Annual report
2020 I goodwill manasota
Dear Friends of Goodwill and our team members helped us navigate those turbulent times while focusing on opening better. We succeeded together as a team.
President & CEO - Bob Rosinsky & Chairman of the Board - Steve Boone
“We are so grateful to you and our entire community for making 2020 an outstanding year for Goodwill Manasota. It was a year of challenges for our Goodwill, but considering the trials and tribulations, we not only survived, but we also thrived. When I think back to March and April 2020, when most of our operations were closed, and we had no idea what the future would bring, our prospects looked bleak. The combined efforts of our Board of Directors, Goodwill Industries International, the Leadership,
We had a successful 2020 despite the chaos. Sales remained close to our original budget and were slightly higher than in 2019. Our mission services never closed, shifting to more remote communication and less face-to-face meetings. Zoom meetings allowed us to continue communicating while we could not meet! Our Goodwill received significant support from the Louis & Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust, local Foundations, and donations from friends. Ms. MacKenzie Scott honored us with the largest single donation ever received by this Goodwill, $10,000,000. We continue to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals and families by helping people reach their full potential through education, skills training, and the power of work. We invest our time and
Steve Boon Chairman of the Board
resources in people who are looking for a second chance, who ask for a hand up, not a handout. Thanks to the donations of gently-used goods and philanthropic contributions in 2020, we were able to: •
Serve 4,760 people in our community
Place 194 people in jobs
Serve 314 veterans and their families
Collect 144,396 pounds of food
Divert 38.7 million pounds from landfills
The thousands who we serve each have a compelling story to tell. In the coming pages, you will read about some of the men and women we serve who have overcome barriers to becoming independent, successful, and impactful members of our community. Without your contributions, none of these stories would be possible. Again, thank you for the part you played in empowering our mission of Changing Lives through the Power of Work.”
Bob Rosinsky - CEO
A gift from Mackenzie Scott Goodwill Manasota has received a donation of $10 million as part of a nearly $4.2 billion philanthropic effort by writer and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott to rebuild the U.S. economy in the face of the ongoing pandemic. Included in the wave of donations was a $20 million gift to Goodwill Industries International (GII), as well as contributions to 45 other local Goodwill organizations. Nearly 6,500 organizations were considered by Scott and her team on their way to determining the 384 that were funded over the past four months. Locally, United Way Suncoast, Easterseals Southwest Florida, and Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee – all community partners of Goodwill Manasota – also received gifts from Scott. This investment comes at a time when more than 10 million Americans are unemployed and urgently need help finding their next jobs. The local contribution will help Goodwill Manasota carry out its strategic plan as well as address programs it could not undertake due to a lack of resources. The funding from Scott will enable Goodwill to continue to expand on its role as an essential service provider in the region. “We are humbled and grateful by MacKenzie Scott’s contribution, which will address the growing need for skills training for job seekers while building access to opportunity and equitable hiring as community members continue to face historic hardships during this pandemic.” - Bob Rosinsky, President and CEO - Goodwill Manasota
Job Connection Our Job Connection program provides free job placement services and free access to computers for anybody who is looking for employment.
Dora's STORY In Mexico, Dora was part of a team that flew around the world to different factories, setting up machines and teaching people how to make sensors. Dora has degrees in business administration and finance as well as in manufacturing. She met a wonderful American man, married him, and moved to Florida to live the American Dream. She quickly found out that it was expensive to live that dream – especially if you want to purchase a home. Dora and her husband bought a house. She got a job cleaning a department store at 5 each morning before the store opened. She also got a job stocking shelves in a grocery store during the day AND a job serving tables at night in a restaurant. Her husband had two jobs. Sadly, Dora and her husband didn’t see each other very often. Dora had heard of Goodwill but had never heard of a Job
Connection until she drove into the parking lot at Goodwill’s Corporate Campus. She walked into the Job Connection office and made an appointment with Morgan for the next day.
magic and immediately set up an interview for Dora with Alexa. Alexa agreed that Dora would be a good fit at Goodwill. She scheduled Dora for an interview with Donn and Angela.
When Dora arrived for her appointment, she told Morgan that she just needed something stable, something to rely on. Morgan immediately made note of Dora’s leadership qualities and her experience leading teams around the world. He asked her if she would consider working at Goodwill as a leader. Dora was excited but did not want to take on a fourth job. She stated that it would be nice to cut down to just two jobs if she could make enough money.
The team was ready to offer Dora a position at Goodwill as an assistant manager. When Sara called with the offer, Dora screamed. The salary offer was enough for her to give notice at all three of her jobs. She could now work one job and still pay the bills and the mortgage. Even better, she would also get to spend more time with her husband.
Dora had figured out exactly how much she needed to earn to cut one or two of her jobs. She filled out an application and Morgan called Sara in HR. Sara came over to meet with Dora, and she was impressed. Sara worked her
When asked how she likes her job, she states, “I am working at one of the busiest Goodwill stores in the world and I am earning a paycheck while helping others to earn a paycheck. This is living the American Dream.”
People in the community were served through Job Connection
“I am working at one of the busiest Goodwill stores in the world and I am earning a paycheck while helping others to earn a paycheck. This is living the American Dream.” - Dora, Goodwill Manasota Team Member
Supported Jobsplus Our supported jobs plus program is designed to help people with significant disabilities gain positive personal and professional behaviors and skills while earning a paycheck.
Daniel's STORY Daniel was diagnosed with autism as a young child. He grew up with his mom, sister and grandmother until he was in 7th grade when his grandmother – who was very special to him – passed away. Ten years later, when his mother passed away, Daniel lived with his aunt and uncle. He likes living with them. His uncle, who oversees his finances, has been teaching Daniel about the importance of “paying the bills first and then saving.” Daniel began working with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) a few years ago. DVR referred him to EasterSeals of Southwest Florida for vocational training. The training included working at several different organizations, including Goodwill Manasota. He loved working at the Goodwill site so much that he decided he wanted a job there once he completed his training. When the time came, he applied. He had
to wait for a while but, as Daniel says, “Goodwill was worth the wait.” He works as a sales floor associate and donor greeter at Goodwill’s Cortez store. Daniel enjoys working there and likes his store manager. Daniel says she cares about everyone. Daniel also likes having a GoodPartner Coach. When his coach asked what he loves most about his job, Daniel said, “Getting along with everyone and helping them out, and they help me out, too.” His coach saw how much Daniel cares about his co-workers recently when the mother of one of his team members passed away. Daniel was genuinely concerned for his friend. He knows firsthand how painful it is when someone you love passes away. He believes that working at Goodwill means sharing in each other’s lives, in good and difficult times.
In his spare time, for the past four years, Daniel has participated in Special Olympics basketball, volleyball, and bowling. He has gone to state competitions twice in volleyball, which is his favorite sport. Daniel is an athlete leader. He participates in fundraising events for Special Olympics at Culver’s and Publix, which he enjoys. With the impact of COVID-19, his team still meets on Zoom. Even though they are physically distancing, he is happy they can still “see” each other. Daniel says that having a disability like autism has given him opportunities to be more involved in his community. He likes to help others understand his strengths as well as his challenges, and also to motivate others with disabilities to “be brave, be yourself, be more involved in your community, get along with everyone!”
People in the community were served through SUPPORTED JOBSPLUS
Daniel “Be brave, be yourself, be more involved in your community, get along with everyone!” - Daniel, Goodwill Manasota Team Member
GOODPARTNER COACH Each team member at Goodwill Manasota is assigned to a GoodPartner Coach, who assists them in setting and accomplishing their own personal and professional goals and is a resource for personal and family life.
Maria's STORY Maria came to the Goodwill Community Connection office earlier this year seeking employment at Goodwill. She did not know what position she was qualified to apply for because she had always worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant. She had lost her previous job due to COVID-19. As an older worker, she did not want to work in a health care setting any longer due to her concerns about contracting COVID-19. Though she had been applying everywhere, she could not find a job. She needed to work, and she was desperate to find a job since she was already two months behind on her rent, and her bills were piling up. Yolanda, in the Goodwill Community Connection office, told Maria that Goodwill hires people from many different walks of life. Even though she did not have experience working in a store, Goodwill had a strong
learning culture, and if Maria got the job, she would get the training she needed. Maria worried about her ability to learn new things. She was feeling anxious about her situation, and she began crying. She had no one to turn to, and she was afraid. Yolanda assured Maria that she was in the right place. Soon after, Maria received an invitation for an interview and a job offer quickly followed. However, she was still very concerned about the prospect of becoming homeless. Yolanda explained that she could help with those things too. Together they worked on an online application for financial assistance from another agency. The application was approved – Maria’s rent was paid up. Maria was pleased to learn that her new job came with a GoodPartner Coach. Her Coach has been in close contact with her over the last few months, ensuring that Maria had everything she
needed to be successful at Goodwill. Her desire to work and her willingness to learn has served her well. She has been working full-time and getting a good wage and is now caught up on all her bills. She also has a job that she loves. Maria values being an integral part of her team. She also loves the recognition she gets at work. Though it has only been a few months since she began working at Goodwill, she has already received a promotion and a pay raise. Maria is now economically self-sufficient. When Maria looks back at how desperate she was only a few months ago, she is thankful for her new life. It had never occurred to her that she could work at Goodwill. Now that she is here, she says there is more to working at Goodwill than just earning an income. Maria says she has “a sense of belonging—that I am a part of something bigger.” - Maria
TEAM MEMBERS were served through our gpc program
“I have a sense of belonging—that I am a part of something bigger. Goodwill gave me a hand up when I needed one.” - Maria, Goodwill Manasota Team Member
Veterans Services The veterans’ program provides services such as job searching, resume building, interview skills, housing inquiries, financial management, referrals, and case management services for local veterans and their families.
Sheffield STORY
When veterans are in need, the community comes together to help. The air conditioning system at the home of former U.S. Marine Horras Sheffield and his wife, Willie Mae, didn’t work but they couldn’t afford to replace the unit. After a big storm came through the area a couple of years ago, there was damage to their home and they were just never able to catch up on muchneeded repairs. Thanks to a collaboration of Goodwill Manasota’s Veterans Services Program, spearheaded by program manager Todd Hughes, University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee’s Office of Veteran Success, represented by program administrator Carlos Moreira, and Veteran Air Conditioning owner Kevin Henault, the Sheffields had a new system installed recently – at no cost to them.
Funds from Goodwill’s SERV (Special Emergency Resources for Veterans) Fund were used to purchase the materials and labor was donated by Veteran Air Conditioning. Henault – a veteran who has been engaged with Goodwill for years and serves on Goodwill’s Veterans Services Task Force as well as on the newlyformed Goodwill Philanthropic Advisory Council – has done similar good deeds in the past for veterans served by Goodwill’s veterans’ program. Mr. Sheffield is a decorated veteran, earning the Purple Heart National Defense Service Medal, Vietnamese Service Medal, and the Vietnamese Campaign Medal. He has lived in Sarasota since 1966; the couple built their current home in 1975. Sheffield, a 27-year Allstate Insurance agent, became a self-employed entrepreneur, opening numerous businesses, including restaurants, a liquor store, a gas station, and
a nightclub. In 2001, he joined the Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce and became its first black chairman. The couple has deep roots and involvements in this community. “It is our duty to serve those who first served us,” said Hughes. “Through the Veterans Services Program, we are dedicated to providing whatever a veteran might need, whether it’s career services, opportunities to network with others who understand their challenges, housing, food, or emergency financial assistance. I am so happy that we were able to make this happen for Mr. and Mrs. Sheffield!”
People in the community were served through VETERANS SERVICES
“It is our duty to serve those who first served us. Through the Veterans Services Program, we are dedicated to providing whatever a veteran might need...” - Todd Hughes, Veterans Services Program Manager
demographics and impact numbers disability VS. Disadvantaging condition 12%
Multiple Disabilities
Substance Abuse
6% 15% 25%
White African American Hispanic Other
12 retail stores 17 attended donation centers 2 bargain barns 2 bookstores 3 job connection offices 1 veterans services office
PLACED IN JOBS through job connection
team members hired at goodwill
2020 impact numbers
38.7 MILLION POUNDS BEING DIVERTED FROM LANDFILLS Donation Collection Collecting donations is the first stop in the river. We collect donations at our stores and attended donation centers in Manatee, Sarasota, Hardee, and DeSoto counties and send those donations to various retail stores in the area.
Retail Stores Once the donations make it to the stores, they are sorted, go through a quality check, priced, and put out on the sales floor. Items that do not pass the quality check are sent directly to the Bargain Barn, where they are sold by the pound.
Bargain Barn Items that do not sell in our retail stores within a certain amount of time are sent to the Bargain Barn where they are sold by the pound. Any items that don’t sell at the Bargain Barn within a few hours are sent to salvage.
Salvage Items that do not sell at our Bargain Barn move through the salvage process. Our salvage process consists of bailed textiles, and packaged hardlines, that allow selected vendors to reuse these items. If the vendors do not reuse the items, they are recycled and kept out of the landfill.
donor story Eric Kaplan’s relationship with Louis and Gloria Flanzer began many years ago in New York City. The Flanzers were dedicated philanthropists, whose legacy of giving continues to enhance the lives of people on the Suncoast through social services and healthcare initiatives. Today, Eric is a fiduciary of the Louis and Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust. Together with Dr. R. Dean Hautamaki, he executes the goals and vision of this generous, community-minded couple. “It was a remarkable experience for me to watch the Flanzers vet the agencies that they would get involved with, to make sure the broadest amount of people would benefit, without any discrimination and with tangible results,” says Eric. “What I really admired is that they looked at philanthropy, not as a business, but in a businesslike way… to make sure that their money went the furthest and accomplished the most in the best way possible.” The Flanzer Trust launched its Contribution Matching Program in January 2020, sending $3.145 million to agencies in Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte and DeSoto Counties, matching $1,572,713 in contributions from 6,500 donors. The program was extended through 2021, with the purpose of inspiring philanthropic giving by the local community to key nonprofits that serve those who are most in need of assistance. What began with Goodwill Manasota’s participation in the Contribution Matching Program has developed into a strong, ongoing relationship with Eric Kaplan and the Louis and Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust. In the fourth quarter of 2020, the Flanzer Trust collaborated with Goodwill Manasota and matched revenue from the Change Round Up program, resulting in $91,000 in additional funding for important mission services. Eric Kaplan joined the newly formed Philanthropic Advisory Council and became a member of the Goodwill Manasota Board of Directors in March 2021. Bringing the astute business acumen of a practicing attorney and sharing best practices with several different agencies, Eric hopes to improve the community’s philanthropy on a broader basis.
“Our view is that Goodwill Manasota is a first-class agency that does much more than sell used items,” Eric explains. “It provides important services to local residents and is extremely well-run by caring and competent people. We consider Goodwill Manasota to be a critical resource for our community. That is why we support it.”
Financial donors CORPORATE PARTNERS • First United Methodist Church • Asolo Repertory Theatre • Blalock Walters, P.A. • Publix Super Markets Charities • Community Foundation of Sarasota County • Gulf Coast Community Foundation • The Jelks Family Foundation • PGT Innovations • Manatee Community Foundation • The Resort at Longboat Key Club • The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art • United Way Suncoast • NDC Construction Company • Gold Coast Eagle Distributing • Easterseals Southwest Florida • Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar • The Patterson Foundation • Rowlett Family Endowment Fund • Seaside National Bank & Trust • Wells Fargo & Co. Corporate Social Responsibility Group • Children’s World Uniform Supply • The Ritz-Carlton Sarasota • Universal North America Insurance Co. • DEX Imaging • Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall • The Players Centre for Performing Arts • The Ralph S. French Charitable Foundation • Sarasota Magazine • Founders Club Community Association • YourCause • Bouchard Insurance • Expert Removal Service LLC DBA Junk King • Cool Today • Mattison’s Restaurant and Catering • US 301/51st Ave E LLLP • Bailes Consulting Service • Veteran Air Heating & Air Conditioning • Harry Shapiro Charitable Foundation • H.E. and P.S. Becker Charitable Foundation • The Westin Sarasota • The Benevity Community Impact Fund • Florida Power & Light Company • Regent Products Corp • Kole Imports • Haddad United LLC • Leon Korol Company • Cities for Financial Empowerment • Catherine Pendola Tringali Fund • Goodwyn Mills • Cortez Anonymous Donor
• Little Geniuses, LLC • Sack Family Foundation • Florida Wholesale Sunglasses • Saperde • Network for Good • Daniell Family Foundation • Tugendhat Family Fund • CFSC Veterans Fund • John and Tana Sanderfur Foundation • Edward K. Roberts Fund • The Remedy Room • Connors Steak & Seafiood • Michael Curry Fishing Charters • Nothing Bundt Cakes • Discover Sarasota Tours • Barbara K. Zerby Trust • Louis & Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust • Florida Veterans for Common Sense Fund, Inc. • Bahian Women’s Club • Foundations & Endowments Specialty Practice • The Blackbaud Giving Fund (YourCause) • Voigt Brothers Construction • Manatee County CARES Act • Oakhurst Condominiums of Sarasota • US Chamber of Commerce Foundation • Will Robinson Campaign • Visual Edge IT
INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS • Drs. Brad and Lori Abrams • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Altier • Anonymous Donor • Mr. Steve Arvey • Ms. Esta Asteroff • Ms. Margaret Azouz • Ms. Sonya Bacon • Mrs. Xtavia Bailey • Mr. Joshua Barnett • Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Baroch • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bear • Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beckstein • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bennett • Mr. and Ms. Jonathan Berg • Ms. Carol Bernard • Mr. and Mrs. David Bishop • Mrs. Doris Bispham • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Boone • Ms. Cookie Boudreaux and Mr. Dennis Hassell • Mr. Thomas Breiter • Mr. and Ms. John Brill • Ms. Ashley Brown and Mr. James Templeton • Mr. Robert Brown
• Mr. Joseph Bruno • Ms. Cynthia Burke and Mr. Jason McGuire • Ms. Marsi Burns • Mr. Warren Butcher • Mr. and Mrs. Sean Carman • Mr. Scott Carter • Ms. Louise Cataldo • Ms. Lorraine Cheung • Ms. Pavitra Ciavardone • Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clare • Closed Estate of Beatrice J Doheny • Ms. Regina Compton • Mr. and Ms. Doug Constant • Ms. Bette Lou Cookson • Mr. James Cravens • Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crowley • Ms. Mary Curcio • Ms. Tina D’Agostino • Ms. Kim Davis • Dr. and Mrs. James Demler • Mr. Mark Dickerson • Mrs. Adele Diefenderfer • Ms. Debbie Douglas • Ms. Rae Dowling • Ms. Karin Drury • Ms. Cheryl Duley • Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dunlap • Ms. Antoinette Edmunds • Ms. Mary Lou England • Ms. Donna Evans • Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ferguson • Ms. Lesley France • Ms. Jennifer Fretz-Smith • Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph Garber, Jr. • Ms. Barbara Gardner • Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Genter • Mr. Adrian Gessen • Mr. and Mrs. Donn Githens, III • Mrs. Eugenia Glasser • Ms. Linda Glover • Ms. Melanie Goddard • Mrs. Grace Goldstein • Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Green • Mr. and Ms. Charles Hamilton • Mr. and Ms. Carol Hamilton • Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Hanlon • Ms. Maryanne Harmsen • Mr. Robert Harrison • Ms. Patricia Haupt • Ms. Pamela Hawn • Mr. and Ms. Michael Haycock • Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Henault • Mr. Jake Herndon • Ms. Katherine Heusner • Mrs. Lynn Hippensteel
• Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hollingsworth, Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchens • Mr. and Ms. Paul Hylbert • Ms. Connie Insco • Dr. and Mrs. RC Johnson • Mr. Curtis Jordan • Ms. Sarah Karon • Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan Karpathy • Mr. Bob Keller • Mr. David Kenworthy • Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick • Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kleinmaier • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koski • Mr. and Ms. Mitchel Krouse • Ms. Sharon Kunkel • Mr. Danny Langfield • Ms. Debbie LaPinska • Mr. John Lawson • Mr. Jay Lazar • Mr. Raphael Lazerowitz • Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey LeSage • Ms. Ashley Levandowski • Mr. Roger Lindauer • Mr. Christopher Littlejohn • Ms. Kate Lorenz • Mr. and Ms. Samuel Loshaek • Ms. Katherine Lyons • Mr. and Mrs. Vytas Maceikonis • Ms. Maureen Mack • Ms. Linda Matteson • Ms. Nancy McCabe • Mr. Dave McCutcheon • Ms. Diana McIntyre • Mr. Mark McLaughlin • Mr. Godfrey McLean • Mr. and Ms. Paul Miller • Mr. and Ms. Kevin Milliken • Col. Kelli Molter • Dr. and Mrs. Luis Montes • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore • Mr. John Moran • Mr. and Ms. Carlos Moreira • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris, III • Ms. Gloria Moss • Ms. Marian Moss • Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy • Ms. Jane Murphy-Scheeberger • Ms. Erica Natais • Mr. and Mrs. Randall Natherson • Ms. Patricia Norman • Mr. and Ms. Terrance O’Hara • Ms. Laura O’Reilly • Mr. and Ms. David Odenath • Mr. Jaun Ojeda • Ms. Peggy Olsen • Mr. and Mrs. Nicolo Ottomanelli
• Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pettingell • Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pimlott • Mr. Steven Powell • Ms. Hilleary Price • Ms. Nancy Provost • Mr. Chris Quintanilla • Mr. and Ms. Kevin Radford • Ms. Christie Rana • Ms. Angela Restrepo • Mr. James Richard • Ms. Katherine Risen • Rev. and Mrs. Donald Roberts • Mr. and Ms. Tod Roberts • Mr. Robert Rosinsky and Ms. Ruth Williams • Mr. and Mrs. John Russette • Mrs. Paulette Samowitz • Ms. Marcia Saulo • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schlegel • Ms. Kimberly Schmidt • Mrs. Maria Schroeder • Ms. MacKenzie Scott • Mr. and Ms. William Seider • Mr. Carlos Sepulveda • Ms. Wendy Shilling • Mr. Steven Shparber • Mr. Colby Siljestrom • Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Smith • Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith, Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanell • Mr. and Mrs. Alan Stephenson • Ms. Nancy Stern • Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Stewart • Ms. Sue Sutter • Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Swan • Ms. Patricia Talbot • Ms. Dawn Tate • Mr. and Mrs. Otto Tittle • Mr. James Turner • Mr. Charles Tyler • Ms. Margaret Tyler • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Unbekant • Mr. and Mrs. Tim Videnka • Ms. Wanda Wade • Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner, II • Ms. Kathleen Walker • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walters • Mr. Leroy Washington • Mr. Tom Waters • Mr. Josh Weaver • Mr. Mark Weinberg and Mr. Carl Sarzo • Mr. and Mrs. Allen Weinstein • Mr. and Mrs. Brad West • Mr. Harold Williams • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zeppi • Ms. Theresa Zupon
thank you to our board and Leadership Board of directors Brad West - chairman Xtavia Bailey Steve Boone Debbie Douglas Rae Dowling Shawn Hanlon Rod Hollingsworth Alexander Kirkpatrick Jacqueline Moore Rob Morris Matt Nessetti Laurie O’Loughlin Shulman Allen Weinstein Peter Crowley
Executive leadership President and CEO - Bob Rosinsky Vice President, Mission Services - Margie Genter Vice President, Human Resources - Adrian Gessen Vice President, Operations - Donn Githens Financial /Treasury - Bob Stanell Vice President, Foundation - Gray Videnka Bob Stanell – Outsourced Chief Financial Executive Cliff Walters – Of Counsel 2019-2020
Financial report 2020 Revenue
2020 Expenses
Programs and Services
Programs and Services
Management and General
Investments & Other
2020 I goodwill manasota annual report