Michigan Marine News - Winter 2014 edition

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The Magazine of the Department of Michigan Marine Corps League and Marine Corps League Auxiliary



Edition 4

NORMAN PFAFF MESSAGE FROM THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDANT MARINES: I hope everyone had a Happy Marine Corps Birthday and Thanksgiving and now we can look forward to a Merry Christmas. Also our Mid-Winter rally is coming up in the last weekend in January. This is also the time for all the Detachments to install officers. I would like all the Zone Commandants to visit their Detachments and be sure all the paperwork is properly filled out including the 990N form. It was brought to my attention that several Detachments need to update their web sites and get the proper information on them. This is very important because if a new member wants to join the League, he has to have the right information. This is also important at the National Level. The following Detachments need to update their info. The following is a list of Detachments and last date they changed their status at the National level: 763 Branch 2006, 149 Cascades 2012, 684 Davenport 2006, 163 G.P. Porta 2006, 550 Geo St. Martin 2009, 156 Greater Michigan 2006, 841 H. R. Cooley 2007, 1182 Irish Hills 2011, 879 Kalamazoo 2006, 1016 Keweenaw 2013, 764 Lake Superior 2006, 157 Monroe 2006, 158 Montford Point 2010, 570 N. Oakland 2009, 690 Northern Michigan 2006, 162 Northwest 2006, 1027 Shoreline 2006, 444 Upper Peninsula 2010, 414 Washtenaw 2012, 165 Yagle Bros 2012. Let's get this information brought up to date as soon as possible. Again, this is important to our Detachments and the Department of Michigan. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See you at the Mid-Winter Rally. Semper Fi

Norm Pfaff Commandant, norjo2@yahoo.com or 586-263-3448

Cover photo credit: (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Lauren L. Whitney/Released)



Edition 4

The Editors Comments Hello everyone, Welcome to the Winter quarterly edition of the Michigan Marine News. The next three months will be very busy for all of us as we have the Department Mid-Winter in Frankenmuth that will be put on by the Department of Michigan MCL and Department of Michigan MCL Auxiliary. There will be classes that can help a detachment not only grow, but maybe help your officers or potential officers be better at their respective positions and can help them grow as league members. Soooooo take your pen out, copy the registration pages from this online magazine or go to the department website at www.michiganmarines.com and on the front page is the link for the midwinter packet and fill out this packet. Commandants if you cannot attend then send your Sr. Vice, another officer or a member of your detachment on January 30th & 31st. The Michigan Marine News is currently on a site that everyone is having a problem downloading a copy and it’s currently too big to send by email. I am in the process of trying to find software that will not only let you download those important forms, but also look at the magazine online or make a copy for those members who don’t have a computer (there still are members who don’t). Please be patient until that day comes. Lastly, all of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we hope to see you in Frankenmuth. Semper Fi…...Editor - Phil Zamora, PDC


14 - Department Fall Staff


MODD Pounds


Page 2 – Commandants Corner

Page 3 – Editors comments & Index

Page 4 - Sr Vice Commandant

Page 5 - Jr Vice Commandant

Page 6 - Worthy Pack Leader

Page 7-9 Mid Winter Info

Page 10 -11 1st Little Rollers

To submit a story to the Michigan Marine News, send your detachments photo’s or send your fundraising forms,


Send to: michmarinenews@gmail.com

Page 12 - 13 VAVS

Submit ARTICLES by FEB 20, 2015 to be included in the Spring 2015 edition



Marines, Corpsman and Associates: First I would like to thank all who attended the first “Little Rollers Raffle” in Mount Pleasant in October (pictures in this edition) and we hope that more people will show up for the 2nd Annual Little Rollers Raffle. Even though we didn’t make a lot of money off this raffle, we did make some money and this can be a huge money maker for our Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Foundation. If you would like to be involved with this raffle, please contact me and I will add you to the committee. If you have contacts that can get items to be raffled (trips, weekends at resorts or motels, high dollar items), please help, all monies go to our Foundation. In this edition of the MMN there is the Mid-Winter Rally information and also on our website www.michiganmarines.org. The packet needs to be in by January 18th to make sure you have a meal at the banquet and if you are buying an ad for the BOOKLET it is due by January 10th. These conventions and mid-winters are expensive to put on and could use your help by purchasing an ad to help offset the cost. Speaking of the Mid-Winter Rally, these meetings of the department are very important and each Detachment’s Commandant or their representative should attend the classes and get information to take back to your detachments. I started attending these Department meetings in 2006 when my detachment hosted a Department Convention and since then I have met some outstanding Marines, Corpsmen, Associates and Auxiliary and have made some lifetime friends during this time. If you have never been to a Mid-Winter, then please attend this years in Frankenmuth, MI at the Bavarian Inn Lodge and Conference Center on January 30th and January 31st. There will be classes, a Detachment Commandants council and for you Devil Dogs a GROWL on Friday night. So please plan on attending for a weekend of fun and meet some other amazing League members. Hope to see all of you soon. Semper Fi Wendy Zamora Sr. Vice Commandant Wendy Zamora is also the Department Scholarship chair and Kennel Quartermaster for the MODD



Happy 239th Marine Corps birthday to all. I hope everyone was able to attend a birthday ball. I attended the Oceana Brett Witteveen birthday ball. everyone enjoyed them selves with great food, good drinks and dancing. Our oldest Marine was Robert Lorenz, a WW II veteran who received the bronze star for his actions on Iwo Jima the youngest Marine was a 21 year old Marine currently serving in the Marine Corps reserve out of Grand Rapids. It's hard to believe it's that time of year already Christmas, New Years and with that SNOW. It seems like just yesterday I was at the Department Summer convention receiving a pie in my face(Good times!). Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. In October I attended the Department fund raiser "Little Roller$ Raffle". For those that were unable to attend I encourage you to attend next year. I would like to thank Wendy Zamora for all the hard work she put into making this a fun event. We are hoping that this will continue to grow each year. The motel was great, the food was outstanding and the games were fun. Bring a friend next year and enjoy in on the fun. Now onto my Department Jr. Vice Duties. I would like to thank everyone for there efforts in the past year on recruitment and retention. This is a never ending battle that we need to continue working on. Marines never back down from a challenge and it is our duty to continue to reach out to our brother and sister Marines that are still out there and let them know we are here for them. Remember "The Detachment is the most important unit in the League for it is composed of the membership, which is the very heart of the League. With out the Detachment the other units in the League would have no reason for existence. The life and growth of the League begins with the Detachments. At the Mid Winter Rally I will be holding a class on recruitment and retention (wish me luck). Tell your members to make sure they are keeping track of how many members they recruit. I will be giving out the Department Recruitment award in June at the summer convention. I will be bringing more information on this to the Mid Winter Rally in January. The top Department recruiter award went to Jonathan VanTol and second place went to Scott Neff this past June. I will continue to work hard for the membership and I thank you for your continued support as your Department Jr. Vice Commandant. Semper Fi!

David Masunas Junior Vice Commandant Cell (231) 301-0950 E-mail (masunasfam@gtlakes.com)


Dave Masunas is the Eagle Scout coordinator for the Department, a member of the National Boy Scout committee and the Deputy Kennel Quartermaster for the MODD

MILITARY ORDER OF THE DEVILDOGS WORTHY PACK LEADER The Fun and Honor Society of the Marine Corps League

Woof! Woof! Devil dogs, Before I go any farther I would like to congratulate all the Dogs that Advanced to Pedigree Devil Dog at the National Convention in West Virginia. While we are on this subject, on September 27th I visited Pound # 138’s Growl in Lansing, MI. Where Division Vice Chief Devil Dog PDD Dale Munson advanced then DD Eugene Osborn and DD Joseph Filko to Pedigree Devil Dogs. Then I had the honor and privilege to Install Pound 138’s Officers for 2015. My goal this year is to visit all the MI Pounds at least once before the Department Convention. If you haven’t been to our Department of Michigan site lately make sure you take a minute and visit it. http://www.michiganmarines.org/ Mark Sutton has done a very nice job with it and it has lots of good information. We have also updated the Pound contact information and now have your Pack officers listed. Before you know it our Department Mid-Winter will be here and I’m looking forward to seeing all of you in Frankenmuth at the Growl of the Pack. Be sure to bring plenty of bones, because I have been Barked at by our Past Pack Leader PDD Norm Pfaff, he has let me know, he has retrieved 100 Pack of MI “Challenge Coins’ and I know you are gonna want to get your Paws on at least one of them before the Growl starts. Watch out for the Dog Catcher and no howling if you don’t get a cat to chase for Christmas.

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Woof, Woof PDD Emil "Dutch" Franz Worthy Pack Leader - MODD Michigan Pack


Mid-Winter Rally Information HOST: Department of Michigan Marine Corps League & Marine Corps League Auxiliary

January 29 - February 1, 2015 MCL Service Board Meeting - Thursday, Jan. 29th at 7PM in the Board Room. ___________________________ Place: Bavarian Inn Lodge & Conference Center One Covered Bridge Lane, Frankenmuth, MI Tel. # 989-652-7200

Fax 989-652-3509

Reservation toll free number is: 1-800-652-7200 Rate: $89.00 per standard double room $99.00 per premium double or king room $149.99 suite (single, double, triple, quad) (all rooms are subject to 11% tax) Mention 'Marine Corps League' when making reservations. A cancellation fee of the first night’s room and tax will apply should a guest cancel their reservation less than 48 hours prior to arrival or does not arrive to check in on their scheduled arrival date. Check in time 3:00PM. Check out time is 11:00AM Cut off date for reservations is January 9, 2015 Free parking is available. No pets permitted.

For questions, information or concerns please contact event chair people: PNP Gerri Tuohy

Dept. Pres. Mary Brief

12086 Riverbend Dr. Grand Blanc, MI48439

7120 Brief Road Grand Kingston, MI 48741

Tel. (810) 695-3241

Tel. (989) 550-9540




Mid-Winter Rally Information HOST: Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Auxiliary

Department of Michigan Mid Winter Rally January 29 - February 1, 2015 Please use this form to pre-register for the 2015 Mid Winter Rally. Name: __________________________________ Title: ______________________ Detachment: _____________________________Tel # _______________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________ Title: ______________________ Detachment: _____________________________Tel # _______________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Strip Ticket: $55.00 Registration: $5.00 # attending ___________$ _____________ Hospitality: $15.00 # attending ___________$ _____________ Buffet Banquet: $35.00 # _____________attending $ ____________ Total: $____________ Please return this form with payment to: PNP Gerri Tuohy 12086 Riverbend Drive Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439 Make checks payable to: Dept. of MI MCLA Deadline for reservations - Jan. 18, 2015


Mid-Winter Rally Information HOST: Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Auxiliary

January 29 - February 1, 2015 Ad details for Department of Michigan Mid Winter Rally January 29 - February 1, 2015 We ask that you support our Mid Winter Program Book. Please use this form and mail to the proper address listed below. Book size: 8 1/2" X 11" 

Full page 8X10 $100.00

Half page 8X5 $50.00

Quarter page 4X5 $25.00

Business Card 2 X 31/2 $15.00

Patron name only $ 5.00

Outside Back Cover 8XI0 $150.00

Inside Front Cover 8X 10 $125.00

Inside Back Cover 8XI0 $125.00

Please return this form with Ad and payment to: PNC Jim Tuohy 12086 Riverbend Drive Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Deadline for entry: January 10, 2015

Tel. # (810) 695-3241 email: jimt205842@aol.com Make checks payable to: Dept. of MI MCLA Please submit Camera Ready Art


No Credit Cards accepted

From Top left clockwise: 

Jr Vice Dave Masunas with Sr Vice Wendy Zamora and Wendy’s daughter Mindy Burpee

Little Rollers Raffle tickets ready to be drawn.

Ticket numbers ready to be crossed out as they are drawn

The “Heads & Tails game participants

The finalists to the Heads or Tails game, Mindy Burpee won the game and $100 dollars


From Top left clockwise:  It’s heads so if your hands are on your tail then take some beads off  Our GRAND PRIZE winner Ellaina Snarski  The $800 Grand Prize ticket  Phil Zamora, Dave Masunas and Al Pearson with beads around their necks for the Heads & Tail game  MMmmmm one of the meals we ate at the High Rollers raffle.


Hello Marines,

I hope all of you had a Happy 239th Birthday, it is hard to believe, that now Christmas and the Holiday Season is right around the corner. Marines, rest assured your Marine Corps League VAVS Volunteers are going to be sharing the joys of this Season with our hospitalized Veterans. Detachments and their Volunteers will be either sponsoring, volunteering or assisting in some sort of Holiday function showing our Veterans and the World we Marines truly are a” Band of Brothers”. Again, I’d like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to all of our Michigan VAVS Marines and Associates, their Detachments and Marine Corps League Auxiliary members. All of You, through your selfless acts of kindness in 2014, made our hospitalized veterans feel just a little bit better, not just on Holidays but every day of the year. I would like to remind all of you: The week of February 14 each year is “National Salute to Veteran Patients” The purpose of the National Salute to Veteran Patients Program is to: • Pay tribute and express appreciation to Veterans; • Increase community awareness of the role of the VA medical center; • Encourage citizens to visit hospitalized Veterans and to become involved as volunteers. The week of February 14, each year is your opportunity to say thank you to a special group of men and women, more than 98,000 Veterans of the U.S. armed services who are cared for every day in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers, outpatient clinics, and nursing homes. During the National Salute, VA invites individuals, Veterans groups, military personnel, civic organizations, businesses, schools, local media, celebrities and sports stars to participate in a variety of activities at the VA medical centers. Marines this week is an excellent opportunity for the surrounding Marine Corps League Detachments, along with the community to become acquainted with the volunteer opportunities in your medical center. Also during the National Salute week, selected cities will be hosting concerts that are free to Veterans and their families. The concert schedule usually becomes available around January. So check out this site http://www.volunteer.va.gov/NationalSaluteVeteranPatients.asp for more information and dates. Then contact your VA Medical Center and ask Voluntary Service to help you discover the wonderful things you and your Detachment can do to salute America’s Heroes

As I mentioned in my last column, being a member of the VAVS National Executive Committee, I had the opportunity to meet with some High ranking officials at the National VA offices in Washington DC last month. In attendance was VA Chief of Staff the Honorable Jose D. Riojas and National VA Director of Voluntary Service Sabrina Clark, along with several other Veteran Organizations and Sabrina’s staff. I thought we had a very productive meeting with Mr. Riojas. With several pertinent subjects being broached, I will be reporting out on at the Department Mid-Winter on this meeting.


WINTER EDITION 2014 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Representatives and Deputies; February is the month designated for the MCL to have their AJR. Representatives, with Deputies present should complete their reviews with the Chief of Voluntary Service for your Center. These reviews are important to us because they are good indicators as to what we are, or are not doing. It also gives the Representatives and Deputies a chance to rate the Facility they service, giving the staff good constructive criticism. The AJR is a good tool for everyone in the VAVS arena, let’s take advantage of it. Last year we had 100% of our MI Facilities complete the AJR and that’s Awesome! Let’s do it again this year Marines New Representatives and Deputies; Welcome aboard Frank “Skip Bilsky MCL VAVS Representative and James Golden MCL VAVS Deputy Representative both from the Iron Mountain Det.1239. They will be serving on the Oscar G. Johnson VAMC VAVS Committee in Iron Mountain, MI. If you would like to get involved as a VAVS Volunteer, Contact your Facilities VAVS Representative. If you don’t know who he/she is e-mail me at dutchmaster@charter.net or call me at 989-245-9423. God Bless all of you and have a very Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year. Please remember to pray for our Troops in harm’s way. Semper Fidelis Emil “Dutch” Franz Department of Michigan VAVS Director dutchmaster@charter.net

Muskegon Detachment Marine Corps League members with Alpha Company I&I Staff visiting the Grand Rapids Home for veterans to wish all the hospitalized Marines a Happy Birthday, Western Zone Vice Commandant Al Pearson joins them too.


From Top left clockwise:  Southern Zone Vice Commandant Ray Rowley and Capital Detachment Commandant Phil Zamora  Gil Dysarczyk giving his budget and finance report  Commandant Norm Pfaff and Sr Vice Wendy Zamora giving her report  PDC Warren Tracey giving a report on the Department of Michigan Foundation  Members listening to Dutch Franz giving his VAVS report.


From Top Left Clockwise:  Nov 8th Breakfast in Grand Haven  Marine Corps Birthday Dinner  Dave Yabara selling 50/50 tickets during dinner  Mike Zimmerman giving grace  Steve Hackney - Commandant and Scott Hellman Sr Vice during dinner PAGE 15

 Members of the Cpl. Stanley L. Moore Detachment #159 attended the Veteran’s Day Ceremony at the City of Troy Veterans Plaza providing a rifle squad salute. Afterwards, they visited the gravesite of the detachment’s namesake, Cpl. Stanley L. Moore, at the Oakview Cemetery in Royal Oak, MI where the Marine’s Prayer was read and taps played.  The detachment cleaned his gravesite marker and added the EGA and 3rd MarDiv emblems.


 We participated in a Veterans’ Appreciation Night at the first home game for the Escanaba HS Football team  Despite some inclimate weather, our Annual Candy Sale/Fundraiser was a success  We helped Send Off and Welcome Back Veterans on Honor Flight #7  We celebrated the Marine Corps 239th Birthday  Green Bay Packer Davon House also aided our Toy Campaign with an autograph signing toy drive


 Captain Colton Bahlau guest speaker  Commandant Earl Allison and Mrs Allison  John Donnelly, oldest Marine present prepares to cut cake  Ball attendees enjoy the meal of either Prime Rib or Chicken Cordon Bleu  Larry Fitch receives award


From Top Left Clockwise: 

Central Division Vice Chief DevilDog PDD Dale Munson, elevating WWII veterans Eugene Osborne and Joe Filko to PDD

Osborne and Filko wearing their new collars

Red Knight Dogs with the Vice Chief DevilDog and Michigan Pack Leader PDD Dutch Franz

PDD Zamora and PDD Payne starting the Growl

Being elevated WOOF WOOF





Roger Ellis

Kalamazoo #879


Harold Parker

Kalamazoo #879


Connor Sorensen

Kalamazoo #879


Joseph Giddings

Jack A Davenport #684


Blaine Katz

Branch Area #763


Francis Amo

Downriver #153


George Glover

Belcher-Lane-Williams #146


George Twardzik

Iron Mountain #1239


Dana LaPlante

Iron Mountain #1239

If your Detachments members have passed away and are not on this list then you should fill out a death notice and send it to the Department Chaplain John Porn, send it to the address below.

John Porn, 1300 Cartathian Way Clio, MI 48420


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