

Cymunedol Gogledd Orllewin Cymru ac arweinwyr y siroedd ar gyfer

Ffoaduriaid/Ceiswyr Lloches yng Ngogledd Orllewin Cymru (Ynys Môn, Conwy a Gwynedd) a sefydliadau cymorth trydydd sector i amlygu gwahanol fathau o Droseddau Casineb a brofwyd, ac i amlygu i gleientiaid y ffordd orau o adrodd am droseddau casineb

Podlediad Troseddau Casineb Cymru Gyfan

Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Gogledd-orllewin Cymru

Drwy'r Wythnos

Sesiwn holi ac ateb wedi'i recordio o flaen llaw am 'droseddau casineb' i'w chynnal ar-lein gyda chyfraniad o wahanol rannau o Gymru a chyda chefnogaeth partneriaid allweddol – Cydlyniant Cymunedol, yr Heddlu, Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr Cymru ac ati.

Unwaith y bydd yn barod, bydd y podlediad Troseddau Casineb yn cael ei dosbarthu i holl

Orsafoedd Radio Cymunedol Cymru i’w darlledu ar draws Cymru gyfan, a bydd hefyd ar gael fel podlediad digidol ar-lein ar y llwyfan gwrando ‘Mixcloud’, a bydd dolenni ar wefannau partneriaid cysylltiedig eraill.

Bydd hefyd ar gael ar ôl Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb.


NEW Futures - Disability

Short Film

North East Wales Community Cohesion


All Week

North East Wales Futures (N.E.W. Futures) was a pilot project developed by North East Wales Community Cohesion (NEWCC) to engage with a diverse range of community groups in Wrexham, Flintshire and Denbighshire, and facilitate their input on themes of safety, equality and well-being. The following film was produce to highlight the impact of Hate Crime and the positive impact of the community group-


Refugee Hate Crime

North West Wales Community Cohesion Team

All Week

A Collaboration between the NW Wales Community Cohesion Team and the Refugee/Asylum Seeker county leads in NW Wales (Anglesey, Conwy and Gwynedd) and third sector support organisations to highlight different types of Hate Crimes experienced, and to highlight to clients how best to report hate crimes

All-Wales Hate Crime Podcast

North West Wales Community Cohesion Team

All Week

A pre-recorded question and answer session on ‘hate crime’ to be held on-line with input from different parts of Wales and with the support of key partners – Community Cohesion, Police, Victim Support Cymru etc. The Hate Crime podcast once prepared will be circulated to all Welsh Community Radio Stations for broadcast across the whole of Wales, and will also be available as a digital podcast on-line on the ‘Mixcloud’ listening platform, and there will be links on other associated partner web-sites. This will also be available after Hate Crime Awareness Week.


Prosiect Trafnidiaeth

Gogledd Cymru

Heddlu Gogledd Cymru, Arriva, Bus Users UK

Drwy'r Wythnos

I gyd-ddigwydd ag Wythnos Genedlaethol

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb. Bydd

Heddlu Gogledd Cymru yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth ag Arriva a'r elusen Bus Users UK i godi ymwybyddiaeth o droseddau casineb ar sail anabledd.

Bydd Swyddogion Heddlu o'r Tîm

Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant a'r

Timau Plismona yn y Gymdogaeth yn

ardaloedd Sir Ddinbych a Chaernarfon ar fysiau lleol yn siarad â theithwyr am eu profiadau o droseddau casineb.

Rhoddwyd y cyfle hefyd i ddefnyddwyr bysiau gwblhau arolwg byr o'u profiadau o droseddau casineb yn eu hardaloedd lleol.

Bydd yr adborth defnyddiol hwn yn cael ei goladu gan uwch swyddogion ym mhob ardal i'w helpu i ddeall yn well yr effaith mae trosedd casineb yn ei gael a sut i fynd i'r afael ag ef orau.

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth o

Droseddau Casineb

Cyngor Sir Powys


Drwy'r Wythnos

Bydd Cyngor Sir Powys yn hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau Casineb drwy eu

Cylchlythyr Addysg, yn eu rhwydwaith ADY ar Hyb, gyda'i Arweinwyr Amlieithog ac ar wefan google Ffoaduriaid SIY Powys:

Caredigrwydd a gobaith

Rwy'n wahanol, jyst fel ti.

I gyd yn rhannu ac yn gofalu.

Rydyn ni'n profi cyfnodau o iselder a ffyniant.

Ond un peth yw nad ydym yn ffyliaid. Gad i ni ddal dwylo a rhannu ein gygau.

Gan fod pob un ohonom yn gallu cyffwrdd y cymylau.

Mae lliw yn ddall ond dydyn ni ddim. Gadewch i ni ganu gyda llawenydd a dawnsio gyda grym.

Gall ein cariad a'n gofal fod yn heriol. Gallwn ymladd hyn drwy'r iard ysgol.

Gadewch i ni uno heddwch, dim rhyfel, er budd pob un ohonom. Trwy ofalu gyda’n gilydd gallwn

ddangos mai cariad yw’r cyfan a wyddom.

Nawr gadewch i ni ddod at ein gilydd fel un.

gallwn wella'r byd a'i wneud yn gwbl gyfun.

Aliza Searl, 8 oed

North Wales Transport Project

North Wales Police, Arriva, Bus Users UK

All Week

To coincide with National Hate Crime Awareness Week. North Wales Police will be working in partnership with Arriva and the Bus Users UK charity to raise awareness of disability hate crime.

Officers from the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team and Neighbourhood Policing Teams in the Denbighshire and Caernarfon areas will be on local buses speaking with passengers about their experiences with hate crime.

Bus users were also given the chance to complete a short survey about their encounters with hate crime in their local area. This helpful feedback will be collated by senior officers in each area to help them better understand the impact hate crime is having and how best to tackle it.

Hate Crime Awareness Week

Powys County Council


All Week

Powys County Council are going to promote Hate Crime Awareness Week via their Education Newsletter, in their ALN network on Hub, with their Multi-lingual Leaders and on the Powys EAL Refugee google site:

Kindness and hope

I am different and so are you. We share and care all year threw. We may have our ups and downs. But one thing is we are not clowns. Let's join our hands and share our frowns.

For each of us can touch the clouds. Color is blind but we are not.

Let's sing with joy and dance a lot. Our love and care maybe hard. We can fight this threw the yard.

Let's join together peace no war for the sake of us all. Caring together we can show that love is all we know.

Now let's get together all as one. AND

we can make this world better one.

aged 8

Dydd Llun 16

Gweithdy Troseddau

Casineb Grŵp Cymorth

LHDT+ The Basement

Heddlu Gwent | Canolfan

Cymorth Casineb Cymru


Basement Youth Group, Coed-duon

Gweithdy am Droseddau Casineb wedi'i deilwra i bobl ifanc

Sioe Deithiol Heddlu Gwent

Heddlu Gwent

10:00 - 14:00

Canol Tref Caerffili

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Sesiwn Hyfforddiant

Ymwybyddiaeth o

Droseddau Casineb

Sir Gar Caerdydd Staff mewnol



Darparu Hyfforddiant Ymwybyddiaeth o

Droseddau Casineb i gyflogeion Cyngor


Sesiwn Paned a Sgwrs

Gymdeithasol LHDTC+


Heddlu De Cymru

1Pump House, Swansea Arena

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


Hate Crime Awareness Week

Monday 16

The Basement LGBT+ Support Group Hate Crime Network

Gwent Police and Wales Hate Support Centre


Basement Youth Group, Blackwood

A workshop about Hate Crime tailored for young people.

Gwent Police Roadshow

Gwent Police

10:00 - 14:00

Caerphilly Town Centre

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Hate Crime Awareness Training Session

Cardiff Council Staff Networks


Virtual Providing Hate Crime Awareness Training for Cardiff Council employees.

LGBTQ+ Rainbow Social Cuppa & Chat

South Wales Police

1Pump House, Swansea Arena

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.


Digwyddiad ymgysylltu.

Heddlu De Cymru

12:00 - 15:00

Various locations along St Helens Road

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi

ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu.

Heddlu De Cymru

11:00 - 12:00

Swan Gardens

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


Engagement Event

South Wales Police

12:00 - 15:00

Various locations along St Helens Road

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime

Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims.


Engagement Event

South Wales Police

11:00 - 12:00

Swan Gardens

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime

Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims.



Profiad Gwaith Ella

Roeddwn i am i fy mhrofiad gwaith fod yn rhywbeth yr oedd yn fy niddori i ac mewn maes yr oeddwn i'n fy ngweld i'n gweithio ynddo yn y dyfodol o bosibl

Mae fy rhieni ill dau wedi gweithio yn y System

Cyfiawnder Troseddol, ac rydyn ni'n aml wedi trafod yr effaith y mae troseddau yn ei chael ar ddioddefwyr

Rydw i wedi bod yn ffodus iawn i allu gwneud fy mhrofiad gwaith gyda Thîm Troseddau Casineb y gwasanaeth Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr, a drefnon nhw i fi

Ar fy niwrnod cyntaf, teithiais i brif swyddfa Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yng Nghaerdydd, a chyfarfod â'r Tîm

Troseddau Casineb Roedd Becca yno i fy nghroesawu Hi sy'n arwain y tîm sy'n gweithio o fewn y tîm hwn Dechreuais i'r diwrnod gyda thaith o amgylch y swyddfa gyda Becca

Yna cefais fy nghyflwyno i'r tîm cyn mynd i ystafell i ddechrau'r broses sefydlu Cefais ddisgrifiad clir a manwl o'r swydd a throseddau casineb gan Becca

Roeddwn i wedi synnu gan ystadegau troseddau casineb sy'n gysylltiedig â Hil, Cyfeiriadedd Rhywedd, Trawsrywiol, Crefydd ac Anabledd

Yna es i gwrdd â Caitlin Eglurodd i mi'r canllawiau a'r gweithdrefnau sydd angen eu diwallu cyn cyhoeddi neges ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol.

Dechreuodd Caitlin ddangos i fi sut i ddefnyddio Canva, sef y feddalwedd y mae'r gwasanaeth Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn ei defnyddio i greu postiadau.

Roeddwn i wedi synnu bod angen glynu wrth gynllun lliw a ffont penodol ar gyfer postiadau'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol i fod yn addas ar gyfer y dudalen Instagram, Facebook a Twitter.

Dechreuon ni feddwl am syniadau ar gyfer postiadau Diwrnod Ieuenctid Cenedlaethol ac eleni, y thema oedd sgiliau gwyrdd.

Yna gofynnodd Becca i mi lungopïo tudalennau ar gyfer y cyfarfodydd wyneb yn wyneb â phobl ifanc. Roedd hyn yn her i gychwyn, ond nawr rydw i wedi dysgu sut i argraffu a llungopïo gan ddefnyddio argraffydd swyddfa (fydd hyn yn ddefnyddiol yn y dyfodol os caf i swydd mewn swyddfa).

Ar gyfer gweddill yr wythnos, gweithiais o bell gan ymuno â chyfarfodydd tîm a chyfarfod ag aelodau eraill o'r tîm, fel y gweithwyr achos, sy'n cefnogi dioddefwyr troseddau casineb, yn cynnig cyfle iddynt siarad am eu profiadau, yn ogystal â'r effaith y mae'r troseddau

casineb wedi'i chael arnynt a'r anawsterau y gallai'r dioddefwyr fod wedi'u profi gyda'r system cyfiawnder troseddol, fel yr Heddlu neu wasanaethau eraill yr awdurdod lleol, fel yr adran dai Roedd hon yn sesiwn ddiddorol dros ben gan helpu fi i ddeall rhywfaint o'r gwaith pwysig mae fy Mam wedi'i wneud i'r tîm hwn yn flaenorol

Cefais gyfarfod â thîm y Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol a dysgu pa mor bwysig ac effeithiol yw estyn allan at y gymuned a'r rheiny allai fod yn dioddef yn dawel er mwyn eu hannog i gysylltu â'r gwasanaeth Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr, hyd yn oed os nad ydyn nhw wedi adrodd am y drosedd yn ffurfiol i'r Heddlu

Mi gwrddais i ag un o swyddogion hyfforddi ac ymgysylltu'r tîm hefyd a chawsom drafodaeth hir am sut i wneud Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn fwy hygyrch i bobl ifanc Edrychom ar boster cyfredol ac roeddwn wedi gallu rhoi fy marn arno Mi wnes i fwynhau hyn yn fawr Cefais gyfle hefyd i ymuno â fforwm Cymuned Ymarfer Plant a Phobl Ifanc, a oedd yn trafod deddfwriaeth sy'n cwmpasu pobl ifanc yng Nghymru a Lloegr Fel person ifanc fy hun, roedd yn ddiddorol ac yn llawn gwybodaeth

Hoffwn ddiolch i Becca a'r tîm am y croeso a gefais ac am y profiad o fod yn rhan o'r tîm yn ystod y cyfnod gyda nhw.

Rwy'n credu fy mod i wedi dod i ffwrdd o'r profiad â chyfoeth o wybodaeth am yr effaith y mae trosedd yn ei chael ar ddioddefwyr, yn enwedig y rheiny sy'n cael eu targedu'n benodol oherwydd eu nodweddion personol.

Mae'r profiad hwn wedi fy annog i ganolbwyntio ar y blynyddoedd nesaf yn yr ysgol i weithio'n galed a rhoi fy ngorau glas er mwyn gallu parhau gyda fy siwrnai addysgol ac astudio troseddeg yn y brifysgol yn y dyfodol, gan arwain, o bosibl, at helpu dioddefwyr troseddau mewn rhyw ffordd yn y dyfodol.


Ella‘s Work Experience

I wanted my work experience to be something that I am interested in and possibly an area, I could potentially see my future in.

Both my parents have worked within the Criminal Justice System, and we have often had conversations about the effects and impact that crime has on its victims

I have therefore been very fortunate to be able to attend work experience with the Hate Crime Team at Victim Support, which they very kindly organised for me

On my first day, I travelled to Cardiff to Victim Support’s main office, at met with the Hate Crime Team Becca was there to kindly welcome me, and she heads the team that work within this team I started my day by getting a tour of the office by Becca

Then I was introduced to the team and then we went into a room to begin an introduction I was given a clear and detailed description of the job and what hate crime is by Becca I was very surprised to see the statistics of hate crime under Race, Sexual Orientation, Transgender, Religion and Disability

Then I met with Caitlin, she explained to me what the guidelines and procedures are that need to be met for a social media post Caitlin began to show me how to use Canva which is what is used at victim support to create posts I was surprised that there was a certain colour scheme and fonts of text that had to be used for the social media post to be suitable for the Instagram, Facebook and Twitter page We began to think of ideas to post for International Youth Day and this year the theme is green skills

Then Becca gave me the task of photocopying many copies for the face-to-face meetings with young people At first this was a challenge but now I have learned how to print and photocopy using an office printer (will be useful in the future if I have an office job)

For the remainder of my days, I worked remotely, joining in on team meetings and meeting with other staff members from the team, such as case workers, who support victims of hate crime, offering them an opportunity to speak about their experiences, as well as the impact that may have had on them, as well as offer options to difficulties the victims may have experienced with the criminal justice system, such as the Police, or other local authority services, such as the housing department.

I also met with the Social Media team, and learned how important and impactive it can be to reach out to the community and those that may be suffering in silence, to encourage them to reach out to Victim Support, even if they have not formally reported a crime to the Police.

I also met with one of the team’s training and engagement officers and we had a lengthy discussion around how to make Victim Support more accessible to young people, we had a look at a current poster, and I was able to give my thoughts and views on it, which I enjoyed very much. I was also able to join a Children and Young Persons Community of Practice forum, which discussed legislation covering young people in England and Wales, as a young person, I found this extremely informative and interesting

I would like to thank Becca and the team for making me feel so welcome and for the experience that I had as part of the team, during the time spent with them.

I believe that I have come away from the experience with a wealth of information, on the impact crime has on victims, especially those who are additionally targeted due to their characteristics.

This experience has made me even more focused on the next couple of years at school to work hard and to try my best so that I can continue on my educational journey of studying criminology in university in the future, possibly leading to helping victims of crime in some way in the future


Dydd Mawrth 17

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu.

Heddlu De Cymru

13:00 - 16:30

Busnes ac economi nos Abertawe

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Sioe Deithiol Heddlu Gwent

Heddlu Gwent

10:00 - 14:00

Marchnad Y Fenni

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu

Heddlu De Cymru

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu

Heddlu De Cymru


Llyfrgell Port Talbot

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


Coleg Llandarcy

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


Hate Crime Awareness Week

Tuesday 17

Engagement Event

South Wales Police

13:00 - 16:30

Swansea businesses and night time economy Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims.

Gwent Police Roadshow

Gwent Police

10:00 - 14:00

Abergavenny Market Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims.

Engagement Event

Engagement Event

South Wales Police


Port Talbot Library

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims.

South Wales Police


Llandarcy College

Hate Crime Awareness Week

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims.


Sesiwn Ginio a Dysgu ynghylch Troseddau


Cyngor Sir y Fflint

12:30 - 13:30


Ar gyfer staff Cyngor Sir y Fflint (mewnol), dysgwch am droseddau casineb a'r effaith y maen nhw'n ei chael ar gymunedau yng Nghymru.

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu

South Wales Police

17:30 - 19:30


Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi

ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Sbotolau ar….


Hygyrch o Droseddau Casineb

Mae Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru wedi gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Vale

People First i greu sesiwn

Ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau Casineb

Hawdd ei Darllen. Mae'r sesiwn hon ar gael wyneb yn wyneb ac mae'n para am ddwy awr gydag egwyl yn y canol. Mae'r cwrs yn hygyrch i bobl ag anableddau

dysgu a'r staff sy'n eu cefnogi. Rydym yn defnyddio Cyflwyniad PowerPoint ond

gallwn gyflwyno'n fwy disgrifiadol i gynorthwyo unrhyw fynychwyr sydd â nam ar eu golwg.

Nod y cwrs yw bod pob person yn gallu

dysgu ar ei lefel ei hun a gallu mynd â rhai pwyntiau sy'n eu grymuso i adnabod yr hyn a allai fod yn gasineb a bod yn hyderus i godi'r pryder hwnnw gydag aelod o'r teulu, ffrind neu oedolyn gellir ymddiried y

ynddo (megis staff cymorth) Yn y cwrs byddwn yn archwilio beth yw Trosedd Casineb, sut olwg all fod arni, sut y gall wneud i ni deimlo a beth y gallwn ei wneud os ydym yn ddioddefwr casineb. Mae'r cwrs wedi'i gynllunio i fod yn ddiddorol a chaniatáu i'r rhai sydd am ryngweithio gymryd rhan yn y gweithdy tra'n dal i allu darparu ar gyfer y rhai nad ydynt efallai'n dymuno ymgysylltu'n weithredol. 34

Hate Crime Lunch & Learn

Flintshire County Council

12:30 - 13:30


EFor Flintshire County Council staff (internal), learn about hate crime and its impact on communities in Wales.

Engagement Event

South Wales Police

17:30 - 19:30

YMCA - LGBTQ+ Group Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims.

Spotlight on...

Accessible Hate Crime Awareness

The Wales Hate Support Centre has worked in partnership with Vale People First to create an Easy Read Hate Crime Awareness session. This session is available F2F and lasts for two hours with a break in the middle. The course is accessible for people with learning disabilities and the staff who support them. We use a PowerPoint Presentation but are able to do a more descriptive way of presenting to assist any attendees who have visual impairments.

The aim of the course is that each person is able to learn at their own level and be able to take away some points that empower them to spot what could be hate and be confident

to raise that concern with a trusted family member, friend or adult (such as support staff). In the course we explore what a Hate Crime is, what it can look like, how it can make us feel and what we can do if we are a victim of hate. The course has been designed to be engaging and allow those who want to interact to take part in the workshop whilst still being able to provide for those who may not wish to actively engage. 35

Tîm Hyfforddi ac Ymgysylltu

Mae’r Tîm Hyfforddi ac Ymgysylltu yn gallu

darparu ystod o hyfforddiant am ddim i sefydliadau a grwpiau ledled Cymru. Yn

ogystal, mae'r tîm yn ymgysylltu â grwpiau a chymunedau ledled Cymru. Yma rydym yn clywed gan Tammy a fu’n rhan o fynychu

Balchder Sir Benfro i godi ymwybyddiaeth

o’r gwasanaeth ymhlith y gymuned LHDTC+ yn Sir Benfro.

Yn dilyn ymlaen o lwyddiant y digwyddiad

cyntaf y llynedd, dychwelodd Balchder Sir Benfro hyd yn oed yn fwy ac yn fwy disglair ar gyfer 2023! Hyd yn oed gyda’r tywydd

annisgwyl yn symud y digwyddiad dan do, ni wnaeth hyn amharu ar y dathliadau

lliwgar; gydag aelodau teulu, ffrindiau a darparwyr yn dod at ei gilydd i gefnogi

cymuned LHDTC+ y sir.

Mynychodd Tammy Foley, ein Swyddog

Hyfforddiant ac Ymgysylltu ar gyfer

Canolbarth a De Orllewin Cymru, y digwyddiad cymdeithasol teuluol yn ystod y dydd yn Hwlffordd Roedd awyrgylch

gwych yng Nghanolfan Picton, gyda'r digwyddiad yn arddangos Sir Benfro fel

cymuned amrywiol a chynhwysol. Wrth

chwifio'r faner (enfys) a hyrwyddo'r

gwaith gwych y mae Cymorth i

Ddioddefwyr yn ei ddarparu, roedd

Tammy'n gallu ymgysylltu â llawer o fynychwyr a chefnogwyr, gan gynnwys y rhai o'r math blewog!


Training & Engagement Team

The Training & Engagement Team are able to deliver a range of free training to organisations and groups across Wales. In addition the team engage with groups and communities across Wales. Here we hear from Tammy who was involved in attending Pembrokeshire Pride to raise awareness of the service amongst the LGBTQ+ community in Pembrokeshire.

Following on from the success of the inaugural event last year, Pembrokeshire Pride returned even bigger and brighter for 2023! Even with the unplanned weather relocating the event indoors, this didn’t dampen the colourful celebrations; with family members, friends and providers coming together to support the county’s LGBTQ+ community.

Tammy Foley, our Training and Engagement Officer for Mid & South West Wales, attended the daytime family social event in Haverfordwest. There was a fabulous atmosphere in the Picton Centre, with the event showcasing Pembrokeshire as a diverse and inclusive community. Whilst flying the (rainbow) flag for and promoting the great work Victim Support provides, Tammy was able to engage with many attendees and supporters, including those of the furry kind!

I siarad ag aelod o’r tîm am eich anghenion hyfforddi, cysylltwch â:

To speak to a member of the team about your training needs, please contact:


Gwaith mewn Ysgolion

Mae Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru yn gallu cefnogi plant a phobl ifanc. Mae plant a phobl ifanc 13+ oed yn gallu cael mynediad i'r gwasanaeth yn annibynnol. Fel rhan o ymgysylltu â phlant a phobl ifanc ac i godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r gwasanaeth, mae’r Ganolfan yn gallu gweithio gydag ysgolion o gwmpas ystod eang o feysydd. Er enghraifft;

Gweithdai i ddisgyblion yn codi ymwybyddiaeth o effaith troseddau a digwyddiadau casineb

Gweithdai undod ar gyfer ysgolion cynradd

Hyfforddiant i staff a llywodraethwyr

Cefnogaeth i Ysgolion sy'n cofrestru i'r Siarter Troseddau Casineb i gyflawni'r Nod ymddiriedaeth.

I siarad ag aelod o’r tîm, cysylltwch â:


Work in Schools

The Wales Hate Support Centre is able to support children and young people. Children and young people aged 13+ are able to access the service independently. As part of engaging with children and young people and to raise awareness of the service, the Centre is able to work with schools around a wide range of areas. For example;

Workshops for pupils raising awareness of the impact of hate crimes and incidences

Unity workshops for Primary schools

Training for staff and Governors

Support for Schools signing up to the Hate Crime Charter to achieve the Trustmark

To speak to a member of the team, please contact:


Dydd Mercher 18

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu

Heddlu De Cymru

10:30 - 12:30

Caffi Coast, Marina Abertawe - Bore coffi

LHDTC+ a Heneiddio'n Dda

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi

ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Sesiwn Goffi a Sgwrs

ynghylch Troseddau


Rhwydweithiau Staff Cyngor

Caerdydd a Chanolfan Cymorth

Casineb Cymru


Sesiwn i gyflogeion y cyngor glywed am

droseddau casineb a thrafod unrhyw

gwestiynau neu bynciau Troseddau Casineb

mewn amgylchedd diogel a chyfeillgar. Bydd y

sesiwn yn cael ei chefnogi gan ddehonglydd



Hate Crime Awareness Week

Wednesday 18

Engagement Event

South Wales Police

10:30 - 12:30

Coast café, Swansea Marina

LGBTQ+ & Ageing well coffee morning

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims.

Hate Crime Coffee & Chat

Cardiff Council Staff Networks and Wales Hate Support Centre


A session for council employees to hear about hate crime and discuss any questions or Hate Crime topics in a safe and friendly


Gweithdy Ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau Casineb

09:30 - 11:30

Cyngor Ceredigion, Tîm Dysgu a Datblygu / Chanolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru

Codi ymwybyddiaeth o droseddau casineb a Chanolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru gyda staff

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu

Heddlu De Cymru

Drwy'r Dydd

Busnesau'r stryd fawr ac ysgolion

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Cynhadledd Caethwasiaeth Fodern: Cymru

Wrthgaethwasiaeth 2023


Oeddech chi’n gwybod bod caethwasiaeth fodern yn realiti yng Nghymru ac ar draws y byd? Llynedd, nododd Ymatebwyr Cyntaf dros 500 o unigolion a oedd, o bosibl, yn dioddef yn sgil y drosedd hon ledled Cymru, a bod degau o filoedd yn sownd mewn caethwasiaeth fodern ledled y byd, lle roeddent yn cael eu cam-drin a lle roedd pobl yn cam-fanteisio arnynt.

Eleni, i nodi Diwrnod Gwrthgaethwasiaeth ar 18 Hydref, rydym yn trefnu cynhadledd Gwrthgaethwasiaeth Cymru 2023. Ysgol Fusnes Caerdydd sy’n ei chynnal, mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Cymru, yr heddlu a sefydliadau’r trydydd sector, gan gynnwys aelodau o Fforwm Gwrthgaethwasiaeth Cymru, a bydd y gynhadledd yn gyfle i glywed gan ymarferwyr rheng flaen ac arbenigwyr, a rhwydweithio gyda nhw.

Bydd y gynhadledd o ddiddordeb i ystod eang o bobl a chyrff ar draws sector cyhoeddus, sector preifat neu drydydd sector Cymru, ac rydym yn croesawu’r rhai sydd â phrofiad personol o gaethwasiaeth fodern ac yn eu hannog i fod yn rhan o hyn.

Caiff y gynhadledd ei chynnal wyneb yn wyneb ac ar-lein drwy Microsoft Teams.



Hate Crime Awareness Workshop

09:30 - 11:30

Ceredigion Council, Learning & Development Team / Wales Hate Support Centre

Raising awareness of hate crime and the Wales Hate Support Centre with staff.

Engagement Event

South Wales Police

All Day

High Street businesses and schools Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims.

Modern Slavery Conference: Anti-Slavery Wales 2023


Did you know modern slavery exists in Wales and across the world?

Last year, over 500 potential victims of this crime were identified by First Responders in places across Wales and globally tens of millions of people are trapped in abusive and exploitative conditions of modern slavery.

This year, to mark Anti-Slavery Day on 18 October, we are organising the Anti-Slavery Wales 2023 conference. Hosted by Cardiff Business School in partnership with the Welsh Government, the police, and third sector organisations, including members of the Anti-Slavery Wales Forum, the conference will provide an opportunity to hear from and network with frontline practitioners and experts.

The conference will be of interest to a wide range of people and organisations across the Welsh public, private or third sectors and we welcome and encourage participation from those who have lived experience of modern slavery.

The conference will be held in-person and online via Microsoft Teams.



School Governor Hate Crime Awareness Training

Cardiff Council Governor Services



Sesiwn ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau Casineb wedi'i theilwra i lywodraethwyr ysgol. Mae'r cwrs hwn yn addas i lywodraethwyr

ysgolion cynradd ac uwchradd.

Sioe Deithiol Heddlu Gwent

Heddlu Gwent

14:00 - 17:00

Canol Tref Cwmbrân

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Dydd Iau 19 Ymwybyddiaeth o

Droseddau Casineb: Cyflwyniad i Ysgolion

Chanolfan Cymorth Casineb



Ysgol Uwchradd Llanelli

Hyrwyddo Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth o

Droseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o

adrodd a chymorth i ddioddefwyr, gan roi'r

wybodaeth gywir i ddisgyblion.

Canolfan Bywyd Myfyrwyr, digwyddiad stondinau

Tîm Ymateb i Ddatgeliadau, Prifysgol Caerdydd


Prifysgol Caerdydd

Codi ymwybyddiaeth o droseddau / digwyddiadau casineb a'r cymorth sydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr, gan y Brifysgol ei hun ac yn allanol

gan wasanaethau fel Canolfan Cymorth

Casineb Cymru


Gwent Police Roadshow

Gwent Police

14:00 - 17:00

Cwmbran Town Centre Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

School Governor Hate Crime Awareness Training

Cardiff Council Governor Services

17:00 Virtual

A Hate Crime awareness session tailored for school governors. This course is suitable for primary and secondary school governors.

Hate Crime Awareness Week

Thursday 19

Hate Crime Awareness:

School Presentation

Wales Hate Support Centre


Llanelli Secondary School

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims, providing pupils with the right information.

Centre for Student Life, stall event

Disclosure Response Team

Cardiff University


Cardiff University

To raise awareness of hate crime / incidents and the support available to students both from within the University and externally from services such as the WHSC.


Ymwybyddiaeth o

Droseddau Casineb: Cyflwyniad i Ysgolion

Chanolfan Cymorth Casineb



Ysgol Uwchradd Llanelli

Hyrwyddo Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth o

Droseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chymorth i ddioddefwyr, gan roi'r wybodaeth gywir i ddisgyblion.

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu

Heddlu De Cymru


Marina Abertawe

Taith gerdded heneiddio'n dda. Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Sioe Deithiol Heddlu Gwent

Heddlu Gwent

14:00 - 17:00

Prifysgol Casnewydd

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Sesiwn Gelf Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth o

Droseddau Casineb

Vale People First

16:45 +

Vale People First

Bydd aelodau Vale People First yn creu gwaith

celf fydd yn cynrychioli'r themâu sy'n

gysylltiedig â throseddau casineb..

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu

Heddlu De Cymru

09:30 - 12: 00

Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau, Abertawe

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Gweithdy Ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau Casineb

Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Bae

Abertawe a Chanolfan Cymorth

Casineb Cymru

10:00 - 11:00


JYmunwch â ni ar gyfer y sesiwn RHAD AC AM

DDIM hon i ddysgu mwy am Droseddau

Casineb a pha gymorth sydd ar gael i bobl sy'n dioddef casineb. Mae'r sesiwn hon yn addas i chi ni waeth faint rydych eisoes yn ei wybod.

Mae eich tîm cydlyniant cymunedol lleol a Chanolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru wrth law i godi ymwybyddiaeth ac ateb eich cwestiynau ynglŷn â Throseddau a Digwyddiadau Casineb.

Hyfforddiant Troseddau


Heddlu De Cymru

13:30 - 15:00

Canolfan Datblygu

Hyfforddiant ymwybyddiaeth o droseddau casineb.


Hate Crime Awareness: School Presentation

Wales Hate Support Centre


Llanelli Secondary School

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims, providing pupils with the right information.

Engagement Event

South Wales Police


Swansea Marina

Ageing well walk. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness week, raising awareness and support for victims.

Gwent Police Roadshow

Gwent Police

14:00 - 17:00

Newport University

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Hate Crime Awareness Week Art Session

Vale People First

16:45 onwards

Vale People First

Members of Vale People First will be doing art work representing themes around hate crime.

Engagement Event

South Wales Police

09:30 - 12: 00

National Waterfront Museum, Swansea Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Hate Crime Awareness Workshop

Swansea Bay Community

Cohesion Team & Wales Hate Support Centre

10:00 - 11:00


Join us for this FREE session to find out more about what Hate Crime is and what support is available for people who experience hate/ Whatever your current awareness, this session is for you. Your local community cohesion team and the Wales Hate Support Centre are on hand to raise awareness and take your questions about Hate Crime and Incidences.

Hate Crime Training

South Wales Police

13:30 - 15:00

Development Hub

Hate Crime Awareness Training.


Newyddion o'r sector...

Hwb Amlddiwylliannol

North East Community Cohesion Team

Mae cyllid wedi'i sicrhau i greu prosiect ar y cyd a fydd yn canolbwyntio ar rymuso cymunedau Du, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig Gogledd Cymru i weithio ochr yn ochr yn weithredol ac yn gyfartal â rhanddeiliaid Diwylliant, Treftadaeth a Chwaraeon a sectorau ehangach i greu ystod o gyfleoedd ystyrlon sy'n plannu amcanion y Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol. Bydd y plannu'n defnyddio ymagwedd sy’n seiliedig ar asedau ac wedi’i gydgynhyrchu o’r cychwyn cyntaf, sy’n ceisio pennu amcanion a rennir drwy rymuso cymunedau. Yn ei dro, mae'r prosiect hwn wedi creu ystod o gyfleoedd i bobl o gefndiroedd amrywiol i deimlo'n gyfforddus i drafod materion sy'n ymwneud â throseddau casineb lefel isel ac maent wedi cael eu cefnogi i geisio cymorth mewn perthynas â materion mwy difrifol.



YmmisMehefin,lansioddySwyddfaYstadegauGwladol(ySYG)ymgynghoriadcyhoeddus argynigionargyferfforddnewyddogynhyrchuystadegaupoblogaethamudo.


Bydddeallsutrydychyndefnyddiodataarboblogaeth,ynenwedigystadegausy'ncefnogi eichgwaithymmaescydraddoldeb,yndarparutystiolaethallweddolargyfer argymhellionyrYstadegyddGwladolarddyfodolystadegaupoblogaethamudoyng Nghymru.

Mae'rSYGwedicreufideobyrynGymraegacynSaesnegsy'ncynnwysisdeitlauacIaith ArwyddionPrydain,sy'nrhoimwyowybodaethameichynlluniauargyfersystem ystadegaupoblogaethamudowedi'ithrawsnewid


ByddyrymgynghoriadyncauddyddIau26Hydref2023,ondfe'chcynghoririymatebcyn gyntedâphosibl.




News from the sector...

Multicultural Hub North East Community Cohesion Team

Funding has been secured to create a co-produced project that will focus on empowering Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities of North Wales to actively and equally work alongside Culture, Heritage and Sport and wider sector stakeholders to create a range of meaningful opportunities that actively embed the objectives of the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan Embedding using an asset based and coproduced approach from the outset, that seeks to set shared objectives though empowering communities. In turn this project has created a range of opportunities to for people from diverse backgrounds to feel comfortable to discuss issues in relation to low level hate crime and have been supported to seek support in relation to more serious issues.

Office for National Statistics Office for National Statistics

Tell the ONS how you use population data

In June, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), launched a public consultation on proposals for a new approach to producing population and migration statistics.

ONS is responsible for delivering the census and other key statistics in Wales. Understanding how you use population data, particularly statistics that support your equalities work, will provide essential evidence for the National Statistician’s recommendations on the future of population and migration statistics in Wales.

The ONS has created a short video in English and Welsh with subtitles and British Sign Language, which provides more information on their plans for a transformed population and migration statistics system.

The consultation is easy to complete and is available in English and Welsh.

It closes on Thursday 26 October 2023, but you are encouraged to respond as soon as possible.

If you would like to hear more, get in touch with the ONS Outreach and Engagement team by email at


Prosiect Strydoedd Saffach

Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru

Mae cyllid wedi'i sicrhau i greu prosiect ar y cyd a fydd yn canolbwyntio ar rymuso cymunedau Du, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig Gogledd Cymru i weithio ochr yn ochr yn weithredol ac yn gyfartal â rhanddeiliaid Diwylliant, Treftadaeth a Chwaraeon a sectorau ehangach i greu ystod o gyfleoedd ystyrlon sy'n plannu amcanion y Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol. Bydd y plannu'n defnyddio ymagwedd sy’n seiliedig ar asedau ac wedi’i gydgynhyrchu o’r cychwyn cyntaf, sy’n ceisio pennu amcanion a rennir drwy rymuso cymunedau. Yn ei dro, mae'r prosiect hwn wedi creu ystod o gyfleoedd i bobl o gefndiroedd amrywiol i deimlo'n gyfforddus i drafod materion sy'n ymwneud â throseddau casineb lefel isel ac maent wedi cael eu cefnogi i geisio cymorth mewn perthynas â materion mwy difrifol.

Digwyddiadau nad ydynt yn Droseddau Casineb

Y Swyddfa Gartref

Mae’r Cod Ymarfer newydd ar Gofnodi Digwyddiadau nad ydynt yn Droseddau Casineb bellach yn cael ei gymhwyso ar draws Cymru a Lloegr:

Arolygiad yr Ysgrifennydd Cartref

Y Swyddfa Gartref

Mae’r Ysgrifennydd Cartref wedi comisiynu adolygiad i weithredaeth ac amhleidioldeb yn yr heddlu:

Ymatebion syllu i droseddau casineb gwrth-LHDTRh ar Gyrion Ewrop

Rhwydwaith Troseddau Casineb Cymdeithas Troseddeg


Mae recordiadau ar gyfer grŵp trafod diweddaraf y Rhwydwaith Troseddau Casineb a recordiadau eraill ar gael ar sianel YouTube y rhwydwaith:

Recordiad Cynhadledd

Rhwydwaith Troseddau Casineb Cymdeithas Troseddeg


Mae recordiad o Gynhadledd Rhwydwaith Troseddau Casineb y BSC 'TRAWSnewid y Naratif: Herio Troseddau Casineb Trawsffobig' bellach ar gael::


Safer Streets Project

North East Community Cohesion Team

As part of a wider Safer Streets initiative for Wrexham, Groundwork North Wales are currently working with WCBC (Community Safety, Community Cohesion, Youth Justice and Education) and North Wales Police to deliver an innovative youth engagement project that focuses on addressing the root causes of youth ASB and Hate Crime. This innovative project actively seeks to address the root causes of youth ASB and associated hate crime, highlighted within the education and community setting through partnership working with local Schools and Organisations.

Non Crime Incidences Home Office

The new Code of Practice on recording Non-Crime Hate Incidents is now being applied across England & Wales:

Home Secretary Inspection Home Office

The Home Secretary has commissioned a review into activism and impartialirt in the police:

State responses to anti-LGBTI hate crime on Europe’s Peripheries

British Society of Criminology Hate Crime Network

Recording for the latest Hate Crime Network discussion group and other recordings are available on the network's YouTube channel:

Conference Recording British Society of Criminology Hate Crime Network

Recording from the BSC Hate Crime Network Conference 'TRANSforming the Narrative: Challenging Transphobic Hate Crime' is now available:


Ystadegau Troseddau Casineb

Mae’r Swyddfa Gartref wedi rhyddhau’r ystadegau Troseddau Casineb diweddaraf ar gyfer

Cymru a Lloegr ar gyfer y cyfnod 2022-23

Y Swyddfa Gartref
Cymru Hil Crefydd a Ffydd Cyfeiriadedd Rhywiol Anabledd Trawsryweddol Cymru 2021-22 2,888 227 1329 864 247 6,295 2022-23 2,727 287 1,225 849 302 6,041 -4% +26% -7% -2% +22% -4% 56

Hate Crime Statistics

Home Office

The Home Office have released the latest Hate Crime statistics for England and Wales covering the period of 2022-23

Race Religion and Faith Sexual Orientation Disability Transgender Wales: 2021-22 2,888 227 1329 864 247 6,295 2022-23 2,727 287 1,225 849 302 6,041 -4% +26% -7% -2% +22% -4% 57

Dydd Gwener 20

Sioe Deithiol Heddlu Gwent

Heddlu Gwent

10:00 - 14:00

Marchnad Glyn Ebwy (Canol y Dref)

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu

Heddlu De Cymru

09:00 - 12:00

Clwb Diwylliannol Theatr y Grand Abertawe

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Droseddau Casineb

Heddlu De Cymru


Llansamlet College

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

AberystwythvYDrenewydd: Digwyddiadymgysylltupêldroed



Gyda'r Hwyr


Mae Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Canolbarth a De-orllewin Cymru yn ymuno â Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr a Chanolfan Cymorth Casineb

Cymru wrth gynnal digwyddiad ymgysylltu yn gêm CP Aberystwyth a'r Drenewydd yn Uwch

Gynghrair Cymru ddydd Gwener 20 Hydref 2023

Yn dilyn llwyddiant digwyddiad tebyg y llynedd, bydd gwasanaeth Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn cynnal stondin ac wrth law i gynnig gwybodaeth a chyngor ar ystod eang o faterion sy'n gysylltiedig â Throseddau Casineb.

Bydd gweithgareddau i blant hefyd, ac mae bws yn cael ei drefnu eleni i ddod â theuluoedd o ffoaduriaid i'r digwyddiad o ardal y Drenewydd. Bydd y digwyddiad hefyd yn denu amrywiaeth o bobl bwysig gan gynnwys Cynghorwyr a Ben Lake AS.

Rydym i gyd yn ymwybodol o rym chwaraeon wrth ddod â phobl ynghyd a gobeithiwn y bydd hwn yn ddigwyddiad arbennig iawn fydd yn arddangos ac yn codi ymwybyddiaeth o'r materion pwysig sy'n ymwneud â throseddau casineb.


Hate Crime Awareness Week

Friday 20

Gwent Police Roadshow

Gwent Police

10:00 - 14:00

Ebbw Vale Market (Town Centre)

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Engagement Event

South Wales Police

09:00 - 12:00

Swansea Grand Theatre Cultural Hub Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Hate Crime Awareness

South Wales Police


Llansamlet College

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Aberystwyth v Newtown: Football engagement event

Mid & South West Wales

Community Cohesion Team


Aberystwyth FC

DThe Mid and South West Wales Community Cohesion Team are joining Victim Support’s Wales Hate Support Centre in putting on an engagement event at the Welsh Premier League game – Aber FC vs Newtown on Friday 20th October 2023.

Following on from the success of last year’s similar event, the event will see a stand from Victim Support, who will be on hand to offer information and advice on a wide range of issues connected to Hate Crime.

Their will also be activities for children and this year a bus is being organised to bring refugee families to the event from the Newtown area. The event will also see a range of dignitaries attend including Councillors and Ben Lake MP.

We all know the power of sport in bringing people together and we hope this will be a very special event and one that showcases and raises awareness of the importance issues surrounding hate crime.


Cyfarfod y Cyngor


Cyngor Sir Ceredigion

11:30 - 12:00

Siambr y Cyngor

Trafod Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau

Casineb a sut mae'n bwysig i'r bobl y maen

nhw'n ceisio gwella eu bywydau drwy'r

Cynllun Cydraddoldeb newydd.

Cymuned Ymarfer

Troseddau Casineb (CoP)

Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr (Cenedlaethol)


Yn ystod Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, bydd Cymuned Ymarfer Troseddau

Casineb (CoP) Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn trefnu gweminar genedlaethol, gan rannu arfer da, dysgu a mewnwelediad ledled y sefydliad.


Youth Council Meeting

Ceredigion County Council

11:30 - 12:00

Council Chamber

Discussing Hate Crime Awareness Week and how this is important to the people whose lives they are trying to improve with the new Equality Plan.

Hate Crime Community of Practice (CoP)

Victim Support (National)


During Hate Crime Awareness Week, the Victim Support Hate Crime Community of Practice (CoP) will be arranging a national webinar, sharing good practice, learning and insight throughout the organisation.



Fel sefydliad, mae Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr wedi ymrwymo i gael ei hysbysu a'i arwain gan y rhai sydd â phrofiadau byw - pobl sy'n ddioddefwyr trosedd.

Yn 2022 sefydlodd Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru (a ddarperir gan Gymorth i Ddioddefwyr) grŵp llais dioddefwyr yng Nghymru. Mae'r grŵp yn cynnwys dioddefwyr troseddau casineb gydag amrywiaeth o brofiadau gwahanol.

Nod craidd y grŵp, a elwir bellach yn LEAF (Fforwm Eiriolaeth Profiad Byw) yw helpu i siapio datblygiad Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru trwy ddarparu arweiniad trwy brofiad bywyd a'i effaith. Mae'r grŵp hefyd yn ceisio dylanwadu ar arfer allanol lle bo modd, i greu amgylchedd gwell i bobl y mae Troseddau Casineb yn effeithio arnynt.

Yn ddiweddar, gwnaethom gefnogi’r grŵp gyda darn o waith yn archwilio profiadau troseddau casineb, a gallai edrych arnom ni fel gwasanaeth newid. Roedd y gwersi a rannwyd gan y rhai â phrofiad byw o droseddau casineb yn bwerus ac yn ddylanwadol - ac mae wedi arwain at newid gwirioneddol yn y ffordd yr ydym yn cefnogi dioddefwyr.

Yn ogystal, roedd y grŵp yn awyddus i rannu gydag asiantaethau, sefydliadau a grwpiau eraill sy’n debygol o ryngweithio â dioddefwyr troseddau casineb, beth oedd y ffyrdd pwysicaf o ryngweithio â dioddefwyr:

Empathi – deall sut rydych yn teimlo Dilysu – dangos bod eich teimladau’n cyfrif ac yn bwysig.

Cael eich credu – peidio ag amau bod yr hyn rydych chi’n ei ddweud yn wir Gonestrwydd – cydnabod y gallai fod anawsterau neu heriau’

“Pangefaisigymorthamytro cyntaf,rwy’ncofioymdeimlad gwirioneddologywilydda dadrymuso,roeddynaruthrol. Rwy'ndalideimlohyn.

PanfyddTroseddauCasinebyn effeithioarnochchi,nidydychar eichgorau.Roeddcaelrhywunyno ygallwnisiaradagef,aoeddynfy nghredu,

Acynrheolidisgwyliadaumewn fforddgaredigynhynodrymus.“

WalesVictimofHateCrime,2023 64

As an organisation, Victim Support is committed to being informed and led by those with lived experiences - people who are victims of crime.

In 2022 the Wales Hate Support Centre (delivered by Victim Support) set up a victims voice group in Wales. The group consists of victims of hate crime with a variety of different experiences.

The core aim of the group, now called LEAF (Lived Experience Advocacy Forum) is to help shape the development of the Wales Hate Support Centre by providing a steer through lived experience and its impact. The group also aims to influence external practice where possible, to create a better environment for people impacted by Hate Crime.

We recently supported the group with a piece of work exploring the experiences of hate crime, and looking at we as a service could change. The lessons shared from those with lived experience of hate crime were powerful and impactful - and has brought about some real change in how we support victims.

In addition, the group were keen to share with other agencies, organisations and groups who are likely to interact with victims of hate crime,

what were the most important ways to interact with victims:

Empathy - Understanding ow you feel Validation - Showing that your feelings count and are important

Being believed - Not doubting what you say is true

Honesty - acknowledging there may be difficulties or challenges

“ When I first accessed support, I remember a real sense of shame and disempowerment, it was overriding. I still feel this.

When you're affected by Hate Crime, you're not your best. Having someone there that I could talk to, that believed me.

Managing expectations in a nice way can be hugely empowering. “

Wales Victim of Hate Crime, 2023


Dydd Sadwrn 21


Hate Crime Awareness Week


Ar Ddod...


Cyngor Ieuenctid Cyngor Sir Gâr


09:30 - 14:30

Parc Y Scarlets

Dod â gwasanaethau a sefydliadau ynghyd i greu digwyddiad grymusol, llawn gwybodaeth i bobl ifanc 11-18 oed yn Sir Gaerfyrddin.

Hyfforddiant Troseddau

Casineb (Diwrnod llawn)

Gwasanaeth Cyngor ar Bopeth Castell-nedd

Port Talbot


Diwrnod llawn o hyfforddiant i staff a gwirfoddolwyr sy'n cynnwys ein pecynnau

hyfforddiant: Troseddau Casineb, Casineb Arlein, Troseddau Cyfeillio a Throseddau Casineb sy'n gysylltiedig ag Ymddygiad


Hyfforddiant Troseddau

Casineb sy'n gysylltiedig ag



Cyngor Sir y Fflint


Hyfforddiant Troseddau Casineb sy'n gysylltiedig ag Ymddygiad Gwrthgymdeithasol.





Wedi'i anelu'n bennaf at athrawon a staff ysgol, gyda ffocws ar y cwricwlwm, ond gallai fod o ddiddordeb i bobl eraill hefyd.

Mae gwrthsemitiaeth ar gynnydd ar draws y rhan fwyaf o wledydd y gorllewin a gan ein bod ni am symud i fod yn Gymru wrth-hiliaeth erbyn 2030, mae'n bwysig cydnabod pob math o hiliaeth a throsedd gasineb. n4?


Ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau Casineb (Sesiwn


Chanolfan Cymorth Casineb



10:00 - 12:00


I'w gynnal yn rhithiol, bydd y sesiwn

ymwybyddiaeth RHAD AC AM DDIM yn eich cyflwyno chi i droseddau casineb ar draws yr holl grwpiau sydd wedi eu diogelu.

Ymunwch ag un o Swyddogion Hyfforddi ac Ymgysylltiad am sesiwn 2 awr i ddeall yr heriau sy’n wynebu’r grwpiau hyn wrth brofi a riporio troseddau casineb ac yn bwysicach sut y gallwch CHI helpu.

Yn addas ar gyfer rhai sy'n gweithio yn De Cymru i

Coming Up...

Rights Together

Carmarthenshire Youth Council

25 October 2023

09:30 - 14:30

Parc Y Scarlets

Bringing together services and organisations to create an empowering and informative event for young people aged 11-18 years old within Carmarthenshire.

Hate Crime Awareness training (Open Sessions)

Wales Hate Support Centre


10:00 - 12:00


Held virtually, this FREE short awareness session will introduce you to hate crime across all of the protected groups.

Join one of Victim Support's Hate Crime

Training & Engagement Officers for a 2 hour session and understand in more depth the challenges facing these groups when experiencing and reporting hate crime. And importantly, how YOU can help.

Suitable for those living or working in South Wales and Gwent.

Anti-Semitism Webinar

22 November 2023


Primarily aimed at teachers and school staff with the focus on the curriculum, but it could interest others people too. Anti-semitism is on the increase across most western countries and as we want to move to an anti-racist Wales by 2030, it is important to recognise all types of racism and hate crime. n4?

Hate Crime Training (Full Day)

Neath Port Talbot Citizen Advice Bureau


A full day training for staff and volunteers that includes our training packages: Hate Crime, Online Hate, Mate Crime and ASB Hate Crime.

Anti-Social Behaviour related Hate Crime Training

Flintshire County council


Anti-social behaviour related hate crime training.


Diwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth o Gorachedd

Little People UK



Senedd, Cardiff

Noson o addysg a chydweithio wrth greu

Cymru gynhwysol i bawb.

Bydd CCCC yn cael ei chynrychioli yn y digwyddiad.

Hyfforddiant Troseddau

Casineb Ar-lein

Cyngor Sir y Fflint



10:00 - 12:00

Hyfforddiant Troseddau Casineb Ar-lein

Archwilio'r Dde Bellaf

Ymddiriedolaeth Diogelwch





Pam mae ideoleg 70 oed yn dal i atseinio o fewn diwylliant ieuenctid Prydain? Ymunwch â ni i archwilio cyflwr presennol y dde eithaf yn y DU sy'n newid yn barhaus.

Byddwn yn archwilio apêl ideoleg adain dde bellaf yng nghymdeithas Prydain, o’i dyddiau cynharaf i’w hailadroddiadau mwyaf modern, a sut mae eu neges yn cael ei lledaenu a’i haddasu ar hyn o bryd i weddu i dirwedd gymdeithasol newidiol.


Hyfforddiant Troseddau


Cyngor Sir y Fflint


26.10.2023: 10:00 - 11:00

26.10.2023: 14:00 - 15:00

Hyfforddiant Troseddau Cyfeillio.

Hyfforddiant Troseddau


MENCAP Môn (Llangefni) / Heddlu

Gogledd Cymru / Tîm Cydlyniant

Cymunedol Gogledd Orllewin





Llangefli Football Club

Sesiwn leol ar y cyd â MENCAP Môn (Llangefni), Heddlu Gogledd Cymru (tîm amrywiaeth), Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Gogledd Orllewin Cymru a Chymorth i Ddioddefwyr i drefnu sesiwn codi ymwybyddiaeth i dynnu sylw at wahanol fathau o droseddau casineb (yn ymwneud ag anableddau yn benodol) a sut orau i adrodd am ddigwyddiadau (yn cynnwys enghreifftiau achos dienw).

Bydd y digwyddiad wyneb yn wyneb yng Nghlwb Pêl-droed Llangefni ond ni fydd ar gael ar-lein. Bydd MENCAP yn rhoi enghreifftiau bywyd o iawn o'r mathau o ddigwyddiadau Troseddau Casineb y maen nhw wedi'u profi dros y tair blynedd diwethaf.


Dwarfism Awareness Day Event

Little People UK

25 October 2023


Senedd, Cardiff

An evening of education and collaboration in creating an inclusive Wales for all. WHSC will be represented at the event.

Online Hate Training

Flintshire County council



10:00 - 12:00

Online Hate Training.

Exploring the Far Right

Community Safety Trust


31. October 2023


Why does a 70-year-old ideology still resonate within British youth culture? Join us to explore the current, and constantly changing, state of the far right in the UK.

We will explore the appeal of far-right wing ideology in British society, from its earliest days to its most modern iterations, and how their message is currently being spread and adapted to suit a changing social landscape.


Mate Crime Training

Flintshire County council Virtual

26.10.2023: 10:00 - 11:00

26.10.2023: 14:00 - 15:00

Mate Crime Training.

Anglesey Mencap Hate Crime Awareness Session

MENCAP Anglesey (Llangefni) / North Wales

Police / North West Wales Community Cohesion Team / Virtual

25 October 2023


Llangefli Football Club

A local session in collaboration with MENCAP Anglesey (Llangefni), NW Police (diversity team), the NW Wales Community Cohesion Team and Victim Support to organise an awareness raising session to highlight different types of hate crime (in particular disability related) and how best to report incidents to include anonymised case examples).

The face to face event will take place in Llangefni Football Club but won’t be available on-line. MENCAP will provide real life examples of the types of Hate Crimes incidents they’ve actually experienced in the last three years.


Mis hanes pobl dduon

Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Sir Fynwy



Neuadd y Sir Brynbuga

Mae Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon yn chwarae rhan

bwysig wrth ddod â phobl o bob diwylliant at ei gilydd i symud ar y cyd tuag at weledigaeth

unedig, trwy roi cyfle i bobl yn ein cymuned

archwilio a dysgu rhagor am Hanes a Diwylliant Pobl Dduon, ac yn bwysicach fyth y rolau a’r cyfraniadau a wnaed gan bobl dduon wrth

lunio hanes y wlad hon, sy'n cael ei anwybyddu'n aml.

Mae’r digwyddiad hwn ar flaen y gad dathliad

Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon Sir Fynwy – mae’r digwyddiadau hyn yn helpu i greu cymdeithas

gydlynol lle nad yw hiliaeth a chasineb yn cael

eu derbyn na’u goddef, lle mae pawb yn cael eu trin yn ôl eu hanghenion a’u hawliau a lle mae amrywiaeth ddiwylliannol yn cael ei ddathlu.

Gweminarau misol Cynllun

Gweithredu Cymru Wrthhiliol – mis Hydref yn

canolbwyntio ar Addysg.



11:00 - 12:00

Fe'ch gwahoddir i fod yn bresennol yn ail weminar Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol ddydd Llun 23 Hydref 2023.

Ymysg y siaradwyr:

Yr Athro Emmanuel Ogbonna PhD, FAcSS, FCIPD, FBAM, FLSW - Prifysgol Caerdydd 'Arwain newid diwylliant gwrth-hiliol yn sefydliadau addysg uwch Cymru".

Yr Athro Charlotte Williams OBE – Prifysgol Bangor “Agenda Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol ar gyfer ysgolion. Myfyrdodau ar yr heriau sydd o'n blaenau".

Enfys Dixey – Pennaeth Hawliau Plant a Phobl Ifanc mewn Addysg, Llywodraeth Cymru.

Marian Jebb - Pennaeth Cydraddoldeb Ôl-16, Sgiliau, Addysg Uwch a Dysgu Gydol Oes, Llywodraeth Cymru.

Craig Greenland - Pennaeth Cyflenwi Addysg Uwch, Sgiliau, Addysg Uwch a Dysgu Gydol Oes, Llywodraeth Cymru.

Sut i gofrestru:

Cofrestrwch drwy gysylltu Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol.


Black History Month

Monmouthshire Community

Cohesion Team



Usk County Hall

An Black History Month plays an important part in bringing people of all cultures together to move collectively towards a united vision, by giving people in our community the opportunity to explore and learn more about Black History and Culture, more importantly the roles and contributions Black people have made in shaping the history of this country, which is often overlooked.

This event is at the forefront og Monmoutshire celebrating Black History Month - these events help to create a cohesive society where racism and hate is not accepted or tolerated, where everyone is treated according to their needs and rights and where cultural diversity is celebrated. evening of education and collaboration in creating an inclusive Wales for all. WHSC will be represented at the event.

Anti-racist Wales Action Plan Monthly Webinarsfocus on Education



11:00 - 12:00

You are invited to attend our second Anti-racist Wales Action Plan webinar on Monday 23 October 2023.

Speakers include:

Professor Emmanuel Ogbonna PhD, FAcSS, FCIPD, FBAM, FLSW - Cardiff University

''Leading an anti-racist culture change in Welsh HE institutions".

Professor Charlotte Williams OBE – Bangor University

“ARWAP agenda for schools. Some reflections on the challenges ahead”.

Enfys Dixey – Head of Children and Young People's Rights in Education, Welsh Government.

Marian Jebb - Head of Post-16 Quality Skills, Higher Education & Lifelong Learning, Welsh Government.

Craig Greenland - Head of Higher Education Delivery, Skills, Higher Education & Lifelong Learning, Welsh Government.

How to sign-up:

Please sign up by contacting Equality & Human Rights mailbox:


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