Michigan Marine News - Fall 2014 edition

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The Magazine of the Department of Michigan Marine Corps League and Marine Corps League Auxiliary



Edition 3


NORMAN PFAFF MESSAGE FROM THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDANT MARINES: I hope all the Commandants and Adjutants have received the Department of Michigan membership card. Put these to good use and don't be afraid to issue them at any time that you feel necessary. The Fall Staff meeting will be held at the Flint Detachment on October 11, 2014. Muster at 1030 hours. Coffee and Donuts will be available and lunch will be served by the Marine Corps League Auxiliary. The Mid - Winter Rally will be held in Frankenmuth and is hosted by the Auxiliary and the Department at the last weekend in January. Fliers will be out in the near future What a fantastic showing in Irons, Michigan for Duane E, Dewey and the inaugural Korean War stamp. The Marine Corps League had an honor guard with all the League members marching with Marine Dewey in the Parade. Over 20 Marines were present representing 6 different Detachments. I have appointed Tim McGee to the Resolutions and Bylaws Committee. I am still looking for one more Marine to serve on that committee. Also appointed to the Credentials Committee is Jerry McKeon. He will share the duties with Steve Fletcher. Semper Fi

Norm Pfaff Commandant, norjo2@yahoo.com or 586-263-3448 Dates of Importance Fall Staff Meeting - Flint Detachment Bldg, 7377 N. Dort Hwy, Mt Morris, MI 48458 October 11, 2014 at 1030 Department of Michigan Fundraiser Little Rollers Raffle - Comfort Inn & Suites convention center, Mount Pleasant SEE FLYER IN THIS EDITION



Edition 3

The Editors Comments Hello everyone, Starting with this edition we, will be sending the Michigan Marine News (MMN) the following months; September, December, March and June. One month prior, your articles will be due or stories of what is happening in your detachments. We want to ensure that all information about the Mid-Winter Rally and Department Convention get out to you in time so that you can submit your applications to attend these important meetings. We will also be doing this to get out the information for the Department Scholarship, Department Marine of the Year, Jr Vice recruiting award and any other information that needs to be passed. I have gotten numerous emails from individuals that they would like me to send them a hard copy of the Michigan Marine News and that just cannot happen at this time. We have no money to do this like we had in the past and if we receive no money from sponsors or advertisers, then a hard copy is out of the question at this time. I am asking every member in the Department of Michigan to solicit ads for the MMN and this could be a way for you to make money for you or your Detachment. If you would like to sell ads, call me at (517) 541-1501 or email me at michmarinenews@gmail.com and we will talk about a split of the ad sales. The Department of Michigan Foundation has a great opportunity to make quite a bit of money for the foundation. Our Sr. Vice, Wendy Zamora, has set up a great fundraiser in Mount Pleasant. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8)


Page 24 - MODD GROWL

Page 2 – Commandants Corner


Page 3 – Editors comments & Index


Page 4 – Auxiliary President


Page 5 - Sr Vice Commandant

Page 6 - Jr Vice Commandant


Page 7 - Worthy Pack Leader

Page 8 - MODD & Editor continued

Page 9 -11 Mid Winter Info

Page 13 -15 National Convention pictures

Page 16 - 17 VAVS

Page 18 - 23 Department Convention pictures


To submit a story to the Michigan Marine News, send your detachments photo’s or send your fundraising forms, Send to: michmarinenews@gmail.com Submit ARTICLES by NOV 15, 2014 to be included in the Winter 2014 edition

I am excited to accept the office of President for the Dept. of MI Marine Corps League Auxiliary. Looking forward, the Board and I have many things that we would like to accomplish. First and foremost communication, this is how we can become ONE. I have made a commitment to creating a quarterly newsletter for the Department of Michigan. The intention of this newsletter is to have information get out to the Units since we are so dispersed over Michigan. The Board has a great desire to get to know each of the Units in the state. It is our mission that someone from the Board will join your Unit for either a meeting or an event that you are hosting. I believe that once we get to know each other and support each other we will become a stronger presence. Our veterans deserve to see what we are about and know that we exist. Many Veterans that I come across have not heard of our organization and some of them are Marines! Can you believe that? In addition to becoming united, I would like to build our membership. By letting people know we are out there is a start, but we have to be active in this endeavor. That is why I am personally putting out a recruitment challenge. The challenge is very simple; the person who recruits the most new members between July1,2014 and May 20, 2015 will win. THE PRIZE: The winner will receive a paid one night stay at the 75th Michigan June 2015 Convention. Value up to $120. This prize has no cash value and is not transferable. Finally, if you would like to receive the newsletter or have any questions you are able to contact me by email at mipresmcla@gmail.com

~God’s Blessings~ Mary Brief President Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Auxiliary




Hello everyone, hope all our membership had a great summer and is ready for fall and (UGH) winter. I would like to thank all that attended the Department convention in Battle Creek, it was a great time and if you attended then you were able to see myself, Commandant Norm Pfaff and Jr Vice David Masunas get a pie in the face from some of our members after raffling off the chance to do so. We made $183 that went towards our Department of Michigan MCL Foundation. This fall we are asking our members to pass the word about our first “LITTLE ROLLERS RAFFLE� which will be in Mount Pleasant, MI on Friday October 24th at the Comfort Inn & Suites and Conference Center. Let me tell you how this works; there is a $1000 Grand Prize and 11 other prizes ranging from $20 - $250, there will be an auction of items that have been donated for this event, 50/50 and a game called heads and tails. We are still accepting items to auction along with people to buy tickets to this event. So, if you have friends that own businesses that will donate items or buy tickets, in this issue of the Michigan Marine News there is a poster with the information on it so please pass the info to family, friends and fellow Leaguers. Tickets for this event are $60 for a three course dinner and entry into the raffle for 12 cash prize drawings. This will be a night of fun so please come out and support this event which benefits the Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Foundation which supports our Department scholarship and the Veterans Service Office. This year we are finally going to get the Foundation to do what it was put together to do and that is support the scholarship and the Service office, if you know any corporations, small companies or just the general public and even our Detachments then please inform then that the foundation is a 501c3 and tax deductible. For you Devil Dogs, at the Supreme Growl in Charleston, West Virginia I took over the Kennel Quartermaster store, so if you need any Devil Dog gear then feel free to call me at (517) 541-1501 Hope to see all Detachment Commandants or their representative at the Department Mid-Winter in Frankenmuth on the last week-end in January, these meetings are important and someone should attend so hope to see you.

Semper Fidelis, Wendy Zamora Sr. Vice Commandant


Wendy Zamora is also the Department Scholarship chair and Kennel Quartermaster for the MODD


The June Department Convention and the National Convention has passed and summer is winding down. The best time for Detachments to recruit and work on fundraising is always the summer time, I know it is for my Detachment. At the end of the convention on Sunday we always hold a Board of Trusties meeting. Its a good time for the Department officers to talk about everything from the convention and bring up issues that need to be addressed. One issue that was brought up is that Detachments are still having problems with new members receiving their membership cards in a timely manner from National. The Department can't change the way things are being done at the National level but we can try to do something at the Department level. We came up with the idea to make our own Department of Michigan temporary membership cards that will be good for one year from when the new member is signed up. I had the cards made and distributed them to the Zone Commandants. If you are in need of some of the cards please contact your Zone Commandant. We as Department officers work for the membership. We hear your concerns and will continue to try and solve each problem as far as our parameters will allow us to.

I ask that the Detachments continue to recruit new members and retain the ones we have. Keep in mind if we have no members we have no Marine Corps League. If you have any questions please contact me at (231)301-0950. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the summer as winter will be here before we know it. Please don’t forget about the fundraiser that our Sr Vice has put together in Mount Pleasant on Friday October 24th (Information in this edition of MMN) Please pass the word about this to your friends and families, this fundraiser benefits the Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Foundation so please support this night of fun. Semper Fi Marines!

David Masunas Junior Vice Commandant Cell (231) 301-0950 E-mail (masunasfam@gtlakes.com)


Dave Masunas is the Eagle Scout coordinator for the Department, a member of the National Boy Scout committee and the Deputy Kennel Quartermaster for the MODD

MILITARY ORDER OF THE DEVILDOGS WORTHY PACK LEADER The Fun and Honor Society of the Marine Corps League

Woof! Woof! to all of you Michigan Pack Dogs. Before I get started I would like to tell you what an honor it was for me, to be elected Pack Leader at the Grand Growl of the 74th Annual Department of MI State Convention. I’m looking forward to a Howling productive and fun filled term of office as your Worthy Pack Leader. For those Dogs who missed the Grand Growl, it is my TREAT! (almost as good as a slice of bacon) to introduce your 2014-2015 Worthy Pack officers. They are as follows: Worthy Pack Leader PDD Emil “Dutch” Franz Worthy Pack Sr. Vice PDD Scot Neff Worthy Pack Jr. Vice PDD Jon VanTol Worthy Pack Smart Dog PDD Stephen Fletcher Worthy Pack Dog Trainer PDD Phil Zamora Worthy Pack Mad Dog - PDD Gilbert Dysarczyk Worthy Pack Police Dog - PDD Dave Masunas Worthy Pack Dog Robber - PDD Phil Smith Worthy Pack Watch Dog = PDD Fred Gibas Worthy Pack Barking Dog = PDD Christine Tonegatto-Salo Worthy Pack Historian = PDD Dale Erion Worthy Past Pack Leader PDD Norm Pfaff As BARKED at our two previous Growls of the Pack, this year at the Grand Growl, Pack Leader PDD Norm Pfaff made good on his promise to catch up our “in arrears” Pack Dog of the year Awards. The recipients of this prestigious award were: 2011 Pack Dog of the Year PDD Scott Neff 2012 Pack Dog of the Year PDD Phil Smith 2013 Pack Dog of the Year PDD Jon VanTol 2014 Pack Dog of the Year PDD Emil (Dutch) Franz



- MODD & EDITOR - CONTINUED (Continued from page 7) Moving forward a greater effort will be made to remind all you Canines of this Award, so the Pounds can get their Nominations in before the Grand Growl. In the near future I will be BARKING at the Pound Keepers for their contact information so we can better communicate our BARKS of the Pack.

Woof, Woof

PDD Emil "Dutch" Franz Worthy Pack Leader - MODD Michigan Pack CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 In this issue is a flyer for the “Little Rollers Raffle” so pass it on to your friends, family, co-workers, bosses or anyone that likes to support veterans; Hope to see all of you in Mount Pleasant. Lastly, we have a new National Commandant, he is John Kovalcik of the Department of South Carolina and a new Chief Devil Dog, the 56th Chief Leanna Dietrich of the Pennsylvania Pack. We also have Marines from this Department that have been elected to National posts, Jr Past National Commandant - Jim Tuohy Assistant National Vice Commandant – Central Division, Phil Zamora According to the latest National roster, we have the following Michigan Marines that have been asked to be on the appointed staff:  PNC John Tuohy – National Auditor, Budget and Finance Chairman & Chairman of conventions  John VanTol – Americanism Chairman  David Masunas – Boy Scout committee  Al Pearson - Boy Scout committee & Central Division Aide-de-Camp to Michigan  Bill Traylor – Legislative Committee  Emil “Dutch” Franz – VAVS Chairman If your name isn’t on here, then either our new National Commandant hasn’t updated your committee or you’re no longer on that committee. This means you need to revert back to your normal cover and not the gold cover. PDD Wendy Zamora is also the new Kennel Quartermaster for the MODD. If you need items, then contact her at: kennelquartermaster@gmail.com or (517) 541-1501. Hope to see everyone at the Mid-Winter Rally in Frankenmuth on the last weekend in January and in Lansing for our 75th Department Convention in June 2015. Just remember Commandants if you can’t attend these two important meetings, then send a representative in your place. Semper Fi Phil Zamora - PDC Editor


Mid-Winter Rally Information HOST: Department of Michigan Marine Corps League & Marine Corps League Auxiliary

January 29 - February 1, 2015 MCL Service Board Meeting - Thursday, Jan. 29th at 7PM in the Board Room. ___________________________ Place: Bavarian Inn Lodge & Conference Center One Covered Bridge Lane, Frankenmuth, MI Tel. # 989-652-7200

Fax 989-652-3509

Reservation toll free number is: 1-800-652-7200 Rate: $89.00 per standard double room $99.00 per premium double or king room $149.99 suite (single, double, triple, quad) (all rooms are subject to 11% tax) Mention 'Marine Corps League' when making reservations. A cancellation fee of the first night’s room and tax will apply should a guest cancel their reservation less than 48 hours prior to arrival or does not arrive to check in on their scheduled arrival date. Check in time 3:00PM. Check out time is 11:00AM Cut off date for reservations is January 9, 2015 Free parking is available. No pets permitted.

For questions, information or concerns please contact event chair people: PNP Gerri Tuohy

Dept. Pres. Mary Brief

12086 Riverbend Dr. Grand Blanc, MI48439

7120 Brief Road Grand Kingston, MI 48741

Tel. (810) 695-3241

Tel. (989) 550-9540




Mid-Winter Rally Information HOST: Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Auxiliary

Department of Michigan Mid Winter Rally January 29 - February 1, 2015 Please use this form to pre-register for the 2015 Mid Winter Rally. Name: __________________________________ Title: ______________________ Detachment: _____________________________Tel # _______________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________ Title: ______________________ Detachment: _____________________________Tel # _______________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Strip Ticket: $55.00 Registration: $5.00 # attending ___________$ _____________ Hospitality: $15.00 # attending ___________$ _____________ Buffet Banquet: $35.00 # _____________attending $ ____________ Total: $____________ Please return this form with payment to: PNP Gerri Tuohy 12086 Riverbend Drive Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439 Make checks payable to: Dept. of MI MCLA Deadline for reservations - Jan. 18, 2015


Mid-Winter Rally Information HOST: Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Auxiliary

January 29 - February 1, 2015 Ad details for Department of Michigan Mid Winter Rally January 29 - February 1, 2015 We ask that you support our Mid Winter Program Book. Please use this form and mail to the proper address listed below. Book size: 8 1/2" X 11" 

Full page 8X10 $100.00

Half page 8X5 $50.00

Quarter page 4X5 $25.00

Business Card 2 X 31/2 $15.00

Patron name only $ 5.00

Outside Back Cover 8XI0 $150.00

Inside Front Cover 8X 10 $125.00

Inside Back Cover 8XI0 $125.00

Please return this form with Ad and payment to: PNC Jim Tuohy 12086 Riverbend Drive Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Deadline for entry: January 10, 2015

Tel. # (810) 695-3241 email: jimt205842@aol.com Make checks payable to: Dept. of MI MCLA Please submit Camera Ready Art


No Credit Cards accepted

From Top left clockwise: 

PNC John Tuohy with new National Commandant John Kovalcik

Jr Vice Dave Masunas, Sr Vice Wendy Zamora & PDC Phil Zamora before the Banquet taking a selfie.

Past National Commandant Jim Tuohy receiving his new PNC cover from Commandant John Kovalcik.

Looking down from the 9th floor of the Embassy Suites hotel in Charleston

Department Western Zone Vice Commandant Al Pearson as a Dog handler for the MODD helping DevilDogs advance to Pedigree Devil Dog


From Top left clockwise:  Bob Borka of the Flint Detachment with wife Patricia representing the Young Marines  PNC Paul Hastings as MC of the Banquet, he is also a part-time Michigan resident  Medal of Honor recipient Woody Williams at the banquet.  Al Pearson getting ready for the banquet.  Past Department President Joan Pfaff and Department Commandant Norm Pfaff enjoying the banquet and the end of a great week of meetings.


From Top left clockwise:  PDD Al Pearson & PDD Phil Zamora’s platoon teaching DevilDogs how to be PDD’s  DD Stephen Fletcher of Dearborn Detachment and Pound 6 trying to become a Pedigree Devil Dog  Dave Masunas and Stephen Fletcher taking a selfie  Platoon 14 getting ready to head in the PDD test…...WOOF WOOF


Hello Marines, Well by the time you all receive this article the Department Convention and the National Convention will be history and summer will be winding down. I hope this report finds all of you happy and healthy. At last year’s Department Convention our Executive Board approved an Award for the “Outstanding VAVS Volunteer of the Year” the recipient of which would be recognized at our Annual Department Conventions. Recipients of the Award will receive a Certificate authorizing them to wear the “Distinguished Citizen Medal Silver”. This year’s praiseworthy recipient was Norman Jewell. Norm was nominated for his many years of service to our Hospitalized Veterans as demonstrated by the following. He has been a driving force in the MCL’s VAVS program by holding the position of the Department of Michigan VAVS Director for many years. Along with that He has been the MCL’s Local VAVS Representative and Volunteer at the Ann Arbor VAHCS, where he has logged over 16,000 volunteer hours. Norm continues to sustain these Lead Roles in the MCL VAVS Program as the MCL Representative and Volunteer even while battling health issues. In June of 2013 he was presented the VA’s “Gold Star Award” from the Ann Arbor VAHCS for his many volunteer contributions. On June 6, 2014, Norm was not at the Convention so Commandant Pfaff and I presented the first Department VAVS Award to the Commandant of Washtenaw County Det. #414 Dave Grob, who received it on Norm’s behalf. Congratulations Norm Jewell and thanks for caring about our Hospitalized Veterans. While we are Congratulating and thanking Marines, I would also like to thank all of the Michigan VAVS Representatives for being 100% compliant on the VAMC’s Annual Joint Reviews. Michigan Marines were one in only seven Department’s throughout the United States to be 100% compliant. On April 11, 2014 at the Saginaw, MI Aleda E Lutz VAMC Volunteer Recognition Banquet, MCL Volunteer Robert Madison (John C. Rock Det. 902) was recognized for accumulating over 500 hrs. of Voluntary Service. The above Marines are just a few examples of the unselfish acts of kindness we Michigan Marines show our Hospitalized Veterans. Another example is, all of you. Through your generous donations to the Marine Corps League Department of Michigan, you made it possible for our Department to distribute $4700.00 dollars to the VAVS Reps for use at their VA Hospitals and Veteran Homes here in Michigan. Thank You! Marines and Volunteers for all you do to brighten the day for our Hospitalized Veterans here in Michigan. On April 23 thru the 25th the VAVS Representative for the Aleda E. Lutz VAMC Fred Gibas and I attended the 68th Annual VAVS National Advisory Committee (NAC) Meeting in Cary, North Carolina. While there, the days were filled with classes from 8 am to 4 pm focusing on the different facets of Voluntary Service. It was also a great opportunity for networking with National and Local Representatives from the Nations several Veteran and private Service organizations, which Fred and I took advantage of. For those of you who don’t know the National Advisory Committee or NAC is a committee of Veteran service organizations along with other Volunteer groups that advises the Under Secretary for Health, on matters pertaining to the participation of volunteers in VA medical facilities, assists in recruitment and orientation of volunteers, and keeps the officers and members of participating organizations informed of volunteer needs and accomplishments. National Executive Committee or NEC meets once a year between NAC meetings and is a working group selected from all of the Service Member organizations that sit on the NAC. They make recommendations and are the governing body of the NAC between annual meetings. The NEC is available to the National VA Director of Voluntary Service Office for planning and coordination of VAVS NAC programs and activities CONTINUED ON PAGE 17


FALL EDITION 2014 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 In October I head for Washington DC for the VAVS National Executive Committee Meeting. We decided to have it in DC, with hopes that the VA’s New Leadership would attend our meeting. I’ll let you all know how this turns out. If you would like to get involved as a VAVS Volunteer, Contact your Facilities VAVS Representative. If you don’t know who he/she is e-mail me at dutchmaster@charter.net or call me at 989-245-9423. God Bless all of you, the United States of America and our Troops in harms way. Semper Fidelis Emil “Dutch” Franz Department of Michigan VAVS Director dutchmaster@charter.net



It’s official: Gen. Joseph “Fighting Joe” Dunford will be the 36th commandant of the Marine Corps.Dunford, 58, was confirmed without objection by the Senate Wednesday night, just seven days after he appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee for hearing on his nomination.

The current commander of International Security Assistance Force, over all NATO forces in Afghanistan, Dunford fielded numerous questions about the conflict and drawdown and sustainment efforts in Afghanistan during his confirmation hearing.Members of the panel nonetheless made clear they fully supported his promotion to commandant.“I think this amazing capability, competence, loyalty, patriotism to our country will continue,” said committee chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., as he urged his colleagues to move for a quick confirmation.Prior to his ISAF post, Dunford has a number of prestigious bona fides. He commanded the 5th Marine Regiment during the 2003 invasion of Iraq and served as commanding general of I Marine Expeditionary Force in 2009, promoted rapidly from one star to three. Dunford then served two years as assistant commandant of the Marine Corps under the current commandant, Gen. Jim Amos, before assuming his current post in Afghanistan. He also earned a spot this year as one of Fortune Magazine’s 50 greatest contemporary world leaders.Dunford returned to Afghanistan shortly following the hearing to finish out his term at ISAF.Also confirmed Wednesday night were Army Gen. John Campbell, who will replace Dunford as ISAF commander, and Army Lt. Gen. Joseph Votel, who will succeed Navy Adm. William McRaven as head of U.S. Special Operations Command.Dunford will become commandant later this fall after Amos retires.

Editor PAGE 17

From Top left clockwise: 

The dog’s putting the gift bags together before the convention.

Department Jr. Vice Dave Masunas (the KOOKOO of the convention) and Phil Zamora the night before the convention

PDC Ed Eden and Cascades Det. Commandant Mike Garver at opening ceremony

Convention hall filling up

Art Menard sitting by himself before the convention.


From Top left clockwise: 

PDC Warren Tracey opening the convention.

Department President Joan Pfaff welcoming all to the 2014 Department Convention.

Department Commandant & MODD Pack Leader Norm Pfaff welcoming all.

Commandant & President receive a letter of appreciation for the Battle Creek VA

Some of the items that were raffled off and silent auctioned also the Commandants, Sr Vice and Jr Vice’s box for the pie in the face raffle.


From Top left clockwise: 

Sr Vice Wendy Zamora receiving a pie in the face from Dutch Franz, the fundraiser made $179

Jr. Vice David Masunas receiving a pie in the face from Dutch Franz, the fundraiser made $179

Commandant Norm Pfaff receiving a pie in the face from Ray Rowley, the fundraiser made $179

Your top three officer cleaned up after receiving a pie in the face, the fundraiser made $179

Banquet speaker Eric Calley with wife Mindy, Eric was a Iraqi war veteran.


From Top left clockwise:  Convention goers getting ready for a close to the convention and a great meal at the banquet  Lining up for food  Guest speaker Eric Calley telling about his Iraqi war experiences and his troubles coming home.  Auxiliary officers getting ready to be installed by Past National President Virginia Johnson  New Department Auxiliary President Mary Brief taking the oath of office


From Top left clockwise: 

Past National President Virginia Johnson handing gavel to New Department President Mary Brief.

Marine Corps League officers taking the oath of office from PDC Phil Zamora

PDC Zamora (installing officer), Commandant Pfaff and installation team Bill Traylor (Sgt at Arms) and Dutch Franz (Chaplain) during prayer

Commandant Pfaff receiving gavel from PDC Zamora

Commandant Pfaff starting his second year as Commandant.


From Top left clockwise: 

MOY Chairman Doug Williams talking about the criteria for Marine of the Year.

Past MOY’s getting ready to roam room for Marine of the Year.

Past MOY’s circle Department Sr. Vice Wendy Zamora as she looks shocked, the secret was well kept.

Last years MOY Phil Zamora (and her husband) places MOY Medal around her neck

Wendy Zamora with her plaque as Phil Zamora looks on.

Your 2013-2014 Marine of the Year Wendy Zamora with trophy


From Top left clockwise: 

Worthy Pack Leader PDD Norm Pfaff conducting the Growl

New Worthy Pack Leader PDD Dutch Franz and all the new Pack officers getting ready to be installed by Past Worthy Pack Leader PDD Norm Pfaff

PDD Norm Pfaff installing the new Officers

PDD Al Pearson of the “Red Knights” checking out the fire hydrant with new pup Tim Scott

New pups being initiated at the GROWL


VA Removes Annual Income Reporting Requirement

Eliminates Burden on Veterans, Improves Customer Service WASHINGTON –The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is eliminating the annual requirement for most Veterans enrolled in VA’s health care system to report income information beginning in March 2014. Instead, VA will automatically match income information obtained from the Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration. “Eliminating the requirement for annual income reporting makes our health care benefits easier for Veterans to obtain,” said former Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “This change will reduce the burden on Veterans, improve customer service and make it much easier for Veterans to keep their health care eligibility up-to-date.” Some Veterans applying for enrollment for the first time are still required to submit income information. There is no change in VA’s long-standing policy to provide no-cost care to indigent Veterans, Veterans with catastrophic medical conditions, Veterans with a disability rating of 50 percent or higher, or for conditions that are officially rated as “service-connected.” VA encourages Veterans to continue to use the health benefits renewal form to report changes in their personal information, such as address, phone numbers, dependents, next of kin, income and health insurance. For more information, visit www.va.gov/healthbenefits/cost or call VA toll-free at 1-877-222-VETS (8387).

Cpl. S. L. Moore Detachment Marines and Auxiliary working Bingo for the vets at the VA Hospital in Detroit...the 4th Thursday of every month.


Courtesy of USA TODAY columnist Richard Wolf, dated June 9, 2014

Justices' water pollution ruling may deny Marine vets WASHINGTON — Victims of contaminated water that wasn't discovered for decades lost their effort to sue polluters at the Supreme Court on Monday in a case that could set back thousands of former Marines and their families with similar claims. The justices ruled 7-2 that North Carolina's law requiring lawsuits to be brought within 10 years of the contamination is not superseded by a federal law designed to give victims a two-year opportunity to file claims after the pollution comes to light. At least four states have similar laws. That could spell trouble not only for the Asheville, N.C., property owners seeking to recover damages from an electronics company for contamination that occurred at least 30 years ago, but for veterans who have fought for years to win damages from the Navy for deaths and illnesses caused by toxic drinking water at Camp Lejeune. The case was notable because the Obama administration opposed the residents' claims, even after President Obama signed a law in 2012 that provided health benefits to Camp Lejeune veterans and family members. The law was named after Janey Ensminger, who died in 1985 at age 9 of a rare form of leukemia. Her Marine veteran father, Jerome Ensminger, who has led a lengthy battle on behalf of veterans and families from Camp Lejeune, criticized the government after the ruling was announced. "I certainly don't want to hear anything from the Obama administration nor the Democratic Party about their being champions of the environment," Ensminger said. "They are only champions of the environment when the conditions are favorable to their needs." The ruling came from Justice Anthony Kennedy, who was joined by the court's other conservatives as well as Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Dissenting were Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer. North Carolina, home to both conflicts, has a 10-year "statute of repose" that sets an outer deadline for claims to be filed. Unlike a statute of limitations, which usually begins when an injury is recognized, the clock ticks from the date of the final contamination — even if residents remain unaware until decades later. "A statute of repose can prohibit a cause of action from coming into existence," Kennedy said. As a result, he acknowledged, it can protect polluters from liability "before a plaintiff is entitled to sue, before an actionable harm ever occurs." A provision added in 1986 to federal Superfund legislation was intended to help victims by giving them two years to file claims from the date they discover the cause of their injuries. In CTS Corp. v. Waldburger, the claims came more than two decades after the electronics plant closed down. The water pollution at Camp Lejeune wasn't noticed for at least 12 years after the last well came on line. Only Ginsburg and Breyer agreed that the federal law supersedes the limits imposed by North Carolina as well as Connecticut, Kansas and Oregon. Alabama has a related provision. "The court allows those responsible for environmental contamination ... to escape liability for the devastating harm they cause, harm hidden from detection for more than 10 years," Ginsburg wrote. Continued on page 27


Justices' water pollution ruling may deny Marine vets continued from page 25 In the Waldburger case, a federal appeals court had sided with 23 landowners seeking damages and remediation because their land was contaminated with toxic chemicals from 1959 to 1985. It wasn't until 2009 that they learned their water could cause liver and kidney damage, heart ailments and cancer. Last Friday, the federal Environmental Protection Agency advised 13 landowners to move because of contaminated indoor air vapor linked to the water problem. The agency is working with a CTS contractor to investigate and clean up the site. John Korzen, director of the Appellate Advocacy Clinic at Wake Forest University School of Law, which brought the original appeal, said during oral arguments in April that Congress "was concerned about people not having their day in court." "We hope Congress fixes the problem the court's decision causes," Korzen said Monday. Tate MacQueen, a leader among the aggrieved homeowners, called the court's ruling "very cold" and vowed to sue the EPA. He said the decision could encourage corporations to lobby other states to impose similar statutes of repose. "They've created environmental refugees in our community," MacQueen said. "This is something that's going to be a threat all over the country." In the Camp Lejeune case, the last wells contaminated with industrial solvents such as trichloroethylene (TCE), benzene and other chemicals came on line in 1985. Under North Carolina law, that means claims should have been filed by 1995. But no one knew of the danger until 1997. In recent years, health and environmental studies have classified TCE as a human carcinogen and linked it to kidney cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, childhood cancers and other defects. Babies exposed during pregnancy have been found to be at greater risk of developing cancers or birth defects later in childhood. Thirteen Camp Lejeune claims are combined in a case pending before the 11th Circuit federal appeals court in Georgia. The government opposes those on the same grounds — that the time for claims to be filed has expired. The case was argued in January but has been on hold, pending the Supreme Court's ruling in the North Carolina case. Follow @richardjwolf on Twitter.


From Top Left Clockwise:  Grave marker of Cpl. Stanley L. Moore - KIA Vietnam, USMC  Tending to the grave marker  Detachment members that were present to work on their namesakes grave marker  More Detachment members that were present to work on their namesakes grave marker PRESS RELEASE FROM THE DETACHMENT ON NEXT PAGE



First Troy Resident Killed in Vietnam Recently Honored

On the forty-eighth anniversary of Corporal Stanley L Moore's death, a local Detachment of the Marine Corps League, named in his honor, visited his gravesite. It was on June 11 1966 Marine Corporal Stanley L. Moore lost his life in combat in Vietnam. He was twenty-one years old. Stanley L. Moore was born in Detroit on January 25, 1945. He received his early education at County Line and Warren Consolidated Junior High School. He attended Warren High School and enlisted in the Marines on September 8, 1962. He took his boot camp training in San Diego and was then stationed at Camp Pendleton, where on March 28, 1963 he was promoted to Private First Class. In July of that same year he was sent to Okinawa and Hawaii – serving with F Company – second battalion – first Marine brigade- fourth Marine division. He received orders to Vietnam on February 17, 1966. Upon arrival he joined F Company – second platoon- ninth Marine brigade – third Marine division. A leader in a rocket company, he was killed in action on June 11, 1966. Cpl Stanley L. Moore is buried in Oakview Cemetery in Royal Oak. Corporal Stanley L Moore Detachment # 159 is located at 3025 Coolidge Highway in Berkley, Michigan. Meetings are held in the VFW hall at the same address. Tim S. McGee, of Troy leads the Detachment as the commandant. Any formerly active duty Marine, honorably discharged, as well as any FMF Navy Corpsman is eligible for membership. The Detachment is a non-profit organization donating time and money to Veterans organizations, Toys for Tots and an annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa. For additional information please contact Senior Vice Commandant Jerry McKeon at 248-866-5653. Or by e-mail at: michre@aol.com


From Top Left Clockwise: 

Detachments Members and family getting ready to step off in the Walker, MI, Memorial Day Parade, 26 May 2014. Left to right - Front row: Paymaster Jean Curtiss; Commandant Wayne Luznicky; members Jim Hunter and Tony Garza; Past Commandant Bill Peless; Mr. Sanderson, truck driver; unknown Marine; Judge Advocate Larry Rekucki. Back row: Senior Vice Commandant Ken Weersing; member Pat Sanderson. Bicyclist is Tony Garza's son

Member Grant Anderson, WWII veteran and former Paymaster Dave Myers at our Flag Distribution at Forest Hills Foods; 23 and 24 May 2014

Members at the Eyes of Freedom Memorial Opening Ceremony, 28 April 2014, honoring the 23 Marines of Lima 3/25 killed in Iraq in 2005. Left to right - Member Tom Burns; then Commandant Bill Peless; 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Harold Overstreet; then Judge Advocate Wayne Luznicky; member Jean Curtiss; Corporal Mike Strahle, USMC Retired, Lima 3/25. The solemnity of the Memorial was overwhelming.

Fourth of July Flag Distribution at Family Fair Foods, Walker, MI, 3 July 2014. Left to right - Member Jim Hunter; Member Lloyd Steinfort; Commandant Wayne Luznicky; Trustee Dave Lange. Commandant Luznicky is in the uniform of the Kent County Veterans Honor Guard


Department of Michigan Northern Zone Vice Commandant Fred Gibas presents a plaque to the Alpena Detachment (1327) for the most increase percentage in membership which was given at the National Convention in West Virginia. From left to right Sr. Vice Commandant Eugene Skotzke, Fred Gibas, Adjutant/Paymaster Frank Rosinski

Disney Extends Military Tribute to 2015 The Disney Company is extending its Armed Forces Salute discounts to 2015 for all active duty and retired military personnel of all services, including Coast Guard, National Guard and Reservists. Here’s a link to an article about the offer: Military families, if you are planning to visit ‘The Happiest Place on Earth,’ Walt Disney is extending their Armed Forces Salute program to October 2015, Disney’s Armed Forces Salute provides military families with deeply discounted tickets to our nation’s active and retired military personnel.



July 31, 2014 the United postal service held a special ceremony in Irons, Michigan to honor Medal of Honor recipient Marine Duane Dewey. The United Postal service released a Medal of Honor stamp to honor the Medal of Honor recipient's from the Korean war. Duane Dewey was the first serviceman during the Korean War to receive the Medal of Honor from President Eisenhower for his actions during the war, while serving with Easy Company 2nd Battalion 5th Marines. While being treated for wounds he suffered a grenade landed by him and his fellow Marines and corpsman. He covered the grenade with his body to protect his fellow Marines. The parade kicked off about 1pm and was a good 1/2 mile long. There were about 25 fire trucks from the area, the AMVET'S, The VFW, The Patriot Guard, the State Police, the county sheriff's department, local boy scouts and a good showing from the Marine Corps League. The Marine Corps League was represented by 6 Detachments, Oceana Brett Witteveen, Muskegon, Fred Cochran, Macomb County, Kalamazoo, Yagle Brother's. I apologize if I didn't mention a Detachment that was in attendance. The parade ended at the local park where every one gathered for the ceremony. After a few politicians gave speeches the Postal Service presented Duane Dewey with a framed Medal of Honor stamp. It was a very nice ceremony and it was great to see the Marine Corps League so well represented there. A special thanks goes out to our Department Commandant Norm Pfaff for attending, the Muskegon Detachment for bringing the colors and marching at the front of the formation with them and Al Pearson for taking the time to make some phone calls to the Detachments to round up about 20 to 25 members to march in the parade. It was great to see the Detachments pull together and pull this off. Semper Fi. Dave Masunas Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Junior Vice Commandant






Henry Timmereck

Yagle Bros. #165


Jimmy Stefoff

Harold Cooley #841


William Germain

Flint #155


Arthur B. Neville

John C.Rock #902


Dick O. Morrison

Branch Area #763


Vincent Seidel

Flint #155


Theodore H. Blair

Downriver #153


Woodrow T. Brown

Murnighan #161


Nancy Brown

Murnighan #161


George Spehar

Downriver #153


Jerome Chismar

Northern Mi. #690


Gerald Chene

Flint #155


Eugene H. Lozano

J.A Davenport #684


Clay W. Reeves

Harold Cooley #841


Hugh Clarkin

Capital #148


Ralph Lund

Northern Mi. #690


Dennis H. Saunders

Iron Mtn #1239


William Kowalski

Kalamazoo #879


Steven F. Hutchens

Branch Area #763


Patrick H. Grady

Branch Area #763


Sean M. Provost

Belcher-Lane-Williams #146


Ronald Schaub

Yagle Bros. #165


Paul Csiszar

Kalamazoo #879


Victor H. Smith Jr

Flint #155


Delmar L. Martin

St.Joseph Area County #1401

If your Detachments members have passed away and are not on this list then you should fill out a death notice and send it to the Department Chaplain John Porn, send it to the address below. John Porn, 5305 Baines Dr., Saginaw, MI 48638-5713



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