Gerald Alexander Hibbert - Design Portfolio

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DESIGN PORTFOLIO RSA Student Competition Brief Nยบ8: Moving Pictures G ER AL D AL E X AN DER H I B B ERT 21306574



SE T TI NG OU T TH E B R I EF The three sections I started to think about all the women I personally knew and after talking to them I decided to set the brief into three sections. • A woman view of her everyday life. • Society views on woman and how she should play her role and perform as a woman and a mother. • The realistic expectation of a woman and what she can perform and achieve within her life.



W H Y HAVE YOU CHOSEN TH I S B R I EF The Why I chose this brief because I could relate to the everyday struggles of women, women in general are pressured by society to conform to many things, having a large family with many female members I personally hear how unrealistic the demands placed on women here.



HOW W I L L I APPROACH TH I S B R I EF The How I will approach this brief by using animations with drawing and affirmations.



W HO I S TH E B R I EF AI M ED AT ? The Who My brief is aimed at woman aged from 21 years old and upwards.



I NTER N E T R ESE ARCH Moodboard inspiration - URL share



DI SCU SSI NG YOU R CHOICES Robot ideology Nº 1 I started to look at the many different strong female robot illustrations, I wanted to have a female robot being shown as a powerful icon, at the same time I was looking for a soft side of the robot to be seen with a feminine shape to her body not too rigid or stiff. I wanted the female robot to convey a fun side yet have the effect of making the person want to interact with her and feel good. I did my first robot sketch to see what a robot without a gender would look like until I found a robot to represent and give birth to my thoughts on the image the robot should take..



SK E TCH OF ROBOT A quick rough sketch done by me

Digital version made in Illustrator 8


ROBOT F U NC TION How and why the robot should function I wanted the female robot to speak and function with confidence and joy. I wanted the robot to be associated with a colour alert system for each emotional situation where women may find she feels a little vulnerable or confused, I wanted the robot to shine or flash a different colour sequence for each emotion a woman goes through every day. I wanted the robot to light up with a colour then giving the woman a very strong positive affirmation which must be spoken out loud to themselves such as ‘’I am beautiful and loving and an abundance of joy is waiting for me, these words said at the right time and said daily will allow the woman to see a better future, gain a stronger focus on life and allow more natural energy of well being to flow easier into and out of their body and mind. Creating a good flowing positive energy vibration, naturally begins to start removing any bad or negative thought patterns, replacing them with a stream of good thoughts of happiness and joy abundance.



AFFIRMATIONS TH E SE VEN AFFI R MATION S These affirmations are to be in poster format to further express my ideology on the robot • You are beautiful, strong and confident in everything you do. • I am beautiful and loving and an abundance of joy is waiting for me. • My will is strong enough to move mountains so I will always focus on my goals. • I look forward to a brand new day, so I can create new beginnings. Feeling happy and full of joy! • The world is what you make it change the way you see things, and things change. • Your life is an abundance of joy and the only stream that flows is one of well-being. • Loving yourself first is the greatest love of all.



AFFI R MATION 1 You are beautiful, strong and confident in everything you do.

Affirmation 1 11


AFFI R MATION 2 I Â am beautiful and loving and an abundance of joy is waiting for me.

Affirmation 2 12


AFFI R MATION 3 My will is strong enough to move mountains so I will always focus on my goals.

Affirmation 3 13


AFFI R MATION 4 I look forward to a brand new day, so I can create new beginnings. Feeling happy and full of joy!

Affirmation 4 14


AFFI R MATION 5 The world is what you make it change the way you see things, and things change.

Affirmation 5 15


AFFI R MATION 6 Your life is an abundance of joy and the only stream that flows is one of well-being.

Affirmation 6 16


AFFI R MATION 7 Loving yourself first is the greatest love of all.

Affirmation 7 17


FEMAL E ROBOT Illustration



AU DIO TR AN SCR I P T Not Enough Time by Tiffany Dufu I once did a workshop with about 70 women, in which we were doing this time- management exercise – I just wanted to help them prioritise their to-do list. And so I asked them to start off by writing all the things they expected to do or complete in an ideal day. And I mean everything – if you get up and go to the gym – put that. If you lie in bed for 20 minutes thinking about going to the gym – put that. Your commute, preparing for meetings; every little thing. And then I asked them to write down how much time does it take you, or would it take you, to do every single one of those, and then to sum it at the bottom. Well, you won’t be surprised to know that not one woman in the room had a sum that amounted to less than the 24 hours all of us have in a day. And that only half of the women had even put sleep on their list – somehow they forgot about that! It’s no wonder that so many of us are walking around with these feelings of inadequacy given the fact that what we imagine ourselves to be doing – the expectation that we have about what we should be literally doing each and every day – is humanly impossible.



M Y THOUG HTS AN D DE VELOPM ENTS Robot ideology Nº 2 I will be taking the concept of using robots to illustrate the conformity of how society and peer pressure can force women towards a feeling of becoming more stressed, more unconscious than they may be aware of, the constant mental pressure placed on their minds can creates a pattern of not registering they’re own personal everyday behaviour or daily movements. The many different pressures that woman go through each day is a major factor in why it can be unfortunate that it has become a normal and very commonplace situation to find that none of the women remembered to mention their sleeping routine. This isn’t that surprising given the amount of information a woman is required to remember in the process, then implement each day.


More so if the woman is a mother with more than one child, so when the woman was asked on the audio about their whole day and to write down everything from opening your eyes to bedtime the fact that over 50% of women didn’t remember to add their sleeping times to the list of their daily timetable is really understandable because their ideas of what they can achieve in a day is very unrealistic.


THOUG HTS AN D DE VELOPM ENTS Robot ideology Nº 3 The pressure placed on a woman to present themselves to be viewed and perceived as always being strong reliable and a good mother, then if that wasn’t enough to add to this long to do list the woman must be constantly viewing themselves in the mirror to ensure that they’re not god forbid over weight after being bombarded with the media advertisement’s of what a beautiful woman should look like, and still afford to buy their expensive beauty products to meet the requirement laid out to present themselves and be seen as beautiful and attractive when appearing in society. Imagine how this can be very mentally challenging and stressful when you are pressured to maintain this reality for 365 days of the year, the pressure can be overwhelming.


Given a long duration of time some woman may start to form habits that can resemble the programming given to robots, a lot of the woman start to cut corners within their subconscious mind to meet the demands, most of the time without realising that they’re doing this to themselves, so for a lot of women unless they remain focused and have a strong will power with determination can fall into a habit of losing track of their goals or the direction they wanted their life to go towards. I will be taking the symbol of a robot to bring a fun yet serious aspect to see the many ways to guide more women to remain strong and cultivate a powerful willpower so that they no longer lose their way with the everyday challenges of life.


LEARNING FROM A ROBOT DON ’ T WA S TE YOU R TI M E PART 1 Watch the Hourglass Please be true to yourself: your imperfections is a beautiful aspect of your uniqueness, each thing about you be it negative or positive, simply put makes the whole person you are more complete, in reference to the brief we want you to picture and see life from the 24 hours in a day, using the perspective of an hourglass to keep track of the time passing away, see how much time is wasted on making superficial small talk which may lead to trips and places you don’t really want to go to, with people you don’t really like, it may feel somewhat sad when you’re watching the sand slowly pasting down the hourglass. This can be equated to the days, hours, minutes and the seconds of your life, moving in a complete circle, going nowhere, a bit like a hamster on a treadmill, round and round you go, not heading in any direction wasting another precious day.



DON ’ T WA S TE YOU R TI M E PART 2 Always be happy about who you are How much of women can truthfully say that a lot of their time is spent in the great and inspiring company? Imagine most of the time being in exciting company that’s so exhilarating you’re guided almost forced to create works of exceptional quality, this feeling, this vibration, this emotion, brings new life-changing lessons and events which travels continuously making you feel the joy of flowing within the stream of wellbeing offered by life and full of abundance. Always be happy about who you are, remember that people will follow and treat you exactly, in the same manner, you treat yourself, so love yourself first then others will love you in the same way. Never forget this fact; that the only stream that flows is the stream of well-being...Life has a very strong influence on fitting in with the crowd and conforming to other peoples expectations of you. Most of the time majority of people add this sad existence to their lives, never being true to themselves.



DON ’ T WA S TE YOU R TI M E PART 3 Be true to yourself Yet the greatest individuals who inspire us to produce and create a great song or climb one of the highest mountains fly breathtaking aeroplanes, become one of the greatest designers and adventurers, in short one of our role models. All these people have something very special in common, none of these exceptional characters was afraid to be themselves, they knew and understood that the concept of selfishness was an illusion and misconception of the truth.



DON ’ T WA S TE YOU R TI M E PART 4 Love yourself more Let’s really think about this subject seriously, if you don’t love yourself and take care of yourself, you simply wouldn’t have anything to give to life or anyone else. So connecting with who you are is the greatest most wonderful adventure a person can ever have in their life experiences, for this is the major central point of all, the other things that follow, more importantly, is how you feel, this is essential to your well-being, the more you know and love yourself is the greater you can be of service to not only your friends and family but the world.



DON ’ T WA S TE YOU R TI M E PART 5 Time Another important point to remember is that it’s really ok, it’s alright, it’s acceptable, it’s perfectly fine if someone doesn’t understand you as a person or get the message you’re trying to communicate to them. In many cases it takes time for someone to get the message expressed to them, no matter how many times you tell them, they just simply can’t get to understand what you’re saying because everyone’s mind collects and processes information at different times or through different simulations. Maybe if you were to meet that same person a few years later, that person after living and learning more from life lesson’s, gaining more life experiences, getting older, one has learnt and grown a deeper natural respect for time.



DON ’ T WA S TE YOU R TI M E PART 6 Practice makes perfect Imagine them thanking you for the same information you gave them years ago, so everyone learns at their own speed and time, so try not to be too hard on yourself if you don’t get something straight away, always smile, take a deep breath and follow that old saying “practice makes perfect”. Learning to grow in the now time , this is very interesting topic, because it covers the boundary of getting older and wiser without losing yourself in thoughts and thinking of yesterday and past events that put you in a negative state of mind and the energy makes you feel bad which have no relevance’s or place in your future life experiences. Time is one of the greatest teachings it brings to the learning table, the realisation which comes in the way of clarity, when one sees that each individuals growth depends on themselves, whether it be mentally or spiritually we learn everything at our own unique pace and time, so meeting that very same person who couldn’t relate or understand you before given time may easily relate to what you were telling them before.



DON ’ T WA S TE YOU R TI M E PART 7 Staying in the now A good example of staying in the now was the invention of the internet, many don’t know how to use the internet or even like it yet the fact remains the internet isn’t going away, its now apart of our society and our present-day life experiences. Every day in some shape or form from the internet is making its presence known, from paying our daily bills such as; gas, rent, food to opening the world to information on a global scale and connecting love ones where before it was only phone calls and letters. Most of our bills and daily needs are being paid for and operated through the internet and the number of transactions and users will only increase in the future. The point is that when you’re not paying attention to your daily routine it becomes a habit to not think of new ways to do things, and your mind no longer pays attention to your physical movements, so given years or extended periods of this repeated behaviour it then starts to become a belief pattern, every time that situation arises you think “this is the only way to approach the situation.”



DON ’ T WA S TE YOU R TI M E FI NAL PART Positivity With the practice and application of the knowledge of daily powerful affirmations, women can take and have greater control over their lives, by understanding the importance of the subconscious mind and the visual impressions sent out by a woman’s dress code and consciously taking note of all your thoughts and actions. The question isn’t so much if the woman believes in the powerful affirmations at first, yet after applying this into their lives, by practicing this along with the daily 17 minutes of mediation it will naturally bring the women to a place where they feel good about who they are and what directions their life is heading in. Always make a careful mental note that everything you ever go through in life will come with a feeling and a vibration, so feeling good is the best thing a person can possess, life is a gift and a breathtaking experience full of joy and endless days of feeling good.


Powerful affirmations will give the women a more rich and positive working life, which will build the women’s confidence throughout their life, each woman will learn that by applying a daily affirmation such as “I am a loving and positive person who can and will achieve anything I focus my mind on.” That simple yet powerful affirmation will bring a new awareness to everything you do, you will form and create a stronger personality and set the stage and energy to have an amazing day.


E VALUATION Summary of thoughts To sum up, I feel that a strong female symbol is very important in presenting to the women that whatever they think about every day can turn into reality so having clear positive feelings, affirmations can only lead to you feeling good, which is the whole point of our existence - to enjoy the gift of life.






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