Calendr Digwyddiadau | Calendar of Events (HCAW 2022)

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Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb Hate Crime Awareness Week Cylchlythyr a Chalendr Digwyddiadau Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb Cymru Hate Crime Awareness Week Wales Newsletter & Calendar of Events 2022 YNG NGHYMRU / 2022 IN WALES
Croeso Cyn HCAW Dydd Sadwrn 8 Hydref Dydd Sul 9 Hydref Digwyddiadau’r wythnos Pecyn Partneriaid a Phecyn Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol Dydd Llun 10 Hydref Digwyddiad allweddol: Plant a Phobl Ifanc a Chasineb yng Nghymru Dydd Mawrth 11 Hydref Siarter Troseddau Casineb Dydd Mercher 12 Hydref Codi Ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau Casineb ar draws Cymru Dydd Iau 13 Hydref Rhwystrau rhag adrodd, profiad dioddefwr Dydd Gwener 14 Hydref Adnoddau, diweddariadau a newyddion o’r sector Dydd Sadwrn 15 Hydref Ar Ddod Hyfforddiant Troseddau Casineb Wythnos Genedlawthol Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb Cynnwys Gallwch ein ffonio ar 0300 3031 982 i gael cefnogaeth emosiynol am ddim os ydych cho wedi dioddef trosedd casineb neu ewch i'n gewfan 4 8 10 10 10 16 18 24 26 32 34 38 42 44 56 62 68 70 70

National Hate Crime Awareness Week

Before HCAW

Saturday 8 October

Sunday 9 October

Happening all week

Partner Pack and Social Media Pack

Monday 10 October

Key event: Children and Young

People and hate in modern Wales

Tuesday 11 October

Hate Crime Charter

Wednesday 12 October

Raising Awareness of Hate Crime across Wales

Thursday 13 October

Barriers to reporting, a victim experience

Friday 14 October

Resources, updates and news from the sector

Saturday 15 October

Coming Up

Hate Crime Training

CONTENTS You can call us on 0300 3031 982 for free support if you've been a victim of hate crime or visit our website at 4 8 10 10 10 16 18 24 26 32 34 38 42 44 56 62 68 70 70 3

2022. Sefydlwyd Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb yn 2009 i nodi 10

hymateb ei hun o hyd ar Gymru, ac yn sicr ni wneir ein gwaith yma.

Croeso Rydym wedi cael y fraint fawr o allu darparu cymorth hanfodol i bobl sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan droseddau casineb yng Nghymru ers 2015, gan ymdrin â dros 4,500 o atgyfeiriadau yn y cyfnod hwnnw. Ym mis Mai 2022 lansiwyd ‘Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru’, a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, gan gyflwyno cyfnod newydd o gymorth arbenigol i’r rhai yr effeithir arnynt gan gasineb sy’n cael ei hysbysu a’i siapio gan y rhai sydd â phrofiadau byw. Rydym yn rhannu rhai o'r lleisiau pwysig hynny yn ddiweddarach yn y Cylchlythyr hwn. Am y tro cyntaf rydym yn gallu darparu cefnogaeth uniongyrchol i blant a phobl ifanc 13+ oed. Gall plant dan 13 oed barhau i gael eu cefnogi gennym ni drwy riant neu ofalwr. Mae profiadau dioddefwyr casineb yn parhau i gael eu llywio gan ddigwyddiadau cenedlaethol, rhwystrau i adrodd a newidiadau i ganllawiau (gweler yr adran ar ‘Newyddion o’r Sector’ yn ddiweddarach yn y Cylchlythyr hwn) mae’n amlwg bod angen ei
4 Rydym wrth ein bodd yn gallu dwyn ynghyd y calendr o ddigwyddiadau a Chylchlythyr Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb ar gyfer
mlynedd ers yr ymosodiadau Bom Hoelion yn Llundain. Gwerth craidd yr wythnos yw sefyll mewn undod â’r rhai y mae troseddau casineb yn effeithio arnynt, cofio’r rhai yr ydym wedi’u colli, a chefnogi’r rhai y mae angen cymorth parhaus arnynt. Mae ein thema o #CymruYnghyd yn crynhoi’r ethos hwnnw a mwy gan ganiatáu i ni ddod â sgyrsiau pellach am Gynghreiriaeth dda, beth mae’n ei olygu i fod yn ‘Gwyliwr Sy'n Cadw'n Dawel’ a’r cyfle i fyfyrio ar bopeth y mae Cymru wedi’i gyflawni fel cenedl groesawgar a chynhwysol. Mae eleni yn sicr wedi cael mwy na digon o heriau a chyfleoedd. Er ein bod yn falch o weld (gobeithio!) diwedd i Covid 19, mae dioddefwyr troseddau casineb yn parhau i brofi effeithiau dwys ar eu bywydau.


We’re thrilled to be able to pull together the calendar of events and Hate Crime Awareness Week Newsletter for 2022.

National Hate Crime Awareness Week was founded in 2009 to mark the 10th anniversary of the Nail Bomb attacks in London. The core value of the week is to stand in solidarity with those affected by hate crime, to remember those we have lost, and support those who need ongoing support.

Our theme of #WalesTogether encapsulates that ethos and more allowing us to bring in further conversations around good Allyship, what it means to be an ‘Active Bystander’ and the opportunity to reflect on all that Wales has achieved as a welcoming and inclusive nation.

This year has certainly had its share of challenges and opportunities.

Whilst we’re glad to see (what appears to be!) the back of Covid 19, victims of hate crime continue to experience profound impacts on their lives.

We’ve had the great privilege of being able to provide crucial support to people who have been affected by hate crime in Wales since 2015, handling over 4,500 referrals in that time.

In May 2022 we launched the ‘Wales Hate Support Centre’, funded by Welsh Government, ushering in a new era of specialist support for those affected by hate that is informed and shaped by those with lived experiences. We share some of those important voices later in this Newsletter.

For the first time we’re able to provide direct support to children & young people aged 13+. Children under the age of 13 can continue to be supported by us through a parent or carer.

The experiences of victims of hate continue to be shaped by national events, barriers to reporting and changes to guidance (see the section on ‘News from the Sector’ later in this Newsletter) it is clear that Wales continues to need its own response, and our work here is certainly not done.


Ar 3 Hydref byddaf yn dechrau rôl newydd fel Rheolwr Gweithrediadau Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru. Byddwn yn parhau i elwa ar arbenigedd Olli Rees fel Arweinydd Tîm ein Tîm Darpariaeth Gwasanaeth.

Rwyf wedi gweithio o fewn y gwasanaeth hwn ers tair blynedd, ac mae wedi bod yn amlwg yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw, heb os nac oni bai, y cryfder mwyaf yw’r bobl sy’n barod i gamu i fyny ac yn ymroi i ddarparu gwasanaeth rhagorol i’r rhai y mae troseddau casineb yn effeithio arnynt diolch i ein tîm gwych o Swyddogion Gofal Dioddefwyr, Gweithwyr Achos, Swyddogion Darpariaeth Gwasanaeth a Hyfforddi ac Ymgysylltu am eu hymrwymiad, eu diwydrwydd a’u hymroddiad i’r bobl a’r cymunedau rydym yn eu gwasanaethu yng Nghymru.

Mae wedi bod yn fraint aruthrol gweithio gyda Jessica Rees sydd, dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, wedi llunio’r gwasanaeth hwn o fod yn dîm bach iawn sy’n cefnogi dioddefwyr i fod yn brif wasanaeth troseddau casineb yng Nghymru.

Mae Jess yn

parhau yn Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr fel Rheolwr Ardal Cymru, gan rannu ei doethineb a’i harweiniad gyda’n holl wasanaethau ledled Cymru. IEdrychaf ymlaen at roi arweiniad i’n gwasanaeth wrth i ni wynebu heriau newydd, gan barhau i ddarparu lefel ragorol o wasanaeth a chymorth i ddioddefwyr casineb yng Nghymru a hybu arloesedd yn ein cymunedau a’n partneriaethau. Diolch i bawb o fewn Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru a'r gymuned ehangach/sefydliadau partner am eich cymorth, dewrder ac ymroddiad trwy gydol y flwyddyn yn ogystal ag yn ystod Wythnos Genedlaethol Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb. Becca Rosenthal, Rheolwr Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru #CymruYnghyd #WalesTogether 6

On 3rd October I step into a new role as Operations Manager for the Wales Hate Support Centre. We will continue to benefit from the expertise of Olli Rees as Team Leader of our Service Delivery Team.

I’ve worked within this service for three years, and it has been clear during that time that without doubt, the biggest strength are the people who step up and dedicate themselves to providing an outstanding service for those affected by hate crime thank you to our fantastic team of Victim Care Officers, Case Workers, Service Delivery and Training & Engagement Officers for their commitment, diligence and dedication to the people and communities we serve in Wales.

It has been an immense privilege to work with Jessica Rees who, over the past couple of years, has shaped this service from a very small team supporting victims into the leading hate crime service in Wales.

Jess continues in Victim Support as Wales Area Manager, sharing her wisdom and guidance with all of our services across Wales.

I look forward to providing our service with a steer as we face new challenges, continuing to provide victims of hate in Wales with an excellent level of service & support and driving forward innovation in our communities and partnerships.

Thank you to everyone within both the Wales Hate Support Centre and the wider community/partner organisations for your support, courage and dedication all year round as well as during National Hate Crime Awareness Week.

#CymruYnghyd #WalesTogether 7



Troseddau Casineb

Tîmcydlyniantcymunedol Caerdydd

Mae Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Caerdydd yn rhedeg cynllun peilot gyda Mental Health Monster a Dangos y Cerdyn Coch i Hiliaeth cyn ac ar ôl Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb fel rhan o gyfres o weithdai ar y thema cydlyniant.

Cyswllt: Nicholas.


Heddlu De Cymru

Bydd Stondin Ymgysylltu â Heddlu De Cymru yn Pride y Barri ar 1 Hydref 2022. Bydd baner yr Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb Genedlaethol yn cael ei harddangos a byddwn ni’n ymgysylltu â’n cymunedau lleol drwy hyrwyddo negeseuon yn erbyn troseddau casineb a sut i adrodd troseddau casineb. Cyswllt: Marios.dixon@south

CystadleuaethFfotograffiaeth TîmCydlyniantCymunedol CanolbarthCymrua’rDeOrllewin Mae’rgystadleuaethhonaragori’rrhai hynnysyddwedisetloynSirGaerfyrddin, Ceredigion,SirBenfroaPhowysfel ffoaduriaid.Rydymni’ngwahoddpawb sy’ncymrydrhaniarchwilio’rthema ‘safwngyda’ngilydd’achaeleincroesawu iymunoâchymunednewydda’rgallu dynoliddechraueto.


Byddwchyngreadigol tynnwchlun* (ganddefnyddiocameraneuffôn clyfar)orywbethsy’ncynrychioli themaeleni–‘SafwnGyda’nGilydd’ neueincroesawuiymunoâ’ch cymunednewydd

Igymrydrhan,anfonwcheichllun drosebostatPaulDavies Dyddiadcau 30Medi2022 Gwobrau:Gwobrgyntaf,taleb love2shopgwerth£50

Cyflwynirygystadleuaethhonichigan dîmCydlyniantCymunedolCanolbarth Cymrua’rDeOrllewinachaiffeihariannu ganLywodraethCymru.

Cyswllt: *Drwyanfoneichllunatom,rydychchi’nrhoicaniatâdini eigynnwysareingwefanneuareincyfryngau cymdeithasol,onibaieichbodchi’ndweudwrthymi beidio.

Cyn Wythnos

Before Hate Crime Awareness Week

CardiffCommunityCohesion Team

The Cardiff Community Cohesion Team are running a pilot with Mental Health Monster and Show Racism the Red Card just before and after Hate Crime Awareness Week as part of a cohesion themed series of workshops.

Contact: Nicholas.


South Wales Police

There will be a South Wales Police Engagement Stall at Barry Pride on the 1st of October 2022. The National Hate Crime Awareness Week banner will be displayed and we will engage with our local communities promoting anti hate crime and hate crime reporting messages.


WeStandTogether-Photography Competition

MidandSouthWestWales CommunityCohesionTeam

Thiscompetitionisopentothosewho havesettledinCarmarthenshire, Ceredigion,PembrokeshireandPowysas refugeesandwe’reinvitingparticipantsto explorethethemeof‘westandtogether’ andexploringfeelingwelcomedintoa newcommunityandthehumanabilityto startagain.


Getcreative takeaphoto*(usinga cameraorsmartphone)ofsomething thatrepresentsthisyear’stheme Standingtogetherorbeingwelcomed intoyournewcommunity ToenteremailyourphototoPaul

Closingdate 30September2022

Prizes:1stprize£50love2shop voucher2ndprize£25love2shop voucher3rdprize£15 love2shopvoucher

Thiscompetitionisbroughttoyoubythe MidandSouthWestWalesCommunity CohesionteamandisfundedbyWelsh Government.


*Bysendingyourphoto,yougiveuspermissiontofeature themonourwebsiteorinsocialmediaunlessyoutellus notto.



Digwyddiad Ymgysylltu

Heddlu Dyfed-Powys

Canolfan Siopa Santes Elli, Llanelli

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd

Digwyddiad Ymgysylltu

Dyfed Powys Police

Llyfrgell / Meddygfa Neuadd Les

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


9 Hydref

Digwyddiad Ymgysylltu Dyfed Powys Police

Llyfrgell / Meddygfa Neuadd Les

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Cwis Byr i Ysgolion yn rhan o Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth

Troseddau Casineb

Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Canolbarth Cymru a’r De Orllewin

ysgolion ledled Canolbarth Cymru


wylio ffilm fer ar beth yw trosedd

cyfres o gwestiynau ar lein am Droseddau Casineb,

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb. Cyswllt:

Anogir disgyblion Cyfnod Allweddol 3 mewn
a’r De Orllewin i gymryd rhan mewn Cwis byr yn rhan o
Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb. Gwahoddir athrawon i annog disgyblion i
casineb a sut i’w adrodd, ac i ateb
yn rhan o Wythnos Dydd Sadwrn 8
a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.
Digwyddiadau’r wythnos

Saturday 8

October 2022

Engagement Event

Dyfed Powys Police St Elli Shopping Centre, Llanelli

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Engagement Event

Dyfed Powys Police Library/Welfare Hall Surgery, Ystradgynlais

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Engagement Event

Sunday 9 October 2022

Happening All Week

Dyfed Powys Police Library/Welfare Hall Surgery, Ystradgynlais

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Hate Crime Awareness Week Short Quiz for Schools

Mid & South West Wales

Community Cohesion Team

Key Stage 3 pupils in schools across Mid and South West Wales are encouraged to take pare in a short Hate Crime Awareness Quiz.

Teachers are invited to encourage pupils to take take this Hate Crime Awareness Week to watch a short film on what is a hate crime and how to report it, and answer a series of online questions about Hate Crime.



Pob Awdurdod Lleol ar draws Cymru

Bydd Awdurdodau Lleol ar draws

Cymru yn cefnogi Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb drwy rannu negeseuon o’r Pecyn Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol a’r ymgyrch

#MaeCasinebYnBrifoCymru drwy’r wythnos. Cysylltwch â’ch Cyngor lleol i gael rhagor o fanylion. LleisiauClywoddSeldom


Bydd yr elusen Compas yn ymgysylltu â chymunedau llais nas clywir yn aml am droseddau casineb, gan gynnwys cymunedau Roma Dwyrain Ewrop. Cyswllt: DigwyddiadYmgysylltu




ArweiniryfenterganSwyddogCymorth CymunedolyrHeddluGraham

Jennings,gangynnwysmyfyrwyrdrama acaddysg.

Taith y Faner

Heddlu De Cymru

Bydd Swyddogion Troseddau Casineb Heddlu De Cymru yn mynychu digwyddiadau troseddau casineb lleol gan ddefnyddio Baner Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb Genedlaethol a’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol i rannu negeseuon yn erbyn troseddau casineb a sut i adrodd troseddau casineb. Os ydych chi’n grŵp neu’n sefydliad a hoffai ddefnyddio’r faner yn ystod yr Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb Genedlaethol, cysylltwch â: Cyswllt: Marios.Dixon@south

CyfryngauCymdeithasol Heddlu Gogledd Cymru

Bydd Heddlu Gogledd Cymru yn cynnal ymgyrch cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn canolbwyntio ar;

Troseddau Casineb


i Ddioddefwyr

Troseddau Casineb


Bydd yr heddlu hefyd yn lansio’r Hysbysfwrdd Electronig Troseddau Casineb yn ystod yr wythnos.

12 Digwyddiadau’r wythnos Digwyddiad Ymgysylltu Bydd rhai gwasanaethau ysgol a dosbarthiadau Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb yn cael eu cynnal mewn ysgolion ledled Cymru gan heddluoedd Cymru.

Happening All Week


All Local Authorities across Wales Local Authorities across Wales will be supporting Hate Crime Awareness Week by sharing posts from the Social Media Pack and the #HateHurtsWales campaign all week. Contact your local Council for further details.

SeldomHeardVoices Compas

The Charity Compas will be engaging with seldom heard voice communities around hate crime, including East European Roma communities.






Some school assemblies and Hate Crime Awareness classes will take place at schools across Wales by the Police forces in Wales.

Banner Tour

South Wales Police

South Wales Police Hate Crime Officers will attend local hate crime events utilising the National Hate Crime Awareness Week banner and social media to spread anti-hate crime and hate crime reporting messaging.

If you are a group or organisation that would like to utilise the banner during National Hate Crime Awareness Week Contact


North Wales Police

North Wales Police will be running a social media campaign focusing on;

·Reporting Hate Crime

·Online Hate

·Victim Support

·Perpetrators of Hate Crime

·Support Networks

The force will also be launching the Hate Crime Electronic Notice Board during the week.

Engagement DyfedPowysPolice

Digwyddiadau’r wythnos


Heddlu De Cymru


Yn rhan o Daith Baner Troseddau

Casineb De Cymru, bydd y Faner yn ymweld â’r clwb i godi ymwybyddiaeth

o Droseddau Casineb ymysg staff ac ymwelwyr.


Casineb Ar-Lein

Arfer Da

Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol


Drwy gydol yr wythnos, bydd y tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol yn rhannu ei waith gyda chydweithwyr Awdurdodau Lleol ar graffiti yn ymwneud â naratif yn erbyn grwpiau lleiafrifol a chasineb a manteision mapio gwres i nodi mannau problemus. Cyswllt:

Taith y Faner: Sesiynau Cicio

Heddlu De Cymru / Sefydliad

Clwb Pêl-droed Dinas Caerdydd

Heddlu De Cymru yn mynychu sesiynau cicio yn ystod Taith Baner Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb. Dolenni i sesiynau cicio lleol: .uk/our projects/project/kicks

MônFM Community Radio (North-West Wales)

Eleni mae Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr Cymru a Radio Cymunedol MônFM (GogleddOrllewin Cymru) yn treialu rhaglen radio sy’n amlygu troseddau casineb yn ystod wythnos codi ymwybyddiaeth o droseddau casineb. Bydd y cynnwys yn cael ei rannu gyda holl Orsafoedd Radio Cymunedol Cymru drwy Rwydwaith Radio Cymunedol Cymru (WCRN Cymru). Mae modd trefnu i'r pecyn sain dwy ran gael ei ddarlledu ar wahanol adegau yn ystod yr wythnos er mwyn galluogi gwrandawyr ledled Cymru i ddysgu mwy am 'gasineb ar lein' a sut mae'n effeithio ar fywydau dioddefwyr a ble i riportio unrhyw gynnwys sy’n annerbyniol.

Bydd y sain hefyd yn cael ei ryddhau yn ddiweddarach fel 'podlediad gwrando eto' i'w rannu ar safleoedd we Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr, y Sector Gyhoeddus / Trydydd Sector. Ei gobaith yw y bydd hyn yn hybu ymgyrch radio gwrth droseddu casineb flynyddol a fydd yn cynnwys nifer o themâu gwahanol.


Happening All Week

Engagement South Wales Police


As part of the South Wales Hate Crime Banner Tour, the Banner will be visiting the club to raise awareness of Hate Crime amongst staff and visitors.


Sharing Good Practice Cardiff Community Cohesion Team

Throughout the week the Community Cohesion Team will be sharing their work with Local Authority colleagues on hate and anti minority narrative related graffiti and the benefits heat mapping to identify hot spots.


Banner Tour: Kicks Sessions

South Wales Police / Cardiff City FC Foundation

The South Wales Police Banner Tour will attend local Kicks sessions. Links to local Kicks sessions: .uk/our-projects/project/kicks

On-Line Hate

MônFM Community Radio (North West Wales)

Victim Support Cymru and MônFM Community Radio (North West Wales) are piloting an anti hate crime radio programme during this year’s Hate Crime Awareness Week. The content will be shared with all Welsh Community Radio Stations through the Wales Community Radio Network (WCRN Cymru). The two part audio package can be scheduled for broadcast at different times during the week to enable listeners across Wales to learn more about ‘on line hate’ and how it impacts the lives of victims and where to report any such unacceptable content.

The audio will also be released later as a ‘listen again podcast’ to be shared on Victim Support and Public / Third Sector web sites. Its hoped that this will be the start of an annual anti hate crime radio campaign which will feature a number of different themes.

Pecyn Partner a Phecyn Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol Mae Pecyn Partner Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb 2022 ar gael yn rhad ac am ddim i Sefydliadau, Grwpiau ac Arweinwyr Cymunedol. Pecyn Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys postiadau i'w rhannu, lluniau a dolenni fideo Gwybodaeth ar yr ymgyrch gydol y flwyddyn Mae casineb yn brifo Cymru Adnoddau Plant a Phobl Ifanc Adnoddau i bobl nad Saesneg yw eu hiaith gyntaf Logos, baneri ac adnoddau eraill Yn y Pecyn Partner fe welwch: allwch weld y pecyn partner yma: YMA16

Partner Pack and Social Media Pack

The Wales Hate Crime Awareness Week 2022 Partner Pack is now available free of charge to Organisations, Groups and Community Leaders. Social Media Pack, including posts to share, pictures and video links Information on the all-yeararound Hate Hurts Wales campaign Children & Young People’s resources Resources for people whose first language isn’t English Logos, banners and other resources In the Partner Pack you will find: ou can find the partner pack here: HERE 17

Sioe Deithiol Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb y GIG

Betsy Cadwaladr University Health Board / Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru

Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam

9:30 - 12:30

A yw trosedd casineb wedi effeithio arnoch chi neu a hoffech chi wybod pa gymorth sydd ar gael?

Dewch draw a siaradwch â staff GIG a Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yng nghyntedd yr ysbyty.

Gweithdy ar Gasineb Ar-lein

Archwilio effeithiau casineb Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Canolbarth Caerdydd Zoom

13:30 - 14:30

Mae casineb yn effeithio ar bobl a chymunedau mewn ffyrdd hynod ac unigryw.

Ymunwch â Nick Olson o’r Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol a Becca Rosenthal o Ganolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru wrth iddynt drafod effaith casineb yng Nghymru ac mewn ardaloedd lleol fel Caerdydd. ng the impacts of hate tickets 421276297747

Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Canolbarth Cymru a’r De Orllewin

Dydd Llun 10 Hydref C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk Cyswllt:

Monday 10 October 2022


Betsy Cadwaladr University Health Board / Wales Hate Support

Exploring the impacts of hate

Cardiff Community Cohesion Team


13:30 - 14:30

Hate impacts people and communities in extraordinary and unique ways. Join nick Olson from the Community Cohesion Team and Becca Rosenthal from the Wales Hate Support Centre as they discuss the impact of hate in Wales and in local areas such as Cardiff.


Have you been impacted by hate crime or would you like to know what support is available? Come along and speak to NHS and Victim Support staff in the foyer of the hospital.

Online Hate Workshop ng the impacts of hate tickets 421276297747

Mid and South West Wales Community Cohesion Team

Centre WrexhamMaelorHospital
C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk Contact 19

Sioe Deithiol Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb y GIG

Betsy Cadwaladr University Health Board / Canolfan Cymorth Casineb


Ysbyty Glan Clwyd

13:30 - 16:00

A yw trosedd casineb wedi effeithio arnoch chi neu a hoffech chi wybod pa gymorth sydd ar gael?

Dewch draw a siaradwch â staff GIG a Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yng nghyntedd yr ysbyty.


Prosiect LHDTC+ Sir Gaerfyrddin, CETMA a Chanolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru yn Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr. Zoom 15:00-16:30

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb yw mis Hydref yma!

Mae Prosiect LHDTC+ Sir Gaerfyrddin yn falch o gadarnhau y byddwn yn cynnal gweithgaredd cymorth pwysig ar gyfer y gymuned am y cyfnod hwn.

Ar ddydd Llun 10fed rydym yn falch o gynnal sesiwn ‘coffi a sgwrsio’ rhithwir, lle mae'r gymuned LHDTC+ yn cael cyfle i ymgysylltu â phanel o arbenigwyr i adolygu a thrafod y mater pwysig hwn.

/ Swyddfa Gwent y Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd CanolTrefCwmbrân


Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr. Cyswllt:


Dyfed Powys Police


Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd

a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Mae llawer o elfennau cyffrous a hwyl yn aml yn gysylltiedig â’r gymuned LHDTC+ ond weithiau gall bywyd fod yn heriol felly dyma gyfle i aelodau o’n cymuned gymryd rhan mewn trafodaeth gadarnhaol.

Cyswllt: Ariannwyd

Cymunedol Canolbarth henshire lgbtq


gan Gronfa Cydlyniant
a De Orllewin Cymru
hate crime coffee
Dydd Llun 10 Hydref C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Heddlu Gwent

Monday 10 October 2022

NHSHateCrimeAwareness WeekRoadshow

Betsy Cadwaladr University Health Board / Wales Hate Support Centre



Have you been impacted by hate crime or would you like to know what support is available? Come along and speak to NHS and Victim Support staff in the foyer of the hospital.


Gwent Police / Gwent Police & Crime Commissioner CwmbranTownCentre 10:00-14:00

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.



Dyfed Powys Police Welshpool

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Coffee&Chat Carmarthenshire LGBTQ+ Project, CETMA and the Wales Hate Support Centre at Victim Support Virtual 15:00-16:30

Hate Crime Awareness Week is this October! The Carmarthenshire LGBTQ+ Project is pleased to confirm that we will be conducting an important support activity for the community for this period.

On Monday 10th we are pleased to hold a virtual ‘coffee & chat’ session, where the LGBTQ+ community has the opportunity to engage with a panel of experts to review and discuss this important issue.

Many exciting and fun elements are often associated with the LGBTQ + community but sometimes life can be challenging – so this is an opportunity for members of our community to engage with a constructive discussion.


Funded by the Mid & South West Wales Community Cohesion Fund henshire lgbtq hate crime coffee meeting virtual tickets 423987797917

C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk
DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Heddlu De Cymru NeuaddauPreswylGogleddTalybont 10:00-15:00 Stondin, gasebo a Bws Diogelwch Myfyrwyr Ymgysylltu Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb Cenedlaethol, Hyrwyddo Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb a holl negeseuon diogelwch myfyrwyr Cyswllt: Marios.Dixon@south Dydd Llun 10 Hydref #CymruYnghyd #WalesTogether 22
EngagementEvent South Wales Police TalybontHallsofResidence 10:00-15:00 National Hate Crime Awareness Week Engagement Stall, gazebo and Student Safety Bus. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness and all student safety messages Contact: Monday 10 October 2022 #CymruYnghyd #WalesTogether 23
Pobl Ifanc a Chasineb yng Nghymru fodern Gall casineb effeithio ar bobl a chymunedau mewn ffyrdd dwys. I blant a phobl ifanc, gall profiadau atgas fod yn ddylanwadol a pharhaol, ac mae’r rhwystrau i geisio cymorth hyd yn oed yn fwy cymhleth. Ar gyfer digwyddiad allweddol Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb eleni, bydd Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru yn cynnal digwyddiad i archwilio'r effaith ar blant a phobl ifanc a rhannu arfer da ledled Cymru. Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhad ac am ddim i'w fynychu, ond mae archebu lle yn hanfodol. #CymruYnghyd #WalesTogether 11 Hydref 2022, 10:30 12:30 24

Young People and Hate in Modern Wales



Hate can impact on people and communities in profound ways. For children and young people, hateful experiences can be impactful and long lasting, and the barriers to seeking support even more complex.

For the key Hate Crime Awareness Week event this year, the Wales Hate Support Centre will be hosting an event exploring the impact on children & young people and sharing good practice across Wales.

This event is free to attend, but booking is essential.

#CymruYnghyd #WalesTogether
10:30 12:30 25

ArchwilioRhwystrauiAdroddam DroseddauCasineb GogleddCymru,Comisiynydd HeddluaThrosedd,HeddluGogledd Cymru UnedAmrywiaeth,Canolfan CymorthCasinebCymruynCymorth iDdioddefwyr,TimCydlyniant CymunedolGogleddOrllewinCymru, TimCydlyniantCymunedolGogledd DdwyrainCymru

Zoom 16:00-17:00

MaeComisiynyddHeddluaThroseddu GogleddCymru,AndyDunbobbin,Heddlu GogleddCymru,CymorthiDdioddefwyra ThimauCydlyniantCymunedolGogledd Cymruyndodateigilyddigynnal cyflwyniadathrafodaethar leini archwilio’rrhwystrauiadroddam droseddaucasinebofewncymunedau GogleddCymru.

Byddysesiwnawrhonynrhannu mewnwelediadganwasanaethausy’n gweithio’nuniongyrcholgydadioddefwyra byddynedrycharyrhynygellireiwneud ofewncymunedauaganddarparwyr gwasanaethauialluogi’rgefnogaethoraui ddioddefwyracannogadrodd.

GogleddCymru,ComisiynyddHeddlua Throseddu,AndyDunbobbin

HeddluGogleddCymru Uned Amrywiaeth

CanolfanCymorthCasinebCymruyn CymorthiDdioddefwyr CydlynwyrCydlyniantCymunedol


the barriers to reporting hate crime tickets
Dydd Mawrth 11 Hydref C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk YmwybyddiaethTroseddau Casineb Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant (UWTSD) Rhithiol Staff:13:00-14:00 'Digwyddiadau arddull ‘Cinio a Dysgu’ i staff a myfyrwyr sy'n ymdrin ag ymwybyddiaeth, effeithio ac adrodd am droseddau casineb. 26

University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD)

Virtual Staff:13:00-14:00

‘Lunch and Learn’ style events for staff and students covering hate crime awareness, impacts and reporting.

ExploringtheBarriersto ReportingHateCrime

North Wales Police and Crime

Commissioner, North Wales Police, Victim Support, North West Wales Community Cohesion Team, and North West and North East Community Cohesion Team

Virtual-viaZoom 16:00-17:00

North Wales Police and Crime

Commissioner, Andy Dunbobbin, North Wales Police, Victim Support and the North Wales Community Cohesion Teams are coming together to host an online presentation and discussion to explore the barriers to reporting hate crime within the communities of North Wales.

This hour long session will share insight from services working directly with victims and will look at what can be done within communities and by service providers to enable the best support to victims and encourage reporting.


North Wales PCC, Andy Dunbobbin North Wales Police Diversity Unit Wales Hate Support Centre at Victim Support Community Cohesion Co-ordinators the barriers to reporting hate crime tickets 427803189857

Tuesday 11 October 2022 C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk HateCrimeAwareness

Dydd Mawrth

11 Hydref

Bore Coffi Ymwybyddiaeth

Troseddau Casineb

Hafan Cymru

Hafan Cymru, Swyddfa Torfaen


10:00 - 12:00

Bore coffi i gleientiaid a staff Hafan Cymru yr effeithir arnynt gan droseddau casineb a digwyddiadau casineb ddod at ei gilydd a rhannu eu profiadau.

Mae’r bore hefyd i staff sydd eisiau dysgu mwy am sut i gefnogi eu cleientiaid a allai fod yn profi digwyddiadau/troseddau casineb yn eu herbyn.

Darperir rhagor o wybodaeth a chymorth i gleientiaid a staff.



Dyfed Powys Police


Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


Heddlu Gwent / Swyddfa Gwent y

Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd CanolTrefCaerffili 10:00-14:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.



Heddlu De Cymru

NeuaddauPreswylGogleddTalybont 10:00-15:00

Stondin, gasebo a Bws Diogelwch Myfyrwyr Ymgysylltu Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb Cenedlaethol, Hyrwyddo

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb a holl negeseuon diogelwch myfyrwyr

Cyswllt: Marios.Dixon@south


Heddlu De Cymru

KingsSquare,HoltonRoad,Barry 15:00-17:00

Stondin Ymgysylltu Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb

Cyswllt: Marios.Dixon@south

C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk


October 2022

Hate Crime Awareness Coffee Morning

Hafan Cymru

Hafan Cymru, Torfaen Office


10:00 - 12:00

A coffee morning for Hafan Cymru clients and staff impacted by hate crime and hate incidents to come together and share their experiences.

The morning is also for staff who want to learn more on how to support their clients who may be experiencing hate incidents/crimes against them. Further information and support for clients and staff will be provided.



Gwent Police / Gwent Police & Crime Commissioner CaerphillyTownCentre 10:00-14:00

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.



South Wales Police

TalybontHallsofResidence 10:00-15:00

National Hate Crime Awareness Week Engagement Stall, gazebo and Student Safety Bus. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness and all student safety messages



South Wales Police

KingsSquare,HoltonRoad,Barry 15:00-17:00


Dyfed Powys Police


Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

National Hate Crime Awareness Week Engagement Stall

Contact: Marios.Dixon@south

C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk



Heddlu De Cymru



Stondin Ymgysylltu Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb

Cyswllt: Marios.Dixon@south

YmwybyddiaethTroseddau Casineb Swansea University Rhithiol 14:30-15:30

DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Dyfed Powys Police

Knighton/Presteigne 10:00-1200

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Heddlu Trafnidiaeth Prydeinig

ColwynBayRailwayStation 09:00 13:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


'Digwyddiadau arddull ‘Cinio a Dysgu’ i staff a myfyrwyr sy'n ymdrin ag ymwybyddiaeth, effeithio ac adrodd am droseddau casineb.

Mawrth 11 Hydref


October 2022


South Wales Police UniverisityofWalesConcourse 11:00-14:00

National Hate Crime Awareness Week

Engagement Stall

Contact: Marios.Dixon@south


Swansea University Virtual Students:14:30-15:30

‘Lunch and Learn’ style events for staff and students covering hate crime awareness, impacts and reporting.


Dyfed Powys Police

Knighton/Presteigne 10:00-1200

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.


British Transport Police ColwynBayRailwayStation 09:00 13:00

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.



Siarter Troseddau Casineb

Yr Wythnos Genedlaethol Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb mae'r Siarter yn cyrraedd ei AIL ben-blwydd

Mae'r Siarter Troseddau Casineb yn nodi nifer o hawliau i ddioddefwyr a thystion troseddau casineb.

Gwahoddir sefydliadau a grwpiau cymunedol, mawr a bach, i ymuno â'r Siarter Troseddau.

Mae'r rhai sy'n cofrestru ac yn cymryd camau cadarnhaol i ddeddfu'r siarter a chreu amgylchedd gwell i ddioddefwyr a thystion troseddau casineb yn derbyn y Nod Ymddiriedolaeth i'w harddangos yn y sefydliad ac ar ddeunyddiau hyrwyddo.

Casineb Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr: 32 eYQHxeQoRkA/viewform

Hate Crime Charter

This National Hate Crime Awareness Week the Charter reaches its SECOND Anniversary

The Hate Crime Charter sets out a number of rights for victims and witnesses of hate crime.

Organisations large and small are invited to sign up to the Victim Support Hate Crime Charter.

Those that sign up and take positive action to enact the charter and create a better environment for victims and witnesses of hate crime are awarded the Trustmark for display within the organisation and on promotional materials.

Support the Hate Crime Charter: 33 eYQHxeQoRkA/viewform

NosonTeuluFfilmaBwyd Uned107,GreenhillParade,Dyfaty (StrydFawr,Abertawe) 16:00 18:30

Ffilm a Bwyd Noson ffilm gyfeillgar am ddim gyda bwyd a diodydd am ddim yn gynwysedig

https://protect 99Cko6RcEXzGh2

GweminarFewnol Victim Support Rhithiol

Gweminar fewnol ar gyfer staff Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr ledled Cymru a Lloegr yn amlygu heriau cyfoes i adrodd am droseddau casineb.

DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Hedddlu Dyfed Powys

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr. DigwyddiadYmgysylltu

Heddlu Gwent / Swyddfa Gwent y Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd Monmouthshire,Abergavenny Market 10am-14:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.



Heddlu Dyfed Powys LlandrindodWells

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Heddlu Dyfed Powys


Trafodaeth yn Guides/Rangers Llanidloes am Droseddau Casineb

Dydd Mercher 12 Hydref C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk

Movie&MunchFamilyFilm Night Unit107,GreenhillParade,Dyfatty (HighStreetinSwansea) 16:00 18:30

Movie & Munch - Free friendly film night with free food and drinks included https://protect 99Cko6RcEXzGh2 8yeI?


Dyfed Powys Police


Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

InternalWebinar Victim Support

Virtual Internal webinar for Victim Support staff across England and Wales highlighting contemporary challenges to hate crime reporting.


Dyfed Powys Police Co-op,StClears

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.


Gwent Police / Gwent Police & Crime Commissioner Monmouthshire,Abergavenny Market 10am-14:00

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.



Dyfed Powys Police Llanidloes

Discussion at Llanidloes Guides / Rangers about Hate Crime

Wednesday 12 October 2022 C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk




14:00 - 15:00

Mae Ymwybyddiaeth Genedlaethol Troseddau Casineb eleni rhwng 8 a 15 Hydref. Rydym wedi cael gwybod gan aelodau o gynnydd mewn troseddau casineb wedi'u hanelu at Bobl Anabl

Rydym wedi gwahodd Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr i gynnal y weminar hon am y Troseddau Casineb y gallai pobl anabl eu profi. Dysgu rhagor, megis sut i adrodd am drosedd casineb, gan gynnwys y broses os nad ydych yn adrodd am y mater i'r heddlu.

Bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn rhithwir.


C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk
PleasecontactAlexifyouhaveaccessrequirementsorhaveanyquestions Dydd
12 Hydref 36



14:00 - 15:00

National Hate Crime Awareness Week this year is between 8 15 October. We have been made aware by members of an increase of hate crime aimed at Disabled people.

We have invited Victim Support to hold this webinar about Hate Crime disabled people may experience. Find out more information, such as how to report a hate crime, including the process if you do not wish to report the matter to police.

This event will be virtual.

Please register at:


C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk
Wednesday 12 October 2022 37
0300 303 1982 C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk 38
C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk 0300 303 1982 39
C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk 40
C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk 41

Dydd Iau



Heddlu Dyfed Powys


Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd

a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


Heddlu Trafnidiaeth Prydeinig

RhylRailwayStation 09:00 13:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


Sioe Deithiol Wythnos

Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb y GIG

Betsy Cadwaladr University Health Board / Canolfan Cymorth Casineb


Ysbyty Gwynnedd 09:30 12:30

A yw trosedd casineb wedi effeithio arnoch chi neu a hoffech chi wybod pa gymorth sydd ar gael?

Dewch draw a siaradwch â staff GIG a Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yng nghyntedd yr ysbyty.


Heddlu De Cymru

AsdaBarry 15:00 - 17:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

YmwybyddiaethTroseddau Casineb

University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) Rhithiol

Staff: 13:00 14:00

‘'Digwyddiadau arddull ‘Cinio a Dysgu’ i staff a myfyrwyr sy'n ymdrin ag ymwybyddiaeth, effeithio ac adrodd am droseddau casineb.


Heddlu Gwent / Swyddfa Gwent y Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd Newport,Kingsway/FriarsWalk 10:00 14:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr. Cyswllt:

DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Dyfed Powys Police Ystradgynlais

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk


October 2022


Dyfed Powys Police


Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.


British Transport Police RhylRailwayStation 09:00 13:00

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.


NHSHateCrimeAwareness WeekRoadshow

Betsy Cadwaladr University Health Board / Wales Hate Support Centre


09:30 - 12:30

Have you been impacted by hate crime or would you like to know what support is available? Come along and speak to NHS and Victim Support staff in the foyer of the hospital.


South Wales Police

AsdaBarry 15:00 17:00

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.


University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD)

Virtual Staff: 13:00 - 14:00

‘Lunch and Learn’ style events for staff and students covering hate crime awareness, impacts and reporting.


Gwent Police / Gwent Police & Crime Commissioner Newport,Kingsway/FriarsWalk 10:00 14:00

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.



Dyfed Powys Police


Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk

Profiad Bywyd

Cafodd LEAF (Fforwm Eiriolaeth Profiad Bywyd) ei sefydlu gan Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn gynharach eleni o ganlyniad i arian gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gynnal Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru. Mae’n cydnabod pwysigrwydd dysgu o brofiad bywyd pobl i helpu i siapio a datblygu’r gwasanaeth Troseddau Casineb cenedlaethol.

Mae LEAF yn cynnwys grŵp gwirfoddol craidd wedi’i gefnogi gan gymuned ehangach o wirfoddolwyr, hefyd gyda phrofiad bywyd, sy’n helpu i lywio’r drafodaeth a’n galluogi ni i gael ystod mor eang â phosib o brofiad a barn. Fel sefydliad, mae Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn awyddus iawn i flaenoriaethu llais y rhai hynny yr effeithiwyd arnynt. Nod craidd y Fforwm yw helpu i siapio datblygiad Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru drwy ddarparu arweiniad drwy brofiad pobl o gasineb a’i effaith, a chefnogi sdatblygu, rhannu gwybodaeth,

dysgu a thwf y Ganolfan Gymorth ac aelodau’r grŵp.

Mae’r grŵp craidd eisoes wedi nodi’r materion allweddol sydd, yn eu barn nhw, angen eu harchwilio ymhellach yn seiliedig ar eu profiadau ar y cyd o gael eu targedu a phrofi Troseddau Casineb. Serch hynny, maen nhw wedi penderfynu y dylid blaenoriaethu archwilio’r rhwystrau rhag adrodd Troseddau Casineb, oherwydd mae’n ymddangos bod hyn yn hanfodol i geisio gwella gwasanaethau a chanlyniadau.

Dyfarnwyd grant gan y Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol i Ganolfan Astudiaethau Casineb Prifysgol Caerlŷr i arwain prosiect sy’n mynd i’r afael â throseddau casineb homoffobig, trawsffobig a deuffobig yng Nghaerlŷr a Swydd Gaerlŷr. Er bod y darn hwn o waith wedi’i anelu’n uniongyrchol at fynd i’r afael â’r broblem o dan adrodd ymysg dioddefwyr LHDT o droseddau casineb o fewn Swydd Gaerlŷr, dangosodd ein canlyniadau o ran rhwystrau yng Nghymru ar draws yr holl nodweddion gwarchodedig batrwm tebyg iawn studies/research/identifying barriers and solutions to under reporting

Fforwm Eiriolaeth

Lived Experience Advocacy Forum

LEAF (Lived Experience Advocacy Forum) was established by Victim Support earlier this year as a result of Welsh Government’s funding to Victim Support to run the Wales Hate Support Centre. It recognises the importance of learning from peoples’ lived experience to help shape & develop the national Hate Crime service.

LEAF consists of a core voluntary group supplemented by a wider community of volunteers, also with lived experience, who help inform the discussion and allow us to capture as wide an input of experience & opinion as possible.

sharing, learning and growth of both the Support Centre & members of the group

The core group has already identified key issues which they feel need exploring further based on their collective experiences of being targeted and subjected to Hate Crime. They however decided that priority should be given to exploring barriers to reporting Hate Crime as this seems fundamental to trying to improve services & outcomes.

As an organisation Victim Support is really keen for the voice of those who have been impacted to be heard first & foremost. The core aim of the Forum is to help shape the development of the Wales Hate Support Centre by providing a steer through lived experience of hate and its impact, and support the development, knowledge

The Centre for Hate Studies at University of Leicester was awarded a grant from the Equality and Human Rights Commission to lead a project that tackles homophobic, transphobic and biphobic hate crime in Leicester and Leicestershire. Whilst this piece of work was directly aimed at addressing the problem of under reporting amongst LGBT victims of hate crime within Leicestershire our findings around barriers within Wales across all protected characteristics showed a very similar pattern studies/research/identifying-barriersand-solutions-to-under-reporting


Mae dioddefwyr a gefnogir gan Ganolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru yn cyfeirio at y rhwystrau hyn yn rheolaidd, ond roedd y Fforwm o’r farn ei bod hi’n bwysig tynnu sylw at y materion allweddol fel y gall gwasanaethau perthnasol gydnabod a mynd i’r afael â’r rhain wrth symud ymlaen.

Yn gynnar iawn yn y drafodaeth, roedd hi’n amlwg bod rhwystrau sylweddol yn bresennol nid yn unig yn syth ar ôl achos ond hefyd am sbel wedi hynny, wrth i ddioddefwyr ei chael hi’n anodd adfer a chael cymorth priodol.

Gan fod sawl asiantaeth wahanol bosib yn cefnogi dioddefwyr, gan gynnwys yr heddlu, asiantau tai a chynghorau yn ogystal â sefydliadau arbenigol annibynnol eraill fel Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr, teimlwyd ei bod yr un mor bwysig i’r rhwystrau hyn gael eu nodi ond hefyd y dylid cyfeirio at adegau allweddol yn yr ymchwiliad/proses gymorth lle maen nhw amlycaf.

Nodwyd rhwystrau yn ystod yr adegau allweddol hyn:

Cyn cyflwyno adroddiad cychwynnol h.y. mae achos wedi digwydd pa rwystrau all stopio’r dioddefwr rhag adrodd i’r asiantaeth berthnasol a gofyn i gychwyn ymchwiliad?

Yn ystod ymchwiliad h.y. mae adroddiad cychwynnol wedi’i gyflwyno – pa rwystrau all y dioddefwr eu hwynebu a all ei atal rhag parhau i geisio gwneud iawn am yr hyn a ddigwyddodd?

Ar ôl yr ymchwiliad h.y. mae’r ymchwiliad wedi’i gwblhau gan yr asiantaeth berthnasol – beth yw canfyddiad y dioddefwr a sut bydd hyn yn trosi i deimlad o ddatrysiad neu hyder yn y broses?

Lived Experience Advocacy Forum

Lived Experience Advocacy Forum

These barriers are regularly referenced by victims who are being supported by the Wales Hate Support Centre but the Forum felt that it was important to highlight key issues so that these, moving forward, can be better acknowledged & addressed by relevant services.

Very early on in discussion it was apparent that there are significant barriers in place not only immediately following an incident but also in the aftermath, when victims are struggling to recover & receive appropriate support.

As there are potentially many different agencies supporting victims, including police, housing agencies and councils as well as other independent specialist organisations such as Victim Support it was similarly felt important that these barriers should not only be identified but also that reference be made to key moments within an investigation/support where they are felt to be most prevalent.

Barriers were identified during these key times:

Before an initial report is made i.e. an incident has occurred what barriers will potentially stop the victim from reporting to the relevant agency & requesting an investigation commence?

During an investigation i.e. an initial report has been made –what barriers will the victim potentially face which may preclude them from continuing to pursue reparation?

After the investigation i.e. the investigation has been completed by the relevant agency – what is the perception of the victim & how will this translate to a feeling of resolution or confidence in the process?

Fforwm Eiriolaeth Profiad Bywyd Canlyniadau’r Arolwg CYN: Prif Rwystrau 25% Profiad blaenorol gwael “yn aml... ei israddio i anghydfod rhwng cymdogion neu Ymddygiad Gwrth Gymdeithasol fel petai’n fân annifyrrwch neu anghytuno pan fo’n bywydau wedi’u troi wyneb i waered a’u rheoli gan y cyflawnwyr” 25% Ddim yn gwybod am ddewisiadau adrodd/gwasanaethau cymorth’ "wedi adrodd achos...ond ni ddaeth unrhyw beth ohono" 25% Ddim yn fy nghredu’ 12.5% Y mater ddim yn cael ei gymryd o ddifrif’ “Mae rhai ymddygiadau yr ydym ni’n eu hadrodd yn swnio’n ddiniwed wrth i ni geisio eu hesbonio. Mae’n anodd iawn esbonio bod rhai patrymau ymddygiad a brofir dros gyfnodau hir o amser yn cynyddu sensitifrwydd rhywun iddyn nhw” 12.5% Pryder am ôl-effeithiau/gwneud y sefyllfa’n waeth 48
Lived Experience Advocacy Forum Survey Results BEFORE: Top Barriers 25% Poor previous experience “often…downgrade it to a neighbour dispute or Anti Social Behaviour as though it's a minor annoyance or a disagreement when we're having our whole lives turned upside-down and controlled by the perpetrators.” 25% Not knowing about other reporting options/support services "reported incident...but nothing came of it" 25% Not being believed 12.5% Issue not being taken seriously “Some behaviours that we report sound like they are harmless when we try to explain them. It’s very hard to explain that certain patterns of behaviour that are experienced over long periods increasingly build ones sensitivity to them” 12.5% Concern about repurcussions / making the situation worse 49
Canlyniadau’r Arolwg DURING: Top Barriers "Mae rhai asiantaethau wir yn deall effaith yr ymddygiad atgas yr ydym yn ei brofi, ond mae eraill nad ydyn nhw’n deall...rydym ni wedi cael cyngor gwrthgyferbyniol gydag un yn llwyr ddeall ac un arall yn dweud y dylem ni ‘godi uwchlaw’r mater" 14.5% “Mae’r heddlu yn aml yn troi’r sefyllfa o gwmp arnoch chi” 14.5% “Methodd pob siec a balans a does dim un diwrnod sy’n mynd heibio lle dydw i ddim yn dymuno na chefais fy ngeni.” 14.5% Diffyg ymwybyddiaeth o wasanaethau cymorth’ 14.5% Oedi mewn ymatebion/ cyfathrebu’ Drwgdybiaeth 27.5% Y mater ddim yn cael ei gymryd o ddifrif/diffyg dealltwriaeth o’r effaith’ Rhagfarn ddiarwybod a stigma’ 14.5% 50 Diffyg ymwybyddiaeth o’ch hawliau’ Fforwm Eiriolaeth Profiad Bywyd
Survey Results DURING: Top Barriers “We’ve had some agencies that really do understand the impact of the hateful behaviour we are experiencing, and others that don’t…we have had contradictory advice with one totally understanding and another saying we should just ‘rise above it’ 14.5% “The police often turn the situation around on 14.5% “Every check and balance failed and not a day goes by when I do not wish I hadn’t been born.” 14.5% Lack of awareness of support services 14.5% Delays in responses / communication Mistrust Lived Experience Advocacy Forum 27.5% Issue not being taken seriously / lack of understanding of the impact Unconscious bias & stigma 14.5% 51 Lack of awarenessof your rights
Ar ôl: Prif Rwystrau "Mae’n rhaid i mi brofi fy niniweidrwydd pan wyf yn cael fy adrodd yn faleisus, ond does dim ôl effeithiau ar gyfer y cyflawnwr(cyflawnwyr) ac mae’n llythrennol yn hwerthin arnaf" 12.5% "Mae’r system wedi torri’n llwyr a does neb yn malio dim...rydw i’n dymuno y gallwn eistedd mewn ystafell a dweud wrthyn nhw am effeithiau eu gweithredoedd a nhwythau’n ateb fy nghwestiynau" Drwgdybiaeth 87.5% Teimlo fel bod y gwasanaethau yn gwneud esgus i gael gwared ohonoch’ "roedd fel petai wedi digwydd, nawr cariwch ymlaen, er bod yr Heddlu wedi cyfaddef eu bod wedi gwneud camgymeriad ond ni wnaethon nhw gynnig unrhyw gymorth wrth roi gwybod i mi sut i symud ymlaen.... Felly, cawsom ein gadael ar gyfeiliorn" "Nid yw’n deimlad braf gwybod nad yw fy nghymydog wedi’i gosbi am wneud yr hyn a wnaeth, a ninnau’n cael ein gweld fel y bobl ddrwg gan weddill y cymdogion yn y pen draw oherwydd y celwyddon y dywedodd fy nghymydog wrthyn nhw amdanom ni. Felly nawr does neb yn siarad gyda ni, ond rydw i’n dal i sefyll yn falch gan fy mod yn gwybod y gwir. Cywilydd arnyn nhw" 52 Fforwm Eiriolaeth Profiad Bywyd Canlyniadau’r Arolwg

Survey Results


Feeling fobbed off

“I am left to prove my innocence when I'm maliciously reported but the perpetrator(s) have no repercussions at all and literally laugh at me”

“it was as if its happened now get on with it even though the Police admitted they had got it wrong but they were of no help in telling me how to move forward….. So we were left adrift”

“It is not a nice feeling to know my neighbour got away with doing what they did and we ended up being the bad guys in the eyes of the rest of my neighbours through the lies my neighbour told them about us. So now no one talks to us but I hold my head high as I know the truth. Shame on them.”

“The system is completely broken and no one cares…I wish I could sit in a room and tell them the effects of their actions and have them answer my questions.”

Top Barriers
Mistrust Lived Experience Advocacy Forum 87.5%

Fel sefydliad, mae Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn cydnabod nad yw pob dioddefwr trosedd

Serch hynny, rydym ni’n clywed profiadau tebyg iawn i

o’r datganiadau uchod yn ystod

cefnogi dioddefwyr.



gasineb yn cael yr un profiad.
ein gwaith yn
y Fforwm yn awyddus i rannu eu profiadau
gyda chymunedau ac asiantaethau ar draws Cymru i helpu i siapio gwasanaethau i gefnogi dioddefwyr troseddau casineb yn well. “...mae hyn yn dangos diystyrwch llwyr i’r effaith a gafodd y drosedd hon arnaf fi a’r rhai hynny o’m cwmpas. Bu’n rhaid i mi gymryd meddyginiaeth a des i’n agoraffobig gan dreulio bron i flwyddyn yn byw yn fy ystafell wely. Dioddefais o byliau o banig a gorbryder, yn ofni beth oedd ar y gweill; oherwydd, eto, roedd cyfathrebu drwy’r heddlu yn wan. Mae’n gwbl amlwg y cafodd hyn effaith ganlyniadol ar fy nheulu (partner a mab). ...Rydw i’n ddiolchgar iawn am y cymorth gan y tîm troseddau casineb a wnaeth fy ysgogi yn aml i beidio â byw mewn ofn, gan eu bod yn hoffi eich atgoffa na ddylech chi deimlo cywilydd nac euogrwydd am fod yn ddioddefwr, yn enwedig un sy’n dewis sefyll i fyny dros ei hun. Rhoddwyd llawer o gyngor i’m helpu drwy’r diffyg cyfathrebu gan yr heddlu, felly rydw i’n ddiolchgar iawn, iawn am y gwasanaeth yma.” Os ydych chi, neu rywun rydych chi’n ei adnabod, wedi’ch effeithio gan gynnwys yr erthygl hon, cysylltwch â Chanolfan Cymorth Troseddau Casineb Cymru drwy ffonio 0300 303 1982 neu anfonwch e bost atom ni drwy Fel arall, ewch i’n gwefan Fforwm Eiriolaeth Profiad Bywyd

As an organisation Victim Support acknowledges that not every victim of hate crime has the same experience.

We do however hear very similar experiences to many of the above during our work supporting victims.

The Forum were keen to share their lived experiences with communities and agencies across Wales to help shape services to better support victims of hate crime.

…this shows a total disregard to the impact of this crime had on me and those around me , I had to medicate and became agoraphobic spending the best part of a year living in my bedroom have suffered panic attacks and high anxiety, terrified of what was to come; as again communication via police was lax. It goes without saying that this had a knock on effect to my family (partner and son).

…I am very grateful for the help and support from the hate crime team who quite often picked me up from living in absolute fear, as they like to remind you there should be no shame or guilt in being a victim, especially one that chooses to stand up for themselves, and there was a lot of advice given to help me through the lack of communication from the police, so I am very, very grateful for this service.”

If you, or someone you know, has been affected by the content of this article please reach out to the Wales Hate Support Centre by calling 0300 303 1982 or email us at

Alternatively please visit our website

Lived Experience Advocacy Forum

Dydd Gwener

14 Hydref

DigwyddiadymgysylltuGêmBêl-droedCPDTrefAberystwythaSirHwlffordd CPD Tref Aberystwyth, Haverfordwest County, Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Canolbarth Cymru a’r De Orllewin , Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru


Cic Gychwyn 20:00

Ar Ddydd Gwener 14eg Hydref bydd CPD Tref Aberystwyth yn chwarae yn erbyn Sir Hwlffordd fel rhan o gemau Uwch Gynghrair Cymru (cic gychwyn 8pm)

Cyn y gêm ac yn ystod hanner amser bydd y Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol, Prifysgol Aberystwyth a Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn cynnal gweithgaredd ymgysylltu i godi ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau Casineb a HCAW 2022.

Bydd hyn yn cynnwys baner ochr y cae a matiau cwrw yn y bar, wal addewidion i chwaraewyr a chefnogwyr wneud addewidion tuag at agwedd ddi oddefgarwch at hiliaeth neu gasineb mewn chwaraeon.

Bydd gan Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr stondin yn y clwb gyda gwybodaeth, llenyddiaeth a chefnogaeth ar gael i unrhyw un sydd wedi profi trosedd casineb neu unrhyw un a hoffai ddarganfod mwy.

Cyswllt: Sarah Bowen

C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk

Friday 14

October 2022

Engagement Event: Aberystwyth Town FC and Haverfordwest County Football Match

Aberystwyth Town FC, Haverfordwest County, Mid & South West Wales Community Cohesion Team, Wales Hate Support Centre

Aberystwyth FC Kick Off 20:00

On Friday 14th October Aberystwyth Town FC will play Haverfordwest County as part of the Welsh Premier League fixtures (Ko 8pm).

Before the game and during half time the Community Cohesion Team, Aberystwyth University and Victim Support will be holding engagement activity to raise awareness of Hate Crime and HCAW 2022. This will include a pitch side banner and beer mats in the bar, a pledge wall for players and supporters to make promises towards a non-tolerance approach to racism or hate in sport.

Victim Support will have a stand in the club house with information, literature and support available to anyone who has experienced hate crime or anyone who would like to find out more.

Contact: Sarah Bowen

C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk

Dydd Gwener

14 Hydref


Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Torfaen


TorfaenaChaerffili Medi 22 a Hydref 14

Gofynnir i bobl ifanc gymryd rhan mewn cystadleuaeth poster bydd yr enillydd yn derbyn taleb ac yna bydd y poster buddugol yn cael ei osod mewn siopau lleol i godi ymwybyddiaeth o droseddau casineb.


DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Gwent Police

EbbwValePoliceStation,Bethcar Street,EbwVale,NP336UY

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Cyswllt: DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Heddlu Gwent

BargoedYMCA,AeronPlace, Bargoed,CF818IA

Cefnogi lansiad taflen a ddyluniwyd yn lleol rhwng Heddlu Gwent a People First Caerffili

Cyswllt: DigwyddiadYmgysylltu

Heddlu Gwent / Swyddfa Gwent y

Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd BlaenauGwent,MarchnadGlyn Ebwy 10:00 13:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.



Friday 14

October 2022


Torfaen Community Cohesion Team

YouthProvisionsacrossTorfaenand Caerphilly

22 September - 14 October

Young people are being asked to enter a poster competition the winner will receive a voucher and the winning poster will then be put up in local shops to raise awareness around hate crimes.



Gwent Police

EbbwValePoliceStation,Bethcar Street,EbwVale,NP336UY

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Conact: EngagementEvent

Gwent Police

BargoedYMCA,AeronPlace, Bargoed,CF818IA

Support the launch of a locally designed leaflet between Gwent Police and Caerphilly People First



Heddlu Gwent / Swyddfa Gwent y Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd BlaenauGwent,EbbwValeMarket 10:00 13:00

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.





Heddlu Gewnt




Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


Heddlu De Cymru Tesco,TerraNovaWay,Penarth

11:00 13:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Cyswllt: Marios.Dixon@south

DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Heddlu De Cymru

YsgolStCyres,Penarth 13:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Cyswllt: Marios.Dixon@south

DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Heddlu De Cymru

LlyfrgellSili 09:30 11:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Cyswllt: Marios.Dixon@south


Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Abertawe

LibertyStadium 17:35 19:35

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.

Dydd Gwener 14

14 October 2022


Gwent Police

BlaenauGwent,EbbwValePolice Station


Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.


South Wales Police Tesco,TerraNovaWay,Penarth


Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Conact: Marios.Dixon@south


South Wales Police StCyresSchool,Penarth


Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Contact: Marios.Dixon@south


South Wales Police SullyLibrary 09:30-11:00

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Conact: Marios.Dixon@south

EngagementEvent-Ospreysv Stormers

Swansea Community Cohesion Team LibertyStadium

17:35 19:35

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.


diweddariadau a newyddion o’r sector

Cymorth i ddioddefwyr a goroeswyr ymosodiadau gan derfysgwyr.

Mae’r Swyddfa Gartref wedi cyhoeddi cyllid ar gyfer pedwar sefydliad sy'n darparu cymorth i ddioddefwyr a goroeswyr ymosodiadau gan derfysgwyr:

Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr, Cruse Bereavement Support, The Peace Foundation ac Ymddiriedolaeth Sefydledig y GIG Maudsley. Gyda’i gilydd, bydd y sefydliadau hyn yn darparu llinell gymorth 24/7, asesiadau ac atgyfeiriadau iechyd meddwl, cymorth profedigaeth a rhwydweithiau cymorth gan gymheiriaid hirdymor.

“Rydym yn cydnabod y gall dioddefwyr ymosodiadau gan derfysgwyr gael eu heffeithio mewn mwy o ffyrdd nag y gallai llawer ohonom fyth eu hystyried.

Bydd parhau â'r cyllid yn sicrhau bod y rhai yr effeithir arnynt gan ymosodiadau gan derfysgwyr yn gallu cael ystod eang o gymorth ymarferol ac emosiynol yn eu hymdrech i weithio drwy’r digwyddiadau trawmatig hyn.

Cylchlythyr Troseddau Casineb Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron (CPS)

Cael diweddariadau am waith y CPS i fynd i'r afael â throseddau casineb yn uniongyrchol i’ch blwch negeseuon. Bydd y cylchlythyr chwarterol yn cynnwys eu gwaith diweddaraf ar draws y system cyfiawnder troseddol i fynd i’r afael â throseddau casineb, yn ogystal â straeon o’u gwaith ymgysylltu â’r gymuned a mewnwelediad i sut y maent wedi erlyn achosion. fbclid=IwAR0J373EwzOpKoih57TSLukgDLUfK3zLwcpkqMaHgeV_jxS6sdjiYUxWKbg

Adroddiad Blynyddol Comisiynydd Dioddefwyr 2021/22.

Y Fonesig Vera Baird CF Cymru a Lloegr. “Yn syml, mae dioddefwyr eisiau ac angen triniaeth dda a theg. Mae’n bryd i ni gyflawni.



Resources, updates and news from the sector

Support for Victims and Survivors of Terrorist Attacks

The Home Office has announced funding for four organisations that provide support to victims and survivors of terrorist attacks: Victim Support, Cruse Bereavement Support, the Peace Foundation and the Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Together, these organisations will provide a 24/7 support line, mental health assessments and referrals, bereavement support and long term peer support networks. "We recognise the victims of terror attacks can be affected in more ways than many of us could ever contemplate. The continuation of funding will ensure those affected by terrorist attacks can be provided with a broad range of practical and emotional support in their attempt to work through these traumatic events." secretary continues funding to support victims of terrorism

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) Hate Crime Newsletter

Get updates about the work of the CPS to tackle hate crime direct to your mailbox. The quarterly newsletter will feature their latest work across the criminal justice system to tackle hate crime, as well as stories from their community engagement work and insights into how they've prosecuted cases. fbclid=IwAR0J373EwzOpKoih57TSLukgDLUfK3zLwcpkqMaHgeV jxS6sdjiYUxWKbg

2021/22 Victims' Commissioner Annual Report

Dame Vera Baird QC Victims' Commissioner for England and Wales. "Victims simply want and need good and fair treatment. It's time we delivered.

commisioner Annual report


MOJ7216 Victims

Adnoddau, diweddariadau a newyddion o’r sector

Mae Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron yn addo defnyddio gorchmynion gwahardd newydd

Mae’r CPS wedi addo defnyddio gorchmynion gwahardd pêl droed i’r rhai a gafwyd yn euog o droseddau casineb ar-lein sy’n gysylltiedig â’r gêm a’u hatal rhag mynychu gemau:

Canllawiau Coleg yr Heddlu NEWYDD

Mae Coleg yr Heddlu wedi cyhoeddi canllawiau interim newydd i helpu'r heddlu i reoli cwynion gan y cyhoedd lle dywedir bod digwyddiad wedi’i ysgogi gan elyniaeth neu ragfarn. Mae'r diweddariadau yn ceisio unioni’r fantol rhwng rhyddid i lefaru ac amddiffyn aelodau sy'n agored i niwed o'r cyhoedd.

Gellir gweld y canllawiau interim newydd yma: freedom expression updated guidance

OFN A GOBAITH 2022: Adlinio Gwleidyddiaeth Hunaniaeth

Dros ddegawd ar ôl eu hadroddiad ‘Ofn a GOBAITH’ cyntaf, mae Ofn a GOBAITH 2022 yn edrych ar sut mae’r dirwedd wleidyddol wedi newid yn gyfan gwbl yn y degawd diwethaf: hope 2022/


Resources, updates and news from the sector

Crown Prosecution Service vows to use new banning orders

The CPS has vowed to use football banning orders to those convicted of online hate crime connected to the game and prevent them from attending matches: hate crime cps vows use new banning orders

NEW College of Policing Guidance

The College of Policing have issued new interim guidance to help police manage complaints from the public where an incident is said to be motivated by hostility or prejudice. The updates seek to redress the balance between freedom of speech and protecting vulnerable members of the public.

The new interim guidance can be found here: freedom expression updated guidance

Fear & Hope 2022: A Realignment of Identity Politics

More than a decade on from their first ‘Fear & HOPE’ report, Fear & HOPE 2022 looks at how the political landscape has changed entirely in the last decade,


Adnoddau, diweddariadau a newyddion o’r sector

Digwyddiadau i ddod gan yr Ymddiriedolaeth Diogelwch Cymunedol:

20 Hydref, 14:00, Diogelwch ar lein (sut i’ch amddiffyn eich hun a’ch cymuned rhag bygythiadau ar-lein): Cofrestru:

26 Hydref 14:00, Archwilio’r De eithaf (archwiliad o gyflwr presennol y de eithaf yn y DU): Cofrestru:

3 Tachwedd 19:00, Ymosodiadau gan derfysgwyr yn y gorffennol gwersi a ddysgwyd (Cyfnodau ymosodiad a sut y gallwn ddysgu o ddigwyddiadau’r gorffennol i atal ymosodiadau yn y dyfodol) Cofrestru:

10 Tachweddr 14:00, Diogelwch digwyddiad ar gyfer eich cymuned (Mesurau diogelwch priodol i sicrhau diogelwch nifer fawr o bobl) Cofrestru:


Digwyddiadau a Hyfforddiant i Ddod events/

Mae podlediad dwyieithog ar ‘Mynd i’r afael â throseddau casineb gwaith Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr i wneud Cymru'n lle mwy caredig, mwy cynhwysol i fyw’ ar gael yma: Cymraeg:

Rhwydwaith Cymunedau

Resources, updates and news from the sector

Upcoming events from the Community Safety Trust

20th October at 2pm, Online security (How to protect yourself and your community from online threats): Registration:

26th October at 2pm, Exploring the Far Right (An exploration of the current state of the far right in the UK): Registration:

3rd November at 7pm, Past terror attacks lessons learned (The phases of an attack and how we can learn from past incidents to foil future attacks):


10th November at 2pm, Event security for your community (Appropriate security measures to ensure the safety of large numbers of people):


Wales Safer Communities Network

Upcoming training & events: events/

Bilingual podcast on 'Tackling racism and hate crime - the work of Victim Support in making Wales a kinder, more inclusive place to live' is available here: English:



Heddlu Dyfed Powys


Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


Heddlu De Cymru



Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.



Heddlu Dyfed Powys

ClwbIeuenctid,NeuaddyGlowyr, Rhydaman

Ewch i’r clwb ieuenctid i siarad am effeithiau troseddau casineb a sut i’w adrodd amdanynt. it.


Heddlu De Cymru

Tesco,TerraNovaWay,Penarth 11:00 13:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.



Heddlu De Cymru

LlanedeyrnHyb 11:00 13:00

Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau

Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr.


Dydd Sadwrn 15 Hydref



Dyfed Powys Police


Information table. Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.


South Wales Police



Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Contact: Marios.Dixon@south


Dyfed Powys Police


Visit to the youth club to talk about the impact of hate crime and how to report it.


South Wales Police


11:00 - 13:00

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.

Contact: Marios.Dixon@south


South Wales Police


11:00 13:00

Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.


Saturday 15 October
Ar Ddod... C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Heddlu Gwent / Swyddfa Gwent y Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd Newport/Allway 10am-14:00 Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr. DigwyddiadYmgysylltu Heddlu Gwent CanolfanHamddenPenarthMaes ParcioCanolfanFeddygolCefn Fforest Digwyddiad ymgysylltu Hyrwyddo Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, codi ymwybyddiaeth o adrodd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer dioddefwyr. Cyswllt: DiversityandInclusion@gwent.police. uk Hyfforddiant Troseddau Casineb Am Ddim ymholiadau hyfforddi: oOg gzEtw8z s nOVX5EZTfMONhkTqW8QxU0QAmFEQ/viewform 70



Coming Up... C N cho a O sen2@ca d or uk
Gwent Police / Gwent Police & Crime Commissioner Newport/Allway 10am-14:00 Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims.
Gwent Police CefnFforestMedicalCentreCar Park Engagement event. Promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week, raising awareness of reporting and support for victims. Contact: DiversityandInclusion@gwent.police. uk Free Hate Crime Training Training enquiries: oOg gzEtw8z s nOVX5EZTfMONhkTqW8QxU0QAmFEQ/viewform 71
#CymruYnghyd #WalesTogether

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