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Battling a pandemic Fight against HIV and AIDS rages on

Leading with distinction Dr Phil Mjwara’s secret to success




December 2020/January 2021 42

Provincial focus

Gauteng backs economic recovery plan


International relations

BRICS stands together in tough times

28 the epitome of Public Service



From the Union Buildings President Cyril Ramaphosa

excellence 28 Conversations with leaders

Basic Education Minister


Financial fitness

What’s your plan for retirement?

FEATURES 16 SIU closing in on corruption

The Special Investigating Unit

calls on South Africans to

Angie Motshekga explains

is bringing to book those who

strengthen their resolve in the

how her department is rising

used the COVID-19 pandemic

battle against HIV and AIDS

to the challenges of COVID-19

to abuse State funds

Profiles in leadership

Director-General of the



Katlego Nkosi turns to tech-

Department of Science and

nology to improve service

Innovation Dr Phil Mjwara is



Empowerment a weapon in the war against GBVF

Ensuring women take their rightful place in the economy and society


Investing in SA’s future The third South Africa

Investment Conference secured investment commitments of more than R100 billion to aid in the country’s economy recovery 26


HIV and AIDS targets in sight

The decades old fight against HIV and AIDS is yielding results


Bridging the digital divide


Government is prioritising lower data costs and increasing internet

Kimi Makwetu: A visionary and eternal patriot

The country bids farewell to an

access as part of the Economic

exemplary public servant who

Reconstruction and Recovery

served with distinction

Plan 46 36

UNDP paints picture of

BRICS backs SA’s agenda

The BRICS bloc is ensuring that SA’s position in the international

COVID-19 impact

A United Nations Development

Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001 Director-General Phumla Williams

arena is elevated

Acting Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Keitu Semakane

Programme report lays bare how the most vulnerable were affected

Acting Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management Michael Currin

by COVID-19


© Copyright: GCIS | Printed by Creda Communications (Pty) Ltd

Acting Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Tyrone Seale


Health and well-being

Skin cancer: What to look for


Food and wine

How to perfect Christmas lunch


Grooming and style

Be casually smart this festive season



The ideal gifts to spread some cheer



Inspired for adventure

Acting Head of Editorial and Production Roze Moodley Managing Editor Tendai Gonese News Editor Irene Naidoo Contributors More Matshediso Silusapho Nyanda Jauhara Khan GCIS Photographic Unit Elmond Jiyane Ntswe Mokoena Siyabulela Duda Kopano Tlape Busisiwe Malungwane Senior Designer Tendai Gonese


The tide is turning on corruption T

here are tangible

feeling new optimism

nerable but also eroded

signs that govern-

and South Africans are

our nation’s sense of

ment is backing

shaking off a bit of the

humanity at a time when

transparency, President

its anti-corruption speak

anger that took hold

our people were pull-

Cyril Ramaphosa has

with tough action.

during the state capture

ing together to fight a

promised that the reports

As International

such cases. In a move to promote

saga and intensified with

common enemy. Our law

of SIU investigations will

Anti-Corruption Day was

each subsequent case

enforcement agencies

be made public, once all

marked on 9 December,

of corruption.

are empowered by law

the necessary processes

Worst to bear was the

to act independently,

have been completed.

the strong anti-corruption

misuse and theft of valu-

without fear, favour or

message that is being re-

able resources meant


inforced by every official

to lessen the burden

probe, arrest and court

caused by the Coronavi-

was announced that four

Supporting economic recovery


rus Disease (COVID-19),

new Special Commercial

It is heartening to see

by both government

Crimes Courts would

how active the Hawks

lined their own pock-

officials and private indi-

be established to deal

(Directorate for Prior-

ets – or those of family


with cases of COVID-

ity Crime Investigation),

we can take comfort in

The people who have

and friends – with State

19-related corruption.

the National Prosecut-

resources must be shak-

swiftly against these peo-

At the time, the Special

ing Authority, the Asset

ing in their boots. In turn,

ple, who not only robbed

Investigating Unit (SIU)

Forfeiture Unit and the

potential investors are

South Africa’s most vul-

was investigating 932

SIU have been over the


Government acted

At the end of October, it

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

past months as corrup-

are being created to

need to bolster this

of law-enforcement

tion is one of the biggest

guide all anti-corruption

strategy by acting firmly

agencies to enable

threats to the Economic

approaches, most

against any corruption

the identification and

Reconstruction and

notably, the National Anti-

and fraud in their midst.

swift prosecution of

Recovery Plan recently

Corruption Strategy and

This pressing challenge

corruption and fraud;

announced by the Presi-

implementation plan

demands a nationwide


being developed jointly


The plan has both

The positive climate

by Government and civil

the development of the Public Procurement Bill to lessen

being created by the

corruption in the ap-

goals to alleviate the in-

country’s anti-corruption

pointment of contrac-

crease in poverty caused

law and order entities,

tors by public entities,

by the pandemic and

should provide new

including state-owned

to build a robust, inclu-

incentives for people with

companies. It will also

sive economy. However,

concerns of wrongdoing

ensure that political

success depends heavily

to speak up.

office bearers at all

short- and long-term


on the creation of an en-

Nothing and no-one is

spheres of govern-

vironment that presents

sacrosanct, and no-one

ment do not do busi-

few opportunities for cor-

should be sheltered by

ness with the State.

rupt individuals and that

their positions or wealth.

quickly red flags issues of

The Constitution is very

a code of conduct

clear that no-one is

that states they must

above the law.

“report to the appropri-

concern. On the country’s multi-

Minister in The Presidency, Jac kson Mt hembu.

Public servants sign

Behind the scenes,

ate authorities, fraud,

ture investment plan,

government’s capacity

corruption, nepotism,

the President said that

to stop corruption and

maladministration and

The plan will improve

deal with wrongdoers is

any other act which

tion will enhance trans-

transparency, monitor-

ongoing. Developments

constitutes an offence, or

parency, and eliminate

ing and accountabil-


which is prejudicial to the

and detect corruption.

ity across society, thus

public interest”.

In November, this was

clamping down on

net members and

I urge you to become

further echoed by the

corruption in both the pri-

other public repre-

a corruption watchdog,

Public Works and Infra-

vate and public sectors.


not only because it is

compliance with the

your legal obligation to

Public Administration

do so, but because you

Management Act of

care about the people


of this country and are

the strengthening

guided by a strong moral

and better resourcing


billion rand infrastruc-

proper project prepara-

structure Minister Patricia that the project will be

Nationwide response

underpinned by an anti-

All of society, from busi-

corruption strategy.

ness to social partners

de Lille, who affirmed

Policies and frameworks

and public servants,

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

lifestyle audits of Cabi-



HIV and AIDS is still a pandemic in South Africa


orld AIDS Day

estimated 7.8 million peo-

on 1 Decem-

ple living with HIV (PLHIV)

stone came in October

ber shines the

Another significant mile-

in 2018, our success rate

when the University of

spotlight on a catastroph-

in combatting the crisis is

the Witwatersrand and

ic virus that for nearly four

also globally recognised

researchers from the HIV

decades has wreaked

and our ART programme

Prevention Trials Network

socio-economic and

is the world’s largest.

announced that the

health havoc on South Africa.

Apart from the mass

long-acting injectable

Phumla Williams, GCIS Director-General.

ART programme and

antiretroviral drug cabo-

The first official AIDS

decreased mortality rate,

tegravir – a pre-exposure

medical care for other

case in the country was

South Africa has enjoyed

prophylaxis (PrEP) – was


reported in 1982. Within

great success with its

found to be highly ef-

two decades, the country

Know your Status cam-

fective in preventing the

ister of Health, Dr Zweli

was in the grip of a fright-


virus in women.

Mkhize, HIV testing fell

ening health crisis, with

In 2018, it was an-

This is heartening news

According to the Min-

by 46% between April

children being orphaned,

nounced that the coun-

for women in Sub-Saha-

and June 2020. Speak-

skilled employees being

try had reached the first

ran Africa who continue

ing at the launch of the

lost, productivity de-

90% of the Joint United

to experience high HIV

7th annual Rotary Family

creasing and our health

Nations Programme on

incidence. Although an

Health Days, he stressed

system overburdened.


oral PrEP has been avail-

that HIV and AIDS is “still a

90-90-90 goals when over

able for some time, it is

pandemic in this country,

Africa estimated the

90% of the 7.8 million

easy for women to forget

more threatening than

accumulated number of

PLHIV in SA were found

to take their pill each day,


AIDS-related deaths to be

to be aware of their HIV

which then puts them at

1.49 million.


risk of exposure.

In 2004, Statistics South

The tide started turning

South Africa is also well

Sadly, the Coronavirus

Public servants are urged to take up Minister Mkhize’s call of encour-

in 2005 when a national

on its way to reaching

Disease (COVID-19)

aging South Africans to

antiretroviral treatment

the second and third

pandemic has impacted

get tested and, if positive,

(ART) programme was

goals in ensuring 90% of

South Africa’s HIV pro-

to start treatment so that

launched. Last year, 126

PLHIV are on ART and 90%

gress. This is because

they can live a long and

805 AIDS-related deaths

are virally suppressed.

health resources have

healthy life, and keep

been redirected to fight

their immune system

confirmed that three

COVID-19 and, fearing

strong enough to fight off

has the highest global

districts in KwaZulu-Natal

infection, people have

other diseases, including

infection rate, with an

had reached 90-90-90.

been reluctant to seek


were reported. Although South Africa


In fact, in 2019, UNAIDS

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

What will people say?


There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555

People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.

Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.


A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa

HIV and AIDS –

Progress made but battle continues A s we continue

decades, our country

Day. As the Chair of the

our efforts to

has been engaged in an

South African National

Since the outbreak of

manage the

difficult conditions.

ongoing struggle against

AIDS Council, Deputy

COVID-19 in the country,

devastating Coronavirus

HIV and AIDS, which has

President David Mabuza

with the nation-wide

(COVID-19) pandemic,

cost many lives and

led the national com-

lockdown and the

we cannot ignore the

caused great hardship

memoration with an ad-

pressure on our health

other public health chal-

and suffering.

dress on progress in the

facilities, many HIV, AIDS

country’s response.

and tuberculosis services

lenges that our country faces. For more than three


Recently we joined people across the globe in marking World AIDS

This year, World AIDS Day took place under

have suffered. This has posed a chal-

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

lenge for people testing

succeed in doing so, we

any part of our popula-

and starting antiretroviral

gramme has contributed

are likely to end AIDS as


treatment. Many people

to a reduction in the

a public health threat

found it difficult to collect

number of deaths due

by 2030.

their medicines and

to AIDS by 60%. There has

fewer people accessed

been a greater reduc-

not there yet. We have

men to reduce their risk

other services, such as

tion in HIV-related deaths

to do far more to ensure

of acquiring HIV. Unsafe

voluntary male medical

among young people.

that young people are

circumcision should not

It was possible to

Our treatment pro-

Unfortunately, we are

South Africa needs to increase efforts to medically circumcise young

empowered to prevent

leave young men with

reduce the number of

infections, including

lifelong health problems,

there are many lessons

deaths because we,

through changing

and no one should die

that have been learnt

together with our part-

behaviour, accessing

from circumcision. We

from our public health

ners, have rolled out an

response to COVID-19

extensive antiretroviral

that can strengthen our

programme reaching

fight against HIV and

millions of people living


with the disease.

circumcision. At the same time,

Reduction in new infections

At the beginning of the decade, our programme to prevent

“We cannot hope to end HIV if we ignore the needs, concerns and rights of any part of our population.”

South Africa continues to

mother to child trans-

have the largest number

mission (PMTCT) of HIV

condoms and testing

must make sure that

of people living with HIV

had very low coverage.

regularly. We need to

young men have safe

in the world. It is encour-

Now we have one of the

make sure that every-


aging, however, that

highest rates of cover-

one who is infected has

over the last decade

age of PMTCT in South-

access to treatment

we made progress in

ern Africa, which has

and care.

reducing the number

substantially reduced

of new HIV infections in

rates of infection among

er on HIV prevention

by findings of a recent

the population by nearly


among key populations,

study on pre-exposure

including sex workers,

prophylaxis (PrEP). Unlike

men who have sex with

antiretroviral treatment

60%. It is also encouraging

HIV prevention

We need to work hard-

Strengthening the response We are encouraged

that HIV infections in ad-

While we have reduced

men, and people who

that is given to people

olescent girls and young

deaths and new infec-

inject drugs. We must

who are HIV positive,

women have significantly

tions, we still are far from

end the stigma and

PrEP involves the regular

declined in the last

reaching the goal we

discrimination towards

use of antiretroviral

decade. This is a crucial

committed ourselves

these populations. We

drugs by HIV negative

group because they are

in 2016 of achieving a

cannot hope to end HIV

people to prevention

much more likely to be at

75% reduction in HIV

if we ignore the needs,


risk of getting HIV.

infections by 2020. If we

concerns and rights of

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

The study, conducted



by scientists from the HIV

in behaviour. We also

Women and Children

opportunities, especially

Prevention Trials Network,

need to tackle the eco-

campaign, we need to

for young women. Em-

found that long-acting

nomic and social condi-

work even harder to ad-

powerment also means

injections once every

tions that contribute to

dress the unequal rela-

that every person must

eight weeks was better

high rates of infection.

tions between men and

have access to testing,

women – which con-

treatment and other health services.

than the daily tablet

One of our central

used for HIV prevention.

tasks is to empower

tribute both to gender-

These findings have the

adolescent girls and

based violence and to

potential to significantly

young women, educa-

the spread of HIV.

strengthen our response

tionally, economically

to the epidemic.

and socially. They need

achieve the end of AIDS

and made such great

to be able to make their

through the empower-

progress in the fight

own decisions about

ment of young people,

against HIV, AIDS and

If we are to succeed in

every aspect of their

women and other peo-


ending AIDS as a public

lives, including their

ple at risk. This includes

health threat within the

sexuality and sexual

empowerment through

our resolve and our

next decade, we need


access to information,

actions to confront and

advice and support. It

overcome AIDS once and for all.


to combine these medi-

As the country marks

Ultimately, we will

cal breakthroughs with

16 Days of Activism for

includes access to edu-

fundamental changes

No Violence Against

cation and economic


The people of South Africa have come so far, endured so much

Let us intensify both

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021


Writer: Silusapho Nyanda

Dr Phil Mjwara backs the basics


measured on our ability to manage the department’s finances properly, the human resources plans we put in place, strategic orientation and role of leadership. “The scores we received from the adju-

t the heart of

Director-General (DG)

Awards. The department

dication panel suggest

innovative ideas

of the Department of

was also recognised

that the work we do

that will help im-

Science and Innovation

as the Best Functioning

in the department, as

prove the Public Service is

(DSI), who was named

National Department of

measured by MPAT, is

getting the basics right.

the Best Director-General

the Year.

performed at an above

This is the opinion of Dr Phil Mjwara (61), the

(National) of the Year at the recent Batho Pele

Mjwara believes that service excellence can be achieved by

Dr Phil Mjwara was named Best Director-General (National) of the Year at the Batho Pele Awards.

egories,” he says. Mjwara adds that his

all public servants and

department gets many

state entities. The secret

of the basics right, such

to his success, he says, is

as paying suppliers with-

putting in place policies

in 30 days, maintaining

and systems that ensure

good human resources

the department func-

records, ensuring a

tions even in his ab-

functional internal audit


process and having

The awards are judged

effective audit and enter-

across a number of

prise risk committees in

criteria, one of which is


the Management Performance Assessment Tool

Setting the tone


As the chief official of

“MPAT is a system that


average level in all cat-

the department, he sets

government has put

the tone for how the staff

in place to ensure that

conduct themselves.

the basics of govern-

Among his chief respon-

ment departments are

sibilities is all policy de-

performed. We [the

velopment in the science

DG’s nominated for the

and technology sector in

Batho Pele Awards] are

South Africa.

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

In addition to the Batho Pele awards, the DSI

performing. The inputs by the man-

place – and which are driven by the executive

since 2006. It aims to produce

has been recognised

agers are robust and

management team –

one percent of all the

for adhering to best

honest, says Mjwara.

have resulted in a highly

knowledge produced

“We have a similar

functional department,

in the world. This can be

and financial govern-

arrangement with our

which is evidenced by

achieved by building

ance, having received

entities. We don’t always

the awards and clean

a research enterprise,

three consecutive clean

agree on things but we


he says, and by utilis-

audit outcomes from the

make sure that we speak

He explains that these

ing the research that is

late Auditor-General, Kimi

freely as that is how we

systems inform how staff

produced at universi-


can get to the root of a

conduct themselves in

ties and other research


doing their work. The


practice in its corporate

Mjwara says that this was achieved by having

finance department, for

The DSI recently un-

example, has to ensure

veiled seven hydrogen

and tools in place to

Effective systems

that all of its records are

fuel cell systems that

properly execute the de-

The department has also

kept and can be pro-

resulted from intensive

partment’s mandate.

put in place a tracking

duced during an audit.

research. This alterna-

system that measures

When it comes to supply

tive energy technology

roles is crucial in ensur-

how long documents

chain, all rules must be

could eventually be

ing that the department

take to be processed.

diligently followed.

rolled out nationally to

functions at its optimum

“I have put in place

“You cannot have

alleviate the pressure on

capacity. In addition to

mechanisms for things

somebody saying that

the country’s electricity

this, the department has

like document flow. If,

they did not know that


put peer review systems

for example, Minister

they must get three quo-

in place to hold each

Blade Nzimande wants


other to account – and

something, we have

managers are included in this review process.

the right policies, people

Having clearly defined

The project was a partnership between

“You cannot have a

the DSI; the Depart-

turnaround times that

person saying that they

ment of Public Works

are clear on how these

have not set up a bid

and Infrastructure; the

things move from the

specification commit-

Department of Defence;

take place monthly,

Ministry to my office and

tee when a bid is being

local companies Bambili

where senior managers

from my office to the

awarded. All these inter-

Energy and HyPlat; and

give a status update

Deputy Director-General

nal processes are very

international companies

about how things are

and back to my office,


PowerCell Sweden, Hori-

progressing in their re-

and from my office to the

spective sections. Once

ministry. Every month, we

a manager presents,

track the speed of mem-

Producers of knowledge

other managers give

os and submissions.”

The DSI has some lofty

Mjwara says the

ambitions, says Mjwara,

Peer review meetings

their input on how that particular section is

systems he has put in

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

who has been the DG

zon Fuel Cell Technologies (Singapore) and Element 1 Corporation (United States). Further contributions, in the form of methanol



The staff and management of the Depar tment of Science and Innovation are a class above the rest.

and hydrogen fuel for

the field hospital estab-

ecutive responsible for

Mjwara says he was

the fuel cell units, were

lished at 1 Military Hospi-

research and develop-

able to see the growth

also received from Air

tal in Pretoria, as part of

ment at the Council for

of the DSI’s work and

Products South Africa,

government’s response

Scientific and Industrial

mandate, whilst also

Protea Chemicals and

to the Coronavirus.

Research (CSIR) says

seeing an increase in

that among his great-

the number of bursa-


Mjwara says the

Hydrogen fuel cells

technology will also be

est achievements is

ries, research grants

produce electricity by

deployed at schools and

leading the team that

and scholarships given

means of a chemical

other public entities, par-

won the bid to host the

to students.

reaction, using hydro-

ticularly in rural areas.

Square Kilometre Array

gen as the basic fuel,

“The development

(SKA) on behalf of the

academia as a lec-


turer at the University of

together with platinum-

and use of this type of

based catalysts.

technology can reduce

Before his posting at

Mjwara worked in

South Africa, Wits Univer-

the demands placed on

the CSIR, Mjwara was

sity and the University of

portunity to produce

Eskom as the cell works

the Director of Technol-

Fort Hare (UFH) . Born in

clean energy,” says

on renewable energy.”

ogy Development at

Lamontville, Durban, he

the then Department

has a Doctorate in Phys-

of Arts, Culture, Science

ics from Wits University

and Technology.

and a Master’s Degree

“This offers us the op-

Mjwara. systems are currently the

Cultivating success

main source of power at

The former Group Ex-

The hydrogen fuel cell


Under his leadership,

in Physics from UFH.

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021



SIU closing in on corruption President, this is the most prominent. To ensure that action is taken speedily, President Ramaphosa has instructed the SIU to submit interim reports on investigations every six weeks. “We have been at it since then. Some of the prominent focus areas in this investigation are the Gauteng and Eastern Cape departments of health but, of course, we are conducting investigations in all other provinc-


es,” he says. he Special Investig-

The SIU is investigating

In July 2020, President

that a criminal offence

atung Unit (SIU) is

Cyril Ramaphosa signed

has been committed, it

more than 200 compa-

closing in on those

a proclamation allow-

is obliged to refer such

nies in Gauteng and has

alleged to have been

ing the SIU to probe any

evidence to the prosecut-

already made findings

ing authority.

in some of those that it

involved in the misappro-

allegations relating to the

priation of Coronavirus

misuse of COVID-19 relief

(COVID-19) relief funds.


As the world marked

This allowed the SIU to

The SIU was also

focused on initially.

empowered to institute

Mothibi says where

civil proceedings for the

procurement processes

International Anti-Cor-

investigate any unlaw-

recovery of damages or

were irregular, the SIU has

ruption Day on 9 Decem-

ful or improper conduct

losses incurred by the

made referrals for discipli-

ber, South Africa’s fight

in the procurement of


nary hearings to be held.

against corruption has

any goods, works and

zoomed in on those who

services during or related

Taking action

of Gauteng Health being

sought to benefit from

to the national state

Head of the SIU Advo-

placed on precautionary

the pandemic at the ex-

of disaster in any State

cate Andy Mothibi says

suspension pending the

pense of the citizens and


among the recent procla-

completion of the inves-

mations signed by the

tigation. He will also face

the State.


If the SIU finds evidence

This has led to the head

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

disciplinary proceedings

billion for COVID-19 relief

further 110 are likely to

for misconduct.


be referred to the NPA.

tuted in the Special

31 systematic recom-


Of this, R10.5 billion is

In the same depart-

30 matters to be insti-

ment, the head of supply

under investigation by

mendations have

chain management was

the SIU.

been made to State

increased momentum

institutions to improve

in the health sector and

processes and sys-

it plans to do the same

also suspended, and the

“This represents 67%

chief financial officer of

of the total amount. This

the department resigned.

is quite a lot. These are

His pension has been

all the contracts where

frozen pending investiga-

allegations were made


and which are under our

“We are in court with a

investigation. Of the R10.5

number of companies

billion under investiga-

alleged to be involved

tion, approximately R223

in these irregularities,”

million was referred to

he says, explaining that

the Special Tribunal to be

companies that had their

recovered,” he explains.

“Arguments by par-

Justice and Correctional Services established the

ties were made and

Special Tribunal with the

we are expecting that

aim of recovering monies

the court will order that

taken from the coffers of

their accounts as well as

the State unlawfully.

some pensions should remain frozen until the


civil litigation process is

Outlining the progress


made in investigations,

Progress report In October when the SIU

in the local government sphere. “We will be prioritising infrastructure and helping the Department of Public Works and

tigation, ap- Infrastructure to focus anti-corruption in the proximately on infrastructure space. R223 million “We collaborate with other law enforcement was referred agencies through the Futo the Spe- sion Centre.” cial Tribunal Impact on the economy to be According to Mothibi, recovered.” corruption has a nega-

The Department of

accounts frozen by the SIU went to court.

“Of the R10.5 billion under inves-

Mothibi says the SIU has

tive impact on the tems. 41 774 referrals were

“Corruption actually

Mothibi says the SIU has

made for administra-

drains out the coffers of

achieved the following:

tive action.

government unlawfully. As

43 matters have

a result, government be-

5 645 disciplinary


submitted the second

action referrals have

been instituted in the

comes unable to deliver

progress report to the

been made and a

Special Tribunal, worth

on most of the critical

President, the SIU was

further 127 potential

R6.9 billion.

areas that are meant for

investigating over 700

disciplinary referrals

42 civil matters are

the improvement of the

are likely to be made.

in the normal courts,

lives of ordinary citizens.

215 cases have

worth R9.943 billion.

contracts across the country.

“If people’s lives are

43 admissions of debt

negatively affected, they

National Prosecuting

have been signed,

almost cannot partici-

Authority (NPA) and a

worth R52 million.

pate in economic activi-

From April to August

been referred to the

2020, the National Treasury had allocated R15.6

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021



ties,” he explains.

We are going to play a

ance in institutions.

One of the objectives

vital role in supporting its

• Strengthening

of the Economic Recon-

implementation,” he says.

resourcing and

struction and Recovery

The NACS is a culmi-

coordination of

the prevention of corruption,” Mothibi says. A number of iniatives are already underway.

Plan is to fight corruption

nation of countrywide

performance and ac-

to ensure that State re-

consultation with various


sources are not wasted.

sectors, including busi-

The strategy also pro-

Forum and have just had

ness, government and

poses an interim National

the inaugural meeting

civil society.

Anti-Corruption Advisory

of the Local Government

Council as a structural

Anti-Corruption Forum.

groups, comprising civil

arrangement to ensure

These forums include

A further boost to the

society, academia, busi-

greater monitoring, ac-

government and civil

country’s fight against

ness and government

countability and transpar-

society representatives,

corruption is the National

representatives, have


and they cover both the

Anti-Corruption Strategy

supported the strategy’s

(NACS), which is a signifi-


National AntiCorruption Strategy

In addition, its reference

cant tool that will assist

The NACS covers six pil-

This interim structure will commence with a process to set up an

“We have the Health Sector Anti-Corruption

prevention and investigation sides,” he explains. Mothibi says the SIU

law enforcement agen-

lars, which include:

independent overarch-

will ensure appropriate

cies root out corruption,

Promoting and

ing statutory structure

implementation of the

encouraging active

that will report directly to




says Mothibi The NACS was recently approved by Cabinet

• Whistle-blowing.

and will provide a nation-

wide corruption intervention framework.

“The SIU played a part in the development of the strategy from day one.


Integrity and transpar-

Civil society


“Over and above con-

Advancing the

ducting normal investiga-

professionalisation of

tions, the strategy also


speaks to the involve-

Enhancing govern-

ment of civil society in

Repor t corruption on the SIU anonymous whistle blower hotline at 0800 037 7 74 or email za

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021


Source: SAnews

Empowerment a weapon in the war against GBVF


overnment has

Task Team has been set

opportunities arising from

initiatives to fast track the

reiterated its com-

up to drive this process.

the African Continental

empowerment of women-

mitment to focus

It is already rolling out

Free Trade Area when

owned businesses will

on women’s economic

capacity-building pro-

it comes into operation

be implemented from

empowerment initiatives

grammes to prospective

early next year”.

December 2020 onwards.

in an effort to ensure they

beneficiaries to ensure

fully assume their rightful

He said women would

“Women will be capaci-

women business owners

also benefit from govern-

tated in business registra-

place in the economy

are equipped to par-

ment’s land reform pro-

tion and compliance,

and society.

ticipate in public procure-

gramme and have more

procurement and regula-

ment,” said the President.

access to land that they

tory provisions, financial

can use to produce food

literacy, marketing tools,

and goods.

access to markets and

Speaking at a virtual dialogue to mark the 16

and Children campaign,

Supporting women-owned businesses

President Cyril Ramapho-

As part of the Economic

improved through the

sa said advancing wom-

Reconstruction and Re-

Presidential Employment

being developed in this

en’s economic empower-

covery Plan, government

Stimulus programmes.


ment is fundamentally

is increasing its support

tied to the Constitutional

to women-owned small,

economic empower-

Safe workplaces

right to dignity.

medium and micro enter-

ment is part of efforts to

South Africa is in the pro-

prises to enable them to

eradicate gender-based

cess of ratifying the Inter-

ering women financially

benefit from, among other

violence and femicide

national Labour Organi-

gives them greater control

things, the infrastructure

(GBVF) and build a non-

sation (ILO) Convention

over their lives.

development programme

sexist South Africa,” said

C190, which establishes

and opportunities in

Minister in The Presidency

a global standard for the

fort, earlier this year we

manufacturing, agricul-

for Women, Youth and Per-

protection of women in

announced that South

ture and tourism.

sons with Disabilities Maite

the world of work.

Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women

He added that empow-

“As part of this ef-

Women’s economic participation will also be

The focus on women’s

opportunities.” A training manual is

Africa will be setting aside

The President stressed

40% of all public procure-

that supporting women-

ment for women-owned

owned businesses is

briefing by the Inter-

free of violence against


crucial, if “we are to take

Ministerial Committee on

women. This work also

full advantage of the

GBVF, the Minister said

aims to galvanise nation-

“A National Procurement



access to finance and

Addressing a media

“The aim is to ensure safe workplaces that are

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

al leadership for gender equality and address GBVF in the workplace at the highest levels of decision making,” the Minister said. This year marks 22 years since South Africa embarked on the United Nations (UN)-led 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children campaign. It takes place annually from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). The theme for this year’s

various departments

better coordination of

It aims to provide a

to prepare and submit

the NSP implementation.

No Violence against

multi-sectoral, coher-

weekly reporting to the

We have also partnered

Women and Children

ent strategic policy and

President on progress

with UN Women and civil

campaign is 'Women’s

programming framework

made in implementa-

society to institutionalise

Economic Justice for a

to strengthen a coordi-

tion of targets set out in

the multi-sectoral imple-

Non-violent and Non-

nated national response

the NSP,” said Minister

mentation of NSP,” the

sexist South Africa'.

to the crisis of GBVF by


Minister said.

Africa and the country


ing on putting in place

as a whole.

The Department of

or strengthening and

Women, Youth and Per-

aligning coordinating structures to the NSP.

16 Days of Activism for

GBVF National Strategic Plan


the government of South

All provinces are work-

Government continues to

“As part of institution-

fight the scourge of GBVF

alising the implementa-

sons with Disabilities has

in the country within the

tion of the NSP, a num-

successfully advocated

framework of the GBVF

ber of processes have

for inclusion of GBVF as

tial as provinces also

National Strategic Plan

been employed by the

a standing agenda item

have to start reporting on


“This process is essen-

department to enforce

on all Directors-General

progress. Ultimately, this

Approved by Cabi-

accountability, provide

clusters and Cabinet

process will be replicated

net in March 2020, the

leadership and coordi-


at the district level, cham-

plan was developed to

nate implementation.

respond to GBVF in the

“We are working with

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

“This is part of enhancing accountability and

pioned by the mayor,” the Minister said.



Source: SAnews

Investing in SA’s future

This brings the amount of investment pledges to R773.6 billion in the past three years, meaning South Africa has now reached 64% of its target of R1.2 trillion over five years. With this year’s conference taking place in an extremely subdued economic climate, President Cyril Ramaphosa said securing investment commitments of over R100 billion is a remarkable achievement. “Several of the investment commitments made at this conference are in sectors that have been hard-hit by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), especially the tourism and hospitality industries. These investments will go a long way towards their recovery,” he said. The investments are spread across various sectors along the length and breadth of the country.

President C yril Ramaphosa addresses the third South Africa Investment Conference.


In the opening address he third annual

billion in investment com-

South Africa Invest-

mitments that are set to

ment Conference

benefit sectors across

pledged R109.6 billion at

tors that the Economic

the country and aid in

the recent conference.

Reconstruction and Re-

yielded more than R100


The roadmap economy recovery. Fifty companies

of the conference, the President told inves-

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

“Significantly, these investments are taking place throughout the country, with projects planned or underway in all eight metropolitan municipalities and 26 district municipalities in all provinces.”

infrastructure, diverse economy, sophisticated capital markets and developed manufacturing capacity, South Africa is the ideal location for any company wanting to reach the continental market with greater effectiveness from a cost and logistical point of

covery Plan will serve as

new infrastructure pro-

transport, as well as in

South Africa’s roadmap

jects to create efficient,

attracting critical skills

going forward.

world-class network

and streamlining the visa

Results evident

infrastructure and boost


Government is closely

He said government was hard at work to ensure that it provides

aggregate demand.” Through the Infrastruc-

“We will focus on

view,” said the President.

tracking the implementa-

a number of prior-

tion of the 102 projects

fertile ground for poten-

ture Fund, public funds

ity reforms with clear

announced at the last

tial investors and spurs

will be used to leverage

timeframes, and make

two conferences. To date,

economic growth.

private investment on a

sure they are effectively

R172 billion of the com-

larger scale.

and swiftly executed. The

mitted amount has been

team reports directly to

spent on projects.

The plan’s priorities include a massive infraan employment stimulus

Operation Vulindlela

package to create and

To drive the delivery of

support jobs, immediate

key reforms, government

steps to achieve energy

structure programme,

me on progress in im-

The sector that has

plementation,” said the

seen the greatest flow of


investment from these

The President also

commitments is mining

established Operation

called on investors to

and mineral beneficia-

security and measures

Vulindlela with a dedi-

take up the opportunity

tion, with just over R63.6

to deepen local indus-

cated team from The

presented by the pend-

billion having been

trialisation and African

Presidency and National

ing African Continental




Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

The flow of invest-

- set to take effect in

ment into the ICT sector

January 2021.

currently stands at R31

“The private sector is

“‘Vulindlela’ means to

vital to the achievement

‘open the way’ in isiZulu

of these priorities and

and isiXhosa. Opera-

shifting the economic

tion Vulindlela will open

a continental market of

tive sector has attracted

trajectory of our country.

the way for high-impact

some 1.3 billion people,

about R23 billion.

economic reforms in

with a combined GDP in

“Other sectors that

true of our infrastructure

network industries such

the region of $2.3 trillion

have seen substantial

programme, which relies

as energy, water, tel-


actual investment flow so

on private investment in

ecommunications and

“This is particularly

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

The AfCFTA will establish

“With its advanced

billion, while the automo-

far include property and



with Johnson & Johnson to manufacture and package its COVID-19 candidate vaccine. Aspen has been able to build further capability to manufacture vaccines following the investment commitment it announced at the inaugural conference. “This would position the Eastern Cape as a global hub for the manufacturing of vaccines and other pharmaceutical products.” The most recent project to be commissioned is a new liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage facility built by Bidvest and Petredec in Richards hospitality at R8.2 billion;

struction, with another

investments are taking

Bay, the largest of its kind

infrastructure at R7.7

12 projects in the early

place throughout the

in the world, which will

billion; forestry, paper

stages of implementa-

country, with projects

bolster the supply of LPG

and pulp at R6.3 billion;


planned or underway

to South Africa and the

in all eight metropolitan


fast-moving consumer

Unfortunately, 21

goods at R6 billion and

projects – representing

municipalities and 26

financial services at R5.6

around 10% of the total

district municipalities in

duction on its R3 billion

billion,” said the Presi-

commitments – have

all provinces,” said Presi-

production plant for the


been delayed or are

dent Ramaphosa.

Navara bakkie in 2021,

Nineteen investment projects from the past two years have already

on hold as a result of COVID-19. “This means that

A new pharmaceuti-

Nissan will start pro-

while Dalisu Holdings,

cal manufacturing plant

a black industrialist

built by Aspen Pharmac-

company manufacturing

been completed or

despite the severe

are in Nelson Mandela

chemicals, will be com-


disruption of the last few

Bay, which was one of

missioning its factory in

months, the vast majority

the first investment

December 2020.

representing 57% of the

of projects are making

pledges at the inaugural

The Toronto Group, a

total investment commit-

steady progress.

conference, has reached

beneficiary of the Black

a preliminary agreement

Industrialists Scheme,

A further 44 projects –

ment – are under con-


“Significantly, these

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

invested in start-ups

ment is United States

said the company has

green charcoal facility in

Aerobotics, FSM and Stu-

technology multinational

made good on its R87

August this year.

dentHub. About R2.3 bil-

Amazon Web Services

billion pledge because

lion of the commitment


it still believes in South

broke ground on its

Poultry producers such as Astral have reached

was directed to extend-

commercial operation of new facilities and are now expanding even further as part of commitments in the SA Poultry Master Plan.

Honouring commitments Naspers Chief Executive Phuti MahanyeleDabengwa said the company had followed through on its R4.6 billion investment commitment. In 2019, when the commitments were made, Naspers had already invested in a stake in technological start-up,

“We’ve always seen mining as a catalyst for economic development in South Africa because the resources the country has are quite extensive.”

During the 2019 leg of

Africa and what it has

the conference, Amazon

to offer. The company

pledged to build its first

has already invested R57

cloud data centre in

billion of the committed

Africa, in Cape Town. The


commitment came to

“We’ve always seen

fruition when the centre

mining as a catalyst for

was open earlier this

economic development


in South Africa be-

Speaking at this year’s

cause the resources the

conference, AWS South

country has are quite

Africa’s Country Man-


ager Rashika Ramlal,

“As a company that

said: “We are proud and

has been operating here

honoured to be part

for more than 100 years,

of the transformation.

we know of the huge op-

Tyme Bank is using our

portunities that are here,

services to support cus-

should stakeholders


work together to realise

With small businesses seen as drivers of eco-

them.” Procter and Gamble’s

nomic growth for South

General Manager for

Africa and Africa, AWS is

South Africa Vilo Trska

hiring 15 000 people. The

“uniquely positioned to

said the company

number has now grown

help them access infra-

had in the past year

Sweep South. At the time, the company was

to 20 000, Mahanyele-

ing Naspers operations

structure that was previ-

produced on the R300

Dabengwa said.

in South Africa.

ously only accessible to

million pledge made in

enterprises globally”.

2018 for the production

“There’s no start-up

of Always sanitary pads.

Naspers invested R1.4

This, Mahanyele-Da-

billion in Foundry, a

bengwa said, shows the

South Africa-focused

commitment to growing

cost. They are able to ac-

start-up funding initia-

not just companies the

cess information, experi-

pandemic, Procter

tive that helps talented

size of Naspers but also

ment and innovate,” said

& Gamble is forging

and ambitious South

small businesses that are


ahead with investing

African technology

looking to make a differ-

entrepreneurs develop

ence in the lives of South

June came with 3 000

its production capabili-



permanent jobs.

ties and plant facilities to

Over the past year, the multinational has also

Also making good on its investment commit-

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

The AWS investment in

Anglo American Chairperson Nolitha Fakude

Despite the COVID-19

R260 million in improving

drive up local supply for local demand.



Writer: Silusapho Nyanda

HIV and AIDS targets in sight S

90-90-90 targets.

outh Africa is not

as chairperson of the

March 2020, more than

new to battling

South African National

18 million people were

pandemics. While

AIDS Council (SANAC),

tested for HIV, exceeding

2020, 90% of people living

the Coronavirus (COV-

noted the success of

government’s annual

with HIV will know their

ID-19) pandemic arrived

government’s Cheka

target of 14 million.

status, 90% of all people

on our shores less than a

Impilo National Wellness

year ago, the country has


been contending with the

The targets are that by

Currently 92% of people

with diagnosed HIV infec-

living with HIV know their

tion will receive sustained


antiretroviral therapy and

HIV and AIDS pandemic

Cheka Impilo

for almost four decades.

“It is a campaign that

73% of people diag-

ing antiretroviral therapy

More than 7.7 million

aims to initiate people

nosed with HIV receive

will have viral suppression

people in South Africa

on HIV treatment, find

sustained antiretroviral

– where the viral load

are living with HIV and

the missing TB cases and

treatment. Therefore, the

or the amount of virus


screen people for non-

country has a treat-

in a person’s blood is

communicable diseases.

ment gap of 17%. We are

reduced to an undetect-

encouraged that our

able level.

But thanks to government interventions

“Cheka Impilo or testing

“We have ensured that

90% of all people receiv-

and programmes, the

is emphasised because if

country’s performance

progress in the battle

a person does not know

to reach a 90% viral sup-

by the recently released

against HIV and AIDS is

their health status, it is

pression level, stands at

Thembisa, which is a


difficult to treat them for

88%,” he said.

leading mathematical

Addressing a World AIDS

a disease or virus like HIV,

“We are encouraged

model of HIV in South

Day commemoration

TB, non-communicable

90-90-90 targets

event in Gauteng recent-

diseases as well as

Government has been

model, most provinces

ly, Deputy President David

COVID-19,” he explained.

working towards the Unit-

are making progress in

ed Nations AIDS (UNAIDS)

the attainment of the

Mabuza, in his capacity


From April 2019 to

Africa. According to this

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

90-90-90 targets, with

million people currently

improves adherence,

country is well positioned

KwaZulu-Natal leading

accessing antiretroviral

and it also acts faster in

to combat HIV and AIDS

in this fight. Together, we

treatment – the majority

attaining HIV viral sup-

because of its existing

need to build on this

of whom are in public


progress and accelerate


public healthcare pro-

More recently, a pre-ex-

grammes, most notably

posure prophylaxis (PrEP)

its massive antiretroviral

HIV response funding

treatment was launched

treatment programme.

added that government

comes from the national

and is being rolled out.

is committed to concur-

fiscus and this is com-

PrEP is an HIV prevention

ment programme and

rently addressing HIV, TB

mendable. In many

medication that helps

other HIV and AIDS

and COVID-19.

other African countries,

reduce the risk of infec-

programmes, UNAIDS

our efforts,” he said. The Deputy President

“About 80% of national

Thanks to this treat-

“Our programmes and

heavy reliance is placed

tion by people who are

reported a 50% decrease

resources are dedicated

on foreign aid or donor

vulnerable to HIV.

in AIDS-related deaths

to respond in equal

funding for the HIV pro-

fashion to these multiple

gramme. “The HIV prevention,

However, Xulu believes

between 2010 and 2018.

the country needs to

The number of new HIV

improve treatment ini-

infections fell from 390

with non-communicable

care and treatment

tiation, adherence and

000 to 240 000 during

diseases, without sacrific-

commodities which are

viral suppression for the

the same period.

ing one for the other.

available for free to the

paediatric population.

“Despite the numerous

“By taking this ap-

public, come at a huge

Due to the COVID-19

deficiencies in the public

health conditions, along

proach, we will be able

cost to government,”

pandemic and the lock-

health system, the HIV

to rationalise the scarce

added Xulu.

down, people defaulted

and AIDS programme

on their treatment.

has been prioritised.

resources and improve efficiencies, without one

New medicines

“Many people missed

“Innovative measures

problem undermining the

The investment in the HIV

their clinic appointments

were implemented to ac-


programme has seen

and failed to collect

celerate the number of

new medicines being in-

their medication – this

people being tested and

troduced, such as TLD for

suggests that we have a

initiated on antiretroviral

HIV – a three-in-one, fixed-

large number of people

treatment,” he said.

dose combination, and

who are defaulting,” she

Speaking to PSM, SANAC

3HP for TB prevention, a


CEO Thembisile Xulu ech-

treatment taken once a

oed the President’s senti-

week for three months.

Largest treatment programme

ments, highlighting the

TB and HIV treat-

Public healthcare

Mohamed added that for greater success to be achieved in the fight against HIV and AIDS, government must inten-

progress made against

ment go hand-in-hand

Public health special-

sify efforts to tackle social


because TB is one of the

ist at the University of

factors such as poverty,

leading causes of death

KwaZulu-Natal Ozayr

gender inequalities and

the country has the larg-

among people living

Mohamed said even in

inadequate education as

est treatment programme

with HIV, while TLD has

the face of challenges

well as limited access to

in the world, with over 4.9

fewer side effects, which

posed by COVID-19, the

health facilities.

She pointed out that

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021



Writer: More Matshediso

Basic education on track for post-COVID-19 recovery


fter being hard-hit

including social media

by the Cornoa-

apps such as Facebook,

virus (COVID-19)

to reach out to learners

pandemic, the Depart-

and to respond to sub-

ment of Basic Education

ject-related questions.

is looking to innovate in

Going forward, teach-

2021 to ensure further re-

ing plans that will ad-

covery from the setbacks

dress teaching overload

of 2020.

are being developed.

One the things that

“Redundant content

will be done differently

and concepts will be

in 2021 is the scrapping

omitted from the curricu-

of June examinations,

lum,” she explains. “The first few days of

which will be replaced with controlled tests,

schooling in 2021 will

Basic Education Minister

be dedicated to revi-

Angie Motshekga tells

sion and consolidation


of concepts from the

She says the time that

previous grades. The

would have been set

teaching plans are part

aside for the administra-

of a three-year recovery

tion of the June exami-

plan, which will address

nations will also be used

learning losses incurred

as additional teaching

stations, the internet and

with various stakeholders,

from the 2020 aca-


mobile applications con-

is in the process of es-

demic year,” the Minister

tinue to be developed

tablishing broadcasting


collaborations with part-

and improved for learn-

studios in each district.

ners such as the Nation-

ers to watch after school

al Education Collabora-

or on weekends.

In addition, ongoing

tion Trust will ensure that

The Department of

In recent years, the

Rolling out ICT

DBE has invested in the

Minister Motshekga

curation of video lessons

says the technological

the content produced

Basic Education (DBE),

and the utilisation of

changes that have al-

for television and radio

through its partnerships

various media platforms,

ready been implemented


Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

to mitigate the impact of

learning portals,

solution and other ini-

grammes for teachers

COVID-19 on teaching

Thutong Portal and

tiatives from partners

and learners.

and learning will con-

DBE Cloud for online

like the Thabo Mbeki


learning and assessment.

“The department is not planning to reinvent the wheel but will continue

“The department is not planning to reinvent the wheel but will continue to modify the systems that are already in place, should there be a second wave of COVID-19.”

to modify the systems that are already in place, should there be a second wave of COVID-19.” As COVID-19 affected the country’s schools, a number of modes of delivery were explored and utilised. These included the use of technology, where possible, to deliver lessons through Microsoft Teams or Zoom; and teachers working remotely, with assistant teachers in class mediating the delivery of curriculum to learners. To ensure that the rolling out of ICT in schools continues, the Minister says various initiatives are being implemented, including: •

4 697 mainstream

Overcoming challenges

online schools have

Minister Motshekga

been established

acknowledges that there

through partnerships

have been a few chal-

to reach remote learn-

lenges in the past in the


rollout of ICT infrastruc-

The connectivity of

ture in schools across the

schools is being ac-


celerated through

While the department

the Department of

appreciates that technol-

Communications and

ogy is the strongest factor

Digital Technologies’

shaping the education

SA Connect initiative

landscape, it often finds

(587 schools were

the smooth and effective

assisted in 2020/21)

integration of education-

and other initiatives,

al technologies challeng-

like the Thabure


partnership, which

The most notable obsta-

connected schools in

cles are the acquisition of

the Northern Cape,

new equipment and the

Limpopo and Gaut-

adaptation of curricula

eng in 2020/21.

and teaching techniques

Electronic Commu-

to incorporate new edu-

nications Service

cation tools.

licensees are in the

Theft and vandalism of

process of zero rat-

ICT devices in schools,

ing local education

budget cuts and the

content websites; 365

redirecting of funds,

schools received ICT

applications have

insufficient equipment or

solutions and the

already been pro-

connectivity issues are


additional challenges,

Partnerships with na-

says the Minister.

rollout of ICT in 447

Virtual classrooms/

Foundation. •

Offline solutions with

special schools is

intranet are being


rolled out in areas with

tional and community

Access to the national

poor or no internet

broadcasters are en-

ICT devices are acces-

and provincial depart-

connectivity, though

suring television and

sible to schools so that

ment websites/e-

the DBE e-Library

radio support pro-

learning materials are

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

“We must ensure that



digitised and children

The DBE has diversified

the 21st century, a cur-

duced in support of the

can learn from home

the curriculum offering to

riculum on coding and

Presidential Employment

in times like these,” the

ensure that all learners

robotics is being piloted

Stimulus Programme. The

Minister says.

are catered for.

in schools across the

initiative aims to create


200 000 employment

The pandemic and beyond

“We are in the process of implementing the

Boosting education

Three Streams Model

and skills development

tion assistants and 100

The Minister says the DBE

curriculum which will

is one structural reform

000 for general school

managed to salvage the

cater for learners with

that the department


academic year by revis-

academic, occupational

plans to use to support

ing the school calendar

and vocational inclina-

the Economic Recon-

programme will create

for 2020 and aligning the

tions. The occupational

struction and Recovery

career opportunities

teaching plans with the

and vocational learning


for unemployed young

number of days left for

pathways will cater for

teaching and learning.

learners who would want

resource mobilisation, says the Minister.

This calls for efficient

opportunities for educa-

The Minister says the

people with a passion for teaching.

Looking ahead, the

to enter a specific trade

department wants to

or job in various indus-

ensure all lerners have

tries such as automotive,

basic education sector

school governing body-

the opportunity to grow,

healthcare, woodwork-

has been allocated R7

funded posts in fee-pay-

while also playing its role

ing, etc,” says the Minister.

billion to implement the

ing schools and posts at

Education Employment


Initiative, which was intro-

independent schools.

in ensuring economic recovery.


To ensure that the curriculum is in line with

She adds that the

A further R2.43 billion has been set aside for

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

What will people say?

There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555

People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.

Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.


Writer: Dale Hes

Bridging the digital divide

trum, also known as International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), refers to radio frequency bands that are in high demand by mobile and wireless operators. It is anticipated that the high-demand spectrum will lay the platforms for a rapid expansion of the digital economy. Government, through the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) is taking the needed steps to sell this spectrum to telecoms operators through auctions.

Economic benefits ICASA Chairperson, Dr Photo: Pixabay

Keabetswe Modimoeng, explained the benefits of


the IMT. xpanding access

interventions of the plan

duce data costs for firms

to the internet and

include reducing data

and households.

reducing data

costs for every South

The licensing of a

“The spectrum auction proceeds will have broader economic ben-

costs have been recog-

African and expanding

high-demand frequency

efits for the country as

nised as crucial cogs in

broadband access to

spectrum has long

they will also incentivise

the Economic Recon-

low-income households.

been earmarked as a

broadband infrastruc-

significant step towards

ture investment and

release of high-demand

reducing data costs and

thus stimulate economic

spectrum by March 2021

driving investment in


the ERRP, President

and the completion of

digital infrastructure.

Cyril Ramaphosa said

digital migration will re-

struction and Recovery Plan (ERRP). At the launch of


He added that the

High-demand spec-

“More importantly, the release of spectrum is

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

critical to ensure contin-

According to ICASA’s

Similarly, positive im-

SA Connect

ued provision of good

State of the ICT Sector in

provements have been

SA Connect is govern-

quality broadband ser-

South Africa 2020 report,

made in the zero-rating

ment’s project aimed at

vices and the lowering of

smartphone penetration

of websites by mobile

ensuring universal inter-

the cost to communicate

rose from 81.7% in 2018

operators, which allows

net access by 2030.

(particularly data costs)

to 91.2% in 2019.

consumers to utilise web-

Following the significant

In addition, following a

sites without charging

economic impact of the

Winners of the auction

decision by the Competi-

their internet data plan.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

will be required to meet

tion Commission, mobile

certain obligations, most

operators Vodacom and

prominent of which is to

MTN were required to

provide internet cover-

reduce their data prices

age to underserviced

by between 30% and

areas. Mobile network

50%, effective from 1 April

operators will also look


in South Africa.”

towards this new spec-

President Ramaphosa

trum to strengthen the

said government is seek-

capacity of new services

ing new ways to further

such as 5G.

broaden internet access,

Internet access Government has already made significant strides

including the provision of subsidies for low-income households. “We are developing

in making internet

innovative new models

access more affordable,

to provide low-income

through reduced data

households with access

costs and the launch of

to affordable, high-speed

free public WiFi hotspots

internet through connec-

across the country.

tion subsidies for broad-

According to Internet

band and support for

World Stats, 55% of South

public WiFi hotspots.”

Africans now have

The development of

and the announcement

“We are developing innovative new models to provide low-income households with access to affordable, high-speed internet...”

of the ERRP, government is now focused on accelerating the SA Connect project. Speaking at a webinar, Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services Minister Stella NdabeniAbrahams said Phase 1 of the project has been completed and Phase 2 is closer to being launched. “The first phase of the project prioritised connectivity of the 970 government facilities, [namely] healthcare centres and schools in the underserviced areas

Almost 1 000 web-

of the eight identified

sites in South Africa are

district municipalities.

access to the internet.

public WiFi hotspots has

zero-rated, with most

“Government is cur-

Growth has been largely

taken off in South Africa

focused on providing

rently conducting a fea-

driven by mobile con-

in recent years and there

online learning content

sibility study for funding

nections, as digital de-

are around 330 000 of

and other educational

SA Connect phase two,

vices and data become

these hotspots across


which will cover the rest

increasingly affordable.

the country.

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

of the country.”


FEATURE Photo: Think WiFi

scale, government has

goals, instead of falling

spread deployment

nectivity expanded to

developed a compre-


of fibre broadband

rural areas and to 42

hensive framework for

000 government facili-

South Africa to be fully

the essential need to

spread of 5G networks

ties. R1 billion has been

prepared for the Fourth

be able to connect

through a 5G Express

provisionally allocated

Industrial Revolution

people with digital


for SA Connect’s imple-



Phase 2 will see con-

mentation in the 2021/22 financial year. The Minister highlight-

A Presidential commis-

The report highlights

and accelerating the

“In all, the commis-

“The drive to connect

sion’s analysis has led

sion was set up to map

people and businesses

to the conclusion that

the way forward for the

to the internet with

the 4IR is an opportu-

ed the importance of

4IR and the commis-

digital infrastructure is

nity for South Africa to

bringing internet access

sion’s 222-page report

urgent and imperative

integrate itself into the

to rural areas.

was released in late

if South Africa is to pre-

broader African market


pare for 4IR adequately.

as envisaged in the

“It becomes crucial

As per the report, the

“We, therefore, cannot

to where people are at.

aim is for “South Africa

afford to allow the digi-

That is why the second

to have a globally com-

tal divide to deteriorate

phase will be looking at

petitive, inclusive and

further into a digital

moment as containing

bringing connectivity to

shared economy where

chasm by continuing to

within it the potential

where people are. If it

the technological ca-

lag behind technologi-

to use technology to

means the home, let it

pability and production

cal progress.”

address the most chal-

be brought home,” she

capacity is driven by


people harnessing the

recommended actions

problems faced by

41R to propel the coun-

such as rapidly enact-

South Africa and the

try forward towards its

ing legislation, con-

rest of the continent,” the

social and economic

tinuing with the wide-

report states.

that we take services

Driving the 4IR On a much broader


The commission

long-term economic recovery plan. “We recognise this

lenging development

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021


Writer: More Matshediso

UNDP paints picture of COVID-19 impacts


he Coronavirus

as global and regional

(COVID-19) pan-

data and analysis.

demic has taken its

“It is crucial for all countries to ‘build back better’ by addressing both the

toll on vulnerable groups

Finding solutions

in the country, entrench-

Social Development Min-

socio-economic impacts

ing existing socio-eco-

ister Lindiwe Zulu says the

of COVID-19,” notes the

nomic challenges, such

report will help govern-


as poverty, unemploy-

ment boost its strategies

She adds it is also

ment and inequality.

as the country continues

important to consider

to fight COVID-19.

the opportunities that

report to develop an

the pandemic has

interactive portal system

With the recently released COVID-19 Rapid

With the contents of the

short- and long-term

“We want to use this

Needs Assessment Report

report now public, UN

brought, which include,

that will be a digitalised

highlighting the impact

agencies and govern-

among others, the rapid

dashboard for everybody

of the pandemic on the

ment and non-govern-

use of technology and

to see what happens in

vulnerable, government

mental stakeholders

the knowledge of how

addressing challenges

will have the opportunity

will deliberate on it and

quickly government and

brought by the COVID-19

to enhance its strategies

discuss possible solutions.

social partners are able

pandemic,” he says.

to better aid those most

According to the Min-

in need.

ister, the pandemic has

to collectively respond to disasters.

Dr Odusola says the greatest impact was

The report was un-

caused tremendous un-

dertaken by the United

certainty and presented

Nations Development Pro-

unprecedented socio-

Leaving no one behind

gramme (UNDP) in South

economic challenges

UNDP South Africa

living in informal settle-

Africa at the request of

for countries across the

Resident Representa-

ments, and this means

the Department of Social

globe, including South

tive, Dr Ayodele Odusola,

that policy attention

Development. It focused

Africa. It also reversed the

says the South African

should be driven towards

specifically on vulnerable

gains that government

Constitution and the

those groups to ensure


had made in improving

Sustainable Development

that their livelihoods are

the economy.

Goals recognise the


The report highlights food security, unemploy-

The assessment results

importance of leaving no

found to be in vulnerable groups such as informal workers and people

Strategies and policies

ment and disruptions

demonstrate that the

in basic and higher

pandemic has en-

education as some of the

trenched existing socio-

report focused on the

sector must ensure equal

factors that affect South

economic challenges,

marginalised and most

participation in the econ-

Africans and includes

such as poverty, unem-

vulnerable groups in

omy and equal access to

recommendations as well

ployment and inequality.


services, he adds.


one behind. It was for this reason the

developed by government and the private

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

Findings of the report

by the pandemic. These figures were col-

million people, 60% was

ic but to enhance the

affected by the pan-

provision of services and


thus position the country

One of the findings is that

lected at the early stages

government responded

of the pandemic and it is

immediately to manage

believed they will change

tural sector was also

the spread of the virus by

once the information is

negatively affected,

establishing the National

updated on the digital

and farmers’ production

Lessons learnt

Command Council, de-


was compromised, food

The Minister says it is

prices went up.

important to implement

claring a state of disaster

It was also found that

and formulating mitigation strategies. The report found that approximately 740 000 people were at risk of falling below the poverty line in the country, in addition to those who were already under the poverty line before the pandemic. Around 2.5 million informal workers lost either some or all of their income-earning potential. It was found that about two million children were not receiving their child support grants,

Because the agricul-

To address this, govern-

“If we do not empower citizens to be able to sustain themselves, then we are wasting our time.”

nine million children lost

future pandemics.

the lessons already learnt

ment set up an agricul-

from COVID-19 to further

ture response fund and

protect lives should a

distributed food parcels

second wave of infec-

to those who needed

tions hit South Africa.

them the most. The report recommends

“If we do not empower citizens to be able to sus-

that government contin-

tain themselves, then we

ue to support agriculture

are wasting our time.

because it was heavily af-

“South Africans are

fected by the pandemic,

resilient in that they were

provides the most jobs

able to remove a system

to the people and ad-

that did not work for them

dresses food security and

during the apartheid era,


and their resilience was

Government also needs

also seen by how they

to improve access to the

obeyed the lockdown

services that were heavily

regulations that govern-

affected by COVID-19.

ment introduced to man-

The economy of the

access to school feed-

to effectively deal with

age the spread of the

ing schemes, 13 million

the economy had al-

country needs to be

children were affected

ready contracted before

revived, with emphasis

Minister Zulu adds the

by school closures and

COVID-19, with an unem-

on improved economic

report should not be left

above half a million

ployment rate of around

participation, and gov-

to gather dust on shelves,

households had inad-

29%. This worsened dur-

ernance structures need

nor is it a report for the

equate access to food.

ing the pandemic as a

to be empowered.

Department of Social

In addition, 200 000

result of the reduction in

Some of the lessons

virus,” she says.

Development alone.

homeless people, 266

production and lack of

learnt is that a systemic

Instead, she stresses, it

000 refugees and asylum

transportation due to the

change is necessary in

can be used by all levels

seekers and 162 000 pris-


South Africa, not only in

of government to address

response to the pandem-

ongoing challenges.

oners were also affected

Of the workforce of 16.5

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021



Writers: More Matshediso and SAnews

Khawuleza app to improve service delivery


overnment efforts

vice delivery complaints

to improve service

in all official languages

Access to services

delivery and em-

through their cellphones

Nkosi explains that the

with something that the

power citizens have been

and track their queries

idea to develop the

youth would like to use

given a boost, thanks

through a reference

app came about when

to access government

to the newly launched


Deputy Minister Siweya


Khawuleza mobile app. The brain behind the

Whistle-blowers will now be able to report any

was appointed to the department.

and also modernise it. We thought of coming up

Nkosi says the development of the app was centred on access to

app is young systems

poor service delivery and

“She had put together a

and data architect

corruption anonymously.

think tank to look at how

services, being able to

Currently in the pilot

we could improve access

track the communication

at the Department of

phase, the app will focus

to the Presidential Hotline

process after a complaint

Planning, Monitoring and

on service delivery

Evaluation (DPME).

in Limpopo.

Katlego Nkosi, who works

Recently, the Deputy

Based on experi-

Minister in The Presidency,

ence gathered

Thembi Siweya, launched

and an assess-

the modernised Presiden-

ment of the state

tial Hotline, which comes

of readiness in

with the Khawuleza mo-

other provinces,

bile app and USSD code.

the Khawuleza

Currently, the Presi-

mobile app and

dential Hotline can only

USSD code will

be reached through

be rolled out in

telephone and email

the remaining

channels, with a target

eight provinces,

turnaround time of seven

an effort which will


then culminate in

However, the new app

a national launch

and USSD code will en-

of a re-engineered

able citizens to lodge ser-

Presidential Hotline.


K atlego Nkosi is creating and implementing technology that improves the lives of South Africans.

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

is lodged and enabling

government officials to

citizens to interact with

be aware of issues before

The road to success


they become critical.

Nkosi has had a num-

“One of the main goals

“There’s a broad range

is to enable government

of systems at the DPME

to directly respond to citi-

that deals with the work

zens, and to enable the

done in all spheres of

youth to understand and

government, including

engage with government

systems used to monitor

about its programmes.”

local municipalities and

The app was developed in-house, thanks largely

facilities. “Our efforts with the ICT

to the department’s well-

component is to make

developed Information

sure that the develop-

Technology (IT) Internship

ment and architecture

Programme. Participants

of systems aids in the ef-

assisted with developing

ficiency of work and the

and testing the app’s

mandate of the DPME,”


he adds.

Nkosi’s experience in

aspects related to fleet management. “But the most prized

ber of successes in the

success for me has to

private sector too.

be the Khawuleza app

These include the creation of the Expert Down-

because this project has the biggest impact and will have long-term results,

"One of the main goals is to enable government to directly respond to citizens..."

which will have the ability to forecast issues before they even arise,” he says. Nkosi finds his job exciting as it gives him the opportunity to have a positive impact on people by creating and implementing technology that improves their lives. His future plans include developing an integrat-

Nkosi believes the

ed government data

the IT sector has enabled

Fourth Industrial

him to develop multiple

Revolution (4IR) offers

time Monitoring System

collection system that

systems within govern-

many opportunities for

in 2012, which is used by

will enable government

ment and the private

government to improve

the mining, feed mill and

to become a techno-


service delivery and

automation industries

logical leader in the 4IR

suggests government

and the creation of an

era and enable citizens

uses data analysis

insurance portal in 2014,

to use government

systems and informa-

when developing ser-

which was developed for

search engines to ac-

tion architect and data

vice delivery policy.

Barclays ABSA Africa and

cess useful information

was installed in the com-

and become global

ogy should be better

pany’s self-help personal

citizens through technol-

development of analysis

utilised to keep citizens

and life insurance kiosks.


and monitoring tools to

updated on the vari-

monitor the performance

ous programmes taking

lades is the creation of

app can be down-

of various government

place in their areas, to

the Fleet Management

loaded from the Google

departments and State

show the progress being

System Development and

Play Store. Alternatively,

institutions and the

made in line with the Na-

app for Imperial Fleet in

visit the website – www.

development of systems

tional Development Plan

2016 to manage licences,

that make it easier for

Vision 2030.

fines, telematics and all

– for more information.

In his current job, he mainly works as a

modeller. The latter includes the

He says that technol-

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

Another of his acco-

The Khawuleza mobile



*Writer: Tsakani Maluleke

Kimi Makwetu: A visionary and eternal patriot


But to us, Makwetu was our leader – the one who showed by example how we can diligently serve our country. He was an incredible teacher, mentor and friend. He may have been the head of South Africa’s supreme audit institution,

he history of black

ed a sense of national

South Africans’

duty by showing us that

Teacher, mentor and friend

entry into the ac-

it was imperative for

Since his passing, many

institution how we can

counting and auditing

some of us to get into

endearing words have

be a beacon of hope for

profession will definitely

public sector auditing

been used to describe

our beloved country.

have a big chapter

and actively support our

Makwetu – words such

about Auditor-General

democracy. That is how

as incredible, ethical,

(AG) Kimi Makwetu and

my generation of

his generation.

young, patri-

This will be preceded

otic auditors

dedicated servant, excellence and patriot.

but he was also a man who showed us as an

A pioneer As a visionary leader and a patriot, Makwetu was always restless

by a chapter on amavu-

was born.

landllela – the trailblazers

We owe

words are

sector governance sys-

like Professor Wiseman

our birth to

true and

tems, as he asserted that

Nkuhlu and Nonkululeko

pioneers like

Gobodo who showed us


All of these

relevant to this giant.

about the state of public

the lapses were having a significant impact on

that we, as black people,

how basic services were

can follow accountancy

delivered to the ordinary citizens.

as a profession. Makwetu’s generation – people like his predecessors Terence Nombembe and Shauket Fakie, amongst others – played a huge role

Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu, who passed away recently, was a diligent ser vant of the countr y.

But as an eternal patriot, he always impressed on us that it will never be enough for us to just issue negative audit findings every year. He firmly believed that,

in ensuring that the

for the sake of the ordi-

number of black

nary South Africans, we

chartered account-

need to empower those

ants grew.

charged with govern-

They also cultivat-


ance and oversight to

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

address the administra-

charged with govern-

tive failure.

ance and oversight to

To this effect, he pioneered many

ensure that our country’s governance systems are improved. Many are aware of the enhanced powers Parliament gave the office of the AG. Makwetu personally drove this process through to its approval, as he felt that such amendments will help improve governance. Before his untimely passing, Makwetu was about to release his second real-time audit report on government’s COVID-19 expenditure.

These are just a hand-

to serving our country

ful of the visionary initia-

diligently and with humil-

remedy administrative

tives Makwetu led. For

ity, accountability and

those who are interested


“... he pioneered many gamechanging audit initiatives in a bid to ensure that our country’s governance systems are improved.”

Unlike normal audits,

in reading more about

left us with all the tools

(2019/20) annual report

we need to carry on

is a great read that aptly

where he left off. And

summarises his journey

through his mentorship,

and role in helping to

we are ready to take up

improve our democracy.

the baton and continue

Honouring the legacy

his stewardship.

the best way for us to

ship, your dedication to

great South African is to

promoting accountabil-

follow in his footsteps by

ity in the public sector,

maintaining an institu-

your commitment to

tion that he ensured

preserving the integrity of

would become the pride

the audit profession and

of all citizens – one that

your unshakable patriotism – we thank you.

transparent in deliver-

of the auditing industry,

most vulnerable were dis-

Zikhali, for your leader-

honour the legacy of this

come endemic.

relief funds meant for the

constitutional mandate, as we always have under

the fact, these special

One of Makwetu’s pas-

its citizens in line with our

office, we believe that

is independent, fair and

sions was transformation

to serve South Africa and

As the national audit

lapses before they be-

way of ensuring that

Fortunately, Makwetu

his legacy, our latest

which take place after audits were Makwetu’s

integrity and dedication

proactively pick up and

game-changing audit initiatives in a bid to


Equally, we thank your

ing on its constitutional

wife, Sisi Miranda, and


your children for shar-

Through his contribu-

ing you with us, and for

especially creating op-

tions, we are a better ac-

allowing and supporting

pensed appropriately.

portunities for women

countancy community

you to serve South Africa

To ensure that the

and young people from

globally, a better country

with distinction, even dur-

public sector improved

previously disadvan-

and a better organisa-

ing strenuous times.

its systems, Makwetu

taged groups to enter


also introduced state

and excel in the profes-

of records reviews and

sion. During his term, our

audit office pledges to

preventative controls

office has reached a

continue to demonstrate

guidelines – mechanisms

stage where 50% of our

that which he held true

meant to assist those

executive committee are

and lived daily – the

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

Phumla ngoxolo Zikhali.

In his honour, the

*Tsakani Maluleke was recently appointed AG. She was the Deputy AG since 2014.



Writer: Dale Hes


backs economic recovery plan


s the eco-

and young people into

nomic hub of

high growth priority sec-

South Africa,

tors of the post-COVID-19 new Gauteng economy.

Gauteng will play a

“These sectors dI-

major role in helping the country recover

rectly echo the national

from the impact of the

strategy, with a focus on

Coronavirus Disease

green energy, advanced


manufacturing, the digital economy, business ser-

The province is

vices, infrastructure and

already taking action to kickstart economic recovery. In his address at Parliament during the

Gauteng Premier David Makhura says the province is throwing its weight behind the Economic Reconstruction and Recover y Plan.

nomic Reconstruction

Infrastructure investment

and Recovery Plan,

construction, and agroprocessing,” he said. Premier Makhura highlighted the R3.4 billion

growth sectors to drive

Tshwane Automotive SEZ,

special economic zones

which is already under

Infrastructure investment

(SEZs) and new industrial

construction, as the start-

Premier David Makhura

is a crucial pillar of the


ing point for expanding

outlined how the pro-

national recovery plan,

vincial government will

and Gauteng has also

ing special purpose

eventually extend across

support the plan.

placed this as a top prior-

vehicles to finance bulk

all priority sectors. The SEZ

ity, working with a number

infrastructure to unlock

will centre on the produc-

ised province, and

of partners to drive invest-

private sector develop-

tion of Ford vehicles, with

driver of over one-


ment in strategic new

a capacity to produce

nodes, new cities and

200 000 vehicles per year by 2022.

debate on the Eco-

“As the most urban-

third of the Republic’s

Gauteng is focused

The second is by creat-

economy, we take

on using infrastructure

SEZs in each metro and

seriously our respon-

investment to reignite the


sibility as one of the

economy in two critical

main engines of the


national recovery,” said the Premier.


The first is by co-investing with investors in high

economic growth that will

revitalised township

Township economy

industrial parks, we are

Special attention is also

bringing Blacks, women

being paid to developing

“Through the SEZ and

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

the township economy. The province has

Department of Education

infrastructure upgrades

“Because there is such

in partnership with our

in our major leisure belts

clear convergence

launched a new Town-

Tshepo 1 Million pro-

including the Cradle of

between the national

ship Economic Develop-

gramme has proven the

Humankind, Dinokeng

plan of action and the

ment Bill, which sets out

case with 5 000 young

and Vaal region.”

Gauteng City Region

the transformative regula-

people tasked to di-

tory and policy interven-

rectly manage pandemic

Green economy

tions needed to change

health risks in schools.”

Gauteng will also sup-

ing rapidly to support

how commercial activity

Backed by the presi-

port the green economy,

and implement the President’s vision.

is governed and support-

dential stimulus pro-

incorporating it into

ed in township areas.

gramme, the province

industrial and spatial

“We are doing this

now intends to expand

development strategies.

with the explicit goal

these public employment

of expanding existing

programmes to provid-

“Green industrialisation is one of the focus sec-

businesses in township areas and enabling the creation of new business activity to drive mass-scale employment and self-employment in deprived communities,”

economic recovery plan, we are already mobilis-

“The GGT2030 plan of action includes forging partnerships with the private sector to drive the expansion of high

“...we are already mobilising rapidly to support and implement the President’s vision."

explained the Premier.

growth sectors.” Some of the major projects of GGT2030 include the development of a high-end capacity rail freight corridor between Gauteng and the East-

ing opportunities across

tors for our expanded

ern Cape, the develop-

Presidential Employment

disadvantaged commu-

SEZ network, with bio-

ment of new cities such

Stimulus, Premier Makhu-


energy, industrial can-

as Lanseria Smart City

With regards to the

ra said the province is

Gauteng is actively sup-

nabis (including hemp

and Vaal River City, and

looking forward to being

porting tourism recovery

production) and green

the continued expan-

a major implementer of

and growth through a

agro-processing all part

sion of SEZs.

the new public employ-

number of partnerships

of the planned invest-

“Detailed modelling

ment programme.

in the commercial and

ment mix,” the Premier

that we have done on

leisure tourism sectors.


the impact of GGT2030

“New kinds of public works [that] we have

“This includes the resur-

The province is closely

shows that within a dec-

battle-tested in Gauteng

rection of the Gauteng

aligning its Growing

ade, following this bold

demonstrate the wisdom

Air Access Partnership

Gauteng Together 2030

path, we can cut unem-

of the President’s ap-

in collaboration with

(GGT2030) initiative with

ployment in Gauteng


OR Tambo International

the goals of the Eco-

by two-thirds and halve

Airport. We are also ac-

nomic Reconstruction

poverty in our province,”

tively ramping up tourism

and Recovery Plan.

he added.

“The youth brigades initiative deployed by our

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021



Source: SAnews

BRICS: Standing together in tough times


resident Cyril Ramaphosa has

damaged economies.”

tive to establish an inte-

interests of developing

grated early warning sys-

countries into account,

tem for preventing mass

particularly with respect

infectious diseases, and

to development through

believe this is a project

industrialisation, he

that could be supported


by the NDB. “Investing in science,

In this regard, the President said reform of the

technology and innova-

World Trade Organisation

Bank (NDB), in particular,

tion will not only prepare

is key to rebalancing the

Brazil, Russia, India, China

has a significant role to

us for future health emer-

global trading system

and South Africa (BRICS)


gencies, but it will also

and ensuring that its

called on the

The New Development

enable us to confront

benefits are shared more

trade and investment ties,

approved US$4 billion

other global challenges.”


particularly in Africa.

of Coronavirus-related

President Ramaphosa

grouping to strengthen

“To date, the bank has

He said BRICS was a

emergency assistance

said COVID-19 has

testament to the power of

partners to ramp up in-

projects, including US$1

highlighted the need to


vestment in not just South

billion to South Africa

strengthen multilateralism

Africa but across the con-

to support our health

as the preferred means

the midst of economic

tinent, particularly in the

response and social relief

to advance mutual

and social turmoil – is

manufacturing sector,” he



evidence that our part-

“We call on our BRICS

said, in a recent address

President Ramaphosa

“We reiterate our call for

to the virtual 12th BRICS

welcomed indications

reform of the United Na-

Leaders’ Summit.

from the NDB that it aims

tions Security Council to

“Our meeting today – in

nership is strong and enduring. “Working together, let

Investors will realise

to provide up to US$10

ensure that it is more rep-

us continue our onward

considerable benefits by

billion in crisis-related

resentative and inclusive,

march towards shared

investing in Africa, par-

assistance and to sup-

in line with the principle

peace, security and

ticularly with the imple-

port economic recovery

of the sovereign equality

prosperity, not only for our

mentation of the African


of all states.

respective countries, but

Continental Free Trade

He added that the bat-

Area from January 2021,

tle against the Coronavi-

he said.

rus Disease (COVID-19)

President Ramaphosa

vaccine demonstrated

tional community and

the need to accelerate

BRICS partners to support

the establishment of the

a comprehensive stimu-

BRICS Vaccine Research

lus package for African

and Development Centre


in South Africa, as agreed

countries to contain the disease and rebuild our


that trade rules take the

for all of humanity,” said President Ramaphosa.

and the search for a

called on the interna-

“This will enable African

“We need to ensure

in the 2018 Johannesburg Declaration. “We support the initia-

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

What will the neighbours say?

There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555

People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.

Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.


*Writer: Ashraf Patel

BRICS backs SA’s agenda G

lobal cooperation

challenges, including

support to each other

protective equipment,

in a world faced

the devastating impact

and to the hardest hit

the repatriation of South

with the Corona-

of the COVID-19 pan-

European countries as

African citizens and the


early as March 2020.

sharing of virus control/

virus (COVID-19) pandemic is vital in meeting

The XII BRICS Summit

South Africa received

treatment measures.

the needs of the United

culminated in the Mos-

a US$1 billion loan from

Nations (UN) Sustainable

cow Declaration that af-

the BRICS’s New Devel-

Development Goals.

firms the commitment of

opment Bank (NDB) to

National interests

In 2020, under the

the bloc to multilateral-

help fight COVID-19 and

BRICS membership has

Russian Chairmanship,

ism and mutual respect.

for humanitarian aid.

elevated South Africa's

the Brazil, Russia, India,

BRICS countries have

In addition, South

position in the interna-

China and South Africa

stepped up to the chal-

Africa has had close

tional arena and helped

(BRICS) grouping main-

lenge in the midst of the

cooperation with the

it become a more

tained the momentum

COVID-19 pandemic.

bloc partners on the

credible democratic

despite adverse global

They started providing

provision of personal

mouthpiece for Africa


Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

on global and continental issues.

African Continental Free

third NDB office – Eura-

in the fields of culture,

Trade Agreement (Af-

sian Regional Centre

sports, films, youth and

South Africa’s foreign

CFTA), combating illicit

in Moscow – will further

academic exchanges.

policy agenda is closely

financial flows from the

promote the investment

This year saw the

intertwined with that

continent and extend-

cooperation of the

establishment of the

of the bloc. Thus, the

ing the Debt Service


BRICS working group

country can address

Suspension Initiative for

the violations of interna-

low-income countries.

tional law and promote

South Africa’s econom-

So far, the institution

on culture, organisation

has funded about 65

of the Fifth Film Festival

projects totalling $21

meetings of youth of-

its national interests in in-

ic situation has been

billion. By the end of this

ficials, young diplomats,

ternational fora with the

exacerbated by the pan-

year, the NDB expects

and scientists.

wholehearted support of

demic. Intra-BRICS coop-

approvals to reach

the BRICS partners and

eration has the potential

US$26 billion.

the developing south.

to boost South African

There are nine projects

Other informal youthrelated initiatives include the BRICS Youth Energy

efforts to reconstruct

approved for South Af-

Summit and coopera-

reform of international

and recover its national

rica with a total portfolio

tion within the frame-

institutions to promote

economy, dovetailing

worth more than US$3

work of the Youth Energy

the interests of all, es-

the operationalisation of


Agency as well as the in-

pecially the developing

the AfCFTA.

The bloc supports the


The expansion of the

ternational BRICSMATH.

NDB membership will

COM online mathemat-

also see Southern Afri-

ics competition for

can Development Com-


has already secured

Enhancing trade and investment

South Africa a non-

BRICS countries

munity members joining

permanent seat at the

adopted the Economic

the financial institution

do not only raise aware-

UN Security Council in

Partnership Strategy for

and the attraction of

ness at the grassroots


2021-2025 which serves

more development capi-

level, about the BRICS

as a key guideline for

tal for southern Africa.

partnership, but also

The group’s support

India has been elected for the term 2021-2022

enhancing cooperation

and Brazil is a candidate

in trade, investment, the

for the biennium 2022-

digital economy and


sustainable develop-

Peopleto-people cooperation

ment, with a special

Apart from being a

African Union’s commit-

focus on improving the

political and economic

ment to promote the

business environment

group, BRICS countries

“Silencing the Guns

for small and medium

pay due attention to the

in Africa” initiative, the


bolstering of the people-

BRICS supports the

implementation of the

The opening of the

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

to-people cooperation

Events such as these

provide the South African community with the opportunity to enhance human capital in the post-COVID-19 recovery.

*Ashraf Patel is the Digital Economy Associate at the Institute for Global Dialogue.



Writer: Allison Cooper

What’s your plan for retirement?


f you have not started

career, others are more

ment, who are responsi-

completed their school-

saving for retirement,

optimistic and see it as

ble for supporting their

ing are perhaps the

start immediately, even

the beginning of their

own children while also

main reasons, he adds.

golden years.

caring for their aging

if it is still many years away. The earlier you start

“Approaching retire-

parents,” says Errol Meyer,

Take charge

saving, the more com-

ment can be a daunting

a legal specialist at

In addition, saving for

pound growth you will

prospect and a huge

Standard Bank Financial

post-retirement medi-


emotional barrier to


cal expenditure is fast becoming a reality for

Most people have

overcome, especially for

mixed emotions about

the sandwich generation

are living longer and

many. What can we do

retirement. While to some

– people typically in their

children are still depend-

if we find ourselves in

it is the end of their long

last 10 years to retire-

ent long after they have

these scenarios?


The fact that people

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

Implementing a sound strategy is the answer,

income-earning business

comfortable retirement.


And, while a RA can help

disciplined, your RA

Even if you are not

but how do we do this?

“Taxpayers can claim

you invest for your future,

will ‘save you from

“Firstly, take charge

tax deductions for contri-

it also currently offers the

yourself’, as you can-

and be accountable for

butions made to a retire-

following additional ben-

not access it until you

your actions. Although

ment fund and nothing

efits, says Meyer. These

are 55. This means

pension fund rules may

prevents a taxpayer who


your savings will only

dictate that you have

contributes to a pension

reached retirement and

fund from making ad-

proceeds is deferred

they are most need-

are entitled to a pen-

ditional contributions to

until your retirement,

ed and for what they

sion, the choice to retire

another retirement fund.

which means there’s

are intended: your

a larger balance

retirement income.

remains yours. “Some things are

“Currently, contributions

Paying tax on your

be available when

are tax deductible up to

that will compound,

beyond your control, but

27.5% of remuneration or

tax-free, for as long as

monthly contribu-

choosing the date of

taxable income, subject

you keep your money

tions, add a lump-

your financial independ-

to the annual maximum,”


contribution (salary

ence, historically known

says Meyer.

as ‘retirement’, coupled

The final stage of retire-

At retirement (or

You can make

bonus or tax return)

when you turn 55),

or, if needed, pause

with the most effec-

ment decision-making is

you can currently

or even stop your

tive way to save for this

when the balance of the

withdraw up to one-

RA deposits at any

date, is crucial,” explains

funds must be invested

third of your savings

time without signifi-


in a compulsory annuity,

out of a RA, as a cash

cant impact on your

whether a guaranteed

lump sum, tax free

investment value.

during which many

life annuity or a living an-

for up to R500 000. As

But try to keep your

people will have to make

nuity, he adds.

per the regulations

contributions regular,

on RA’s, the remain-

no matter how big or

There are three stages

crucial choices.

The latter requires more ongoing financial

ing amount must

up of funds. The second

advice on drawdowns

be transferred to an

is the date that you feel

and should be carefully

annuity account and

your investments ac-

confident you are finan-

monitored, preferably in

can be used as your

cess to different asset

cially independent, and

consultation with a com-

monthly pension.

classes and geo-

the third is drawing down

petent financial planner.

The first is the building

on your capital.

funds, you may feel the

What is a retirement annuity?

need to work longer,

If you have not accumulated sufficient

Your creditors cannot

small. Having a RA gives

graphical regions.

touch your RA if you

Before making any final

become insolvent.

decisions, it’s always

No-one, other than

worth speaking to a pro-

you and your chosen

fessional financial plan-

A retirement annuity (RA)

dependents, can

ner about your options.

have a second career,

is a vehicle for a person

have access to your

or turn a hobby into an

wanting to save for a


Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

Additional information sourced from Standard Bank.



Writer: Allison Cooper

Skin cancer: What to look for


s skin cancer is

skin and to other areas of

in anyone, despite their

usually curable,

the body, including the

race, age and gender,”

types of skin cancer, the

when detected

organs. If this happens, it

says Dr Khensani Ngob-

three most common ones

can be deadly.

eni-Mkize, a Mbombela-

are basal cell carcinoma

based specialist derma-

(BCC), squamous cell


carcinoma (SCC) and

and treated early, it is important to have your skin

With Skin Cancer Aware-

checked by a dermatolo-

ness Month commemo-

gist regularly.

rated from 1 December

She explains that sun

While there are various


to 31 January, PSM sheds

damage to the skin

nant melanoma (MM)

some light on the various

starts in childhood and

of skin cancer include

– the most dangerous

forms of skin cancer and

poor sun protection puts

a fast-growing lump,

form of skin cancer – can

what to look for.

children at risk for skin

scaly patch on the skin,

cancer later in life.

mole changes and non-

If you do not, a malig-

spread deeper into the


“Skin cancer can occur

“The early warning signs

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

healing ulcers,” says Dr

times the patch crusts


and may also itch.

Basal cell carcinoma

A shiny bump or

an ulcer or flat, white

may be smaller

patch inside the

when first detected.


Evolving: Any change

a red, raised patch or

in the size, shape,

or translucent and

ulcerated sore on or

colour or elevation

BCCs are common and

is often pink, red or

in the anus or on the

or any new symptom,

account for the majority

white. The bump can


such as bleeding,

of skin cancers in South

also be tan, black or

Africa. Most of them are

brown and can be

slow-growing and often

confused with a mole.

start as small, red, shiny spots or nodules that may bleed occasionally

nodule that is pearly

Squamous cell carcinoma

Malignant melanoma

itching or crusting. A metastatic melanoma is when the melanoma

MMs often resemble

has spread to one or

moles and some de-

more parts of the body.

velop from moles. The

It first tends to go to the

SCCs are the second

majority of melanomas

lymph nodes, near where

people, they can also be

most common form of

are black or brown,

it formed. From there,

brown or black.

skin cancer in South

but they can also be

it can travel to organs

Africa. They tend to

skin-coloured, pink, red,

like the brain, lungs, liver,

BCCs occur on the trunk

develop on skin that has

purple, blue or white.

bones and other areas of

and legs, they usually

been exposed to the sun

Signs of MM can be

the skin.

develop on sun-exposed

for years and are most

summed up as ABCDE,

parts of the body, espe-

frequently seen on the

as described below:

from the sun by wear-

cially the head and neck.

head, neck and back of

• Asymmetry: If you

ing a broad-based hat;

In darker skinned

While a small number of

Frequently, two or more

Always protect yourself

drew a line through

applying broad-spectrum

of the following features

The appearance of

the mole, the two

sunscreen, with UVB and

are present in one BCC:

primary SCC tumours

halves would not

UVA protection, that con-

A scar-like area that is

can vary, but the most


tains minerals and is wa-

white, yellow or waxy,

common forms include:

and often has poorly

Border: The mole’s

ter resistant; and avoiding

a firm, red nodule on

border would be

the sun between 10am

defined borders. The

the face, lower lip,


and 3pm.

skin itself appears

ears, neck, hands or

shiny and taut.

arms, that may bleed

of different shades

any suspicious skin le-

An open sore that


of brown, tan or

sions, consult a dermatol-

a flat lesion with a

black. A melanoma

ogist as soon as possible

crusts and remains

scaly crust on the

may also become

and make sure to keep

open for a few weeks,

face, ears, neck,

red, blue or another

that area of your body

only to heal up and

hands or arms.


covered from the sun.

bleeds, oozes or

then bleed again. •

the hands.

a new ulceration or

Colour: A number

Diameter: Mela-

If you are worried about

Additional information

A reddish patch or

raised area on a pre-

nomas are usually

from the Cancer Associa-

irritated area. Some-

existing scar or ulcer.

larger than 6mm, but

tion of South Africa.

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021



Compiled by: Nicholas Francis

How to perfect Christmas lunch I

f you are stressing over Christmas lunch, stress no longer – help is at

hand. We have rounded

Mango and shrimp salad Ingredients •

traditional and modern

recipes to make your Christmas lunch sparkle.


40g rocket

20g fresh basil

500g baby butter

500g shrimp, peeled and deveined

up the perfect mixture of

olive oil •

3 garlic cloves, minced

lettuce •

1 ripe mango,

1 cup cherry toma-


toes, halved

In a bowl, add the

peeled and sliced

3 tbsp lime juice

shrimp, garlic, olive

1 avocado, sliced

1 tsp extra virgin

oil, lime juice, salt and

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

pepper. Mix together until coated well. Heat a pan over medium to high heat. Add the shrimp to pan and cook until cooked through. Remove from stove and set aside. In a salad bowl, combine the lettuce, basil, rocket cherry tomatoes, mango, avocado and toss together. Top with shrimp and serve.

Roast chicken Ingredients •

1 whole chicken

1 tbsp olive oil


Freshly ground black pepper

1 medium lemon, thinly sliced

Freshly chopped parsley, rosemary or thyme

Directions Heat the oven to 220°C. Pat the chicken dry with paper towels. Drizzle the oil on the chicken and rub it all over the skin. Season

of the chicken. Put the

utes, on the middle

a further 50 minutes to

inside and out with salt

chicken breast-side up


one hour. Remove the

and pepper.

in a large casserole

Reduce the tem-

chicken from the oven

Place the herbs and

dish and roast the in

perature to 180°C and

and let it rest 15 to 20

lemon inside the cavity

the oven for 15 min-

continue roasting for

minutes before carving.

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021



Baked cheesecake

Beat the castor sugar and cream cheese

let it cool. Garnish with

and bring to the boil. Stir

berries before serving.

continuously and reduce

Ingredients For the crust

with electric mixer until

2 packets Tennis

ing and add in flour,


lemon juice, lemon rind


150g melted butter

and vanilla essence

1 cup water

in a blender until

smooth. Continue mix-

Watermelon lemonade

heat to simmer until the sugar is dissolved. Let it cool completely. Purée the watermelon

until combined. Add in

1 cup sugar

smooth. Pour watermelon

For the filling

the eggs, beating until

1.3kg cubed seed-

purée, cooled syrup and

500g cream cheese

smooth. Pour in the sour

less watermelon

lemon juice into a serv-

¾ cup castor sugar

cream and mix until

700ml lemon juice

ing jug and leave in the

1 teaspoon vanilla


2l sparkling water

fridge for 30 minutes.

Lemon slices, for

essence •

Pour mixture into the


Pour the sparkling water into the watermelon

1 tsp lemon rind,

base and place the

finely grated

pan on a baking tray

1 tbsp lemon juice

and bake for one hour


garnish with lemon slices

2 tbsp cake flour

or until the filing is set.

Place the sugar and

before serving.

2 large eggs

Remove from oven and

water in a saucepan

250g sour cream

mixture, top with ice and

Mixed berries for garnish Directions

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line and grease the sides and base of a 20cm springform pan. In a food processor, crush the biscuits until fine. Continue processing and add the butter until well combined. Spoon the crust mixture into the pan, spreading it evenly over the base and side. Leave it to chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.


Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021


Compiled by: Gilda Narsimdas

Be casually smart this festive season


If you are looking for the perfect outfit for Christmas lunch, look no further. We have a few smart casual options for you to choose from that are all trendy and versatile. 2

1. Look good and support Pretoria-based designers Purple & Grey Afrocentric with this beautiful dress. You can find it at their Pretoria shop or online at, R 1 199. 2. This comfortable hanky dress from Contempo is easy to wear and stylish, R575. 3. Madison sling-backs are trendy and pair with any4

thing from jeans to dresses and jumpsuits, zando., R329. 4. Jumpsuits remain on-trend this summer and can


be worn with heels or flats, Sissy Boy, R999. 5. A floral summer dress is perfect for a day or night out, Sissy Boy, R799.




Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

6. This light blue, fitted cotton shirt from Polo can be worn formally or casually and offers a great fit, R999. 7. Pair these loafers with a formal shirt and short chinos for a great smart casual look, Jeep, R499. 8. Long cotton chinos can be worn in and out of the office, and are comfortable and durable, Polo, R799. 9. Opt for the versatility of this long-sleeved shirt, which can be buttoned up to make it short6

sleeved, Soviet, R499. 10. Slip into something amazingly comfortable with these Steve Madden dress shoes, R1 599. 7




Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021




Writer: Gilda Narsimdas

some cheer




4. This Ferrari backpack is

t has been a tough year, but if you got

perfect as a laptop bag or for

through it with your

travel. It also has a built-in

finances unscathed and

USB port for a powerbank,

are looking to spoil your

Makro, R1 399. 5. Humble & Mash’s whiskey

loved ones, we have the perfect Christmas gifts to

and spirit stones are perfect

add to your list.

for the whiskey connoisseur.


Carved from soapstone, they 1. Charlotte Rhys is renowned for

keep drinks cool without diluting them,,

its luxury bath and body care


range. Try the Spring Flowers

R249 for a set of nine.

liquid soap and hand lotion

6. Feel like a kid again building the Lego Marvel Avengers Iron

gift set, Charlotte Rhys, R389.

Man helmet. It’s a build-and-

2. These Destiny Aaliyah hoop earrings with Swarovski

display set in metallic red and

crystals are beautifully

gold, Toys R Us, R1 199. 7. Tom Ford Grey Vetiver is

crafted and reasonably priced,

perfect for a charismatic, R590.

man who loves citrusy, spicy

3. The Jimmy Choo Blossom


special edition perfume is an

fragrance, Foschini, R1 995 for

exotic, fruity scent, zando.

50ml., R900 for 60ml. 7



Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

What will people say?


There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555

People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.

Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.



Writers: Ilse van den Berg and Sam Bradley

for adventure


rom Cape Town,

Wonderlik in Die Dorp op

Africa, while distributing

retreat located on the

our group of Land

Op-die-Berg, we finally hit

over 200 000 nutritional

Kromrivier Farm approxi-

Rover 2020 Defend-

the gravel road, heading

meals to needy families

mately 250km north of

ers made its way via

into the majestic Ceder-

close to wildlife parks and

Cape Town, it is the oldest

Wellington over Bainskloof

berg Wilderness Area.

in rural communities.

tourist destination in the

Pass. One of our missions

Add to this perfect set-

From Cape Town to

heart of the Cederberg

on this trip was to stop

ting campfire stories by

Kathmandu, Cape Town

surrounded by fynbos

often with the aim to

the one and only Kings-

to Cairo and an east-to-

and majestic orange

support local businesses

ley Holgate, his son Ross,

west crossing along the

rock formations.

along the way.

and their entire expedi-

Zambezi and Congo Riv-

tion team, and we were in

ers, among many other

hikers, mountaineers and

our element.

arduous journeys, Kings-

explorers. Sanddrif Private

ley is known as the most-

Holiday Resort chalets or

Once over the pass, we made our way to Waverly Hills for their

The Holgates’ adven-

It is a haven for avid

divine rooibos ice cream

tures are the stuff of leg-

travelled man in Africa.

camping is another good

and pumpkin fritters. We

ends and the number of

Sitting in the Cederberg,

accommodation option

headed towards Ceres,

lives they have impacted

surrounded by mountains

in Cederberg.

passed Prince Alfred

along the way is inspir-

to explore, we could not

Hamlet, cruised over the

ing. We met up with them

help but feel inspired for

Gydo Pass and through

half-way through their


the Kouebokkeveld, fa-

Mzansi Edge Expedi-

mous for its fruit orchards. After a quick stop at the coffee-cum-truck shop,


Cederberg to Paternoster

Kromrivier Cederberg

When the time came to

tion – a 70 day, 10 000km

Park is an eco-friendly es-

leave, we sadly bid fare-

humanitarian journey to

cape in the Heart of the

well to the resident pups

track the outline of South

Cederberg. A getaway

at Kromrivier Cederberg

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021

Park and meandered through the mountain passes and gravel roads of this incredible mountain range as we headed towards the wild West Coast. A perfect spot to stop and stretch the legs was at De Tol Farm Deli where we simply could not resist a tea tasting accompanied by fresh

with its own en-suite

roosterkoek. This is also


the perfect place to

If you are staying at Die

stock up on Piekernier-

Strandloper, you have

skloof wines.

to opt for dinner at the

Our lunch spot was

renowned Leeto restau-

Isabella’s, situated on

rant, overlooking the

the water in the unpre-

beach where seagulls

tentious fishing town

playfully hovered over

and crayfish mecca of

the water. Cape Col-

Lambert’s Bay.

umbine Nature Reserve

There is much to do in

offers camping, which

the surrounding areas of

is another good ac-

Lambert’s Bay, including

commodation option in

epic surfing at Elands


Bay, bird watching at

From beach walks, to

Papendorp where the

sea kayaking with dol-

Olifantsrivier meets the

phins, to simply enjoying

ocean, and of course,

the artsy vibe created

wine tasting at Doring-

by local artists with their

baai, Klawer, Vredendal

paintings, sculptures,

and many more West

pottery and photogra-

Coast wine farms.

phy exhibited at various

We however needed

Strandloper Boutique

hotel. Built in the clas-

galleries and stores in

Hotel and Spa.

sic Paternoster style, our

the village, Paternoster is

Our abode was the

cottage was a beautiful

one the best breakaway

sundown to our next

hotel cottages, situated

self-catering unit with

towns to rest and renew

overnight spot – Die

about 300m from the

two bedrooms, each

the soul.

to make our way further down the coast before

Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021


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