FutureSense Foundation Annual Report 2016

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Annual Report


for the future

“The future depends on what you do today.” Mahatma Gandhi 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2016

S T N E T N CO 5

Letter from the Founder


What makes us different?


A Foundation for the Future


2015/16 in numbers

12-13 Thailand 14-15 Nepal 16-17 Romania 18-19 India 20-21 Tanzania 22-23 Peru 24-25 Cambodia 26

Financial Statement 2016


Strategic Goals and Objectives


Thank you to volunteers


Contact us ANNUAL REPORT 2016 3

I can see nothing more appropriate than a more equal, sustainable world being created with the help of volunteers from every part of the globe, demonstrating how we are all one humankind who should always help each other.


R E T T LE from the Founder Dear Supporter, I am delighted to present to you our annual report for 2015-16. We have had another fulfilling year that has included some significant changes in our approach to our work, which I am pleased to be able to outline to you in this document. The UN goals for Sustainable Development, bringing together the 17 key aims that need to be met to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind came into force on January 1st 2016. We believe that playing our part in reaching them is vital to our mission. We have, this year, put a lot of work into mapping our own work, mission and values to the UN goals. We are pleased but unsurprised that much of our work already falls under its scope, but by refocusing our ways of thinking around those of the goals, we hope to have even greater impact. Although our work touches upon many of the goals, we have identified five key areas where we can most strongly make our contribution to sustainable development. In this report we lay out what those areas are and how they relate to our work and the communities that we work in. I would particularly like to extend my thanks to all our volunteers and fundraisers on the Challenges Abroad, GapGuru and Inspire programmes who are the ones who make the real difference to vulnerable communities and people on the ground, building brighter futures for them. Volunteering to bring about the change needed in the world is still at the core of our mission, and I can see nothing more appropriate than a more equal, sustainable world being created with the help of volunteers from every part of the globe, demonstrating how we are all one humankind who should always help each other.

With best wishes,

Arvind Malhotra Chief Executive


What makes us

• We keep our UK costs down, so over 90% of our funding expenditure is spent overseas • We are not just a funding organisation, our focus is on running programmes to help local communities have a brighter future • We always work with carefully selected local partners to ensure we are understanding the needs of the communities and are working towards meeting their aspirations • We focus on stability, so we run long term programmes supported by a permanent in-country team • All of our programmes are delivered through volunteers, ensuring that the money we spend goes further


I had the most incredible experience which I will treasure forever It has opened my eyes to the world and inspired me to do more and become a global citizen. Ashleigh Wilson, Nepal

The most amazing experience - made not only a real difference to the children in the care home, but a difference to myself too. I’ve learnt a lot of important lessons! Sophie Clempson, Romania

My 3 week volunteer trip to Cambodia has to be the best thing I have ever done. Being able to make a difference in a community was an amazing feeling that I will never forget!! Also, meeting so many great people from all around the world and learning about different cultures also added to the experience! I would definitely recommend it!!” Emma Smith, Cambodia

“The Tanzania challenge was one of the most incredible, fulfilling three weeks of my life. I met and worked with such inspiring people and became part of the community. It has opened up my eyes and has allowed me to really appreciate the world and those who live in it.” Shona Conway, Tanzania

It has motivated me to travel more, follow a career with children, and to learn Spanish. The history of the country was incredibly interesting, and the trip was a good balance of volunteering and travelling. My only regret is that I could’ve have stayed for longer. Ellen Taylor, Peru

I cannot even comprehend in short how amazing this experience was. In so little time, we accomplished so many tasks and grew so many life skills. This kind of experience changes your life, it puts into perspective how lucky we are and what small little thing we take for granted. It teaches you to care for people around the world whatever the nationality. I was heartbroken to leave the school because they became like my family in such a short period of time Craig Menezes, India

Amazing charity and an amazing experience to be part of. The challenge was 10 times harder than expected but 100 times more rewarding! It was the most unbelievable experience and I’m so proud of everything we achieved on our trip. Monique West, Cambodia ANNUAL REPORT 2016 7


• VISION: We support disadvantaged communities around the world to help them build a brighter future for themselves. • MISSION: We support sustainable development through the placement of volunteers and carefully targeted funding with a focus on education, livelihood and health. • VALUES: We are passionate about meeting the needs of our community partners. Innovative programmes are created with integrity, empathy and energy to fulfil the foundation’s vision and mission. Carefully selected, sustainable and locally driven programmes have been provided by the FutureSense Foundation since 2009. Since then over 300,000 hours of volunteer work and £1.5 million have supported 11,000 people in creating their own bright future. Since their announcement on 1st January 2016, the new UN Goals for Sustainability have provided focus

for the Foundation’s programmes and projects around the world. We have this year reviewed our work and examined our own three pillars of international development in terms of how they can serve to help fulfil the goals. How the FutureSense Foundation and the UN Goals fit together

for the future While we contribute to a number of the other goals, there are five goals in particular that we believe we can make a real contribution to, which themselves fit within our original mission.

GOAL 3: Good health and well-being. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Poor health damages livelihoods, affects child welfare and a child’s ability to stay in education. By addressing health and well-being issues through public health education and working directly with health care providers, we allow people to become more effective in all areas of work. Our work in this area includes running public health programmes, providing interns and volunteers to local hospitals, running community health clinics and educating communities on first aid.

GOAL 4: Quality education. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Quality and access are at the heart of our educational work. Our focus is on improving life skills and providing children from disadvantaged backgrounds, most of whom are at a high risk of dropping out of school, with the opportunity for a better future. Quality of and access to education are the main route to a brighter future for these children, so our projects include running workshops, developing teaching resources, training the teachers, and improving the physical infrastructure of schools. We contribute towards this goal through our extensive education work, which has been the basis of the Foundation’s activities from its start. In addition to school education programmes, the Foundation provides adult education and strives to improve quality through teacher training and curriculum development, and to improve education infrastructure by building and renovating school facilities and providing new resources.

GOAL 6: Clean water and sanitation.

GOAL 10: Reduced inequalities. To end inequality in all its forms within and between countries. The FutureSense Foundation’s programmes are focused on providing support to communities and groups most in need. Education disparity is directly tackled by providing quality education by our volunteers to the poorest and most remote communities. We provide snack programmes in schools for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and have developed school gardens growing fruit and vegetables so that schools can cheaply provide nutritious meals to pupils. Much of the Foundation’s work directly impacts women; from livelihood and personal development programmes for women’s groups working alongside domestic violence shelters to inclusive education and providing female role models for young girls, our livelihood work includes educational programmes that help girls stay in school and lower the risk of dropping out for child marriage.

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

GOAL 17: Partnerships for the goals.

The FutureSense Foundation recognised clean water to be one of the most fundamental human rights. Projects that focus on educating the community on reducing water borne disease and installing solutions such as rain water harvesting and covered water storage tanks have helped to improve community health and hygiene.

To achieve the goals, the UN emphasises partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society and that this partnership should be present at the global, regional, national and local level.

Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.


6 1 0 2 5 201 rs e b m u n in


Our work is focused on making real, qualitative improvements to people’s lives; they are not just a number to us. However, looking at the figures of our work gives a clear overview of the scope and expansion of our operations. Our work this year has reached over 11,800 people worldwide, supporting them and their communities to build a strong foundation for their future. We have worked with nearly 60 partner projects to achieve this, making sure that our work provided the communities with the help that they required to make the most difference. None of this could be achieved without the hard work and support of our fundraisers and volunteers, and we are grateful to the more than 300 fundraisers and over 700 volunteers who have made our vision a reality this year. 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2016


Beneficiaries Helped: 820 Projects worked on: 4


Beneficiaries Helped: 1300 Projects worked on: 10


Beneficiaries Helped: 1050 Projects worked on: 7


Beneficiaries Helped: 4124 Projects worked on: 18



Beneficiaries Helped: 1200 Projects worked on: 9


Beneficiaries Helped: 930 Projects worked on: 7

Beneficiaries Helped: 2451 Projects worked on: 11



This year in Thailand, the FutureSense Foundation has developed new partnerships in the hill tribe villages putting in place a plan to extend our programmes to all 13 villages of the Pa Pae sub district. We also had a third year of a very successful English Skills Development Camp that now reaches over a dozen schools in the local area.

GOAL 3: Good health and well-being This year, FutureSense Foundation in Thailand has supported a number of health initiatives that aim to tackle various issues with three main programmes: 1) health promotion in Thai schools, 2) first responders training, and 3) public health improvements and campaigns. Across the three programmes issues such as nutrition, substance abuse and hygiene are being addressed and programmes to help raise the level of care offered by first responders, and improve the conditions of school kitchens and canteens have been implemented. In 2016 we have set up key partnerships with the Doi Saket hospital and the Samret rescue team, which will enable us to expand the scope of our health related programmes.

GOAL 4: Quality education for all The Foundation has worked to support a range of rural schools in Thailand this year. The goals worked towards by the volunteers included upgrading educational facilities, increasing the skillsets of youth to foster higher employment rates, and 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2016

increasing the access of quality education for both boys and girls. All of which were successfully met. Volunteers taught conversational English, and created new and creative curriculums to teach new skills and expose students to new ideas. The renovation work and building of appropriate structures that was completed is much needed in rural schools to make them more accessible and to improve attendance. In 2017, the Foundation is starting a new partnership with the Pa Pae sub-district, which includes twelve very remote hill-tribe communities and schools. Prior to 2017, work has been carried out in partnership with three of these schools and we are now in a position to expand our programmes to encompass the entirety of the sub-district.

GOAL 10: Reduced inequalities Our education programme is focused on providing quality education to those for whom it would normally be inaccessible. With the help of our volunteers this year, the Foundation has helped to reduce education inequality and allow the children of our partner communities the chance to excel in subjects that they had previously never encountered. Improved facilities and public health, as well as the presence of international volunteers, has seen school attendance improve and test scores in one partner school have gone from the lowest to the highest in the school district.

GOAL 17: Partnerships for the goals 231 volunteers from across the world spent 5470 hours and helped over 1120 community members through education and welfare projects.

SHOW CASE: Pa Pae Village FutureSense Foundation started working with Pa Pae Village School in 2012, and since then volunteers have taught English, built a library and run a variety of community programmes. Since the school has partnered with the Foundation, teachers have noticed an improvement in the attendance and motivation of the students. Most notably, Pa Pae Village school came top of the leader board for English this year for having the best test scores of 37 schools across 3 districts. This is a massive difference when compared to the schools position before the partnership.






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In Nepal this year, the Foundation successfully delivered Health Promotion camps and continued to support communities in their ongoing recovery from the 2015 earth quake. The improvements to health and education through the hard work of international volunteers has been marked in all aspects of community life.

GOAL 3: Good health and well-being Health education in Nepal can be lacking for many children. Topics such as puberty, nutrition and sanitation are rarely covered, leaving gaps in understanding on how to stay healthy. This year a health promotion camp was initiated in Kathmandu. Volunteers provided workshops on every aspect of health education, especially those that frequently get missed, and reached 250 children with the camp. Hand washing, nutrition and reproductive health were all covered, and volunteers encouraged children to pass on the information they had learned to their family and friends. A further two health promotion camps were initiated in the Chaukot and Dhulikhel areas and saw great success. These projects reached almost 800 children and included topics such a gender equality, reproductive health, nutrition and basic first aid. In addition to the health education, the children received eye tests and had their BMI’s calculated and several children were successfully referred to the local hospital for treatment and follow up.

GOAL 4: Quality education for all Volunteers supported partner schools in three main aspects this year. Direct tuition to the students, mainly in English, have helped to lift the confidence and proficiency levels in all students who received support. Employment and education opportunities in Nepal are increasingly dependent on English 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2016






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SHOW CASE: Opening minds At the summer Health Promotion Camp, volunteers not only educated students on matters to do with their own health, but included topics such as gender equality, sexuality and reproductive health. The aim of these topics was to empower young people with a comprehensive understanding of subjects of which understanding has previously been narrow.

skills, and exposure to native and fluent English speakers has shown great improvement to the English levels of the students. Refurbishments were made to Shree Shwet Ganesh School making the school a more welcoming environment, more conducive for learning. In addition to the refurbishments, volunteers held English workshops and promoted sports and physical activity. The presence of the volunteers has helped to increase the physical activity among students, particularly in girls.

Before the camp one young member of the community, 15 year old Srijan, held a narrow understanding of gender equality, cultural norms and the effect they have on individuals. After the workshops, Srijan showed a real change in his thinking. When speaking to volunteers after the Health Promotion camp he said “I now understand the importance of empowering girls and women and our duty as a brother, a friend or a husband and a father to be part of the positive change. From now I will be respecting everyone regardless of their sexual orientation.�

The style of teaching provided by international volunteers presents a fresh attitude to teaching; methods used differ from traditional schooling in Nepal and help to excite and engage the children in their education. This year the Foundation was able to provide teacher training, led by an experienced volunteer teacher. By furthering the teachers understanding of education methods and how effective different methods can be, the local teachers are able to best provide a comprehensive education.

GOAL 17: Partnerships for the goals In 2016 30 volunteers spent 4200 hours working on 7 healthcare and education projects in Nepal. The volunteers from around the world helped 1050 children with improved education facilities, English lessons and a comprehensive health education. ANNUAL REPORT 2016 15


Since 2011, the FutureSense Foundation in Romania has been supporting children in care and education with great success. This year that success has been more visible than ever and the volunteers continue to provide role models for children of all ages and help them to build confidence in all aspects of their life. GOAL 3: Good health and well-being In Romania, access to good health care remains a problem for many communities, and many citizens will travel to nearby countries for their medical care, a costly and time consuming exercise. With the 2016 health care project in Romania, volunteers have been working in one of the biggest emergency departments in the country. Volunteers have worked shifts alongside the local workers and, beyond the extra man-power and assistance they have been able to provide, the project has prompted a cultural exchange of skills and knowledge. The project has expanded both our volunteers and the local nurses understanding of medical conditions and procedures and this increase in knowledge has led to an improvement in care for the local community. The project has been so successful that the Romania team are looking into expanding the programme in other in-need areas in the coming year. Renovation and building works have created fun and safe environments for children to live, learn and play in. The construction of a pavement outside one of our partner care homes has made a great deal of difference to those living there as it prevents flooding and water damage to the building.

GOAL 4: Quality education for all English camps run by volunteers have seen great success. This year some of the earliest pupils to benefit from the first camp in 2011 have gone onto study translation, work as translators and improve their English to a fluent level. This year one of our 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2016




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SHOW CASE: Education to Employment

past students has even been employed as a translator herself. For the younger children the camps have been providing children in care with a space to socialise, explore their own interests, and English lessons that have greatly widened the children’s education and employment prospects in years to come. Not only have some of the past English camp attendees gone on to further their education in English and translation, but many have expressed an interest in becoming a translator and learning from the translator that accompanies our volunteers. Alongside this a large amount of infrastructure improvements have been made to many of the schools and summer camps that the FutureSense Foundation works with.

This year saw a clear example of how the Foundation’s efforts are making an impact. A girl, who has grown up in a partner care home, whose English due to the regular presence of volunteers, is very good, expressed her love of learning English and interacting with the volunteers to improve her English. We were able to provide her with the opportunity to trial run as one of our translators. Her knowledge and passion with the children as well as her English level, enabled her to be a good translator and has acted as a platform for cultural exchange between the volunteers and the children. The FutureSense Foundation’s partnership with care homes and English camps has directly improved the life and employment opportunity of this young woman.

GOAL 17: Partnerships for the goals This year over 80 volunteers worked tirelessly to transform the lives of 520 local people through education, care and health projects. 10 projects received over 11,580 hours of work from our international volunteers who assisted with everything from teaching to renovations in order to empower the local Romanian communities we work with. ANNUAL REPORT 2016 17


In India, the FutureSense Foundation has continued to extend its reach to a greater number of schools in the rural areas around the town of Palampur in the foothills of the Himalayas. Attendance to schools has increased, while dropout rates have reduced and schools have reported that their female students are showing increased interest in education and work, just from spending time with female volunteers.

GOAL 3: Good health and well-being This year the FutureSense Foundation’s Oral Health Promotion Programme in Delhi has provided students and their families with free dental care, as well as a comprehensive education on oral hygiene. Oral healthcare is unaffordable for many families, and a lack of care can cause minor problems to become serious. Based upon the success of the Oral Health Promotion Programme in Delhi, we are extending this programme to Palampur where our rural education projects include a module on holistic healthcare education. There are significant issues in the rural communities that the Foundation works in that include malnutrition, water borne diseases and harmful habits such as smoking. Through education on matters such as nutrition, hygiene and common health issues, the Foundation is contributing to the prevention of many of the public health issues facing communities. In supporting this effort for better health, we undertook a project at our partner schools to provide children access to clean running water.


SHOW CASE: Safe water for a safe school

GOAL 4: Quality education for all Education is by far the Foundation’s main focus in India as there are a host of benefits to improved education. English skills are vital in securing decent work and continuing education so the earlier a student is exposed to quality English tuition, the greater are their chances for higher education and employment. Whilst English tuition is the biggest benefit of international volunteers to our partner schools, the volunteers teach a variety of subjects that frequently get missed in the underfunded education system. The holistic nature of the volunteers teaching, including subjects like art and physical education, have many additional benefits. A marked increase in confidence has been seen in students, particularly in female students, after these lessons. The students are better able to express themselves, not just in English but across all aspects of life and the improvements in English fluency and pronunciation have been seen across our partner schools.

In addition to the education, students and community members have been provided awareness programmes in health matters, particularly in regards to water safety. The FutureSense Foundation volunteers installed a water tank and filter system at one of our partner schools. Students now have access to clean water whilst at school. Improvements in understanding public health and clean water facilities are linked to an increase in school attendance, as fewer children fall ill and students remain more attentive during lessons. The hard work from volunteers in installing safe water is directly contributing to the achievement of GOAL 6.

GOAL 17: Partnerships for the goals This year in India 41 volunteers from around the globe spent 2431 hours working on 7 projects. The hard work of these international volunteers with our partner projects has directly impacted the lives of 850 community members.






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2015-16 has seen the successful introduction of the new football programme that complements our overall programmes with the local schools. Our focus has been on personal development of children and improving infrastructure in the government schools we support. We have worked in the wider community to reduce inequality while supporting local women’s groups and young men from the Maasai community.

GOAL 4: Quality education for all In Tanzania, the FutureSense Foundation programmes not only provide quality English tuition for students in rural, under resourced schools but also aim to provide the aspects of education that the state struggles to provide. Volunteers this year have provided lessons centred on the arts and sport. These alternative classes, in both content and structure, stimulate personal growth and nurtures critical thinking in the students allowing their education to reach beyond their times tables and spellings. Students at the FutureSense Foundation’s partner schools have received an education that includes topics such as equality, health and diversity and students can express their opinions and stories in a creative and thoughtful way. As part of the Foundation’s efforts to achieve safe and sustainable schools, 6 facilities in Tanzania received renovation and improvement works. This includes the renovation of 3 schools, a nursery, the building of an entirely new nursery, the improvements to two school gardens and playgrounds, as well was the building of a bridge that allows more students to safely make their way to school. 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2016






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Educational projects are not limited to children; Adult Community English Classes are held for rural Maasai communities for those who wish to learn English so that they are able to seek work in the cities in the booming tourism trade. English tuition is expensive in Tanzania, yet crucial for employment in the countries’ biggest industry, it is those most in need of formal English Language skills that struggle to receive the education. The expansion of the Englanget Organic Garden project, which is helping to provide responsibly sourced, greatly needed nutritional recourses for the community.

GOAL 6: Clean water and sanitation Improvement and renovation projects included the building of a safe and sanitary school kitchen and 8 new or renovated water tanks. School attendance in Tanzania is plagued with absences due to sickness. Providing safe water and food for children attending school not only allows them consistent access to drinking water free from disease but will increase attendance to school and community projects.

GOAL 10: Reduced inequalities As well as providing quality education and health initiatives for communities in Tanzania that are most in need, and narrowing the employment gap between rural and metropolitan communities, FutureSense Tanzania have been working to improve women’s lives in Tanzania. There is still vast gender inequality in Tanzania and though improvements are being made, there is still a long way to go. The Foundation works with the Osligi Women’s Group, a group of 30 women who have banded together to empower each other and educate themselves in their own rights. The Osligi Women’s Group meets on a weekly basis and, with the Foundation’s help, are building their understanding and skills. The group have also set up a shop, which sells handmade Maasai products, with profits going straight back to the group and being injected into their start-up businesses. Not only is the Osligi Women’s Group providing a safe, empowering space for women to meet and grow, but the group is actively improving their own economic prospects.

SHOW CASE: This year volunteers have helped to implement an intensive football programme, which promotes health and fitness as well as mental and emotional well-being in students and directly contributes to working towards SDG 3. The mentorship provided by volunteers reaches far beyond football skills and physical activity. The project provides a safe, fun space for children who have to grow up quickly and can easily find themselves in trouble. The friendships formed with one another and the volunteers can be so beneficial to the students, their confidence and education performance all benefit from the sports programme. The football programme has improved not only the student’s physical health, but also their emotional well-being.

GOAL 17: Partnerships for the goals This year 40 international volunteers have worked on 9 projects. Volunteers have spent 1722 hours working with and supporting 1300 community members through education, welfare and health projects.



This has been a year of consolidation for our Peru partnerships within the community in the town of Urubamba in the Sacred Valley. Some of our programmes have extended their reach whilst others have successfully improved the employment and education prospects for many students. The FutureSense Foundation Peru programmes are continuing to grow into the next year with increased capacity in our hub management.

GOAL 3: Good health and well-being Rural communities struggle to access health care, as resources and clinics are often few and far between. Prevention is by far the best way to improve the health of the rural communities we work with. The Foundation’s work in schools extends to a global health education which covers everything from common illnesses and their prevention to hygiene practices that can help keep the students safe and healthy. Health Promotion Programmes have been running to improve education on reproductive health, family planning and gender equality as well as nutrition and the difference between healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. Prevention and education is just one facet of our commitments to improving health and quality of care for the communities we serve. The Urubamba Hospital Programme has been implemented to help staff improve the quality and efficiency of the care they provide. The new ‘health curriculum’ for hospital staff is helping to provide better care for the local community. 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2016

GOAL 4: Quality education for all Schooling in Peru is underfunded and has some of the highest dropout rates of South America; our volunteers support teachers, share the teaching methods they are familiar with and re-engage the students with improved curriculums and exciting activities. Our education programmes in Peru have included English classes at the local primary schools, an after school programme as well as youth empowerment through a partnership with the La Salle Technical College. At La Salle College, students have benefited from the presence of international volunteers who have encouraged them to question cultural norms and expanded their education to include lectures on issues such as sex, domestic violence, critical thinking, politics and sociology. The project has helped to produce socially minded, clued in and critically thinking young people who are preparing to emerge into the work force with increased understanding of more than just their chosen subject.

GOAL 10: Reduced inequalities The Youth Empowerment Programme this year has provided safe accommodation for college students who have a lack of financial and emotional support with a high risk of dropping out. The mentoring programme sees volunteers support students on an emotional level and provide guidance on attending college, keeping up with work, and the skills necessary to succeed. Financial aid is also provided to help the students remain safe and healthy during their studies.

SHOW CASE: After school clubs This year in Peru, the FutureSense Foundation has supported an after school programme that runs 3 days a week and is led by volunteers and student teachers. The classes cover English, cooking and food preparation and computer skills. Not only does the after school club provide a safe, fun and nurturing environment for the students but the classes help the development of useful life skills. Children have healthy, nutrition filled recipes to take home, improved computer literacy and are more confident in their English. The student teachers who provided the sessions also benefited from the teaching practise, and when qualified will already have a great deal of experience in delivering effective lessons.

All of the FutureSense Foundation’s projects are aimed at providing quality care and education to those most in need; health care quality and accessibility can change dramatically between rural and urban areas of Peru. The Foundation’s health care projects aim to bridge the gap between qualities of service, while the education programmes support the education of community members who cannot afford to supplement their own education.

GOAL 17: Partnerships for the goals In 2016, 4 projects benefited from 1474 hours of work put in by 52 volunteers from around the world. The international partnerships have supported over 700 members of the community through efforts to support the UN goals for sustainable development.






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Programmes in Cambodia have expanded over the year; we have undertaken research into issues affecting health and looked into access for clean water at partner schools. Health promotion and education initiatives have seen great success, and have positively impacted the communities that the FutureSense Foundation works with. Our partnership with Children’s Action for Development has seen us support 300 of the most vulnerable families in the Ek Phnom district.

GOAL 3: Good health and well-being 2016 has been a year of growth and expansion for the Foundation and its partner organisations. The focus has been placed on the reduction of preventable disease through education and infrastructure improvements. This year, with the help of our volunteers, a Community Free Clinic was able to extend its reach to serve over 300 patients. Not only have the volunteers provided increased capacity for the clinic, but the presence of international volunteers has directly contributed to the attendance of more patients to the clinic. As a consequence, the Foundation has helped bring healthcare to some of the poorest community members. Education into treatment of minor conditions at home has been provided for students and other community members. The community is now able to treat dehydration, minor wounds and sickness at home, this reduces the cost of health treatment and prevents minor, easily treated issues worsening due to lack of attention. The improved level of public health will benefit the community as a whole, but will also improve school attendance, as fewer days will be missed and healthy students are more likely to engage and excel in lessons.


GOAL 4: Quality education for all The Cambodian education system is very traditional and only runs for half a day. Families with a higher income are able to afford the extra tuition necessary to help students to progress in their schooling. FutureSense Foundation in Cambodia provides the additional classes that many community members are unable to afford. In addition to providing quality English tuition in the supplementary class, our volunteers have delivered classes that are often missed by the government education. Teamwork skills are taught through sports, expression is encouraged during arts lessons, and other less traditional classes have produced well rounded, confident students. Not only has a marked difference been seen in the confidence levels in students, but this year 100% of the grade 6 children attending the primary school Doun Teav passed their end of year exams.

GOAL 6: Clean water and sanitation After in-depth research by our volunteers, education and health promotion have focused on providing the community with the information, skills and resources to safely use and consume water in their lives. The education on water safety from our volunteers will continue to improve health in the community, as sickness rates will decrease. Education on safe and sanitary water handling has been provided for both children and adults alike, as well as education on

the protection and maintenance of water sources. A new handwashing station was installed at Doun Teav Primary school to promote hygienic practices in all aspects of the children’s lives.

GOAL 10: Reduced inequalities All of the Foundation’s projects in Cambodia are aimed at providing education and health care support for the most in need communities. By providing free supplementary classes and supporting the local Free Clinic, the volunteers have directly contributed to eradicating the disparity in education and health care quality. Schools have reported increased attendance in girls, which they credit to the presence of female volunteers who provide education role models for young girls struggling with school. Resources that would normally be difficult to obtain in rural locations have been made available due to the hard work and presence of international volunteers.

GOAL 17: Partnerships for the goals This year 270 volunteers worked on 18 projects over 12,103 hours to support 1,661 local community members through education projects and 3,239 community members through health and welfare projects. The presence of international volunteers has seen an increase in local utilisation of education and healthcare projects as well as a transfer of skills between Cambodian workers and the international volunteers.






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SHOW CASE: Water and Community Health research This year a group from the Department of Environmental Health at Griffith University conducted a full investigation into the water quality. The team tested every water source in the community and found e-coli bacteria in almost all of them. This pivotal research has enabled the Foundation to re-focus health programmes in the area to most effectively support the community. Since the Griffith team’s research, programmes have been set up to provide community wide education on at-home purification and water safety as well as protection of water sources. The health improvements in the community have led to better school attendance and healthy, more productive students. ANNUAL REPORT 2016 25

Financial Statement 2016

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES For the period ended 31 August 2016



Resources from generated funds Contributions from Volunteers



Contributions from FutureSense



Gift Aid



Total resources generated



Less: cost of generated funds



Net resources available for



charitable activities Charitable Activities Education Initiatives



Livelihood Support



Child Welfare




0 £7,480

Total charitable activities



Governance costs



Total Resources used



Net Resources generated



Funds brought forward



Funds carried forward



Notes: 1. These are draft accounts and have not yet been approved or subject to an Independent Review 2. Cost of generating funds includes cost for fundraising events which are the main source of fundraising for the charity


2016 was a successful and defining year for the FutureSense Foundation. The strategic priorities that we achieved are: 1. Clearly defining success and how we measure it 2. Growing our organisational capacity 3. Developing our fundraising and volunteering model by offering better opportunities and support

The focus for 2017-2020 will be on aligning our organisational activities with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We will achieve this principally by

1. CREATING INSPIRATIONAL FUTURESENSE AMBASSADORS: - by improving our impact at Universities and schools across the world to engage young people in understanding the UN SDGs - by providing country teams with the knowledge and resources to communicate our vision and goals amongst our partner communities - by empowering key local members of our partner communities with the confidence to disseminate knowledge and understanding of sustainable development methods - by creating platforms for open communication between country hubs promoting global citizenship

2. ENSURING EFFECTIVE MONITORING, EVALUATION AND CONTROLS: - by creating clearly defined long-term programmes that have measurable outcomes and are adaptable depending on the changing needs of our partner communities - by increasing capacity in our country teams, creating new roles that focus on monitoring our programmes and ensuring the needs of our partner communities are being addressed - by improving financial controls and measurement in our programming and operational expenditure - by updating our worldwide Standard Operating Procedures enabling improvements in programming and reach

3. RECOGNISING THE IMPORTANCE OF ALLIANCE: - by incorporating the UN SDGs into our vision without losing the integrity of our past and current programmes whilst safeguarding our future programmes - by mentoring our partners in collaboration, innovation and networking amongst their communities - by encouraging our country teams to involve their communities in fundraising - by rewarding and acknowledging innovation demonstrated by our FutureSense Ambassadors in regular newsletters and social media


Aaron Hampshire Aaron Reading Aaron Ruddick Abi Mason Abi Harris Abigail Kirk Abigail Whitby Adam Burston Adelene Tshuma Adella McCulloch Ailish Paterson Ailsa Irvine Aimee Smart Alana Coomer Alaura Mcrae Albert Brunda Alessandra Minutoli Alessia Abraham Alex Cowdell Alex Keisler Alex Lavery Alex Stone Alexandra Crawford Alexandra Hood Alexandra Rachel Alexandra Takkou Alison Drewitt Smith Allana Barrett Alysha Jackson Alysha Johnson Alysha Lohman Alyssa John Alyssa Mutton Alyssa Pacchiarotta Amanda Bjorling Amanda Gian Amanda Gibson Amanda Hing Amber Meadley Amelia Clark Amelia Steven Amie Hodges Amiee Kealey Amiee Livermore Amira Williams Amy Goodman Amy Payne Amy Rose Amy Taylor Amy Bennett Amy Corey Amy Gaynor-Kirk Amy Hatherall Amy McGowan Amy Milledge Amy Nixon Amy Thomas Andrea Roumeliotis Andrew Bransgrove Andrew Pham Andrew Webb Angelica Burke Angie Sparks Angus Shearer Anna Burton Anna Mackay Anna Robson Annalise Farina Annie Miller Anthony Ormand Antonia Pearce Aoife Brennan Arden Vail Ashlea Shelley Ashleigh Dwyer Ashleigh Wilson Ashleigh Wuestenenk Ashley Cromer Ashley Johnson Aubrey Curley Audrey Bongetti Avenell Phoebe Ayaz Jiwani Benjamin Ajayi-Obe Benjamin Clark Benjamin Crandley Benjamin McLean Beth Mollison Bethany Lamb Bethany Paul 28 ANNUAL REPORT 2016

Bhavisha Jaiprakash Bishnumaya Dura Bonnie Johnson Brad Phillips Brenton Stewart Briana Cobden Briana Murphy Bridget Last Bridget Mckimmie-Doherty Brodie Dare Bronwen Allix Bronwyn McMillan Brooke Harwood Brooke McGowan Bruce Watson Caitlin Carlos Caitlin Hill Caitlin Lyons Caitlin Maclnnes Caitlin Thomas Caitlin Treschman Caitlyn Smith Callan King Callum Quine Calum Holmes Cameron Palladino Camilla Goulsbra Candice Adam Carlea Ernst Carley Zaharis Carlia Byron Carly Murphy Caroline McClure Caroline Griffin Casey Cataldo Cassandra Briton-Jones Cata Andreea Catarina Schamps Catherine Pash Celine Tamburrini Celste Cocchiara Celina Driscoll Charisma Nash Charles Mellor Charles Keene Charlotte Caborn Charlotte Chafer Charlotte Lewell Charlotte Tait Charlotte Smith Charmaine Duong Charmaine Lowrie Chelsea Gollan Chelsea Miller Chelsey Varela Cherie Donovan Cheryl Sawyers Chloe Hardwick Chloe McDowell Chong Xu Zi Chris Jones Christiane Martin Christina Boras Christina Sercia Christine Hooton Cian Cattelini Claire Jarvis Claire Kane Claire Todeschini Clara Planegger Clare Mack Claudia Bell Colleen Lim Connor Caller Connor Clark Connor Grant Coralea Byrne Courtney Bowie Courtney Muir Craig Menezes Craig Willis Crystal Pang Curtis Gillen Cushla Mcdonald Dale Wright Daniel Acar Daniella Haughton Danielle Gibson David Kennedy Dean Clifford

Deborah Templeman Dimitra Seitanidou Ebony Stoneham Egan Iylish Eilidh Duff Elaine Marshall Eleanor Banks Eleanor Durrands Eleanore Hayes Elena Dinu Elinor Rainey Elise Calbria Eliza Allan Eliza Hughes Elizabeth Ware Elizabeth Cowley Elizabeth Craig Elizabeth Dades Glase Elizabeth French Elizabeth Maguta Ella Anderson Ella Coates Ella Rushby-Moore Ella Thomas Elle Kershaw- Jervis Elle Scott Ellen Dalton Ellen Lee Ellen Liu Ellen Stammers Ellen Taylor Ellie Sayer Ellie Robson Elise Cooke Emilia Pell Emily Arnold Emily Berchtenbreiter Emily Andrews Emily Ashby Emily Mee Emily Roberts Emily Smith Emma Golledge Emma Jordan Emma Steiger Emma Valentine Emma Flitton Emma McNicholas Emma Norish Emma Randall Emma Smith Emma Warren Erica McNeice Erica Orfanos Erin Glanville Erin Donohoo Erin Gibson Erin Healey Erin Moore Erin Oswald Erin Pretto Erin Wadham Esmay Collison Estelle Blair Ester Cooper Eva Lindsay Evangeline Courtier Fabian Schaefer Faheemah Patel Farchadi Axel Fernando Berghella Floraidh Corfee Flora Lai Tung Cheug Franca DePasquale Frances Hunt Francesca Crea Gabriela Daszewska-Smith Gabriella McNamara Gabriella Motson Gabriella Wong Gareth Roberts Gary Ellis Gemma Rabone Gemma Sier Gemma Taylor Gemma Jameson Gemma Paton Georgia Dempsey Georgia Flannagan Georgia Ford

Georgia Green Georgia Heyne Georgia Dennis Georgia Dennis Georgia Fitzalan Georgia Harriott Georgia Lainchbury Georgia Taylor Georgie Kostoglou Georgina Purcell Giana Spada Glynnis Carvalho Grace Clark Grace Jagger Grace Scaglione Greta Ruaro Gypsy-Lee Oram Haiqi Chen Hana Arshad Hanna Wood Hannah Dunlop Hannah Woolcott Hannah Cowcher Hannah Kent-Spark Hannah Lloyd Hannah Plumb Hanne Nord Harry Chibbett Harry Ormandy Hayley Xuereb Hazel Milliken Helen Wu Helin Cuce Hollie Juniper Holly Brassington Holly Graham-Hayes Honor Reeves Hui Juin (Josephine) Lim Ileana Malacrino Imogen Lawson Iona Woods Isaac Kenyon Isobel O’Neill Isobel Ford Isobel Phillips Ivan Dundovic Ivy Kol Izzy Tribley Jack Barr Jack Cornelissen Jack Hughes Jacob Higgins Jacqueline Lam Jacqueline Trawn Jacquelyn Woods Jade McNaughton Jade Turner Jae Phillips Jake Stephenson James Shutkever Jamie Rudd Jamie Niesyto Jane Lee Jane Martin Jane Piouc Jane Somervail Jannike Stavrinou Jasmine Brown Jayde Cairns Jayde Cleary Jayna Patel Jazmin Sabo Jemima Spike Jenna Cauchi Jenna Rehder Jenna Simmon Jenny Greenhalgh Jenny Lin Jerry Prout Jessica Deinst Jessica Dries Jessica Freebody Jessica Lam Jessica Lee Jessica McKenna Jessica McnNamara Jessica Newton Jessica Stokely Jessica Williams Jessica Wolsey

Jessica Wong Jihyun Seo Joanna Bracegirdle Joelene Rupesinghe John Bidal John Munce Jonathan Mccrum Jordan Bailey Jordan Wilson Jordan Yap Jordana Korbl Jose Waihiga Josephine Ellis Josh Sharman Joshua Latimer Joshua Nembhard Jovyn Goh Jo Swain Judit Berge - Sarroca Julia Pendergast Jun Mo Kim Justine Cooper Ka Wai Cheng Kahlia Ferguson Kaibin Fu Kailey Mckie Kaitlin Johnson Kaitlin Quinlan Kaitlin Ugarte Kaitlyn Taylor Kamara Pather Kashmira Ravichandran Kate Clark Kate Kusturin Kate Marrion Kate Medcalf Kate Morton Kate Roser Kate Simpson Kathryn Radunz Katie Davis Katie Ellis Katie McDonald Katie Staveley Katie Wardley Kayla Templeman Kayleigh Mclaughlan Keeley Smith Keely Witnish Kellie Dugan Kelly Kwan Kelly Carvalho Kelly Kayleigh Kendall Draper Kenny Nung Kenny Waite Kerr Talia Kevin Malavet Kiera Robb Kira Mark Kirsten Saric Kirstyn Morgan Kirsty Robertson Kirsty-Anne Evans Kristina Cotic Kristina Dimech Kristina Miseva Kyesha Gibson Lachlan Dahlenberg Lachlan Feather Laura Peach Laura Choong Laura Main Laura McDaniel Laura White Lauramay Smart Lauren Glennon Lauren Sheridan Laurence Landers Laurian Robertson Leah Johns Leeana Wilson Leighann Oats Leonie McKeown Lewis Smith Liana Hardy Liesegang Caroline Lilian Nguyen Linsey Paterson Lisa Bartleman Lisa Bodger Lisa Nicol Lisa Palmeri Lisa Van Oss Lisette Ogg Louisa Ryder

Loesje Fletcher Lorena Weepers Louella Longhurst Louise Cluthbert Louise Heffernan Louise Pomfrett Louise Rowley Louise Steele-Milne Lucinda Sheehan Lucy Goddard Lucy Marks Luke Dunlea Luke Hughes Luke Leeks Luke Swan Lynsey Fraser Maddeline Gordon-Waker Maddie Ervin Maddison Alford Maddison Bardwell Maddison Dowel Maddison Knights Madeleine Bowles Madeleine Kimbell Madeleine Purcell Madison Denman Madison Hille Madison Howlett MaeAnne Pascua Maggie Ryan Mahlia Ryan Maranda Rabahi Maria Hua Mariah Harrisson Marie Tsilimos Marino Lauren Martin McFall Martin Pedersen Martina Yang Martha Lindsay Matilda Douglas Matthew Brillante Matthew Cristini Matthew Huggard Marissa Kruger Megan Bogart Megan Harman Megan Rhodes Meghan Bly Melanie Albrecht Melanie Jordan Melinda Hawkes Melissa Deery Melissa McGuinness Melissa Ploenges Mellissa Pettinella Mia Whytcross Micaela Knaggs Michael Kitchener Michael Bartlett Michael Berneschi Michael Race Michelle Baker Michael Trytell Michelle Sturrock Mikiella Sison Miriah Plumb Miranda Stuart Miriama Waerea Mirijana Loncar Mitchell Harison Mithulaa Shivakkumar Monica Sam Monica Thomas Monique West Morgan Batty Morgan Tabbit Moselen Tenille Myah Isgrove My Le Myra De Smet Nadine Laurent Nankivell Hugh Natalie Cumming Natalie Orriss Natalie Payne Natasha Oldham Natasha Harrison Natasha Wrigglesworth Nathan Zhang Nathaniel Nixon Nellie Pretorius Niamh Fletcher Nicholas Day Nicholas McPhate Nichole Daniel

Nicola Dunford Nicola Sherlock Nicole Sciberras Nikeisha Klein Nina Schaff Nurul Nadhirah Abd Haleem Olivia Beavis Olivia Summers Olivia Cassar Olivia Fabris Olivia Janev Olivia Soan Olivia Torcasio Orla Hillary Owen Deighton Paige Heasman Pamela Borg Patricia Morrison Patrick Picollo Patrick Morton Patsy Collison Paul Barry Paula Soto Paulina Asvestas Perri Muller Peter Mitchell Petra Thomsen Phoebe Nicholson Phoebe McGuire Phoenix Trinidad Phuong Nguyen Qiu Thomas Rachael Trembath Rachael Harbour Rachel Caborn Rachel Healy Rachel Whitters Rad Newnham Ramona Saleh Razak Hajra Rebecca Gell Rebecca Gibbons Rebecca Matthews Rebecca Smith Rebecca Whitehead Rebecca Hurst Rebecca Jones Rebecca Ponsford Rebecca Zanatta Rebekah Carlin Renae Bury Renae Withoos Rhiannon Davis Richard Sydenham Riley Beven Rimshah Khan Rianna Stanley Roisin Paterson Rosalie Hillier Rosanna Moore Rose Harrison Rosie Rotherham Ross Wotherspoon Ruth Hennegan Rylee Walsh Saba Nikdin Sachi Mylius Sally Darlington Sally Zingelman Sam Baccetti Sam Dreczko Sam Griffiths Sam Kassman Samantha Cristini Samantha Cooke Samantha Farquhar Samantha Valderama Samara Buxton Samira Said Samuel Acklam Sangeeta Kaur Sarah Hengstberger Sarah Tunsted Sarah Woodsell Sarah Biscaro Sarah Fitzsimmons Sarah McCulloch Sarah Moroney Sarah O’Connor Sarah Vansoest Sarah Waddington Sarah-Beth Hearn Sarah-Jane McLaughlin Sariyaporn Supol Saskia Joyles Scarlett Hannah

Scott Taylor Serena Clarke Shannen Bartlett Shannon Wong Sharda Nettle Sharon Roworth Shona Conway Siddharth Bhattacharyya Simi Sandhu Simone Abley Sinead Casey Sinead Murray Siena Mazero Siobhan Hemming Sophia Dooley Sophie Middendorp Sophia Monrose Sophie Bains Sophie Clark-Ryan Sophie Frawley Sophie Whitemore Sophie Carey Sophie Clempson Stacey Dunstan Stefanie Carrino Stefanie Ison Stephanie Donnelly Stephanie Aromataris Stephanie Gentile Stephanie Oakes Stephanie Johnson Stephanie Lampard Stephanie Rotili Stephanie Xavier Stevie Snook Suesan Kearns Susan Brisbane Susannah Symes Suzan Mustafa Sylvia Ly Tamara Laurie Taneal Norman Tayla Kendall Taylor Bradley-Azizi Taylor Cullen Taylor Swanson Tegan Zeeman Teo Shyang Tess Drake Tess Farmer Tess Picone Tessa Murphy Thalia Lim Thomas Fitzsimons Thomas Hrambanis Thomas Skelly Tiffany Pantano Timothy Hilder Timothy Matheson Timothy McDonald Timothy Mellor Tony Arthur Tracey Tindall Trevor Bridge Tsui Enrica Turner Madison Tze Pin Vicky Pratt Victoria Byrne Victoria Smith Vivian Gran Wan Tian Lim Wendy Huynh Xi Lin Katherine Yanan Wei Yasmin Rolfe Ying Chen Ysabel Pasia Zak Derler Zara Hudson Zara Shahzad Zoe Phillips Zoe Reber-Ewin Zoe Taylor Zoe Thomson Zoey Perovic Zoey Torney Zuzanna Tajchman Zena Spanou ANNUAL REPORT 2016 29

Contact us For information about getting involved, visit our website or get in touch on the details below. Website www.futuresensefoundation.org Address The FutureSense Foundation The Old Town Hall Market Place Newbury RG14 5AA Telephone Tel: +44 (0) 1635 285666 Email info@futuresensefoundation.org Facebook www.facebook.com/futuresensefoundation

Get involved There are a number of ways for you to get involved with the FutureSense Foundation: Volunteer GapGuru, Inspire Volunteering and Challenges Abroad offer individual and unique programmes for all types of volunteers. If you are interested, visit our website and see which programme suits you. Donate Your support enables us to grow and to reach more communities and individuals that need our help. To donate, please visit our website or our Virgin Money Giving page (search ‘FutureSense on uk.virginmoneygiving.com). Support us Get involved, fundraise, promote our work at your schools, universities or work places and help us continue to grow.


This was an absolutely amazing experience, being able to go out to a country and help others was something I recommend for everyone as it was so rewarding. Emily Roberts, Tanzania

My challenge was amazing. It was more than what I thought it would be. I met some great people and experienced a different way of living. It was very motivating to work in schools and alongside children teaching them about creative thinking and story telling. I learnt a lot about myself and gained new skills and abilities which I will be able to use throughout my life in and out of work. I would seriously recommend doing a challenge as it was one of the best things I’ve done. Gemma Jamieson, Thailand

My experience was amazing! I cannot thank the charity enough for giving me this experience. It was amazing to feel like I had really made a difference at the end of each day and I have fantastic memories for life! The trip has encouraged me to continue with volunteer work and when possible I will definitely do another challenge. Lynsey Fraser, Nepal



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