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Noveno Semestre Marzo – Agosto 2019 aaaaa

Elaborado por: María Cristina Páez



Contenido Universidad Técnica de Ambato .............................................................................................3 Misión .................................................................................................................................3 Visión ..................................................................................................................................3 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación ....................................................................3 Misión .................................................................................................................................3 Visión ..................................................................................................................................3 Sílabo .....................................................................................................................................4 Programa Analítico .................................................................................................................4 Guías PAE ...............................................................................................................................4 Perfil de Egreso.......................................................................................................................5 1.

Trabajo Colaborativo .......................................................................................................6


Trabajo Práctico ............................................................................................................11


Trabajo Autónomo ........................................................................................................16


Componente Teórico .....................................................................................................21


Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) ............................................................................24


Prácticas Preprofesionales .............................................................................................25


Reflexión .......................................................................................................................26


Autor: Gabriela Patricia Tapia Marca


Universidad Técnica de Ambato Misión Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.

Visión La Universidad Técnica de Ambato por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un centro de formación superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Misión Formar profesionales íntegros de tercero y cuarto nivel en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación, con bases científicas y tecnológicas, para el desempeño competente en procesos educacionales y de desarrollo del ser humano, a través del ejercicio de la investigación y vinculación con la colectividad, que respondan a los requerimientos del entorno sociocultural.

Visión La Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación se constituirá en una institución de educación superior que garantiza la sustentabilidad y sostenibilidad en la formación de líderes profesionales, que transforman el contexto social en el área humanística y educativa del país, mediante la investigación científica y la práctica tecnológica, bajo principios éticos, políticos y culturales, que promuevan la calidad de vida y bienestar de los ecuatorianos.


Autor: Gabriela Patricia Tapia Marca


Sílabo https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/mod/resource/view.php?id=159148

Programa Analítico https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/mod/resource/view.php?id=158570




Perfil de Egreso Al concluir la Carrera de Idiomas los estudiantes demostrarán haber adquirido y desarrollado las siguientes competencias, capacidades, habilidades, destrezas y desempeños como resultados de su formación profesional: 1. Usa el idioma inglés a un nivel B2 del Common European Framework. 2. Maneja competentemente los métodos y estrategias metodológicas para la enseñanza del idioma inglés según las exigencias del Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) 3. Diseña programas o cursos específicos y sus respectivos materiales didácticos. 4. Elabora materiales didácticos mediante la utilización de NTIC´s. 5. Transforma el contexto educativo a tráves de la práctica de valores. 6. Genera escenarios de aprendizaje significativos dando lugar a la investigación participativa, el aprendizaje basado en problemas y el trabajo en equipo. 7. Maneja leyes y reglamentos de Educación Ecuatoriana. 8. Aplica técnicas de valoración de los aprendizajes, así como también de su propio desempeño docente. 9. Manejo de los aspectos sociales, intelectuales y psicológicos de los estudiantes para promover el aprendizaje. La Carrera de Idiomas adopta como instrumentos de evaluación interno del perfil de ingreso dos simulaciones de exámenes con estándares internacionales. Siendo así, Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) test de acreditación internacional para la enseñanza del inglés y Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) para la competencia comunicativa.



1. Trabajo Colaborativo FIRST PARTIAL NOT ANOTHER CHRISTMAS STORY Once upon a time, in a small town named Baños, there was an unconventional family that will recover the faith in the miracles of Christmas. Fernando, the father, was a loving parent and husband. However, he often lost control easily, and even he did things, that might be reproachful, because of alcohol, like the week before Christmas in which he took all the money that his family wanted to spend on the Christmas gifts, to waste it in beer and girls. Fernando: Hey! Víctor, wait! I found more money to spend with those blonde girls at …. The day before Christmas, Fernando, his adoptive son, Christopher, his son Juan Carlos, and his daughter Mishel, were trying to decorate the Christmas tree. Christopher: You know dad, this tree is older than my grandad. Fernando: Are you kidding? This tree can be used five years more. Do you know where your mom is? I want to buy the gifts as soon as possible. Lorena! Hurry up! Lorena: Give me a second! I’m making up! Fernando: Let’s put the lights! But, they are all tangled. Mmmm, doesn’t matter. Let me see if they work. Now let’s put the decorations! Mishel: I’m going to put this Fernando: No, Mishel! One by one, no! All the ornaments at once, this is faster. Mmmm! Christmas is my favorite time because we can demonstrate to our beloved ones how much we love them. How much we respect them. Christopher: This light seems to be… Fernando: Hey! Wait! Stop fingering the tree! Don't you see that it might fall? Damn it! Lorena, for the sake of God, hurry up! Lorena: Shut up, please! You really annoy me when you are in a bad mood. Fernando. Lorena, you have our savings to buy the gifts, don’t you? Lorena: Of course! I have been saving the money in this jar all the year. At that moment, Fernando realized that he had taken the money from that jar to waste it with his best friend, Víctor. Lorena: What happened? Don't tell me that you took the money to spend it in your drunken parties. Fernando: Of course not. I spent it in two of my drunken parties. Lorena: What? Fernando: Nothing, nothing. Don’t pay me attention. Lorena: Mariela you also come with us, this year I have saved money even to buy a gift to our beloved maid. Fernando, do not forget to put all that money in the bank because I am going to use my new credit card. Let’s go kids.



Fernando: Oh my God! What I am going to do? All the family went to "Mall de los Andes"; they were absolutely delighted with the idea of buying the gifts because they were supposed to have enough money. Lorena: This Christmas you can buy whatever you want because I spent all the year saving the money that your father has in the jar. Do you already know what you are going to buy? Kids and Mariela: Yeees! Mariela: I want to buy a maid who can do all the housework at home. Mishel: I want to buy the skates of Dora the Explorer, and the schoolbag of Dora the Explorer, and the pajamas of Dora the Explorer, and the blender of Dora the Explorer, and shoes of Dora the Explor… JC: I want to buy the last video game of Mortal Kombat. My friends say that you can make “el malcriadito” fight against “el fusilero”. I want love, understanding and tenderness! Christopher: Enough of talking! Ready, set, buy! After realizing how excited his family was, Fernando felt that it was time to say that he had spent all the money, but everybody ran towards the stores to buy the gifts, so he couldn't say anything. He was very sad. Fernando: Hey! Wait! Lorena, I spent all the money… What I am going to do? I do not have money to pay for the Christmas gifts. Only a miracle can save me. God, why are you abandoning me at this moment? Then, like a miracle, Fernando saw a sign in which somebody needed to hire people who want to get dressed as Santa Claus. So Fernando said: Fernando: This is an easy way out to get some money. After few minutes, and without too much trouble, Fernando was hired, and got dressed as Santa Claus to listen to the children wishes. Fernando: And now, let’s work to pay the gifts. Ho, ho,ho,ho,ho! Fernando was ashamed of what he was going to do, but he did it because he loved his family. Then, he arrived to Santa's workshop, a place in "Mall de los Andes" where children could sit together with Santa Claus, they could tell him all their wishes for Christmas, and they could also take a picture with that adorable character of Christmas. Fernando: Ho, ho, ho, ag, ag... Do not worry kids. Santa just swallowed his beard. Ok. I'm fine. So, Santa is ready to hear you kids. Ho, ho,ho,ho,ho! Erika: You are not the real Santa. Fernando: No, I am not. You know, the real Santa is very busy at his workshop making toys for good children. And he is also creating tortures worse than hell for bad behaved children like you. Ho, ho,ho,ho,ho! Erika: Mommy! Fernando: What happened sweety?



SECOND PARTIAL While Fernando was working as Santa Claus, his family had already bought the gifts for Christmas with a credit card that had no money. Lorena: Where will your dad be? I am sure he is at the bank depositing the money. Mishel: Mom, don’t you think those gifts are too expensive? Lorena: Honey, money is not the most important thing in the world. Mishel: You are right, money is not important. Lorena: See, for that reason I waste the money in banal stuff, because it is not important. Then, the younger brother, Juan Carlos, noticed the presence of Santa Claus. Christopher, the older brother, asked his mom for permission to go with Santa, without imagine that Santa Claus was his own father. JC: Look! Santa Claus is there! Christopher: Mom can we go? Yes? Please, please, please! Lorena: No! Christopher: Thank you mom At that time, Fernando was really upset of working with children because he was not used to it. Fernando: Who’s Next? Christopher: Me! Me! Me! Fernando: Christopher? Christopher: Do you know my name? Fernando: Eh? Yea! Because I am Santa Claus, and I know everything about you. Christopher: Really? Please, do not tell my dad that I burnt his t-shirt of Metallica, and that I threw it to the garbage. Fernando: You did what? Bad-behaved boy! I mean… Ho, ho,ho,ho,ho! What a naughty child! Then, the younger brother noticed something strange in Santa, and he decided to pull down Santa's beard. JC: It's you? Mishel: Dad? Christopher: Are you my dad? Fernando: Yes. Christopher, I am your dad. Christopher: So, I am son of Santa. Sure, for that reason I have a beard. I have found my real father. Dad! Meanwhile Lorena was buying many things with a credit card that has no money Lorena: please give me those fur coats, and this pair of shoes, and this dress… and what is that? Gaby: a pair of socks L: ok give me those for my husband. Gaby: this is not you? (Shows a picture)



Lorena: oh my God¡ the useless of my husband didn’t do the deposit in the bank. Lorena: no, that is not me. (run) Gaby: Grab her! PERSECUTION Lorena: Fernando, useless and shameless the police is looking for me because you didn’t do the deposit. We will go to the jail. Fernando: The thing is that I have spent all the savings in alcohol and in a table dance. Lorena: (hit him) The police arrived and started to follow the family who runs because they did not want to give back the gifts. Police (Lisette): they are there! Family: run children run! But, the police caught them Police (Lisette): Sir, please bring back the clothes. Don’t do the things worst. Lorena: never never … first dead than returning all the gifts. Then the police took everything, and all the family returned to the house sadly. Fernando: I am so sorry. We were influenced for this woman. The family arrived at home very sad because they didn’t have any gift for Christmas. Lorena: Finally, we are at home Fernando: yes, we are at home but without any gift (he is very sad) All of them were sitting in the living room talking about it. Mishel: Family, don’t be sad. We have to see the other side of the reality. We could be in jail right now, but fortunately we are at home together. JC: Why do you say that Mishel? I really want to have the gifts for Christmas. I really prefer to be in jail instead of being without gifts for us. Christopher: Me too (he is sad) Fernando: We can’t do anything right know. We don’t have anything. It’s better to go to sleep instead of being awake. We could forget everything for tomorrow. They were very sad and they decided to go to their rooms. Juan Carlos looked at the Christmas tree with sadness and said: JC: It is the worst Christmas that I have had in my life He went to his bedroom crying. Suddenly, something strange happens in the house. Santa Claus entered to the house and left gifts for everyone. Fernando: what’s going on there? - Stop or I shoot.

At that moment, Fernando shot his gun, and killed Santa Claus.



Fernando: A bag of gifts? A man dressed of red? Reindeers? Was it Santa Claus? The next day, all of them were very happy because they found gifts under the Christmas tree and they thought that Fernando had bought the gifts for them. JC: Thank you dad for the gifts. Christopher: This is the best Christmas ever, with many gifts. Lorena: Thank you my love. How did you do for giving us too many gifts? Fernando: This was a surprise for long time that I have prepared for you‌.. Do you remember that you wanted a dog? I do not bring puppies, but I bring reindeers!!!!!!! JC: AHAHAHA‌.. Some reindeers, one for each one. Fernando: No!! It is like three for each one Lorena: Thank you my heaven. You are the best dad in the world. You are more generous than Santa Claus The father felt bad for that lie. Immediately, his wife unwrapped her gift and read the name that it had. She was very angry because it was not her name and she asked Lorena: For Cristina??? Lorena looks the bikini that was inside of the box Lorena: This is not my size. Who is Cristina? Tell me! Useless. Finally, His wife stands up and hits her husband for this confusion. He runs away and her wife follows him to hit. Despite of this this family had a very Merry Christmas. THE END



2. Trabajo Prรกctico FIRST PARTIAL












3. Trabajo Autรณnomo FIRST PARTIAL



Why do you want to be an English teacher?

I decided to become a teacher, because teaching is an incredibly rewarding job. It is good to know that there is a child that adores and loves you. And I will be more satisfied when I will know that they are learning things from me. I think that I have sufficient reasons to become a teacher. I hope one day to be the most successful teacher.

I desire to become a teacher because I love to work with children. The children and I seem to connect well, together. I think teaching is a part of my family’s heritage as most of my family have been teachers. Therefore, I feel teaching is the profession for me as well. If I can help but one child achieves their goals, I will have accomplished something.

The best quality that the teacher must possess is the quality called “knowing your students”, Caulk, N. (1994) explains that knowing our students we will know what do they need, what do they know and what they don’t know. Of course, by knowing our students we will use the appropriate method for them during the process of teaching. An excellent teacher is not just someone who explains. Not someone who just demonstrates.

An excellent teacher is someone who inspires. An excellent teacher can take any individual and make them believe, truly believe, that their hopes and dreams are within their reach. Min,



H. T. (2005) clarifies that an excellent teacher will not let a student walk away until every question is fully explained and completely understood, no matter how long it may take.

In conclusion, I want to be an English teacher, because I want to be the positive influence in my students’ lives. An enthusiastic and professional English teacher is the most wonderful experience for me to teach other language to different people. I enjoy engaging and motivating pupils to learn a foreign language helping them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of a different language and culture. This is the reason I want to become a teacher. I want to inspire the children who will represent the future of our great nation.




Characters • Helen • Her parents • The fairy Once upon a time, a girl named Helen who lived in a small distant town from the city. She

lives with her father and her mother. She always wants to achieve her desire. Her only desire

was to go on holiday with her parents to a wonderful place where everything would be



different. Her father and her mother granted the desire and led her to the farthest forest from

her town. The trip was long, the girl and the mother fell asleep and the father lost control of

his car and a fatal accident occurred. The girl woke up from that deep sleep saw her father

and her mother dead, she desperately shouted for help. The girl was given account that was

alone in that place. After a few minutes she heard a strange noise and scared, she hid behind

big trees, but she couldn't see anything. Suddenly a fairy appeared who helped her and took

her to her cave. The fairy asked her what she made there so alone. The girl told her everything

that she had happened and that fairy said she had gone through the same thing but she was

coming with her daughter and now fate was returning her daughter who had died in that same

place. That fairy took care of that girl as if she were her own daughter and they spent their

whole lives in that cave happy.




4. Componente Teรณrico FIRST PARTIAL








5. Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) N/A



6. Prรกcticas Preprofesionales N/A



7. Reflexiรณn Languages program offers students a formation to become an English teacher. One of the syllabus that this program includes in the curriculum is OPTATIVA I: DRAMA. That is why the teaching of OPTATIVA I: DRAMA syllabus is essential in our professional field. Nowadays, in the field of language teaching, it is really important to develop skills and attitudes. OPTATIVA I: DRAMA, helped me in my professional development by training me in the development of different strategies to improve my speaking skills. It was an essential subject focused in allowing students to manage the language, to analyze what are we being said, through some useful strategies and to move the students from superficial reading to more sophisticated critical thinking with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction and produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects. In conclusion, OPTATIVA I: DRAMA is a subject very useful in the program because it helps students in their formation as a future teacher. The knowledge I acquired through entire course helped me in my personal training of English language teaching in real life situation. Furthermore, it supports the statement stated in the exit profile and educational model.


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