Michigan Marine News - Summer 2017

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The Magazine of the Department of Michigan Marine Corps League and Marine Corps League Auxiliary


Iwo Jima Replica Visits Convention IWO JIMA REPLICA VISITS CONVENTION www.michiganmarines.org 1


As the new Editor of the Michigan Marine News, I’ve learned quickly this is not a piece of cake. Most people with the title “Editor” have a large staff doing all the work. I can assure you, as a staff of one, this is not the case. For me, laying out the work is the most difficult part. I love to write, but copy layout, especially in an unfamiliar application, was a very time-consuming task. So bear with me if you see some mistakes or something looking not right in the layout. The more I work in Publisher, the more proficient I will become. One of the more critical aspects of this job is meeting deadlines. I have to set deadlines for submissions so I can meet deadlines for publication. I remind you this is your newsletter—send me pictures, programs, stories or anything else that can be turned into an article. I want to showcase your detachment—let everyone learn or enjoy what you are doing. Although I will accept items by snail mail, electronic copies of pictures and articles is absolutely the preferred way to receive them. When you send pictures be sure you identify those in the picture– and the higher resolution the better. For those in leadership roles, - Commandant, Sr. Vice Commandant, Jr. Vice Commandant, Paymaster, Past National and Department Commandants, Committee Chairs, Auxiliary President and officers, Pack Leader, Zone Vice Commandants and other appointed or elected officials, there is always room for your remarks or submissions. Although this first issue does not contain any advertising, I may include some in the future. If you know of a company or product that would be a natural to advertise in the newsletter, let me know and I will contact them. My contact information is as follows: jerrymckeon@me.com. 555 Townsend Street—Unit 104. Birmingham, Michigan 48009. Please note you must include the unit number, as there are seven other homeowners sharing the street address in this condominium complex. Semper Fi D. Jerry McKeon—Editor

NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE October 5th, 2017 2

Michigan Marine News CONTENTS

From the Editor’s Desk


Memory of Fallen Brothers


New Leadership Installed


New Officers Installed


Commandant’s Message


About The Cover


Sr. Vice and Jr. Vice Commandants


Dave Masunas—Up Front and Personal


Jon VanTol and Al Pearson Up front and Personal


Meeting Briefs


Distinguished Guests


National Scene


Auxiliary President—Ann LeClair


Devil Dogs—Worthy Pack leader Scott Neff


Marine Week


Convention Highlights


Foundation and Go Fund Me


Winter Rally Information


Detachment Events


Macomb Detachment Bag Pipes


Price of Leadership– Pie Toss


Cpl. Stanley L. Moore


Montford Point Detachment


Calendar Of Events


Final Page—What is a Marine?


In Memory of the Fifteen Fallen Marines and One Navy Corpsmen Who Perished in a Recent Plane Crash. It Was Told They Were Marine Raiders on a Training Exercise. Rest in Peace Our Departed Brothers!



Every two years, the leadership at the Marine Corps League, Department of Michigan changes. A new Commandant takes charge. The Marine previously serving as the Senior Vice Commandant moves into the Commandant position and the Junior Vice Commandant moves into the Senior Vice Commandant’s position. And a new Junior Vice Commandant comes aboard to begin moving up the chain of command. This scenario is not guaranteed, as a vote of the membership is required. The Marine Corps League, Department of Michigan is considered to be a well-run organization. National leaders have recognized that and have said so. Therefore, when a new Marine takes command, the transition between the two is generally smooth with little or no surprises. That holds true again this year. Wendy Zamora, our outgoing Commandant kept the department programs running smoothly, the finances in check and our presence on the national scene quite visible. She didn’t do it alone as most Commandants don’t - it took dedicated Committee Chairs, Officers and Trustees to follow her lead. Dave Masunas is our new commandant, elected at the summer convention in Escanaba. Dave’s exceptional work as the Senior Vice and prior as the Junior Vice Commandant brought him to this position. Jon Van Tol moves up the ladder to become Senior Vice Commandant and Al Pearson joins the senior officer team as the Jr. Vice Commandant. Installed with them are Judge Advocate - Earl Allison, Paymaster – Phil Zamora, Chaplain – Fred Green, Jr. Past Commandant – Wendy Zamora, and Adjutant – Ray Rayl, Also installed were Zone Vice Commandants Thomas Burton of the Northern Zone – Gary Gross, Central Zone, D. Jerry McKeon, Eastern Zone, Stephen Fletcher, Southeast Zone – Art Menard, Upper Peninsula Zone, Kevin Magin, Western Zone and Mike Moross of the Southern Zone. The significant aspect of this transition is that it could be any one of us leading the department or taking any one of these stated positions. It just takes a decision to become involved. No matter what role you play, your membership is important. You are encouraged to step it up a notch – increase your commitment to your detachment or to the department – it will be a gratifying experience. Semper Fi!


COMMANDANT DAVE MASUNAS I would like to start out by thanking everyone for electing me to the position of Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Commandant. We have a lot of work ahead of us but I'm confident that with the group of officers the members have elected, the officers I have appointed and the Ladies Auxiliary we will meet the task head on and move forward in the right direction. We are here to work for you and we are only as strong as the membership is so we need your input to help guide us in the right direction. We are here to steer the ship but need your guidance to avoid the obstacles. I can't promise I will always get things right but I promise I will learn from my mistakes and continue to put my best effort forward for the Department, the members and the Auxiliary. Thank you and Semper Fi!

Dave Masunas Department Commandant Serves on National Eagle Scout Committee

Dave is a great supporter of the Eagle Scout Good Citizenship Award Program. The Eagle Scout Good Citizenship Award is an attractive 8-1/2 x 11 certificate available from the Semper Fi Store. It’s easy to personalize on your home computer. Every time you make a presentation you bring your organization to the forefront and make a solid connection with the community. It fulfills part of the Marine Corps League Mission, which is to preserve the traditions, promote the interest, and perpetuate the history of the United States Marine Corps. Get behind it today! 5

ABOUT THE COVER The Iwo Jima Memorial is dedicated to all personnel of the United States Marine Corps who have died in the defense of their country since 1775. The design of the massive sculpture by Felix de Weldon was based on the iconic photo Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, taking during the Battle by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal. Michigan Marine is a witness to the Iwo Jima Flag Raising. During WW II, George McNeil (1925-1999) served as a Marine radio operator in the Pacific; there he witnessed the Iwo Jima flag raising. Determined to someday recreate the scene, it was fifty years later before George completed the project. George died in 1999, and after years passed, his family donated the impressive hand-made memorial to the Keweenaw Peninsula Marine Corps League with the hope it would be displayed more in parades, memorials and other military type events. The Detachment has been good caretakers displaying it in as many community events in the Western UP as possible. Recently the Detachment purchased an enclosed trailer to prevent damages as they traveled from one event to another. Detachment Paymaster Paul Smigowski offers their first goal has been to share this hand-built tribute to these men (which itself is a treasure) and this important part of history with the people of as many communities and at as many events in the U. P. as possible. “Everywhere it has been, our “Iwo Jima Float” was received with great interest. We have had the opportunity to share information on the event itself, the men that raised the flag, and about the man that built it, George McNeil.” “We are making repairs to our “Iwo Jima Float” as money, materials, and volunteers are available. Should you wish to contribute to this project or perhaps arrange to bring it to your hometown parade, contact Paul Smigowski, 51760 Seeburg Dr, Calumet, Michigan 49913 – website: http://kew1016.webs.com

As we move well into the 21st century, the first person stories of the brave Marines landing on Iwo Jima Island will soon fall silent. Occurring seventy-two years ago, there are still a few veterans in their nineties alive; how unfortunate that within the next ten to fifteen years, all voices will be stilled. You do not have to remind them that 6,800 American troops didn’t return home alive and the casualty count approached 26,000. “Operation Detachment” as the initial landing was named, was expected to be over within a week, not the 36-day battle that ensued. The photo of the raising of the American flag on Mt. Suribachi caught by photographer Joe Rosenthal is perhaps the most photographed military event of all times. The replica on our cover shows how a Marine that experienced the horrors of this beach landing first hand, was impacted by the image of the American flag being raised on Japanese soil. Marine George Mitchell honored this event with his replica and it serves as a reminder to us of the harshness of war and the sacrifices veterans make to keep our flag flying on both American and Foreign soil. 6


I would first like to thank everyone for placing your confidence in me by selecting me as the Department Senior Vice Commandant. I will work diligently to perform my duties. With everyone’s assistance we will be successful in helping our veterans in the hospitals and veteran’s homes. I would like to remind you of some upcoming Department Fundraisers: Flags at Mt Pleasant Walmart August 26th and 27th 0900-1700. We need your support to be successful; contact me phone/text at 989-225-5047 or email jvantol@svsu.edu to sign up. “Many hands light work”. Little Rollers Raffle October 21st Cocktails at 1700, Dinner at 1800 Tickets are $50 include drinks and dinner. At the Utica, Michigan American Legion— 46146 Cass Ave Utica MI 48316 For tickets or to donate silent auction items contact me contact phone/text at 989-225-5047 or email jvantol@svsu.edu or Dave Masunas at phone/text 231-301-0950 or email masunasfam@gtlakes.com


There have been almost too many honors to handle over the past few months and I’m humbly grateful for each and every one. Being elected to serve the Michigan Marines as the Department Jr. Vice Commandant is very special. I will work extremely hard to fulfill your expectations always keeping the best interest of the Department in mind. The surprise of my life came when selected as the Central Division Marine of the Year. What a great honor considering all the worthy Marines that could have been selected. I want to especially thank the Marines in my Detachment. It’s their support and encouragement that brought me to these great honors. My position is to work for you. Don’t ever hesitate to contact me. 7

Dave Masunas—Up Front and Personal It takes a great deal of time and study to become an Eagle Scout. Serving on the Scout Committee of the National Marine Corps League, Dave Masunas certainly recognizes it. And as chairman of the Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Eagle Scout Committee since 2009, Dave has presented dozens of Certificates of Achievement to new Eagle Scouts recognizing their outstanding accomplishments. Involved in Marine Corps League activities since 2006, Dave is one of those members that never said “no.” First serving as the Oceana Detachment Commandant, then moving to Vice Commandant of the Western Zone. The past four years has been spent in Department leadership positions, first as the Junior Vice Commandant and more recently as the Senior Vice Commandant. Working hard at both of the positions, two years as the chief fundraiser, and two more years as the department recruiter, Dave now feels ready to take on the Commandant job! In volunteer leadership positions, a supportive family is essential. The first lady in Dave’s household is his wife Kendra. With a Masters Degree in social work, she’ll keep Dave’s busy days in check. Being a Marine there’s one very important day of the year – you guessed it, the Marine Corps Birthday. November 10th became even more important to Dave as his daughter Alexis, was born on that day in 1999. Alexis graduates this year from Hart High School. College bound in the fall, Alma College is Alexis’s choice with an interest in biochemistry. Son Ryan, a sophomore at Hart High, has a law enforcement career in mind. Joining a branch of the military might be in the cards; you can guess Dave wants him to join his beloved Corps. To lead a group of Marines, you must be a Marine. Joining the Corps in 1990, Dave is a “Hollywood” Marine, graduating from MCRD - San Diego. He spent 5 months in Okinawa with the rest of his tour spent in Arizona and Camp Pendleton. While still on active duty, Dave and Kendra married in 1992, and until Dave was honorably discharged in 1994, the two lived outside the gates of Camp Pendleton. Returning home, Kendra completed her studies at Grand Valley and Dave took on a job in Montague, Michigan. With two teenagers in the family, Dave and Kendra’s days are filled with work, school activities and now, an uptick in Marine Corps League work. As income from the Great Lakes Marketing arrangement dwindles, Dave hopes the “gofundme.com” endeavor will be overwhelmingly successful. He certainly does not want any of the valuable programs supported by the Department to go away. With his prankish behavior and great sense of humor, Dave will tackle the year with Marine Corps pride, enthusiasm and a bit of levity. The Commandant’s position is a one-year term. The bylaws allow an additional one-year term should Dave seek re-election. We all wish Dave and his team well.



Jon VanTol —Up Front and Personal In life there are lifters and leaners—Jon VanTol certainly falls into the latter category. Members recognized Jon’s ambitious behavior when two years ago they elected him Department Jr. Vice Commandant. Jon’s work with the Marine Corps League involves all levels of the organization’s structure. He serves at the National command as a committee chairman, the Central Division as Sgt. Of Arms and of course an officer for the past two years at the Department of Michigan. Jon was the forming officer of the recently chartered Edsen-Kline-VanSlyke #1423 Detachment and has headed two different detachments as Commandant. Outside of the Marine Corps league Jon is the current President of the Auburn Williams Lion’s Club, a member of the Bay County Veteran’s Council Color and Honor Guard, assisting in over fifty funerals a year. Jon is also a Commissioner on the Bay County Soldiers and Sailors Relief Commission responsible for developing an online check-in on the counties website that veterans can fill out prior to their visit. A Devil Dog, Jon is the Sr. Vice Pack leader of the Michigan Pack. In the active Marine Corps, Jon held various MOS’s including a special weapons guard assigned to keeping the Polaris missiles in check.

Jon is married to Sandy. His son Justin and his wife Amanda have given the VanTols two grandchildren to fuss over. The Senior Vice Commandant’s position is a one year term. The Bylaws allow an additional one year term should Jon seek reelection.

Al Pearson Picks Up Central Division Marine of the Year Award. How many of you know that Al Pearson spent seven years in the Navy after his four year tour in the Marine Corps?

The Grandfather of ten and great grandfather of four, is proud of his family of servicemen.—retired Army and Navy veterans. Not shy about accepting responsibility, Al’s held every position in his detachment except Paymaster. Stepping away from his present position as Vice Commandant, Western Zone to fill the Jr. Commandant’s position. Al attends all Central Division meetings where he serves in appointed positions. Congratulations on this great honor Al.


Meeting Briefs In the absence of dues renewal notices from National, delinquent membership rolls have swelled. Whether you select the Paymaster or someone else, Detachments are encouraged to establish procedures to follow up on delinquent members. Failing to follow up, your detachments may continue to see your active membership slide. The Department of Michigan Marine Corps League membership count is at 1,878. Three hundred and ninety eight members are currently delinquent!

Members with a membership due date between July 1, 2017 and August 30 2017, can pay their annual dues anytime through August 30, 2017. Dues have now returned to the regular amount; any full payment through August 30, 2017 will bring you current through August 30, 2018. There is grave concern that all member Detachments remain current in their IRS filings. National announced they intend to place a delinquent detachment in suspension and if the matter is not cleared within a year, the detachment charter could be yanked. Marine Tom Famularo from the Edsen Kline VanSlyke Detachment received the Department recruiting ribbon for securing four new members. Troy Stewart from the same Detachment came in second with three members. Twenty-six Michigan Marine Corps League members died this past year – fourteen members in 2016 and twelve in 2017 as reported by Department Chaplain Fred Green. Discussion on a bill before Congress that would devastate veterans receiving disability government assistance reported by Kevin Magin Historian Dale Erion is asking all Detachments to send him their Charter dates, a photocopy of their Charter and one page history of their Detachment. Dale is also seeking photographs of past Commandants. Dale can be reached at 517-663-3247 Jerry McKeon introduced the new Go-Fund-Me page. With the drop in donations from the Great Lakes Marketing program, it is hoped this account might replace some of the lost revenue - described elsewhere in this newsletter.


Meeting Briefs Continued Commandant Dave Masunas expressed thanks to all Marines participating in the Eagle Scout Good Citizenship Awards program - From July 2016, to June 2017, One Hundred and eight Good Citizenship Awards were presented. This is 28 more than the same period a year ago. $448.00 was the total cost of the program. The Commandant reminded the Marines that it’s a great recruitment tool. Ann LeClair, Michigan Marines Auxiliary announced their plans to host the 2017/2018 Winter Rally in Frankenmuth, Michigan. Set for January 18-21, 2018, the Bavarian Inn Lodge and Conference Center is the Headquarter Hotel. Hosting the 2018 Summer Convention, the Belcher Lane Williams Detachment announced the convention dates are May 31-June 2nd. The Double Tree Inn by Hilton in Port Huron will be the headquarter hotel. More information available soon. In keeping in line with Nationals Scholarship guidelines, Tim McGee, chairman of the Scholarship Committee, outlined some changes. Scholarships for this school year are closed.

Zone Commandants Installed Central Zone—Gary Gross—Belcher—Lane—Williams, Flint, Harold R. Cooley, John C Rock, Edson-KlineVanSlyke, Eastern Zone—Jerry McKeon—Cpl. Stanley L. Moore, Montford Point, North Oakland, Macomb County, Northwest, SSgt Bryan Burgess Northern Zone—Thomas Burton—Greater Michigan, Yagle Brothers, Cpl. Jack A. Davenport, Northern Michigan, Alpena Southeast Zone—Stephen Fletcher—Dearborn, Downriver, Washtenaw County, Monroe, Sgt. G.P. Porta, St Joseph County, Southern Zone—Michael Moross—Capital, Cascades, David Murnighan, Branch Area, Irish Hills, St Joseph County Area Upper Peninsula—Art Menard—Upper Peninsula, George St. Martin, Lake Superior, Keweenaw, Iron Mountain Western Zone—Kevin Magin—Fred Cochran, Muskegon, Wolverine, Kalamazoo, Shoreline, Oceana Brett Witteveen


Mark R. DePlanche, a Vietnam Combat Veteran, was awarded the Navy Cross for Heroic action taken in the line of duty in January, 1966.

Captain Bill Moore our guest speaker, took the audience along as he relived his career as a Marine Fighter Pilot in the Pacific in WWII. Such a rare treat to hear a first person account of his dangerous missions and near fatal mishaps. At ninety-six he has forgotten very little of a time in his life when the risks were high and the action nothing short of exhilarating. Bill is a member of the Lake Superior Detachment.

Although distinguished, but not guests, Dave Masunas the 2017 Marine of the Year, joins the club as the past Marine’s of the Year gather. They include Al Pierson, Phil Zamora, Don Lumsden, Dave Masunas, Wendy Zamora and John Touhy.



The Department of Michigan, Marine Corps League, heartily supports Ray Dailey in his bid to become the next National Judge Advocate of the Marine Corps League. Currently serving as the National Vice Commandant of the Central Division, Ray has represented Michigan well as part of the Central Division. Joining the Marine Corps League in 1992, Ray has served the Detachment, Department and National in leadership roles. Ray began as Detachment Sgt.at Arms and progressed through the Chairs to be the Detachment Commandant for 2 terms. Ray’s Involvement with the Department and National leadership began as the Department Sgt. at Arms. Serving the Department as trustee and Div. Vice, Commandant he progressed through the Chairs to Commandant, Department of Ohio for two terms. During the 1st term as Department Commandant, Ohio hosted Marine week 2012. and Ray coordinated the Marine Corps league participation. Ray is the recipient of Two Marine of the Year awards at Detachment level and one Marine of the YEAR award at the Department level. Ray served as National Asst. Sgt.at Arms, and Asst. National vice Commandant. Ray has actively participated at all National Budget Meetings the last three years along with attending all National meetings and conventions the last 10 years. Visiting all six Department’s in the Division a minimum of once per year, being in constant communication with the Departments leadership by phone and email. The Assistant Vice Commandant of the Central Division is our own Paymaster Phil Zamora. Should Ray move into the Judge Advocate position, Phil Zamora will be a wonderful replacement. If you are acquainted with a Marine Corps League member in another state, please tell them how the Department of Michigan, Marine Corps League feels about Ray’s candidacy.

ROBERT BORKA NAMED NEW DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AT NATIONAL Marine Corps League National Trustees announced the hiring of Flint native Robert Borka as the new Chief Operating Officer; he will be located at MCL National Headquarters in Virginia. Mr. Borka, once an active duty Marine, was most recently the Director of Operations at the Young Marines organization, earning the Lifetime Presidential Volunteer Service Award for his efforts. Mr. Borka is a business executive with thirty years of management experience. He brings organizational and leadership skills from the corporate world with a stellar reputation for success while at the Young Marines Organization. Robert and his family live in Dumfries, Virginia. They have three children. His wife Patricia is the director of administration at the Young Marines National Headquarters. Both she and Robert are members of the Chapel of Four Chaplains. Robert is a life member of the Flint Marine Corps League Detachment #155. The Board of Trustees thanked Mr. Thomas Hazlett Sr. for his services as the Marine Corps League Executive Director for the past two years. Borka assumed his new office on July 1, 2017. Michigan Marine Corps League members wish Marine Borka the very best in his new position. 13


Greetings from Department of Michigan Auxiliary! Thank you to the Upper Peninsula Detachment and Auxiliary for hosting this year’s Annual Convention. It was great to see friends and meet new ones. The Auxiliary had busy and successful meetings. We have an ambitious schedule ahead of us for 2017-2018 and are eager to get started. We are pleased to be able to contribute $3000 to the scholarship fund this year. We are working to find new ways to raise money to support the scholarship fund and ongoing veteran programs in the coming years. Following National Convention in August, we stand ready to help the League with activities during Marine Week in September. The Macomb Unit will provide lunch for Fall Staff attendees in October. I do not believe the price for lunch has been set yet, but I am certain it will be reasonably priced and tasty. Our other major project is preparing for Mid-Winter Rally that will be hosted by the Department Auxiliary at the Bavarian Inn Lodge in Frankenmuth, January 18-21, 2018. We are planning activities that we hope will be of interest to the whole family. The information package is attached. Reservations can be made at any time from now through January 1, 2018. I hope everyone will plan to join us, as Frankenmuth is a fun place to visit anytime of the year. There has been interest expressed for the formation or reactivation of Auxiliary Units around the state. If you know of an interested lady or group of ladies, please contact me or provide them with my contact information-mipresmcla@gmail.com My phone number is: home 810-687-6091 or cell 810-869-2399. The officers for 2017-2018, elected to our second terms, are: Ann LeClair, President; Amy Vallee, Sr. President; Jennifer Bryan, Jr. Vice President; and Marcy Oakley, Judge Advocate. Auditors are Sandy VanTol, Josie Mileski, and Diane Ditto. Appointed staff are: Chaplain, Ranea Lejewski; Secretary, Gerri Tuohy, Treasurer, Janet LeBeau; Fundraiser chair, Peggy Tuohy; Captain of the Guard, Benjawan Miller; and Ways and Means, Sue Rivard. I look forward to working with the members of the Department of Michigan MCL in the coming year and am confident that together we can be very successful in meeting our goals and having some fun along the way. Semper Fidelis, Ann LeClair President Department of Michigan MCLA


Woof Woof, Dogs of the Michigan Pack: Summer is finally in full swing and I am back on my Harley’s. June was a great time to be in the U.P. At the Supreme Growl, I think, we may have set a new record for bones. $358.00 bones were collected. Given that the attendance is usually a little low when we have a growl in the U.P. (46). As our Worthy Pack Dog Robber PDD Norm Pfaff mentioned to me “this was the most unruly pack of dogs in recent history”. Well done. Thank you to all who attended and “contributed” all those bones. The Pack of Michigan also donated 500 bones to the Department of Michigan’s Scholarship Fund. The check was presented at the banquet Saturday evening. Congratulations to PDD Steven Fletcher for Pack Dog of the year 2016, and to PDD Art Menard for 2017. To all the Marines and Dogs in the U.P, a job well done again hosting the Department Convention and Supreme Growl. The results of the nominations and elections were that all the chairs remain the same with the exception of PDD Gill Dysarczyk has decided to step back a half step as the Worthy Pack Mad Dog, but still in there in a supporting role. Woof Woof, for the great job with the multitudes of unruly mongrels over the years. Woof Woof, PDD Scott R. Neff Sr. Pack Leader, Michigan Pack, MIDD Pack Officers for 2017/2018 Worthy Pack Leader - PDD Scott Neff (248) 798-5776 scott.neff@marinemaddog.com Worthy Pack Sr. Vice - PDD Jon VanTol (989) 225-5047 jvantol@svsu.edu Worthy Pack Jr. Vice - PDD Steve Fletcher (734) 231-3007 - Stephen.fletcher@wowway.com Worthy Pack Smart Dog - PDD Phil Zamora (517) 204-4883 gunnyz@ameritech.net Worthy Pack Dog Trainer - PDD Dave Masunas (231) 301-0950 - masunasfam@gtlakes.com Worthy Pack Mad Dog - PDD Gilbert Dysarczyk (248) 681-7098 dysarczyk@att.net Worthy Pack Police Dog - PDD Art Menard (906) 280-7463 artmenard@charter.net Worthy Pack Dog Robber - PDD Norm Pfaff (586) 263-3448 norjo2@yahoo.com Worthy Pack Watch Dog = PDD Christine Tonegatto-Salo


Pound Six Dogs at a Recent Growl

Selected as this year’s Pack Devil Dog of the Year, Art Menard is a well deserved winner. This tireless Devil Dog Contributor, faithful Department Trustee, valuable Detachment member and a general pain in the ass when he set out to collect a record number of bones at the most recent Pack growl. Art is one of the Upper Peninsulas most active Marines, as he stands proudly with his award. Playing catch-up from last year, Stephen Fletcher was named the 2016 Pack Devil Dog of the Year. A Marine that can be found working everywhere, Steve is a Committee Chair, Zone Vice Commandant, Pack Officer and a valued community volunteer. Steve represents the best of Michigan Marine Corps League

Worthy Mad Dog Gil Dysarczyk, takes new pups through the Department Initiation prior to their acceptance as Pups or Devil Dogs 16

The Marines Are Landing—One of the Most Exciting


CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS The Remnants, a Barbershop style chorus, entertained Marines and Guests prior to dinner. The men all from Escanaba, included two local Detachment members.

Ann LeClair, President of the Auxiliary and Dave Masunas, Department Commandant are ready to take command

In somewhat of a surprise, Commandant Masunas was presented with the Dept. of Defense, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Ribbon, an upgrade from a previously awarded Meritorious Mass certificate in his file.

Commandant Dave Masunas and his Chief of Staff and Paymaster, Phil Zamora, get caught in the cameras eye. Below, Jr. Past Commandant Wendy Zamora and husband Phil Zamora


I See Hands Raised – What Is The Foundation? The Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Foundation was incorporated for one purpose: to seek donations for the Michigan Marine Corps League Scholarship Fund and the support of Veteran activities designed to reach sick and disabled veterans. Donations collected are earmarked exclusively for these causes. A Board of Trustees directs the organization led by D. Jerry McKeon its President. Jerry like the rest of the Trustees, are members of the Department of Michigan Marine Corps League. The Marine Corps League members are made up of those who served in the United States Marine Corps active and reserve components and were honorably discharged. It also includes U.S. Navy Corpsman who served with Fleet Marine Forces and U.S. Chaplains who served in the Fleet Marine Forces. Recognized as a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization, corporate donations as well as individual donations are recognized as deducible. Our Mission To raise funds and serve the needs of Michigan veterans, their families, and descendants through the programs, scholarships, and services provided by The Marine Corps League Department of Michigan. Our Programs Accredited Veteran Services – The Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Veteran Service division employs Veteran Affairs Accredited Service Officers to assist veterans and their families with the application process when applying for benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.. Scholarships – The Department of Michigan Marine Corps League has been providing scholarship grants to qualified applicants for many years. These scholarships help descendants of Michigan Marines with college expenses.

Annual VA Christmas Parties – The holidays can be a lonely time for Marines and veterans with little family around at the VA Hospitals and State Veteran Homes in Michigan. Members work to provide an evening during the month of December to the Veterans who are receiving long-term care or rehabilitation. Food, entertainment, and small gifts are given to the veterans to show them our appreciation for their service, then and now. Become a Friend of our Foundation – Your Donations help Defray The Cost of a College Education For a Student as Well as Bring Comfort to A Veteran in Need A Go Fund Me Page is Established to Allow Contributors to Donate Online with Credit Cards

To Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/ gf-me-u-uyeww


2018 MIDWINTER RALLY Frankenmuth, Michigan

Department of Michigan Marine Corps League & Auxiliary MCL Commandant Dave Masunas

MCLA President Ann LeClair

Welcomes you to the 2018 Department of Michigan Mid-Winter Rally, January 18-21, 2018, hosted by the Dept. of MI-MCLA. MCL Service Board Meeting- Thursday January 18,2018 @ 7pm.

Bavarian Inn Lodge & Conference Center One Covered Bridge Lane, Frankenmuth, MI Phone: 989-652-7200 For more information please contact Chairpersons:

PDP Mary Brief

Dept. Pres. Ann LeCLair

7120 Brief Rd

5283 W. Wilson Rd

Kingston, MI 48741

Clio, MI 48420




mipresmcla@gmail.com 20

2018 MIDWINTER RALLY Frankenmuth, Michigan

EXTRA EVENTS All extra events are offered on Thursday and Friday prior to Joint Opening. You MUST register, even if they are FREE.

You will need to provide your own transportation, they are within ½ mile of the Hotel. Thursday: FREE 5pm

Michigan’s Own Military Museum

(Guided Tour approx.90 min; admission regularly $7.00/person) *Donations appreciated to maintain the museum Thursday: $15

7pm Paint Class 7”x 14” canvas (At hotel) (all supplies provided)

Limited to first 12 persons registered

Friday: 10 am

Zeilinger Wool Company

FREE- (Guided Tour approx. 60 min) *This includes the carding of wool, making batting, the yarn mill, and the tying of quilts. Discount offered for anyone taking the tour on your purchases that day.


2018 MIDWINTER RALLY Frankenmuth, Michigan Rates:

$99.00 per standard double room plus 11% tax $ 109.00 per prem. double or king room plus 11%tax $ 159.00 per suite plus 11% tax

Reservation toll free number is: 1-800-652-7200 Online reservations: www.bavarininn.com/stay Use group # 12J9L0 Ending date for guaranteed group rate is January 1, 2018

All major credit cards accepted Free parking is available. All guest rooms have refrigerator, coffee maker, ironing board, hair dryer and complementary WIFI. The Lodge has 2 waterslides,4 indoor pools, 3 whirlpools, and gift shops, restaurants, and lounges. There is a 2-acre family fun center which includes an indoor 18-hole miniature golf course.

No pets permitted. (service animals allowed, please have papers as the hotel has the right to question) No smoking anywhere in the hotel. FREE shuttle between Lodge, Bavarian Inn, and Riverplace shopping center.


2018 MIDWINTER RALLY Frankenmuth, Michigan Please support our Mid-Winter Program Book Book size will be “8 ½ x 11” Full page 8 x 10 Half page



Quarter page 4 x 5 Business Card

$ 50 $ 25



Outside Back Cover 8 x 10

$150 sold

Inside Back Cover 8 x 10

$125 sold

Inside Front Cover 8x10

$125 sold

Sponsorship of the Hospitality Room $150 (Sponsorship includes: Sign in the Hospitality Room for the night, listing on the Gold Sponsor page, and full-page ad) *6 4 opportunities

Please make payment to: Department of Michigan MCLA Please submit camera ready art: PDP Mary Brief

7120 Brief Rd Kingston, MI 48741 989-550-9540 marybmimcla@gmail.com *No Credit Cards accepted Ad Deadline: December 1, 2017 23

2018 MIDWINTER RALLY Frankenmuth, Michigan

Registration Form Name: __________________________________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________________________________

Detachment/Unit: _________________________________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________________________ Detachment/Unit: _________________________________________________________ ‘ Qty


Registration: _______________ x $5.00 __________ Hospitality: ________________ x 15.00 __________ Banquet: _________________ x 35.00 __________ Painting: _________________ x $15 ___________*see event sheet for info Military Museum: _________ _x FREE ____-0-_____ * see event sheet for info Wool Company Tour ________x FREE ____-0-_____ * see event sheet for info Grand Total: __________________ Make checks payable to: Dept. of MI- MCLA Send Registration to: PDP Peggy Tuohy 3171 Ivy Lane Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Registration Deadline: January 1, 2018 24

Alpena Detachment # 1327 Frank Rosinski Commandant MCL Picnic—Saturday July 29 at the Starlight Beach Pavilion from 10:00 am—? All Marines and Associates are welcome . Saturday November 4th, Flags will be handed out at stores for a donation to support projects

Department of Michigan—Marine Corps League Department August - 26-27—Saturday and Sunday—Flag hand-out in Front of Walmart Mt. Pleasant— Fundraiser—Volunteers needed! Contact: Jon VanTol - 989-225-5047 October 21st—Saturday—Little Roller Raffle—VFW Post in Utica, Michigan—$50.00—Banquet Dinner and chance to win $1,000.00 Contact - Dave Masunas—231-301-0950

Cpl. Stanley L. Moore and North Oakland County Detachments September 23rd, Marine Corps League Charity Golf Outing—Selfridge Air National Guard Base—Mt Clemens Michigan. $85.00 includes 18 holes, golf cart, bagels, hot dogs, drink coupons, prizes, tee gifts and dinner. Sign up two weeks prior to gain base entry. Additional info: Tim McGee 248-643-0971

North Oakland County Detachment #570 Sunday September 24th—White Lake Inn, Waterford, Michigan —Annual Chili Cook Off—Also selling raffle tickets—contact Don Roach at droach0311@gmail.com for additional information.

Northwest Detachment #162 The Dean Martin Show!! Bringing a little Vegas to Northville. Come and enjoy “Dean Martin” aka John Morello straight from a 1960’s Vegas Show. Two shows— September 30, 2017— 4pm and 7pm. Presented at the VFW Post 4012— 438 N. Main Street, Northville, Michigan. $20.00 per show.

Montford Point Marine Corps League Detachment #158 Mark your calendar for August 5—9:00 am. The Marines at Montford Point are holding a breakfast to raise funds to spruce up their building in preparation for the upcoming Marine Week. Cost to attend is $25.00 with a number of sponsorships available. A huge outdoor mural will be painted on the building’s east side. All painted by Marine Corps artist. Call Isaac Robinson- 313-739-5093


Macomb County Detachment Bag Pipe And Drum Corps

It’s said the Macomb County Detachment has the only Marine Corps League Pipe and Drum Corps in the Country. Here they are in the City of Clawson, 4th of July Parade 26

The Pie-in-the-Face drawing winners enjoyed every minute of their opportunity to land a cream pie in the face of one of our leaders. The whole creamy mess is a fundraiser for the Scholarship Fund so the occasion was a profitable one. 

Scholarship Fund! Your Zone Commandant has a jar for your Detachment. After Each Detachment meeting pass the jar collecting loose change. At the 2018 Summer Convention turn in your donations. Let’s all help build the

Madam Commandant, Senior Vice Commandant and Junior Vice Commandant all donned some washable clothes for the occasion that brought the Summer Convention to a close —well almost—as new Commandant Dave Masunas called a Sunday morning meeting for about twenty of the Marines.


Loose Change Container To Build

scholarship fund.


From Top left clockwise: 

Delivering the Rifle Salute at the annual Veteran Day service in front of Troy City Hall, Detachment member Dave Wojta, Jerry McKeon, Don Lumsden and Jon Haber stand ready for the command.

Detachment members handing out roses in front of Walmart, take a moment for a photo op– Tony Snarski, Paul Romanowski and Jerry McKeon were part of a larger group.

Every year the John Dingell VA Center in Detroit holds a patient carnival and Tony Snarski, Paul Romanowsjki and Fred Mac Donald were there to help.

Placing wreaths on Headstones is an annual event at Great Lakes National cemetery. The Cpl. Stanley L. Moore showed up to help on this cold winter day.

It takes cooks to hold a successful Pancake Breakfast and Tim McGee and Keith Untenhaher filled the bill.


Members of the Montford Point Detachment 158 Marine Corps League hope to raise money to renovate their Joy Road headquarters with a fund-raiser on Aug. 5. The facility needs to be ready for Marine Week Detroit, Sept. 6-10 when active-duty Marines will come to the building and paint a Marine theme mural on its outside wall. Donations are welcome to “Montford Point Detachment 158 MCL,� mailed to the site of the fund-raiser: 13721 Joy Road, Detroit MI 48228-2511.

ABOVE: Marine Week planners gather around Montford Point Detachment Commandant Lamaar Harrington. LEFT: Active Duty Marines visiting the Montford Point Detachment Headquarters, take time for a group shot before getting back to the job at hand. 29

State-Wide Calendar Of Events Send In Your Event To Appear Here

August 5th - Community Breakfast and Fund-Raiser—9:00 am—Montford Point Detachment. To raise $40,000 for building improvements in preparation for Marine Week.. Contact 313-739-5093 for more information. August 26, 27—Saturday and Sunday—Department Fundraiser—Walmart Store in Mt. Pleasant - 9-5 each day. Money raised will benefit the Department Scholarship Fund. Volunteers welcome. Contact Jon VanTol - 989-225-5047 September 6-10 - Marine Week in and around the Detroit area. See newsletter for additional information. See page: September 23rd - Golf-outing - Fundraiser for North Oakland and Cpl. Stanley L. Moore Detachment. To be held at the Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Harrison Township, Michigan. $85.00 includes 18 holes of golf, bagels, hot dogs, dinner, golf cart and Tee gifts. Contact Tim McGee for additional information. 248-705– 9166 September 24th, North Oakland Detachment Annual Chili Cook-off. To be held at White Lake Inn in Waterford, Michigan. There’s room to compete or eat! September 30th—Dean Martin Show sponsored by the Northwest Detachment. Impersonator John Morello will present two Las Vegas style shows—4:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Admission: $20.00. Visit their website - www.semperfi162.org or call Mark Sutton at 248-390-5481 for additional information. October 21st Little Roller Raffle to be held at the American Legion Post in Utica, Michigan. Contact Dave Manusas— October 21st - 10:00 am. Department Staff meeting - American Legion Post—Utica Michigan

Millions of Veterans will Have Access to Online Military Exchanges Soon. Beginning Veterans Day, November 11th, any honorably discharged veteran will be allowed to shop at any of the online discounted military exchanges. Acting Undersecretary of Defense Peter Levine signed a memorandum in January announcing the expansion of services. Months of preparation are needed to connect VA records to the software they will use to verify veteran status. Don’t wait until November 11th to sign up for the services/ Many veteran’s records are not yet connected. Mine for example have not been digitized; to take advantage of this benefit I must send in my DD214 for verification. Different branches of the Armed Services are vigorously working to complete the process was the message I received. There is modest in size Patriot stores in the larger VA Hospitals where discounted goods can be purchased by visiting Veterans and volunteers working or using the facilities. Larger goods like automobile tires and batteries, lawn furniture and home goods can be ordered from onsite catalogs. Everything helps in a world of rising prices – check it out! 30

FINAL PAGE I Found This Description of a Marine and Thought You Might Enjoy It Some people think we came from hell, other think we should all go there. Then there are the wise ones who are glad we are around. So what does it take to be a Marine? I admit, you have to be a bit foolish, a little daring, somewhat adventurous, looking for a challenge and according to most parents-crazy. Why? Because we are special! We train differently, we act differently, we think like no others, we take chances where others never would, we do more with less. We are overflowing with pride. We wear our uniform with pride, we hold our heads up high with pride and our families are proud of us. Our country respects us, there are those who are not fond of us and the enemy fears us. So, unless you've been a Marine, no one really understands us, or what it takes to be a Marine. We are damn proud to be called "Marine". You can find a former Marine in all walks of life. People say we're dummies, stupid, crazy, obnoxious, animals. They just don't know. I have met former Marines who are lawyers, doctor, artists, police captains, business owners and just about any profession you can imagine. And every former Marine I have met is just as proud now as when they were in the Corps. Our ways in life and in combat are unconventional, unlike others, daring foolish or rude at times, impetuous, usually tough but always successful. We have been called, "America's 911". We know how to "take it" and we know how to " dish it out". We have gone through boot camp or OCS and became sensitive, caring and loving. Sensitive to what people say about us; caring for our fellow Marines, and loving our Corps and country. The men and women of the Marine Corps are highly motivated and held in high esteem by those who love us, hate us and fear us. We have an ego the size of Texas and a history to back it up. No one can ever take that away from us because we have earned it. When you join the Marine Corps, it's because you want to be a Marine. I know. Over the past century, we have been looked down upon, insulted, spat on rejected, degraded, used, abused, exploited and taken advantage of. We love it! We can take it; that's what makes us a Marine. This special treatment! We are respected and admired by other countries yet not in some social circles in our country. That is just fine because we shall be here, prepared to fight when our country needs us again. And we ask for nothing. That's what it takes to be a Marine. Gen. George S. Patton could not have said it any better when he said, "The highest obligation and privilege of citizenship it that of bearing arms for one's country." If it weren't for these crazy, foolhardy, vulgar, wild, gutsy, braggarts who joined the Marine Corps, we would not have a country, a free country. A free country that allows others to call us names. We have protected this country and died for you. Thank you for that honor.

WRITTEN BY: By Martin E. Shapiro �RVN� 1965/66, 1st Bn., 9th Marines


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