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het programma staat o.a. een tentoonstelling met foto’s van Eveline Renaud die de vele Hartjes en Queens, die sinds 1997 over de Zeedijk hebben geparadeerd, heeft gefotografeerd.

Kun je nog zingen? Zing dan mee met het Hartjesdag-lied dat Dolly Bellefleur speciaal voor deze gelegenheid schreef. Zij zal, net als in 1997, ook de prijsuitreiking presenteren.


third Monday in August in Haarlem, Bloemendaal and parts of Amsterdam. It probably originated in the Middle Ages, and the name is derived from ‘hertjesdagen’ (deer day).

It would have been a holiday on which deer could be hunted by the common people, something that was reserved for the nobility for the rest of the year. The deer was roasted on the street, and people drank as much as they could stomach. The party included activities such as setting off fireworks and dressing up. This age-old tradition was revived in 1997. The event developed into a colourful Cross-dressing Carnival which will be organized for the 25th time this year.

Wil je een gooi doen naar de felbegeerde titel van Hartje of Queen van de Zeedijk? Op 21 augustus kun je je van 12.00 - 15.00 uur inschrijven in de Sint-Olofskapel op de Zeedijk.

Because of this year’s silver jubilee, they will put out all the stops. The programme includes an exhibition with photographs by Eveline Renaud, who has photographed the many Hartjes and Queens that have paraded the Zeedijk since 1997.

Can you still sing? Then sing-along with the Hartjesdag song that Dolly Bellefleur wrote especially for this occasion. As in 1997, she will also present the award ceremony.

Do you want to take a shot at the coveted title of Hartje or Queen of the Zeedijk? On August 21, you can register from 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm in the Sint-Olofskapel on the Zeedijk.

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