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Noveno Semestre Marzo – Agosto 2019 aaaaa

Elaborado por: María Cristina Páez



Contenido Universidad Técnica de Ambato ................................................................................................ 3 Misión ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Visión ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación ...................................................................... 3 Misión ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Visión ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Sílabo .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Programa Analítico ..................................................................................................................... 4 Guías PAE.................................................................................................................................... 4 Perfil de Egreso........................................................................................................................... 5 1.

Trabajo Colaborativo........................................................................................................... 6


Trabajo Práctico ................................................................................................................ 13


Trabajo Autónomo ............................................................................................................ 16


Componente Teórico ........................................................................................................ 22


Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) ............................................................................... 28


Prácticas Preprofesionales ................................................................................................ 29


Reflexión ........................................................................................................................... 30


Autor: Gabriela Patricia Tapia Marca


Universidad Técnica de Ambato Misión Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.

Visión La Universidad Técnica de Ambato por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un centro de formación superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Misión Formar profesionales íntegros de tercero y cuarto nivel en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación, con bases científicas y tecnológicas, para el desempeño competente en procesos educacionales y de desarrollo del ser humano, a través del ejercicio de la investigación y vinculación con la colectividad, que respondan a los requerimientos del entorno sociocultural.

Visión La Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación se constituirá en una institución de educación superior que garantiza la sustentabilidad y sostenibilidad en la formación de líderes profesionales, que transforman el contexto social en el área humanística y educativa del país, mediante la investigación científica y la práctica tecnológica, bajo principios éticos, políticos y culturales, que promuevan la calidad de vida y bienestar de los ecuatorianos.


Autor: Gabriela Patricia Tapia Marca


Sílabo https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/mod/resource/view.php?id=148150

Programa Analítico https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/mod/resource/view.php?id=148151




Perfil de Egreso Al concluir la Carrera de Idiomas los estudiantes demostrarán haber adquirido y desarrollado las siguientes competencias, capacidades, habilidades, destrezas y desempeños como resultados de su formación profesional: 1. Usa el idioma inglés a un nivel B2 del Common European Framework. 2. Maneja competentemente los métodos y estrategias metodológicas para la enseñanza del idioma inglés según las exigencias del Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) 3. Diseña programas o cursos específicos y sus respectivos materiales didácticos. 4. Elabora materiales didácticos mediante la utilización de NTIC´s. 5. Transforma el contexto educativo a tráves de la práctica de valores. 6. Genera escenarios de aprendizaje significativos dando lugar a la investigación participativa, el aprendizaje basado en problemas y el trabajo en equipo. 7. Maneja leyes y reglamentos de Educación Ecuatoriana. 8. Aplica técnicas de valoración de los aprendizajes, así como también de su propio desempeño docente. 9. Manejo de los aspectos sociales, intelectuales y psicológicos de los estudiantes para promover el aprendizaje. La Carrera de Idiomas adopta como instrumentos de evaluación interno del perfil de ingreso dos simulaciones de exámenes con estándares internacionales. Siendo así, Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) test de acreditación internacional para la enseñanza del inglés y Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) para la competencia comunicativa.



1. Trabajo Colaborativo FIRST PARTIAL
















2. Trabajo Prรกctico FIRST PARTIAL








3. Trabajo Autónomo FIRST PARTIAL 1. Slang is another area of vocabulary which reflects: A. a person’s age. B. a person’s attitude. C. a person’s quality. D. a person’s size. Correct answer: A 2. Male voices generally sound lower in pitch than women’s, just as adult voices sound deeper than children. Which are the reasons? A. adult men restrict swearing largely to all-male settings, whereas females reduce their swearing in all settings as they move into adulthood. B. Boys’ vocal cords generally grow faster and bigger than girls at puberty. C. Men’s heads and lungs are also larger than women’s, just as older people are bigger than children. D. B and C are correct. Correct answer: D 3. There are some examples of vernacular grammatical forms which have been identified in New York gang members. In the sentences below, which is an example of vernacular grammatical form? A. It passed me. B. He miss the bus yesterday. C. I finished that book last week. D. Nobody don’t want no chips. Correct answer: B 4. What does the term bilingualism refer to? A. Bilingualism is clearly an asset during their working lives, so the level of reported bilingualism rises to a peak between the ages of 30 and 50 while people are in the workforce. B. Bilingualism is clearly an asset during their studies, so the level of reported bilingualism rises to a peak between the ages of 30 and 50 while people are in the workforce. C. Bilingualism is clearly an asset during their working lives, so the level of reported bilingualism rises to a peak between the ages of 20 and 50 while people are in the workforce.



D. Bilingualism is clearly an asset during their studies, so the level of reported bilingualism rises to a peak between the ages of 30 and 50 while people are in the workforce. Correct answer: A 5. In English-speaking countries, which age groups use vernacular forms in speech most often? A. Vernacular forms are most often used during childhood and adolescence. B. Vernacular forms are most often used when people approach middle age. C. Vernacular forms are most often used during childhood, adolescence, and old age. D. Vernacular forms are most often used during old age. Correct answer: C



1. Which of the following approaches refer to developing a standard written variety of Norwegian? A. An approach selected a variety based on Danish, with some orthographic and morphological modifications based on educated urban Norwegian speech. B. An approach selected a variety based on Danish, with some phonological and morphological modifications based on educated urban Norwegian speech. C. An approach created a new Norwegian written standard by drawing on a range of rural Norwegian dialects. D. An approach created a new Norwegian written standard by drawing on a range of urban Norwegian dialects. Correct answer: A and C 2. People insist on Nynorsk as the only possible variety for a ‘true’ Norwegian to use because of… A. Because of its use in most books and by most schools as a medium of instruction. B. Because of the process of language standardization. C. Because of its significance as a more democratic variety. D. Because of deliberate choices, to accelerate the process of language standardization. Correct Answer: C 3. ‘Top-down’ signs are official signs, designed by public authorities, while ‘bottomup’ signs are non-official signs, usually produced by: A. Individuals or partnerships B. Professionals C. Nicholas Coupland D. Individuals or groups Correct Answer: D

4. Which are the two competing official written varieties in Norway since the late nineteenth century? A. Samnorsk and united Norwegian B. Bokmål and Norwegian



C. BokmĂĽl and Nynorsk D. Danish and LandsmĂĽl Correct Answer: C

5. Which are the two official languages in Timor-Leste? A. English and Indonesian B. Portuguese and Tetun C. Russian and English D. Portuguese and English Correct answer: B



SECOND PARTIAL 1. In language and perception, which is the most obvious feature in a text? A. The use of agentless passive constructions B. The impersonal nouns C. The formal devices D. The impersonal and detached tone Correct Answer: D 2. In verbal hygienic, what does the term vertically change refer to? A. Short people B. Tall people C. As way of avoiding the term ugly. D. None of above Correct Answer: A 3. Which words did English–Chinese dictionaries illustrate the meaning? A. Imperialism – unemployment B. Unemployment – Fulfil C. Fulfil- war D. Unemployment- fulfil – agreements Correct Answer: B 4. What does the term "Verbal Hygiene" refer to? A. How people behave in formal situations. B. How people respond to "the urge to meddle in matters of language" C. How people use language. D. The deterioration and abuse of language. Correct Answer: B



1. What do formulas involve? A. Fixed semantic patterns and a narrow range of lexical items. B. Semi-fixed semantic patterns and a narrow range of lexical items. C. Unfixed semantic patterns and a narrow range of lexical items. D. Fixed syntactic patterns and a narrow range of lexical items. Correct answer: D 2. What does the term ‘register’ mean? A.

‘Register’ is a variety of language used for one people in

a particular communicative situation. B. The term ‘register’ describes the language of groups of people with common interests or jobs, or the language used in situations associated with such groups. C. The term ‘register´ is an occupational style. D. ‘Register’ is the totality of linguistic varieties used in different social contexts by a particular community of speakers. Correct Answer: B 3. Which is not an identity aspect shown by people’s styles of speech? A. Ethnicity B. Context C. Gender D. Social Background Correct answer: B 4. What is the kind of sports announcer talk called? A. 'Leisurely' description B. 'Color commentary' C. 'Play-by-play' description D. Discursive speech Correct Answer: C



4. Componente Teรณrico FISRT PARTIAL














5. Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) S/N



6. Prรกcticas Preprofesionales N/A



7. Reflexiรณn Sociolinguistics, was one of the most interesting subjects for me because knowing how language and society are related helps me a lot in my training as a teacher. Also, it explained me to make use of linguistic elements, psychological processes, and the sociocultural aspects in order to apply them in the teaching-learning process in an effective way. Sociolinguistics, will help me a lot in my future professional development informing me about the different situations I will face in a class. It is important to say that I learnt about learning the relationship between language and society, define sociolinguistic terms to develop awareness of social aspects in the English class, analyze vernacular, standard, national official languages and varieties in order to infer language varieties and codes witching in Ecuadorian contexts, study gender and age speech features in order to make pedagogical decisions when teaching English in Ecuador, evaluate style, context, register , speech functions, politeness, stereotypes in order to give sustainable opinions, considering gender differences, and propose a theory to improve the English language teaching process in Ecuador. In conclusion, Sociolinguistics was a subject very useful in my formation as a future teacher by learning all the approaches that will be useful for me. Also, it contributed with my teaching itself since methods and techniques are what teachers need to know in order to apply them in the class. Furthermore, it supports the statement stated in the exit profile and educational model.


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