PSM October 2021

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Dr Ridhwaan Suliman makes sense of COVID-19 stats

The sky’s no limit Orefile Mthombeni’s aviation career takes off

Digital transformation OCTOBER 2021

How to build trust in government


Contents: October 2021




Dr Ridhwaan Suliman – the COVID-19 numbers man


Women in the public sector

Orefile Mthombeni blazes a trail in aviation

10 From the Union Buildings

Government is forging ahead

with efforts to instil a culture


of ethics in the public service 30

International relations

BRICS celebrates 15 years since formation

FEATURES 12 Newly-launched unit


Ethics Integrity and


Assistance Unit is boosting

vaccine initiative will be a

the fight against corruption

game changer for South

in the public sector

Africa's healthcare and

COVID-19, cancer vaccines initiative to


The Public Administration

COVID-19 and cancer

pharmaceutical industry

strengthens fight against

Disciplinary Technical


Get your digital

revolutionise SA’s

COVID-19 vaccination



The launch of a new

A vaccine certificate has

Public Sector Manager • October 2021



Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001 Director-General Phumla Williams Acting Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Gcobisa Soci

16 been rolled out as proof that a person


has been vaccinated against COVID-19 18

your right

Treasury supplier payment


vote in the 6th Local

through digital

Government Elections


Communities investment in

ensuring State

Opinion: Building trust in government

benefit from

Government is

suppliers receive



Governments across

the world move to digital to better serve citizens


Acting Head of Editorial and Production Zanele Mngadi

Exercise your right to


Acting Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Tyrone Seale

government at work

Local Government Elections: Exercise

Acting Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management Michael Currin

Managing Editor Irene Naidoo News Editor Irene Naidoo Contributors More Matshediso Silusapho Nyanda Jauhara Khan GCIS Photographic Unit Elmond Jiyane Ntswe Mokoena Siyabulela Duda Kopano Tlape Busisiwe Malungwane Senior Designer Tendai Gonese

© Copyright: GCIS

The construction of

payment of invoices

Msikaba Bridge in

and continue to

the Eastern Cape


is an example of a


Health and wellbeing


Grooming and style

COVID-19 vaccines:

The art of

Your questions



answered 38 Travel

Johannesburg to Cape


Food and wine


Town and the beauty

mocktail magic

in between

35 Nice-to-haves

Lounge around in style

Public Sector Manager • October 2021



Become a vaccination ambassador is largely thanks to the

counteract any vaccine

our economy and both

sterling efforts of public


save and create jobs.

servants. ing 300 000 vaccines per

vented countless deaths.

eligible to be vaccinated –

day is now in sight.

At its peak, polio para-

and the process has been

lysed or killed over half a

made very easy.

more than 18 700 000 vac-

million people worldwide.

cines had been adminis-

According to the World

registered on the Elec-


Health Organisation, polio

tronic Vaccination Data

The success of the

Walk-ins by people not

cases have decreased by

System are allowed at all

campaign is proof of what

over 99% since 1988, from

vaccination sites – and

government can collec-

an estimated 350 000

this includes people who

tively achieve, and those

cases to 22 reported cases

do not belong to a medical

involved deserve high

in 2017. This reduction is

aid. Spread the word!


the result of a global vac-

Vaccination is our best Minister in The

South Africa’s entire adult population is now

As of 8 October 2021,

Mondli Gungubele

History has many examples of how vaccines pre-

The target of administer-

defence against COV-

cination campaign.

Another commendable aspect of our vaccination

In the 1950s, between

campaign is the out-of-

ID-19. Health Minister Joe

three and four million peo-

the-box ideas, such as

Phaahla has explained

ple in the United States

pop-up vaccination sites,

that we could face a num-

contracted measles each

drive-through vaccination

ber of waves in the future,

year. Of these, 400 to 500

sites and partnerships

but that mutations and

people died, 48 000 were

with religious and busi-

viral loads will decrease

hospitalised and 1 000 suf-

ness sectors.

role as Minister in The

as the percentage of vac-

fered swelling of the brain.

Public servants must

Presidency and it is one

cinated people increases.

Today, thanks to the devel-

be vaccination ambassa-

that gives me great pride,

This will eventually result

opment of a vaccine in the

dors. It is our duty to help

particularly when I con-

in fewer surges in infec-

1960s, measles outbreaks

spread the word that while

sider your contribution to


are rare and occur largely

being vaccinated might

in communities with low

not prevent COVID-19, it

vaccination coverage.

will lower the risks of se-

Our people need to

vere symptoms and death



his is my first message to public servants in my

largest mass vaccination

Unlike most medicines,

programme ever rolled out

which treat or help cure

in South Africa

diseases, vaccines actually

The significant strides we are making in the fight against COVID-19


help prevent them – this

know that vaccines are

and will ultimately help

is the message we need

safe, they are effective and

defeat the pandemic.

to convey to the public to

they are essential to grow

Public Sector Manager • October 2021


A government that cares


In addition, government is contributing R400 million to the Humanitarian Crisis Relief Fund established by the Solidarity Fund. The COVID-19 TERS scheme has also

ocial Development

August, the first payments

been extended to those

Month, commemo-

had already been made.

sectors affected by Alert

rated annually in

Level 4 restrictions.

The SRD grant and

Regrettably, some public

October, highlights govern-

caregiver allowance

ment’s commitment to

proved hugely effectively

servants have fraudu-

the well-being of the most

last year, with the National

lently applied for the SRD

vulnerable in society.

Income Dynamics Study:

grant, as well as other

Coronavirus Rapid Mobile

social grants. I call on all

Disease (COVID-19)

Survey estimating that

government employees

taking a huge toll on the

between March and June

to remember the ubuntu

economy, and the recent

2020, COVID-19 relief

values that make up the

unrest destroying many

measures reduced the

livelihoods in KwaZulu-

number of households

Natal and Gauteng,

with incomes below the

providing a safety net for

food poverty line from

be applauded for under-

to putting the people of

at-risk people is a respon-

20.6% to 18.8%. Research

standing the everyday

South Africa first and

sibility our caring govern-

confirmed that the major-

challenges imposed by

acknowledge how fortu-

ment takes very seriously.

ity of recipients used the

poverty. It has responded

nate you are to have a job

money to buy food.

to these by making the

that pays a decent living

application process as

wage, unlike so many of

With the Coronavirus

The COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD)

This time around, more

Phumla Williams, GCIS Director-General.

backbone of the public service. Recommit yourselves

Grant of R350 is one gov-

people are eligible for

accessible as possible,

the people we are here

ernment’s mechanisms

the grant – which is set

through a user-friendly

to serve. They deserve

for cushioning people

to run until the end of

application system and

our humanity and tireless

from the blows of poverty.

March 2022, because

the introduction of new

service to bettering their

It benefits unemployed

government has extended

application channels, such


people, many of whom

it to unemployed caregiv-

as the GovChat app and

lost their jobs as a result

ers who receive a child

Facebook Messenger.

of the pandemic.

support grant, but do not

Government’s other re-

spirit of caring and rekin-

President Cyril

receive a personal grant.

sponses to the hardships

dle our passion for South

faced by so many include

Africa and its people. Let’s

Ramaphosa’s announce-

By the beginning of Sep-

This Social Development Month, let us unite in the

ment in July that the grant

tember, nearly 12 million

widespread food relief

also protect each other by

was being reintroduced

people had applied for the

and assistance to small

stepping up to get vacci-

brought hope to many


businesses impacted by

nated against COVID-19.

people. At the end of

Our public service is to

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

the unrest.



Writer: Allison Cooper

Dr Ridhwaan Suliman – the COVID-19 numbers man D r Ridhwaan Suli-

has seen his reputation

happy to explain COV-

significant input for the

man (35) has

– along with his Twitter

ID-19 trends, anomalies,

National Joint Operational

become re-

following – grow expo-

limitations and nuances

and Intelligence Struc-


in the data and what they

ture, Inter-Ministerial

nowned in South Africa for

mean in South Africa’s

Committee on Vaccina-

daily Coronavirus Disease

on Twitter, I had a fol-

efforts to curb the spread

tion and other govern-

(COVID-19) data analysis,

lowing of approximately

of the virus.

ment departments, such

trends and updates.

90 people, who were

his accurate and credible

“When I started updates

as the Department of

primarily friends and peo-

Social media

personal hobby to keep

ple I had met in person.

Initially he tracked and

Evaluation and Govern-

him busy during the

Almost 18 months later,

analysed COVID-19 data

ment Communication

hard lockdown in March

that following has grown

and trends in his personal

and Information System.

2020, has seen the

to just under 29 000,”

capacity and shared this

Senior Researcher in the

says Suliman.

on his personal social

daily statistics to make

media platforms.

sense of the numbers. I

What started as a

NextGen Enterprises and

He explains that he tries

Planning, Monitoring and

“I started tracking the

“I now continue to do

wanted to understand if

making use of graphics

this analysis as part of

the trends were improv-

to visually represent and

the National Policy Data

ing, to determine if we

(CSIR) become the

explain the trends in the

Observatory, which is

would exit the hard Level

country’s go-to guy for

various data metrics, in

a government-led data

5 lockdown initiated in

the analysis of COVID-19

an easily digestible man-

observatory currently

March 2020,” says Suli-



incubated at the CSIR,”


Institutions Cluster at

to share data consistently,

the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

Suliman’s ability to ob-

“I also try to remain

says Suliman.

jectively and accurately

open and honest in the

turn complex daily data,

communication of all data

analysis of COVID-19

From numbers to graphs

derived from reputable

and use the data to drive

data is one component of

He decided to transform

sources, into simple,

communication efforts.”

the National Policy Data

the daily numbers into


graphs to better

clear messages that are understood by everyone,


Suliman conducts regular interviews and is

The tracking and

The insights are a

understand national and

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

Dr Ridhwaan Suliman turns complex COVID-19 data into simple visuals all South Africans can under tand.

provincial trends.

sible to analyse and

numbers and quantities

“This ranges from data

into perspective to tell a

collection tools and data

manage this without the

uncertainty and con-

better story. I saw it as

storage facilities to the

smart and effective use of

spiracy theories around

my way to help during

use and development of


the pandemic (there still

this unprecedented time,”

software to automatically

is), so I wanted to use the

he adds.

update the data and gen-

CSIR’s Aeronautics group

erate data visualisations

within defence, peace,

and graphics.

safety and security as a

“There was a lot of fear,

data to counteract the

Suliman joined the

ries, and to make sense

The role of technology

of the various statistics.

Technology plays a key

are reported daily, with a

2009, while completing

role in examining and

large set of data to track

a master’s degree in me-

tell a thousand words,

analysing the COVID-19

and analyse. As the data

chanical and aeronautical

so too can a graphic put

data, says Suliman.

accumulates, it is impos-


fear and conspiracy theo-

“Just like a picture can

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

“Most of the metrics

candidate researcher in



“I remained in the group for several years, before taking up an opportunity to pursue a PhD in applied mathematics at the University of Cambridge.” When he returned to the CSIR and it restructured, he moved to modelling and digital science, which merged to form the NextGen Enterprises and Institutions Cluster. Suliman’s primary role is in applied mathematical modelling, computational modelling and simulation. “I work on developing mathematical models

data and trends is used

project-specific delivera-

and advisory councils,

and computational tools,

to drive decision making


and being invited to de-

to understand and simu-

and inform policy.

Suliman highlights

liver keynote addresses at

publishing research

national and international events,” he says.

late physical systems,

Suliman, who has been

primarily involving the

working from home since

in international sci-

flow of fluids or dynamic

the start of the pandemic,

entific indexing-rated,

behaviour of structures

goes into the office when

peer-reviewed journals

milestones include sum-

and the interaction of


and presenting research

miting Mount Kilimanjaro,

Suliman’s personal

at international scientific

surviving a week in the

Examples include

depending on where

conferences as two of his

Amazon, memorising the

modelling wing flutter

in the epidemiological

professional milestones.

Quran, completing a half-

of aircrafts in flight, the

trajectory of COVID-19

“Completing my PhD

marathon and meeting

combustion of coal in a

we are, with COVID-19

abroad was a significant

the late iconic physicist

power plant and the sim-

commentary taking up

milestone, as it came with

Professor Stephen Hawk-

ulation of smart biomate-

more time as the num-

multiple challenges, but I


rials in tissue engineering

bers surge.”

believe it created oppor-



Informing policy

“My days now vary,

In his spare time, he

He typically spends a

tunities for my career too.

enjoys nature and hiking;

few hours a day updat-

“More recently, I value

sport, particularly squash

ing virus indicators, a few

being involved in and

and road-running; read-

In addition to this, his

hours in meetings and

serving on national

ing; travelling and good

analysis of COVID-19

the remaining time on

research working groups



Public Sector Manager • October 2021


Writer: More Matshediso

Oref ile Mt hombeni is reac hing new heights in t he aviation industr y.

Orefile Mthombeni blazes a trail in aviation


t just 30 years

within ATNS, as well as

of age, Orefile

the first female SAATSEPA

Bachelor of Technology

Mthombeni is

executive president,” she

in Business Administra-


tion from CUT and she is

ed to her current position

currently studying towards

at the ATNS Safety Office.

already shattering the glass ceiling in the aviation industry.

ATNS provides air traffic,

In 2019, she obtained a

cher International Airport in Bloemfontein. In 2018 she was promot-

As a technical standards

nagivation, training and

a Bachelor of Commerce:


other related services

Honours (Business Man-

specialist, Mthombeni is

Mthombeni is a techni-

to South Africa as well

agement) at the University

responsible for the assur-

cal standards specialist

as 10% of the world’s

of South Africa.

ance, development and

at state-owned company


Air Traffic and Navigation

Mthombeni joined the

maintenance of a techni-


cal standards oversight

Services (ATNS). She is

company in 2012 through

Mthombeni’s career in the

also the Executive Presi-

the Aviation Training

aviation industry took off

dent of the South African

Academy, where she

in the same year, when

there is compliance with

Air Traffic Safety Electron-

completed practical com-

she accepted a trainee

the regulatory require-

ics Personnel Association

ponents of her National

position at Air Traffic

ments of the ATNS com-


Diploma in Electrical En-

Safety Electronics Person-

munications, navigation

launched in 2017.

system. She also ensures that

gineering (Light Current).

nel (ATSEP) at OR Tambo

and surveillance (CNS)

“Women do not usually

She obtained that quali-

International Airport.


occupy these positions. I

fication from the Central

After a stint at the Cape

am the first female techni-

University of Technology

Town International Airport,

vestigate failures of these

cal standards specialist

(CUT) in 2013.

she moved to Bram Fis-

systems and provides


Mthombeni helps in-

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

recommendations. “What I most enjoy about my work is assuring safety through techni-

president of SAATSEPA is another milestone,” she says. SAATSEPA is a vol-

cal audits and technical

untary, independent,

investigations on our CNS

non-profit association of

equipment, which are

individuals who exchange

navigational aids used by

experience and technical

the aircraft.

knowledge on techni-

“I love the fact that I am

cal support for air traffic

part of the bigger picture,

control and management.

and that when an aircraft

These individuals have the

lands safely, I played a

collective goal of making

role in that,” she adds.

the skies safer.

Mthombeni also enjoys and external stakeholders,

Overcoming challenges

and ensuring there is a

Any leadership position

common understanding of

comes with challenges,

Time for change

aviation safety.

which Mthombeni strate-

With the aviation indus-

record and maintenance

gically navigates.

try being hard hit by the


engaging with internal

Room for growth

These challenges

myself available for further

corrective maintenance

engagements,” she adds.

records for conducted

Coronavirus Disease

maintenance, service level agreements, training

“As soon as the lock-

include ensuring the

pandemic, Mthombeni

down restrictions were

Becoming a technical

regulatory compliance of

and her team have had to

eased to allow for safe

standards specialist is one

different business units

change the way in which

domestic travel, I was able

of the highlights of her

within the organisation,

they operate.

to go and verify what was


which sometimes neces-

“It showed me that I continue to grow in ways

sitates change. “This is not always well

“I could no longer travel

found during the virtual

to airports for the manda-

inspections at the various

tory safety inspections

airports and CNS equipment sites,” she adds.

that I had never imagined

received and can come

due to the lockdown travel

possible,” she says.

with great resistance if not

restrictions. However, I

properly understood,” she

overcame this by ensuring

young women who would


that my team and I started

like to hold leadership

Another highlight for Mthombeni was being awarded the CEO’s Award

Mthombeni encourages

to conduct virtual inspec-

positions to not allow

as the specialist of the

key to overcoming such

tions using Microsoft

other people’s opinions

year at the annual ATNS

resistance is being able

Teams,” she explains.

or intimidation to dictate

Heroes Rewards and

to translate the need for

During the virtual

their success trajectory.

Recognition Ceremony in

change in an organisation

inspections, documents

2019, in her very first year

into a desire for change.

used in the operational

believe in and always

field for compliance are

remember that it is on you

requirements are well

verified, such as preven-

to get you where you want

communicated and make

tive maintenance and

to be,” she says.

as a technical standards specialist. “Being elected executive

Mthombeni says that the

“I ensure that regulatory

“Stay true to what you


A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa

No room for

corruption in the public service T

he revelation in

also found that around

those who receive an in-

need in the country, one

Parliament that

16 000 employees on

come from the State are

that our public servants

thousands of

the government payroll

not eligible to apply.

know too well, this willful

And yet they did. Some

public servants have been

were irregularly paid the

illegally receiving social

COVID-19 Social Relief

17 000 people employed

public purse is unforgiv-

grants every month shows

of Distress grant. It is

at national and provincial


we still have a long way

common knowledge that

government submitted

Government is now

to go towards instilling

applicants with other

applications in a bid to

stepping up its efforts

a culture of ethics in the

sources of income do not

top up their salaries with

to prevent this kind of

public service.

qualify for this grant. It

money meant for the

abuse and act against

is also self-evident that

poor. Given the extent of

anyone in the public ser-

Earlier this year, it was


intent to steal from the

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

vice involved in wrong-

ruption and unexplained

everything we can to

the foundation for the


wealth, the cases will

change this attitude.

attainment of all our na-

As we work to end

tional priorities. Without

Recently, government

be referred to the South

launched a new Public

African Police Service.

corruption, there must be

improving accountability

Administration Ethics,

The new unit has

equal focus on inculcat-

and promoting ethical

Integrity and Disciplinary

already begun its work

ing ethical behaviour,

conduct, none can be

Technical Assistance

in earnest, helping to

because what may not


Unit. The unit will build

identify public serv-

necessarily be illegal

capacity within pub-

ants involved in cases

can be unethical and

public servants are com-

lic bodies to institute

related to COVID-19

unbecoming of a public

mitted, law-abiding and

disciplinary proceedings

procurement, the special



in cases of misconduct

COVID-19 grant and Un-

The new unit will set

The task before us is

and cooperate with other

employment Insurance

norms and standards on

to work together to root

organs of State in hold-

Fund fraud.

ethics, integrity and con-

out those who are not,

The cases of govern-

duct. It will also build the

and correct the miscon-

ing those responsible to

The vast majority of our

ment officials referred by

capacity of departments

ception that all those

The unit will refer cor-

the Special Investigating

to discipline officials

employed in government

ruption cases to govern-

Unit for disciplinary ac-

found guilty of miscon-

are either self-serving or

ment’s Anti-Corruption

tion will be monitored by

duct. Last year more


Task Team and follow

the unit to assess their

than 200 employees

up with departments to


were trained as presiding

and women who serve

officers and initiators.

our country every day to

Building an ethical,

recommit themselves to


ensure criminal cases

Another important

I call on all the men

involving public servants

aspect of the unit’s work

translate into disciplinary

will be institutionalising

capable State contin-

the values of selflessness

cases. Working with the

ethics and integrity in

ues to be a focus of this

and service, and to recall

multi-agency Fusion

the ranks of the public


that their conduct must

Centre, the unit will help

service. A few public

identify employees in pri-

servants have over the

dals involving public

ority cases investigated

years taken the view that

servants illegally ben-

by law enforcement

doing business with or

efiting from the State

this unit is another one


unduly benefiting from

have shown, the process

of the ways that we are

As a number of scan-

at all times be both legal and ethical. The establishment of

the State is permissible

will be difficult and will

working on to end cor-

the conduct of lifestyle

for them, their friends

take some time. We are

ruption in government

audits of public service

and their families, pro-

nonetheless committed

and indeed in all spheres

employees. Where de-

vided there has been no

to stay the course.

of South African life.

partments identify cor-

illegality. We must do

The unit will monitor

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

A capable State is



Newly-launched unit strengthens fight against corruption


he Public Administration Ethics Integrity and

Disciplinary Technical Assistance Unit is bolster-

ing government’s efforts to fight corruption in the public sector.

The unit, which has already started its work, was launched by Public Service and Administration Minister Ayanda Dlodlo recently. The Minister emphasised that the unit has no criminal jurisdiction

Public Ser vice and Administration Minister Ayanda Dlodlo has launc hed a unit t hat is tac kling corruption in t he public sector.

or investigative mandate, but as part of the AntiCorruption Task Team, collectively contributes to the fight against corruption. the unit has assisted to

2017, approximately 8 500

are concluded with these

the unit, law enforcement

curb the tide on employ-

employees were listed as

employees,” she said.

and other relevant agen-

ees conducting business

suppliers on the Central

cies are key to identify

with the State.

Supplier Database. As

“Cooperation between


public administration

“When the Depart-

at the end of July 2021,

The unit has also been

employees involved in

ment of Public Service

this amount stands at

dealing with the issue of

corruption,” she said.

and Administration first

96, and is interrogated

precautionary suspen-

started to monitor this in

to ensure no contracts

sions in the public sector.

The Minister added that


Public Sector Manager • October 2021

“The work of the unit in addressing the issue of whistleblowing has to increase going forward, especially by holding departments which do not have reporting policies accountable.”

“With the assistance of the Canadian Government, through the

provide regular progress

and offer protection to

partments which do not



have reporting policies

The result was an im-

“It is time that we revisit

accountable,” said the

Strengthening of Ethics

provement in discipline

South Africa’s whistle-

and Integrity Project, the

management, with a re-

blowing regime and

unit adopted strategies

duction in backlogs from

examine it vigorously,

its bit in tackling corrup-

to address the increase

provinces and a decrease

not only the legislation

tion and promoting ethi-

in precautionary suspen-

in costs for precautionary

and its effectiveness, but

cal conduct, the Minister

sions that contributes to


also the lack of a single

reminded public servants

high costs.”

Minister. While the unit is doing

repository that can be

that it is their individual

Ethics and Integrity

used for research to

duty to behave ethically.

launched a project,

Project is developing a

strengthen the system

which saw it have

case backlog reduction

and practice.”

discussions with depart-

strategy, which will be

ments that had officials

rolled-out across the

cooperation is needed

promotion of a high level

on lengthy precautionary

public service, after it has

across government to

of professional ethics in

suspensions, to discuss

been piloted.

protect whistle-blowers

the Public Administration.

and identify those who

This not only speaks to

abuse their power to stop

the role of public serv-

whistle-blowing from

ants performing their


work in an efficient and

Last year the unit

the challenges.

The Strengthening

She added that better

“Section 195 of the Constitution requires the maintenance and

up with workshops

Protection for whistle-blowers

conducted by the unit.

The Minister stressed

Departments were pro-

that any anti-corruption

vided with an electronic

and professionalisa-

addressing the issue of

those in leadership posi-

tool, developed under

tion initiative must allow

whistle-blowing has to

tions to act ethically at all

the Strengthening Ethics

employees to blow the

increase going forward,

times,” she added.

and Integrity Project, to

whistle on corruption

especially by holding de-

“This was followed-

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

“The work of the unit in

ethical way, but also for





cancer vaccines initiative to revolutionise SA’s healthcare P

was born in South Africa but left the country during Apartheid, said the initiative is the realisation of a lifelong ambition. “It has been a dream of mine, since I left the country as a young physician, to bring stateof-the-art, 21st century medical care to South Africa and to enable the country to serve as a scientific hub for the continent. “There is such an unmet need to treat lifethreatening infectious

NantWorks is most time-

diseases such as AIDS,

ly. For our fight against

TB and now COVID-19.

launched by Dr Soon-

COVID-19, for infectious

Of equal concern is the

COVID-19 and cancer vac-

Shiong’s digital health-

disease management,

poor survival rate of

cine initiative launched by

care company Nant-

for cancer research and

patients suffering from

Dr Patrick Soon-Shiong as

Works and is aimed at

treatment, and for future

cancer in South Africa

a game changer for South

building pharmaceutical

pandemic preparedness,”

and elsewhere in Africa.”

Africa's healthcare and the

and vaccine capacity

President Ramaphosa

not only in South Africa


resident Cyril

Ramaphosa has hailed a new

pharmaceutical industry.

The initiative was

but for the entire African

science have enabled

The initiative is a col-

new paradigms of care

laboration between

involving activating the

NantWorks’ African

immune system and

transfer technology used

division NantAfrica, the

changing outcomes for

in the manufacturing of

Council for Scientific

these diseases.

COVID-19 and cancer

and Industrial Research

vaccines and next-

(CSIR) and the South Af-

laboration will give rise

generation cell-based

rican Medical Research




• The implementation

continent. This will kickstart the

“The investment by


He said advances in

Dr Soon-Shiong, who

The multi-layered col-

of state-of-the-art

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

biologics manufacturing capacity to

ring in Africa. • The launch of clinical

est COVID-19 caseload

South Africa and Africa

in Africa, the largest

at the cutting edge of healthcare, science,

expedite transfer of

centres of excel-

number of people living

COVID-19 and cancer

lence for the treat-

with HIV and AIDS, and

technology and innova-

vaccine biologics

ment of cancers and

a massive TB problem.


between CSIR and

infectious diseases,

“We do have current


such as COVID-19,

treatment programmes

third investment into the

The collaboration is the


for all of these, but COV-

country’s pharmaceutical

Centre for Epidemic

with the help of

ID-19 has brought new

sector following the R10

Response and Inno-

Wits University and

challenges, not least of

billion investment into

vation with the help

the Universities of

all resource constraints.

Aspen Pharmacare for

of the Universities

Stellenbosch and

The setting up clinical

the production of Africa’s

of Stellenbosch and


centres of excellence will

COVID-19 vaccines and

contribute to quality im-

the World Health Organi-

• The launch of the

KwaZulu-Natal, which

President Ramaphosa

will enhance rapid

said the initiative will

provement in managing

sation’s establishment of

genomic surveillance

boost the country’s

these other diseases.”

the mRNA manufactur-

of and response to

healthcare sector as the

He added that the

ing hub in the country.

viral mutations occur-

country battles the high-

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

collaboration will place



Source: SAnews

Get your digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate


eople living in

ter of Health, Dr Joe

people who are vacci-

ties and activities that

South Africa can

Phaahla, the certificate


some have been missing,”

now access their

can be used for travel

“Our role is to make

he explained.

digital COVID-19 vaccina-

and tourism, sport

this tool available to the

The first phase of the

tion certificate as proof

and recreation events,

nation to provide people

vaccination certificate

that they have been vac-

music festivals, and at

with the proof of vaccina-

has been launched and


shops that are providing

tion so they can have ac-

more improvements

discounts and prizes for

cess to many the ameni-

to the certificate are

According to Minis-


Public Sector Manager • October 2021

paign, public and private health sectors, organised labour, business and community and faithbased formations will join forces in the vaccination drive on Fridays and Saturdays.

 During Vooma Vaccination Weekends, vaccination centres and points, including pop-ups, will be People queue to receive their vaccines at the Sekgosese Wholesale Taxi Rank in Limpopo during the Vooma Weekend Vaccination Campaign.

open all day across the country. President Cyirl Ramaphosa commended

expected in the coming

the same document that

next two months, there

the more than 353 000


you presented when you

will be an app that you

people who heeded the

got vaccinated and the

can use to download the

call to be vaccinated

developed by the Depart-

cell phone you included

certificate,” Wolmarans

against COVID-19 during

ment of Health and the

on your registration,” she


the first Vooma Vaccina-

Council for Scientific and


The certificate was

tion Weekend.

Vaccination Data System

SMS. The code can also

Vooma Vaccination Weekends

project manager, Milani

be accessed from the

South Africa is aiming

this opportunity to get

Wolmarans, said the cer-

COVID-19 call centre on

to ensure that 70% of

vaccinated during hours

tificate can be download-

0800 029 999.

country’s population is

that were convenient for

vaccinated by December


Industrial Research. National Electronic

ed through a web portal

Vaccination codes are being sent to people via

“With regards to the

by anyone who has

recognition of the digital

received the COVID-19

certificate, most countries

vaccine in South Africa.

this year.

“We can all be proud of the more than 350 000 people who seized

“We would have liked

To encourage vac-

this number to be higher

around the globe would

cination, government

but this was a very surge

accept the certificate.

launched the Vooma

towards greater protec-

cination code from the

It is, however, depend-

Vaccination Weekend

tion of our nation,” he

SMS you received after

ent on the policy of the

Campaign on 1 October


your vaccination, South

country that you would

2021. It aims to mobilise

African ID or Foreign

be visiting and also what

people to get vaccinated

Passport number or

their verification require-

as a means of fighting the

Asylum or Refugee

ments would be.

COVID-19 pandemic.

“You’ll need your vac-

number. This should be

“Towards the end of the

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

As part of the cam-

To obtain your vaccination certificate, go to https://vaccine.



Writer: Silusapho Nyanda

Treasury strengthens supplier payment efforts


overnment is

invoices by the State.


According to the

nesses and many small,

to the retrenchment of

medium and micro


National Treasury, the

enterprises (SMMEs). As

suppliers do not run into

COVID-19 pandemic has

a result, some SMMEs

pliers' operations con-

financial difficulty because

had a negative impact

have been forced to close

tinue without strain,

of the non-payment of

on the economy, busi-

their doors, which has led

government institutions


efforts to ensure

“To ensure that sup-

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

are urged to pay their

ers' invoices within the

suppliers on time and

prescribed period, the

not contribute to the dire

National Treasury issued

pliance shows that eight


effects of the pandemic

Treasury Instruction Note

national departments or


that is already putting

Number 34.

entities paid all their in-


strain on these suppliers

It requires depart-

that a payment is made. The report on non-com-

voices within the 30-day

Unresolved invoice discrepancies;

The reasons for the

to remain sustainable,”

ments to submit 30 days’

timeframe in the 2020/21

late and non-payment of

says the department, in

exception reports to the

financial year.

invoices as provided by

its Annual Report on

relevant treasuries by the

Non-Compliance with

7th day of each month.

School of Government,

2020/2021 financial year

Payment of Suppliers’

This report has informa-

Departments of Planning,

were the same reasons

Invoices within 30 Days.

tion pertaining to the

Monitoring and Evalua-

as those provided during

preceding month.

tion, Public Service and

the 2019/2020 financial

Administration, Traditional


Queries portal

These were the National

departments during the

To assist suppliers,


Affairs, Communications

the National Treasury

The information that

and Digital Technologies;

the fact that the root

established a 30-day

departments are required

Small Business Develop-

causes identified in the

queries portal, which is a

to submit includes the

ment; Sports, Arts and

2019/2020 financial year

centralised email that can

number and value of

Culture; and Trade, Indus-

were not addressed in

be accessed by suppliers

invoices paid after 30

try and Competition.

the 2020/2021 financial

to address their non-

days of receipt of the

payment queries.

invoices; the number and

on non-compliance, com-

mendations provided in

According to the report

“This is mainly due to

year. Furthermore, recom-

value of invoices that are

mon reasons provided

the 2019/2020 financial

up with transgressing

older than 30 days, which

by departments for late

year were also not con-

institutions and suppliers

remained unpaid; and

and/or non-payment of

sidered in the 2020/2021

are given reasons for the

the reasons for the late

invoices include:

financial year,” notes the

delay, and the date on

and non-payment of the

Misfiled, misplaced


which payment can be


The department follows

expected. At a provincial level,

Treasury Instruction Note Number 34 requires

or unrecorded invoices; Inadequate budget

Departments have been urged to address the root causes of the

these queries are

departments to imple-

and/or cash flow

payment delays and non-

escalated to provincial

ment manual or electron-


payments. They were also

Accountants-General to

ic systems and processes

Inadequate internal

elevate the matter to

that will enable depart-

the respective Chief

ments to track invoices

IT system issues.

Financial Officers.

from the time they are

Standard Chart of


To monitor progress

received at the relevant

Account related

on payment of suppli-

cost centres, to the time

system problems;

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

asked to implement the recommendations. For the full report,

go to www.treasury.



Source: SAnews

Local Government Elections: Exercise your right


outh Africans will

is now sealed, the last

age category 16-29

soon have an

voter registration week-

accounted for

opportunity to

end before the elections,

402 401 of the new

exercise their right to vote,

on 18 and 19 September,

registrations, which

when they cast their ballots

resulted in more than 1.7

is 91%.

in the sixth Local Gov-

million people turning

ernment Elections since

up at voter registration

bolo, innovations such as


stations to either register

the voter management

for the first time or check

device, increased the

A solid basis was laid

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

According to Mama-

their registration details.

speed at which voter reg-

for its future use,” said

Minister, Dr Nkosazana

The Electoral Commis-

istration applications were


Dlamini-Zuma, recently

sion’s Chief Electoral Of-

gazetted the date for the

ficer, Sy Mamabolo, said

municipal elections, which

433 198 people registered

have taken weeks to

will take place on

as first time voters. This

capture address details of

1 November 2021.

accounts for 25% of the

new applicants following

unable to visit voting sta-

total registration activity.

a registration event,” he

tions due to infirmity will


be visited at their homes

“We are now all looking towards voting day. We

Voters who re-registered


Special votes for the

“Previously, it would

election will be cast on 30 and 31 October 2021. Applicants who are

Since its inception in

or places of confinement

or changed their voting

July, the online registra-

while all other success-

free and fair municipal

district accounted for

tion portal has processed

ful candidates will cast


1 277 811 applications.

499 488 applications.

special votes at the voting

urge all South Africans to

in the same voting district

ensure peaceful, credible,

The province with the

“This digital chan-

far proved true - our

highest registration activ-

nel provides voters the

noble intentions to keep

ity was KwaZulu-Natal

convenience of use in

sults are confirmed, coun-

the flame of democracy

with 358 384, followed by

terms of time of applica-

cils for all 48 districts,

burning by voting on 1

Gauteng with 315 282 and

tion as well as place of

eight metropolitan and

November 2021,” said the

the Eastern Cape with

application. It will become

207 local municipalities in


240 514.

an anchor mechanism of

each of the country's nine

registration in the future.

provinces will be elected.

“Our actions have thus

While the voter’s roll


Young persons in the

stations. Once the election re-

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

What will people say?

There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555

People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.

Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.


Writer: Allison Cooper

COVID-19 vaccines: Your questions answered

declare the ingredients to the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority before the vaccine is approved for use. Q: I have heard that vac-


cines have the mark of the ith South

Q: Can the vaccine


cause COVID-19 or make

COVID-19 vac-

me test positive?

the vaccine.

Beast – 666. Is this true? A: Vaccines have no

Q: Is it true that there’s a

cination programme now

A: None of the vac-

microchip in the vaccines,

connection with any religious organisations and

in full swing, PSM has put

cines used in South Af-

that tracks people’s move-

cannot be infused with

together information from

rica contain the live virus


spirits, demons or other

the Department of Health

that causes COVID-19. It

to help answer some com-

does not cause the virus

or tracking device in the

mon questions about the

and you will not test

vaccines. Vaccine manu-


positive after receiving

facturers are required to


A: There is no microchip

abstract ingredients. Q: Should I get vaccinated if I am pregnant?

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

A: Yes. A pregnant

dose of the Pfizer vaccine

ID-19. They will therefore

Is the vaccine safe for the

woman is more likely to

earlier than 42 days after

benefit the most from


get ill from COVID-19.

my first shot.

getting the vaccine.

Getting vaccinated can

A: You are only eligible

prevent a pregnant wom-

for your second jab after

an from being severely ill.

42 days.

Q: Should I stop breast

Q: Do I need to be vac-

feeding to get vacci-

cinated if I have recovered


from COVID-19? Can my

A: The World Health

and highly effective to Q: If I previously had

prevent severe COVID-19

an allergic reaction to

disease and death.

medication or a vaccine

Through the use of the

should I get the COVID-19

vaccine, there has been


a huge drop in COVID-19

A: Anyone with a history

body not fight the disease

of allergic reactions to

Organisation and the

on its own, without suffer-

other vaccines or medi-

Department of Health do

ing the side effects of the

cines should first speak to

not recommend stopping


their health practitioner.

breastfeeding in order to

A: The vaccine is safe

A: Evidence shows that

deaths in the elderly in several countries. Q: Why do some people still get COVID-19 within two weeks of getting the

get vaccinated. Vaccines

your body’s response,

Q: How dangerous is

are safe for use in breast-

when you are sick from

an allergic reaction to the

feeding mothers.

COVID-19, is much


vaccine? A: You are only fully vaccinated 30 days after

weaker and shorter than

A: Severe allergic reac-

Q: Can I get a vaccine

the response to the vac-

tions are rare. An allergic

Johnson vaccine or two

soon after being infected

cine. Getting the vaccine

reaction usually happens

weeks after the second

with COVID-19?

will give you a much

within seconds or minutes

dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

stronger and longer-

after getting the vaccine.

If you are exposed to the

been infected with

lasting immune response.

This is why all people

virus before you are fully

COVID-19 must wait at

The side effects of the

must wait in the observa-

vaccinated, you may get

least 30 days from when

vaccine are mild and do

tion area for 15 minutes

the disease.

their symptoms stop.

not last more than a day

after their vaccine.

A: Anyone who has

or two, while getting sick Q: I have COVID-19 symptoms, is it safe to get

from COVID-19 can cause hospitalisation or death.

A: You should not get

Q: Does the vaccine Q: Is it safe to get the

completely prevent

vaccine if you are allergic

COVID-19 infection?

to eggs?

vaccinated? Q: Can people with

getting the Johnson &

A: Yes. None of the

A: No. Even after you are fully vaccinated you

the vaccine if you have

chronic diseases, such as

COVID-19 vaccines have

can still get COVID-19.

symptoms of COVID-19.

high blood pressure, get

any egg proteins.

However, the vaccine

You should rather be

the vaccine?

tested. Q: Can I get my second

A: People with chronic

reduces risk of severe Q: I have heard of el-

diseases are at higher risk

derly people dying shortly

of getting severe COV-

after getting the vaccine.

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

COVID-19 infection, hospitalisation and death.




Communities benefit from investment in infrastructure

President C yril Ramaphosa assesses the progress of the construction of Msikaba Bridge in Eastern Cape.


Public Sector Manager • October 2021


resident Cyril Ramaphosa says the job creation

and support for small, micro and medium enter-

prises (SMMEs) resulting from the construction of Msikaba Bridge is an example of a government at work.

Speaking during a visit to assess the construc-

Africa and Mozambique,

set to be created during

time jobs and around

Swaziland and Lesotho.

the lifespan of the N2

19 000 indirect jobs.

The President said in-

Wild Coast road project,

tion of the bridge in

frastructure projects not

with already 62% of the

said the job creation

Lusikisiki, in the Eastern

only boost investor and

workforce at Msikaba

and investment in

Cape, the President said

business confidence,

Bridge alone being local

SMMEs is a sign that

the project is a sign of

but also bring a wealth


government is working

government’s determi-

of benefits to communi-

nation to proceed with


infrastructure build. “We are committed to

“Mobility is a major challenge for our people

In addition, about R4 billion has been earmarked to flow to local SMMEs. “Already, some R120

President Ramaphosa

for the benefit of communities. “What we are seeing here makes it clear it

ensure that we grow our

in the province, espe-

economy through infra-

cially rural communities.

million has gone to

munities do not benefit

structure development.

This highway will nar-

local SMMEs as part of

from big government

Infrastructure is the

row travelling distances

upgrading and linking


flywheel of our economic

and time, and it will also

of roads, and there are

growth,” he added.

be safer. There is the

several more projects

ated jobs, especially

Infrastructure invest-

benefit to tourism from

in the pipeline.

for women and young

ment is a central pillar

both inside and outside

of the Economic Recon-

the province.

struction and Recovery

“There is the benefit

“Work on the N2 Wild

is not true that com-

“This project has cre-

people and it has

Coast project will lead

supported livelihoods

to the creation of 8 000

for entrepreneurs and

Plan, with 88 projects

to the provincial and

direct full-time jobs and

SMMEs. More of such

valued at more than R2.3

national economy. This

between 21 000 and

benefits will be realised

trillion in the pipeline.

highway will support the

28 000 indirect jobs

as the project is being

transportation of goods

during the construction

rolled out.”

kaba Bridge is one com-

and services to the


ponent of the 410km N2

entire southern African

Wild Coast road project,

region,” he said.

The R1.65 billion Msi-

which will link four provinces and improve con-

Job creation

nectivity between South

Thousands of jobs are

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

The N2 Wild Coast

Once the road is

Road project is one of

completed, ongoing

the country’s biggest

maintenance work is

road infrastructure pro-

anticipated to create

jects and is expected to

another 900 direct, full-

be completed in 2024.



*Writer: Greg Gatherer

Building trust in government through digital transformation G overnment

must play an essential

tion that employs digital

trust and confidence in


role in today’s govern-

technology to put users


around the

ment, it’s important that


There are two main

reasons for the gap in

world are being pushed to

its mindset, goal and

become more digital and

long-term strategy must

innovate to better serve

be built on trust. Regard-

Understanding the trust game

their citizens.

less of the industry, digital

How people experi-

transformation is an

ence government digital

government services

organisational reorienta-

services influences their

during high-stress

While it is acknowledged that digital transformation


trust between people and government departments: •

People are accessing

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

situations, and failure to meet expectations can damage trust; and • Expectations are

What makes a digital service trustworthy?

tions to a local office.

purchase process so that

One of the reasons for

it looks familiar to people,

distrust among people

they will be more con-

Not every problem re-

is that they worry that,

fident that the payment

formed by the private

quires complex solutions,

if they make a mistake

went through correctly.

sector’s services, but

and focusing on getting

on a form, they will be

digital transformation

the detail right can often

denied services they

applicable, departments

is more challenging

have bigger gains than re-

should qualify for. Make

should make sure they

for public agencies

vamping an entire system.

it easy for people to ask

have a similar look and

questions and receive an

feel across every device

accurate answer.

on which their services

because they have to

Here are some of the

7. Consistency: When

navigate regulations

key tactics that the public

and policies that the

sector can apply across

private sector doesn’t

its current web and

next steps: When a

need to worry about.

mobile services to create

user arrives at a site, it

experiences that build

should be immediately

cess government services,

trust for citizens.

obvious what action they

Developing the right digital skills

it’s often during unpleas-

1. Modern design and in-

should take. By laying

Beneath the service of

When people try to ac-

4. Clear actions and

may be used.

ant situations, such as

terfaces: Interfaces that

out clear steps, you can

use-centric, friendly digital

reporting an infrastruc-

are simple and modern

reassure users that they

services, one of the keys

ture failure or navigating

reassure people that

are following the correct

to sustaining trust is to

immigration, taxes, child

they have found services

process, whether they’re

take a careful look at how

welfare or other services.

that are up-to-date and

filling out an application

your agency designs and

They’re frustrated and


or just viewing a com-

delivers these services on

munity calendar.

the back end.

searching for solutions online. When the government

2. Plain language: Plain and friendly language

5. Pre-screenings: When

The digital skills your

in place of government

applicable, short pre-

team needs to develop

fails to meet expectations

jargon helps citizens feel

screenings that confirm

aren’t just about coding or

in these moments of need,

that they are interacting

whether people qualify

hardware. They’re about

it is the public trust that

with real people, rather

for services can save

understanding the current

takes the hit. When we

than a faceless agency.

time and reduce later

technology landscape and

consider when and why

Try to convey the mes-

frustration. This can be as

embracing the innova-

people access govern-

sage that the department

simple as a short survey

tion processes that others

ment services, it’s clear

is on the citizen’s side to

or list of requirements for

have found successful.

that what people are ask-

make services feel more

people to review.

ing for is very reasonable:


6. Familiar processes: Many

This includes the idea that more eyes on a pro-

people have made online

ject are a good thing, that

ent processes that give

Offer plenty of options

payments through an e-

good ideas won’t neces-

them confidence that the

for assistance, such

retailer, but not through

sarily come from people

government is working for

as self-service portals,

a government service.

sitting in the room with


call centres or direc-

If you can mimic that

you and that development

simple, fast and transpar-

3. Easy access to help:

Public Sector Manager • October 2021



2. Accountability: Share details on project statuses, survey results, future plans, and the thought behind current service offerings, including why certain pieces of information are needed, how long processes may take, and who a person can contact if they have questions. 3. Community data: Build community calendars with data on local events and activities open to the public. Information is itself a service, and you can build trust by being a

should be fast, transpar-

striving to choose modern

ent and open to empirical

and innovative technology

step in repairing any

what citizens are look-

feedback, no matter what

will create a better plat-

unfavourable percep-

ing for and what other

stage the project is in.

form as digital services

tions and initiating fresh

groups in the commu-

continue to evolve.

participation by putting

nity are offering.

These are the principles that enable tech innova-

You can take the first

effort into developing

connector between

Digital services offer

they do, and government

Initiating citizen engagement

departments will benefit

Although engagement is

from incorporating the

a two-way activity, peo-

want insights into things

efficient. By focusing on

same ideas into their

ple will not engage if they

like government salaries

these as a means to build

digital strategies.

believe it will be a waste

and data. Open data

trust, government can

of their time. While some

includes presenting the

give people personalised

ple as a self-service portal

input can be gathered

story behind the data,

interactions and reduce

can benefit from modern

through data and analyt-

rather than daily dumps

the frustration or anxiety

development practices

ics, departments must

of numbers, so that peo-

with which they regard

and standards. The best

also find a way to receive

ple can understand the

government services.

choice will depend on the

individual feedback from

impact of what they’re

department’s goals and

people to achieve true

seeing and how it af-

its current systems, but


fects them.

tors to create the products

Even something as sim-


better services.

new ways to win people

Here are some ideas:

over while remaining

1. Open data: People

productive and cost-

*Greg Gatherer is an Account Manager at Liferay Africa.

Public Sector Manager • October 2021


*Writer: Sifiso Moshoetsi

BRICS celebrates 15 years since formation


he 13th Brazil,

virtually, for the second

by the Republic of India.

Russia, India,

consecutive year, due to

This year’s theme was

China and South

the Coronavirus Disease

‘BRICS@15: Intra-BRICS

Africa (BRICS) Summit

(COVID-19) pandemic,

Cooperation for Continu-

held recently, reflected on

which continues to dis-

ity, Consolidation and

various developments that

rupt global relations.


continue to affect the globe

All BRICS leaders

The five leaders made

sion, which reflected on BRICS’ future.

A call to end vaccine nationalism President Cyril Ramapho-

and the role that BRICS

participated in the sum-

their opening remarks, in

sa called for an end to

plays in shaping interna-

mit, which this year cel-

an open session, to the

vaccine nationalism and

tional developments.

ebrates 15 years since its

media, before going into

equal access to vaccines

formation. It was chaired

the closed leaders ses-

by all countries.

The summit was held


Public Sector Manager • October 2021

support to respond to the

UN, including its Security

intra-Afghan dialogue

we must continue to

health crisis and support

Council, with a view to

so as to ensure stability,

safeguard people’s lives

its economic recovery.

making it more repre-

civil peace, law and order

sentative, effective and

in the country,” read the

efficient, and to increase


“As the BRICS countries,

and livelihoods, support

resilience of all our public

New Delhi Declaration adopted


global economic recovery and enhance the

the representation of the

BRICS countries

developing countries so

condemned the terrorist

The summit adopted the

that it can adequately re-

attacks near the Hamid

BRICS 2021 New Delhi

spond to global challeng-

Karzai Kabul Internation-

access to COVID-19 vac-

Declaration that empha-

es,” reads the declaration.

al Airport that resulted in

cines, diagnostics and

sises the Indian Chair-

In addition, China and

a large number of deaths

therapeutics,” he said.

ship’s 2021 priorities.

“We must ensure equal

President Ramaphosa

These include reform of

Russia reiterated the importance they attach

and injuries. “We underscore the

urged countries to con-

the multilateral system,

to the status and role of

priority of fighting terror-

tribute their fair share to

counter-terrorism coop-

Brazil, India and South

ism, including prevent-

the Access to COVID-19

eration, the application of

Africa in international

ing attempts by terrorist

Tools Accelerator and

digital and technological

affairs and supported

organisations to use

support the Agreement

solutions for achieve-

their aspiration to play a

Afghan territory as terror-

on Trade-Related Aspects

ment of the Sustainable

greater role in the UN.

ist sanctuary and to carry

of Intellectual Prop-

Development Goals and

erty Rights waiver at the

enhancing people-to-

BRICS members will

countries, as well as drug

World Trade Organisation

people exchanges.

be represented at the

trade within Afghanistan.

to ensure a rapid expan-

President Ramaphosa

This year, at least four

UNSC, thus the call for

out attacks against other

“We emphasise the

sion of COVID-19 vaccine

called on BRICS to be

the representation of

need to address the

production across the

bold and determined in

South Africa should gain

humanitarian situation


seeking reform of the

more impetus.

and to uphold human

“We welcome the deci-

United Nations Security

rights, including those

sion of our Ministers of

Council (UNSC), among

Health to operationalise

other things, to enable

Reflection on Afghanistan

a virtual BRICS Vaccine

Africa to take its rightful

The New Delhi Declara-

Research and Develop-

place among the col-

tion also reflected on the

Next year, the baton to

ment Centre,” he added.

lective of nations in the

situation in Afghanistan.

lead BRICS will be taken

President Ramaphosa

crucial body. represented at the UNSC

ments in Afghanistan. We


was endorsed.

call for refraining from

Development Bank for swiftly and efficiently

“We recall the 2005

violence and settling

lated financial support to

World Summit Outcome

the situation by peace-

BRICS members.

document and reaffirm

ful means. We stress

the need for a compre-

the need to contribute

hensive reform of the

to fostering an inclusive

US $2 billion in budgetary

over by China, as India hand overs chairperson-

South Africa’s call to be

South Africa received

minorities,” the declaration added.

cern the latest develop-

also thanked the New

disbursing COVID-19-re-

“We follow with con-

of women, children and

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

*Sifiso Moshoetsi is Chief Director: Social Sector, Government and Administration Cluster at GCIS.



Compiled by: Reneé Fortune

Make-it-yourself mocktail magic I


ice blocks with the

f you’re up for some

flavours like rose, lime and

make-it-yourself magic

grapefruit, these mocktails

• 1l sparkling water

minimum amount of

in the kitchen this sea-

can be made in minutes

• Rose petals

bubbles, use distilled

son, look no further than

(provided you have some

• Water for your ice tray

water that is boiled

this guide to how to make

ice handy).

simple mocktails. We also them up with creative

Bed of roses mocktail

touches and perfect food pairings. Inspired by iconic

have tips on how to jazz

and cooled before beDirections:

ing poured into the ice

First, make rose-infused


ice blocks by filling your

• For a sweet finish, add


ice tray with water and

three drops of elder-

• 200ml cherry flavoured

adding a petal (or two) to

flower syrup to the

each block. Once the ice

water in your ice tray

blocks have set, add the

before allowing to set.

cherry flavoured syrup and sparkling water into

Pairing tip:

a jug, stir and served

As a general rule of

chilled. Serves four.

thumb, rose-infused drinks go well with fruity

Feeling creative?

flavours, so this mocktail

• Swop the cherry

works best as a dessert

flavoured syrup for

drink. Pair it with pavlo-

watermelon syrup.

va, chocolate mousse

• Swop sparkling water

ish delight.

for tonic water. • Swop rose petals for other edible blooms

Faux mojito

like nasturtiums, pan-


sies and honeysuckle.

• 2-4 limes

• For crystal clear


or homemade Turk-

• 1l sparkling water

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

• Fresh mint leaves

• Swop spar-

• Water for your ice tray

kling water

• 200ml simple syrup

for lemonade to add to the


sweetness of

Prepare ice blocks and

the drink.

add them to four double

• Add crushed

rocks glasses. Squeeze

berries to

the limes in a lemon

make your own

squeezer and distribute


between the glasses. Add mint leaves, sparkling

variation. • Mint is delicate, so

water and simple syrup,

never over stir or crush

stir and serve chilled.

the mint before adding

Serves four.

it to your mojito – it only needs a subtle

Feeling creative?

touch to release its

• Use a heavyweight


blender or food processor to crush the ice

Pairing tip:

nutty and neutral flavours,

• 1l sparkling water

before adding it to the

Mint has an exceptional

so pair your virgin mojito

• Water for your ice tray


ability to add crispness to

with dishes that contain

• A few sprigs of rose-

avo and you won’t go wrong. Think salads or

mary • 200ml simple syrup

Mexican food like tacos or nachos with guacamole.


You could even make

Prepare ice blocks and

your own avocado boats

add them to four double

by adding grated cheese,

rocks glasses. Cut the or-

fried bacon bits and

anges into circular rounds

scrambled eggs to halved

and distribute between

avos and baking them for

glasses. Add sparkling

eight minutes.

water and simple syrup,

Citrus drop spritzer

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

stir and garnish with a sprig of rosemary. Serves four.


Feeling creative?

• 1–2 oranges

• Add some mint leaves



grapefruits into circular rounds and distribute between glasses. Add white grape juice, lime juice and soda water, stir and serve chilled. Serves four. Feeling creative? • Swop the soda water with ginger ale for a deliciously sugary spin on this mocktail. • Use fresh limes instead of lime juice for the best results. • Add two tablespoons of lemon juice for a zesty finish. • Add canned peaches or slices of apple for a boost of fruity flavour. before stirring, for a

ade virgin daiquiri by

refreshing twist that

adding frozen ber-

complements the cit-

ries, lemonade and

rus and resinous notes.

crushed ice.

touch to the dish.

Pairing tip:

Virgin grapefruit sangria

Traditionally, sangria is a blend of sweet and citrusy fruits that


are especially refresh-

native, you can swop

Pairing tip:

• 1–2 grapefruits

ing when the warm

the simple syrup for

Lemon pairs excellently

• 500ml white grape

weather sneaks in. Pair

liquid stevia sweet-

with spicy dishes, espe-


cially those that include

• Water for your ice tray

pork dishes or gammon

cardamom, nutmeg,

• 4 tablespoons of lime

garnished with pineapple

• For a sugar-free alter-

• For a boost of citrusy

your virgin sangria with


sweetness, swop the

coriander or tarragon as

sparkling water for

main flavours. A seafood

lemonade or replace

or meat curry dish would

the simple syrup with

be the perfect pairing,


grapefruit so bring the

200ml of Oros.

with the lemon cutting

Prepare ice blocks and

heat – you’ll have exactly

through the spiciness and

add them to four double

what you need to cool

adding a zesty finishing

rocks glasses. Cut the

yourself down.

• Turn your mocktail into a strawberry-lemon-


and cherries. Alterna-

juice • 200ml soda water

tively, dishes with lots of chilli work brilliantly with

Public Sector Manager • October 2021


Compiled by: Nicholas Francis

Lounge around in style T


he lounge is where most of us go to kick back and unwind. Whether it is binge watching a series or snuggling up with a

good book, the lounge is the place to be. To add

6 4

some character to this all-important living space, try mixing and matching these items.



7 1

1. Luna fabric three-seater couch, available at Decofurn, R5 799. 2. Ultrasonic USB fragrance diffuser, available at Woolworths, R499. 3. Cascade mango wood mirror, 60cm, available at Mr Price Home, R699.99. 4. Sixth Floor Jessie floor lamp, available at, R1 999. 5. Potted bamboo, 46cm, available at @Home, R349. 6. Paros set of two tables available at Decofurn, R799. 7. Jacquard loop geometric Drummond rug, 160x240cm, available at Mr Price Home, R1 500. * Prices correct at the time of publishing.

Public Sector Manager • October 2021



Compiled by: Gilda Narsimdas

The art of accessorising


cost-effective way to spruce up your look,



without acquiring a new wardrobe, is through accessories. Investing in some key pieces, such

as a watch or hat, is a sure-fire way to elevate your outfit. Here are some items to help you get the most out of your wardrobe.

3 1 – These gold earrings by Parisian jewellery designer Isabelle Toledano are perfect for formal wear or to sleek up a smart-casual look, available from, R818. 2- Fashion and function can be found in one item. This black bag also has a vintage-inspired silhouette, Steve Madden, R1 099. 3 – There’s nothing quite like a Panama hat. It never goes out of fashion, Rubi,, R314. 4 – The pastel shades on these retro-inspired trainers from Puma are perfect for summer. The shoes are also super comfortable, thanks to the cushioned sole,, R1 300. 5 – It’s sophistication meets elegance with this gold-plated, rose gold and pink Tommy Hilfiger watch, with smooth leather straps,, R2 995. 5 4


Public Sector Manager • October 2021




6 – This classic range of New Balance sneakers combine heritage designs with a contemporary style,, R1 599. 7 - Danish watch maker Skagen is known for its timeless range of watches. The colour contrast of the black and blue, with the sun dial face, makes this watch the perfect statement piece, Watch Republic, R2 799. 8 – Bucket hats have dominated the trend list for a while now and with summer almost here, why not try it out? This one from Kangol is available from, R1 095. 9 – Keep it cool with these trendy Emporio Armani sunglasses. They have a square face and the lenses are available in black, brown and grey, Superbalist. com, R1 980. 10 – Looking for comfortable sandals to slip into? The Birkenstock brand comes in a variety of colours and fabrics,, R999.



* Prices correct at the time of publishing.

Public Sector Manager • October 2021



Writers: Duane Stacey and David Batzofin

Johannesburg toand theCape Town beauty in between

Scenic mountain landscapes in the Boland.


he drive from

thanks to the support of

is the geographical centre

Johannesburg to

the local farming com-

of either the Free State

Winburg to Graaff-Reinet

Cape Town may

munity. There is a peanut

or South Africa – you can

After a leisurely Sunday

be long, but with plenty of

plantation and the nearest

decide as there is

breakfast, it was time

interesting stops along the

big supermarket is in

no plaque to confirm or

to brave the rain and

way, it is one you should

Welkom (55km away)

deny either claim. It’s just

mist and head to our

definitely consider.

or Bloemfontein (114km

a pity that most travel-

next overnight stop in


lers rarely take the 8km

Graaff-Reinet. A 500+km

trip from the main road to

journey awaited us but

Jozi to Winburg

According to the local

Like many small towns,

hotel manager, the el-

discover this little

thankfully, like all great

Winburg seems to survive

ephant statue in Winburg


road trips, there had to


Public Sector Manager • October 2021

Elegant accommodation is a highlight of this trip.

Canola fields in full bloom.

be stops along the way.

also used to be the centre

we stopped in each town

Albert. The views were

Stops on a Sunday in this

of tequila production in

along the way. Each town

breathtaking and this

part of South Africa, we

South Africa? Roughly

has its own charm. For the

route is an absolute must

quickly realised, have to

20 years ago, the town

most part, there are coffee

if you are in the area.

be planned in advance

became the only place

shops and antique stores

as most of the places

outside of Mexico where

in each town that give

tiny hamlet consists of

we wanted to visit were

tequila – marketed under

tourists a reason to stop

coffee shops, craft deal-


a different name – was

and visit.

ers, antique shops and

A lunch stop in NieuBethesda is always worth

made by Agave Distillers.

Oudtshoorn was the

It seems as though this

B&B establishments. If

next overnight stop. The

you have the time, a visit

town and its surround-

to “Die Hel” is also worth

the Owl House offers

Graaff-Reinet to Oudtshoorn

ing areas offer plenty of

the 37km (two hour) drive.

great food at reasonable

With a plethora of small

things to do, such as visit-


shops and museums to

ing crocodile and ostrich

shoorn via Klaarwater

visit, as well as the ex-

farms as well as the spec-

and De Rust as the road

discovered that the back

travagant Dutch Reformed

tacular Kango Caves.

is tarred all the way. The

road out of Nieu-Bethes-

Church that dominates

The standard route in

attraction of this route is

da offers spectacular

a part of the main road,

the caves is astounding,

that it crosses the Meir-

scenery and the road is

we spent the morning

with its fantastic forma-

ingspoort River 27 times

in a far better condition.

exploring Graaff-Reinet

tions varying in age from

and is as spectacular as

This meant that the rest of

before leaving on the next

1.2 million years to baby

the Swartberg Pass, but

our drive towards Graaff-

leg of our journey towards

formations of around 400

for different reasons.

Reinet was pleasant.


years old. If you are feel-

it as the coffee shop near

On our departure, we

We returned to Oudt-

Graaff-Reinet, the fourth-

N9, via Aberdeen, Wil-

time, try the adventure

Oudtshoorn to Paarl

oldest town in South Afri-

lowmore and De Rust.


We took the road to

ca - after Cape Town, Stel-

This is a well-maintained

lenbosch and Swellendam

alternative to the N1 and

Did you know that

We decided to take the

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

ing daring and have the

We took Swartberg Pass on the route to Prince

Paarl via Mossel Bay and Swellendam. The road



from Swellendam to Paarl was less busy than the N2, there were no toll roads, and it was less than 10km longer than the toll road! By skipping the Huguenot Tunnel, we were also able to enjoy the stunning scenery that the Du Toits Kloof Pass offers. Our guesthouse in Paarl was built in 1812, and the building that currently houses guest rooms used to contain an indoor swimming pool. Locals gather outside a local shop in Kontrei.

Paarl, like most of the other towns we visited, offered coffee shops and art galleries, one after the other, as well as various antique shops.

Know before you go: •

• •

Long dust y roads take us off the beaten track .


Winburg Accommodation: The Win-

Paarl to Cape Town

burg Guesthouse. Cell: 072 474 0344

To get to Cape Town, we

Graaf Reinet Accommodation: De

took the coastal road via

Kothuize. 083 233 1227 /

Pringle Bay and Gordon’s

Bay, hoping to see some

Oudtshoorn Accommodation:

Southern Right Whales

Cul de Sac Country House. 044-279-

in Walker Bay. Although

2322 /

there were a lot of whale

Paarl Accommodation: Klein Vreden-

watching boats visible, the

burg Guest house. 021-872-9898.

whales were elusive.

Hermanus Accommodation: Arabella

Was it worth the cost in

Hotel & Spa. 0282840000 / www.

petrol and mileage? You bet

it was, we got to see and appreciate so many special parts of South Africa.

Public Sector Manager • October 2021

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