My Manifesto - Task 2

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GERALD A HIBBERT Student Nยบ: 21306574


Task Nº: 1

LIMITATIONS Using a limited brief BRIEF The brief consisted of finding a word that inspired me , then I had to cut it out and then place it on a surface and photograpic it, the word I used was Debonair. METHODOLOGIES ■■ What I did first was looking up the oxford dictionary of the word to make sure it was the right meaning of what i knew it to be, (Oxford definition of Debonair (of a man) confident, stylish, and charming. i then took a sheet of white A3 paper and wrote the word debonair, I then cut it out into single letters with a scaple, then placed it on a window surface with pritt stick then toke different photo from different angles. E VA L UAT ION I learnt that there’s always room for creativity in the presentation of words and sometimes just by using my own hand writing could bring about a good design. Also using different photo angles gives the whole piece of work a new expression and feel when viewed.

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Task Nº: 2

MANIFESTO Creating a manifesto BRIEF The brief was to answer the question of: “What does it means to me to be a Graphic Designer.”? METHODOLOGIES ■■ I went straight to the image of the Cosmos to express myself, the infinity of space and its endlessness, this blackness of space always inspires me to think of the power of the imagination which as the same endlessness. yet the imagination has a endless stream of ideas full of inspiration, with a fun aspect of anything go’s. E VA L UAT ION I think my vision captures the essense of what I was saying which was that my inspiration came from being inspired by Nature, the four elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water. The wonderful views of beauty throughout the universe in the form of oceans and seas, mountains and sunsets can elevate you to a another level of visualising the world and bring about a Positive Change and purpose in any Graphic Designers career and life

Task Nº: 3


Creating a set of visual jokes BRIEF This task was to create a number of visual jokes. METHODOLOGIES ■■ I took a number of pictures of the comedian Richard Prior, I looked at the different expressions on his face and then wrote about what i thought his expression was saying visually to me and placed it in the caption as a joke. E VA L UAT ION This task was refreshing work and i had alot of fun and a smile on my face and every so often laughing at the same time it made me more self aware of the power of how very important laughter is and the need to do things that make you smile. At the same time going through the process of making the different caption and jokes I was thinking about a story that was told to me about a lady on a train and a man on the platform who looks up and the lady gives the man the most amazingly beauiful breathtaking smile.

The train passes yet for the remaining weeks the man keeps smiling in awe and joy. What a big difference a simple smile can make to your day and throughout your entire life and how vitally important laughter is to maintaining your health. This is the big factor to how the aging process works in our lifes; “the more happy you are,” “the less you age,” thats what the survey reports say and I agree.

Task Nº: 4

WHAT ELSE CAN I DO WITH THIS? Thinking outside the box BRIEF This brief was rather complicated, so to start off, from what I understood - the brief was about thinking outside the box. This means making alternative interpretations for every day objects. METHODOLOGIES ■■ Started off researching about God’s creation of nature, more specifically - trees. ■■ I secondly masked some Photoshoped images of Michael Angelo’s artwork and some trees in London. E VA L UAT ION In my opinion the final stages of these images are meant to be inspired by God’s creations of nature and the emphasis that he created all living organisms. I think my concepts depict these very suggestions and my thinking.

Task Nº: 5

HOARDING AND COLLECTING Creating categorisation BRIEF This task was to get a collection of your own belongings and find a way to document them visually. METHODOLOGIES ■■ I went about it by croping the DVD’s in Photoshop and then creating an info graphic in Illustrator that shows the colour spectrum of the DVD covers. ■■ The idea was to see how many colours are embedded in a DVD cover and see if there was any patterns to the colour formation so I could learn to make a colour chart using this procedure. E VA L UAT ION I have learn’t that there are many shades of the same colour embedded into the makings of a DVD cover and the different shades are numerous. The use of colour in advertising the DVD’s contents can give you a idea and concept to what the film is about, in as much as the colours show a representation of action, suspense and thriller. All theses

elements are the tools that a graphic designer should know and use.

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