The Magazine of the Department of Michigan Marine Corps League and Marine Corps League Auxiliary
11.11.17 1
The next issue is on my mind when the current issue hits the mailboxes. Often times it’s because I forgot something or it’s something I need to include in the next issue, or just looking ahead to what our cover might look like. With Veteran’s Day on the horizon, it was a no-brainer to use this special day on the cover. We are an organization of veterans. We know the importance our service means to the country. Although the living veterans enjoy the benefits and free meals offered us, the service of those never returning from the fields of battle is the real focus. While in attendance at Marine Week, I thought about the many different Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) it takes to pull off such an event. From the Force Recon Marines demonstrating a very dangerous insertion on a barge in the Detroit River, to the Marines in Public Relations who have more or less a white collar job. Yes all Marines know how to use a rifle and all maintain a rigid military decorum, but the risks are very different. That holds true in the Marine Corps League ranks as well. Some members are combat veterans with a number of tours behind them, some earning a Purple Heart for wounds suffered; compared to others with less risky jobs or serving in a time when no Marine was exposed to hostile fire. But we treat each other the same as we all wear the same Eagle, Globe and Anchor, earned in a Marine Corps Boot Camp, and carry on with the honor, courage and commitment expected of a Marine. So as we recognize all veterans having worn a military uniform, take time to visit a local cemetery and give a nod of thanks to the many internments indicating a veteran lies underneath. God Bless America, God Bless our Veterans. My Business world experience dictates the need for a backup, especially when solely responsible for a given task. If you would like to work with me on the newsletter—write articles, work with images, collect information, page layout, give me a call. Together we can make improvements.. E-mail - or phone 248-866-5653
Michigan Marine News CONTENTS Fall 2017
From the Editor’s Desk
Happy Birthday Marines
Birthday Message from National Commandant
Dave Masunas—Commandant’s Message
Jon VanTol—Sr. Vice Commandant
Al Pierson—Jr. Vice Commandant
Marines Close To Our Hearts
Marines Close To Our Hearts
WWII Veterans A Rare Breed
Jon VanTol - Veteran of the Year
Legislative Report—Kevin Magin
Membership Dues and Sample Letter
Staff Meeting and :Little Roller Highlights
Department Foundation Message
Marine Corps Association Luncheon
Unveiling Montford Point Mural
Big Boy’s Toys
Detachment News
Detachment News
Marine Week Activity
Detachment News
Revision to Boot Camp Training Cycle
Legislative Activities—Kevin Magin
Marine Corps League Auxiliary—Ann LeClair
Miscellaneous Photos Devil Dogs—Scott Neff
26 27
Central Division News—Ray Dailey
Sample Transmittal Form
National Convention Winter Meeting
Department Winter Rally Registration
January 5th, 2018 2
Advertising Rates—Thank a Paymaster
Veteran’s Day Poem
November 10th 1775-2017 242 Years Old Celebrate Somewhere After dinner the smoking lamp is Lit; Light up a fine Cigar; slowly sip a glass of rich red port and enjoy the unmatched company of brother Marines
Semper Fidelis!
MARINE CORPS LEAGUE National Headquarters
Wendell W Webb The US Marine Corps is celebrating the 242nd Birthday of our beloved Corps in locations all over the world. The Marine Corps League entered the scene in 1923, with our charter approved by Congress in 1937.
Why is this relationship important? We have the fire-teams, detachments, departments and divisions deployed across our Nation where those Marines have come from over the 242-year history of our Corps. We are being asked to increase our support of the active components of the Marine Corps.
Modern Day Marine 2017 was a place of camaraderie, forward thinking, networking and commitments for the future. General Neller and his staff held many lectures and meetings during the week on where the Marine Corps is going as they develop the requirements and execution plans for the fifth generation Marine Corps. Their plans also impact our organization as we also are working to create a fifth generation Marine Corps League. The transition and synergy on how we accomplish this is key to keeping the Marine Corps and Marine Corps League as a working team to accomplish our missions for today and the future.
We have Marines all over the world doing their job to protect and safeguard the free world from harm as Marines have always done. We need to take the time to celebrate the history of our Corps and League as we move forward in a new relationship. Happy Birthday, Marines, from Headquarters Marine Corps League and the staff.
Semper Fidelis, W3 Wendell W. Webb National Commandant and CEO Marine Corps League
As I sit here writing this article I look back at all that has taken place since the summer convention in June, it is hard to believe how the time has gone by. I noticed the other day when I was taking my son to school, the trees along Hart Lake are already starting to change color making me notice that fall is in the air whether we like it or not. September 6 – 10 I attended the Marine week in Detroit. If you were unable to make it down to the river front and check it out I am afraid to tell you, you missed out on a wonderful time. Each day the silent drill team performed, the Marine Corps band and jazz band played, the K-9 units showed what their dogs are trained to do, Marine Corps martial arts program, Cobra helicopters, Marine Corps Osprey, the daily display of the power of the 13 MEU as they attacked the pirates on the barge in the Detroit river to save the Detroit Lions Sunday game ball and much, much more. The two things about Marine week that stuck out in my mind the most were:
Every Marine, regardless of their rank, if you stopped to talk with them they treated you with respect as if you were still in the Marine Corps. The unveiling of the mural that was painted on the Montford Point Detachment #158 building outside wall by Marines that attended Marine week. Something I will never forget. If you happen to be around the Montford Point Detachment building on Joy Rd make sure you stop by and see it. If you ever get the chance to attend a Marine week or Marine expo I whole heartedly encourage you to do so. Sometimes it seems like all we do is fundraise and recruit new members, these are things that we need to continue to do if we want to stay strong as a Detachment and a Department and support the programs that we do. On the opposite side of that we need to also make sure we are having fun and enjoying ourselves. As we get further into the fall we continue to have a full schedule ahead of us –
November 10, 2017 the Marine Corps Birthday (also my Daughter Alexis birthday) January 19 – 21, 2018 Department Mid-Winter conference in Frankenmuth Spring is around the corner. In closing please keep in your prayers Karen Aune and her family for the passing of her husband Ken Aune and continue to pray for all the people that have been affected by the hurricanes. Please have a safe winter and I will see you either at the Fall staff or the Mid-Winter. We as your Department officers will continue to work hard for you, the members. If you have any concerns you can contact me at (231)301-0950 or email at Semper Fi.
SR. VICE COMMANDANT JON VANTOL Marines, Fundraising is an ongoing project. I would like to thank all who have and are volunteering to make these events a success. We had a very successful fundraiser at the Mt. Pleasant Walmart in August raising $2575.05. Hopefully next year we will be able to get the adjacent Sam’s Club and raise even more. The Little Rollers Raffle was held October 21, 2017 at the American Legion in Utica. We sold 107 tickets out of 150, after the expenses and including the silent auction and 50/50 we raised $2950! It was successful because of the hard work of a few dedicated members of the League and the Auxiliary. The Department Fund Raising committee will consider the future of this event at the 2018 Midwinter rally in Frankenmuth. Also I have the license for a $3 cash raffle like the one Commandant Dave Masunas held the last couple years. Tickets will be $3 and the Detachment will keep $1 of every ticket they sell. The drawing will be April 25, 2018 at the American Legion in Bay City at 1900. This year the Devil Dog Pounds were included in the raffle. I have handed out tickets to the Detachments or Zone Commandants that attend the Fall Staff meeting to save on postage. The rest were sent the ASAP after the Fall Staff meeting. These fund raisers allow the Department to the fund programs that are important to our members. They are only successful with the participation of the membership. With your assistance we will BE successful.
Jr. Past Commandant Wendy Zamora, Judge Advocate Earl Allison and Paymaster Phil Zamora, joined Bob Larson, Gary Gross, Bill Scharrd, Jon VanTol, Tim McGee, Jim Touhy, Jerry McKeon and Mike Moross, bringing along his two grand daughters, all working on the Mt. Pleasant fundraiser
Thank you for your assistance. Jonathan S. VanTol Sr. Vice Commandant Department of Michigan Gary Gross and Bob Larson 6
After four days at Marine Week, I’m convinced that joining the Marines, is absolutely the best decision I ever made. The equipment, the attitude, the training all elevates us to the best military organization in the world. We met a lot of fine Marines and introduced many of them to the Marine Corps League. Hopefully it will pay off in the future. A big thank you to Angelo Lema Jr and to Fred Green who came down from Flint every day and set up the tent and got everything ready. And to Jerry McKeon for letting us stay with him the first night we were in town. If you missed Marine Week your loss. The Marine Band was there, a silent drill team pleased the crowd and all the new equipment the Marines now use lends you to believe we will win any war. They even had Flintlocks that our department commandant said I used to train. To the Montford Point Marines a job well done. It was a sight to behold when they unveiled the mural painted on the building. I was in awe attending this event—I wish everyone could have been there.
Top left—Taking care of business Top right –Al Pierson and Fred Green in the blinding sun. Left—This is the uniform Al Pierson wore when serving in the Marines claims Commandant Dave
Here’s a Challenge! Purchase a Foundation challenge coin and 100% of the ten-dollar purchase price goes to the foundation. A good friend of the foundation made an anonymous donation to pay for the purchase of three hundred coins – that gives us the potential to deposit an additional $3,000 in the foundation bank account. What an easy way to make a $10 donation and acquire this collectable coin. Don’t be caught buying the beer – carry one of our challenge coins in your pocket. See any foundation trustee to make a purchase. Trustees are: Dave Masunas, Jon VanTol. Al Pierson, Wendy Zamora, Tim McGee, Phil Zamora, Earl Allison and Jerry McKeon. 7
Marines Killed in Action Become Detachment Namesakes When naming a new Marine Detachment or re-naming an existing one, often the name of a deceased combat veteran becomes the namesake. Thirteen Michigan detachments are named after a Marine veteran selected either because they once resided in the detachment’s city, were honored for combat actions or held significance to one of the detachment organizers. Here’s a few names from Michigan detachments: Cpl. Stanley L. Moore - Cpl. Moore was one of the first Vietnam combat causalities from Troy, Michigan in Oakland County. Cpl. Moore’s name was still fresh in many minds when the detachment formed a few years later in 1970. Marine Moore’s family granted the detachment permission to use his name and on occasion, attended detachment activities. The Detachment meets at his gravesite once a year.
Edson, Kline, Van Slyke – Located in Bay County, the Edson, Kline, VanSlyke detachment only recently formed, named the detachment after Marine Lieutenant General Red Mike Edson, a Medal of Honor recipient, Robert Kline, a Silver Star recipient killed in action in April, 1968 and Buford “Kenny” Van Slyke, a very popular Marine killed in action leaving a four month old son behind. These are the brave faces of the Edson, Kline, Van Slyke Detachment.
LtGen “Big Red” Edson
LCpl. Robert J. Kline
PFC Buford “Kenny” Van Slyke
Yagle Brothers Detachment—Marine Corps League Detachment Yagle Brothers located in the Traverse City Region is named after brothers Thomas and Roger Yagle. Thomas was one of the first Traverse City residents killed in action in Vietnam. Brother Roger was wounded three times during his Vietnam tour only to be killed in an automobile accident near Camp Lejuene. Roger, a Mortarman died instantly from a single shot from a snipers rifle.
Roger Yagle
Thomas Yagle
Marines Killed in Action Become Detachment Namesakes PFC Brett Witteveen Oceana Brett Witteveen- The home detachment of Commandant Dave Masunas. A roadside bomb in Iraq mortally wounded PFC Brett Whiteveen, a 2005 graduate of Hart High School on February 18, 2007. PFC Witteveen was one of a many causalities suffered by the 24th Marines – a Marine Reserve unit out of Selfridge Air National Guard Base suffered when they were called to active duty. PFC Witteveen was assigned to Alpha Company operating out of Grand Rapides, Michigan
Cpl. Jack A Davenport Cpl. Jack A Davenport Detachment—A former Golden Glove boxer, Corporal Jack Davenport was killed in action during his Korean War service. Posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his conspicuous gallantry while serving as a squad leader when he fell on a live grenade to save his fellow Marines from certain death. The Detachment is headquartered in West Branch, Michigan.
The Sgt. Bryan K. Burgess Detachment, meeting in Westland, is named after this Garden
City native. Sgt. Burgess died instantly when shot in the cheek by a sniper in 2007. Sgt. Burgess also was a member of the 24th Marines. In his eleventh year of Marine service, He was a veteran of previous deployments, however it was his first tour of Iraq. Sgt. Bryan K. Burgess
A rendering of the 1st Battalion 24th Marines Memorial honoring 22 Marines of the unit killed in combat operations. Three of the Marines being honored are included in these detachment photos. An aggressive fundraising effort is ongoing to hopefully complete the memorial in the next year or two. To donate go to their Go Fund me page -
WWII Veterans are a Rare Breed With Ranks Thinning
It was surprising to find such a difference in the percentage of living veterans from state-to state. Alaska at 14% is 2% ahead of the next closest state, Montana. The lowest, New York and the District of Columbia are at 6%. Michigan is just above at 7%. Nationwide it averages out to about 10% of the United States population over 18, are veterans. However, and a big however, less than 1% of the living population served in the Marines. An elite group we are! I am proud to stand up when the band plays the Marine Corps hymn at Veteran’s Day events – and I straighten my arched body to an ironing board posture when a hand salute is in order. No other branch does this - as it once again singles us out. The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign War, Vietnam Veterans of America and Disabled American Veterans and others, are made up of Veterans of all military branches – it’s the Marine Corps that stands alone as the only military group where one branch is the membership core. Our uniform is distinctive, our reputation is untarnished, and our camaraderie is unmatched as we proudly gather – all displaying the common thread – the Eagle, Globe and Anchor. We, as members of the Marine Corps League, are humbly aware that Veteran’s Day is more to honor our deceased veterans, particularly the veterans that died in the defense of our country – to express our gratitude and thanks – and to remember the commitment we made to follow their lead should the situation come to bare. After all, we are Marines!
Dave Masunas and Fred Green during Marine week.
Dave photobombs the Marines
Department Commandant Dave Masunas presents an award of Participation to Ervin Love, Editor of the Montford Point Marines, Detachment #158 monthly Newsletter. The Detachment submitted their newsletter for consideration in the National Newsletter contest.
Commanders Group Chairmen Phil Smith Answers Questions About the Process Recently the Commander’s group selected Senior Vice Commandant Jon VanTol as the Veteran of the Year. The nominations for this honor comes from a number of military related organizations, located throughout Michigan; Marine Phil Smith, the Commander Group chair was asked to tell us a little bit more about the group.
Editor: How many nominations are submitted?
Phil: The Commanders Group Veteran of the Year Nominations are for the entire State of Michigan. Although the Upper Peninsula conducts their own, it goes to show you they continue to figure Michigan consists of two States called Upper and Lower Michigan. Not true according to the Commanders Group of Michigan, or the Governor or the elected officials.
Editor: Who is in the Commanders Group?
Phil: In the past years we’ve received 16 to 18. It’s starting to drop off a bit. That’s too bad Editor: So Phil, what areas in Michigan does the Veteran as there are a lot of worof the Year encompass? thy veterans out there.
Editor: How do you find these candidates? Phil: The notice that we are seeking nominations for Veteran of the Year candidates goes out around January. Responses, can be returned by email or pigeon mail.
Phil: - The Commanders Group consists of all the State Commanders in Michigan, i.e. American Legion, AMVETS, DAV, MOPH, MCL, VFW, VVA, CWV, PLAV, JWV, WAC Assoc; we have yet to get the WMA involved. Not sure if they are an organization National Congressionally Chartered. Editor: Does the Veteran of the Year always get to throw out the first pitch at a Tigers Game?
Phil: The Comerica Group is the one who orchestrates this, we talk about the tickets and cost, flyers are made The nominations are sent in by the organizations, wheth- up and sent out, the selected Veteran of the Year, gets to er it’s the lower echelon i.e. Detachment, Post, Chapter throw out the first pitch, speak at the game and is interor the Department, i.e. state it doesn't matter. There are viewed. He or she gets free tickets to the game along a lot of deserving members who do a lot, and never once with their family up to about four free tickets. do they get recognized. The form indicates the Secretary The Detroit Pistons in the past have also had the Comand the organizations commander must sign the nominamanders Group Veteran of the Year come out on the tion. A complete write up, no photos, a copy of the DDfloor to be introduced and recognized. I have yet to get 214 (destroyed and shredded after the completion of sethe Red Wings to do such. I am sure they would, as they lection.) recognize a Veteran on the Ice at each game. Editor: Who are the judges? Editor: Editor: So this past year, our own Jon Vantol was Phil: The Judges are Past Recipients of the Veteran of selected as the veteran of the year. Does this happen the Year. It used to be each organization had someone often? come in to conduct the voting, that was cumbersome as Phil: No not at all! There are many strong candidates some did not show up. nominated for this position from many active veteran When the program was originated, one person ran it, groups. Those nominated have a very impressive list of somewhat like it is today, with a Chair. The sitting or incredentials in all walks of their lives. However, Jon’s work coming Commander of the Commanders Group, either with Veterans in the Bay City area was most notable. And reappoints the same person, or selects someone to run he has been doing it for some time. This along with his the nominations and get the information out. Most of the volunteer work with the Marine Corps League swung the time the packages are handed out at the Commanders vote in his direction. Group meeting, and given to the their respective adjuEditor: So it sounds like Jon deserves our applause! tants or secretaries to send out to their subordinates detachments, posts or chapters for nominations. Phil: You bet! 11
Kevin D. Magin, Legislative Director, Dept. Of Michigan Marine Corps League LEGISLATIVE REPORT – 2017 There is an old saying that “when all is said and done, more is often said than done.” This seems to sum up the US Congress and the Michigan Legislature for the first half of 2017 as it applies to veterans and military affairs. In Washington, the greatest concern going forward will continue to be how any changes in the health care laws will affect veterans. With many of our members being in the ‘senior’ status group, costs and coverage are critical issues. It appears there will be no repeal or replacement of the Affordable Care Act this year as Congress continues to be solidly divided along party lines. It appears without the votes currently to change the law, bi-partisan action may come into play in the near future. Of additional concern with Congress will be the budget including military and retired pay, tax changes, defense spending and troop allocations. With a budget extension in place only until December, action may be forthcoming. Although the Michigan House and Senate have had copious discussions and meetings, little of substance has been passed as law. It may be the new leadership, new members or other factors but nothing of substance has happened. The state is still awaiting a response from Washington regarding the request for $66 million to go with the state approved $42 million to new homes in Grand Rapids and Detroit. That would be followed by 5 new homes in yet determined locations but with the intent of providing facilities that are more locally based so families may visits loved one. There has been other news regarding the Veterans’ Home in Grand Rapids and Marquette: More than a year after a state audit revealed serious problems with care provided at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans, the annual federal review of the facility found few problems. The annual survey of the home conducted by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs indicated the Grand Rapids facility met 230 of 231 standards, with the remaining standard as "provisionally met." The D.J. Jacobetti Home for Veterans in Marquette passed the annual survey with flying colors, meeting all 231 standards. The relatively clean report is Grand Rapids' first in recent memory that did not flag multiple issues at the home. Scott Blakney who has been the home’s administrator since December 2015 submitted his resignation in August 2017. With Blakney's resignation, the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA) has appointed Michigan Veteran Health System COO Steve Rolston to serve as the interim administrator of the Grand Rapids home. Rolston previously served as the interim administrator of the D.J. Jacobetti Home for Veterans in Marquette from November 2016 to May 2017. He's been a licensed nursing home administrator since 2001 and previously was a CEO of an assisted and independent living facility. Eleven former workers at Grand Rapids Home for Veterans are facing criminal charges for intentional or willful violation by a healthcare provider, a four-year felony, for allegedly including misleading or inaccurate information in patient medical charts or records. Audit Services looked at the home's finances and found no evidence of malfeasance. Investigators looked at a number of complaints but were not able to file charges in all cases. Hopefully in the second half of the legislative year more positive actions will be taken to support veterans in Michigan.
Kevin D Magin 12
Marines: Here’s the deal! As the department officer in charge of membership, I need your help. You see, if our total membership count drops, they are going to blame me. And that’s not good. But you can help me if you will. Recently National prepared a roster of all Michigan detachments indicating the past due League members in each detachment. There is a caution, Commandants check your transmittals, national seems to be delayed in posting, so you should verify if the member is delinquent. If you have not received this roster from your Zone Commandant sit down at the computer now and send him an e-mail. If you are the Commandant, Paymaster or the detachment member selected to keep up the membership rolls, it’s very important you make contact with every single past due member. The National offices no longer send dues notices and left it up to you to bring delinquent members back into the fold. I’m ready to help you prepare a dues notice letter or help with any other means of contact. Your Zone Commandant stands ready as well. Let’s not let our department membership count drop this year – in fact, I’m betting we can even increase it. Thank you Marines Al Pierson, Jr. Vice Commandant Department of Michigan Insert Logo and Address
Model Letter Past Due Marine Corps League Members ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ Date: Dear ___________________________
The Marine Corps League National offices recently sent an updated membership roster; it indicates your membership dues payable on September 1, 2017, (insert other date) remain unpaid. According to Marine Corps League Bylaws, a member delinquent in their dues cannot cast a vote or hold an office. It’s an honor and a privilege to be a member of the Marine Corps League and it’s our privilege to have you as a member. To continue with the benefits of membership, that includes the Semper Fi magazine, please submit your dues of $________ to our Paymaster (Insert name). The check is to be made payable to (Your Detachment’s Name) #_______ and mailed to (Your Paymaster’s address). We are looking forward to seeing you at an upcoming meeting. As a reminder our meetings are held on the (insert your meeting date) of each month.
Semper Fi
Department Commandant
Once your number is called you are out of the game—perhaps winning twenty dollars but no longer eligible to win $1000. After 106 numbers were called new MCL member Martin Smith of the Cascade detachment was the only number left leaving him the winner of the $1000 grand prize. Maybe Marine Smith will become a life member with his winnings. It was another fun night at our annual Little Roller Fundraiser. Commandant Dave Masunas presents Marine Corps League Chaplain Fred Green a Certificate of Appreciation for the dedication he displayed during Marine Week in Detroit. Every morning Fred arrived early to set up the tent and display area, driving from the Flint area each day. A well deserved award. The Cpl. Stanley L. Moore group looked happy in spite of the fact they walked away empty handed.
After prize distribution and expenses, the Little Roller Raffle netted $2.950. The winners of various cash prizes: Phil Smith
Ron Brief
Lori Yates
Cpl. Stanley L. Moore
John Tuohy
Dearborn Detachment
Flint Dawgs
Dave Parker
Julie McGee
Dave Masunas
Martin Smith
Job well done Dave and Jon!
"The Scholarship Committee announced at the staff meeting they are pleased to have approved $12,000.00 in scholarship grants in the amount of $400.00 each for thirty (30) verified applicants. These 30 students represent 21 different universities and colleges from as far west in California to south in Kentucky to the cornfields of Iowa and of course to our own State of Michigan. "These 30 grants were made possible by generous donations from individuals and detachments as well as the Michigan Marine Corps League Auxiliary and the Department. "Additionally, we are pleased to announce the new 2018 MI-MCL Department & Auxiliary Scholarship Application and Guidelines will be posted on the MI-MCL website in January 2018. Please note that there were some significant changes to the requirements. Timothy McGee, Scholarship Chairman Timothy S. McGee 14
Marines: Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find an article written by Scholarship Committee Chairmen, Tim McGee. The committee is especially pleased to announce $400 grants were awarded to 30 students. This is an increase over last year and in spite of drastically reduced contributions from the Great Lakes Marketing program, it was all made possible because so many Michigan Marine Corps League Components stepped forward. The fundraising efforts throughout the year, staffed by League members always generates significant funds. The generosity of our detachments, the ongoing support from the Auxiliary, and individual Marines stepping forward to make a personal contribution all contributed In making these grants possible. The Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Foundation also played a role and in the future, hope to increase the contributions significantly. We must make up for the dwindling Great Lakes Marketing income stream. I’ve had personal conversations with many Marines and all seem to agree that educating our children should be of highest priority. Studying at a Trade School. Junior College or a University appears to be an absolute must for a well paying career. There are some pretty simple ways to reach our goals. Over $10,000 could be raised annually if each detachment pledged to contribute $300 each year. Many detachments have already met that suggestion, some exceeding it. What if each detachment honored deceased detachment members with a gift to the foundation? An acknowledgment letter sent to the family would do two things; show the family your admiration for the departed Marine and perhaps, inspire the family to make additional contributions. Often times donation envelopes are available when you visit the funeral home. If there isn’t one for the Marine Corps League Scholarship Fund, the funeral directors can make some available. They have the equipment and envelope inventory to do so. A directive from your departed Marine requesting donations in lieu of flowers is often suggested. The Marine Corps League is a family. Brothers and sisters that served our country well and still maintain a relationship with each other. We are the only branch of service where this camaraderie exists. We are made up of one military branch—U.S. Marines. Serving together in uniform and now working together in private life.
Semper Fidelis
Don’t Forget to Pass It Around at Your Meetings.
D. Jerry McKeon President Department of Michigan Marine Corps League Foundation
Marine Corps League Foundation Loose Change Jar
Detroit Hosts Marine Corps Association and Foundation Luncheon In an after lunch ceremony, the Wounded Warrior Award Winners were recognized. Recently I attended the Marine Corps Association and Foundation luncheon. Here is my story.
A story about Marines shouldn’t start out complimenting the delicious meal - so it will go unsaid. In a room filled with officers and enlisted Marines responsible for organizing or participating in Marine week, the Marine Corps Association and Foundation Luncheon hosted Marines and guests from many distant bases and locations – scheduled to coincide with Marine Week, the Marriott on Detroit’s Riverfront provided the setting. Socializing in the lobby beforehand, it was a splendid opportunity to meet other Marines and for many, catch up on changes in training and readiness in the Corps today. The luncheon opened with the official Marine Corps Color Guard from the 8th & I Barracks in Washington DC presenting colors. Followed with the Marine Corps Hymn played by a Marine Corps Quintet based in San Diego, California. In a couple of dozen tables of ten, a mixture of active and former active duty Marines in uniform and civvies filled the seats – as officers and enlisted personnel of all ranks mingled together in the large room. The designated seating was strategically arranged to place an assortment of ranks and interests together. Seated next to a retired JAG officer, I found it interesting knowing more about his military career. With a call to order, retired LtGen William Faulkner, President and CEO of the Marine Corps Association and Foundation greeted guests with a nod from his Sgt Major he was doing OK. Prior to being seated, guest speaker BrigGen Raymond Descheneaux circulated throughout the room shaking hands, posing for pictures and getting to know his audience, making everyone feel at ease with his welcoming persona. With dozens of different occupational specialties in the room, many involved with the Wounded Warrior Regiment, the General found a topic everyone could relate to in today’s reality filled world - love for one another and our country. As Deputy Commander of the 1 Marine Expeditionary Force (Mobilization), the fifteen Marines and the Navy Corpsmen perishing in a recent plane crash in the farmlands of the Mississippi Delta region were under the General’s command. Attending a number of funeral services of his fallen men, the general saw first hand how American’s feel about the men and women on guard against our enemies and how everything else taking place in a crazy world is so unimportant. The General spoke of the training underway, the equipment in place and the commitment of our Marines to take on any challenge required in the future. Not reading from a script, General Descheneaux left the podium moving closer to his audience with direct eye contact to many. The presentation was polished and passionate receiving a generous round of applause.
Immediately following the luncheon, guests moved to the 42 degrees North room for the presentation of the Wounded Warrior Leaderships Awards. Honored were Corporal Jake R. Leone, Recovering Marine of the Year, Sergeant Elizavet C. Avila, Section Leader of the Year, Mrs. Melissa Mimms, Civilian of the Year, Gunnery Sergeant Jonathan B. Faff, Enlisted Leadership Award, Captain Joel N. Rea, Officer Leadership Award and Mrs. Stephanie Williams, Caregiver of the Year. LtCol Larry Coleman’s remarks brought light on the purpose of the awards and closed the ceremony. Jerry McKeon Editor – The Michigan Marine Corps League Newsletter NOTE: The Marine Corps Association and Foundation is a fine organization to consider joining. Members receive a member discount when shopping at the The Association publishes the Leatherneck and Marine Corps Gazette Magazines which your membership brings to your door.
Montford Point Mural Unveiled The morning sun warmed the crowd gathered for the unveiling of the thirty foot wide mural, professionally painted by Marine Corps artists during Marine Week. On the street side of the Montford Point Marine Corps League Detachment building on Joy Road; a week’s worth of work by six Marine painters was appreciably applauded. In the future, I will take special trips down Joy Road just to see it again and again. Honored guests included Senator Debby Stabenow, Detroit Council President Brenda Jones and a trio of U.S. Marine Corps Generals. Others included Department Commandant Dave Masunas, Department Jr. Vice Commandant Al Pierson, past National Commandant James Tuohy. Marine Corps Auxiliary President Ann LeClair, and past National Auxiliary President Gerri Tuohy were in attendance as well. Many Marine Corps League members and guests as well as a number of uniformed Marines involved in Marine Week filled the remaining chairs. The event opened with the presentation of colors from the official Marine Corps color guard unit out of the 8 th & I Barracks in Washington DC. Traveling from San Diego, a Marine Corps band played several musical numbers including of course, the Marine Corps hymn, that always brings Marines to their feet. The six artists under the direct supervision of Sgt. Elize McKelvey presented a fabulous product when completed. To prevent un-repairable vandalism, a sealer will preserve the image and allow any graffiti to be easily wiped away. Speakers included Senator Stabenow, Col Chandler Nelms, Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones, Detachment Commandant Lamarr Harrington, with a special presentation made by Ms. Sharon Stokes, of the National Montford Point Marines Association. Ms. Stokes the National Resolution Officer for the State of Michigan read a letter written by President Obama as Senator Stabenow presented Detachment member Michael Giles with the same Presidential Medal the original Montford Point Marines received in 2012. Marine Giles followed his WWII Marine father, also an original Montford Point Marines into the Corps.
Work in progress as the Marine artist work on the mural.
Marines Calvin Shepherd, Ervin Love, Eugene Owens and Jerry McKeon, with one of the award recipients at the Awards luncheon.
A small detachment of MEF Marines were assigned the task of retrieving the game ball off a barge in the Detroit River. Inserted by shimming down a rope from a helicopter, they retrieved the game ball and left the same way. All five hanging from a rope (photo on left) were removed from the target via the same helicopter. As they headed west towards the Ambassador Bridge, the crowd hoped the pilot had enough elevation to carry them over it. They attended the Lions game on Sunday where the ref was presented with the game ball. One of many events that excited the crowd.
Members of the Marine Corps League Detachment Edson, Kline, Van Slyke Detachment #1423 and John C. Rock Detachment # 902 dual members, at the dedication of the Gold Star Family Memorial in Bay City on September 30th at 1100. It’s the first of its kind in Michigan.
Frank Rosinski, Commandant of the Alpena Marine Corps League Detachment reports the following activities: The Marine Corps League picnic held on the last Saturday in July was a great success. On Saturday August 25th, a memorial and fundraiser was held at a private home. A service was held in for the wife of one of our Marine members. The fundraiser was to help a young disabled veteran and his family. This is the second year in a row this veteran has been honored. Although this young veterans was not a Marine, the detachment raised over $9,000 proudly states commandant Rosinski. The detachment is holding a drawing on November 10th at the local VFW Post with a first prize of a Browning XBolt 270 with Nikon scope, 2nd prize is $100 cash and 3rd prize is $50 cash. Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25. Contact should you wish to purchase tickets.
The Northwest Detachment organized a Dean Martin Night as a fund raiser and highly recommends it to you. For additional information contact William King, the Commandant. You will find Impersonator John Morello in the center of the picture in the back row. From left: Gene Kramer, Gunny Dixon, Ron Brodrick, Bill King, Richard Schmidt, Impersonator John Morello, Ron Thomas, Dan Dreger, Eastern Zone Commandant Jerry McKeon and Leonard Croskey.
The Upper Peninsula Detachment # 444 is continually busy with parades, flag raisings and many other events in the greater Escanaba area. In the top picture, the detachment takes part in a memorial for former detachment life member Richard Morrison. Top Right—the color guard lead the way in the ABATE great pumpkin parade. In the second row right, Auxiliary ladies brave the rain and hand out candy along the parade route. Just above: The Detachment being honored at the Escanaba Esykmos football game during a veterans appreciation night.
A Montford Point Group Photo Taken at a Fundraiser For Marine Week
The Mural About Mid-Week Taking Shape
Who Remembers the Cattle Cars?
And the Marine Band played on!
Loose Change Container To Build Scholarship Fund! Your Zone Commandant has a jar for your Detachment. After Each Detachment meeting pass the jar collecting loose change. At the 2018 Summer Convention turn in your donations. Let’s all help build the scholarship fund.
Macomb County Detachment #154 installed officers for the 2017/2018 term. Commandant Donald Teeples (second from right) will lead the detachment. Others include Dean A Miles as Senior Vice Commandant, Jr. Past Commandant and now Judge Advocate Christine Tonegatto-Salo , Donald Lyon, Paymaster and Michael Hall, Sgt. Of Arms.. The Chaplain and jr. Vice Commandant positions remain open. Jerry McKeon, Vice Commandant of the Eastern Zone handled the installation. A chicken dinner followed the ceremony.
Cpl. Stanley L. Moore Detachment #159 and North Oakland Detachment # 570 turned the annual golfing event into another successful fundraiser. Above Jr. Past Commandant Tim McGee tallies up the scores to determine the lowest winning score. Left -Tony Snarski and Dave Wojta sell raffle tickets to the 72 golfers
PDD Norm Pfaff hopes for a bulls eye as he participates in the recent Macomb County Detachment Rifle shoot 22
Flint Detachment and Auxiliary members assemble in Downtown Flint For This Photo Opp.
DOES BOOT CAMP NEED A FOURTH PHASE? The Marine Corps is considering a plan to add a fourth phase to its recruit training regimen, multiple sources have confirmed to Task & Purpose. The proposed phase is aimed at providing recruits more time to get comfortable in their newfound identity as Marines. The addition of a fourth phase would not extend the length of boot camp, though it could require certain training events to be shifted to earlier in the cycle. Currently, recruit training is broken into three phases. The first four weeks emphasize drill, physical fitness, and above all, training civilians to be Marine recruits. The second phase focuses on marksmanship, culminating in rifle qualification, and the third phase covers combat marksmanship, and closes out with the Crucible — a test of stress management and teamwork that represents a would-be Marine’s final hurdle in training. The new phase would likely occur near the end of the 12-week training cycle, during the period of instruction currently set aside as “Marine week” (and often unofficially referred to in boot camp as “fourth phase.”) Marine week is a fourday period following the Crucible, where newly minted Marines receive classes on financial stability, Marine leadership, prep for graduation, and are finally permitted to refer to themselves in the first person and their drill instructors by rank.
Millions of Veterans will Have Access to Online Military Exchanges Soon. Beginning Veterans Day, November 11th, any honorably discharged veteran will be allowed to shop at any of the online discounted military exchanges. Acting Undersecretary of Defense Peter Levine signed a memorandum in January announcing the expansion of services. Months of preparation are needed to connect VA records to the software they will use to verify veteran status. Don’t wait until November 11th to sign up for the services/ Many veteran’s records are not yet connected. Mine for example have not been digitized; to take advantage of this benefit I must send in my DD214 for verification. Different branches of the Armed Services are vigorously working to complete the process was the message I received. There are modest in size Patriot stores in the larger VA Hospitals where discounted goods can be purchased by visiting Veterans and volunteers working or using the facilities. Larger goods like automobile tires and batteries, lawn furniture and home goods can be ordered from onsite catalogs. Everything helps in a world of rising prices – check it out!
President Donald Trump signed the “Forever GI Bill’ into law on August 16 in Bedminster, N.J. The Forever GI Bill, also called the Harry W. Colmery Veteran’s Educational Assistance Act of 2017, is named for the American Legion’s past national commander who created the draft of the original GI Bill of Rights in 1944. The legislation was introduced in the House of representatives July 13 and quickly moved through both chambers of Congress. (The Forever GI Bill) is expanding our ability to support our veterans in getting education said Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin. “Already we’ve had 1.7 million individuals take advantage of the Post9/11 GI Bill” “We hope many more will.” American Legion National Commander Charles E. Schmidt praised the legislation. The Signing of the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017 marks a new era for all that have honorably served in uniform. Schmidt said.” The bill would improve and extend GI Bill benefits granted to veterans, their surviving spouses and dependents. Specifically, it would: Remove time restrictions to use the GI Bill, enabling future eligible recipients to use their GI Bill benefits for their entire lives as opposed to the current 15-year time limit. Simplify the benefit for future service-members by consolidating the GI Bill into a single program, which would reduce the VA’s administrative costs. Provide significant increases in GI Bill funding for reservists and guardsmen, dependents, surviving spouses and surviving dependents. Provide 100 percent GI Bill eligibility to post 9/11 Purple Heart recipients. It also corrects a Pentagon deployment authorization that has kept thousands of National Guardsmen and reservists from accumulating earned education benefits. “This lifetime benefit will allow veterans, their families, to earn degrees and begin rewarding careers that can lead our economy” Schmidt said. This Article Appeared in an American Legion Publication.
Greetings from Department of Michigan Auxiliary! Fall is in full swing, bringing new opportunities as well as established traditions of the coming holidays. I would like to thank the Department MCL for allowing our members to participate in Marine Week activities. Increasing our membership in the Auxiliary is a major goal and this was a great way meet ladies who may be interested in joining us. The Auxiliary is focusing on preparations for the Midwinter Rally, January 18-21, 2018, at Bavarian Inn Lodge in Frankenmuth. We are committed to making this a special experience for everyone attending. Please share the registration and ad information to everyone in your detachments and please be sure to bring your family for a fun weekend. Reservations are to be made by January 1, 2018 to guarantee the group rate. Ads should be submitted to Mary Brief at by December 1st.
Enjoy the beauty of each day in Michigan. I look forward to seeing everyone soon. Semper fidelis, Ann LeClair President, Department of Michigan MCLA Ann LeClair
At left, Auxiliary President Ann LeClair installs officers of the Macomb Unit . Sharon Renaud is the new President. Standing next to the vintage Corvette is Auxiliary member Benjawan Miller.
Macomb County Detachment Bagpipers assemble after their appearance at a local county fair.
Richard Walsh of the Kalamazoo Detachment presents an Eagle Scout with a Certificate of Achievement
If your detachment does not have an Eagle Scout Program you may be missing an opportunity to recruit new members and become better known in your community. Our Commandant has issued hundreds of them over the past few years and can tell you first hand how rewarding a program it’s been. The certificates are available through National’s store and are simple to complete on the computer. Join other detachments that are doing this regularly and enjoy a rewarding experience.
Is this Commandant Dave’s Rubber Ducky?
Al Pierson and Wendy Zamora mind the Devil Dog Quartermaster store at the recent national convention.
Woof Woof,
I hope you all have had a great summer. “Parade season” is now about over, it is officially fall. (I don’t like it either but I am looking forward to hunting season) Now comes the time when we start preparing for our birthday parties, toys for tots, Veterans Day ceremonies, Christmas parties, VA activities, and then the Mid-winter Rally in January. This is also the time of the year when most of us are going thru our election processes. A lot to do the next couple months, to say the least. Detroit Marine Week, If you didn’t get the opportunity to spend some time down on the river front with the Marines you missed out on some great “hanging out” time. They had all the displays, demonstrations and other activities going on but I think that is more for the general population. The real attraction in my opinion was the comradery of old and new. The Command, the entire staff commissioned PACK LEADER PDD SCOTT NEFF
and enlisted all the Marines were first class. The silent drill team members, the band members, everyone was approachable. The Generals, Commanding Officers and their staff were just as approachable. They all seem equally interested in our stories as we were in theirs. I left with confidence in them, and in the interest of full disclosure, a little bummed that I am not young enough to go back into the Corps and serve again with them. Word is they will be doing this again in Detroit in a few years. Looking forward to seeing every one, and their scruffy jowls, at the Mid-winter Growl. Woof Woof Pack leader PDD Scott R. Neff
Pack of Michigan Pound 6 Installed Officers for the coming year. They are: Pound Keeper, Scott Neff, Sr. Vice, Stephen Fletcher, Jr. Vice, Jerry McKeon, Smart Dog, Jeff Hannak, Doug Trainer, Paul Adamisen, Police Dog, Norm Pfaff, Mad Dog, Don Teeples, Barking Dog, Bill King and Watch Dog, Charlie Brock. Phil Smith remains the Dog Robber. It’s Growl Time—Out comes the Vest 27
National Commandant, Wendell Webb Requested Vice Commandants Post This Message Dues are now due for everyone as of 1 September 2017. No renewal notices will be sent. All paymasters are to use the attached Transmittal form and please destroy or delete all previous forms in your inventory. Sending to wrong address is causing issues with transmittals being processed in a timely manner and impacts cash flow. The worse thing is an unhappy member who are our customers. Please check all documentation you currently use for correct mailing address for Headquarters. Bob Borka and I have been trying to find and correct all documentation using the old address. Membership cards envelope forms have wrong address and we will correct before new mailings go out of the office. This applies for all correspondence with National headquarters for membership, ships store, award applications, etc... The new address that was effective October 1, 2016 is: Marine Corps League National Headquarters 3619 Jefferson Davis Highway Suite 115 Stafford, VA 22554
Ray Dailey—Central Division Vice Commandant
“The old PO Box 1370, Merrifield, VA is no longer accepting mail for Marine Corps League and will be returned if sent to that address.” We are finding many records in the current database have wrong or missing emails and phone numbers for many of our members plus current Paymasters. Paymasters get updated by the Report of Officers being submitted. We are trying to improve the efficiency of the flow of data and operations at National Headquarters and the Divisions, Departments and Detachments must also strive to improve their operations. Thanks for your help Marines, Semper Fidelis, W3 Wendell W. Webb National Commandant and CEO Marine Corps League Criteria expanded for Global War on Terrorism medal
Many Marine Corps League members are a bit too old to merit the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary medal. However, perhaps a son or daughter or a grand child may be interested in knowing the Pentagon has expanded the criteria to include the US campaign against ISIS in Libya. The expanded geographic criterion reflects US Military operations to liberate Sirte from ISIS. Dubbed Operation Odyssey Lighting, the campaign against ISIS in Libya began Aug 1, 2016 and officially ended Dec 19, 2016
Sniper kill shot sets a new record! A Canadian sniper serving in Iraq recently neutralized an ISIS fighter from a distance of 11,319 feet – that’s more than two miles – shattering the previous distance record for a sniper kill of 8,120 feet. The Canadian sniper was deployed as part of an advise-and-assist mission and fired his record-setting shot when Iraq personnel came under attack. The bullet fired from a McMillan TAC-50 rifle traveled 2.14 miles in 10 seconds. The shot was confirmed by video evidence.
The Revised Membership Dues Transmittal & Change Notification Form To Locate a More Legible Copy Go to
If You Are Making Plans to Attend The Mid-Winter National Conference Complete This Registration Form MID-WINTER NATIONAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION MARCH 1 – 3, 2018 Fredericksburg Hospitality House & Conference Center 2801 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 Phone: (540) 786-8321 $99.00 per night (Includes Breakfast) ALL DEADLINES ARE FEBRUARY 9, 2018 To have your name tag printed and packet prepared prior to your arrival you must be pre-registered. Pre-registration in $10; registration at the conference is $12. Please print and complete the following information as you want it to appear on your name tag. Name: Name: Title: Title: Det/Unit: Det/Unit: Street Address: Street Address: City/State/Zip: City/State/Zip: Phone: Phone: Email: Email: A program book will be printed. All units of the MCL, MODD, and MCLA are all encouraged to support the program book to help offset the cost of the Conference. It is recommended that you E-mail your ad for better resolution Program Book (place number of ads on the appropriate line) Full page @ $100 Half page @ $60 Business card @ $25 Quarter page @ $30 Patron listing @ $2 Banquet Meals @ $45 Each
Total number pre-registration delegates Total number of banquet meals Program book ads GRAND TOTAL DUE Check or money order enclosed n Check / MO # Amount Please make checks and money orders payable to MCL, Inc. or Marine Corps League, Inc. We gladly accept n Visa n MasterCard n Discover n American Express Name as it appears on credit card Credit card # Exp. Date *CVV # Billing address City /State /Zip
Email Signature * For Visa, MasterCard and Discover; please look in the signature strip on the back of your credit card. In the signature strip there are several numbers, some of which may be part of your credit card number. The last 3-digit number is your CVV card security number. For AMEX; your CVV card security number is on the front. Please mail to: National Marine Corps League, Attn: Mid-Winter Conference, 3619 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Suite 115 Stafford, VA 22554. For credit card payment call 703.207.9588 or email forms and ad copy to Please Cc the Chief Operating Officer Bob Borka at
2018 MIDWINTER RALLY Frankenmuth, Michigan
Department of Michigan Marine Corps League & Auxiliary MCL Commandant Dave Masunas
MCLA President Ann LeClair
Welcomes you to the 2018 Department of Michigan Mid-Winter Rally, January 18-21, 2018, hosted by the Dept. of MI-MCLA. MCL Service Board Meeting- Thursday January 18,2018 @ 7pm.
Bavarian Inn Lodge & Conference Center One Covered Bridge Lane, Frankenmuth, MI Phone: 989-652-7200 For more information please contact Chairpersons:
PDP Mary Brief
Dept. Pres. Ann LeCLair
7120 Brief Rd
5283 W. Wilson Rd
Kingston, MI 48741
Clio, MI 48420
810-869-2399 31
2018 MIDWINTER RALLY Frankenmuth, Michigan EXTRA EVENTS All extra events are offered on Thursday and Friday prior to Joint Opening. You MUST register, even if they are FREE. You will need to provide your own transportation, they are within ½ mile of the Hotel.
Thursday: FREE 5pm
Michigan’s Own Military Museum
(Guided Tour approx.90 min; admission regularly $7.00/person) *Donations appreciated to maintain the museum Thursday: $15
7pm Paint Class 7”x 14” canvas (At hotel) (all supplies provided)
Limited to first 12 persons registered Friday: 10 am
Zeilinger Wool Company
FREE- (Guided Tour approx. 60 min) *This includes the carding of wool, making batting, the yarn mill, and the tying of quilts. Discount offered for anyone taking the tour on your purchases that day.
2018 MIDWINTER RALLY Frankenmuth, Michigan
$99.00 per standard double room plus 11% tax
$ 109.00 per prem. double or king room plus 11%tax $ 159.00 per suite plus 11% tax
Reservation toll free number is: 1-800-652-7200 Online reservations: Use group # 12J9L0 Ending date for guaranteed group rate is January 1, 2018
All major credit cards accepted Free parking is available. All guest rooms have refrigerator, coffee maker, ironing board, hair dryer and complementary WIFI. The Lodge has 2 waterslides,4 indoor pools, 3 whirlpools, and gift shops, restaurants, and lounges. There is a 2-acre family fun center which includes an indoor 18-hole miniature golf course. No pets permitted. (service animals allowed, please have papers as the hotel has the right to question) No smoking anywhere in the hotel. FREE shuttle between Lodge, Bavarian Inn, and Riverplace shopping center.
2018 MIDWINTER RALLY Frankenmuth, Michigan Please support our Mid-Winter Program Book Book size will be “8 ½ x 11” Full page 8 x 10
Half page
Quarter page 4 x 5 Business Card
$ 50 $ 25
Outside Back Cover 8 x 10
$150 sold
Inside Back Cover 8 x 10
$125 sold
Inside Front Cover 8x10
$125 sold
Sponsorship of the Hospitality Room $150 (Sponsorship includes: Sign in the Hospitality Room for the night, listing on the Gold Sponsor page, and full-page ad) *6 4 opportunities
Please make payment to: Department of Michigan MCLA Please submit camera ready art: PDP Mary Brief
7120 Brief Rd Kingston, MI 48741 989-550-9540 *No Credit Cards accepted Ad Deadline: December 1, 2017 34
2018 MIDWINTER RALLY Frankenmuth, Michigan
Registration Form Name: __________________________________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________________________________
Detachment/Unit: _________________________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________________________ Detachment/Unit: _________________________________________________________ ‘ Qty
Registration: _______________ x $5.00 __________ Hospitality: ________________ x 15.00 __________ Banquet: _________________ x 35.00 __________ Painting: _________________ x $15 ___________*see event sheet for info Military Museum: _________ _x FREE ____-0-_____ * see event sheet for info Wool Company Tour ________x FREE ____-0-_____ * see event sheet for info Grand Total: __________________ Make checks payable to: Dept. of MI- MCLA Send Registration to: PDP Peggy Tuohy 3171 Ivy Lane Grand Blanc, MI 48439
Registration Deadline: January 1, 2018 35
Marines: Do you know someone who would like to promote their business in our newsletter? Someone in your community that would like to reach out beyond their marketing area. If they have a product or service approximately two thousand Marines would consider, tell them about your newsletter. For a limited time only, we’re discounting prices to give businesses a chance to try us. FULL PAGE:
If an advertiser pays a full year in advance (4 issues) - there is a 20% discount Advertise where the Michigan Marines get their information Contact: Jerry mcKeon — 248-866-5653 or
For most of us after a monthly meeting, we put our covers on a shelf in the closet until we meet again next month. We give one or two hours per month to the League and consider our obligation met. The Paymaster doesn’t have that luxury! The Paymaster is the glue of your detachment. Without the Paymaster, the detachment’s financial health would be unknown, the Semper Fi magazine would go to your last address, new members would not be processed and the detachment’s checking account would go unbalanced. Not a pretty picture. Every time your address changes, you submit your dues, change to a life membership, or have a question regarding your personal data, you are asking the Paymaster to perhaps make a phone call, send an e-mail or complete a form to be submitted to the department or national to get the answer. There is a life membership audit every year. Did you know about that? And sometimes the Paymaster is a debt collector chasing down delinquent members. Have you heard of a transmittal? Your paymaster certainly knows. Every change sent to the department or national, even the most minute, requires a transmittal—a letter size form with dozens of boxes to fill in before it’s acceptable. And if a copy machine is not available it’s off to find one as every transmittal requires four accompanying copies. In some detachments the Paymaster is also the Adjutant, as the bylaws allow this. This means that after the meeting another hour or two is spent deciphering your handwritten notes to complete the minutes. After a detachment meeting there is generally a line to see the paymaster. Something you need him or her to do that will likely take more time. Now take any detachment Paymaster’s job and multiply it by 37—the number of Michigan detachments. And they volunteer for this position—God Bless them. The next time you see the Paymaster, tell him/her thank you. Buying a coffee or a beer would be a nice gesture.
Veteran’s Day—2017 A thank you hardly speaks to the courage Those killed in combat action displayed They gave their lives to the cause of freedom An act of bravery that cannot be repaid
They stood up to America’s enemies So we could live free another day They are the hero’s, God bless them For the courage so valiantly displayed
Lying in graveyards throughout the world The high cost of freedom is found As gatherings occur on this Veteran’s Day From large cities to the smallest of towns
To veterans who bear the scars of war But lived on to see another day You are always in our thoughts As horrors of war are forever replayed
Nothing can bring them back to life To personally honor them on this day They will never hear the praise Our grateful citizens would like to say
To some scars of war are not present As PTSD fills their minds Scars they will carry forever Not to be lost in the passage of time
We humbly stand before each headstone To express our personal thanks Men and women of all ages and colors Of all generations and service ranks
For all veterans who wear uniforms Serving us in peacetime and in war Your efforts are totally appreciated Americans could not ask for anything more
When democracy was threatened They quickly stepped into harms way They took an oath to give their lives Should they be called upon to pay
You represent the very best of America Serving honorably on foreign lands God bless all of our brave veterans Behind you America stands
By Jerry McKeon