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16 days of Activism be part of the fight

DRAM2023 accelerating the rights of persons with disabilities

2023 Rugby World Cup


leadership takeaways


November 2023

12 20. Reflecting on progress made in promoting rights of persons with disabilities

South Africa’s milestones in securing the rights of all 22. Public servants urged to play their part in advancing SASL Recognising the deaf community starts with us

24. My leadership takeaways from the 2023 Rugby World Cup finals

Important leadership lessons to be learned, says the National

REGULARS 8. Conversations with leaders

Work together to end gender-based violence, urges the Department

School of Government’s Prof Busani Ngcaweni 28. Transforming MENtalities to fight GBVF and gender inequality

Summit calls for men to join the GBVF discourse

of Women’s Mikateko Maluleke 12. Women in the public sector

The Auditor-General’s Mabatho Sedikela sees working in the public service as an act of patriotism

14. Trailblazer

Young teacher Tebogo Mokwene’s innovative methods create a love for maths

16. Profiles in leadership

The Department of Basic Education’s David Silman is steering learners into job opportunities in the Oceans Economy

18. From the Union Buildings

The Springbok victory is about much more than sporting excellence


Public Sector Manager • October 2023

30. IEC launches 2024 national and provincial elections



South Africa prepares for the road to the polls 34. Automated internal audit quality assessment tool developed

Innovative online tool to build capacity in the public


sector 40. Growing cyberattacks: SA needs an integrated

42. Grooming and style

approach to protect critical infrastructure

Make-up tips for summer

Keeping information secure vital against global attacks

44. Food and wine

Chicken piccata with string beans in a lemon butter and caper sauce

38. Fires must be interpreted as metaphors for the challenges we face as a country

Recent events should serve as catalysts for change

46. Travel

36. Census 2022: know the population

Thailand and Dubai: Perfect destinations for girls' trips

South Africa’s changing landscape in numbers


Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001 Acting Director-General Nomonde Mnukwa Acting Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Terry Vandayar Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management Michael Currin

Head of Editorial and Production Zanele Mngadi Managing Editor Tshepo Nkosi News Editor Miriam Mokoena GCIS Photographic Unit Elmond Jiyane Ntswe Mokoena Siyabulela Duda Kopano Tlape Busisiwe Malungwane Production Assistant Jauhara Khan Graphic Designer Tendai Gonese

Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Regomoditswe Mavimbela

Public Sector Manager • November 2023


Writer: Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, MP: Minister in The Presidency responsible for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities


Empowering society’s most vulnerable groups requires a concerted effort


ovember marks the

Women and Children is: “Acceler-

often left behind and excluded

removing stereotypes and unfair

Disability Rights Aware-

ating actions to end Gender-Based

from decisions impacting their

discrimination and that allows

ness Month (DRAM) (3

Violence and Femicide (GBVF):

lives and livelihoods. The motto:

for inclusion, equity and diversity

November – 3 December) and

leaving no one behind” under

“Nothing About Us without

to be celebrated.

the 16 Days of Activism for No

the sub-theme: “Safe access for

Us” implores proper consulta-

Moreover, women and children

Violence against Women and

women to clean water: a basic

tion with the sector about their

with disabilities are perceived as

Children (25 November – 10 De-

human right”.

specific needs at school, at work,

easy victims by perpetrators of

cember), drawing particular focus

To ensure equal rights of

at home for their well-being and

GBVF and it is imperative that

on vulnerable groups. This year’s

persons with disabilities and a

access to healthcare, services

these perpetrators must receive

theme for DRAM is: “Consolidate

safer society for women, who are

and employment opportunities.

harsher sentences, bail and

and Accelerate Rights of Persons

largely affected by GBVF, a lot

All efforts must be made by all

parole conditions if they perpe-

with Disabilities into the Future”,

more needs to be done by all of

organisations and individuals to

trate crimes and abuse against

while the theme for the 16 Days of

government and all of society.

create a barrier-free environment

victims with disabilities. The links

Activism for No Violence against

Persons with disabilities are

for persons with disabilities,

of the justice value chain must


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

urgently be strengthened in

tion of women, particularly

this has dual implications

as men and boys are part of

terms of services and support

within economic contexts, exac-

for both gender equality

the solution.

available for victims with dis-

erbates vulnerability to violence.

and fundamental human

By harmonising these diverse


In addressing this, public-private

rights. Lack of safe ac-

activities, we aim to create a

Similarly, the 16 Days of Activ-

partnerships can be instrumen-

cess to water exacerbates

multi-dimensional approach to

ism for No Violence against

tal in bridging the gender gap in

vulnerabilities of women

tackling GBVF. This is consist-

Women and Children cam-

economic opportunities.

to GBVF. The provision of

ent with the concept of inter-

paign requires that we all stand

The latest technology ad-

running water reduces the

sectionality, recognising that

together and stand up against

vancements should play a role

need for women and girls to

various forms of social stratifica-


in ensuring transparency in

travel long distances to fetch

tion such as gender, race, class

Gender inequality has

women-focused funding, ensur-

water, a task that exposes

and disability do not exist in

increased in the country as a

ing that resources actually reach

them to heightened risks of

isolation but interact on multiple

result of the ongoing absence of

the intended beneficiaries. By

sexual assault and violence.

and often simultaneous levels.

substantial economic engage-

elevating women in all sectors,

By improving water acces-

ment and representation across

we not only reduce the risk

sibility, you not only mitigate

a wide range of socio-economic

factors associated with GBVF

these risks but also free up

categories. The under-empow-

but also enrich our communi-

time for women and girls

erment of women is closely

ties, economies and governance

to engage in educational

related to a number of charac-

structures. Achieving this vision

and economic activi-

teristics of femicide and GBV.

requires concerted efforts from

ties, thereby contribut-

We see a South Africa in which

all stakeholders, from grass-

ing to their empower-

women are actively engaged in

roots organisations to high-level

ment and reducing

all spheres of human endeavour,



including academics, the judici-

This year, the 16 Days of Activ-

Men’s confer-

ary, the economy and politics.

ism campaign will include the

ence and positive

This is especially true given that

following activities:

masculinity dialogue:

the empowerment of women is

Policy Dialogue on GBVF

engaging men and

essential to the empowerment

Prevention Strategy: this

boys is crucial in shifting

of society as a whole.

serves as a critical platform

societal norms that per-

The 16 Days of Activism

for collective brainstorming

petuate gender inequality

campaign is a clarion call for

and decision-making. Key

and violence

systematic change. A multi-

stakeholders, including non-

pronged approach is required to

governmental organisatins,

tackle the root causes of GBVF.

policymakers and experts

This includes policy reform,

in the field, can collaborate

stakeholder engagement and

to refine existing policies

cultural shifts, aligning with

and strategise for impactful

a broader societal vision of


gender equity. We cannot ignore

Launch theme on safe ac-

that the systemic marginalisa-

cess to water for women:

Public Sector Manager • November 2023



Advancing the rights of persons with disabilities S outh Africa celebrates

the quality of life of persons

National Disability

with disabilities through con-

Rights Awareness Month

crete action. This year’s com-

(DRAM) annually between 3

memorations are held under

November and 3 December.

the theme: “Consolidate and

The World Health Organiza-

Accelerate Rights of Persons

tion (WHO) notes that, “dis-

with Disabilities into the Future”.

ability is part of being human.

Government continues to de-

Almost everyone will temporar-

velop policies and programmes

ily or permanently experience

aimed at empowering persons

disability at some point in their

with disabilities across South

life. An estimated 1.3 billion


people – about 16% of the

With the adoption of the

global population – currently

Constitution in 1996, the Bill

experience significant disability.

of Rights not only gave rise to

This number is increasing due

significant advancement for

in part to population ageing

persons with disabilities, but Nomonde Mnukwa, Acting GCIS Director-General.

and an increase in the prevalence of noncommunicable

also gave equal protection to all, preventing discrimination

diseases”. lack of access to appropri-


ate and timely information

In 2007, South Africa ratified

and support; and

the United Nations Convention

lack of access to essential

on the Rights of Persons with

The MTSF notes that persons

disability and other support

Disabilities and its Optional

both rights and responsibili-

with disabilities face various

services, particularly in rural

Protocol without reservation.

ties, and disability has become

challenges, including:

a cross-cutting issue that

According to Statistics South

Strategic Framework (MTSF)

Africa, around 7% of our popu-

2019 – 2024, acknowledges that

lation of 62 million people has

empowering these groups will

some form of disability.

strengthen the whole society.

Like all citizens, they too have


The year 2015 also marked a

barriers that exclude them

As the public sector, let

critical turning point for South

remains everybody’s respon-

from accessing socio-eco-

us drive a coordinated and

Africa on a global stage with


nomic opportunities;

consolidated effort with all

the publishing of the White

lack of effective articulation

stakeholders to improve the

Paper on the Rights of Persons

Plan Vision 2030 prioritises

and alignment between

socio-economic security of

with Disabilities. Giant strides

the significant role of women,

different services offered

persons with disabilities.

were made to establish the pri-

youth and people with dis-

by different departments

The DRAM offers an oppor-

orities of the Presidential Work-

abilities. As such, government,

targeting the same target

tunity for all of us to address

ing Group on Disabilities. These

through the Medium Term


these challenges and improve

include increasing funding for

The National Development


based on disability and other

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

disability-related programmes

with disabilities as opposed to

roll out disability inclusion train-

with disabilities in decision-mak-

and services, including funding

1.4% in government.

ing across the public sector. The

ing processes and ensure that

for the education, training and

As the public sector, we need

training will serve to improve

their voices are heard in all areas

employment of people with dis-

to play a leading role in ensur-

government departments' capac-

of public life.


ing that persons with disabilities

ity to implement policy directives

To further highlight inclusion

In a 2011 report, the WHO

are not left behind. While the

and deliverables of the White

and communication amongst

observed that persons with

minimum employment equity

Paper on the Rights of Persons

persons with disabilities, South

disabilities worldwide can un-

target for people with disability is

with Disabilities.

Africa has recognised sign

dertake respected professions,

at 2%, by September 2022, data

By understanding these direc-

language as its 12th official

engage in entrepreneurship, be

from PERSAL showed that we

tives and deliverables better, we

language, becoming the fourth

self-employed or work in various

were at 1.04%.

can begin to break down existing

country in Africa to recognise

responsibilities in both govern-

The 6th Annual Progress Report

barriers that inhibit universal

sign language as an official

ment and private enterprise.

on the Implementation of the

inclusion. We can better provide


The Commission for Employ-

White Paper on the Rights of

sustainable resources and safe

As we commemorate DRAM,

ment Equity’s 2022/23 Annual

People with Disabilities, which

environments for persons with

let us get involved and do more

Report notes that representation

was recently approved by Cabi-

disabilities by also recognising

to develop and realise the Na-

of employees with disabilities in

net for publication in the Govern-

that not all disabilities are visible.

tional Disability Rights Agenda

South Africa is very low at the

ment Gazette has increased this

Government has also com-

as required by MTSF 2019 –

top management level, with only

target to 3% from 2024/25.

mitted to create accessible and

2024 targets.

1.7% of top management being

We should all work towards the

inclusive environments for per-

Almost 30 years into democ-

persons with disabilities. The

realisation of the 7% minimum

sons with disabilities, ensuring

racy government programmes

report further reveals that in this

employment equity target for

that public facilities and services

are proving that indeed “persons

segment, the private sector is

people with disabilities by 2030.

are accessible, and promoting

with disabilities can and should

doing better than government,

Government has established

universal design principles in the

be active players in building the

with 1.7% of top management in

partnerships with the National

built environment; and promot-


the private sector being persons

School of Government to further

ing the participation of people

Public Sector Manager • November 2023


Writer: Sihle Manda


Image: Supplied by the DWYPD

Government alone cannot end GBVF

DWYPD DG Advocate Mikateko Maluleke.

W 8

hile the South Afri-

needs to be done if the country

25 November to 10 Decem-

to end GBVF: leaving no one

can Government’s

is to turn the corner.

ber. Locally, the campaign is

behind” with the sub-theme:

commitment to curb

It is a reality that will once

known as the 16 Days Activ-

“Safe access for women to

the scourge of gender-based

again rear its ugly head when

ism for No Violence against

clean water: a basic human

violence and femicide (GBVF)

the country joins the interna-

Women and Children.


over the past 29 years is evi-

tional community to com-

In South Africa, the cam-

The country’s custodian of

dent in the various legislative

memorate the annual 16 Days

paign will be under the

the cause is the Department

and policy initiatives, more still

of Activism against GBV, from

theme: “Accelerating actions

of Women, Youth and Per-

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

sons with Disabilities (DWYPD).

Cyril Ramaphosa, in 2019 and

dress service delivery challeng-

need to be improved were as

In a recent conversation with

2022 ,held the Presidential Sum-

es or the case backlog that we

a result of some police officers

Public Sector Manager maga-

mit against GBVF.

have in courts and everywhere

who were not doing their work

zine, DWYPD Director-Gen-

“One of the things that I would

else,” she added.

as expected.

eral (DG) Advocate Mikateko

like to refer to on the Presiden-

In a move to lessen com-

“This is where we always say

Maluleke said: “We are saying

tial summit is the establishment

plaints relating to access to

we want the police service to

‘live no one behind’ because we

of the End GBVF Collective – a

justice being stifled at the level

deal with the individuals who

cannot be focusing on specific

collective of government, labour,

of police stations, the South

are not providing the service as

(geographic) areas and not

civil society, and the private

African Police Service (SAPS), in


look at all areas and sectors

sector, where independently

2020, introduced GBVF desks.

“Many police stations have

of society that make women

and voluntarily they come with

Created to eliminate second-

the [GBVF] desks, and they


programmes that they will

ary victimisation, the SAPS, by

are functioning. You come as a

This rang true for women in

be implementing in order to

2022, had set up these desks

complainant, you are taken to

rural and far-flung areas with

contribute to the eradication of

at 381 police stations across

a safe place where you can be

little to no access to clean and

“Many police stations have

safe water. She recalled the tragic incident

the [GBV] desks, and they are

of a 25-year-old woman from Vuwani, in Limpopo, who was

functioning. You come as a

mauled to death by a crocodile

complainant, you are taken to a

while doing laundry at a local river.

safe place where you can be able

“Some women are killed while fetching water, some are

to talk and be able to open a case

attacked and raped, and some

with the help of a police officer”

are killed by wild animals – there are many things that are

able to talk and be able to open a case with the help of a police officer,” she explained. Beyond police stations, GBVF victims are also encouraged to report cases at Thuthuzela Care centres. These one-stop facilities were introduced in 2006, as a critical part of the country’s anti-rape strategy aimed at reducing secondary victimisation, improving conviction rates and reducing the time for finalisation of cases.

happening to women in areas where there is no water.

GBVF,” she said.

the country. This was coupled

“Having access to clean and

Chief among these was the

with the training of 91 489 police

tor is contributing to the PCC

safe water – which she reiter-

100-Day Challenge, a pilot pro-

officers in victim empowerment,

(Provincial Command Coun-

ated is a basic human right

ject aimed at fast-tracking the

domestic violence and sexual

cil). For example, there is one

– will reduce women’s vulner-

implementation of the National

offences-related programmes to

in Limpopo – there the mines

ability and exposure to GBVF,”

Strategic Plan on GBVF at a

ensure a victim-centred service.

contributed for it. But we do

she said.

municipal level.

Maluleke said this has resulted

not want to see more PCCs, we

Government commitment

“That programme is working

in some general improvement

want to see GBVF eradicated,”

because people themselves are

in how GBVF victims were be-

she stressed.

the ones that want to improve

ing treated at police stations,

In a clear illustration of govern-

the services. I always say that it

despite there still being some

Child maintenance

ment’s commitment to curbing

is like a movement, everybody

room for improvement. She add-

On the child maintenance front,

the scourge of GBVF, President

can join this and we can ad-

ed that the few cases that still

the DG said serious challenges

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

“Now even the private sec-



the reporting of violence in South Africa had increased and government departments understood that they had a role to play in addressing the pandemic. “It was after 1998, when we started to see establishment of specialised courts, the PCCs, SAPS Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences units. Laws are being developed, laws are being amended to respond accordingly. In terms of violence decreasing, that is a different story. You see that when the Minister of Police releases the crime statistics,” illustrated the DG. Despite this, Maluleke empersisted, with a high number

Child Maintenance Act, 1998

the request to the drafters so

phasised the need for a change

of fathers continuing to default.

(Act 99 of 1998), to ensure that

that they can develop the new

in the mentality of the general

“The Department of Justice

those who do not pay child

rules,” she said.


(and Constitutional Develop-

maintenance are blacklisted,

In the new rules, she said, it

ment) has established the

no one was being blacklisted.

was envisioned that women

track and trace system to be

“ is not happening. They

would not be treated like crimi-

Community involvement

able to check through the

are not listing anyone,” she

nals “where they would have

“[Police and courts] come after

credit bureaus and others to


to prove cases beyond reason-

the fact – our approach now is

see whether the father, or the

Having taken stock of how

able doubt when these are not

to focus on the community. Let

person responsible for the

child maintenence cases were

criminal cases”.

us teach families and parents

payment of maintenance, is

treated in court, the DWYPD

employed or not. They are able

has in recent times engaged

The campaign

to track that if the person has

the Rules Board for Courts of

This year marks 25 years of

munities, we cannot prevent

an identity document in South


South Africa’s participation

violence through police. The

Africa,” she explained.

“We have asked them to

in the 16 Days of Activism

communities themselves must

However, even when the de-

develop new rules that are

Campaign, an initiative started

raise children who neither

faulter is tracked and they are

specifically for maintenance

by Women's Global Leadership

engage in violence nor resolve

brought to court, they may con-

courts. They have responded

Institute in 1991.

problems through violence.

tinue not to pay maintenance.

and they have agreed that they

Reflecting on the country’s

That is what we want to focus

She lamented the fact that

will work on that. They have

participation in the campaign,

on because family values have

despite the amendment of the

indicated that they submitted

Maluleke said since 1998,

collapsed,” she concluded.


how to raise their children. The prevention is from the com-

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

Writer: More Matshediso


Image: GCIS

Transformational leader sees public service as an act of patriotism - Provincial at the Auditor-Gen-

forum. I also oversee the audit

eral of South Africa (AGSA).

portfolio of the nine provincial

She also serves as a member

business units, with a staff

of the executive committee,

complement of 1 807. The AGSA

who also supports (deputises)

has offices in all nine provinces,

the Deputy Auditor-General

which report to me functionally,”

on any delegated responsibili-

she explained.



Furthermore, she ensures that

Part of her job is to provide

agreed objectives of the strate-

strategic leadership, direc-

gic plan of the organisation are

tion and overall management

implemented across the audit

of the audit portfolio in the


provincial spheres of gov-

Sedikela is a passionate ac-

ernment (Municipal Finance

complished executive and a

Management Act, 2003 (Act

Chartered Accountant (CA (SA))

56 of 2003) audit cycle).

with more than 15 years of expe-

She is mainly responsible

rience in the audit profession.

for the leadership of the

She completed her articles at

abatho Sedikela says

an early age, my parents planted

audit executive team, collec-

Deloitte and qualified as a CA in

working as a public

a seed in me that I should use

tively ensuring integration and

2004, and specialised in South

servant is an act of pat-

my education for the betterment

coordination of all audits activi-

African and international Tax for

riotism and considers herself as a

of our country,” she briefly intro-

ties across the AGSA.

five years.

transformational leader.

duced herself during an inter-

“I lead or establish effective

She was appointed Deputy

“I love South Africa and I want

view with Public Sector Manager

and appropriate processes in

Business Executive at the AGSA

to do good for my country. I


governance structures allocated

in 2010. She was promoted to

grew up at the times when the

Sedikela, who hails from Motlo-

to me to chair, such as the Mate-

Business Executive in 2011,

country was in a state of change

lo village in Ga-Sekhukhune,

rial Irregularity Committee and

before ascending to become

– the dawn of democracy. From

Limpopo, is the Head of Audit

co-lead the audit integration

Corporate Executive in 2016 and


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

then Head of Audit Provincial in


motivating my team to keep go-

recognises the hard work and


For Sedikela, clean audits mean

ing back and continue the hard

dedication of SAICA members

Roughly, Sedikela said the

that the principles of good gov-

work. We also use different ways

and associates who are mak-

audit portfolio units for the nine

ernance are respected, and the

of auditing such as accessing

ing a difference in their areas of

provinces generates audit rev-

AGSA advocates for that all the

bank accounts where financial

work and businesses.

enue of approximately

time, so that service delivery can

statements are withheld in order

“This really warms my heart

R2 601 560 000 per annum

also improve.

to trace the money. If the money

because when I joined the

with a range of 332 Municipal

To redeem the situation,

ended up where it should not,

profession many years ago,

Finance Management Act of

Sedikela said the AGSA has

it can be brought back into the

there were not enough women

2003 audits.

recommended that local govern-

government coffers,” she said.

and black professionals like

She believes that national and

ment works together with pro-

The danger though, is that this

me and I vowed to change that

provincial departments fare

vincial departments, including

opens a new window of threats

and inspire more young people

better and produce more clean

Premiers, MECs, and provincial

and intimidation where the

through various initiatives to join

audits, have more financial

legislatures, as well as national

safety and security of the audi-

the profession.

management disciplines and

departments and the national

tors are at risk. This worries her,

"To be recognised by my

practices than in local govern-

legislature so that municipalities

but she is grateful that no life of

membership body for making

ment, because they get most

can improve their audit out-

an auditor has been lost due to

that difference in the public sec-

basics right such as producing

comes and overall performance.

the threats and the AGSA has

tor was just icing in the cake for

financial statements.

“In our new strategy under

put measures in place to try and

me,” she beamed.

ensure their safety.

However, she acknowledges

AG Tsakane Maluleke, we have

that political instability in leader-

started to switch our minds

ship positions at many munici-

from just auditing to auditing to


palities contributes immensely

generate insights that we give to

In 2021, Sedikela was recognised

state institutions to manage

to their poor performance.

our stakeholders. This is aimed

as the South African Institute

funds with prudence, build the

“When new leaders come in,

at driving action on their side

of Chartered Accountants

right controls within the system

they sometimes inherit condi-

and yield results. We call our

(SAICA) Public Sector Difference

to ensure that the money ends

tions that already need to be

new strategy #CultureShift2030,

Maker, a prestigious award that

up where it is meant to go.

overhauled quite substantially.

which we have been driving for

Unfortunately, municipalities are

the past two years,” she bragged.

the coalface of service delivery

This does not come without

Sedikela has served as a member on various boards over

and this is where communities

challenges, as Sedikela agrees

the years, including:

express their satisfaction or dis-

that some of her team members

satisfaction,” she explained.

get discouraged to continue

In the recently released local

putting their best foot forward

the SAICA, and

government audit outcomes

only for certain municipali-

The Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors.

report, there were only 38 clean

ties and provinces, such as the

Most recently, she also served at the AGSA’s Accounting

audits achieved by municipali-

Free State and North West to

Standards Board, represented the office on the board of ex-

ties out of 257. In 2021/22, local

produce disappointing results

ternal auditors of the African Union (as the only non-AG) and

government budget was an

and service delivery continuing

served as a member of the Southern African Development

estimated expenditure of R539.13

to deteriorate.

Community Audit Committee.


“I have a responsibility to keep

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

She encourages public servants to keep fighting corruption and calls on leaders in various

The Advancement of Black Accountants of Southern Africa,


Writer: More Matshediso


Image: Supplied

Young teacher’s innovative

method creates love for mathematics


outh Africa’s best mathematics teacher Tebogo Mokwene believes in

teaching learners how they want to be taught so that they can love

School in Mahikeng, North-


the leadership roles, so they al-

subjects and improve their perfor-

West. In order for learners to

“The Jobe Rule allows learners

ways have a healthy competition

mance in school.

perform well in their studies, he

to tackle trigonometry with ease.

among themselves,” he added.

This has proved to be a win-

believes that teachers must first

I use Amapiano sound to explain

Mokwene’s passion for math-

ning formula for Mokwene since

understand how learners like

it to them. As they see, narrate

ematics started just before he

the beginning of his teaching

to be taught so that they can

and recite this Jobe Rule song,

completed matric. He was a

career in 2015. The teaching

grasp their attention and make

they realise that mathematics is

top mathematics learner in his

method earned the 32-year-old

subjects interesting.

not as tough as they think and

school when he completed

recognition as the best math-

“One of the methods that I

when they get to the examina-


ematics teacher in the country

have always employed in the

tion room they excel,” explained

He obtained a Bachelor of

during the 2022 National Teach-

classroom when teaching


Science in Computer Science

ers Awards (NTA) hosted by the

mathematics is to incorporate

He also boosts learners’ con-

and a Postgraduate Certificate in

Department of Basic Education

the Amapiano music genre in

fidence by rewarding excellent

Education from the North-West


my subject delivery because that

performance in class. He creates

University and started teaching

The NTA were conceptualised

is the music that Generation Z

groups in the classroom accord-

mathematics at Ramaine High

and launched in 2000 as one

love,” he explained.

ing to the performance of his

School in Mafikeng in 2015,

of the ways in which the DBE

This has earned Mokwene

learners, and the top performers

before moving to Motswedi High

acknowledges the extraordinary

the nickname Jobe – a title of

become group leaders.

School in Zeerust in 2017.

efforts made by teachers, often

an Amapiano song. The young

“This is called differentiated or

According to Mokwene, both

in very difficult conditions.

teacher embaced the name

focused teaching, and it moti-

schools were underperforming

Mokwene is a high school

and used it to call his teach-

vates the learners to improve

in mathematics when he was

teacher at Mmabatho High

ing method the “Jobe Rule” for

their performance and take up

appointed, but the results im-


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

South African Institute of Char-

that our learners can pursue a

was still a learner. However, as

In 2019, Mokwene moved to

tered Accountant’s (SAICA)

career in chartered account-

a young teacher he is some-

Mmabatho High School. Before

development camp in North-

ancy and other key professions

times faced with a challenge of

his appointment, the school had

West, along with his colleague,

of high demand,” he said.

ill-disciplined learners.

produced less than 50% matric

Medusa Nkgatho.

He said many learners are

“Bad behaviour normally af-

pass rate in mathematics. The

The camp aims to holistically

poorly grounded on mathemati-

fects a learner’s overall per-

following year, the matric class

reshape and develop learners’

cal concepts and urged teach-

formance and this also affects

produced 78% – thanks to his

schooling careers. The camps,

ers to ensure that learners see

the overall performance of the

hard work.

which were launched in 2002,

mathematics as a subject that


stimulates logical thinking.

proved after his appointment.

Mokwene addresses the

“As a result, more learners

are hosted annually across

who used to study mathemati-

South Africa.

cal literacy were encouraged to

They form part of SAICA's

Climbing the ladder

enrol for pure mathematics and

strategy to aid the global drive

Mokwene’s excellent work has

about the importance of educa-

the overall performance of the

for transformation, employ-

not gone unnoticed. In 2023,


school improved,” he said.

ment, and growth by sup-

he was promoted to become a

He added that it is every

In 2022, his class produced

porting social and economic

subject specialist.

teacher’s duty to entice learn-

83.3% pass rate in mathemat-

development as outlined in the

“My new role is to train math-

ers to love education so that

ics. Over and above, Mokwene

National Development Plan and

ematics teachers in the 35 high

the country can end up with

said this achievement has also

the United Nations Sustainable

schools that fall under Ngaka

more educated citizens who are

encouraged teachers in his

Development Goals.

Modiri Molema District Munici-

innovative and committed to

school to improve on subject

To be invited, learners must

pality. This includes teachers of

tackle unemployment and other

delivery across the board.

score a minimum of 60% in

Grades 10, 11 and 12. I am also

challenges facing the country.

mathematics and English. Mok-

their moderator and I monitor

Besides teaching, Mokwene

wene has been a tutor in the

and support them,” said the

loves interacting with learners

camps for the past five years.

young teacher.

and changing their lives to the

Tutoring mathematics

challenge by keeping leaners motivated and reminding them

Mokwene’s passion for math-

“We sharpen our learners’

He added that teaching math-

better. He encourages his learn-

ematics does not end in the

mathematics skills and in sub-

ematics comes naturally to him

ers to relate well to each other

classrooms, he is one of the

jects like accounting, physical

because it is a subject that he

and refrain from bullying and

two mathematics tutors at the

sciences and many others, so

has always loved from when he

other discriminatory behaviour.

Public Sector Manager • November 2023


Writer: More Matshediso


Images: GCIS

Steering learners

attending those schools,” Silman said. He assumed duties in his cur-

into job opportunities in the Oceans Economy


rent role in 2018. He is responsible for bringing the marine sciences into the basket of curricula offerings for the new subjects, which was written in 2021 for the first time by Grade 12 learners.

lthough David Silman is

which was launched in 2002

In 2015, he moved from the

“At that time, there were only

approaching retirement,

with the aim of ensuring that

Ministry to the DBE, where he

12 learners in the country who

the Project Manager for

selected schools (500 across the

was responsible for manag-

wrote the Marine Sciences sub-

Marine Science, Mathematics,

country) are supported to sig-

ing various projects, including

ject in Grade 12 examinations,

Science and Technology at the De-

nificantly increase the participa-

Schools of Specialisation.

and they were in the Western

partment of Basic Education (DBE)

tion and performance of

is a national treasure.

learners, especially

The 62-year-old Silman is the

African and

specialised schools

was taught part-time and online

only one and the first to oversee

girl learners,

should look like,

for the first cohort of learners,”

the development of marine and

in mathe-

from the internal

explained Silman.

maritime sciences curricula for

matics and

structure to the

South African schools.


subjects that

Increased uptake

He joined the Ministry of Basic

science,” he

are suitable

In 2022, 62 learners enrolled for

Education in 2011 as Director for


for learners

the subject and sat for matric

“My job was to develop

Cape because that is where we

guidelines of what

piloted the project. The subject

Special Projects, after working

examinations. They were all still

as a science teacher in private

in the Western Cape, but Silman

and public schools in South

said there has since been a sub-

Africa for 19 years, including one

stantial increase in number

year of teaching in the United

of learners who take up the


subject as more teachers

He holds a Bachelor of Sci-

became interested in offer-

ence in Physiology and Zool-

ing it in their schools.

ogy and an Honours Degree

Currently, Marine Sci-

in Education from Wits Uni-

ences is being offered in

versity. He specialised in

five provinces; the East-

Curriculum Development

ern Cape, Northern Cape,

and Science Education.

Western Cape, KwaZulu-

“When I joined the

Natal and Gauteng. A

Ministry, I had to

total of 156 learners

take over the Dinal-

enrolled for the subject

edi School project,

in Grade 12 this year.


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

African schools. It is now a time for learners to learn about content, including marine biology, oceanography, environmental sciences, and indigenous knowledge system.

More new areas for learners The other part of his job is to develop, as he did for marine sciences, a curriculum for mining as well as aviation and Silman said the subject that

a range of professionals in pro-

at the moment, and it is a lot

aerospace sciences.

covers maritime is being offered

vincial departments, including

of work if you are a working

“I have written draft content

in selected schools from grades

heads of department, deputy

teacher who is responsible

for the academic stream, but

10, 11 and 12. A total of 658

directors - general, chief direc-

for teaching other subjects

I do not have the competence

learners across the five prov-

tors, subject managers for

already. We are still attracting

and knowledge to deal with the

inces enrolled for the subject

marine and maritime subjects,”

more teachers,” he explained.

vocational and occupational

counting all the three grades

he explained.

Although he worries that he

streams that apply to aviation,”

this year.

He said since 2019, the DBE

is currently not transferring the

he said.

“I must be doing something

has revised and reviewed

skill to anyone – as the only

He has held a number of

right because the numbers are

the curriculum and assess-

one doing this job – Silman,

workshops and meetings with

increasing,” he said.

ment structure of the subject

surprisingly, does not find this

relevant stakeholders, includ-

He believes that the subject

three times because teachers

job overwhelming.

ing the Department of Trans-

should be offered in all prov-

critiqued it and identified areas

“It is quite exciting to deliver

port and experts in the aviation

inces, as opposed to limiting

of improvement to ensure that

a new subject area to the sys-

industry so that the DBE can

it to coast. However, he said, it

they are able to deliver the

tem,” he said.

develop syllabus suitable for

is a prerogative of the respec-

subject better.

tive provinces to decide if they

He encourages more learn-


ers to take up subjects such as

He draws a lot from his expe-

marine and maritime sciences

rience as a teacher.

want to offer the subject in

Lack of budget

their schools or not.

Unfortunately, there is currently

because there are a lot of job

In 2022, as part of efforts

“The major problem is that

no budget available for teacher

opportunities in the sector. The

to unlock the potential of the

there are not enough subject

training to take place in order

subjects cover maritime eco-

Oceans Economy and drive

specialists available to ensure

to offer the subject across the

nomics, nautical science, and

transformation, government

that teaching and learning

schools. Silman said there are

marine science.

prioritised the acceleration of

of the subject occurs in all

currently about 15 teachers

Silman said up until recently,

interventions in the maritime

schools. Since I do not have

who are teaching marine sci-

there has been no school

sector. Introducing learners

a team, and I rely heavily on

ences in schools.

subject that learners who

to this field at an early age is

consulting specialists, I try my

“These are the teachers who

have interest in the Oceans

expected to contribute to this

best to constantly engage with

are just doing it out of love

Economy could study in South


Public Sector Manager • November 2023



A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa Images: GCIS

The Springbok victory is about much more than sporting excellence



by World Cup more than any

that the Springboks racked up

symbol of the cherished values

Stade de France on 28

other nation, but this alone is

these wins and lifted the cov-

upon which this country was

October 2023, has lifted

not what makes this an excep-

eted Webb Ellis Cup a record


the nation’s spirits, confirming

tional triumph. The symbolism

four times.

The fervent, colourful and

the enduring power of sport to

of this victory is as significant

When South Africa first

touching displays of national

unite and build a nation.

as the great sporting achieve-

competed in the Rugby World

pride from South Africans both

The Springboks go down in

ment we have witnessed.

Cup in 1995, our democracy

at home and abroad during

history for having won the Rug-

It has been under democracy

was just a year old. Back then,

this tournament, show that

there was just one black player

perhaps as never before, the

on the team, the legendary

Springboks have well and truly

Chester Williams. Of the squad

been embraced by all races as

that played in the 2023 Rugby

their own.

World Cup final, just short of

The viral clip of Springboks

half were black players, includ-

winger, Makazole Mapimpi,

ing the team captain, Siya

being cheered on by custom-


ers and store staff whilst out

The journey of the Spring-

grocery shopping, and that

boks to the historic victory in

of Eben ‘Elizabedi’ Etzebeth

the 2023 Rugby World Cup is

and RG Snyman dancing with

as much about our journey to-

South African fans near the

wards nationhood as it is about

Eiffel Tower in Paris, are among

sporting excellence.

my personal favourites.

It is as much about our quest

Witnessing so many South

to ensure that representation in

Africans don the national

all facets of public life, includ-

team’s colours and profess

ing sport, stands as a potent

their support online and on

he Springboks’ win at the

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

other platforms speaks to the

our sense of community and

government, business, labour,

ent backgrounds of the team

deep love for our country and

belonging, and our very nation-

civil society and citizens.

members and the difficulties

to our ability to pull together

hood did not evolve overnight.

We do not make light of

they have had to overcome to

even when the going gets

It has taken considerable time

South Africa’s challenges. They

reach this pinnacle of sporting


to forge, and at times faced

cannot be forgotten or wished

achievement. “You have to be

We need more of this, and

obstacles that threw us into

away by a fleeting moment

South African to see, feel and

not just in the domain of sport-

uncertainty and doubt.

such as a sporting victory.

experience the things we do,”

ing achievement.

But if the story of the trans-

The Springboks’ win has unit-

he said.

That we were able to over-

formation of South African

ed us in celebration. It is our

This Springbok squad is one

come one of the worst global

rugby, a sport that was once

hope that it must also serve to

of the best rugby teams in the

disasters in living memory in

the bastion of racial suprem-

inspire the younger generation

history of the sport. But they

the form of the pandemic was

acy, is anything to go by, our

to derive important life lessons

are far more than that. They are

in large part due to our abil-

country will continue to reap

about perseverance, teamwork,

also great ambassadors for our

ity to rally around a common

the benefits of change if we

discipline and leadership.

country and for the values that

cause, in pursuit of the greater

remain united and if we stay

The interview that Kolisi gave

continue to drive our efforts to


the course.

shortly after the team’s win will

build a united, more equal and prosperous nation.

At times such as this, when

The patriotism we display

be remembered as one of the

our country faces many prob-

in sports stadiums should be

most poignant and meaning-

lems that at times cause our

reflected in our approach to

ful from a sports person in our

spirits to flag, we are reminded

overcoming our challenges.


that our South Africanness,

We are all in this together as

He spoke about the differ-

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

From the desk of The President was published on 30 October 2023.


Writer: Sihle Manda


Image: Phuti Mabelebele

Reflecting on progress made in promoting rights of persons with disabilities


he consolidation and accel-

This includes government assess-

eration of the promotion of the

ing its efforts on mainstreaming, ad-

rights of persons with disabili-

vocacy, monitoring and evaluation

ties into the future will over this month

interventions with regard to how

be cast into the spotlight as South Af-

far government has gone in imple-

rica commemorates National Disability

menting programmes, services, and

Rights Awareness Month.

budgeting for disability inclusion.

In a recent interview with Public

While government has over the

Sector Manager magazine, Chief

past three decades made significant

Director of Advocacy and Main-

strides in uplifting and promoting

streaming and Rights of People

the rights of people with disabili-

with Disabilities at the Department

ties – with sizeable achievements

of Women, Youth and Persons

– there is still a lot of groundwork to

with Disabilities (DWYDP), Phuthi


Mabelebele, noted that 2023 is an

Highlights include the establish-

opportune time for government to

ment of the DWYPD and the recent

reflect on progress made on pro-

promulgation of the South African

moting the rights of this community.

Sign Language Amendment Bill in

“We are looking at the fact that

July 2023.

we are reaching the end of the we need to reflect on the progress

Reasonable accommodation

that we have made in terms of the

Another milestone was the 2015

realisation of rights of persons with

approval of the Policy on Reason-

disabilities,” she detailed.

able Accommodation and Assis-

Sixth Administration and, therefore,


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

tive Devices for Employees

Jaws software on their com-

to work together to ensure the

with Disabilities in the Public

puter to enable them to func-

socio-economic inclusion of

She added that inclusion


tion optimally, we need to be

persons with disabilities.

involved being “mindful of the

The policy makes it manda-

able to avail those resources,”

All these achievements, she

environmental and all other as-

tory for government depart-

explained Mabelebele.

underscored, illustrate govern-

pects that enable people with

ments to implement necessary

The United Nations Conven-

ment’s willingness to imple-

disabilities to function”.

and appropriate modification

tion on the Rights of Persons

ment impactful interventions.

“It is for this reason that with

and adjustments not imposing

with Disabilities defines

“We are seeing more and

deafness, for example, which to

a disproportionate or undue

communication as inclusive

more government departments

some is a temporary condition

burden to ensure persons with

of languages, display of text,

appointing people with dis-

and to some a permanent im-

disabilities the enjoyment or

Braille, tactile communication,

abilities. Although it is not an

pairment or disability – govern-

exercise on an equal basis with

large print, accessible multi-

equitable scale, we are working

ment has a responsibility to

others of all human rights and

media as well as written, audio,

on that to ensure that targets

create an enabling environment

fundamental freedoms.

plain-language, human-reader

are met,” she added.

for these people to operate and

“For instance, your transport

and augmentative and alterna-

Mabelebele noted that there


policy should be aligned to

tive modes, means and formats

were some departments that

She explained that the

that reasonable accommoda-

of communication as well as

claim that they cannot meet

DWYPD’s responsibilities in-

tion policy. Your supply chain

accessible information and

targets because of budget con-

clude coordinating “and leading

in terms logistics when you

communication technology.

straints. “Through research,

in the transformation agenda

book accommodation and all

In 2015, the South African

we (DWYPD) have been able to

for inclusion and mainstream-

of that. Over and above all of

Government developed the

prove that budgets can never

ing in all aspects of society”.

that, there should be reason-

White Paper on the Rights of

be used as an excuse. People

She added that the DWYPD

able accommodation in terms

Persons with Disabilities, a call

with disabilities are willing and

achieves this by ensuring that

of tools of trade. If you appoint

to action for government, civil

able to perform duties if they

policy and legislation respond

a person who requires maybe

society and the private sector

are fully equipped to operate,”

to identified challenges.

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

she explained.



Writer: Sihle Manda

Image: Supplied by PanSALB

Public servants urged to play their part in advancing the SASL


n July 2023, South Africa became the 41st country in the world to promulgate sign language as an official language.

On the African continent, SA joins Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe. While the milestone had been long coming, a protracted journey of recognition lies ahead for the deaf community, says Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB) Chief Executive Officer, Lance Craig Schultz, adding that he believes that the enactment of the South African Sign Language (SASL) by President Cyril Ramaphosa brought pride to the nation. Throwing down the gauntlet for his fellow public servants, he asserted: “As civil servants, it becomes our duty to determine how this progressive step in our constitutional democracy will affect the deaf community and improve their lives in a meaningful and substantive way.” The first step in this journey, he believes "is to shift the pervasive view in society of treating deaf persons, as a disability, as opposed to it being a 12th language”.


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

In fostering its aims of multi-

nity. It also sought to give the

rently spearheading a project

of PANSALB to ensure that

lingualism, the PanSALB has a

community access to informa-

towards the digitisation of the

this work is done to a level of

duty to ensure that the voice of

tion and services.

SASL as well as developing

adequate maturity. It is going

expression gets recognised as

The charter is expected to be

digital and human interaction

to take a compact amongst a

an official language.

a long-term project.

technologies aimed at bridg-

number of [stakeholders] that

“One of the things that really

“It requires regular review

ing the communication barrier

support the work of the deaf

resonates with me is that when

and input from stakeholders to

between the hearing and the


we joined the President in the

ensure that its implementation


“We have to set aside the

announcement of the amend-

is effective in what we need to

“We are also working on ad-

silo thinking and ensure that

ment bill, the members of the

achieve,” he said.

vancing the SASL for Fourth

we take into account issues

deaf community made a very

‘With an estimated four

Industrial Revolution tech-

of the fiscus that we have to

thought-provoking and impor-

million deaf people in South

nological development, using

find a way to work around to

tant statement and something

Africa, many of whom are born

templates to collect and cre-

further the needs of the deaf

that I carry with me in all our

to hearing families, language

ate computer-readable sign

community,” said Schultz.

engagements when we are

barriers often result in feelings

language that will assist in the

He urged public servants

dealing with members of sign

of isolation,” said the CEO.

development of sign language

to adhere to the SASL Char-


To bridge the gap, PanSALB

technologies,” he said, add-

ter and ensure that they are

“When you are dealing with

has initiated several pro-

ing that the move will ensure

accessible to the deaf com-

issues related to SASL, it can

grammes to teach basic sign

broader access to the wider


never ever be done without

language through workshops


“Real change in how govern-

members of the deaf commu-

to parents and relatives of

The project started in April

ment interacts with the deaf

nity being present and party

deaf children and frontline

2022 and is expected to be

community can only come

to that. We have to make sure


concluded by June 2025.

right when we acknowledge

that it carries through in all of

Training frontline workers

PanSALB is also accelerating

our privilege as hearing

our focused engagements,” he

is an important move as they

its efforts to standardise SASL

individuals and take steps to

stressed, reiterating that the

are the ones to first respond in

for educational purposes.

address the marginalised sec-

primary challenge faced by the

cases of emergency.

The organisation is doing

tion of the deaf community. As

deaf community was access

“We have to ensure that

this through consultation

civil servants, it is our respon-

to information, services and

they are equipped to at least

with various linguists and deaf

sibility and duty to protect the

economic opportunities.

conduct basic sign language.

stakeholders so that work on

linguistic rights of the deaf

We are also going to make it

terminology development can

and bridge the communication

Bridging the gap

our mission at PanSALB that


gap between the hearing and

To address this, PanSALB has

all of us attend basic courses

“We are also looking at

deaf communities,” he said.

created a South African Sign

on the SASL.”

establishing an advocacy unit

Language Charter. The char-

that will be responsible for

ter contains nine pledges

Advancing the SASL

that seek to promote fair and

The organisation, an agency

SASL. I must also say that

courteous treatment and offer

of the Department of Sport,

my crystal gaze says that it

support to the deaf commu-

Arts and Culture, is cur-

cannot only be the domain

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

compiling dictionaries for the



Writer: Prof Busani Ngcaweni, Principal, National School of Government Image : GCIS

My leadership

takeaways from the 2023 Rugby World Cup finals


different ideas and

final analysis, is to be cherished

talents to thrive.

by all. As captain, you will lift

That way the

the trophy. Talented people get

diversity and

the job done. Untalented people

energies of differ-

have a problem for every solu-

ent people, from the most

tion. They are exhausting and

irst I must declare that I

leader is not only

junior to the most senior, will

dangerous like retread tires –

am not much into the sport

there to bask

be brought to bear and help

when the road gets hot and the

of rugby. In fact, I do not

in the glory of

the organisation or team to

load heavier, they buckle and

understand half the rules of the

success, but


cause a mess for everyone on

game. Having watched it since the

is willing to get

last success by the team, I have

hands dirty and break

come to realise that what I always

bones along with all of them,

Lesson number three:

regarded to be a hooligans sport

thus inspiring confidence and

For leaders to succeed, they

be substituted and go sit on the

is, in fact, a game of strategy and

getting team members mobi-

must be comfortable with the

bench without him sulking each


lised. Siya Kolisi did that.

idea of working alongside the

time the coach made that call.

There is elegance in the wres-

the road. That is why the captain of this team, from the first to the last match, was always happy to

most talented people. As we

He always understood that

saw in our rugby team, there

even as he sits on the bench, the

Although it may sound like a

are players, young and older,

victory of the talented people

tired cliché, this rugby world cup

who are more talented than

inside the rugby pitch will be

winning team has once again

the captain, yet he remains

his victory. He led them from

reminded us that in any organi-

their captain. By him embrac-

the back and neither lost his

Always lead from the front. Be

sation, teamwork matters, and

ing these most talented players

confidence nor his shine. In fact

prepared to do or get into messy

that the leadership is part of (not

and actively cheering them, he

he became more effective as

situations and get things done.

above) the team. Therefore, the

himself becomes a superstar.

he could guide and motivate

Roll up your sleeves and lead by

leader should not stand on the

With your guidance as team

without the pressure of being

example in doing what needs

podium or high office shouting

leader or captain, talented

next to the ball. At the end of the

to be done for the mission to

instructions. Teamwork means

people will find creative ways of

day victory is his. He lifted the

be accomplished. When you do

recognising energies and talents

getting the job done success-

trophy. He leads the headline. He

that, people will know that their

of different people, allowing

fully, and such success, in the

made history by accepting that

tling madness. From this world

Lesson number two:

cup installment, I have been enriched by these notables:

Lesson number one:


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

there are other more talented

that the co-pilot will not sink the

cohesion and lift spirits. Rigid-

the team had as much respon-

and agile players, who are there

ship if the captain dropped dead.

ity must make way for flexibility.

sibility as the biggest and most

as part of the team to make a

They must know that with the

The coaching staff was at their

experienced. Faf and the Ox

sterling contribution. And sure

captain not in the cockpit, the

best in this regard. They made

made things happen regard-

they did, in every game. That is a

destination (success) and the

difficult, but effective, calls. Their

less of their sizes. Trust, honour

remarkable leadership trait that

path (game plan) towards that

calculated risks paid off.

and sportsmanship was their

many of us need to embrace for

destination is the same. Co-

our organisations to succeed.

pilots must be solid, talented,

Lesson number six:

brave and willing to take risks as

Never create doubt among your

is beauty of diversity in all its

much as we saw in this game.

team members. Be transparent.

manifestations. As the Inanda

Have reliable and visible core-

The deputy captain (as part of

Be consistent. Be predictable.

Proverb goes: “you cannot

pilots. These are people who

the leadership collective) was

Do not create factions. Treat

claim to love those you repre-

will lead with you and take the

the remarkable Bongi Mbon-

everyone equally. Embrace

sent without fellowship with

organisation to success. They


diversity. Be prepared to do

those you lead with”.

Lesson number four:

must be willing to take tough

what you expect from others. Be

zeitgeist – the highest manifestation of patriotism. Now that

decisions; they must be ready to

Lesson number five:

enter the scrum and their hands

Never underestimate any chal-

bers must know you have them

Lesson number eight:

dirty; they must not be afraid to

lenge. We saw in this world


Be humble. Arrogance and

be unpopular with other mem-

cup that the team played every

bers of the team. Co-pilots must

game as if it was the final match.

be as much willing to take the

From this they tested their

Lesson number seven:

blame as they are to share the

fortitude and agility. It is hard

In team sport, like in any

feared and people find ways

glory. After all, they are part of

but essential to keep the team

organisation, trust and fellow-

to undermine you. They give

the leadership collective of the

motivated, especially during

ship matters. From this winning

you nicknames and mock you.


difficult times when it seems like

team we witnessed unlimited

In the end, you lose more than

Co-pilots must inspire con-

the dream is fading away. Stay-

amounts of trust, love and

they do. You become a captain

fidence amongst the team

ing focused on the vision, whilst

fellowship among the players

(and or coach) who achieved

members in the aircraft or the

making technical adjustments

and their coaching staff. The

nothing. You are remembered

ship. Team members must know

in response to situations, builds

shortest and smallest players in

for failure rather than success.

the shield - your team mem-

rank consciousness break spirits and discourage people. You become a monster who is

With all his achievements, Kolisi remains humble. He acknowledges the roles and contributions of others, thus endearing himself with his teammates, coaches and supporters. His modesty in the era of the big ego is humbling. Kolisi is a superhero, a marvel that we are learning from. Thank you for Image: SARU

being such a role model. Every

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

bedroom (sorry I meant boardroom) deserves your portrait.


Writer: More Matshediso


Image: GCIS

Transforming MENtalities to fight GBVF and gender inequality GBVF within the Post-School

Some of the men who attended the inaugural Transforming MENtalities Summit.

Education and Training (PSET) sector. “Tranforming MENtalities is about transforming the way men and boys build relations with women and girls, the liberation of men and boys from [old-fashioned] and dominant positionalities, and men and boys unlearning reactionary habits and embracing emancipatory values, norms, roles and practices in the variety of relationships they enjoy with women and girls,” said the Minister. The summit stems from dis-


cussions held within the United he Minister of Higher

aimed at engaging men and

of sector education and train-

Nations Educational, Scien-

Education and Training, Dr

boys to address the root causes

ing authorities, entities of the

tific and Cultural Organization

Blade Nzimande, has called

of violence against women.

Department of Higher Education

(UNESCO) over the past year,

on men and boys to play an active

It brought together university

and Training (DHET), policymak-

dealing with a universal concern

part in co-creating new ways of

vice-chancellors, deans, princi-

ers, survivors of gender-based

that men and boys need to be

relating to women and girls.

pals and council chairpersons of

violence and femicide (GBVF),

brought into the discourses on

He said this during the inau-

technical vocational education

peer educators and change-

gender equality.

gural Transforming MENtalities

and training colleges, student


In 2015, UNESCO launched

Summit that was recently held

support structures and leader-

They were all unified by a

its Transforming MENtalities

in Ekurhuleni. The summit was

ship, chief executive officers

shared commitment to address

Programme in Latin America


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

and the Caribbean, to promote

stereotypes and norms need

violence that stems from around

procedural guidelines on how

positive redefinitions of norms

to be rethought, and relation-


to respond to cases of GBVF on

of masculinity and meaningful

ships between women and men

Minister Nzimande noted that

campus. It also released proto-

engagement of men and boys,


the sector is home to more than

cols on rape and code of ethics.

2.5 million youth in the country,

The Minister revealed that

with 51% being females.

Higher Health is working with

alongside women and girls, in the global pursuit for gender

Gruesome statistics


The Minister said in South Africa

“10% of all reported rape cases

the National Prosecuting Author-

The Minister revealed that

a woman is raped every three

originate from young women in

ity to develop protocols on state-

South Africa’s objectives of

hours and South Africa is con-

the higher education sector,” he

ment of complaint, whistleblow-

Transforming MENtalities are

sidered to be the rape capital of


ing and other legislature.

broadly informed by UNESCO’s

the world due to its high cases

The department, through

Cabinet recently gave the

global initiative, including:

of rape.

Higher Health, has done some

summit thumbs up, saying it

gathering context-nuanced

“The rate at which women are

work over the past few years

has left an indelible mark on

and feminist evidence and

killed by intimate partners in this

to implement sustainable and

1 500 delegates who were in

building knowledge to in-

country is five times higher than

impactful systems, controls,

attendance with its powerful

form gender-transformative

the global average. GBVF, a

infrastructure, and safety nets to

engagement and insightful dis-


widespread and common occur-

address the scourge within the

cussions poised to pave way for

countering and uprooting

rence in South Africa, is deeply

PSET sector.

transformation in men and boy

harmful gender norms to

ingrained in homes, workplaces,

Higher Health is an entity of the


promote positive and healthy

cultures and traditions,” Minister

DHET that promotes the health

“Evidence and data suggest

alternatives with the support

Nzimande said.

and well-being of approximately

that men's behaviour has been

of role models; and

He added that the scourge

2.5 million students in higher ed-

one of the root causes of GBVF

strengthening the structures

has far-reaching effects that

ucation institutions, including 26

and the summit called for action

to engage men and boys as

go beyond violence itself as

public universities, 50 technical

for men and boys towards being

accountable allies for gender

it manifests in various forms,

and vocational training colleges

part of the solution,” Cabinet

equality alongside women

including physical, emotional,

and nine community education

said in a statement.

and people of diverse gen-

psychological, financial or struc-

and training colleges.

Recommendations from the

der identities.

tural harm and usually perpe-

Since the Minister launched

summit include the develop-

The Minister said the engage-

trated by intimate partners, work

the of GBV Policy Framework in

ment of more peer educators

ment of men and boys in gender

colleagues, strangers and even

2020, Higher Health has been

and champions across all

equality issues is a crucial


putting systems, controls and

campuses, to work as change

capacity in all institutions to fight

agents towards transforming

the scourge.

MENtalities; more men dia-

Higher Health has also devel-

logues across all institutions;

oped a technical task team with

incorporating gender studies, in-

element for South Africa and

and encourage men and boys

Addressing GBVF in higher education institutions

to become active and positive

The PSET sector is part of the

various PSET stakeholders as

cluding GBVF, gender equality,

advocates for gender equality.

broader community and higher

well as technical experts who are

gender diversity; and transform-

In order to tread on the rightful

education institutions are part

together developing a multi-sec-

ing MENtalities as co-curriculum

path towards a gender-equal

of the larger society, and it is

toral response to issues of GBVF.

alongside the main curriculum in

society, the Minister said

hard to isolate them from the

In 2021, the task team released

the sector.

the world at large in order to achieve the desired progress,

Public Sector Manager • November 2023


Source: IEC


Images: GCIS

IEC launches 2024 national and provincial elections programme T

he Electoral Commission

contest for seats at the national

at Gallagher Estates in Mid-

term of office of the current leg-

of South Africa (IEC) has

and provincial elections. The

rand, and attended by various

islatures, national and provincial,

launched the 2024 National

law enabling the participation

stakeholders, including political

ends around 18 May 2024, the

and Provincial Elections (NPE

of independent candidates was


national and provincial govern-

2024) programme, declaring that it

signed in April by President Cyril

“Today, we stand proud as the

ments would remain in office

is ready to host millions of eligible


pre-eminent constitutionally

until the newly elected public

voters at over 23 296 voting sta-

The commission, led by the in-

mandated body that manages

representatives are able to take

tions across the country.

stitution’s Chairperson Mosotho

elections and make bold that


The NPE 2024 will be historic

Moepya and Chief Electoral

we are ready for the NPE 2024,”

He said in terms of the Consti-

as independent candidates will,

officer, Sy Mamabolo presided

declared Mamabolo.

tution of the Republic of South

for the first time, be able to

over the launch, which was held

He explained that while the

Africa, 1996, the country must have an election within 90 days

Chief Electoral Officer, Sy Mamabolo.

of the expiry of the legislatures’ terms. “Therefore, an election is possible between May and the middle of August 2024. The proclamation of the election date is by our head of state, His Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa after consultation with the electoral commission. Our expectation is that the provincial elections will be, as they have for the past 30 years, be synchronised with the national election,” he added. Mamabolo said that once the


Public Sector Manager • October 2023

Electoral Amendment Act, 2023

ber 2023. This monumental

commission urged South

election year of unique sig-

(Act 1 of 2023) was signed into

effort not only registers new

Africans to use its online portal

nificance, marking not only

law by the President, the com-

voters but also facilitates the

for registration, verification and

another stride in South Africa's

mission moved with deliberate

verification of the voter’s roll.


democratic journey but also

speed to finalise supporting

Station-based registration

“We urge you to actively

celebrating the 30th birthday

business applications necessary

ensures equitable access to the

participate in the registration

of our electoral democracy, let

for the implementation of the


weekends and exercise your

us remember that democracy is


The IEC has expanded reg-

responsibility as engaged

not a destination; it is a per-

istration modalities to enable

citizens who choose their own

petual journey.

Voter registration

voters’ continuous enrolment.


“It thrives on our active

Prior to each election, the IEC

For those with Internet access,

We extend a call to all elector-

engagement, reverence for

launches registration drives

registration, inspection and

al stakeholders to stand shoul-

its values and collective effort

aimed at enrolling new vot-

updates are accessible on www.

der to shoulder with us, working

to surmount challenges. With

ers and empowering existing Voters can also

collaboratively to make these

hope and determination, we

ones to scrutinise and, where

visit local IEC offices or capi-

historic elections a resounding

embark on this journey, know-

necessary, amend their registra-

talise on various activation cam-

success,” said Mamabolo.

ing that the next 30 years

tion details. These endeavours

paigns to register and update

Moepya said the elections

hold opportunities for growth,

breathe life into the voters' roll.

their information.

were unique as they come at a

unity and progress. Together, as

time when the country will be

South Africans, we shall ensure

celebrating 30 years of democ-

that our electoral democracy


continues to shine as a beacon

The commission reiterates its commitment to open nearly

Media campaign

23 300 voting stations for the

The theme for NPE 2024 is:

weekend of 18 and 19 Novem-

“Your democracy, own it”. The

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

“As we gaze upon 2024, an

for the world,” he concluded.


Source: National Treasury


Automated internal audit quality assessment tool developed N

ational Treasury’s Capac-

(QASP) Tool to perform annual

internal assessment was con-

Quality internal audit

ity Building chief direc-

self-assessments, it prepares an

ducted using Microsoft Word or

According Zondre Seitei, who

torate has developed an

internal audit function (IAF) for

Excel, has now been simplified

managed the project, the

innovative web-based quality

external assessment.

into an automated web-based

purpose of the QASP Tool is to

assurance self-assessment tool

The development of the tool

tool that is accessible from

assess the quality and effective-

for internal auditors in the public

is informed by the results of the

anywhere. One of the tool’s key

ness of IAFs by allowing them

sector. The tool is believed to be

Internal Audit Capacity Survey

salient points is that at a click of

to self-assess the quality of their

distinctive and in a class of its own

that was carried out from 2016 to

a button, one can automatically

work against rigorous standards,


2018, which highlighted a need

generate reports on transversal

identify where improvement is

The Institute of Internal Audi-

for a shared quality assurance

issues, repeat findings, and with

needed, and monitor their pro-

tors (IIA) Standards, in particular

(QA) service. From this, the pro-

the main objective, measure the

gress. This is expected to build

Standard 1310, requires that the

posal to develop a web-based

quality and effectiveness of IAFs

capacity among public sector

Quality Assurance Improve-

QA self-assessment tool that is

at a country level or per sphere

internal auditors. Quality internal

ment Programme consist of

premised on the IIA Standards

of government. Such reports

audit practices assist organisa-

both internal and external as-

and its Quality Assessment

are useful to internal audits and

tions in meeting their objectives,

sessments. By using the newly

Manual (2016) arose.

their key stakeholders such as

ultimately leading to improved

developed Quality Assurance

What was once an intense

senior management and audit

service delivery. The QASP Tool

Self-Assessment Preparation

manual process, where the


is developed to accommodate any size IAF. It provides a standardised platform to measure quality across the public sector. It also adds a level of quality assurance through the introduction of qualified Government Validators (GVs) – internal auditors with expertise in quality assessments. They are only permitted to validate public institutions they do not work for, which reinforces a high level of independence and fosters an ethical climate. A reference group of expert


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

internal and external assessors

ated Remedial Action Plan

done at least once every five


at provincial and national levels,


years by a qualified independent

Using dummy data, the train-

monitoring, in which the

assessor or assessment team.

ing sessions generated valuable

including the Leadership Acade-

my for Guardians of Government

projected improved targets

In designing the tool, the team

feedback that was incorpo-

(LAGG), established a mutual

are set together with a plan

asked why the external element

rated into the tool to ensure

mandate which proved critical to

of action to address the find-

should wait for five years since

that it works effectively and as

the tool's development.

ings highlighted in the RAP,

a self-assessment can never be


The QASP Tool is built on the

and progress tracked; and

fully objective. As a result, the

This was followed by Phase

reporting, in which useful

tool has been designed to house

1 roll out implementation and

and its data use and privacy pro-

reports can be generated at

a database of GVs, one of whom

further training took place with

tection is covered by National

all spheres of government,

is nominated at the start of the

the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial

Treasury and SITA’s governing

highlighting the areas for

process to validate an IAF’s self-

Treasury, Departments of Public


Microsoft SharePoint platform

prescripts and systems, ensuring

assessment at least once every

Works and Infrastructure as well

that it conforms to high-security

Apart from the self-assessor

other year during the five-year

as of Sport, Arts and Culture.

standards. It also has a built-

conducting the assessment,


Phases 2 and 3 will be

in helpdesk functionality that

chief audit executives are

In November 2022, National

extended to willing national

houses a dashboard to manage

involved in reviewing it. GVs are

Treasury conducted a two-day

and provincial departments,


also part of the value chain from

hybrid pilot testing and training

and public entities during the

the perspective of verifying and

session in Bloemfontein. Free

remainder of 2023.

confirming if they agree with the

State provincial departments,

The project team is enhancing

The tool has three key compo-

self-assessment ratings given.

Northern Cape and National

the QASP Tool to incorporate

nents namely;

A valuable element of the

Treasury IAFs were part of the

the new global internal audit

self-assessment, during

QASP Tool is the involvement of

session. Various other national

standards to be introduced in

which gaps in conform-

such GVs. While internal assess-

and provincial departments

2024. These enhancements will

ance and performance are

ments are done at least annu-

were also involved as observers

also include improving the user

identified and automatically

ally, an external assessment per

in preparation for their partici-

experience and expectations.

filtered into a system-gener-

the IIA Standard 1312 must be

pation in Phase 1 of QASP Tool


Benefits of the QASP Tool:

• Conducts online periodic internal assessments in terms of the IIA Std 1311 (internal assessments). • Identifies transversal and repeat gaps at country level and per sphere of government that can inform targeted solutions to be developed, including technical guidance materials, frequently asked questions and training solutions). • Houses a central repository where all supporting evidence and documentation is stored to support assessment outcomes. • Generates reports at a click of a button. • Ease of reporting on findings to key stakeholders, such as audit committees • Builds IA capability in the space of quality internal assessments and can eventually contribute to building external assessor capacity. • Prepares IA for the external assessment to take place at least once every five years as per the IIA Std 1312 (external assessments). • Cost and time savings due to automation of ‘self-assessment with independent external validation’. • Database of qualified GVs improves quality of assessments. • Assists IA in preparing for Auditor-General of South Africa’s evaluation of IA by generating an extract of the self-assessment related to their ISA Std 610.


Source: Stats SA Additional reporting: SAnews

Census 2022: Know the population C

ensuses remain the major

million persons in 2022. This is

Policy makers rely on informa-

including provinces, districts and

source on population

the largest percentage change

tion on education indicators in

municipalities are used in fund-

information, the basis for

in population size since 1996.

the formation and evaluation of

ing formulas to distribute public

such policies. In addition, the ed-

funds to the education sector.

ucation indicators disaggregated

Information on enrolment ratios,

by different geographical levels,

school dropout rates and trends

population denominators for basic health and socio-economic indica-


tors. Population size and composi-

The Black African population

tion for all levels of geography at

group constitutes the largest

a specified time facilitate effective

proportion of the South African

planning and policy formulation.

population at 81.4% followed by

South Africa’s population is

coloureds (8.2%), white (7.3%)

not evenly distributed across

and Indian/Asian (2.7%). 48.5%

provinces and districts, includ-

of the population is male and

ing metropolitan areas and local

51.5% is female.

municipalities. Any population development initiatives are in-


formed by population dynamics,

Post-apartheid South Africa was

including population size, age-

challenged with the difficulty

sex structure and composition of

of integrating the previously

a locality as well as other char-

marginalised and oppressed

acteristics such as sociocultural

majority of the population into

and economic circumstances.

a new education system. These

According to Census 2022,

required extensive reforms

the population of South Africa

through the Reconstruction

grew by 19.8 percentage points

and Development Programmes,

between 2011 and 2022, from

especially targeting the educa-

51.7 million persons in 2011 to 62

tion sector.



Public Sector Manager • November 2023

Children in ECDs

to government departments, policy makers, researchers, civil society organisations and international organisations to


use information from Census

Children attended ECDs in 2022

2022 to collectively strive to improve people’s lives. “Census 2022 has told us where we are making progress, but it has also laid bare the challenges that remain. It will be an invaluable tool

Western Cape ECD attendence 69.5% Gauteng ECD attendence 66%





Years with National School Certificate or Grade 12

in meeting those challenges. dwelling and access to basic

tion on household charac-

services such as water, sanita-

teristics become inevitable.

tion, energy and household

Household’s welfare is largely


dependent on its headship

Understanding characteristics

and such information is largely

of households including size,

collected in censuses. Head of

composition and headship,

household is the person who is

and location of households

the main decision-maker in the

is paramount in a population



Access to piped water


Access to electricity

Other types of information


collected at household level include access to communication services such as the Internet. Information on Internet




penetration is required to assist government and other organi-

We now have the information

of such indicators form the

sations to evaluate access to

we need to ensure that as we

basis for policy reviews.

Internet in various communities

build this country, we leave

and the extent to which it is

no one behind,” the President

used as a communication and

said as he received the results

information channel.

of the count from Statistician-

Housing living conditions



Information on housing living conditions offers opportunity


for planning, resource alloca-



General Risenga Maluleke. The population and housing

Reacting to the census results,

census was conducted in Feb-

tion and policy making. Collect-

and housing census. In order

Cabinet said the country has

ruary 2022 and provides com-

ed information at a household

for government and other role

been developing over the

prehensive data on population

level provides detailed house-

players to address the needs of

course of the last 29 years.

size, demographic trends and

hold living circumstances,

the population in a given area,

This is in addition to Presi-

other service delivery related

including type of housing or

accurate and reliable informa-

dent Cyril Ramaphosa’s call


Public Sector Manager • November 2023


Writer: Dr Msizi Myeza, Chief Executive Officer: CBE


Fires must be interpreted as metaphors for the challenges we face as a country I

n recent past, we have unfor-

require immediate attention

tunately witnessed a series

and resolution.

of devastating fires, violent

Moreover, the province of

floods, and explosions that have

KwaZulu-Natal, specifically

had profound impacts on our

eThekwini faced another chal-

nation's history, specifically in

lenging situation in the form

KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, West-

of devastating floods in 2022.

ern Cape and North West. These

These floods wreaked havoc,

series of distressing incidents

causing mass displacement,

have had significant repercus-

destruction of homes, and loss

sions on various communities

of lives. The affected communi-

and had negative impacts on the

ties have been struggling to


rebuild their lives and recover

Starting in 2021, there was

from the aftermath of this natu-

a surge in looting incidents in

ral disaster.

both KwaZulu-Natal and Gaut-

Continuing the unfortunate

eng, leaving a trail of destruc-

sequence of events, we also

tion in its wake. The looting

witnessed the burning of the

spread rapidly, impacting

Parliament building in Cape

businesses, infrastructure, and

Town, also in 2022. The Parlia-

the livelihoods of countless

ment building, not just an

individuals. The widespread

ordinary structure but a symbol

nature of these incidents

of our democracy and govern-

brought to light some underly-

ance, was tragically engulfed

ing socio-economic issues that

in flames.


Public Sector Manager • October 2023

The fire not only destroyed

the Usindiso Building fire. The

symbolism attached to these

entate all in paving a collective

a significant architectural

Usindiso Building, a prominent

events. The fires, although

way forward.

landmark but also left a last-

cultural centre and hub of crea-

accidental in nature, can be

It is also essential to ad-

ing impact on our collective

tivity in Marshalltown, Johan-

interpreted as metaphors for the

dress the root causes of these

consciousness. The loss was not

nesburg, has been reduced to

challenges that society face.

incidents by engaging in open

just physical but also symbolic,

ashes. This blaze has not only

This might be true, when you

and honest conversations,

reminding us of the fragility of

ravaged a renowned structure

look at the challenges we face,

seeking effective solutions, and

our democratic institutions.

but also dealt a severe blow to

be it load shedding, economic

promoting inclusivity and social

Sadly, the recent events have

the artistic community, taking

stagnation, crime, gender-based


not ceased. In the first quarter of

away a space that nurtured tal-

violence, unemployment, cor-

We must recognise that the

2023, Johannesburg experienced

ent and fostered artistic expres-

ruption, homelessness, inequal-

road to recovery may be long

a devastating fire that engulfed


ity, poverty and generally decay

and arduous, but with collec-

a prominent building in the

Another building in Marshall-

across our social fabric. They

tive efforts and a commitment

city. I am not prophetic but the

town, Johannesburg was also

symbolise the need for resil-

to positive change, we can

symbolism behind these events

engulfed with fire and fortu-

ience, adaptability, and unity in

overcome these challenges

cannot be ignored, as they serve

nately no lives were lost. There

times of adversity.

and build a brighter future for

as a stark reminder of the chal-

are other incidents that were

lenges South Africa continues to

reported from various provinces,


face. The fire not only inflicted

cities, and towns, which collec-

Considering these events, as

to reinforce our commitment to

physical damage but also rep-

tively when you properly decon-

a start it is imperative that we

democracy, cultural preservation

resents the underlying tensions

struct, communicate a worrying

come together as citizens, to

and community resilience.

and discontent prevalent in


firstly extend our support and

In conclusion, I understand


These incidents sent shock-

assistance to those affected

that this may require a signifi-

In July 2023, we witnessed a

waves through the nation,

and bring about normalcy in

cant amount of coordination and

gas implosion in Bree Street,

symbolising the deep-rooted

their livelihoods. We must

resources, but I strongly believe

downtown Johannesburg, which

discontent and frustrations that

acknowledge the significance of

that the insights gained from

claimed lives and destroyed

exist within certain segments

these events and work towards

such an event could be invalu-

properties. During the month of

of society. They serve as a

rebuilding what has been lost.


August, the City of Cape Town

reminder of the pressing need

Importantly, we should come to-

experienced unprecedented

for dialogue, understanding, and

gether to reflect on the lessons

*Myeza is a town planner by

and violent taxi strikes, which

collaborative efforts to address

these fires have taught us.

profession and the Chief Executive

claimed lives of innocent people

the underlying issues that led to

The Commission of Enquiry

Officer of the Council for the Built

and destruction of properties.

such an extreme act.

into Marshalltown Fire that has

Environment. He is a loyal South

More tragedies

Moreover, these back-to-back

been announced by Premier

African determined to make a

incidents of fire, flood, explo-

Panyaza Lesufi, provides us with

difference in the transformation of

Again, towards the end of

sions and destruction have

a good start, not only to lament

his beloved post-apartheid country

August 2023, we witnessed yet

prompted me to write this piece

on who did not do what, but it

of birth. He writes here as a serving

another unfortunate incident –

with an attempt to explore the

will form the baseline and reori-

public sector official.

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

all South Africans. Let us seize this moment as an opportunity



Writer: Adius Ncube, Oliver Wyman

Growing cyberattacks:

SA needs an integrated approach to protect critical infrastructure O

Biden called a state of emer-

are also increasingly targeting

A growing global problem

critical infrastructure, includ-

Cyberattacks targeting infra-

how much petroleum could be

itisation, digitalisation and digital

ing healthcare systems, utilities

structure have become increas-

transported by road and rail.

transformation. State-owned and

and ports.

ingly commonplace. Just within

In the United Kingdom, mean-

run organisations, many of which

And while South Africa is yet

the last few years, several

while, an Information Technol-

oversee critical infrastructure,

to experience a truly devastat-

major global powers have seen

ogy supplier to the country’s

are no exception. While this rapid

ing attack, it is certainly not

incredibly disruptive attacks on

National Health Service fell

adoption of digital technologies

immune to one. If the country is

their critical infrastructure. In

victim to a ransomware attack

has been crucial to operational

to protect its critical infrastruc-

2021, for example, an attack on

in 2022. As a result, several

efficiency and, ultimately, service

ture (some of which is already

the United States’ (US) Colonial

important functions – includ-

delivery, it has also opened new

in a vulnerable state), it needs

Pipeline (which carries gaso-

ing patient referrals, ambulance

entry points for cybercriminals.

an integrated approach that

line and jet fuel to much of the

dispatch, out-of-hours ap-

The attack surface has

brings together various arms

Southern Eastern US) caused

pointment bookings, mental

increased, and meanwhile the

of the State and makes use of

it to shut down for several

health services and emergency

attacks launched by cybercrim-

the latest tactics in both attack

days. So big an impact was the

prescriptions were affected.

inals have grown in frequency,

prevention and response.

shutdown that US President Joe

Even smaller players on the


ver the past few years,

strength and severity. They

organisations have seen

accelerated waves of dig-

gency, suspending limits on

Public Sector Manager • November 2023

world map are not immune


cybersecurity talent. Addition-

ties are patched up and how

to such attacks. In mid-2022,

The National Cybersecurity

ally, 86% indicated that they

the attack should be communi-

for instance, Estonia was the

Policy Framework, for instance,

had experienced more than

cated to stakeholders.

victim of its most intense

has been in place since 2015.

one cyberattack that could be

While each organisation will

cyberattack since 2007. And

Led by the Ministry of State

at least partially attributed to a

have its own specific response

in May 2022, a ransomware

Security, its aim is to provide a

lack of cybersecurity skills over

plan requirements, it is still pos-

gang infiltrated the Costa Rican

holistic approach to the promo-

the past 12 months.

sible for a broad cross-section

government systems.

tion of cybersecurity measures

Another area where integra-

of organisations to take an

Experts agree that in the case

by players across South Africa.

tion is particularly important

integrated approach and adopt

of South Africa, as with most

It is supported by the National

is intelligence. If state depart-

similar best practices.

countries, it is only a mat-

Cybersecurity Implementation

ments, organisations, and

ter of time before the country

Plan, which lays out roles and

those in the private sector can

experiences a highly disruptive

responsibilities, timeframes,

seamlessly share intelligence

Taking on a constant, growing threat


specific performance indica-

around the kinds of threats

Ultimately, cyberattacks are

In fact, there have already

tors, and monitoring and evalu-

they face, then building proper

unlikely to decrease in fre-

been several cyber attacks

ation mechanisms.

defences becomes much

quency or ferocity in the near

on our shores. For example,

With those frameworks in


future. And in a fraught global

a recent report by Interpol

place, education becomes

indicated that 34% of busi-

critical. Remember, 95% of

ness email compromise events

cybersecurity issues can be

Preparing for the worst

recorded in the continent were

traced to human error. Social

Of course, in a world where

grow in strength and sophisti-

in South Africa.

engineering and phishing at-

cyberattacks should be viewed

cation. South Africa needs to be

tacks are powerful tactics for

as a matter of ‘when, not if’,

aware of that and plan accord-

cybercriminals and are used

an integrated response plan


But what can the State and

in the vast majority of cyberat-

is also needed. In the event of

While an integrated approach

private sector players charged

tacks. Unless people working

a successful cyberattack, or-

may not stop every attack, it

with running and maintain-

at all levels across an organisa-

ganisations need to be able to

will prevent many. Moreover,

ing critical infrastructure do to

tion know what attachments

respond quickly and in a way

such an approach can also help

ensure that it is kept as safe as

not to open and which links not

that gets any affected critical

mitigate the impact of any such

possible? While there are no

to click on, there is likely to be

infrastructure back up and run-


simple answers, an integrated


ning as quickly as possible.

Right now, South Africa has

approach is key.

Beyond that, it is also impor-

A response plan should

the right building blocks in

Integrated defences

socio-political and economic environment, attacks on critical infrastructure are only likely to

That starts with policy. If

tant to ensure that the relevant

clearly lay out key roles and re-

place for a fully integrated ap-

government provides clear

cybersecurity skills are devel-

sponsibilities for a team drawn

proach, but it should also be

direction and makes it clear

oped and retained, particularly

from departments across the

clear about the fact that there is

that cybersecurity is a country-

within organisations dealing

organisation. The team should

more to be done.

wide responsibility, rather than

with critical infrastructure. Here

also be well drilled in dealing

something to be handled by a

too there is work to be done.

with different event scenarios.

*Ncube is a Partner in the Public

single department, everyone

According to the 2023 Cyber-

Additionally, it should cover

Sector Practice at management

is much more likely to move in

security Skills Gap report, 40%

everything from how attacks

consultancy, Oliver Wyman.

the same direction. Here, South

of South African companies

that have been successful are

Africa has already laid a decent

struggle to hire and retain

investigated, how vulnerabili-

Public Sector Manager • November 2023



Writer: More Matshediso Images: Clicks

Make-up tips

for summer T

hose who dislike


to use a concealer to minimise

features and give yourself that

cold weather are

mascara. This

any imperfections before apply-

night-time glow.

always look-

daunting task

ing make-up.

“A wing will not hurt when applying eyeliner for a bolder eye.

does not have to

that comes with sunny

be the norm.

Minimal make-up

weather, but the thick


Lobisi advises you to embrace a

with a brown shade of eyeshad-

heat and humidity that

Palesa Lobisi gives

natural look with minimal make-

ow to make the eyes pop, but

comes with summer

the following hot

up for a fresh spring appearance.

nothing too dark like a grey or

can be a bit uncom-

weather make-up

“People are not using as much

black eyeshadow,” she said.


and beauty tricks that

foundation as they used to. They

She said the evening make-up

The heat can

will help you avoid

are opting for light coverage

look is ideal for any night out and

cause painful

these dilemmas.

by using minimal products and

it will still have the same light-

sunburns, oily

“Minimal make-up

make-up with skin care benefits,”

weight look, but with a bolder

skin, and if you

and pops of colour are

she explained.

and brighter lip to give your face

wear make-

in. A natural face is not

To achieve this, Lobisi recom-

the pop of makeup it needs.

up there is a

going anywhere this

mends the L'oréal Paris true

risk of being

summer. You can expect

match hyaluronic tinted serum

Bold eyebrows

irritated by

a few changes to the

because the hyaluronic acid

Brows can be emphasised by


fresh face make-up look

helps to hydrate and brighten

brushing them to give them a


for a simpler result. Mean-

skin, leaving it with a natural and

softer and fluffier look. Lobisi ad-

tion and

ing the contour is looking

radiant finish.

vises using your preferred brow

more natural, the brows are

For the night routine, she

liner to fill in some hairs to give

softer and fluffier, and the skin

recommends maintaining the

your brows a bolder look.

R88.95 at Clicks

ing forward to the fun

You can add a little smokiness

is fresh-looking, not dewy to

minimal application of make-up,

the point of looking like an oily

but being a bit more generous

Glossy lips

complexion,” said Lobisi.

with the highlighter and bronzer

Lobisi recommends nude glossy

She added that it is important

to accentuate favourite facial

lip products to enhance the

* Prices correct at the time of publishing.


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

R106.00 at Clicks

as an eyeshadow is a great way

powder is the best way to go if you

to achieve this toned-down

want to achieve a minimal matte

look,” she explained.

finish,” she said.

To complement your eye lids, Lobisi recommends that

Drink eight glasses of water

graphic eyeliner in unexpected

daily. Air conditioners and the

hues like purple, green, blue or

sun are dehydrating, so it is


important to stay hydrated.


Remember, a dehydrated body means a dehydrated skin.

Mascara is still in fashion

Apply sunscreen all over the

despite the growing trend of

body. Regardless of whether

eyelash extensions. A volumis-

you are indoors or outdoors,

ing mascara will enhance the look

you are still exposed to utravio-

“The point here is to look as

of your eyelashes by giving the

let rays.

natural as possible. You can

illusion of density and length.

Remember to cleanse your face

go brighter and darker when

“It is a subtle way of making your

in the evenings.

wearing evening make-up for

eyes pop without eyelash exten-

Change your pillow cases

a bold look,” she explained.

sions. Eyelash extensions can be

weekly – your skin can get (re)

used for evening make-up to com-

infected by the bacteria on your

plement the shimmer and boldly

pillowcase and cause break-

“Try creative eyeliner styles

winged eyeliner,” she explained.


like graphic wings or floating

Powder and setting spray can

Get seven to eight hours of

liner for a trendy twist. For

be used to seal make-up in for a

sleep to keep you looking and

eyeliner, using your bronzer

longer lasting finish. “Translucent

feeling more energised.

youthful spring look.

Graphic eyes

R329.95 at Clicks

Additional tips:

you pair your eyeshadow with

R57.95 at Clicks

*Lobisi is a qualified and internationally accredited Somatologist with over 10 years’ experience, including working on cruise ships as a beauty therapist or skin specialist. She holds a Bachelor of Technology Degree in Somatology from the Central University of Technology and is accredited to work internationally by CIDESCO International. She runs a mobile nails and massage business in Bloemfontein while furthering her studies in Educational Management. For bookings, you can WhatsApp her on 078 133 7610.

* Prices correct at the time of publishing.

Public Sector Manager • November 2023



Writer: More Matshediso

Images: Chef Thulani Mathebula.


f you are looking for a recipe that offers a harmonious blend of protein, vegetables

Photo: Yalamber Limbu on

with string beans in a lemon butter and caper sauce


Chicken Piccata and dairy, look no further because Chef

Thulani Mathebula will help you prepare a scrumptious Chicken Piccata with string beans in a lemon butter and caper sauce.

Ingredients: •

1 chicken breast butterflied.

20g chicken spice.

80g parmesan.

Half a lemon.

50 ml sunflower oil.

100g green beans.



30g capers.

50g red onion chopped.

Method: •

Rinse chicken breast and pat dry. Season the chicken breast with spice on both sides then coat the chicken with the parmesan on both sides as well. Press the cheese onto the chicken to ensure a proper coating. Rest the coated chicken in the fridge for 20 minutes.

Place the water in a pot and boil over medium heat. With a sharp knife, cut the ends of the beans and add the beans and salt to the boiling water.


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

Cook for 12 minutes and

event, he was always drawn

transfer beans to an ice

to the activity and prepara-

water bath.

tions taking place in the

In a saucepan, pour in


the oil and pour it out.

“My parents were quite

The aim is to coat the pan

adventurous with food. My

with the oil. Gently grill

father in particular, cooked

the coated chicken until

meals that were unfamiliar by

golden delicious on both

township standards and this

sides. Place the chicken

awakened an interest in me,”

in a preheated oven at

he explained.

160 °C for six minutes.

His first job was in a

For the sauce, gently

restaurant cooking strictly

sauté the onion in butter

vegan and vegetarian food.

till translucent. Add the

However, always hungry for

string beans, capers and

knowledge, it was not long

lemon juice and mix well.

before he ventured into more

Season with salt and pep-

contemporary cooking.

per. Set aside when ready.

Now with more than 20

Using a large flat plate,

years’ experience as a chef,

pool the caper, string

Mathebula has never grown

bean and butter mix in

tired of the work.

the middle of the plate

In 2019, he was appointed

and then top with sliced

as the Executive Chef at

chicken piccata and gar-

Truffles on the Park, a casual

nish with extra parmesan.

yet elegant botanical bistro

Co-owner of Truffles on the Park restaurant Carmen Graham and Executive Chef Thulani Mathebula.

“The dish features deli-

with a proud touch of Africa,

produced quality ingredients.

that you have to love what

cate notes of parmesan and

located in Mushroom Farm

I enjoy experimenting with

you do; passion is your shield

lemon, and captures the es-

Park in Sandton.

flavours and cooking styles

and your weapon, be pre-

sence of a light and refresh-

He stays relevant to the

to deliver something bespoke

pared for long days and long

ing summer meal.

industry by following trends,

and contemporary,” he said.

hours,” he said.

“I would pair this dish with

reading books and keeping

He added that food presen-

a crisp Chenin Blanc, my

an eye on his peers.

tation is an art form that can

If you want to tantalise

favourite is Wildekrans Barrel

“I am always driven to cre-

elevate a dish's appeal. It is

your palates, visit www.

Select,” said Mathebula.

ate something unique. I am

important to consider colour, or email

Mathebula’s love for

particularly inspired by what

texture, even the choice of


cooking dates back to his

is currently in season. We

crockery when deciding how to book a table.

childhood years in Soweto,

are extremely fortunate in

to present a finished product.

You can follow Chef Thulani

Gauteng. Whenever there

South Africa to have access

“If I were to give advice to

Mathebula’s work on

was a family or community

to an abundance of locally

aspiring chefs, it would be

Instagram: @2lanichef.

Public Sector Manager • November 2023


Writer: Lindiwe Khuzwayo


Head of Communication, eThekwini Municipality Images: Lindiwe Khuzwayo

Thailand and Dubai

perfect destinations for girls' trips


here were 10 of us, mainly

flexible, adventurous. Did I men-

things like boat rides to James

and there choose September as

friends and friends of

tion fun?

Bond Island. We swam, canoed,

it is a more affordable month to

were drenched in rain but defied

travel there.

friends. Some of us had

never met before the trip, but we


it by dancing in it. We knew that

Bangla Road is the party street.

hit it off like a house on fire. We

Thailand was a such a vibe. We

September is a wet month be-

During the day it is a normal

spent four nights in Thailand and

loved everything, especially the

fore we booked but a friend as-

street for cars. At 18:00, it is

three nights in Dubai.

fact that the rand is stronger

sured us that the rain is light and

closed to traffic and it turns into

The trip was everything we had

than their currency.

no big deal. She was right. If you

one big party...every night!

hoped it would be: fun, relaxed,

We enjoyed all the touristy

do not mind a light shower here

We loved Illuzion nightclub. It


Public Sector Manager • November 2023

is ranked number 1 in Phuket and number 13 in the world. It is massive and stunning, with a capacity of 5 000 people. If you are in Thailand go there at least once. Sugar Beach Club across the road is also great, and tends to play more R&B music. To get a great hotel, book five-star. We booked fourstar and got an 'OK' hotel. We thoroughly enjoyed the abundant massage parlours and could not help going back again and again. Tuk Tuks were another favourite. They are red little vehicles that are used as taxis. One of my favourite moments on the trip was on our first night. We arrived tired and hungry. We showered, changed and hopped on a Tuk Tuk to Bangla Road. The driver said, "I have Bluetooth if you want to play music". So there we were, nine South African women (the 10th only joined us in Dubai) in the back of a Tuk Tuk dancing to Sista Betina and Mnike. Thailand is laid back and tourist friendly. I highly recommend it as a destination.

Dubai This was my fourth trip to Dubai and I cannot get enough of the city. More than anything, to me it is a living monument to what great leadership can do. Yes, they have the money but many other countries across the world are blessed with natural resources like oil but their citizens remain locked in extreme poverty. In Dubai a three-star hotel feels like a four star, so wherever you stay, it is new and shiny and top notch. Again, we did all the touristy things, including the hop-on and hop-off bus tour, the desert safari, camel riding, sandboarding and shopping of course. We took in the magic of the water fountain show and the wonder that is the Burj Khalifa. We were mesmerised by the skyline and hammered by the heat and we loved every moment. In both countries we felt safe while we were out at night, which is a rare privilege for South African women. Girls' trips are the spice of life.

Public Sector Manager • November 2023


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