PSM February 2021

Page 1



Hope for the future COVID-19 vaccines inject new optimism

Farewell Minister Mthembu FEBRUARY 2021

SA salutes an exemplary public servant


Contents: February 2021



Tourism builds platforms for transformation and recovery Government unveils a new fund aimed at supporting transformation in the tourism sector and fast tracking its recovery


Minister Mthembu: A servant leader and rare individual The late Minister in The

Presidency, Jackson Mthembu, has left an indelible mark on the Public Service and his colleagues 33 Trailblazer

Agricultural economist Mampe Masemola is helping grow



REGULARS 13 From the Union Buildings

President Cyril Ramaphosa reflects on SA’s time as the


SA’s powerful MeerKAT

her research

the universe

Financial fitness


Health and wellbeing


gigantic discovery

telescope unveils mysteries of

What’s your financial plan?

Opportunities for public servants to brush up their skills

The National School of Govern-

ment has a new range of courses on offer for government employ-

It’s time to get moving





COVID-19 vaccination

Biovac leads the charge in vaccine development

Biovac to locally manufacture one of the most complex combination

programme to get rolling

MeerKAT telescope makes

small-scale farming through

Chair of the African Union 27


vaccines in the world


Healthcare workers will be first

International relations

in line to receive COVID-19

Why countries need to work

vaccines when the country's

together to ensure equitable

vaccination programme kicks

self and others about COVID-19

access to COVID-19 vaccines





Why you need to educate your-

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

31 Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001 Director-General Phumla Williams Acting Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Keitu Semakane Acting Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management Michael Currin Acting Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Tyrone Seale


Cool surfaces: Sustainable, low-


cost energy intervention

The Cool Surfaces Project is a non-

Dr George Mukhari Academic

Acting Head of Editorial and Production Vienie Botha

Hospital: A cut above the rest

Surgeons at Dr George Mukhari

electric response to the country's

Academic Hospital are breaking

need for a low maintenance cool-

new ground with their laparoscopic

ing technology for buildings


Managing Editor Tendai Gonese News Editor Irene Naidoo Contributors More Matshediso Silusapho Nyanda Jauhara Khan GCIS Photographic Unit Elmond Jiyane Ntswe Mokoena Siyabulela Duda Kopano Tlape Busisiwe Malungwane




Grooming and style

Sizzling fashion for your date with love

Senior Designer Tendai Gonese

51 Travel

The tough but amazing Amatola hike


Food and wine

Kick off the year the healthy way



Love is in the air

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53 © Copyright: GCIS | Printed by Creda Communications (Pty) Ltd

Public Sector Manager • February 2021



Eulogy by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the official funeral of Minister Jackson Mphikwa Mthembu


n this day, a great

For those who knew

shadow has fallen

him, who worked along-

received the news of Min-

words of William Shake-

and hangs upon

side him, who counted

ister Mthembu’s untimely

speare, that when sor-

this place of the rising

and relied on him, who

passing from the Minister

rows come, they come

sun, and it hangs heavy

were led by him, who

of Health Dr Zweli Mkhize

not as single spies, but in

across the entire land.


heartbroken when I

learned from him, who

and the doctor who was

Minister Jackson

loved him, it is unbear-

in charge of treating him,

Mthembu, Comrade

able that we will never

Dr Williams.

Jackson, Mvelase, is no

see him again.



I was shocked and

The Coronavirus has caused so many sorrows

The news struck a deep and solemn note.

I remembered the

in our country. Our society, like most

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

Minister Mthembu

consumed us in recent

Parliament, and by his

been plunged into

was at the forefront of

times and united us in

friends in the media with


our national effort to

our sorrow.

around the world, has

We have lost so many

contain the Coronavi-

One dare hope that the

whom he had longstanding and cordial relations.

lives to this disease.

rus pandemic; the very

sentiment that has been

There have been tears

pandemic that has now

displayed at Jackson

dependable colleague

and grief in so many

claimed him.

Mthembu’s passing is a

and a comrade.


When we found our-

reminder that we have

I have lost not just a

I have lost a dear friend,

selves close to despair, as

far more in common

and it is a loss I feel most

so much that at times it

a people and a nation,

than we may choose


has seemed too great to

he offered hope.

to believe, whether as

We have had to endure

bear. And now the stroke of death has taken the very one who has been our

When our nation’s spirits were down and flagging, he lifted them up. He brought clarity,

citadel, our rock and our

certainty and the utmost

tower of strength at this

professionalism to every

dreadful moment in our

task he was assigned.

country’s history.

Compassion, solidarity and unity Amidst this great upheaval, when our people are

members of society or as political parties. After all, we all want

A man of many virtues Minister Mthembu had

one thing: what is best for

many virtues that I

our country.

observed over the many

We have lost a man who was able to tran-

years of the friendship we shared.

He has left a huge void

scend political differenc-

in our government, in the

es, and to reach out and

spirit and had a charm-

movement to which he

forge alliances in pursuit

ing personality.

dedicated his life and in

of a common goal.

the country of which he was such a proud citizen.

We need more men

He was generous in

He had the endearing ability to lift my mood

and women like him, who

and fortify my resolve in

understand and appreci-

even the most difficult

ate that we are all head-


they have looked to lead-

Admired and respected

ers like Jackson Mthem-

Mvelase was among

and that the onward

mour that was often most

bu for reassurance and

those infinitely rare indi-

march to a better South


for certainty.

viduals in our politically-

Africa is so much easier if

charged society.

we work together.

so fearful of the future,

As the Minister in

ing in the same direction,

He had a sense of hu-

He laughed – with his entire body – about

The Presidency, he was

He was admired and

the public face of our

respected across party

greatly respected and

shouldn’t have, just as he

government, communi-



cared deeply about eve-

cating its policies and its

It has been profoundly

He was a man who was

By his family, by his com-

things that he probably

rything that he should.

touching to witness

munity, by his colleagues

how the news of Jack-

in Cabinet, by his com-

a man of great courage,

he carried our message

son Mthembu’s pass-

rades in the African Na-

in times of both calm

of compassion, solidarity

ing stilled the clatter

tional Congress (ANC),

and difficulty.

and unity.

and bickering that has

by his fellow Members of

decisions. During the pandemic,

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

He was principled and

He was an honest man



who never hesitated to speak up for what he

swore to serve.

We will miss the way

and he permitted us

To the Constitution he

he swayed, cajoled and

in his private space to

believed to be right, no

pledged to defend and

persuaded all of us with

share in his sorrow.

matter the cost.


his rich and booming

His life was full of

To his Cabinet col-

And today, we the

voice, his charming

people of South Africa

meaning and accom-

leagues and to me as his

words, his clever turn of

mourn with you as an

plishment in the way he


phrase and his wonder-

extended family, for he

ful sense of humour.

was not just our leader.

dedicated himself to

But his greatest loy-

serve the people of our

alty was reserved for this


country and its people.

I will remember him for

We remember a leader

We claim him too as our

of substantial stature

family member as our

who engaged everyone


sional approach, but

Guided by principles

above all for his ever-pre-

We remember the

sent sense of calm, even

young firebrand, stu-

Pain and hardship

in a crisis or when we

dent activist and trade

To the Mthembu family,

who loved the people

would be under extreme

union leader who fought

it could not have been

of this great land, and


for our liberation from


put them above love of

his kindness, his profes-

He was a voice of rea-

tyranny, guided not by

with respect and dignity.

As we pay homage to him today, let us remember him for what he was, a servant leader

We know that he was

party, of leader, and of

son, a voice of wisdom,

ambition or expecta-

open about the trag-

which he exemplified

tion of reward, but by his

edies that befell the fam-

in the advice he gave


ily when his daughter

eulogise our departed

passed away and when


me as a Minister in The Presidency. Not a single day would

We remember the committed member and leader of the ANC who

he lost his mother.

self. It is not enough to

We must complete

In doing so he was

what he was not able to

go past without him call-

for many years served as

showing solidarity with

finish in his lifetime: the

ing me for some matter

its spokesperson and its

every other South African

cause of renewing and

or other.

Chief Whip in Parliament.

man, woman and child

rebuilding his beloved

who had gone through

movement, of restoring

pain or hardship.

the nation’s faith in this

At times he would call

We remember him

just to say, “How are you,

as a spirited and lively

Mr President?”.

Member of Parliament

He was faithful and

He was saying to us: I

government, and of

who won the respect of

know what it feels like.

building an ethical state


his peers, even on the

I have been through it

that is led by men and

To his movement, the

opposition benches.

too. I am with you, and

women of honour, of

ANC, he worked so hard

We remember the

on a daily basis to ad-

intellectual force of his

vance its cause.

contribution in every

To the government he


structure that he served.

you do not need to feel

principle and of convic-



He took us as the nation into his confidence,

Minister Mthembu was a kind and gentle soul,

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

but when it came to

as we strive to return to

just in their careers, but

people and for the

corruption, to self-serving

a path of integrity, of

in instilling in them what


leadership and to bra-

selfless service and of

it truly means to be a

zen abuse of power, you


public servant.

would see another side to him. He was never deceived

And yet we do not despair.

This has not been a difficult time; it has been a time of great difficulty.

He stood for them, he worked for them, and he measured his life by how loyally he served them. It is because he did

by the false smiles and

Legacy lives on

empty promises of those

We may have lost his

what a multifaceted

the people he commit-

who sought to enrich

principled strident voice,

personality he was.

ted to serve when he

themselves at the ex-

but his spirit lives on in

pense of the poor and

the countless young

amongst people, but at

to high office, that his

the weak.

men and women that he

the same time enjoyed

place in their minds and

mentored and trained

solitude and introspec-

hearts is forever assured.

over the years.


He called them out, and he didn’t care if they were more powerful than he was. He risked his life for the liberation of our country and despaired as we

Many have gone on to

It is a reminder of just

He loved being

He was a leader who

not forget his roots and

ascended the ranks

A great loss

occupy valued positions

understood the power of

To Mvelases, our hearts

within society.

collective leadership, of

go out to you as you go

discipline and of forging

through the grief of a


loss so overwhelming.

His spirit and work will live on.

He was gentle, but

On behalf of the gov-

I have been heartened

could be firm and un-

ernment and the people

by the number of people

compromising when the

of South Africa I express

edy to have lost him,

who have told me of the

occasion demanded.

our deepest sympathies

particularly at this time,

role Mvelase played not

He was a man of the

stumbled and as we lost our way. It is the greatest trag-

Over the past few days

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

and condolences on



your great loss. As you walk through

May we be lovers of truth, and haters of

this difficult dark valley, I

injustice, falsehood and

wish that God may grant


you the strength to go

May we forever stand

through your bereave-

on the side of right, not

ment and leave you

for the sake of expedi-

only with the cherished

ency, but on account of

memory of our brother


and friend, Jackson Mthembu. It is my wish that you

May we, like our departed leader, regard service to our country as

are consoled by the

the highest calling, and

knowledge that the

do so with humility and

formidable legacy of


your husband, father and brother lives on. His courage, his com-

A nation’s hero Jackson Mthembu was

passion and his service

one of our nation’s

to the people of South

heroes, one of our finest

Africa will remain a light

public servants and one

that brightens our dark-

of our greatest patriots.

est day. As we lay him to rest,

I would like to thank

rade and friend.

South Africa. My sister Thembi, I wish you and the children find

all our health workers,

peace in your hearts, as

may it be that others step

doctors, nurses and

you go through this very

forward to follow in his

other health workers who

difficult time. I also wish

footsteps and take up his

looked after Jackson

that you remain with a


Mthembu during his bat-

memory that your hus-

tle with COVID-19. You did

band, apart from being

the best you could.

a loving husband and

May we too speak for those who cannot speak

I would also like to

father, lived his life for you

thank the staff, includ-

and the people of South

fort to those in need,

ing the Deputy Minister

Africa. Allow his to go

especially at this time of

Siweya in the Presidency,

and rest in peace.


for all the support they

He has run his race.

gave Minister Mthembu

To Mvelase my good

country before love of

in executing his task in

friend, farewell my dear


service to the people of

brother, farewell my com-

for themselves. May we too give com-

May we too put love of


Ulala ngoxolo Mvelase! Rest in peace.

This month’s Message from the Minister has been replaced by the eulogy delivered by President Cyril Ramaphosa at Minister Jackson Mthembu’s funeral, which took place on 24 January 2021.

Public Sector Manager • February 2021


Public servants,

let’s stand as beacons of hope


ervice above self,

work, ready to deliver the

courage and

services so essential to

ubuntu have


been shown by South

This nation owes its

Africa’s Public Service in

nurses, doctors, teachers,

the face of the devastat-

cleaners, bus drivers and

ing Coronavirus Disease

the like a great debt of

(COVID-19) pandemic.


A number of our col-

That said, the new

leagues have died while

decade that has just

waging war against this

dawned will be a tough


one and our public servants will need to continue

Those fallen include

to demonstrate strength,

Minister in The Presidency Jackson Mthembu, who

Phumla Williams, GCIS Director-General.

tenacity and faith. Now is not the time to relax.

died from COVID-19 related complications

on how we could make

public servants who have


government work better

been lost to COVID-19.

The nation will remember him as an unwaver-

for the people. When we made mis-

In December, 4 630

I believe we shall prevail. This era of uncertainty has shown we have the

public sector health

ability to find innova-

employees contracted

tive and flexible ways to

ing anchor in the midst

takes, he helped us learn

of the pandemic, calmly

from them and guided us

COVID-19, bringing the to-

deliver the outcomes

and clearly communicat-

onwards. He steered the

tal number infected since

needed to overcome

ing essential COVID-19

ship with transparency,

the start of the pandemic

challenges. We are re-


commitment and confi-

to over 41 000.

imagining the way we

The team at Govern-

dence. He always served

COVID-19 is no longer

do things and creating

ment Communication

the people of South

about cases and statis-

a legacy that will help

and Information Sys-

Africa unreservedly.

tics. It is about people

move the country forward

– our loved ones, col-

in this digital age.

tem – which reported to

Minister Mthembu’s very

Minister Mthembu – has

public profile and the

leagues and friends who

been hard hit by his pass-

esteem in which he was

are succumbing to the

we have achieved and

ing. He was a remarkable

held, made his death a

disease or battling its

how we have grown as

leader who allowed our

national talking point.

ravaging effects.

we soldier on with the

voices to be heard and

However, he is sadly but

welcomed our views

one of thousands of


Yet, each day, our public servants arrive at

Let us remember all

knowledge that this too shall pass.

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

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Writer: Allison Cooper

COVID-19 vaccination programme to get rolling soon


outh Africa’s

President Cyril Ramapho-

provinces have roll-out

the African Union’s Afri-

vaccination pro-

sa said the country has

plans in place as the first

can Vaccine Acquisition

gramme against

secured nine million

vaccines come through,”

Task Team Facility.

doses of the J&J vaccine.

said the President.

the Coronavirus (COV-

ID-19) pandemic will kick

He added that govern-

20 million vaccine doses,

off with health and front-

000 doses is expected to

ment has secured 12 mil-

commencing with deliv-

line workers receiving the

arrive in the country in

lion vaccine doses from

eries at the end of the

Johnson and Johnson


the global COVAX facility.

first quarter.

(J&J) vaccine during the first phase. During his recent State of the Nation Address,


The first batch of 80

“Pfizer has committed

This will be comple-

“We are continuing our

will arrive over the next

mented by other vac-

engagements with all the

four weeks, totalling 500

cines that are available

vaccine manufacturers

000 J&J vaccines. All

to South Africa through

to ensure that we secure

“Further consignments

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

sufficient quantities of vaccines that are suitable

suspended. This is due to new

ter part of the year and

cines were developed on

in early January 2021,” he

the basis of the original


SARS-COV-2 variant that

to our conditions,” said

information from a clini-

President Ramaphosa.

cal trial that indicates it

The results of these

He stressed that gov-

is less effective against

studies only became

ernment is committed

the 501Y.V2 virus variant

available on 5 February

to ensuring the health

that’s dominant in the

2021 and were publicly

of procuring vaccines

and safety of all South


released on 7 February

preceded the discovery


of the 501Y.V2 variant

Africans. “All medication im-

“We applaud these scientists for leading this

“It is as a result of

ported into the country

research and providing

this work, in which the

is monitored, evaluated,

new evidence that is vital

government has directly

investigated, inspected and registered by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority.” The President said the success of the vaccination programme will rely on active collaboration between all sectors of society. “We are greatly en-

“We are greatly encouraged by the active involvement of business, labour, the health industry and medical schemes, in particular, in preparing for this mass vaccination drive.”

was prevalent throughout the world. “Government’s process

and other variants. “Before the efficacy results, South Africa could not delay receipt of the vaccine batches to await the results of the efficacy studies by our scientists, as this would have relegated the country to the back of the line for vaccines due to global shortage of supplies,” the Minister explained. The necessary approvals processes for the use

couraged by the active

of the J&J vaccine in

involvement of business,

South Africa are under-

labour, the health indus-

for guiding our response,”

invested, that it was es-

try and medical schemes,

said the President.

tablished that the Astra-


for this mass vaccination

Mkhize explained that

prevent mild to moderate

Implementation study


South African scientists

disease of the 501Y.V2

“The roll-out of vaccina-

and researchers started


tion will proceed in the

in particular, in preparing

New information

Health Minister Dr Zweli

studies on the efficacy of

Zeneca vaccine does not

“This timely finding has

form of an implementa-

The roll-out of the one

various vaccines during

ensured that all meas-

tion study with the part-

million Oxford University-


ures are taken to utilise

nership of the Medical

the most efficacious vac-

Research Council and

(Covishield) that arrived

focus on the impact of

cine in our vaccination

the National Department

in the country on 1 Febru-

vaccines against the


of Health vaccination

ary has been temporarily

501Y.V2 variant in the lat-

AstraZeneca vaccines

“They paid a dedicated

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

He added that all vac-

sites across the country.



“This will provide valuable information about the

ficacy against 501Y.V2. President and CEO of

“While the actual level

2021 National Budget.

needed for herd immu-

Overall, funding will come

pandemic in the post-

the South African Medi-

nity is not known, our

from additional budgets,

vaccination community

cal Research Council

scientists estimate that

reprioritisation, revenue

and thus, ensure early

Professor Glenda Gray

we will likely reach herd

increases and, potentially,

identification of break-

said the J&J vaccine

immunity once around

from partnerships with

through infections should

protects against severe

67% of our population is

the private sector.

they occur amongst vac-

disease, hospitalisation

immune. This amounts to

cinated health workers,”

and death.

around 40 million people

he said.

“We have local data

in South Africa,” said the

SA’s vaccination programme

now and it will be not

President during an ear-

President Ramaphosa

data, Covishield will pro-

good to wait for future

lier address.

established the Inter-

tect three in four people

vaccines. We have to

against variants from the

start with the data that

achieve this by the end

on COVID-19 Vaccines

first wave, but only one in

we have,” Prof Gray said.

of 2021 and a compre-

ahead of the vaccination

hensive vaccination


According to the latest

four people from 501Y.V2. Professor Salim Ab-

Herd immunity

Government’s goal is to

strategy is in place.

Ministerial Committee

“This will be the larg-

dool Karim, the chair of

The distribution of vac-

the Ministerial Advisory

cines to frontline and

vaccination. The cost will

logistical undertaking in

Committee on COVID-19,

health workers is phase

either be covered by a

our country’s history… In

said the vaccines made

one of South Africa’s

person’s medical aid or

terms of the number of

by Pfizer and Moderna

mass COVID-19 vaccina-

by the State.

people who have to be

seem to do “reasonably

tion programme, that is

Detailed budgetary

reached within a short

well” against 501Y.V2 and

set to build population

allocations to procure

space of time,” said the

the J&J vaccine shows

immunity against the

COVID-19 vaccines will


a smaller decline in ef-


be announced in the

No-one will pay for their

est and most complex

The vaccination strategy has three parts. Firstly, to get enough vaccines to reach population immunity. The second part of the strategy is to identify who will be vaccinated and when. In phase one, frontline and health workers are being prioritised. The National Department of Health will coordinate the vaccine


Public Sector Manager • February 2021

roll-out with provincial

In phase two, essential

cination, at the vaccine

health departments and

workers such as teachers,

centre closest to them.

the private healthcare

police, municipal workers,

“The system will record

will send them an SMS,

sector. Structures will

taxi drivers and other

vaccinations as they are

informing them where

need to be established at

frontline personnel; peo-

administered,” explained

and when to have the

district level by the provin-

ple in institutions such as

President Ramaphosa.


cial health departments

old age homes, shelters

During phase one,

to manage the roll-out.

and prisons; and people

The vaccines will be

over 60 and adults with

delivered using three

co-morbidities will be



• Work-based pro-

In phase three, about

grammes, which are

22.5 million of the remain-

the best option for

ing adult population will

hospital-based staff,

be vaccinated. The coun-

especially at district

try should then reach

level private and pub-

population immunity.

lic hospitals. • Outreach-based pro-

The third part of the strategy is to distribute

grammes using mobile

and administer vaccines

teams moving be-

throughout the country.

tween facilities, which

Once a person registers on the system, the EVDS

The EVDS is linked to supply chain management, to ensure that there

“Nobody are enough vaccinations will be given available at the vaccination site,” said Wolmarans. this vaccine No forced against vaccinations their will, The President said nor will the COVID-19 vaccines will be available to all adults vaccine be living in South Africa, administered regardless of their citizenship or residence status. in secret.” He stressed that no one

healthcare providers,

How to access the vaccine

all healthcare workers,

community health

The National Department

public, private, clinical

workers, and private

of Health has developed

and nonclinical should

den from travelling, from

register on the EVDS.

enrolling at school, or

is best for primary

will be forced to take the vaccine. “Nobody will be forbid-

medical centres.

the Electronic Vaccine

• Vaccination centres,

Data System (EVDS) to

Milani Wolmarans, the

particularly in re-

streamline the vaccine

Chief Director responsible

public activity if they

mote areas, which is

registration and roll-out

for National Health Insur-

have not been vacci-

ideal for independent


ance Information Systems


from taking part in any

at the National Depart-

“Nobody will be given

capture all relevant

ment of Health, said the

this vaccine against their

programmes will be

data associated with

EVDS is a data secure

will, nor will the vaccine

used during phases

the administration of

platform built with enter-

be administered in secret.

two and three, with the

the vaccine. The system

prise architecture that

Any rumours to this ef-

addition of vaccina-

allows a person to make

complies with national

fect are both false and

tions at public primary

an appointment as soon

and international security

dangerous,”said Presi-

healthcare facilities.

as they qualify for a vac-


dent Ramaphosa.

healthcare workers. • The same three

“This will allow us to

Public Sector Manager • February 2021



A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa

SA’s AU chairship: A time of unity and solidarity S outh Africa’s term

chairship in the same

deepening economic

all the countries on the

as Chair of the

month the first case of

integration, had to be

continent. To date there

African Union

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

immediately and dra-

are more than 3.5 mil-

(AU) came to an end

was reported on the

matically reoriented to

lion confirmed cases in

recently. As we reflect on


deal with the pandemic.

Africa and more than 88

our year in this position, I

The priorities we

Our most pressing task

000 people have died.

am reminded of the old

outlined for our term,

was to steer the focus of

saying that ‘in crisis lies

among them furthering

the AU to addressing the

humanitarian, social


peace and security, the

worst global emergency

and economic crisis for

Ours was a baptism of

economic empower-

in over a century.

African countries, most

fire, having assumed the

ment of women and


COVID-19 has affected

It has been a health,

of whom are inad-

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

equately resourced to manage a health emergency of this size. And yet, as unprecedented as the nature of the pandemic has been, so too has been the manner in which African countries have come together to fight it. In doing so, we have drawn principally on the continent’s own expertise, capabilities and institutions such as the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC).

Continental response strategy Africa did not sit by

public health chal-

countries and financial

our own innovative

passively as the true

lenge or to protect their

assistance towards our

and ground-breaking

extent and danger of


COVID-19 response and

African Medical Sup-

economic recovery.

plies Platform to enable

the pandemic unfurled.

We therefore agreed

From the earliest days

as African countries to

But much as African

of the pandemic and

appoint several promi-

countries went to the

quickly secure personal

led by the AU, we swiftly

nent Africans as special

international com-

protective equipment

developed a continental

envoys, who would en-

munity for support, we

and other medical sup-

response strategy, driven

gage with international

first helped ourselves

plies in an equitable,

by the Africa CDC and

funders and multilateral

– establishing and

affordable manner.

regional task forces.

institutions to make the

capitalising a continen-

We realised that

case for financial sup-

tal COVID-19 Response

every country on the

port and debt relief on


continent would be

Africa’s behalf.

For every partnership

all African countries to

COVID-19 vaccine And now that the COV-

forged with better-

ID-19 vaccine is avail-

as a one continent, we

resourced nations and

able, we have worked

not have the resources

were able to achieve

the international donor

as a collective to ensure

needed to meet the

debt relief for many

community, we set up

that the continent gets

severely affected by the

In this way, working

pandemic. Most would

Public Sector Manager • February 2021



its fair share, working

pandemic, the conti-

the Decade of African

that these seeds have

with the COVAX Facility

nent has pushed ahead

Women’s Financial and

not always fallen on fer-

and led by our own Afri-

with towards the goal of

Economic Inclusion to

tile ground, and over the

can Vaccine Acquisition

‘silencing the guns’ on


years the continental

Task Team.

the continent.

Vaccine rollout has already commenced on the continent and we aspire to have the majority of the continent’s population vaccinated by the end of 2021 to achieve herd immunity. We have acted as one to protect health, people and livelihoods on the continent. In doing so, we have demonstrated our capacity for self-

“We have acted as one to protect health, people and livelihoods on the continent.”

Cooperation and solidarity As we hand over the

unity project has experienced many hurdles and false starts. But the grave threat

baton to the Democratic

posed by this pandemic

Republic of Congo we

has galvanised African

leave this preeminent

countries to collective

continental body in


a position of greater strength.

In the hot-house of the COVID-19 crisis,

South Africa will con-

the seeds of unity and

tinue to play its part to

cooperation planted by

foster integration on the

our pioneering forebears

continent, and support

have come to life and

the incoming chair and


the organisation in its ef-

This time of great trial

to be the drivers of our

forts to meet the aspira-

and difficulty has been

own development.

tions of the AU’s Agenda

among the AU’s finest



reliance and our ability

Key priorities

The AU has been

When the Organisa-

We are honoured to

Despite the dominance

actively involved in

tion for African Unity was

have been given the

of COVID-19, we have

negotiations around the

founded in 1963, mem-

opportunity to lead the

still managed to make

Grand Ethiopian Renais-

ber states planted the

organisation through

advances in several of

sance Dam, in achiev-

seeds of cooperation

this period, when it prac-

our key priorities.

ing a ceasefire in Libya

and solidarity in pursuit

tically demonstrated

and promoting peace in

of a better life for all the

the true meaning of the

South Sudan.

peoples of Africa.

words African Union.

During our term, the Africa Continental Free Trade Area was finally

Another focus of our

They affirmed that

This is an accomplish-

launched, heralding a

term has been on the

African unity was para-

ment for which all the

new era of intra-African

economic empower-

mount if the welfare and

citizens of our continent

trade and economic

ment of women, which

wellbeing of Africa’s

Africa should feel proud


we will continue to

people was to be as-

and from which they

champion even beyond


should draw encourage-

Even under the difficult conditions posed by the


our term and throughout

History bears witness


Public Sector Manager • February 2021


Writer: Dale Hes

Tourism builds platforms for

transformation and recovery


ourism has been

and the Small Enterprise

The fund is aimed at

contribute R120 million

one of the sectors

Finance Agency (sefa).

facilitating equity acqui-

and commercial banks

sition and new project

R594 million. These con-

hardest hit by the

As part of the Econom-

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

ic Reconstruction and

development in the

tributions put the value


Recovery Plan, this fund

tourism sector by black

of the Tourism Equity

Recognising the sec-

aims to drive transfor-


Fund at just over R1.2

tor’s immense contribu-

mation by advancing

tion to gross domestic

equitable opportuni-

fund will be managed

product, job creation

ties to ensure inclusive

by sefa on behalf of the


and economic growth,

economic growth in the

Department of Tourism

The Minister noted that

government is putting

tourism sector.

over the initial three-year

the COVID-19 pandemic

“In this partnership, the


period, after which we

brought the tourism

needed to revitalise the

launch of the fund, Min-

will evaluate to improve

sector to a grinding halt

tourism industry.

ister of Tourism Minister

the fund.

for most of last year and

in place the measures

One such measure is

Speaking at the virtual

Mmamoloko Kubayi-

“During this three-year

reduced the number

the recently launched

Ngubane explained that

period, the Department

and diversity of tourist

the Tourism Equity Fund

it is a dedicated fund

of Tourism will capitalise


(TEF) - a collaborative

that will provide a com-

the fund with an amount

To aid the sector, gov-

initiative between the

bination of debt finance

of R540 million,” she said.

ernment has set it sights

Department of Tourism

and grant funding.


In addition, sefa will

on rejuvenating the sup-

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

ply side of the tourism

(minimum of 51% black


ownership) tourism

“We believe that to

lenge,” he explained. The President said a

required as we forge a path towards a sustainable economic recovery.”

enterprises that are

vital element of the fund

deepen the diversifi-

commercially viable

is the involvement of

cation of the tourist

and sustainable to help

commercial banks.

attractions, we also have

create jobs, alleviate

to pay attention to the

poverty, fight inequality

increase the impact and

business to substantially

diversification and trans-

and promote the growth

reach of this initiative –

benefit from the tour-

formation of the sector in

of black-controlled tour-

and increase the level of

ism economy, and not

terms of ownership and

ism enterprises.

be roped in by fronting

management control.”

“It is also proposals from entrepreour aim neurs who need funding for their projects, saying to employ a team is ready to receive proposals and get local people, the programme rolling. to procure Ground-breaking goods and President Cyril Ramaphoservices sa described Tourism Equity Fund as a groundlocally, breaking venture that will speed up transforand to mation in one of the make a real most crucial sectors of the economy. contribution “The Tourism Equity to our Fund is informed by the recognition that the economy.” capital-intensive nature

companies or be mar-

the participation of

of the industry prevents

President Ramaphosa

targeted groups such as

many black-owned

women and youth in the

tourism enterprises from

private investment in the

priority tourism sectors

growing and developing


The Minister added that extending participation in the tourism sector to South Africans of all races, ages and genders would enrich it and make it more competitive and sustainable in the long run. “As South Africans, we know and understand that our diversity is our strength and it is only when this diversity expresses itself in all spheres of our lives that we will be able to reap its benefits,” said the Minister. The fund will facilitate

as defined by the Broad-

“This will significantly

The Minister called for

“By providing access to

“This partnership

He said government is committed to ensuring the fund enables black

ginal bystanders and small-scale suppliers to larger tourism enterprises. “Whether it is in a coastal town in the Eastern Cape or a wildliferich area in the North West or Limpopo, it is our aim through this fund to actively support blackowned businesses to run profitable and sustainable enterprises. “It is also our aim to employ local people, to procure goods and services locally, and to make a real contribution to our economy,” said

Tourism Sector Recovery Plan Tourism has been identi-

based Black Economic

finance for black-owned

between government,

fied as an important

Empowerment sector

commercially viable

public entities and com-

driver of the country’s


tourism projects, the Tour-

mercial banks is a great

Economic Reconstruc-

ism Equity Fund intends

example of the kind of

tion and Recovery Plan.

to address this chal-

collaboration that is

It will provide funds to majority black-owned

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

A cornerstone of the



Department of Tourism’s

stakeholders have done

the safety of travelers

work has been the crea-

to keep the tourism

and preventing the

some R189 billion of

tion of a comprehensive

industry afloat.

spread of the virus from

value to 2022, helping

other countries.

the sector to recover to

Tourism Sector Recovery Plan.

The Minister was

“This can preserve

heartened to see South

“By utilising rapid tests

2019 output levels and,

Africans starting to travel

and strict monitoring, we

while job losses through

three strategic themes,

to local destinations

intend to limit the spread

the cycle will be una-

namely; Reigniting De-

again, adding domestic

of the infection through

voidable, employment

mand; Rejuvenating

tourism could become a

importation by those

would be expected to re-

Supply and Strengthen-

main pillar of the tourism

who will be travelling to

bound,” states the plan.

ing Enabling Capacity.


our country,” said the

The plan is based on

It stresses that tourism

She said that tourism

President previously.

New tourism policy

recovery will experience

stakeholders should

a number of phases

focus on making attrac-

the recovery, tourism

In October, Minister

“from hyper-local com-

tions more affordable for

red tape needs to be

Kubayi-Ngubane ap-

munity attractions,

domestic travellers.


pointed a panel of

through broader do-

He added that to help

“We are appealing

“Although interna-

experts to review the cur-

mestic tourism, followed

to this market to be in-

tional tourist travel is

rent tourism policies and

potentially by regional

novative and adapt their

likely only to recover in

develop a new policy

markets and then the

products for the needs

the medium-term, our

direction for the tourism

resumption of world-wide

of the local market.

efforts are now focused


international travel”.

Incentives such as af-

on implementing an ef-

The seven-member

fordable rates, discounts,

ficient e-visa system and

Advisory Panel will review

Department of Tourism,

upgrades and enticing

extending visa waivers to

all of South Africa’s exist-

along with South African

packages will go a long

new tourism markets.”

ing policies and provide

Tourism and an array of


To reignite demand, the

industry stakeholders,

The Tourism Sector Re-

guidance to the Minister

covery Plan stresses that

over a 12-month period,

simplifying travel pro-

with a view to develop

cesses and working with

a new comprehensive

robust domestic market-

International tourism

ing strategy.

While there is still reluc-

the police to strengthen

and overarching tour-

have embarked on a

tance from international

the safety of tourists can

ism policy framework to

ister Kubayi-Ngubane

travellers to visit South

drive significant growth

guide the sector to new

recently travelled to tour-

Africa due to the risks

of the tourism sector.


ism attractions across

posed by COVID-19,

the country to promote

government has laid the

can preserve significant

review, we aim to reposi-

domestic tourism.

platforms for a resur-

value in the tourism

tion the tourism sector

gence of international

sector and save may

towards a new trajec-


thousands of associated

tory by unlocking its full


potential,” she said.

In support of this, Min-

She said she was encouraged by the innovative work that sector


This includes ensuring

“These interventions

“Through this policy

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

Public Sector Manager • February 2021




Minister Mthembu: A servant leader and rare individual


he late Minister in

dent Cyril Ramaphosa

above the love of party,

expense of the poor and

The Presidency,

said Minister Mthembu

leader and of self,” said

the weak.

Jackson Mthembu,

gave his time and energy

the President.

“He called them out

has been hailed as a

selflessly to the govern-

humble and committed

ment he swore to serve

public servant who put

and the Constitution he

Kind and gentle soul

the interests of South Afri-

pledged to defend and

He described Minister

for the liberation of our

cans above all else.


Mthembu as a kind and

country and despaired

gentle soul who was

as we stumbled and lost our way.”

Minister Mthembu

He added that the Min-

and he didn’t care if they were more powerful than he was. He risked his life

passed away on 21 Janu-

ister’s greatest loyalty was

not afraid to speak out

ary due to Coronavirus

reserved for the country

against corruption, self-

Disease-related compli-

and its people.

serving leadership and

serving as the Minister

brazen abuse of power.

in the Presidency meant

cations and was laid to

“As we pay homage to

The President noted that

rest at Pretoria Memorial

him… let us remember

Park Cemetery in Mpu-

him for what he was,

ceived by the false smiles

public face of govern-


a servant leader, who

and empty promises

ment, communicating its

loved the people of this

of those who sought to

policies and its decisions.

great land and put them

enrich themselves at the

Delivering the eulogy at the funeral service, Presi-


“He was never de-

that the Minister was the

“During the [Corona-

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

virus] pandemic, he

many years of the friend-

reported to Minister

ebrate him, it is not lost

carried our message

ship they shared.

Mthembu paid homage

on us that [he recently]

to him.

survived a robbery where

of compassion, solidar-

“He was generous in

ity and unity. Minister

spirit and had a charm-

Mthembu was at the fore-

ing personality. He had

Mabuza said Minister

and the pain of losing

front of our national effort

the endearing ability to

Mthembu’s death was

his eldest daughter and

to contain the Coronavi-

lift my mood and fortify

not only the passing


rus pandemic; the very

my resolve in even the

of an individual, but a

pandemic that has now

most difficult situations.

“premature departure”

willing to meet anyone

of a representative of the

and everyone, regardless

great generation.

of their social standing.

claimed him.” President Ramaphosa

“He had a sense of humour that was often most

Deputy President David

he almost lost his life,

“This was a man always

praised Minister Mthem-

irreverent. He laughed

bu for being a beacon

– with his entire body

Mthembu... pass this way

empathy and compas-

of hope at a time when

– about things that he

once. In their wake, they

sion, committed to the

the nation was close to

probably shouldn’t have,

leave us the gifts of lib-

values of human solidar-

despair, lifting spirits and

just as he cared deeply

erty and freedom. In their

ity and servantship.”

bringing clarity, certainty

about everything that he

commendable journey,

and the utmost profes-

should,” an emotional

they leave footprints of

sionalism to every task he

President Ramaphosa

a well-fought struggle

Communicator par excellence

was assigned.


against apartheid and

Speaking on behalf of

“The likes of Minister

This was a man full of

a well-trodden journey

the South African Nation-

those infinitely rare indi-

Mthembu as one of the

to build the foundations

al Editors’ Forum, Eyewit-

viduals in our politically-

nation’s heroes and

of democracy in South

ness News editor Mahl-

charged society. He was

among the country’s fin-


atse Mahlase described

admired and respected

est public servants and

across party lines.

greatest patriots.

“Mvelase was among

“It has been profoundly

He hailed Minister

“He was principled and

“It falls upon a special

Minister Mthembu as a

generation to fight for

gentle soul, whose death

freedom and achieve it.

has cut deeply in the media fraternity.

touching to witness how

a man of great courage,

He belongs to this emi-

the news of Jackson

in times of both calm

nent group and deserves

“As the media, we have

Mthembu’s passing stilled

and difficulty. He was an

to be cherished,” Mabuza

lost a communicator par

the clatter and bickering

honest man who never


excellence, a gentleman

that has consumed us in

hesitated to speak up for

recent times and united

what he believed to be

Mthembu for, despite

us in our sorrow.”

right, no matter the cost,”

having suffered personal

said the President.

tragedies in recent times,

between politicians and

having demonstrated

journalists will forever be

A dear friend

He saluted Minister

who spoke to us no matter what. “The relationship

The President said

Great generation

great ability to overcome

a tricky one, but he took

Minister Mthembu was a

At a memorial service

pain and use his own ex-

the punches, not person-

dear friend and he had

honouring the Minister,

perience to inspire hope

alising issues.”

observed the Minister’s

government, the media

in others.

many virtues over the

and the entities that

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

“As we gather to cel-

She recalled that the Minister never insulted



the media and was

sage of humility for

always professional.

those who reported to

Administration Minister,

tional Services Minister

him, he added.

Senzo Mchunu said

Ronald Lamola hailed

Minister Mthembu was

Minister Mthembu for

"He was accessible... He understood he was

“He wanted the mes-

Public Service and

Justice and Correc-

being held account-

sage of serving with

a leader many should

being at the forefront

able. He understood

pride to transcend in all

seek to emulate.

of government's fight

[media and politicians]

of us. He made techno-

“He was honest, truth-

needed each other,

crats flourish in their du

ful and a good listener.

while International Rela-

albeit for different rea-

ty. This is a person whom

His unwavering fight

tions and Cooperation

sons,” she said.

we never wanted to

against corruption is

Minister Naledi Pandor


commendable and his

said her colleague’s

legacy is one that must

passing had left Cabinet

be kept alive,” he said.


Dignified and humble

Despite his prominent position, Maluleke said

against the pandemic,


the Minister accepted

Risenga Maluleke

that he was not be-

About Minister Mthembu

described Minister

yond reproach.

Minister Mthembu contributed to the liberation struggle

Mthembu as a digni-

The Statistician-Gen-

as an anti-apartheid activist, student leader and unionist,

fied servant, who was

eral likened Minister

for which he was subjected to harassment and detention

committed to serving

Mthembu’s death to a

by the apartheid security forces.

the nation with humil-

soldier losing his life in

ity. He was speaking on


behalf of agencies that reported to the Minister.

Cooperative Governance and Traditional

He occupied several strategic and leadership roles in the democratic South Africa. He served the African National Congress (ANC) as its spokesperson from 1995 to 1997 and from 2009 to 2014.

Affairs Ministe, Dr Nko-

Minister Mthembu contributed to the development of

able working with him.

sazana Dlamini Zuma

South Africa’s democratic Constitution and served as an

We are used to a world

said government had

MEC for Public Works, Roads and Transport in Mpuma-

where authority is

been inundated by



comforting words from

He was a member of the ANC National Executive

all corners of the world.

Committee since 2007 and served as the ANC’s Chief

“They’ve said Jackson

Whip in the National Assembly from 2016 to 2019. He

“We were comfort-

“We comfortably referred to him by his first name, not to undermine

was a servant of the

was appointed as Minister in The Presidency after the

him, but as brother. We

people, excellent com-

2019 general elections.

had jovial banter. We

municator and a uni-

The departments and entities which reported to the

told stories. He [made

fier. We want to thank

Minister included The Presidency, Government Com-

us] laugh but not

all those who have

munication and Information System, the Department of

forgetting the job at

spoken, written and

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Brand South Africa,

hand,” said Maluleke.

unleashed the tapestry

Media Development and Diversity Agency, National

of Minister Mthembu's

Planning Commission and Statistics South Africa.

Minister Mthembu drove home the mes-


beautiful life.”

Public Sector Manager • February 2021


Source: South African Radio Astronomy Observatory


bigger than most other radio galaxies.

telescope makes gigantic discovery


“They are more than two megaparsecs across, which is around 6.5 million light years or about 62 times the size of the Milky Way. Yet they are fainter than others of the

wo giant radio

fields near the black hole

called ‘giant radio galax-

galaxies have been

and release huge beams


discovered with

or ‘jets’ of radio light.

same size.” “We suspect that many

She explained that the

more galaxies like these

South Africa’s powerful

The radio jets of these

giant radio galaxies were

should exist, because of

MeerKAT telescope. These

so-called ‘radio galaxies’

found in a region of sky

the way we think galaxies

galaxies are among the

can be many times larger

which is only about four

should grow and change

largest single objects

than the galaxy itself and

times the area of the full

over their lifetimes,” he

in the universe and are

can extend vast dis-

moon, though the galax-


thought to be quite rare.

tances into intergalactic

ies are much further away


and much larger than the

The discovery was published recently in the Royal Astronomical

Enormous systems


the Monthly Notices of

Best of its kind The giant radio galaxies

moon. “Based on our current

were spotted in new radio

knowledge of the density

maps of the sky created

Dr Jacinta Delhaize, a

of giant radio galaxies in

by the MeerKAT Interna-

research fellow at the Uni-

the sky, the probability of

tional Gigahertz Tiered

supermassive black holes

versity of Cape Town and

finding two of them in this

Extragalactic Exploration

residing in their midst.

lead author of the work,

region is extremely small.

(MIGHTEE) survey.

When large amounts of

said: “Many hundreds of

This means that giant ra-

It is one of the large

interstellar gas start to

thousands of radio galax-

dio galaxies are probably

survey projects under-

orbit and fall in towards

ies have already been

far more common than

way with South Africa’s

the black hole, the black


we thought!”

MeerKAT radio telescope

Many galaxies have

hole becomes ‘active’

“However, only around

and huge amounts of

800 of these have radio

a research fellow at the

astronomers from across

energy are released from

jets exceeding 700 kilo-

University of the Western

the world.

this region of the galaxy.

parsecs in size, or around

Cape and co-author

22 times the size of the

of the work, said these

galaxies have never been

charged particles interact

Milky Way. These truly

two galaxies are special

identified before, despite

with the strong magnetic

enormous systems are

because they are much

the sky region having

In some active galaxies,


Dr Matthew Prescott,

and involves a team of

The two giant radio

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

The two giant radio galaxies found with the MeerKAT telescope. In the background is the sky as seen in optical light . O verlaid in red is the radio light from the enormous radio galaxies, as seen by MeerKAT. Left : MGTC J095959.63+024608.6. Right : MGTC J100016.84+015133.0. Image : I. Heywood (Ox ford/Rhodes/ SARAO).

already been observed

map that allowed us to

galaxies provides tantalis-

highly anticipated

by other radio telescopes

confidently identify the

ing evidence that a large

trans-continental SKA

such as the Karl G. Jansky

objects as giant radio

population of faint, very

telescope is due to com-

Very Large Array in the


extended giant radio

mence in South Africa

galaxies may exist,” said

and Australia in 2021

Dr Delhaize.

and continue until 2027.

USA and the Giant MetreWave Radio Telescope in India.

Clearer understanding

“In the past, this popula-

Science commissioning

Dr Ian Heywood, a co-

The reason why only very

tion of galaxies has been

observations could begin

author at the University of

few radio galaxies are so

hidden from our ‘sight’

as early as 2023.

Oxford, said: “The Meer-

gigantic has been some-

by the technical limita-

KAT telescope is the best

what of a mystery.

tions of radio telescopes.

of its kind in the world. We

It is thought that the gi-

have managed to identify

ants are the oldest radio

revealed thanks to the

About the MeerKAT

these giant radio galaxies

galaxies, which have

impressive capabilities

The MeerKAT tel-

for the first time because

existed for long enough

of the new generation of

escope is located in the

of MeerKAT’s unprec-

(several hundred million


Karoo and comprises

edented sensitivity to faint

years) for their radio jets

and diffuse radio light.

to grow outwards to these

expected to be uncov-

inaugurated in July

enormous sizes. If this is

ered in the MIGHTEE


to detect features that

true, then many more gi-

survey as it progresses.

haven’t been seen before.

ant radio galaxies should

“We also expect to

We found large-scale ra-

exist than are currently

find many more with the

rican Radio Astronomy

dio jets coming from the


future Square Kilometre

Observatory, which is a

“This made it possible

However, it is now being

More giant galaxies are

64 radio dishes. It was

The telescope is managed by the South Af-

central galaxies, as well

With the discovery of

Array (SKA) telescope.

facility of the National

as fuzzy cloud-like lobes

objects like these giant

The SKA will reveal larger

Research Foundation.

at the ends of the jets.

radio galaxies, a clearer

populations of radio

understanding of the

galaxies than ever before

SKA telescope and will

galaxies are several bil-

evolutionary pathways of

and revolutionise our

be integrated into the

lion light years away, and

galaxies is beginning to

understanding of galaxy

mid-frequency compo-

so it was the discovery


evolution,” said Dr Del-

nent of SKA.

“We know that these

of these enormous jets and lobes in the MIGHTEE

“The existence of the two MIGHTEE giant radio

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

It is a precursor to the

haize. Construction of the




President Ramaphosa

According to the President, this was done to the exclusion of countries in the world that

calls for equitable access to vaccines


also need the lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines. He applauded efforts by the World Health Organisation to set up the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility

resident Cyril

President said poor

are not vaccinating,” he

(COVAX) to agglom-


countries desperately

pointed out.

erate all acquisition

has spoken out

need Coronavirus

“The rich countries of

processes, so that there

against vaccine nation-

Disease (COVID-19)

the world went out and

can be equity in the dis-

alism and called out rich

vaccines as much as

acquired large doses of

tribution of and access

countries for hoarding

other nations that have

vaccines from develop-

to vaccines.


already started vacci-

ers and manufacturers,

nating their citizens.

and some countries

Unity needed

Speaking during a

“We are all not safe if

have even gone beyond

“Now, rich countries in

Address at the World

some countries are vac-

and acquired four times

the world are holding

Economic Forum Davos

cinating their people

what their population

onto these vaccines.

Dialogues recently, the

and some countries

needs,” he said.

So, we’re saying, release

virtual State of the World


Public Sector Manager • February 2021

“Should countries

the excess vaccines

ated the challenges of

“It is estimated that

that you’ve ordered and

accessing vaccines for

Africa will only be able

submit firm offers, Afrex-


the global south, par-

to access around 20%

imbank has committed

ticularly for Africa.

of the vaccines needed

to provide advance

“There’s just no need

“The developed north,

through COVAX. We

procurement commit-

perhaps has 40 million

which has substantial

therefore found it neces-

ment guarantees of up

people, to acquire 120

financial resources, has

sary to complement this

to US$2 billion to the

million doses or even

purchased the largest

facility to ensure health

manufacturers on be-

160 million, yet the world

stocks, while we in Africa

workers are vaccinated

half of member states.

needs access to those

are struggling to get our

soonest and countries

vaccines,” the President

fair share. The painful

reach herd immunity

World Bank are col-


irony is that some of the

faster,” explained the

laborating to ensure


that member states can

for a country, which

He called on coun-

clinical trials for these

tries to act together in

vaccines were carried

combating COVID-19

out in Africa.

because it affects all

“In other cases, vac-

“The AU team and the

The task team has se-

have access to further

cured a provisional 270

funding,” the President

million vaccine doses


cines are packaged

for African countries. At

“Therefore, our rem-

right here on the con-

least 50 million will be

for its offer to donate

edies and actions to

tinent, yet we struggle

available from April to

$25 million to the vac-

combat it must also be

to access them for our

June 2021.

cine programme of

equal and overarching

populations,” President

for all of us, and not be

Ramaphosa said.

countries equally.

These doses are from

He also thanked MTN

the Africa Centres for

three major suppliers

Disease Control and

He added that vac-

namely, Pfizer, AstraZen-

Prevention (to immunise

or certain countries

cine prices are high,

eca through the Serum

health workers in Africa).

have on their own to the

and many countries

Institute of India and

“This is solidarity in ac-

exclusion of others.”

may not afford to vac-

Johnson & Johnson.

tion. We call upon other

something that special

Africa’s challenges Addressing a webinar

cinate enough of their

Taking into account

companies, both of Afri-

population to achieve

the high cost of vac-

can origin and offshore

herd immunity.

cines, the task team

companies that do

has arranged with

business in Africa, to do

Afreximbank to support

what MTN has done to

member states that

contribute financially to

Development Strategy,

African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team

want to access these

enable African countries

Chairperson of the Afri-

AU member states set

vaccines based on a

to immunise their target

can Union (AU) Presi-

up the African Vaccine

whole-of-Africa ap-

groups,” the President

dent Ramaphosa reiter-

Acquisition Task Team.



on the Africa COVID-19 Vaccine Financing and

Public Sector Manager • February 2021



Opportunities for public servants to brush up their skills


outh Africa and the People’s Republic of

China are teaming up

courses and enrol-

to innovate to meet new

Model for Develop-

ment, contact Boipelo

expectations of the citi-

ment Outcomes.

Legwabe at Boipelo.

zens in terms of transpar-

ency and democratic

China’s Governance

The capacity of the

to improve the capac-

State to deal with

za or 012 4416739 or

participation and to con-

ity of public servants


Mamphoke Mohlala at

stantly improve the qual-

on governance as well

The Chinese model


ity of public services and

as the management of

of disaster man- or 012 441

increase the efficiency of

disasters and emergen-

agement and the



cies such as the Corona-

management of

virus Disease (COVID-19)


The Leadership in Times

In addition to the partnership with China,

of Crisis and Complexity

the NSG has teamed up

course will explore topics

participants will be able

with the E’Cole Nation-

such as leadership and

to understand China's

ale D’administration of

prevention of crisis in a

working with the China

basic national condi-

France to offer courses

context of high uncer-

National Academy of

tions, governance and

in Public Affairs Manage-

tainty, governance and

Governance, will offer

management experi-

ment in the Digital Era

decision making during

courses on governance


and Leadership in Times

a crisis, stakes of com-

pandemic. The National School of Government (NSG),

“Through discussions,

of Crisis and Complexity.

munication during a

agement for senior and

friendship, consensus,

These courses will run in

crisis and creating agility

middle managers in the

mutual trust and coop-

February 2021.

and responsiveness in

Public Service in March

eration between China

and April 2021.

and South Africa,” said

tion course is aimed

For enquiries on these

the Principal of the Na-

at reducing the gap

courses and enrolment,

managers to China’s

tional School of Govern-

between public admin-

contact Tiego Vuma at

governance models and

ment, Busani Ngcaweni.

istration and the world


The courses target sen-

of innovation and new or 012 441 6621


and Boipelo Legwabe

and emergency man-

The courses will expose

responses to emergencies. The courses will include the following themes, among others:


“This will further expand

ior and middle managers in all three spheres of government. For enquiries on the

The digital transforma-

Digital technology is

complex situations.

at Boipelo.Legwabe@

expected to boost the or

ability of public servants

012 441 6739.

Public Sector Manager • February 2021


Writer: Dale Hes

Biovac leads the charge in vaccine development


he Biovac Institute – a joint venture between govern-

ment and the private sector – is leading the charge in developing ground-breaking vaccines and could be at the forefront of the country’s production of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) vaccines in

Scientists at the Biovac Institute are producing life-saving paediatric vaccines. Photo: Biovac

the near future. In 2003, the national Department of Health partnered with the Biovac Consortium to cre-

New milestone

diseases, namely: dip-

ate the Biovac Institute,

Recently, Biovac reached

theria, tetanus, hepatitis

However, this is the

with the goal of develop-

a notable milestone, as it

B, haemophilus influenza

first time in more than

ing and manufacturing

announced that it would

B, poliomyelitis and per-

20 years that a vaccine

affordable and quality

begin manufacturing a


will be manufactured lo-

vaccines for South Africa

highly-complex six-in-

and the continent.

one paediatric vaccine

distributing the vaccine

received from the South

the vaccine.

cally, after approval was

Biovac has been

initially developed by

under the Department

African Health Products

has flourished, becom-

global pharmaceutical

of Health’s world-class

Regulatory Authority.

ing the largest vaccine

company Sanofi Pasteur.

Expanded Programme

“Biovac is extremely

Since then, the institute

distributor in South Africa

The vaccine, called

on Immunisation (EPI)

proud to be able to com-

and the country’s only

Hexaxim, is effective at

since 2015, with over five

mence local manufac-

vaccine manufacturer.

preventing six childhood

million infants receiving

ture of one of the most


Public Sector Manager • February 2021

complex combination

through training of Bio-

to produce COVID-19

vaccines globally.

vac personnel at Sanofi


“This will further

plants in production,

ing capabilities of Biovac. “The upscaling of the

Dr Makhoana said

manufacturing pipeline

strengthen our con-

quality control, engineer-

that the institute could

for hundreds of millions,

tribution to the local

ing and supply chain,

potentially produce up

or even billions, of doses

bio-economy, by produc-

exchange of processes

to 30 million doses of

will require intense col-

ing vaccines that are

and documentation to

COVID-19 vaccines every

laboration and needs to

relevant for South Africa

enable Biovac to manu-

year, through a similar

be done in such a way

with a high public health

facture the product

partnership as the one

that it will not compro-

benefit,” said Biovac CEO

locally; and training of

that resulted in the suc-

mise the production of

Dr Morena Makhoana.

Biovac personnel by Sa-

cessful local manufac-

other essential vaccines,”

nofi at the Biovac plant,”

ture of Hexaxim.

said the Minister.

Local demand He added that by de-

said Minister Nzimande. He added that the

The Coalition for Epi-


demic Preparedness has

veloping and manufac-

local manufacture of

Minister Nzimande said

identified Biovac as a

turing vaccines on the

Hexaxim will save South

that Biovac’s launch of

potential drug product

African continent, local

Africa around R350 mil-

locally produced vac-

manufacturer for vac-

demand will be better

lion per year.

cines shows that the

cines, as part of the CO-

company has the capa-

VAX initiative, which aims

ance on fully imported

of Hexaxim is the first

bilities to manufacture

to make two billion doses

vaccines would be

EPI vaccine that will be

COVID-19 vaccines.

of vaccine available by


manufactured in South

“The launch of Bio-

met and the overreli-

“The local production

the end of 2021.

Africa and is a strong in-

vac’s locally produced

Meanwhile, Johnson &

Education, Science and

dication of the technical

vaccines is timely and

Johnson has entered into

Innovation Dr Blade Nzi-

abilities of South African

will demonstrate to the

a preliminary agreement

mande explained that


global community South

with South African com-

Africa’s readiness to play

pany Aspen Pharmacare

a meaningful role in not

to manufacture and

only Hexaxim vaccine

package its candidate

Minister of Higher

the manufacture of the possible through the

COVID-19 vaccines

transfer of technology

Biovac will play an im-

production and distribu-

COVID-19 vaccine. Aspen

and training from Sanofi

portant role in the quality

tion, but other vaccines."

Pharmacare’s plant in

to Biovac.

assurance, warehous-

vaccine has been made

He added that part of

Nelson Mandela Bay has

ing and distribution of

the COVID-19 vaccine

the capacity to manu-

the technology transfer

COVID-19 vaccines.

strategy will involve up-

facture 300 million doses

from Sanofi to Biovac

It also has the potential

scaling the manufactur-

of the vaccine.

“The agreement led to

Public Sector Manager • February 2021



Writer: More Matshediso

Research helps grow small-scale farming A gricultural econo-

fluencing policy, encour-

with distinction, from

to Kenya as one of the

mist Mampe

aging increased produc-

the University of the Free

socio-economists from

Masemola is

tion and the adoption of

State, is certainly among

the ARC for the project

agricultural technologies.

the cream of the crop.

titled ‘Novel livestock vac-

sowing the seeds that will help smallholder farmers

The ARC conducts

Last October, she was

cines for viral diseases in

reap greater benefits and

research with partners,

awarded the 2019/20

Africa towards improved

ultimately improve their

develops human capital

best Master’s research

food security’.


and fosters innovation to

award by the Agricultural

She has also presented

support and develop the

Economics Association of

her research work at vari-

agricultural sector.

South Africa.

ous national conferences

The 32-year-old is passionate about participating in agricultural re-

Masemola says most of

and internal workshops.

the highlights of her ca-

“All of these make me

initiatives that help meet

Cream of the crop

reer were made possible

feel relevant and part of

the needs of smallholder

Masemola, who holds

through her work at the

the people who have the


Bachelor of Science

ARC, which she joined in

potential to contribute to

and Honours degrees in


the development of the

search and development

Her work at the Agricultural Research Council

Agricultural Economics

(ARC), plays a role in in-

and a Master’s Degree,


The institution gave her the opportunity to travel

agricultural sector,” she says.

Public Sector Manager • February 2021


veterinary vaccines was

grammes such as devel-

economic development

Masemola’s job as a

one of a kind in South

opment of food gardens,

through agricultural

research assistant and

African literature and cre-

even in urban areas.

initiatives that would see

PhD candidate entails

ated a niche focus area

conducting socio-

that local agricultural

continuous research to

producing profitably

economic research to

economists can now

tackle challenges such

within their production

promote advancements

boldly explore.”

as this one, because any

scale and resources,” she

Masemola was also

social and/or economic


The research she does

involved in other socio-

unrest has the potential

is published as articles

economic research

to threaten livelihoods

challenges, however,

for agricultural maga-

projects focusing on

and hinder agricultural

and for Masemola it is

zines and peer-reviewed

food gardens in Gauteng

development strategies,”

the reality that with the


and investment in animal

she explains.

currect economic unrest,

in the agricultural sector.

As part of her Masters

health. Her role was to

"There is a need for

smallscale farmers

No job is without its

the availability of funding

degree, Masemola

collect and analyse data

More than a job

conducted research

and generate meaning-

Masemola says although

research one does, rather

on smallholder farmers’

ful insights into how these

most of her work at the

than one’s interest areas.

willingness to pay for

agricultural programmes

ARC was on the eco-

livestock vaccines.

could help improve

nomics of animal health,

the need to be flexible in

human livelihood, food

her goal as a junior

order to work with differ-

security and the sector.

agricultural economics

ent agricultural com-

“This type of research

researcher is to remain

modities, programmes and partners.

Her thesis focused mainly on how to achieve acceptance and wide-

influences the type of

She says this highlights

spread use of livestock

is important because

relevant and versatile

vaccines, particularly for

although many house-

so that she does not

novel vaccines, such as

holds derive their liveli-

become confined to one

ing out in the field and

the multivalent Lumpy

hoods from participating

focus area.

interacting with different

Skin Disease and Rift

in agricultural activities,

She believes this will

Valley fever (LSD-RVF)

South Africa is known of

enable her to continue


being food secure only

to grow as a professional

“It is unfortunate that

at a national level. Many

and contribute towards

the Coronavirus Disease

LSD-RVF vaccine is in de-

households still face food

addressing multiple

has largely prevented

velopment by scientists at

insecurity and eat unbal-

issues that affect the

us from conducting field

the ARC-Onderstepoort

anced diets.”

agricultural sector.

work, but I am confident

She says the multivalent

Veterinary Research. “My research on farmers’ willingness to pay for

There is, thefore, a need

“Growing up surround-

Masemola loves be-

stakeholders, particularly small-scale farmers.

that this will not affect the

for increased awareness

ed by farmers, I want to

quality of our research

of food security pro-

be able to nurture local

work,” she says.

Public Sector Manager • February 2021



*Writer: Vienie Botha

Educate yourself and others about COVID-19 vaccines


o not be misled by

details of its negotiations

the frantic posts

with vaccine manufactur-

and blogs decry-

ers, when President Cyril

ing Coronavirus Disease

Ramaphosa addressed

(COVID-19) vaccines as

the nation on 11 Janu-

unsafe. The fact is, despite

ary he outlined plans for

cases soaring as South

government’s mass immu-

Africa and other countries

nisation programme that

were besieged by a sec-

will take place over the

ond wave of infections,

rest of the year.

the roll-out of immunisation campaigns the world

Global demand

over heralds hope after

The President took care

months of darkness.

to explain that despite

Less than three weeks

the massive global

into the new year, South

demand and the

Africa had secured over

vastly greater pur-

30 million vaccines and

chasing power

government is in talks

of wealthier

to procure the balance


needed to immunise 67%


of the population and


achieve herd immunity.


While confidentiality agreements prevent government from disclosing


Public Sector Manager • February 2021

ficient quantities of safe

Scientific evidence

able with regard to the

history. It will involve all

and cost-effective vac-

There is overwhelming

safety of the vaccines

tiers of government and


scientific evidence that

approved for use, how

depends hugely on the

mass vaccination is the

vaccines can control

support of civil society.

the globe, South Africa

best way to control seri-

contagious diseases and

will first vaccinate frontline

ous infections. Vaccines

why it is essential that

ing committee has been

healthcare workers.

offer protection to an

populations agree to be-

established to oversee

They will be followed by

individual by lowering

ing vaccinated.

the implementation

essential workers, people

their risk of infection or

with a high-risk profile and

reducing the severity of

people working or living

their symptoms.

on track to procure suf-

As is happening across

in high-risk settings; and,

The World Health

entific information avail-

taking in our country’s

Education and awareness While government is

A national coordinat-

programme, which will unfold across a variety of locations. Government is in the

lastly, members of the

Organisation explains

rolling out a mass public

process of developing

general population.

how mass vaccination

communication cam-

an electronic vaccina-

programmes work: “When

paign to counteract the

tion data system to assist

inoculated in implemen-

a lot of people in a com-

spread of misinforma-

with the roll-out vaccines.

tation phases one and

munity are vaccinated,

tion, the nation’s public

This will assist in both the

two are public servants

the pathogen has a hard

servants must educate

management and sur-

who have fearlessly been

time circulating because

themselves about the

veillance of the vaccine.

carrying out their duties

most of the people it en-

matter so that they too

in the face of tremendous

counters are immune.

can spread awareness in

there will be teething

their own social circles.

problems. Public servants

Among the people to be

personal risk, despite the

So the more that others

Despite all these efforts,

heartache of seeing their

are vaccinated, the less

colleagues and loved

likely people who are

cluding public servants

innovate, rise to the

ones falling victim to the

unable to be protected

– need to critically think

occasion and handle


by vaccines are at risk of

about what they are

change and uncertainty

even being exposed to

hearing or reading rather

will help ensure that

know that South Africa is

the harmful pathogens.

than glibly accepting

South Africa achieves

doing all it can to control

This is called herd im-

and spreading informa-

immunity across our

the pandemic that is


tion that could do untold

population with as few

damage to our efforts to

hiccups as possible.

These heroes deserve to

wreaking havoc in their

As public servants, we

South Africans – in-

lives and experts the

must do all we can to

world over say the only

stop misinformation from

way to do this is through

jeopardising the vaccine

around 40 million people

a mass vaccination pro-

uptake rate.

is the largest and most


There is a wealth of sci-

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

who are able to adapt,

combat COVID-19. The vaccination of

complex logistical under-

*Vienie Botha is the Acting Head of Editorial and Production of Public Sector Manager magazine.



Writer: Allison Cooper

Cool surfaces:

Sustainable, low-cost energy intervention


he energy sector

to low-carbon energy

energy poverty in the

solete solutions can po-

across the globe

supplies and solutions


tentially be leapfrogged

is undergoing

with associated changes

This rapid evolution

towards a more sustainable energy future.

transformational change,

in infrastructure require-

presents both risks and

driven by technologi-

ments and the way

opportunities, creating a

cal, political and socio-

utilities provide energy

context within which en-

opportunities for maxi-

economic factors that


ergy development and

mum developmental

Fully utilising the

innovation is increasingly

benefit would require

Africa continues the

relevant. The opportuni-

taking note of the turn

drive for universal energy

ties in particular are

of events, anticipating

trends, South Africa is

access for all South Af-

pertinent to developing

the important shifts and

seeing a large-scale shift

ricans and addressing

economies, where ob-

skilfully moving with the

vary by geography and market. In line with international


At the same time, South

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

changes. Being at the

trialisation, employment

pavements and special-

ing intervention, which

forefront of energy devel-

creation and sustainable

ised cool coatings. Whit-

allows less heat into the

opment and innovation


ening 100m² of roofing

building, making non-

cancels the warming ef-

air-conditioned homes,

fect of 10 tonnes of CO²

warehouses and other

emissions (or 0.6 tonnes

buildings much cooler,

will therefore be key for ly engage with the rapid

Cool surface technology

changes in the energy

Cool surface technol-

per year) for the life of

and extending the


ogy offers an immediate,

the roof,” she adds.

lifespan of the roof and

South Africa to proactive-

The South African

direct and inexpensive

While white cool coat-

equipment on it.

National Energy De-

solution to South Af-

ing is the most effective,

velopment Institute

rica’s strides towards an

colour is also available.

supply is under constant

(SANEDI), an agency

economy built on clean

Although, efficacy drops

threat, compounded

of the Department of


as the pigment darkens,

by a fragile grid that is

says Lundall.

dealing with increasing

Mineral Resources and

The Cool Surfaces

Energy, directs, monitors

Project, borne out of a

and conducts energy research and develop-

SA’s national energy

Various projects have

demand, particularly as

collaborative agreement

been completed since

the economy continues

between the American

2013, improving the ther-

to gradually unlock.

ment, promotes energy

and South African De-

mal comfort for residents

“Untenable rising en-

research and technology

partments of Energy, is a

and improving buildings’

ergy costs are reducing

innovation and under-

non-electric response to

energy efficiency. The

citizens’ monthly cash

takes measures to pro-

South Africa’s need for a

!Kheis Scale-up project

flow for other essential

mote energy efficiency

cost-effective, low main-

coated 27 500m² of roof-

necessities. In such a

throughout the economy.

tenance and passive-en-

ing to improve thermal

scenario, energy effi-

ergy cooling technology

comfort for occupants

ciency should be at the

for buildings.

and piloted the poten-

front and centre of any

tial for cool surfaces to

energy strategy in this

SANEDI’s energy development agenda is a key part of our country’s

“Cool surfaces refers

energy journey. Its portfo-

to all materials and

mitigate the impact of

era of economic depres-

lio of initiatives is closely

technologies used in

climate change in South

sion,” says Lundall.

attuned to technology

the construction of the


advancements, declin-

building envelope to

ing technology costs

improve thermal com-

and continued innova-

fort: surfaces that reflect

Passive energy cooling solution

tion in the energy sector.

much of the solar energy

Through cool surfaces,

tablishing new industries

and release much of

the environment benefits

and job opportunities.

enable South Africa to

the stored heat energy,”

from a passive energy

take full advantage of

explains Denise Lundall,

cooling solution that

cool surfaces will greatly

our energy resources

project manager of SAN-

includes cool roofs, cool

aid government in not

and the associated

EDI’s Energy Efficiency

walls and cool roads.

only alleviating pressure

infrastructure develop-

Cool Surfaces Project.

Cool roofs is an inexpen-

on the grid – as a pas-

sive, effective, passive

sive energy solution – but

energy, low tech cool-

will also create much-

As a whole, these can

ment as a vehicle for economic growth, indus-

“This refers to white roofs, light-coloured

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

SANEDI is encouraging South Africans to manufacture cool coatings for roofs, walls and roads, es-

“A national roll-out of



needed local economic development, manufacturing and employment opportunities,” she adds. Cool surfaces support government’s drive to achieve multiple mandates. Cool roads, for example, can assist the Department of Transport to reduce the need for road maintenance and tyre damage, as it significantly reduces the surface and ambient

application training to

lot warmer than the im-

by the Kigali Cooling

temperature of roads,

local communities and

mediate areas surround-

Efficiency Programme to

effectively extending its

partner departments,

ing it.

rapidly scale up the de-


particularly those suf-

“Cool surface tech-

Heat is created by en-

ployment of highly solar-

fering from high unem-

ergy from people, cars,

reflective ‘cool’ roofs in

nology can assist the

ployment. Successful

buses and trains in big

developing countries,

Department of Trade,

graduates are offered

and densely populated

suffering heat stress and

Industry and Competi-

paid jobs as supervised

cities. These UHIs usu-

lacking widespread ac-

tion in the revival of

interns during project

ally have worse air and

cess to cooling services.

the economy, which

deployment and bring

water quality than their

“We were thrilled when

includes a product life

back invaluable experi-

immediate neighbours

we received the grant in

cycle from manufactur-

ence to their own com-

and night-time tempera-

2019 and couldn’t wait

ing and testing to distri-


tures remain high.

to get underway with

bution and application.

“The deployment of

rolling out this initiative…

Human Settlements,

also greatly improves ur-

Home cooling initiative

Water and Sanitation

ban air quality, reducing

Having been awarded

temperatures in low-

can benefit from a low-

energy and health costs.

a US$100 000 grant by

cost housing by almost

cost intervention that in-

It reduces the urban

the international Million

10°C, by applying the

creases the standard of

heat island (UHI) effect

Cool Roofs Challenge in

reflective coating,” says

low-cost living, reduces

as it cools the ambient

2019, to deploy solar-


energy costs and limits

temperature over cities,

reflective roof coatings,

subsequent mainte-

providing resilience to

SANEDI is now rolling

smooth so far, with

nance,” says Lundall.

heat events and climate

out the low-tech cooling

sights set on the next

change,” says Lundall.

solution to communities

large Million Cool Roofs

“The Department of

In urban areas, SANEDI’s cool surface projects provide coating


cool surface technology

An UHI is a metropolitan area that is a

across the country. The initiative is driven

We found that we can reduce indoor daytime

Deployment has been

Challenge grant to be awarded in 2021.

Public Sector Manager • February 2021


Writer: Dale Hes Image: Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital

Leading the way in surgical innovation

Surgeons Dr Imraan Sardiwalla (left) and Dr Zach Koto are par t of the trailblazing team at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital.


r George Mukhari

ing ground-breaking

based in Ga-Rankuwa,

and provide for better

Academic Hospi-

surgeries that are setting

has been at the fore-

patient outcomes.

tal in Gauteng is

a bright path for other

front of performing mini-

an outstanding example

medical institutions in

mally invasive surgeries

of the leading aca-

of medical excellence

South Africa to follow.

that improve the effec-

demic hospitals on the

tiveness of operations

continent in this regard,

and innovation, perform-


The hospital, which is

Acknowledged as one

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

doctors from across Af-

pared to other institu-

we believe it is absolute-

Lead surgeon Dr Im-

rica come to the institu-

tions in terms of training.

ly the best approach to

raan Sirdiwalla explains

tion to learn the intrica-

“In fact, when we take

many surgeries.”

that the ALPPS proce-

cies of this specialised

on our trainees, lapa-

field of surgery.

roscopy is part of their

Zooming in on laparoscopic surgeries

dure involves expand-

be said of most other

Pioneering medical achievement

institutions in South

Dr Koto’s team broke

leaving enough of the


new ground recently,

vital organ left over to

performing a highly

avoid liver failure.

training, which cannot

ing the volume of liver, ensuring that tumours can be removed while

One of the hospital’s

Dr Koto explains

specialties is laparo-

why minimally inva-

complex surgery which

scopic surgery, which

sive surgeries such as

has only been carried

achieved by blocking

involves the use of a tiny

laparoscopies, which do

out a handful of times

blood flow to part of the

camera placed inside

not involve cutting the

across the world and

liver, which makes the

the body. Surgeons can

body open to the extent

never in South Africa.

liver behave as though

then use the images

of traditional surgeries,

from this camera to as-

generally provide for

an Associating Liver

removed, triggering tis-

sist with procedures.

much better patient

Partition and Portal Vein

sue regeneration on the


Litigation for Staged

other side. This allows

Dr Zach Koto, Chief Specialist Surgeon at

The team carried out

“Simply put, this is

the organ has been

Hepatectomy (ALPPS)

the liver to grow and en-

the Dr George Mukhari

tion is a big stressor to

– using the laparo-

sures there is enough of

Academic Hospital,

the body. In traditional,

scopic technique – on a

the organ left to avoid

says that the hospital’s

open surgeries, the

72-year-old male patient

liver failure.”

surgery department has

stress is far greater –

who had advanced

ALPPS is already one of

gained extensive experi-

there is a bigger cut for

stage cancer which

the most advanced liver

ence in this field.

the body to heal, more

had spread to the liver.

operation procedures in

“We took on the idea

“Any type of opera-

stress to the immune sys-

The patient initially

the world. But even more

of minimally invasive sur-

tem, more pain for the

had colon cancer and

remarkably, the surgi-

gery very early on and

patient and a longer

went through chemo-

cal team at Dr George

have really perfected it.

recovery period.

therapy treatment at

Mukhari Hospital per-

Steve Biko Academic

formed the procedure laparoscopically.

We are the most techni-

“Minimally invasive sur-

cally advanced hospital

geries provide a much

Hospital, but the cancer

in the country in terms

lower level of stress, less

spread to the liver, with

of laparoscopies, and

pain and shorter recov-

surgery required to

around 10 cases in the

are way ahead com-

ery times, which is why

remove the tumors.

world where ALPPS has

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

“There have only been



“Students feel a greater passion to study medicine and surgery when they see innovation taking place. This is what drives our profession forward.” been done laparoscopi-

recovered well from the

patient outcomes pos-

ment and expertise we

cally. Normally this is an

surgery. As a large team


possess. We hope to

open surgery. We have

of nurses, registrars and

to select patients very

surgeons, we and the

cal students are also

unchartered territory

carefully for these types

hospital as a whole

inspired when they see

and pushing back the

of highly technical

are very proud of this

new breakthroughs in

boundaries of what can

procedures and in this

achievement,” adds Dr

the medical field.

be achieved.”

case the surgical team


decided it was the best

He adds that medi-

“Students feel a

continue venturing into

He hopes that the

greater passion to study

next exciting step in

medicine and surgery

the journey in South

when they see innova-

Africa will be a venture

at an advanced stage,”

Looking to an advanced future

says Dr Sardiwalla.

Dr Koto says that these

tion taking place. This is

into robotics surgery,

path, as the cancer was

types of pioneering

what drives our profes-

which utilises robotically

the liver can take up to

procedures are crucial

sion forward.”

operated instruments

six weeks to grow to a

for driving innovation

sufficient size. After the

in the field of medicine

mended the Gauteng

pictures to enable sur-

five-hour laparoscopic

and surgery.

Department of Health

geons to operate with

for its support.

better vision, dexterity,

In open surgery ALPPS,

surgery at Dr George

“In the years before

Dr Koto also com-

“We applaud the

and high-definition 3D

and precision.

Mukhari Hospital, the

this, there was simply no

patient’s liver size grew

treatment for advanced

vision and faith of the

by 180% within just six

liver or colon cancer

Gauteng Department

all the skills, expertise

days, rendering the

such as this. As our

of Health for allowing

and experience we

procedure a ground-

techniques improved,

these types of proce-

have refined here, that

breaking success.

we have seen five-year

dures to be carried out.

robotics surgery will be

“We believe that with

“We were then able

survival rates improve

“Even visitors from de-

to do a complex right

from virtually nothing

veloped countries who

performed and usher in

hepatectomy, remov-

to 40%. In medicine,

have visited our hospital

the next era of innova-

ing the tumour from the

the spirit of innovation

have been impressed

tion within the surgical

liver. The patient has

has made these better

at the type of equip-

field,” adds Dr Koto.


able to be effectively

Public Sector Manager • February 2021


Writer: Allison Cooper

What’s your

financial plan? N

ow that the festive

to face credit card debt

season is over it is

on your return.”

the ideal time to

The financial plan

set new goals and priori-

Mageba says a finan-

ties, one of which should

cial plan should start

be your financial plan.

with finding a financial

According to Bongani

adviser who can guide

Mageba, the Manag-

you through the process

ing Executive: Non-Bank

and encourage you to

Financial Services at

stick to your plan, par-

Absa Retail and Business

ticularly during difficult

Bank, a financial plan in-

market conditions.

cludes a comprehensive

“An accredited, knowl-

overview of your financial

edgeable financial

goals and how you plan

adviser can assess your

to meet them over time.

needs holistically and im-

If you already have a

plement a plan that suits

financial plan in place,

your particular circum-

review it carefully, make

stances.” Once you have found

adjustments based on your personal circum-

it is starting a business,

have saved for a holiday

the right financial ad-

stances where necessary,

saving for retirement,

in line with your plan,

viser, the next step is to

and implement them.

your kids’ education or

you can go on vacation

compile a budget with

going on holiday.”

and do not have to be

their assistance.

“This may sound simple but it can be quite diffi-

He adds that knowing

concerned about the

“A lot of people say

cult in practice. Ultimate-

where you stand finan-

ly, a carefully crafted

cially gives you confi-

“You will know what

first. I agree, but this is

financial plan (and the

dence and enables you

you can afford and the

sometimes mistakenly

implementation thereof)

to fully enjoy the things

memory of your holiday

interpreted as spending

enables most of your

you have saved for.

will remain a pleasant

money on things you

one as you will not have

want, instead of things

other life goals, whether


For example, if you

you must pay yourself


Public Sector Manager • February 2021

that are important to

your income is your most

you, like prioritising sav-

valuable asset.”

ing and investing for the

He adds that financial

towards paying off the

planning should not be

debt that carries a high-

something that deprives

er interest rate, which

long-term while spend-

personal circumstances,

you of enjoyment, but al-

will allow you to save a

ing less than you earn.

you may also want to

lows you to enjoy spend-

significant amount of

This doesn’t mean that

save for a house or car

ing your money.

money over the repay-

you shouldn’t also spend

– your financial adviser

money on things you

will be able to guide

rity and freedom to do

enjoy – it is about prior-

this conversation in the

more things and most

shorter period also

itising needs over wants,”

right direction once they

importantly, it helps you

means that you pay off

he explains.

have gathered all your

to create wealth over

more capital earlier in



the repayment period,

Mageba cautions

Depending on your

“It gives you the secu-

ment period. “Settling debt in a

against delaying saving

“They can also help

Sticking to a prede-

until later in life, saying it

you to allocate an ap-

termined financial plan

period will decrease,”

is best to start as early as

propriate sum of money

also makes it easier to

Mageba explains.

possible, thereby allow-

towards the things you

keep debt to a minimum

While it is not a good

ing compound interest to

need,” says Mageba.

and to avoid credit with

idea to use debt to pay

high interest charges, al-

for things you don’t really

sufficient provision for

lowing you to save more

need, it doesn’t mean

your needs, you can allo-

money towards your

that debt should be

cate money towards the

future goals.

avoided completely.

“really work its magic”.

The essentials of financial planning

Once you have made

things you want. Most

“A vital part of any

and the total repayment

“Debt can also be used

In terms of financial plan-

banks and other finan-

financial plan includes

to generate an income

ning, a key need is an

cial institutions have a

sufficient medical cover.

– for example, when

emergency fund where

wide range of short- and

If you are young and in

borrowing money to start

money is set aside to use

long-term insurance solu-

good health, a hospital

a business. However, all

in case of emergencies.

tions to meet individual

plan will likely be suffi-

debt should be planned.

client needs.

cient. However, the cover

“Other important needs include saving for retire-

“An important financial

“Take an active deci-

you choose should meet

sion to allocate a portion

ment and protecting

principle is to live within

your specific needs,” says

of your income towards

your income. Speak to

your means. Having an


repaying debt, thereby

your financial adviser

intimate knowledge of

about the life, dread dis-

your financial situation,

ease and disability cover

differentiating between

Dealing with debt

you require to ensure

your wants and needs

If you struggle with debt,

your loved ones are well

and allocating money

review your plan with

failure to pay your debt

cared for if something

accordingly, makes

your financial adviser

may lead to your credit

were to happen to you

financial planning a lot

and consider re-allocat-

score being affected.

unexpectedly. Ultimately,


ing some of your funds

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

making an informed decision to prioritise one of your goals over another.” He cautions that not



Writer: Allison Cooper

It’s time to get moving! E

xercise is a must

clear, you need to actu-

take the dog for a walk

for all, regardless

ally want to do some

or go on a short hike,”

of age or fitness

form of training.

says Van Wyngaardt.

and health levels. This is

“Start small and build

Exercise and goals

according to Soria van

on that. Start by doing a

The type of exercise

Wyngaardt, a qualified

form of exercise that you

you choose should de-

personal trainer and

will enjoy. This will make it

pend on what you want

Pilates instructor.

easier to change it into

to achieve.

“It’s never too late

a habit.”

“A one size doesn’t fit

Start slowly, by walk-

all. For example, some-

exercise. A health body

ing for 15 to 20 minutes

one who wants to lose

equals a happy soul

or swim. When you feel

weight will focus on a

and exercise improves

fitter, start your own body

combination of cardio,

your quality of life,” she

weight exercises. From

weight training and a


there, you can join a

calorie-controlled diet;

to start some form of

While the thought

gym; book a personal

while someone who

of exercising may be

trainer, who can work

wants to improve flex-

daunting for some, it is

out a programme for

ibility and core strength

quite easy to get started,

your specific goals; or

will focus on Pilates and

even if you are a total

join a Pilates, Zumba or

yoga,” she explains.


yoga class.

Firstly, you should

“You must enjoy it and

While pregnant women should focus on strength-

always see a doctor for

keep it fun. Make small

ening their body, to

a general health check

changes to your eve-

prepare for the birth and

before you start any new

ryday living to improve

postpartum recovery,

exercise programme,

your fitness – take the

rather than focusing on

Van Wyngaardt advises.

stairs, park further away

training to lose weight;

Once you get the all

from the mall entrance,

athletes preparing for


Public Sector Manager • February 2021

marathons or triathlons

try to get fit at home,

“You must educate

ing, kayaking or golfing –

focus on endurance-

Van Wyngaardt urges

yourself to make sure

any form of fun outdoors

based training pro-

you not to underesti-

you avoid injuries and

activity that you don’t


mate your environment.

get the most out of your

usually do in the week.”

workouts,” says Van Wyn-

She adds that it is im-

Combining your exer-

“There are so many

cise programme with

exercises you can do

a healthy diet is also

at home, without any

extremely important.

fancy equipment. Invest

sure that you have a

in some basic fitness

well-rounded exercise

“Also, don’t give up

– 80% should be about

equipment, such as an

routine, that includes

after two weeks simply

what you eat and 20%

exercise mat, swiss ball,

some form of cardio;

because you haven’t

about training. You can’t

dumbbells, resistance

weight or strength train-

lost 30kgs. You didn’t

out train a bad diet. You

bands and a jumping

ing, by adding some

gain it in two weeks.

would adjust your diet


dumbbells or resistance

It takes four weeks to

bands; and flexibility

see the change in your

“It’s an 80% to 20% ratio

gaardt. You should also make

portant to listen to your body at all times and know when not to push.

according to your goals.

If you don’t have

It’s thus advisable to get

money to consult a

and core strength exer-

body, eight weeks for

a tailormade nutritional

professional to get a tai-

cise, in the form of yoga,

family and friends to

meal plan from a nutri-

lormade workout to suit

stretches or Pilates.

notice and 12 weeks for

tionist or dietician,” says

your body and lifestyle,

“It’s important to have

Van Wyngaardt.

do some research and

fun when exercising, so

take note! Don’t give up,

read up on fitness and

add a fun day once a

you’re worth it,” says Van

watch YouTube tutorials.

week where you go hik-


The three best organised activities one can

the rest of the world to

do to keep fit include organised walks or runs, any martial arts class, or any fitness class – from Zumba and spinning to shape, yoga, Pilates, step or kickboxing.

Don’t underestimate your environment If you’re not keen on joining an exercise class

Top-10 benefits of exercising Improves cardiovascular and lung health and fitness. Improves joint health – motion is lotion and prevents stiffness. Improves bone density. Controls weight and tones muscles. Keeps your mood positive. Helps bring down stress levels, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Improves sleep and leads to more energy. Improves the immune system. Can prevent or reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes. Improves brain function.

or gym, but would rather

Public Sector Manager • February 2021



Compiled by: Nicholas Francis


fashion for your date with love



f you want to make an impression this Valentine’s Day, make sure you are looking your best for that special person in your life. We

have put together some items that will help you perfect the look for your date with love.

5 4

1. Witchery sequin mini dress,

available at

R1 499, available at Woolworths. 2. Steve Madden Valiant-S rose gold heels, R1 499, available at Steve

4. Hoop earrings with geo cylinder detail, R99, available at Foschini. 5. Matter of Fakt wide dented ring, R219, available at

Madden. 3. Call It Spring clutch purse, R399,




Public Sector Manager • February 2021




3 1. Woolworths slim fit stretch suit jacket, R1 399. 2. MKM cotton stretch mandarin shirt, R180, available at Markham. 3. Truworths Man slim leg trouser, R625. 4. Mango belt, R799, available at superbalist. com 5. Aldo Olarelia shoe, R1


599, available at Aldo.

Public Sector Manager • February 2021



Writer: Sam Bradley

The tough but amazing Amatola hike


Hitting the trail The route is very well marked out with painted yellow footprints visible every 50 to 100m. Most days hiking is between five and eight hours, although obviously this depends on the fitness of

he Amatola Hiking

as the best trail in South

such as shuttle buses to

the walkers and the num-

Trail in the Eastern

Africa. Nicknamed 'the

the start, which is a 1.5

ber of swim stops and

Cape is known

waterfall trail' due to the

hour drive away.

water breaks indulged in. The hike itself is tough

as the toughest hike in

numerous spectacular

South Africa. The trail is

waterfalls hikers walk

round. The cost of the

with lots of climbs on the

covered over six days,

past (and swim in),

hike is R1 700 per person,

route. Day one starts at

with five nights spent in

there are also sections

which includes entrance

Maden Dam and finishes

huts along the route.

of rainforest, mountain

and hut accommoda-

at least 11km away (or

lookout spots, fields and

tion for the five nights.

15.3km if you choose the

Huts are equipped

longer option) at Gwilig-

Hikers must carry all of their own equipment, including food for the

lush green valleys. Hogsback is the closest

The trail is open all year

with beds, mattresses,

wili Hut. It’s one of the shorter

town and Away with the

running water and fire-

not much of the route

Fairies hostel (away-

places, but no electricity.

days, but has over 700m

is flat. If you are not has

At the very least, hikers

of ascent so it’s still a

climbing up a hill you

become the best-known

will need to pack good

tough introduction to the

are probably scrambling

spot to stay before and

hiking boots, a water-

trail. The hut has beautiful

down one.

after the hike. This is

proof jacket, sleeping

views of the area and a

thanks to its friendly staff,

bag, some basic first aid

braai area, making for a

you off, it has been voted

laid back atmosphere

supplies and food for the

fun and social end to the

by Getaway Magazine

and assistance to hikers,


first day.

entire trip. To top it all off,

But don’t let that put


Public Sector Manager • February 2021

but with just as many

the town of Hogsback

enticing swimming spots

for a well-deserved meal

along the 18.2km. A

and celebratory drink.

donkey boiler (a contrap-

Day two is a beautiful

onto the plateau, with

The Amatola Hiking Trail

tion which allows a fire

is a wonderfully remote

to be lit below the boiler

walk in the wilderness.

to heat up the water)

With few crowds and no

means hikers can enjoy

electricity in the huts,

a hot shower on their last

this is the perfect digital



Day six, which is the final

Enjoy evenings relax-

hike through thick rainfor-

picturesque views of

day, is only 15 km but it

ing around the campfire,

est. It doesn’t take long to

grasslands and fields as

involves a steep climb up

lunch spots out on the

be fully immersed in the

far as the eye can see.

Hogsback Peak and then

mountain and a good

sights and sounds of the

The final ascent to Cata

equally steep descent

night’s sleep after a

thick and all-enveloping

Hut is not an easy one,

to the Tyume River basin

healthy day’s exercise

canopy. It’s also the long-

but the almost immeasur-


and plenty of time out-

est hike at 19.6km, so

able waterfalls alongside

there’ll be some sore and

the trail make the suffer-

tired legs by the end of

ing worthwhile.

Mission accomplished

doors. The air is fresh, the stars are bright and the moun-

Day four is a short hike

The feeling of walking

tain streams are wonder-

of only 13.5km so there’s

underneath the official

fully invigorating.

plenty of opportunities to

signage marking the end

Day three is also long

stop at the many pools,

of the trail brings a great


(16.8km), but the scenery

waterfalls and snack

feeling of pride and ac-

Bookings can also be

changes as the route


complishment. From there

made through www.

it’s an easy 3km stroll into

the day.


climbs out of the forest

Day five is longer

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

Bookings: 043 642 2571



Compiled by: Gilda Narsimdas

Kick off the year the healthy way D

dulge during the

Chicken and broccoli stir fry

holidays and are

(Serves 4)

id you over in-

now feeling the kilos and


a little guilty? No worries,

• 300g dried egg

we’ve rounded up some


healthy meal options,

• 2 tbsp vegetable oil

courtesy of Good Food,

• 2 cloves garlic (finely

that are simple, delicious and nutritious. Give them a try and they might just become a regular on the family menu.


chopped) • 2 tsp fresh ginger

• 1 large head broccoli

four to five minutes. Drain

(cut into florets) • 1 small red chilli (finely

(cut into strips)

the egg noodles, rinse under cold water, drain

sliced) • 3 tbsp soy sauce

again and set aside.

• 1 tbsp oyster sauce

Heat two tablespoons of

• 1/2 cup (120g) whole

vegetable oil in a wok

toasted cashews • 4 green onions (finely

over medium heat. Stir fry garlic and fresh ginger for one to two minutes


(grated) • 3 chicken breast fillets

plenty of boiling water for

until aromatic. Add the


chicken breast fillets

Cook the egg noodles in

and stir fry until chicken

Public Sector Manager • February 2021

paper sheet into a bowl of warm water, then drain. Place the sheet on a clean tea towel and top with one prawn, a small butter lettuce leaf, one strip pepper, two carrot sticks, a few bean sprouts and a sprig of coriander. Fold in the sides of the rice paper and roll up firmly. Repeat with 11 remaining rice paper sheets, prawns, vegetables and coriander. Serve with 1 cup hoisin sauce for dipping.

Avocado and chicken burritos Ingredients

Add the broccoli and

Prawn rice paper rolls

stir fry until broccoli is


cooked but crisp. Add

• 1 tbsp vegetable oil

red chilli, soy sauce and

• 12 large king prawns

oyster sauce and stir to

changes colour.

coat the chicken.

• 4 small chicken • Rice papers • 1 cup hoisin sauce for dipping

breasts • 1 tbsp olive oil • 4 tortillas • 1 cup reduced fat


sour cream or natural

(shelled and dev-

Heat the vegetable oil



in a frying pan over

• 1 jar of salsa (store

Divide the noodles be-

• Butter lettuce

medium heat and cook

tween four serving bowls

• 1 large red pepper

the king prawns for about

• 8 large lettuce leaves

and top with the chicken

(cut into strips)

two minutes each side

• 1 large red onion (cut

and broccoli. Sprinkle the

• 2 carrots (cut into

toasted cashews and


or until they just change colour. Remove from the


into wedges) • 1 red pepper (seeds

green onions over and

• 1 pack bean sprouts

heat and cool.

removed and finely


• 1 bunch coriander

Quickly dip a round rice


Public Sector Manager • February 2021



• 2 avocados (sliced)

cook the chicken for five

ing to the instructions

minutes on each side.

on the packet, which is

ground sesame seed


Remove the chicken and

usually 30 seconds on


Heat the olive oil in a

slice it.

each side.

large frying pan and

Warm the tortillas accord-

Smooth a quarter of sour

• 1 tsp tahini (toasted,

• ½ cup ice

cream and salsa over


each tortilla and top with

Combine coconut water,

lettuce, chicken, onion,

banana, protein powder,

pepper and avocado.

matcha, tahini and ice.

Roll and serve.

Blend until smooth and

Matcha and coconut smoothie

creamy. Serve immediately and enjoy.


Hulk smoothie

• 1½ cups coconut


water (or the juice

• 100g natural thick yo-

and flesh of one fresh

ghurt (preferably with

young coconut)

live cultures)

• 1 small ripe banana

dairy, soy, rice or al-

(frozen) • 2 tbsp protein powder • ½–1 tsp organic matcha

• 1/2 cup milk (organic mond) • 1 tsp honey • 1 handful baby spinach leaves • 1 banana • 1 tsp ground flaxseed (linseed), or the oil • 1/2 cup of ice

Method Combine the yoghurt, milk, honey, spinach, banana, flaxseed and ice in a blender. Blend until smooth and serve in a tall glass.

Public Sector Manager • February 2021


Compiled by: Nicholas Francis

Love is in the air W


hile money can’t buy love, a well

thought out gift will

certainly earn you some brown-

ie points. So, if you are looking


to spoil your significant other, here some ideas for the perfect Valentine’s day gift.

7 2



1. Loving Hearts of Pandora, R1 799, available at Pandora.

available at 5. American Swiss 9ct yellow gold

2. Woolworths handcrafted pecan

and cubic zirconia stud earrings,

and cashew nut nougat, 110g, R119.99.

7. Valentino Donna Born in Roma Eau de Parfum, 100ml, R2 390, available at Truworths.

R999. 6. Versace pour homme Dylan Blue

3. Hey Gorgeous Skincare Aloe You Complete skincare kit, R895,

EDT, 100ml, R1 645, available at



available at 4. Fossil’s Commuter Chronograph leather watch for men, R1 795,

Public Sector Manager • February 2021


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