How does the vw still remain popular in today’s contemporary society pages

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Table of Contents Introduction Page 2 Barry’s Volkswagen Beetle Pages 3 - 5 The Love Bug Pages 7 - 8 Herbie Rides Again and Herbie Goes Banana’s Pages 9 - 11 Herbie Fully Loaded Page 12 VW History Pages 13 - 14 Graphic Design And Life Pages 15 - 19 Volskwagen In Two Minutes Pages 20 - 21 Conclusion Page 22 Illustrations Page 23 Bibliography Page 24


Introduction Here in my essay, I will be explaining about the following, I wanted to show in words and video format that the Volkswagen Beetle was still a popular car in today’s contemporary society. I wanted to convey that through the test of time that the VW beetle still remains one of the best-made cars that the motor industry has seen or produced in present day, The VW beetle is undoubtedly, one of the best-selling automobiles to date.


The video titled Barry’s Volkswagen Beetle Story: How we did it is a wonderful example of how VW has been touching people’s life for many decades and still today it is an exciting testimony of engineering and innovation that is still moving societies emotions and views about a motor vehicle, which to some of the public they still find it hard to describe exactly their own personal feelings about the VW beetle. It becomes even more apparent when talking to VW Beetle owners that each one has their own unique aspect of why they love and adore their VW Beetle. Yet they all have something in common, they say it’s hard to put into words their emotions about the VW, yet every beetle owner is in total agreement on one point, that the Volkswagen Beetle is a great, reliable car which is now a part of the family. It is very clear when analysing this video clip about the VW beetle, the clip is studying the relationship between a man called Barry and the VW car which plays such a major part in childhood. This video clip was clearly showing the joy of Barry’s childhood, that was en-captured by the photograph. In the photograph, you can clearly see Barry as a young boy sitting on the bonnet of this beautiful gold coloured VW beetle with his mother next to him. It was apparent that this was one of the special moments Barry shared with his mother on the numerous drives to different fun locations which his mother could afford to take him at the time, there is an obvious bond and love shared in that picture.


This picture must have been one of those memories that Barry shared the details with his brother in later years. Remembering the different aspects of the story and the outings with his mother must have taken Barry and his brother through many different emotions that moved the brothers to tears and laughter because only they as brothers knew the different characteristics and behaviour patterns of their mother. Some of their mothers favourite quotes and sayings when the boys were in trouble for doing something wrong that had them as children sniggering and laughing on many occasions. I can only imagine that the same sniggering would have got on their mom’s nerves before they were both sent to bed for school in the morning. Needless to say, Barry could if he has children then share the many stories of him and his mother driving in the gold coloured VW . What an inspiring gesture of kindness shown by the makers of Volkswagen to extend the courtesy of having Barry’s brother flown in from Canada to oversee the restoration of the Volkswagen Beetle, which was sprayed in the exact gold colour of the Beetle his mother owned with every detail he could have remembered in his childhood put back on the VW before meeting his brother Barry.


I can only imagine and wonder what was running through the manufacturers of the new line of Volkswagen Beetle, could this simple story have run throughout their heads? Knowing for millions of people around the world when they see a Volkswagen Beetle all the amazing memories invoked in time, where they were driving, who they were dating, how old they were, so many sentimental memories associated with the VW, many too emotional to speak about. The VW can stick in the mind like your first holiday. Barry’s Volkswagen Beetle story is one of the most moving videos, how a little insight into many great memories that make up a human being’s life. How it can move an individual to see the world from a more positive and inspiring platform and we must applaud the VW manufacturers for showing so much kindness and good will. It is a fact and a true statement that sometimes the smallest and kindest of gestures can have the biggest impact upon us. can change a persons life to make them happier……WELL DONE, Volkswagen team!


What does the photo of Barry and his mother say to the viewer in connection to VW? I think it clearly shows a strong family connected a closeness that makes the VW beetle almost a part of the family, this line of thinking was then enhanced very elaborately when they produced the movie “Herbie,” for those who may not be familiar with the movie, Herbie was about a VW beetle that had a life of its own and was called Herbie, this car was anthropomorphic. Volkswagen can only marvel in the world of imagination that the Volkswagen Beetle had this effect on people that the first movie was made in 1968 called the “Love Bug,” then the second movie was in 1974 called “Herbie Rides Again”. Then the third movie was made in 1977 and was called “Herbie Go’s To Monte Carlo”. The VW beetle was so popular that they continued to make more movies, 1980 “Herbie Go’s Bananas,” then they when on to have a tv program called “The Wonderfull World Of Disney” in 1997.


I can only smile with admiration at the clear pattern of success through the passage of time VW has confidently shown in the last movie which did take VW into the millennium the year 2000 with “Herbie Fully Loaded” in 2005. What VW has shown is that it continues to be a family car filled to the brim with family fun and entertainment with a reliable reputation. ‘Herbie’s back! It’s been 25 years since the world’s favorite Love Bug blasted across the big screen. Who’s at the wheel this time? Lindsay Lohan.’ (Roles, 2005) The Love Bug 1968 trailer shows the fun aspect of the VW beetle in action, driving pass many different makes of cars to win the race. Within the first 10 seconds, the trailer logo shows the VW beetle as a typographic text that resembles the shape of the VW Beetle. One of the reasons I believe the beetle was called the love bug is because many people just fell in love with the iconic shape of the VW car. One of the many fun aspects of Herbie in the movie context was the way it would perform wheelies, this was clearly a sign to show that Herbie was family entertainment. Herbie in one of the earlier scenes is shown speeding past the cars in the next lane.


The Love Bug 1968 trailer shows the fun aspect of the VW beetle in action, driving pass many different makes of cars to win the race. Within the first 10 seconds, the trailer logo shows the VW beetle as a typographic text that resembles the shape of the VW Beetle. One of the many fun aspects of Herbie in the movie context was the way it would perform wheelies, this was clearly a sign to show that Herbie was family entertainment. Herbie in one of the earlier scenes is shown speeding past the cars in the next lane.

Herbie drives in and out of a maze-like road which shows agility, one of Herbie’s attributes. Herbie because of his zippy speed resembles a jolly child on Christmas running down the stairs opening the presents before being told to do so. The trailer shows Herbie’s other side by participating in a race. He is portrayed as an all round car that can do everything as it cruises through the city. The sound track that’s playing the famous theme tune to Herbie is a very catchy and happy tune. You can easily see that this was a sales strategy that would purposefully be used for the campaign to attract the many different kinds of audiences that will then fill the cinema and purchase the Volkswagen cars.


The Herbie Rides Again trailer logo has morphed from car to text as the intro begins in a slide like animation, the text was animated into a cartoon format, most probably to appeal mainly to kids. The backdrop is a lighter shade of blue and works alongside the contrast of the orange and yellow to stand out and make an impression that ‘Herbie’s Rides Again’. He is seen driving out of someone’s home suggesting that he lives like a human, he’s then seen doing more tricks and wheelies showing off his acrobatic attributes. As the viewer, you get to experience the fun of the vehicle through the playful gestures that Herbie makes when it drives. Herbie has a big personality as shown in the trailer with the way he’s perceived as a human being. Herbie in, Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo is again showing more of his personality in the form of leaking oil on the police officer, resembling what dogs do to use the toilet, further expressing his individualism.


The trailer is mostly focused on Herbies new-found romance with another car. I’ve noticed as the films progress that they show off more of Herbie’s character and human-like qualities as a car, concerning the film and its portrayal everything is more focused has a comedy. In Herbie Goes Bananas more comedy ensues as Herbie apparently goes bananas. The typography used as the title progresses is a representation of the hipster based 60’s as you can see the flowers on the ends of the words, suggesting that the movie will be like its predecessors; filled with comedy fun. The narrator says, ‘it’s all new laughter’ (permvw, 2008). Herbie’s jam packed adventures are very entertaining and I think that the semiotics behind this are that he appeals to more than one type of audience, anyone can watch the movie for a quick laugh and because it appeals to the whole family there is a bigger audience, than if it were to appeal to one group of people. The Love Bug 1997 trailer starts with the title in the American flag colours, to tell the viewer that the TV series takes place in America. It may connote to Herbie being an American phenomenon. Also, it may be a coincidence but Love Bug is highlighted in white and red. The text then transitions into Herbie just like how the movies Love Bug, Herbie Rides Again, and Herbie Go’s to Monte Carlo do their title sequences for Herbie. In the beginning of the trailer, you see a child, a woman, a couple dancing, and a protest.


As this is a TV series from the nineties the program seems to go back to the roots of Herbie by having an intro that focuses on the sixties. Herbie then appears in a way that all the events before on screen has, lead up to it all being about the colourful Volkswagen. We then see Herbie doing his famous moves to suggest to the viewer that we will be seeing a lot of this within the TV program. The director has carefully placed flashbacks of the previous films with flashbacks of the present to remind the viewer of who Herbie is and what he is known for. The intro for the TV series if anything is less of a comedy and more of a story driven watch, as the actors seem to be the main focus point.


Herbie Fully Loaded is seen at the beginning and is shown in the light of being a prestigious car, with all the camera angles showing the hood, the side profiles, back profiles and back angles. It’s the director telling us that Herbie has been fully upgraded for the latest generation of Herbie. The film is all about telling the story of Herbie as the race car. ‘A fortune cookie on wheels’ (Elias zenab, 2013). Which is quite a statement because Herbie fully embodies it? The trailer gives three words that Herbie is all about; Stronger, faster and “Herbie-er” — a new made up word that fits Herbie and its legacy. Looking at the Lovable Beetle Documentary the VW history is known as the people’s car (Zammie1170, 2014). Ferdinand Porsche was one of many to propel Volkswagen in the direction it has taken today. Ferdinand had the knowledge about electricity and made the Lohner-Porsche, the world’s first electric car.


Joe Mansfield a sports car historian states that the car had early attempts at streamlining (Zammie1170, 2014). He then created a hybrid gas-electric car which was a technical triumph (Zammie1170, 2014) 21st that was used for fire-fighter equipment. Ferdinand Porsche not only made/designed the cars but he also tested them, ‘Ferdinand Loved to drive his own cars, he would take every chance he could to get behind the wheel, in the early years this meant he would actually get out on the tracks and he would race and he won many races’ (Zammie1170, 2014) There’s a principle behind designing cars and testing them, a level of technical expertise alongside the visual aesthetics and pleasure of driving them. In 1917 Ferdinand was been rewarded for his pioneering abilities because the country went into war, the land was in ruins however Ferdinand Porsche saw an opportunity in disaster. He saw that the people needed small efficient automobiles to traverse across the city.


According to Maria Leonhauser the Volkswagen of America, Mr Porsche ‘was a remarkable man, his idea was to develop a car that anyone could have, anyone could afford, that was comfortable, he did not want a miniature big car which many people thought was too large, and he was looking for something that could truly accommodate, the roads, the people and be inexpensive.’ Mr Porsche’s theory is a fine one at that, a very logical and cost effective approach to driving. Imagine today in the 21st century VW cars are still being built and driven with the same passion as in Ferdinand’s era. If only all car manufacturers could have the joy of knowing that there were gifted enough to be moved to create a car as iconic and lovable as the VW Beetle.


For myself, as a graphic designer, I am moved beyond words because I have a deep passion and love for motor vehicles and after extensive research following Ferdinand Porsche’s historical story, This story has only enhanced my imagination towards new boundaries that I may only of dreamt of before having read about Ferdinand Porsche achievements in the world of automobiles. One day I was talking to a lecturer about a certain level of graphic designs and the designers, and he asked me “what my motivation is behind my own personal ideas and thoughts were at being a graphic designer?�


I looked him in his eyes and told him a story, I thought this was the easiest way I could convey the depths of my ideas alongside my designs, firstly was my passion and deep love of creating something new, for me the beauty of being a graphic designer was that you never knew what projects you’re going to work on next, so no two projects were the same. I always felt that there should be new level of excitement and wonder at looking at a blank white canvas or piece of A4 paper, after being given all the information on what your client envisioned the new design idea to be, the baton is now in your hands. The anticipation of the outcome for me, should always have a reignited passion, you are starting a new journey into the unknown a new beginning no matter what the design is. Anyway, not to move from the point, I was telling the story I told the lecturer, it went like this.


I told him I was sitting on the train and after careful observation I noticed all of the commuters’ demeanour and behaviour patterns. It was always the same to the point of nausea, the majority of people were transfixed by their smart phones or some other electrical device, they would either be looking on the floor, looking away, or be pretending to read one of the free newspapers being handed out at the train station, rather than communicate with their fellow commuter or making any form of eye contact. This approach to people and communication always made me very sad yet very humorous because I would always do something to make someone’s day happier even in the smallest way, whether it’s to make a generalised comment or to wish them a nice day. This would be my general approach to dealing with the interaction process of being in contact with the general public.


As a child, I was taught that positive energy is to be shared in order to maintain a balance in everyone remaining happy and having a more positive energy pattern, and that everything which has life, vibrates with energy and this was just the order of things in the universe. So imagine my surprise that very day when the most extraordinary thing happened, I looked across and there was a young lady sitting on a train going in the opposite direction and then she gave me the most amazing smile, it had the effect of making me feel like an angel had turn on a switch in my heart and filled all the empty spaces with a healthy portion of hope and love. I couldn’t help but smile, it made me think that I had been given one of the most exquisite foods to taste and after eating it, the food just filled my inner being with joy. This is the only way I can describe this moving smile that I was honoured to have bestowed on me.


Well, I carried that smile with me every day. Whenever I felt low in energy or sad, I always remembered that wonderful young lady who blessed me with a life-time smile. This beautiful lady reminded me that the secret to life wasn’t to catch up in material goods or the ego, more so it was from sharing what life gives us everyday “free,� the ability to send another positive- thoughts or a simple smile. What a difference a kind gesture or a positive thought can make to a day. Life is a wonderful gift and the more you give to life is the more you get from life. So it is my belief that people such as Ferdinand Porsche had been inspired by someone, something, or some place, and it is this magic, this joy, this passion, that drives people to excel to their higher self and create master pieces and revolutionary ideas that inspire the world.


The video clip named History of Volkswagen in 2 Minutes this video is very straightforward yet humorous. It really does cover each element of the history of Volkswagen in the two minutes. The video starts with the name associated with Hitler who called the VW the KDF Wagen which translated into “Strength Through Joy”… Volkswagen VW was designed by Ferdinand Porsche. Hitler told him to use nature as one of his inspirations in making the car, the shape of the car was to resemble a beetle insect. The work on the VW started in the spring of 1939 the plan was to produce 150,000 automobiles, then to increase to one and a half million cars. It was Hitlers dream to rival his American automobile giants by having the largest European motor manufacturers. The manner as in which Hitler was selling the VW to the Germany public was an unusual system, all buyers were issued with a savings book and payments were made by buying stamps, the price of the car insurance was included when placing the order for the car. The only colour was blue gray, by the end of 1938 170 thousand cars had been ordered. The distribution of the VW was unusual as well, not until the last payment was made with the final stamp would the customer receive the car, then the customer would literally have to come to the factory to collect their car. If for any reason the buyer could not come to the factory for the VW then the buyer would be charged 5% of the purchase price to have the car delivered to them.


The war halted the production of the VW, yet in 1949 the car was given a new lease of life with new models and America interest in the cars. Sales of the Volkswagen were very high in the 60’s because of the ad agency DDB in New York, the agency put out some very iconic print campaigns that made the car much more attractive to the American consumers. The clear-cut approach of simple yet humorous visually striking advertising made them self not only fresh but unforgettable, this was what was need to ensure the survival of Volkswagen in the USA. The ads were so good it was heralded as one of the best ads of the 20th century and believe it or not its still meant to have influence in today’s world of advertising. In 1963 the beetle was so popular that in west Germany one in three cars on the road was a VW beetle, this was mainly because the ads spoke to the everyday family in a way that there could, with and the economical expects made the VW affordable and a relatable form of transport.


Conclusion Who could have imagined that this unconventional shaped car the beetle, with its deep history and rocky beginnings, would become a symbol of the hippie culture in north America. Conclusion: After careful analysation over each fact collected about the Volkswagen Beetle, all the spoken and video information it leads to the same findings, which is that Ferdinand Porsche created a car for the people that lasted the test of time, selling over 21 million cars to date I can say that the Volkswagen Beetle is without a doubt still popular in today’s contemporary society.


Illustrations Figure 1. Screen-shot, Photograph, 2016, Photograph The Love Bug - (2017). Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2017]. Herbie Rides Again - (2017). Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan 2017] Herbie Fully Loaded - (2017). Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: main/27/MPW-13817 [Accessed 5 Jan 2017]


Bibliography Herbie: Fully loaded | movie review (2005) Directed by Authority Roles Plugged In. In-line Citation:(Roles, 2005) Permvw (2008) HGB – 16.9 trailer. Available at: watch?v=pjias6jq4KE (Accessed: 5 January 2017). In-line Citation:(permvw, 2008) elias zenab (2013) Herbie fully loaded 2005 trailer. Available at: https:// (Accessed: 5 January 2017). Inline Citation:(Elias zenab, 2013) Zammie1170 (2014) The lovable beetle documentary. Available at: https:// (Accessed: 5th January 2017) Inline Citation:(Zammie1170, 2014) FastCompany (2014) THE HISTORY OF VOLKSWAGEN IN 2 MINUTES. Available at: (Accessed: 5th January 2017). In-line Citation:(FastCompany, 2014)


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