Ella's Work Experience

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Ella‘s Work Experience I wanted my work experience to be something that I am interested in and possibly an area, I could potentially see my future in. Both my parents have worked within the Criminal Justice System, and we have often had conversations about the effects and impact that crime has on its victims

I also met with the Social Media team, and learned how important and impactive it can be to reach out to the community and those that may be suffering in silence, to encourage them to reach out to Victim Support, even if they have not formally reported a crime to the Police.

I have therefore been very fortunate to be able to attend work experience with the Hate Crime Team at Victim Support, which they very kindly organised for me.

I also met with one of the team’s training and engagement officers and we had a lengthy discussion around how to make Victim Support more accessible to young people, we had a look at a current poster, and I was able to give my thoughts and views on it, which I enjoyed very much. I was also able to join a Children and Young Persons Community of Practice forum, which discussed legislation covering young people in England and Wales, as a young person, I found this extremely informative and interesting.

On my first day, I travelled to Cardiff to Victim Support’s main office, at met with the Hate Crime Team. Becca was there to kindly welcome me, and she heads the team that work within this team. I started my day by getting a tour of the office by Becca. Then I was introduced to the team and then we went into a room to begin an introduction. I was given a clear and detailed description of the job and what hate crime is by Becca. I was very surprised to see the statistics of hate crime under Race, Sexual Orientation, Transgender, Religion and Disability. Then I met with Caitlin, she explained to me what the guidelines and procedures are that need to be met for a social media post. Caitlin began to show me how to use Canva which is what is used at victim support to create posts. I was surprised that there was a certain colour scheme and fonts of text that had to be used for the social media post to be suitable for the Instagram, Facebook and Twitter page. We began to think of ideas to post for International Youth Day and this year the theme is green skills. Then Becca gave me the task of photocopying many copies for the face-to-face meetings with young people. At first this was a challenge but now I have learned how to print and photocopy using an office printer (will be useful in the future if I have an office job). For the remainder of my days, I worked remotely, joining in on team meetings and meeting with other staff members from the team, such as case workers, who support victims of hate crime, offering them an opportunity to speak about their experiences, as well as the impact that may have had on them, as well as offer options to difficulties the victims may have experienced with the criminal justice system, such as the Police, or other local authority services, such as the housing department.

I would like to thank Becca and the team for making me feel so welcome and for the experience that I had as part of the team, during the time spent with them. I believe that I have come away from the experience with a wealth of information, on the impact crime has on victims, especially those who are additionally targeted due to their characteristics. This experience has made me even more focused on the next couple of years at school to work hard and to try my best so that I can continue on my educational journey of studying criminology in university in the future, possibly leading to helping victims of crime in some way in the future. Ella Glynn



Profiad Gwaith Ella Roeddwn i am i fy mhrofiad gwaith fod yn rhywbeth yr oedd yn fy niddori i ac mewn maes yr oeddwn i'n fy ngweld i'n gweithio ynddo yn y dyfodol o bosibl. Mae fy rhieni ill dau wedi gweithio yn y System Cyfiawnder Troseddol, ac rydyn ni'n aml wedi trafod yr effaith y mae troseddau yn ei chael ar ddioddefwyr. Rydw i wedi bod yn ffodus iawn i allu gwneud fy mhrofiad gwaith gyda Thîm Troseddau Casineb y gwasanaeth Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr, a drefnon nhw i fi. Ar fy niwrnod cyntaf, teithiais i brif swyddfa Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yng Nghaerdydd, a chyfarfod â'r Tîm Troseddau Casineb. Roedd Becca yno i fy nghroesawu. Hi sy'n arwain y tîm sy'n gweithio o fewn y tîm hwn. Dechreuais i'r diwrnod gyda thaith o amgylch y swyddfa gyda Becca. Yna cefais fy nghyflwyno i'r tîm cyn mynd i ystafell i ddechrau'r broses sefydlu. Cefais ddisgrifiad clir a manwl o'r swydd a throseddau casineb gan Becca. Roeddwn i wedi synnu gan ystadegau troseddau casineb sy'n gysylltiedig â Hil, Cyfeiriadedd Rhywedd, Trawsrywiol, Crefydd ac Anabledd. Yna es i gwrdd â Caitlin. Eglurodd i mi'r canllawiau a'r gweithdrefnau sydd angen eu diwallu cyn cyhoeddi neges ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Dechreuodd Caitlin ddangos i fi sut i ddefnyddio Canva, sef y feddalwedd y mae'r gwasanaeth Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn ei defnyddio i greu postiadau. Roeddwn i wedi synnu bod angen glynu wrth gynllun lliw a ffont penodol ar gyfer postiadau'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol i fod yn addas ar gyfer y dudalen Instagram, Facebook a Twitter. Dechreuon ni feddwl am syniadau ar gyfer postiadau Diwrnod Ieuenctid Cenedlaethol ac eleni, y thema oedd sgiliau gwyrdd. Yna gofynnodd Becca i mi lungopïo tudalennau ar gyfer y cyfarfodydd wyneb yn wyneb â phobl ifanc. Roedd hyn yn her i gychwyn, ond nawr rydw i wedi dysgu sut i argraffu a llungopïo gan ddefnyddio argraffydd swyddfa (fydd hyn yn ddefnyddiol yn y dyfodol os caf i swydd mewn swyddfa). Ar gyfer gweddill yr wythnos, gweithiais o bell gan ymuno â chyfarfodydd tîm a chyfarfod ag aelodau eraill o'r tîm, fel y gweithwyr achos, sy'n cefnogi dioddefwyr troseddau casineb, yn cynnig cyfle iddynt siarad am eu profiadau, yn ogystal â'r effaith y mae'r troseddau

casineb wedi'i chael arnynt a'r anawsterau y gallai'r dioddefwyr fod wedi'u profi gyda'r system cyfiawnder troseddol, fel yr Heddlu neu wasanaethau eraill yr awdurdod lleol, fel yr adran dai. Roedd hon yn sesiwn ddiddorol dros ben gan helpu fi i ddeall rhywfaint o'r gwaith pwysig mae fy Mam wedi'i wneud i'r tîm hwn yn flaenorol. Cefais gyfarfod â thîm y Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol a dysgu pa mor bwysig ac effeithiol yw estyn allan at y gymuned a'r rheiny allai fod yn dioddef yn dawel er mwyn eu hannog i gysylltu â'r gwasanaeth Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr, hyd yn oed os nad ydyn nhw wedi adrodd am y drosedd yn ffurfiol i'r Heddlu. Mi gwrddais i ag un o swyddogion hyfforddi ac ymgysylltu'r tîm hefyd a chawsom drafodaeth hir am sut i wneud Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn fwy hygyrch i bobl ifanc. Edrychom ar boster cyfredol ac roeddwn wedi gallu rhoi fy marn arno. Mi wnes i fwynhau hyn yn fawr. Cefais gyfle hefyd i ymuno â fforwm Cymuned Ymarfer Plant a Phobl Ifanc, a oedd yn trafod deddfwriaeth sy'n cwmpasu pobl ifanc yng Nghymru a Lloegr. Fel person ifanc fy hun, roedd yn ddiddorol ac yn llawn gwybodaeth. Hoffwn ddiolch i Becca a'r tîm am y croeso a gefais ac am y profiad o fod yn rhan o'r tîm yn ystod y cyfnod gyda nhw. Rwy'n credu fy mod i wedi dod i ffwrdd o'r profiad â chyfoeth o wybodaeth am yr effaith y mae trosedd yn ei chael ar ddioddefwyr, yn enwedig y rheiny sy'n cael eu targedu'n benodol oherwydd eu nodweddion personol. Mae'r profiad hwn wedi fy annog i ganolbwyntio ar y blynyddoedd nesaf yn yr ysgol i weithio'n galed a rhoi fy ngorau glas er mwyn gallu parhau gyda fy siwrnai addysgol ac astudio troseddeg yn y brifysgol yn y dyfodol, gan arwain, o bosibl, at helpu dioddefwyr troseddau mewn rhyw ffordd yn y dyfodol. Ella Glynn

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