Monthly Media highlights August 2016

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FRHI Europe Public Relations Monthly Media Highlights August 2016


Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Hotel Owner {Main} Monday 1, August 2016 11

AccorHotels finalises FRHI Hotels & Resorts acquisition independent directors. AccorHotels shareholders have

Sebastien Bazin, chairman and C E O

given the green light to finalise its

of AccorHotels, said: "The acquisition

acquisition of F R H I Holdings, the

of these three emblematic luxury hotel

parent c o m p a n y of Fairmont, Raffles

brands is a historical milestone for

a n d Swissotel.

AccorHotels. It will open u p amazing

The three luxury hotel brands

growth prospects, lift our international

comprise 154 hotels and resorts across

presence to unprecedented heights,

five continents, including the Savoy

and build value over the long term."

in London, Raffles Singapore and the Plaza in N e w York. The merger was a n n o u n c e d in December, b u t was approved 12 July in a shareholder meeting. The deal, which is believed to be worth around ÂŁ 1 . 9 b n , will see $ 8 4 0 m (ÂŁ634m) paid to Qatar Investment Authority (QLA) and Kingdom H o l d i n g C o m p a n y ( K H C ) of Saudi Arabia, along with 4 6 . 7 million AccorHotels shares. The transaction gives QLA and K H C respective stakes of 10.4% and 5 . 8 % in AccorHotels.

Chris Cahill, w h o worked for F R H I for 19 years, has been appointed to the newly created role of C E O of luxury brands and will lead the integration of the new properties into the company's portfolio. Meanwhile, the shareholders also approved the a p p o i n t m e n t of six new directors; Aziz A l u t h m a n Fakhroo and Ali Bouzarif, proposed by Qatar Investment Authority; Sarmad Zok, proposed by Kingdom H o l d i n g C o m p a n y ; and Jiang Q i o n g Er, Isabelle Simon and Natacha Valla as

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ACCOR' UN FRH' Yİ SATIN ALMASI KESİNLEŞTİ Yayın Adı Resort Referans No 59849941 Renk Renkli

Yayın Tarihi 01.08.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 25,83

Küpür Sayfa 1 Tiraj 10200 Sayfa 66

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

European Spa {Main} Monday 1, August 2016 76,77

Spa innovation spreads throughout Europe A surge in wellness properties and the first chain of hot springs resorts are envisaged as European spa consumers seek monastic-style peace and mini-kurs Going deeper into authenticity Dr Franz Linser, founder, Linser Hospitality As the European consumer faces unprecedented levels of stress and 24-7 'digital noise', pressured lifestyles mean we don't feel 'well' anymore, which is creating new desires for uncompromising peace and a need to be closer to nature. This increasing demand will lead European spa resorts to shift from amenity-driven luxury, with everything from resort design to treatments Dr Franz Linser and fitness experiences shaped to provide intense authenticity, and nature providing a new stage for self-transformation. Wellness retreats will appear on mountaintops, deep in the woods and snow, on the water, under the stars, and in the form of treehouses or houseboats. Spas, treatments and saunas will burst out from the basement, reborn as 'nature cocoons'. Developing retreats in former monasteries, such as Schloss Mondsee in Austria and Eremito in Italy, is a tangible trend for future European wellness destinations - calm, simplicity, wild nature, spirituality and profound self-seeking will be front and centre.

Rise of the mini-kur Anna Bjurstam, vice-president, spa and wellness, Six Senses; owner, Raison D'Etre Spa bathing and venturing on serious 10-day or longer kurs (or cures) have been a long-established way of life in Europe, and this time-honoured custom is now emerging as a much more succinct option for busy Europeans. The rise of the mini-kur will provide concentrated options for 2-3 hour bathing rituals, spa treatments, nutrition advice, movement instruction, relaxation, Anna Bjurstam meditation and mindfulness encapsulated in just one or two days, rather than the more time-intensive traditional kurs. The 'wellness staycation' concept, which has been popular in Scandinavian countries for some time, will expand across Europe. Taking the waters and visiting spa resorts will occur over a briefer period because active Europeans are short on time, and there is also growing unease about air travel, so they are staying closer to home. People will embrace these much shorter, but still transformational 'just being' experiences throughout European spas from Tylosand Hotel & Spa in Sweden to Fredrichsbad in Baden Baden, Germany.

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European Spa {Main}

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Monday 1, August 2016 76,77

Fairmont Raffles Hotels and Resorts One rising trend to look out for is the first true chain of branded hot springs properties, which is to stretch from Poland in the north to Moldova in the south of Europe. These will be fantastic thermal water retreats that successfully integrate medicine and wellness, while capitalising on eastern Europe's abundant natural springs and kurs. They will combine long-established Andrew Gibson medical-wellness retreats and culturally rich cities in countries such as Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia. Private companies will work closely with state tourism departments to create safe destinations with reduced risk and, once developed, this property network is likely to become the world leader in hot springs wellness provision. As the thermal springs movement gathers steam, we can look to national tourism boards or groups of countries banding together to promote this new 'Hot Springs Road' that will wind its way from Budapest to the Karlovy Vary spa town in the Czech Republic.

Clockwise from far left: Some of the finest healing traditions of Europe are gaining wider recognition worldwide: bathing in the unique healing waters at Tamina Therme Bad Ragaz, Switzerland; PieSt'any mud treatments at Irma health Spa, Piest'any, Slovakia: Guests enjoy mini-kurs at the Tyldsand Hotel and Spa. Sweden; off-the-grid digital detox and modern day monastic retreats are gaining popularity at converted monastery Eremito Hotelito Del Alma, near Parrano in Italy

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1 3 380,000 Visits (1/12)


1 8 380,000 Visits (6/12)


2 0 380,000 Visits (8/12)


Weddings at Fairmont Baku 5 Stars Magazine Circulation: 20,000 25 Terraces in Baku that you should visit August 11th, 2016


Prepared by Sparkle PR & Communications


Prepared by Sparkle PR & Communications

Golf World, August 2016, UK, Circulation 25’400

August 2016

Harper’s Bazaar, August 2016

UK, August 2016, MUV 231mio

Fairmont experience – Best Hotels – August 4th Circulation: 30 000; Readership: 225 000; Value: 10 000€

Fairmont Monte Carlo Place to be – Costa Azul – August 29th Circulation: 55 000; Readership: 55 000; Value: 3 987$

GP @ FMC – Fairmont Magazine – August 17th Circulation: 260 000; Readership: 2 600 000; Value: 5 500$

Bal de la Baronne – Monaco Madame – August 24th Circulation: 10 000; Readership: 75 000; Value: 2 200€

Fairmont Experience – Mvoyagerblog – August 31st Readership: 10 000; Value: 00€

Nikki Beach @ FMC – Riviera Magazine – August 5th Circulation: 45 000; Readership: 202 500; Value: 4 000€

Fairmont Experience – Total escape – August 18th Circulation: 15 000; Readership: 112 500; Value: 700$

Fairmont Experience – Vogue Haus – August 31st Readership: 11 900; Value: 200€

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Sunday Times Travel Magazine {Main} Monday 1, August 2016 22

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G12201 - 6

August 2016

Date: 29.08.2016

Trends in Switzerland 1260 Nyon

Media genre: Print media Type of media: Special interest magazines Circulation: 15'000 Frequency: 2x/year

Véritable berceau de

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Topic n°: 571.275 Subscription n°: 1094119 Page: 26 Size: 507'063 mm²

Iôtellerie de I

les rives

hébergent les plus prestigieux

Palaces d'Europe, proposant dans des styles variés des suites d'un raffinement inégalé.


SUITES The most beautiful suites True cradle of Luxury Hospitality, the shores

of Lake Geneva host the most prestigious Palaces of Europe, offering in various styles of Suites of unparalleled sophistication..

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Media monitoring Media analysis Information management Language services

ARGUS der Presse AG Rüdigerstrasse 15, PO Box, 8027 Zurich Tel. 044 388 82 00, Fax 044 388 82 01

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Date: 29.08.2016

Trends in Switzerland 1260 Nyon

Media genre: Print media Type of media: Special interest magazines Circulation: 15'000 Frequency: 2x/year

Topic n°: 571.275 Subscription n°: 1094119 Page: 26 Size: 507'063 mm²


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Media monitoring Media analysis Information management Language services

1212 12 Ték +41 21 962 12

ARGUS der Presse AG Rüdigerstrasse 15, PO Box, 8027 Zurich Tel. 044 388 82 00, Fax 044 388 82 01

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Date: 01.08.2016

Luxury Activist 1005 Lausanne 078 956 23 70

Genre de média: Internet Type de média: Magazines spéc. et de loisir

Lire en ligne

N° de thème: 571.067 N° d'abonnement: 571067

There are hotels that represent a good place to stay and there are palaces that you need to stay at least once in your lifetime. And one of these unique places is the Fairmont Montreux Palace in Switzerland. This 5 stars hotel has an amazing reputation and is a place for great holidays as well as business trips. Placed in the heart of Montreux, this beautiful city by the shores of Lake Geneva, the Fairmont Montreux Palace offers one of the best stays in the region. Every summer, Montreux gets funky thanks to the Montreux Jazz festival . Nestled by the shores of Lake Geneva, the Willow Stream Spa instills wellbeing and a deep feeling of relaxation in you. The secluded building provides more than 2 ’ 000 sq.m. of comprehensive facilities dedicated to your cocooning and addiction to fitness. Your very first laps inside the indoor or outdoor pool will help you connect with the water elements while Lake Geneva sets a most inspiring décor. As you step out of the pool, your sunbed awaits at our solarium so you can indulge in sunbathing with the fresh air of the Alps reinvigorating your spirit. The climax of your experience remains, as you face the comforting smile of our expert therapist, ready to lovingly apply the signature massage or treatment of your choice. You leave Willow Stream Spa feeling rejuvenated, though you only wish to come back!

The energy of the idyllic Montreux re - gion and the luxurious resort extends to Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Le Montreux Palace. The spa hums with the revitalizing elements of nature. Come and connect with your energy in the heart of the Swiss Riviera. Har - mony and well - being await you. More information can be found here: Royal Savoy – New spa for a urban luxury lifestyle The legendary Royal Savoy is writing a new chapter in hotel history: 196 rooms and suites, business facilities, an exclusive terrace restaurant, lobby lounge, cigar lounge, a Sky Terrace on the roof with its unique 360° panoramic view and an extensive spa area. The historic building in the “ Grand Château look ” is being complemented by a new construction. The hotel ’ s own 5,000 sqm park, situated between the new and historical building, will become an incomparable oasis of tranquility, right in the middle of the city. The modern spa at the Royal Savoy, covering an area of approximately 1,500 sqm, will leave nothing to be desired, providing a comprehensive range of cosmetic treatments and massages. It will include an indoor and outdoor pool, eight treatment rooms, a “ ladies only ” Spa area, two additional private spa areas, as well as a 24/7 fitness facility equipped with the latest machines.

Observation des médias Analyse des médias Gestion de l'information Services linguistiques

ARGUS der Presse AG Rüdigerstrasse 15, case postale, 8027 Zurich Tél. 044 388 82 00, Fax 044 388 82 01

Réf. Argus: 62337135 Coupure Page: 5/6

Getting to Montreux from Dubai The hubby and I flew to Genève airport via Emirates Airlines. The flight was an easy one at only six hours, and by the time we had watched a film or two and eaten, we had landed in the country described by Lonely Planet as “a harmonious tableau of beautiful images…a slideshow of epic proportions.” We were not to be disappointed. From the airport, we took two trains until we reached our final destination: Rue de la Garestation in Montreux.

Hotel Location Situated a mere five-minute walk from the train station, the luxurious Fairmont Hotel is located on the shores of Lake Geneva, in the wonderfully picturesque, Jazz-loving village of Montreux. As part of what has come to be known as the Swiss Riviera, the hotel offers a stunning view of the lake and the Alps; a vision indeed. The hotel is situated in the centre of Montreux, meaning that some of the city’s most famous attractions are only a short walk away, providing ample opportunity to stretch your legs and embrace the fresh air.

Room & daily breakfast The Fairmont Montreux offers 235 elegantly appointed and sumptuously furnished rooms and suites. We were allocated a lake view room, with the most breath-taking view of the Alps and Lake Geneva. Although it was a little

Romantic dinner for two at MP’s Bar & Grill During our stay at the Fairmont Montreux, the hubby and I dined at MP’s Bar & Grill, a luxurious restaurant with great ambience, helped along by dim lighting and smooth music in the background. The interiors have a masculine feel at night, but are very romantic nevertheless, with featured shades of emerald and oyster embellished throughout with gold accents. The menu is packed with meat and fish specialities such as sirloin steak, entrecôte or turbot. If you order for two people you even have the chance to taste the 800-gram angus beef from Ireland or the tomahawk ribeye steak. The staff were super attentive and we were very impressed!

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Great Golf {Main} Friday 1, July 2016 52,53,54,55,56....

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Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Great Golf {Main} Friday 1, July 2016 52,53,54,55,56....

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France, August 2016



Leading the Change Franck Sibille

General Manager Fairmont Barcelona




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Welcome to the third edition of Club Life Magazine For the third time, I am excited to welcome you to the Club Life Magazine – 2016 Summer Edition. At this point I would like to thank to all members that have contributed in its production. I strongly believe that this official club’s publication is becoming the unique source of the most important business and social issues in our community.

The Club also had an honor to participate as a sponsor in Padel Challenge Motor Munich as fundraising event for the Johan Cruyff Foundation.

Summer edition covers club’s activates within a period from February to June 2016. During this time we have offered many occasions to gather our members in many different ambiences.

There is one more thing! Club’s cooperation with Hotel Fairmont Barcelona permits the use of its Executive Lounge located on 12th floor, thus the Club has its private

From the 5th Anniversary and Annual Meeting celebrated on March 11th, through Business Breakfasts with Mr. Peter Salzer and Mr. Alfred Santagio, Executive Lunches with Mr. Jordi Morral, Joan B. Casas to our club dinners.

facilities. The access is restricted to the hotel’s guests from Executive Rooms (located on the same floor) and to BIBC Members only.

I am especially happy for our new event series called “Diplomatic Dinner Series” that had its inauguration on June 16th with the presence of Swiss Diplomatic Corps, Mr. Bruno Ryff (Consul General) and Mr. Thomas Kolly (Swiss Ambassador to Spain & Portugal). I am convinced that those relations will empower our international spirit and will enhance business opportunities. The next Diplomatic Dinner will host Mr. Vikram Misri, )the Ambassador of India to Spain), on October the 5th.

Members who wish to use the Club Lounge for meetings, coffee breaks, lunch etc. must carry valid Membership Card. Member’s invitees are obviously allowed. Coffee and snacks are free of charge.

I must mention, that Club is about people and without social activities we wouldn’t be the Club of “Movers & Shakers”. We have organized a number of Clubbing Days (the first Tuesday and the last Thursday of the month), Cognac MasterClass coorganized with Club’s partner, Moët Hennessy and other social gatherings.

Daniel Razniewski Founder | CEO

I cordially invite you to have a good time reading “Club Life Magazine – Summer Edition”, and I very much hope you enjoy your magazine.

Barcelona International Business Club Prestige Clubs, SL Av. Portal del Ángel, 36 08002 Barcelona +34 93 .445.11.11 | Club Life Magazine Article Editing & Preparation: Iolanda Rubio, Club Manager Photography: Marta Balaguer Comas

Executive & Club Lounge on 12th floor, Fairmont Barcelona

FRANCK SIBILLE General Manager, Fairmont Barcelona BIBC Corporate Member

Leading the Change We created “click program” in order to involve directly all the stuff and settle them behind our common vision. How did you arrive to Barcelona? What is your story? My last 14 years I’ve spent my time refurbishing and repositioning hotels. When Fairmont - Raffles and Swissôtel group have acquired management agreement for Hotel Rey Juan Carlos, they asked me to lead the process of refurbishing and repositioning, so here I am. What’s your background? I began with “Baccalaureat Serie CLycee” at St Thomas d’Aquin. Later I was studying Business Administration & Selling Techniques at “Université de Grenoble” and got my degree in International Hotel Management at University of Denver. I was working for 16 years with Hyatt International, 2 years with Mandarin Oriental, 5 years with MC Hotel Group and now 1 year in Barcelona with Fairmont. Once you arrived to Barcelona, how did you approach to the challenge of repositioning the Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I? My first month I spent on analyzing the situation, state of the hotel, state of motivation and competence of the players I was going to deal with – my team. On the other hand I was looking at market conditions and the vision of how do we want to move this hotel forward. Having this detailed overview, after those 31 days I established my first goal: stick all team members of the current staff to the vision. We created small committee, composed of the most motivated employees and collogues. They were not only department heads but also people who was able to bring energy and a bit of leadership. We created a program called “click”. If anybody from the team want to make a change, she or he can make a “the click” and easily contribute to the overall process. The term is understandable on itself and in all languages, in Spanish for example is: “hacer el click”. We created that click program in order to involve directly all the stuff and settle them behind our common vision. Make a click means: “the hotel need the change physically and technically, what is more the change was needed on the way we work, how do we position ourselves, how do we perceive ourselves and on which level we can be proud or not of our product. It was important to get rid of all bad habits. The stuff after 25 years in the same hotel have been through their best and the worst. So, having this “click” is having this principal message: let’s forget about all bad habits and focus on the new ones that will drive us to make this change happen.

The click program included a lot of trainings, parties, events, motivational chats. We started this program with Mr. Xesco Espar (BIBC Member). He spoke to our team and explained the vision from completely different perspectives. The main message was how we are going to compete from the last position of the first division to the top three of the first division, on how to get to the champions’ league and how we are going to win. That was the first event. Than we organized a lot of different motivational events and trainings sessions. You have arrived for making the change. What is your “golden rule” in leadership within such complex environment? For me, the key was to make our stuff dream, that wasn’t the end of the tunnel they were in. This hotel has been through very difficult times under the management of the previous company. Employees were not paid, suppliers were not paid, and product was deteriorated. On some level, the situation for me was critical. People here were still coping with the business but with no hope at all. As the first thing for the new leader in this hotel, was to create this hope again. To make them see the light of the end of the tunnel and to start dream again, that Juan Carlos I could become once more what it was 20 years ago: one of the top 2 or top 3 leading hotels of this city. That was my first call. As soon as you have 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 or 150 employees that, step by step, are sharing the message, things begin to change automatically. We started this way. They will make it happened once they have the vision, this hope, thus they will create better service, they will adapt, they will have creativity to compete. In the end of the day, it is all about competing better than the others. Of course, you can’t do this on your own. Once your staff is motivated and have this hope or vision together with established processes, you need to pursue some guts. Strong leadership around supervisors and managers really helped to generate this change. Did you employ any new people to your team? Yes, but we actually employed quite few. We removed only people who were blocking the change or were against to. We have brought 12 people from around the globe that have an experience in fields such change management or international hotel management.

They represent different cultures, and have been in different types of changes. They came here to embrace this new vision and help the current stuff to grow. If you put one person, usually that person gets bitten by the heavy structure of the 490 people around them. If you bring 12, than they help each other, they keep pushing, they see very quickly who has the talent or potentials to grow. Looking at your professional career, from the early beginning to now, where are you? I would say I am in between. My career is project based. Each projects means new things, new people in my life. I don’t see my career as vertical growth, from trainee to the presidency of the company. I didn’t go those corporate routes - I wasn’t and I am not interested in such career. For me, my career is more about with whom I work with, how I develop myself within each environment and what I can learn. I am focused on my professional and personal growth. That is balance between the two. It is very important to me to embrace the culture where I live. My career is about around the country, moving to the new cities, getting know the places and the people, the new culture. Barcelona of course is a fantastic city to be in. Me career is not only about moving up. I don’t see my career as static one, every project is a new complex challenge. What the Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I is today and what will be in two years. Today we are top in 10 to 20 hotels of the city and within next two years we should be within the top 5. It is long way to go, in terms of global revenue we should become top 3. Family man?Yes, I am a father of two lovely children, my daughter is 11 and my son is 14. They really enjoy Barcelona. As you can see by the window we have a Polo Club there and both of them are playing tennis and riding horses. We are delighted to have BIBC community within the hotel. It is a part of our development and reposition process of what we want to achieve. The best advice you have ever received? Surround yourself by good young people. And also pay attention to details.

Club’s facilities located on the 12th floor at Executive Lounge in Fairmont Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona

Claudio Aguirre Chef Ejecutivo, Fairmont Barcelona Alta materia prima y capacidad de ejecución se conjugan en la cocina del Hotel Fairmont Dentro de la reestructuración integral del hotel, la restauración apuesta por una acción continúa de conjugar la creatividad con el espíritu mediterráneo de la cocina tradicional catalana. El motor de la cocina del Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, en Barcelona, tiene un nombre y este es Claudio Aguirre, Chef Ejecutivo.

Apasionado y seducido por una gastronomía sin fronteras, ha conseguido trazar su propia personalidad y reflejarla en sus exquisitos platos. Nos citamos con el chef en el Club para conocer de cerca el sello personal y la esencia de la restauración del Hotel y Palacio de Congresos, del cual también es el encargado de gestionar y organizar su cocina. No me gustaría empezar la conversación sin trasladar las felicitaciones de los miembros del Club ante sus propuestas de menús para los eventos y la calidad de los mismos. (Sonríe) Gracias, siempre intentamos ofrecer nuevas opciones para que los miembros de BIBC puedan probar la variedad de la carta del Hotel en las reuniones. Respecto a la calidad, detrás existen unos proveedores excelentes que siguen nuestra línea y filosofía de trabajo. De origen Chileno y con más de 25 años afincado en Barcelona, no se puede negar que la ciudad te ha conquistado… ¿Qué sabores te llevaste de tu país en la maleta? Más que sabores de Chile, allí aprendí a valorar y sacar provecho de la buena materia prima, local y de temporada. Nací en Viña del Mar y de manera natural surgió en mí la vocación por la cocina, e influyó la cultura gastronómica y la buena cuchara de mi familia y, sobretodo, las experiencias culinarias con mi padre. Tuve la suerte de viajar con él largos periodos fuera de casa, debido a su trabajo en un barco mercante, cuando volvía de estos viajes me gustaba compartir las experiencias y aplicar los conocimientos que adquiría de los restaurantes locales y los mercados de alrededor del mundo… Claramente, ha sido el mejor recuerdo de mi formación como Chef. En Chile empezó tu primer proyecto profesional. ¿Es cierto? Sí, la verdad es que cuando terminé mis estudios en (INACAP) Escuela de Hostelería y Turismo de Santiago de Chile, gané en experiencia en varios restaurantes y más tarde me ascendieron como director de un grupo de tres restaurantes muy modernos y disruptivos en Santiago.

Posteriormente, me ofrecieron la vacante de Sous-chef en un Resort GL y después abrí mi propio restaurante en Santiago. Pero gracias a mi afán de expansión y conocimiento, decidí viajar a España para seguir formándome en la prestigiosa escuela de cocina Hoffman. En el año 1992, el hotel Rey Juan Carlos I abrió sus puertas y fui seleccionado como parte del equipo de cocina. En ese momento, el hotel era la sede de grandes eventos, uno de ellos y el que más me marcó fue la inauguración de los Juegos Olímpicos del 92. Los siguientes años me promocionaron, hasta llegar a Chef Ejecutivo. La verdad, es que siento el hotel como mi propia casa. ¿Qué deseas transmitir con tu cocina? Al trabajar con un equipo internacional, me gusta observar y estar atento al entorno que me rodea. Valoro mucho las aportaciones de las diversas culturas gastronómicas que confluyen en la cocina. Vuelvo a repetir que la distinción de un buen plato la marca la importancia de un buen producto y la sencillez. La presentación influye pero al final te quedas con el sabor, la emoción y el recuerdo que te provoca. ¿Somos lo que comemos? Si, lo creo. Pero tampoco se debe caer en ser estrictos y demasiado obsesivos... Comer es un placer y de vez en cuando darse un capricho es necesario. ¿Qué te gusta comer y cocinar? No lo dudo, el pescado y los vegetales. Es una gran responsabilidad llevar la dirección ejecutiva de un hotel considerado como un Resort de ciudad y , además, en un hotel confluyen muchas unidades de trabajo, desde los desayunos, restaurantes, room service… ¿Cómo lo llevas? Bien, estoy contento. Es una profesión muy dedicada, con estrés y con muchos contratiempos. Pero siempre consciente y agradecido del equipo que me rodea que, con esfuerzo, tenacidad e ilusión trabajamos para no perder los estándares de calidad y, a la vez, seguir evolucionando constantemente.

Hablando de evolución y desarrollo… ¿En qué momento decidisteis con tu equipo tener un huerto urbano en las afueras de Barcelona? Cuando Fairmont tomó la dirección del hotel, lo propusimos y se concedió. Es una evidencia que Fairmont es un grupo internacional, pero desde el primer día ha buscado la integración local y ha apreciado los recursos de proximidad. En el equipo tenemos una persona que dirige el I+D de la unidad de restauración y periódicamente nos sentamos horas y horas para probar nuevos platos que estén a la altura de sus comensales. El huerto ha sido una fantástica iniciativa, que aparte de abastecer producto fresco al hotel, mantiene al equipo incentivado y eso ciertamente, es maravilloso. Muy buena iniciativa, la verdad es que no hay color cuando un tomate proviene de un cultivo orgánico o un jamón ibérico se obtiene de un cerdo alimentado correctamente…

Es cierto, a parte del origen de los ingredientes, en Fairmont actuar de forma respetuosa con el medio ambiente es uno de nuestros lemas. Incluso, en grandes eventos utilizamos recipientes ecológicos! Para concluir, como te ves en un futuro? Qué recompensa tu esfuerzo? Mi futuro es seguir con Fairmont. Mi recompensa es ver personas que he formado convertirse en chefs de grandes restaurantes. Sin dudarlo, la cocina de autor de Claudio Aguirre desprende riqueza y buen gusto. Recomendamos visitar alguno de sus restaurantes que forman parte de Fairmont Lifestyle Cusine: Lobby bar & Restaurant, Pool Lounge & Restaurant y The Terrace. Sencillamente encantadores ...!!

Geniessen & Reisen, Germany, Summer edition, Circulation 120’000

Unique users: 60’000




56 Maison

Barcelone - Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I

Un palace

nommé désir... Un luxe subtile et audacieux, une oasis à quelques encablures du cœur de la cité, le Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I est une pépite hôtelière 5 étoiles, qui vous réserve bien des émotions...


Maison 57




seulement quelques heures de vol, de train ou de voiture de nos frontières, Barcelone offre à ses visiteurs une expérience à la fois citadine et maritime intense. Se balader sur les Ramblas un beau matin, pique-niquer dans un cadre renversant au Parc Guëll et profiter des largesses d’un soleil omniprésent sur les plages du bord de mer : la belle ibérique a de quoi séduire son monde. Pour visiter une ville exceptionnelle, encore faut-il poser ses valises dans un établissement d’exception. Le Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I est sans doute l’un des plus beaux établissements de la cité, jouissant d’un environnement sublime et dépaysant, qui L’UNIVERS DE LA

58 Maison

vous transporte dans une bulle hors du temps pleine de délicatesse et d’attentions. Niché au cœur de somptueux jardins remontant au 19ème siècle de 25 000 m², l’établissement s’impose avec majesté et avant-gardisme et s’intègre parfaitement à son environnement privilégié. Non loin de la prestigieuse Avenue Diagonal, à seulement quelques pas de l’incontournable Camp Nou et du quartier d’affaires, l’endroit est le point de départ idéal pour partir à la conquête de la belle barcelonaise, que ce soit lors de vos voyages d’agréments ou autres déplacements professionnels.


Un parc magnifique dans lequel on se

perdrait bien volontiers à l’ombre des palmiers et d’une végétation luxuriante, deux gigantesques piscines extérieures pour une petite pause exotique et rafraîchissante bien méritée, un centre de remise en forme à la pointe de la technologie et un magnifique Spa dont la renommée n’est plus à faire : voilà quelques unes des surprises que vous réserve cet établissement de haute-voltige. L’endroit est d’une beauté telle qu’après de longues journées de visites acharnées au cœur de la bouillonnante Barcelone, vous apprécierez certainement le calme et la volupté que vous promet le Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, telle une parenthèse enchantée qui vient contrebalancer avec la ferveur de la ville.


Maison 59




Une expérience culinaire inédite ? Et oui, pour déguster les saveurs raffinés et savoureuses de la Méditerranée, inutile d’aller bien loin. Le Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I propose un large éventail de possibilités pour prendre un verre, manger sur le pouce ou vous offrir un dîner somptueux. Plusieurs bars et restaurants, en bord de piscine, dans les fastes jardins ou surplombant la ville vous sont ainsi proposés, tous déclinés dans une décoration flamboyante et personnalisée, pour que chaque instant passé soit unique et privilégié. L’UNIVERS DE LA

60 Maison


Évidemment, dans un établissement hôtelier, ce que l’on recherche avant tout, c’est une chambre confortable et chaleureuse, dans laquelle se lover avec délices après une longue journée riche en découvertes. Si autrefois les chambres du Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I étaient un brin vieillottes, elles semblent aujourd’hui résolument s’inscrire dans un élan de modernité affirmé, grâce à un design épuré et stylisé dont on ne se lasse pas. Oui, ici, on en prend plein les mirettes et au premier regard, au premier pas dans l’une des Guest Rooms et Suites de ce palace, on se sent immédiatement comme à la maison... En

beaucoup mieux ! L’endroit est chaleureux, spacieux et élégant et devient le symbole d’un renouveau qui fait mouche. Offrant une vue spectaculaire sur les hauteurs de la ville, chacune des chambres a ainsi été pensée pour convier chaque hôte à vivre une expérience rare et raffinée. Si les chambres « classiques » n’ont rien, mais alors vraiment rien de « classique » puisqu’elles proposent un design renversant et des équipements de points, les immenses suites de l’endroit sont tout autant subjuguantes et promettent bien des émotions. n


Maison 61

August 2016

August 2016 UK

Caterer, The {Main}

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Friday 26, August 2016 22,23,24,2

The island mindset A high-level sustainability strategy is a great first step for hoteliers, but real progress will only be made if staff at all levels understand the environmental footprints left by their actions. Elly Earls learns how to treat a hotel business like an ethical island



ofty sustainability goals discussed at executive level are a good start for a responsible business strategy, but that alone won't get the job done. The only way to make real progress towards goals is ifevery member of staff, across all departments, is engaged in the business's sustainability agenda and understands how their actions are making a difference. The smooth implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives is an area of real innovation in the industry. A new 'island resort' workshop series that Considerate Hoteliers will begin delivering to the Oetker Collection in September, and that it later hopes to roll out more widely, is a prime example. Participants will be encouraged to think oftheir hotel as an island resort, like Seychelles-based Fregate Island Private, which is renowned for its conservation measures. Considerate Hoteliers hopes that participants will be encouraged to realise that every action they take has an immediate effect on the hotel, creating a consciousness about the footprint each employee and department creates.

"When you live in a city, it's very abstract, whereas when you're on an island, your footprint is immediately visible," explains Considerate Hoteliers' managing partner Xenia zu Hohenlohe. "You see that if you don't dispose of your waste properly, it stays on your doorstep, and if you look after your biodiversity, you see it every day on your way to work, as do your guests." The workshops will include a module on global sustainability challenges, designed to

help participants visualise the scale of the issue; a module on island challenges, to create an understanding of existing success stories; and an opportunity for green teams to brainstorm their own mission and vision, giving them ownership of the entire process. "It's all very well having an advanced CSR policy at corporate level, but to get people at property level involved, they need to understand exactly what their impact is and what their responsibility is," zu Hohenlohe emphasises. Tliis should start right f r o m day one, according to Caitlin Neary, head of revenue and the leader of the CSR team at London Oetker Collection hotel the Lanesborough. "We try to encourage people to begin thinking 'green' even on their first day of induction to the hotel, with a welcome from our CSR team, the Green Pearls," she says. Similarly, at AccorHotels, sustainability is ingrained from induction day, when staff are given CSR training and told what is expected from them.

Taking responsibility Next, m a n y hotels have found that creating 'Green Teams' that include m e m b e r s f r o m every department is an effective way to keep staff engaged. "We have a Green Team, which comprises volunteers f r o m all departments who are consistently reviewing and evaluating our current green practices and sustainable initiatives, including recycling, water-saving, product-sourcing, community projects and energy

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Caterer, The {Main} Friday 26, August 2016 22,23,24,2

saving," says the Grand Brighton hotel's general manager Andrew Mosley. Monthly meetings with senior company executives help ensure sustainability remains a top priority - as long as each department" s individual responsibilities are communicated effectively. "When it comes to engaging a team to sustainable objectives, communication is key - keep things relevant, realistic and relatable," advises certification programme Green Tourism's chief executive Jon Proctor. "Sustainability doesn't need to be complicated or scientific - providing staff with simple and practical actions will keep t h e m engaged." ^ At Fairmont St Andrews, which is set on a peninsula and features two golf courses, the team naturally takes an island resort approach to sustainability, with staff members at its core. At monthly meetings of the hotel's green team, for example, every department is represented and given their own goals. It's an initiative general manager John Keating introduced around 12 months ago when he started and has found to be extremely popular. "Young employees today are much more aware of their responsibility when it comes to the environment, so it's been easy during the induction process to bring them into the green team from day one." Since Keating started, huge progress has been made on the sustainability front. "We got rid of paper cups in the staff canteen, which probably cost about ÂŁ5,000 a year, and introduced LED lighting across the whole resort, which is saving us about ÂŁ25,000 per year," Keating notes. A car-sharing initiative has also been introduced, as well as water recycling on the golf course, which has reduced the property's reliance on its borehole by around 75%. Plus, the resort became the first in Scotland to put in a Tesla charging point this year, an idea that came from the hotel's transport manager. "We've had a lot of ideas from the team they're very engaged - and to ensure momentum is kept up we also report on our wins every month, for example, any reductions e have to utilities and so on," Keating notes. "You've got to keep everybody focused and you've got to communicate all the wins on a

regular basis so that everybody's involved and e whole team knows exactly what's going on." The hotel received a silver medal from Scottish Green Tourism this year, and next year they'll be going for gold.

Day to day, little things also make a big difference. At the Lanesborough, 'green pearl ideas' are distributed throughout the hotel for example, the daily internal communications magazine The Lanesborough Today will include a message that might advise employees that they can opt for paperless pay slips or remind them of successes the team has had. At Radisson Blu Edwardian, there is a 'green fact of the week' and management puts messages on employees' pay packets about the hotels' sustainability initiatives. Meanwhile, at Langdale Hotel & Spa in the Lake District, director of operations Nick Lan-

Arnaud Hermann caster finds rediscovering sustainable ideas and aspirations to be a great way to keep up momentum. "This year we put on a 'Bike and Beer" festival to promote both cycling and the great local brewers we have and we've also introduced cyclepods to enable live-in staffs bikes to be stored securely," he says. Crucially, engaged staff are m u c h more likely to come up with ideas of their own too. At Fairmont St Andrews, where every department has a representative on the hotel's green team that meets every month, the kitchen teamhas hasrecently recentlydecided decidedtotobuild builda avegetavegetateam ble garden and introduce compost recycling. And one AccorHotels employee's final project on her management development training programme, where she looked at ways to improve sustainability at the group, resulted in the roll-out of electric vehicle charging points across the UK. The first phase will see 60 Ibis and Novotel hotels receive free-to-use EV charging points for visitors to charge their electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. At AccorHotels, the group's sustainability strategy, Planet 21, is overseen by an ethics and CSR committee, below which is a sustainability team with the job of implementing the programme via its network of 120 Planet 21 champions. "We're extremely focused on

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Caterer, The {Main} Friday 26, August 2016 22,23,24,2

interacting with employees because they are the only ones that will turn the actions we want into reality," says AccorHotel's head of sustainability Arnaud Hermann.

Measured response Finally, monitoring, measuring and communicating any progress that is made to staff members in easy-to-understand terms is absolutely crucial to keep up the m o m e n t u m for any sustainability programme. That way, employees can see and understand how their own individual actions are making a difference and be held accountable. There are several measurement tools available to hoteliers. For example, Considerate Hoteliers' Con-Serve data monitoring system measures everything from electricity, gas and water usage to waste and charitable donations, allowing operators to identify inefficiencies and put actions into practice that will reduce their carbon footprint and cut costs. Plus, the company has recently started putting together an annual report for Con-Serve clients, which allows operators - and their employees and guests - to visualise the savings they've made. A 9.8% reduction in waste, for example, could be the equivalent weight of 18 elephants. Cue cute elephant diagrams. "We've put it into a fun language because so much of this data can be really abstract," says zu Hohenlohe. Green Tourism also offers a measurement tool for operators called the Carbon Calculator. "If s a method for evaluating energy and water consumption and comparing it with business performance, in terms of bed nights and efficiency of the building," Proctor says." It allows business owners to not only calculate and

record their carbon footprint year on year, but also provides a certificate to be displayed. If s resulted in an average saving of around 28% over the last four years on energy consumption, or carbon consumption per bed per night." Furthermore, knowing exactly what savings have been made offers operators the added bonus ofbeing able to incentivise sustainability, whether through key performance indicators (KPIs) for different departments or hotels or competition between different hotels. The Lanesborough's sister hotel, Le Bristol in Paris, recently received its Green Globe Certification, which has inspired the Lanesborough team to keep pursuing their targets, while on AccorHotels" s annual Planet 21 Day, one hotel in the group receives a prize for being the most committed to sustainability. The group also ranks each hotel as bronze, silver, gold or platinum and 10%-20% of managers' bonuses are based on CSR KPIs. While engaging staff is no easy task, the consensus is that if s the only way to achieve meaningful environmental and financial savings. An abstract green agenda might be a good start, but without employee involvement, the day-to-day actions simply won't happen.

"When you live in a city, it's very abstract, whereas when you're on an island, your footprint is immediately visible" Xenia zu Hohenlohe

"We're extremely focused on interacting with employees because they are the only ones that will turn the actions we want to push into reality"

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G12201 - 6

August 2016, UK

August 2016

UK, August 2016, Circulation 25’000


Prepared by Sparkle PR & Communications


Prepared by Sparkle PR & Communications


Prepared by Sparkle PR & Communications

Hospitality Interiors, August 2016, Circulation 15’800

3 4 200,000 Visits (1/6)


3 5 200,000 Visits (2/6)


3 7 200,000 Visits (4/6)


3 6 200,000 Visits (3/6)


3 8 200,000 Visits (5/6)


Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Resident, The {Main} Monday 1, August 2016 10

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G12201 - 6

August, 2016



NÚM. 461 AGOSTO 2016 - 1,80 € (CANARIAS 1,95 €)


salones a la sombra en el jardín o el patio

con asientos fresh

decor acción

los mejores momentos de la gran cita del interiorismo


¡voy a ese hotel! y copio su estilo

tiempo de

disfrutar en las ESPLÉNDIDAS casas de verano


Aventura de otro tiempo

Fairmont Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten



l cruzar la puerta giratoria de este legendario hotel de la ciudad alemana, uno se transporta a otra época donde también existía el cuidado por los pequeños detalles y la atención exquisita. La recepción, de grandes dimensiones, enmarcada por una maravillosa boiserie de madera encerada y ventanales que miran al lago Alster, ya nos avanza que la experiencia va a resultar única. Encantadores su salón de té, con una chimenea chispeante y sillones de terciopelo, o su Café Condi, de estilo Biedermeier, donde se sirve el desayuno –mermeladas y bizcochos caseros y una propuesta a la carta para saciar cualquier antojo–. Las habitaciones y sus baños renovados, un capricho palaciego. DIRECCIÓN: Neuer Jungfernstieg. 9-14. TOPS: Su gimnasio y zona de tratamientos. La azotea para tomar una copa al atardecer. PRECIO: Desde240 €/hab. doble.

Clásicos reinventados para soñar (e inspirarse) Un concepto moderno

NH Collection Berlin Friedrichstrasse


Berlín (alemania)

olver a Berlín y alojarse en este hotel de la marca NH Collection te asegura una experiencia nueva. ¿Los motivos para reservar en él? Pues que se localiza a pocos pasos de la Puerta de Brandeburgo, en pleno centro de la capital alemana, y sus interiores te reciben con una renovada decoración, cosmopolita y fresca, que sube el ánimo.Y a su diseño impecable se une la gastronomía, con dos restaurantes que sirven cocina internacional y también especialidades regionales para que vivas una experiencia foodie inolvidable. Sus habitaciones han sido equipadas con diseños serenos y sobrios que otorgan relevancia a la luz natural y a la amplitud. Otro aliciente: el staff es joven, cercano, y te ayuda en todo. DIRECCIÓN: TOPS: Late check out gratuito los domingos. PRECIO: Consultar web. 36

Nuevo Estilo


InStyle 320,000 copies (1/2)



InStyle 320,000 copies (2/2)


Condé Nast Traveller UK, August 16, Circulation 72’000

RAFFLES' DAN BİR İLK Yayın Adı Fortune Türkiye Referans No 59366215 Renk Renkli

Yayın Tarihi 01.08.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 145,28

Küpür Sayfa 1 Tiraj 14000 Sayfa 30

RAFFLES' DAN BİR İLK Yayın Adı Fortune Türkiye Referans No 59366215 Renk Renkli

Yayın Tarihi 01.08.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 146,67

Küpür Sayfa 2 Tiraj 14000 Sayfa 31

ŞEHİRDEN KAÇIŞ İMKANI Yayın Adı Hello Referans No 59893905 Renk Renkli

Yayın Tarihi 24.08.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 197,22

Küpür Sayfa 1 Tiraj 7899 Sayfa 129

ALIŞKANLIĞI HER Yayın Adı L Officiel Referans No 59307338 Renk Renkli

Yayın Tarihi 01.08.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 171,67

Küpür Sayfa 1 Tiraj 40000 Sayfa 113

AEROFLOT PREMIUM â„–8 Date: 01.08.2016 (p. 24) Media Type: inflight magazine (Monthly) Circulation: 25000

Parizhskie vesti

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Gallivanter's Guide {Main} Monday 1, August 2016 1,2,3,4,5,

The intimate Library at La Reserve leads out to an airy central courtyard. Below, the hotel's red lacquered doorway, flanked by an outdoor dining terrace.

tiave loved Paris since I was eight years

• H n H M M j ^ ^ f WLMr I

somewhere that was serious about every-

Dld, journeying there with my parents to see family and friends, staying in tiny Pensions m my twenties and marvelling at the big trays of croissants, fragrant coffee and homemade

j thing, including speaking nothing but French, , j to somewhere that started to smile and emI n brace the world. It has suffered unreasonably of late, but despite everything, the smiles broke


apricot preserve delivered by aproned ladies of a certain age. Hotels came later; minuscule hideaways on the Left Bank, then shopping trips with my daughter from the gilded portals of Hotel George V, when it was operated by Sir Charles Forte. Over the decades, Paris went from being

through the rain and the traumas this June ^ ^ B and, once more, I discovered even more ways ^ H r to love Paris, from the city's most gorgeous Grande Dame, to its latest and greatest boufiraj^n^^H^^H I tique hotel, and the French love affair with all B j j J j J J J J j j J J J J J^zJJJf things modern. I did try to get into the re-

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Gallivanter's Guide {Main} Monday 1, August 2016 1,2,3,4,5,

trasts. I particularly liked the open-plan feel to the ground floor, which meanders charmingly from one restaurant and bar to another. La Cuisine is a smart breakfast and brunch venue, then there is Roberto Rispoli's cosy conservatory-set 1-Michelin Italian fish restaurant, called II Carpaccio. Le Bar Long, recalls Raffles Singapore's historic long bar, but is rethought in contemporary style, and then there is the newest offering, Matsuhisa, which is Nobu Matsuhisa's second brand, promising modern Japanese cuisine with a South American twist. Outdoors, a large internal courtyard is

Le Bar at La Reserve Paris, where the cocktails are superb.

Dining terrace at La Reserve.

opted to use the original bad-boy designer, Philippe Starck. As I walked into the lobby, I thought I was in the wrong hotel, as it had changed beyond recognition. This new incarnation certainly had the Wow Factor, together with a young, designer-style vibe that you normally only find in tiny Left Bank contemporary hideaways. The hotel, which sits within strolling distance of the Arc de Triomphe and Pare Entrance to Le Royal Monceau. Monceau, is not too near the shops, so v e r y c l e v e rly, the owners had decided to centrepieced by the glass roof of the 23metre basement pool, so you can look down and spot the swimmers. Very much in boutique vein, but on a grander scale, the hotel also has a proper cinema, The Katara. Then there is the excellent Kid's Club, which serves a healthy

The quiet internal courtyard at La Reserve.

Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris. After my initial visit to this 1928 Grande Dame, prior to its total re-think in 2010, I swore never to return, especially after being served Nespresso in the restaurant. However, I was curious to see what the new Qatari owners had achieved, as they had

bring the shops to the hotel. As you enter the Lobby, on the right there is now a proper Left Bank style art bookstore, and towards the other end of the hotel, there is an art gallery and Le Royal Eclaireur, which sells an eclectic mix of clothes and objects aimed at branche twentysomethings. Yes, Royal Monceau is now officially hip, which is fine by me, as Paris needs con-

The Lobby of Le Royal Monceau.

brunch. Impressive? I thought so. Of course, in order to truly experience an hotel, you have to stay, and it was then that we began to unearth some problems.

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Gallivanter's Guide {Main} Monday 1, August 2016 1,2,3,4,5,

Lounge area of Le Bar Long, at Le Royal Monceau Raffles, Paris.

Of the 149 rooms and suites, 64 are suites, from Juniors upwards. The most interesting is the hotel's only themed suite, #714, The Ray Charles, replete with baby


A fruit bar in Le Bar Long, at Le Royal Monceau.

grand piano and guitar, but unfortunately it has no views to speak of. The suite is a long,

narrow loft-style habitat, with the bathroom at the far end. This is where I first spotted a problem. The two sinks had nowhere to put soap or, indeed, anything else, so the soap was sitting in the sink itself. There was no makeup mirror, just a mirror wall with a socket for the hair dryer, but nowhere to rest combs, brushes or hair products. For such a large suite, the wardrobe was tiny, designed for a short stay rather than for long-haul luggage. The look , . . 1 was lovely, but the ergonomics were a disaster. The bizarre placement of furniture and

Roberto Rispoli's II Carpaccio, for Michelin-starred Italian fish dishes, at Le Royal Monceau.

the lack of usable bathroom space appear to be the norm here and I thought that the best designed accommodation was to be found in the Studios, such as #221, which are one up from entry-level. The suites tend-

The pool, at le Royal Monceau.

ed to be filled with irrelevant furniture and vast in-mirror TVs; often duplicated from one end of a room to the other. Everything is set at an angle and there are some pleasing touches, such as whiteon-white Cocteau drawings on the pillow cases, parchment lampshades with scrib-

Cosy corner of Le Bar Long, at Le Rcryal Monceau.

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G12201 - 6

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Gallivanter's Guide {Main} Monday 1, August 2016 1,2,3,4,5,

The new Matsuhisa restaurant, at Le Royal Monceau.

bled to-do notes, and plenty of quirky artworks, such as silver lobsters. Junior Suites, such as #612, have more wardrobe space, but we noticed that there was no space between the bed and the wall. Lifestyle Suite, #110, was a huge junior suite style habitat with plenty of wardrobe space, but the main salon duplicated almost everything, especially tables. There are around ten categories of accommodation and you, I expect, would opt for something such as a Prestige Suite, #100; but although it has a large sitting room, once again, duplications are bizarre, with huge in-mirror TVs at either end of the room. At the top end there is Le Prive; a semiseparate 5-floor building at the far end of the hotel, reached via its own elevator, and containing a handful of enormous Presidential Suites; two of which are decorated in a more classic style. The 3-bedroom Raffles Suite takes up a whole floor and has its

own kitchen and gym, but even this did not fill me with joy, for there was something soulless about its decor.

ly perfumed reception, offers 7 treatment rooms, including a couple's suite, plus a hairdresser. The look is classic 1980's beauty salon, which appears to be a common trait in Paris; its spas stuck in an era when high-street brand names were more aspirational than high-quality, chemical-free ingredients. However, they do have a terrific gym that includes pilates. Given its array of restaurants, I was hoping for something special, but our light lunch in the Bar proved to be very light on quality, so I was holding out hope for Matsuhisa that evening. By 7.30pm, the Lobby was filled with the sound of Rap Music, which is, apparently, the norm. Indeed, this followed us into Matsuhisa, which played very intrusive DJled music all night. I suspect that some of you will approve of this. When you enter the restaurant, someone

Junior Suite, #612, at Le Royal Monceau.

The My Blend by Clarins Spa, with its heavily chlorinated indoor pool and heavi-

The bedroom of Prestige Suite. #100, with mirrored bathroom beyond, at Le Royal Monceau.

shouts out 'Irasshaimase!', which is then taken up by the entire team, echoing the welcome; a nice, theatrical touch. I was intrigued to sample the modern Japanese sharing menu, with a Peruvian twist, but although I am a big fan of Japanese cuisine, this tasted very fast-food to me; like a version of Wagamama, utilising too many bottled sauces. I failed to discern a South American twist, apart from some green chilli, but I did notice that they were still GM. 'AarvnKaupp. serving Nespresso in the restaurants. The best thing about Le Royal Monceau

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G12201 - 6

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Gallivanter's Guide {Main} Monday 1, August 2016 1,2,3,4,5,

Sitting room of the Ray Charles Suite, #714, at Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris.

is its delightful staff, under relatively new General Manager, Aaron Kaupp, who real-

are not on a quest for gastronomy or ergonomics, then you may enjoy it.

Bathroom of the Ray Charles Suite, #714, at Le Royal Monceau. Where do you put the soap?

ly knows his hotels. If you prefer hotels with a fun vibe and Gallivanter's Rating: •••+

Bedroom of the Ray Charles Suite, #714, at Le Royal Monceau.

Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris. Last time I stayed here, 18 months ago, General Manager and Regional VP, Jose Silva was watching and waiting to see what the new kids on the block were doing before he instigated the next chapter in this remarkable hotel's history. Given the huge task ahead, I anticipated a lengthy wait, so when we arrived, I was astounded to see that the hotel had completed 90% of its new projects. Let us begin with Royal Suite, #124, which 18 months ago was a drab, dated shell, destined to be enlarged and refashioned. Today it is a glamorous, residential gem, with subtle silk bamboo patterned carpets, silk Chinoiserie wallpaper in the master bedroom, plenty of objects and books to add a residential feel, and the choice of hightech or low-tech controls for lighting, temperature and drapes. The suite spills out onto a now, very private terrace, which was adorned with Jeff Leatham's spectacular floral creations. Opposite is the second Royal Suite, which was occupied at the time, but apparently allows one to connect the two via their terraces. What I had failed to understand over the years is that this building was constructed in 1928; the architectural vision of Jost Hillman, in honour of the relationship between France and England, and named after the reigning monarch, George V. I had always supposed the hotel to be older, as the look, to date, has been more Louis-

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G12201 - 6

Porter Magazine, UK, August 2016, Circulation152’000

August 16th, UK

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Caterer, The {Main} Friday 19, August 2016 12

News in brief RAFFLES LINKED TO DEVELOPMENT OF OLD WAR OFFICE AS LUXURY HOTEL Raffles Hotels & Resorts has been reported as being the "preferred operator" of the luxury hotel that is being developed on the site of the Old War Office in Whitehall, London. Although no decision has been taken on which hotel company will manage the property, Bloomberg has published a story pointing to Raffles as being the preferred choice "according to two people familiar with the plans". If confirmed, it would mark the first hotel in London for the iconic Raffles brand, which started life in Singapore in 1887 and today numbers 12 hotels worldwide. Both Raffles and Spanish developer OHL Desarrollos declined to comment.

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G12201 - 6

August 2016

TTG - Travel Trade Gazette {Main}

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Thursday 18, August 2016 51,52

Legends & landmarks


Wendy Wu's Legends of China tour -

• Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the


Banyan Tree Bangkok

part of its Exclusive Collection.

Bund offers old-world sophistication,

Conrad Tokyo

One of the tallest hotels in Bangkok,

Ben Briggs, head of marketing at

faultless service and 2lst century

Impeccable service, minimalist rooms

Wendy Wu Tours, says: "Our

amenities. Accommodation is at the

and incredible views are all on the

the 21st floor for exquisite views.

Exclusive Collection has been created

Waldorf Astoria Club and the Waldorf

agenda at the Conrad Tokyo. This

Clients can reboot in its award-

with the more discerning traveller in

Astoria Tower, many with river views.

downtown hotel oozes style with its

winning spa offering guests a range

mind and offers incredible ways to

• The Opposite House in Beijing's

blend of contemporary and

of holistic treatments originating

travel through China. Experiences

Chaoyang business and entertainment

traditional Japanese decor. Located

from royal Thai palaces.

include sipping champagne on a

district is a study in slick modern

28-37 floors above ground level,

remote section of the Great Wall and

design - set behind a shimmering glass

there's an added wow-factor of

at Travel 2, says: "Not only is the

getting a behind-the-scenes peek at

exterior. Authentic Beijing roast duck

panoramic views while clients indulge

incredible Banyan Tree Bangkok one

the current Terracotta Warriors

graces the menu at Jing Yaa Tang while

in a relaxing treatment in the Mizuku

of the most luxurious hotels in the

excavation project."

Sureno has a more global perspective.

Spa or take a dip in the indoor pool.

city but it also has one of the finest

Book it: The 16-day Legends of

restaurants, Vertigo. Situated on the

China tour is available from £4,745pp

manager for Asia and Oceania at Abercrombie & Kent, says: "Conrad

Banyan Tree has an outdoor pool on

Mark Mallinson, product manager

Ross Pakes, senior product

roof of the 61-floor luxury resort,

with Wendy Wu Tours, including

guests will experience alfresco dining

international flights, UK chauffeur

Tokyo has stunning panoramic

with magnificent views of the

transfers, domestic transportation,

views over the Tokyo Bay skyline

Bangkok skyline; having a meal here

five-star accommodation, meals,

near the extensive Hamarikyu

is one experience not to be missed."

tours and visa fees.

Gardens. If you have had your feast

Book it: Travel 2 has a three-night stay

of Japanese delicacies then China

at Banyan Tree Bangkok from £659pp,

Blue restaurant offers arguably

including flights and private transfers.

Best of the rest

• Floor-to-ceiling glass windows

Book it: Abercrombie & Kent offers

reveal the Shangri-La Hotel Xian's

seven nights' B&B in a king room at


landscaped gardens and the city

the Conrad Tokyo for £2,345pp, with

Regent Beijing

beyond. By checking into the

flights and airport transfers.

Just seconds away from Beijing's

luxurious spa with a heated pool and

legendary Forbidden City, the Regent

tucking into authentic Shaanxi

offers sanctuary for guests amid

homemade noodles at Tian Xiang Ge

Best of the rest

3,000 years of Chinese history. A

restaurant, your clients can enjoy one

• A recent opening in Japan's

stay at the Regent is included in

of the oldest cities in China in style.

Japan's best Chinese food."

The Opposite House, Beijing

decadently charming


18.08.2016 E E 51

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G12201 - 6

TTG - Travel Trade Gazette {Main}

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Thursday 18, August 2016 51,52

Shangri-La's Rasa Ria Resort and Spa, Borneo

The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong

- definitely not to be missed. Of

for this Small Luxury Hotels of the

course, a particular highlight is the

World member include Mekong river

chance to have a world-renowned

cruises and visits to waterfalls.

Singapore Sling cocktail in the hotel's

Vicky Garnett, Inside Asia Tours'

former capital, the Ritz-Carlton Kyoto

famous Long Bar."

Indochina product manager, says:

is within walking distance of major

Book it: Premier Holidays offers five

"Luang Prabang is one of the most

attractions including the geisha district

nights' B&B at Raffles for £l,799pp,

underrated and beautiful cities in

of Gion. Interiors are decorated with

staying in a courtyard suite, with

Asia. The boutique Luang Say

light wood, bonsai plants, washi

flights and private transfers.

Residence is one of the city's most

paper artwork and hints of cherry

luxurious properties and one of the

most elegant with its colonial design,

blossom, along with artworks by prominent Japanese artists.

Hong Kong & Macau The Peninsula, Hong Kong

The Peninsula, Hong Kong

Western & Oriental cites The


emphasising tranquility with the

Shangri-La's Rasa Ria Resort & Spa

tropical garden setting, infinity pool,

Set in tropical grounds adjacent to a

spa and first class service."

vast white-sand bay, Shangri-La's

Book it: Inside Asia offers a stay

Rasa Ria Resort & Spa is a retreat for

at the Luang Say Residence on its 14-night "Indochina Luxury

Peninsula as the most luxurious

The Landmark Mandarin Oriental

nature lovers and foodies alike,

hotel in Hong Kong for a number of

Hong Kong, which has introduced

exemplified at its Malay street-food

Honeymoon" trip, which costs from

reasons. Created in 1928, the

a three-hour driving experience in

restaurant, Tepi Laut Makan Street.

£4,995pp (excluding international flights). The trip includes some of the

Peninsula is a classic option for your

a top-of-the-range Porsche.

Clients choosing a Premier Ocean

clients and a landmark of the city -

• Boasting a waterside setting

Wing Room will be able to luxuriate

region's finest accommodation with

why not start their experience with a

just a stone's throw from Macau's

in their very own bathtub on the

the Sun Peninsula Resort, Danang;

Rolls-Royce transfer from the airport?

entertainment district, the Mandarin

balcony. Should they manage to tear

the Sofitel Legend, Hanoi; and a

Oriental Macau is a chic, contemporary

themselves away from the vast

luxury cruise of Halong Bay.

at Western & Oriental, has just

towering glass skyscraper, with a

beach, there's bird watching and

returned from a fam trip to Hong

25-metre lap pool. Expect the mouth-

jungle walks within the hotel's own

Kong: "The Peninsula is Hong Kong's

watering Mandarin Oriental Cake

nature reserve.

Best of the rest

oldest hotel, perfect for travellers at

Shop to stop clients in their tracks.

Book it: Kuoni offers five nights'

• Inspired by 2,500 years of

Nick Upperton, Far East specialist

the luxury end of the market.

room-only at Shangri-La's Rasa Ria

Vietnam's history and Feng Shui

Recommend your clients splash out


Resort & Spa, including flights

philosophy, Nam Hai in Danang

on a Deluxe Harbour View Suite,

Raffles, Singapore

and private transfers from £1,127pp.

offers plenty of space for relaxation

which comes complete with a vintage

Arguably the most famous hotel in

This hotel also features on Riviera

amid 35 hectares of tropical gardens.

telescope, and have dinner at

Asia, where old-world opulence

Travel's new 14-day Malaysia, Borneo

Retreat to the spa, where the eight

28th-floor restaurant Felix, created

reigns superior, the five-star Raffles

& Singapore tour from £2,099.

treatment rooms appear to float like

by designer Philippe Starck, which

hotel in the heart of Singapore is

lotus flowers atop the lagoon, or

looks over the Hong Kong skyline."

surrounded by gardens and has five

hunker down in a pool villa to be

Book it: Western & Oriental offers

restaurants, three bars, a rooftop

four nights' B&B at the Peninsula

pool and spa.

Hong Kong for £l,349pp, based on

pampered with butler service.


• With its private island setting, your

Luang Say Residence, Luang Prabang

clients should find Cambodia's Song

two sharing and including flights and

manager at Premier Holidays, says:

Located in Laos' Unesco protected

Saa - Khmer for "The Sweethearts" -

private transfers.

"Not only does Raffles provide

city of Luang Prabang, Luang Say is

as seductive as its name implies.

people with perfect comfort, but

set in lush tropical gardens with

Take a kayak trip to explore deserted

Best of the rest •

Steer sports car enthusiasts

towards luxury boutique hotel

Dave Kneale, national sales

they can also experience many

mountain views. La Belle Epoque

islands, join Buddhist monks for a

indulgent treats such as the

offers Laotian and French cuisine

traditional blessing ceremony, and

luxurious spa, top class restaurants

using produce from the hotel's

enjoy the simple pleasures of yoga at

and afternoon tea in the Tiffin Room

organic gardens. Local attractions

sunrise or drinking in a star-filled sky.

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August 2016

August 2016

13th of August 2016

nordbuzz, “Unplugged in den Feierabend: Oakfish spielen im Swissôtel Bremen”, 17.08.2016, Circulation: 40.000


Yayın Tarihi 01.08.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 224,17

Küpür Sayfa 1 Tiraj 10000 Sayfa 120


Yayın Tarihi 01.08.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 151,39

Küpür Sayfa 2 Tiraj 10000 Sayfa 121

BİZİ Yayın Adı Cosmopolitan Referans No 60079100 Renk Renkli

Yayın Tarihi 01.09.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 188,89

Küpür Sayfa 1 Tiraj 25975 Sayfa 303


Yayın Tarihi 05.08.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 52,22

Küpür Sayfa 1 Tiraj 3900 Sayfa 86

Ticaret, Swiss National Day Celebrations, August 3 2016, Circulation 10000 İSVİÇRE ULUSAL GÜNÜ SWİSSÖTEL BÜYÜK EFES' TE KUTLANDI Yayın Adı Referans No Renk Newslighter

Ticaret Gazetesi 59398498 Renkli

Yayın Tarihi Etki STxCM,932003&isH=1

03.08.2016 Etkisiz 25,00


Küpür Sayfa Tiraj Sayfa Reklam Eşdeğer

2 10000 2 75,00

Hurriyet Ege , Swissotel Izmir DOSM Pamela Tito Transfer to Fairmont Baku, August 2 2016, Circulation 50632 SWİSSOTEL' DEN FAİRMONT'E TRANSFER OLDU Yayın Adı Referans No Renk Newslighter

İzmir Hürriyet (şehir) 59410712 Renkli

Yayın Tarihi Etki STxCM

03.08.2016 Etkisiz 10,00


Küpür Sayfa Tiraj Sayfa Reklam Eşdeğer

5 50632 5 270,00

Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, Kein Grun zur Panik in Dresden, 16.8.2016

GEO â„–8 Date: 01.08.2016 (p. 60) Media Type: tourism and entertainment magazine (Monthly) Circulation: 95000

Zelenaja korona Saksonii. Gid

Milliyet Ege , Swiss National Day Celebrations, August 3 2016, Circulation 35000 SVVİSSOTEL BÜYÜK EFES' TE İSVİÇRE GÜNÜ KUTLANDI Yayın Adı Referans No Renk Newslighter

Milliyet Ege 59412328 Renkli

Yayın Tarihi Etki STxCM,932003,933408&isH=1

03.08.2016 Etkisiz 90,56


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htr 4. August 2016 Nr. 16 AZA/JAA – 3001 Bern/Berne Adresse: Monbijoustrasse 130 Postfach, 3001 Bern Redaktion: Tel: 031 370 42 16 E-Mail: Aboservice: Tel. 031 740 97 93 E-Mail:

hotelrevue Die Schweizer Fachzeitung für Tourismus|Avec cahier français Editorial


Liebe Leserinnen und Leser GERY NIEVERGELT

gelassen Weshalb das Tessiner Burkaverbot dem obersten Tessiner Hotelier Lorenzo Pianezzi noch keine Sorgen macht. Seite 4

zielgerichtet Wie Olten sein Image als touristische Wüste abschütteln möchte. Tourismusdirektor Stefan Ulrich hat klare Vorstellungen. Seite 3

Pokéstops sorgen nicht nur im Foyer des Basler Swissôtel Le Plaza für unerwartete Kundschaft.

Das Monstergeschäft Mehr Gäste dank Pikachu und Konsorten? Was absurd klingt, könnte sich als neues Geschäftsmodell erweisen.

ärgerlich Welche Reaktionen Fahrten verweigernde Taxifahrer bei Stadthoteliers auslösen. Seite 7

vorbildlich Was die PeninsulaHotelgruppe zum Benchmark für die ganze Branche macht: 150 Jahre Tradition und Innovation. Seite 17

Swissôtel Le Plaza Basel / Montage htr

Ganz egal, was man vom Spiel Pokémon Go halten mag – das Phänomen «augmented reality» verdient Beachtung. Eine Technologie, die virtuelle Welten mit der realen verbindet, verändert auch das Verhalten der Nutzer im Alltag. Wenn sich Millionen von Smartphone-Besitzer um uns herum plötzlich auf virtuelle Monsterjagd begeben, dann können davon nicht nur die Spieleentwickler und SmartphoneHersteller profitieren. Während Tourismusorganisationen den aktuellen MonsterHype noch weitgehend ignorie-

ren, hat die Gastronomie diese Chance längst erkannt: Seit Pokémon Go vor rund drei Wochen in der Schweiz lanciert wurde, preisen Restaurants und Cafés, Confiserien und andere Läden ihre speziell auf die PokémonSammler zugeschnittenen Produkte an. Schwieriger haben es da die Hotels. Hungrigen und durstigen Gamern mal eben einen PokéBurger oder -drink zu verkaufen, ist das eine. Einen müden Spieler zum Übernachten im eigenen Hotel zu bewegen, scheint dagegen fast aussichtslos. Trotzdem

tun auch Hoteliers gut daran, den Pokémon-Hype aufmerksam zu verfolgen. Die digitale Schnitzeljagd bietet sich durchaus für Werbung in eigener Sache an. Dank der laufenden Weiterentwicklung des Spiels werden pfiffige Hoteliers zusätzliche Möglichkeiten finden, spielfreudige Gäste anzulocken oder stärker an sich zu binden. Wer sich mit Pokémon Go auskennt, die Bedürfnisse der Spieler versteht und sich auf Sozialen Medien gezielt in Szene zu setzen weiss, erreicht ein bisher unerreichtes Gästesegment. pt Seite 5



Attraktiveres Fest mit neuem Konzept

Innovativ in gesättigtem Markt

Das Geneva Lake Festival startet heute als Nachfolgeanlass der Fêtes de Genève. Die Stände sollen die Sicht auf den See nicht mehr beeinträchtigen. Zum ersten Mal mit Gastronomieangeboten am Fest präsent sind die beiden Genfer Luxushotels Kempinski und Mandarin Oriental. lb/dst Seite 12

Wer sich im Wellnessmarkt heute behaupten will, muss sich was einfallen lassen. Das Potenzial sei ausgereizt, meint WellnessForscher Laszlo Puczko, der Markt gesättigt. Chancen bieten bislang wenig forcierte Sparten: Eine weltweite Umfrage von 2016 zeigt, dass gerade FamilienSpas als neue Hoffnungsträger gelten. Das Alpenresort Schwarz in Tirol setzt darauf und auf personifizierten Service. Soft-

Zusammen für die Gesundheit im Alpenresort Schwarz. zvg

faktoren gelten als die Erfolgsfaktoren, die sich zudem in der von Familienbetrieben geprägten Wellness-Hospitality finanzieren lassen. Medical Wellness erweist sich ebenso als schwieriges Geschäft. Mit einem Konzept, welches das Spital-RehaModell ablösen soll, versucht nun die Sportsmedicine Excellence Group ihr Glück: Baustart der ersten Resorts ist 2017. gsg Seite 13 bis 15

Andreas Zülligs Weckruf. Mit seiner vor zehn Tagen in der «SonntagsZeitung» geäusserten Meinung, die Wirtschaft in Berggebieten sei gezielter zu fördern, also nicht länger nach dem Giesskannenprinzip, hat der Präsident von hotelleriesuisse mitten in der medialen Sommerflaute für helle Aufregung gesorgt. Warum eigentlich? Züllig hat nur aufgegriffen, was in seinem Heimatkanton Graubünden augenfällig ist: Die für die Menschen in den Bergen existenziell wichtigen Wirtschaftszweige Tourismus, Bau- sowie Energiewirtschaft stecken aus unterschiedlichen Gründen in Schwierigkeiten. Soll dieser Lebensraum auch in Zukunft lebenswert sein, müssen die Diskussionen jetzt angestossen und geführt werden. Dazu gehört das Ringen um den Konsens in der Frage, wo welche Fördermittel nachhaltig erfolgsversprechend eingesetzt werden sollen. Dass eine solche Konzentration nicht notwendigerweise zur Verödung ganzer Täler führen wird, werden innovative Unternehmer mit dem guten Gespür für die Marktnischen zu verhindern wissen. Andreas Züllig, der als Hotelier auf der Lenzerheide wie auch als ehemaliger Vizepräsident von Graubünden Ferien die komplexen Strukturen und unterschiedlichsten Befindlichkeiten in Randregionen bestens kennt, fordert einen nationalen Masterplan für die Bergregionen. Wir werden in einem Dossier in der nächsten Print-Ausgabe darüber berichten.

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thema 5

Pokémon bringt Chancen für Hotels Vom Pokémon-GoHype profitieren bis jetzt vor allem Restaurants und Cafés. Wie können Hoteliers die veränderten Besucherströme für ihre Interessen nutzen? PATRICK TIMMANN


n Pokémon Go kommt man derzeit nicht vorbei. Das «AugmentedReality»-Spiel wurde innert kürzester Zeit öfters auf Smartphones und Tablets heruntergeladen als die Twitter-App oder die beliebte Dating-App Tinder – weltweit bereits über 75 Millionen Mal. Der kometenhafte Aufstieg des neusten PokémonSpiels rief sofort findige Geschäftemacher auf den Plan: Bereits kursieren in Schweizer Städten erste Pokémon-Rikschas, welche die Sammler direkt zu den besten Jagdgründen kutschieren. Auch mobile Akkuladestellen sind gefragter denn je, denn das Spiel erweist sich als regelrechter AkkuKiller. Auffallend ist, dass sich Poké- Monster-Jagd auf dem Gurten: Touristische Attraktionen sind oft auch Pokémon-Hotspots. mon-Hotspots, also Orte mit hoher Monster-Dichte oder mit nützlichen Spiel-Gegenständen, Doch wie können Hotels von der Auf einen zusätzlichen Werbe- und Poké-Burgern die weitere Entoft mit touristischen Hotspots halb-virtuellen Monsterjagd profi- effekt setzte auch das auf rund wicklung von Pokémon Go aufüberschneiden. Auf öffentlichen tieren? Natürlich können auch sie 2500 Metern gelegene Romantik merksam verfolgen. Denn im Plätzen wie dem Berner Casino- Sammler mit kulinarischen Son- Hotel Muottas Muragl im Engadin: Unterschied zu älteren Spiele-Hits platz gibt es teilweise kaum mehr deraktionen anlocken. So gesche- Vergangene Woche verstreuten wie World of Warcraft oder Mineein Durchkommen, da überall auf hen etwa im Swissôtel Le Plaza Touristiker virtuelle Lockmittel an- craft fesselt Pokémon Go die Spieden Bildschirm starrende Gamer Basel. Im Foyer des Hotels steht lässlich eines Jazz-Festivals und ler nicht an ihren Desktop, sonherumsitzen oder -wandeln. eine grosse Pferdestatue, die zufäl- zogen neben Musikliebhabern dern treibt sie hinaus zur Für die Gastrolig auch noch ein auch vereinzelte Pokémon-Samm- Interaktion mit der realen Welt. sogenannter Po- ler an. «Wir wollten mit dieser Ak- Anders als klassische PC-Spiele ernomie bietet der «Man erreicht Monster-Hype késtop ist. Den tion frühzeitig dabei sein, auch in schafft Pokémon Go keine rein virneue Chancen: zahlreichen Ga- den Bergen», so Nadine Simon, tuelle Welt, sondern legt eine virtuMenschen, die Das längere Vermern, die sich Product Manager bei der Engadin elle Schicht über die real man auf üblichen plötzlich in der Ho- St. Moritz Mountains AG. An- existierende Umwelt. Das veränweilen an belebChannels nicht tel-Lobby tum- scheinend mit grossem Erfolg. dert das Spielerverhalten: «Die ten Plätzen sowie der Energie-Hun- erreichen würde.» meln, bietet das Man habe zu dem Event so viele Kinder meines Kollegen wandern Hotel «Vitality- Presseanfragen bekommen wie nicht gerne, aber am Wochenende ger der mobilen Brigitte Fritz Drinks» sowie «Po- selten zuvor, freut sich Simon über wollten sie plötzlich elf Kilometer Geräte führen Swissôtel Le Plaza Basel laufen, um Pokémons zu fangen», manchen Spieler kémon-Burger» an. das breite Medienecho. erzählt der Tourismus- und Hotelin ein nahe geleWichtiger als die lerie-Experte bei Pricewaterhousegenes Restaurant oder Café, um überschaubaren zusätzlichen Ein- Pokémon Go bietet Hoteliers neue Coopers, David Ermen. sich zu stärken und gleichzeitig nahmen sei jedoch der PR-Effekt, Marketing-Möglichkeiten «Das Spiel lenkt die Tourismusdas Smartphone zu laden. Vieler- erklärt General Managerin Brigitte Dass Pokémon-Go-Spieler extra orts offerieren Gastrobetriebe Fritz. «Man erreicht eine Gruppe in einem Hotel absteigen, nur weil ströme neu. Daraus können prinspezielle Pokémon-Rabatte gegen von Menschen, die man auf den sich in dessen Umgebung viele zipiell auch Hotels kommerziellen Vorweisen der Spiel-App oder kre- üblichen Channels nicht erreichen Pokémon fangen lassen, glauben Nutzen schlagen.» Ermen spricht ieren von den Taschenmonstern würde.» Die Spieler von heute sei- selbst die grössten Optimisten von einer Weiterentwicklung des inspirierte Gerichte und Geträn- en möglicherweise die Gäste von nicht. Dennoch sollten Hoteliers «Location Based Marketings». Beunabhängig von Marketing-Gags reits früher sei über die WAP-Techmorgen, spekuliert Fritz. ke.

Montage htr

nologie auf älteren Handys oder über WiFi versucht worden, den Leuten ortsbasierte Angebote zu machen. So auch innerhalb von Hotels, etwa wenn Push-Nachrichten mit dem Hinweis verschickt wurden, dass der Spa-Bereich ge-

rade frei sei. Vielleicht gibt es bald spezielle Pokémon-Wanderungen, auf denen ganze Familien zur Jagd auf besonders seltene Monster blasen. Mit Pokémon Go gelinge es zum ersten Mal, Menschen im grossen Stil mit virtueller Technologie in der realen Welt zu steuern, so Ermen. Zukünftige Updates des Spiels könnten Hoteliers neue Wege eröffnen, zusätzliche Kunden aktiv anzulocken oder bestehende Gäste mit Zusatzangeboten enger an sich zu binden. Der Mehrwert für den spielenden Hotelgast könnte sowohl real als auch virtuell sein: Wie bei einem Treueprogramm könnten Spieler bei der Jagd nach Monstern Bonus-Punkte sammeln, die sie im Hotel gegen reale Dienstleistungen eintauschen könnten. Andersherum könnten Hotels ihre Gäste für Übernachtungen oder Restaurantbesuche mit einer virtuellen Währung belohnen, mit der sich im Spiel Güter kaufen liessen. Nintendo und Niantic werden alles daran setzen, den neu entfachten Pokémon-Hype so lange wie möglich am Leben zu halten und aus ihm Profit zu schlagen. So will das US-amerikanische Technik-Portal «The Verge» von Niantic-CEO John Hanke erfahren haben, dass sich zu den derzeit 151 herumlaufenden PokémonArten (die nicht überall fangbar sind) bald eine «neue Generation» von Monstern dazugesellen soll. Trotz allen Neuerungen liegt es in der Natur eines Hypes, dass er irgendwann wieder abflauen wird. Aber selbst, wenn Pokémon Go schon bald niemanden mehr interessieren sollte, dürfte das Phänomen «augmented reality» auch in Zukunft für innovative Geschäftsideen sorgen.

Pokémon Go Wie reagiere ich als Hotelier auf den Monster-Hype? Das Hospitality-Software-Unternehmen Sabre hat einen Pokémon-Go-Guide speziell für Hoteliers erstellt. Demnach sollten Hoteliers ihr Personal für Spiel und Spielerverhalten sensibilisieren und klare Regeln aufstellen. Die Monsterjagd sollte erlaubt und sogar ermutigt werden, gleichzeitig müsse klar definiert sein, wann und wo auf dem Hotel-Areal Jagd auf die Pokémon gemacht werden darf, damit sich nicht etwa mitten in der Nacht ein Kind auf der Suche nach einem seltenen Wasser-Poké-

mon an den Pool verirrt. Auf einer Karte der Hotelumgebung sollten Pokéstops oder Arenen deutlich gekennzeichnet werden. Liegt das Hotel in der Nähe eines Hotspots, können für wenig Geld Lockmittel gestreut werden, um virtuelle Monster und reale Spieler anzuziehen. Gästen, die ein Bild eines im Hotel gefangenen Pokémon auf Sozialen Medien teilen, könnten kleineren Zusatzleistungen offeriert werden. Funde von raren Pokémon in der Hotel-Umgebung sollten unbedingt weitergeteilt werden. pt

14 Tage Das Wichtigste aus den Regionen



Daniel Desborough

Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum










St. Moritz Dorf: Tourist Information wird zur iLounge

Glarner Hotels locken Gäste mit Gratis-öV-Anreise

Neues Landesmuseum mit 26-Stunden-Fest eröffnet

Zukunft des Flumserberg Open Airs ist gesichert

Hotel Domicil in Frauenfeld wird zum Hotel Primestay

Die Informationsstelle für Touristen in St. Moritz Dorf wurde als sogenannte iLounge neu gestaltet. Mit der offenen Raumaufteilung und der entsprechenden Inneneinrichtung will die Tourismusorganisation Engadin St. Moritz die Distanz zwischen den Gästen und Gästeberatern beseitigen und dem digitalen Zeitalter entsprechen. Bewährt sich das Konzept, soll es auf weitere Informationsstellen in der Tourismusdestination erweitert werden. Auch ist damit eine Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Gastronomen geplant.

20 Unterkünfte im Glarnerland nehmen an der Aktion «öV-Anreise geschenkt» teil: Die Hotels schenken ihren Gästen ab zwei Übernachtungen die An- und Rückreise mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Mit diesem Angebot sollen mehr Gäste in die Region gelockt werden, die sich zum Beispiel den «Zigermeet» ansehen können. Bei der Sommerserie «Industriespionage» können Reisende zudem Glarner Betriebe näher kennenlernen. Am 4. August steht das Märchenhotel Bellevue in Braunwald auf dem Programm.

Das Landesmuseum in Zürich eröffnete am Sonntagabend mit neuem Erweiterungsbau für das Publikum. Während der 26-Stunden-Eröffnungsfeier verzeichnete das Muesum 23 000 Besucher, die Führungen, Konzerte, Tanzperformances und Kinovorstellungen betrachteten. Der Neubau kostete circa 110 Millionen Franken und wurde vom Basler Büro Christ & Gantenbein entworfen. Das Gebäude fasst eine neue Dauerausstellung, die dem Publikum das archäologische Kulturerbe der Schweiz vor Augen führen soll.

Nachdem im Februar der bisherige Veranstalter des Open Airs am Flumserberg ausgestiegen war, hat die Bergbahnen Flumserberg AG (BFF) nach Alternativen gesucht, um den Anlass auch in Zukunft zu sichern. Mit der «Stargarage AG» konnte schliesslich eine Vereinbahrung über die Weiterführung der Veranstaltung getroffen werden. Die BFF ist Hauptsponsor und Mitorganisatorin des Events und konnte durch die neue Partnerschaft die Durchführung des Grossanlasses für das Jahr 2017 sichern.

Das in Frauenfeld etablierte 3-SterneHotel Domicil wird seit 1. August als Hotel und «Boardinghouse» geführt. Die Zürcher Firma Businesshome Schweiz AG hat die Liegenschaft vom vorgängigen Besitzer Hotel Domicil AG übernommen. Der Hotelbetrieb mit Restaurant, Bar und Réception wird mit 23 Zimmern aufrechterhalten. Die 23 übrigen Zimmer mit Bad werden auf Monatsbasis mit einem Grundservice an Expats und Wochenaufenthalter mit Hauptwohndomizil in der Schweiz vermietet. it/npa

30th of August 2016

SWISSÔTEL DEN ÖZEL TATLAR Yayın Adı Beef & Fish Referans No 59611030 Renk Renkli

Yayın Tarihi 01.08.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 29,17

Küpür Sayfa 1 Tiraj 10000 Sayfa 15

İSTANBUL'DA YAZ DEVAM EDİYOR Yayın Adı L Officiel Referans No 59307382 Renk Renkli

Yayın Tarihi 01.08.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 172,22

Küpür Sayfa 1 Tiraj 40000 Sayfa 157

SWİSSÖTEL THE BOSPHORUS Yayın Adı Wedding Style Referans No 60109459 Renk Renkli

Yayın Tarihi 01.08.2016 Etki Tarafsız STxCM 155,00

Küpür Sayfa 1 Tiraj 8000 Sayfa 108

August 2016

Media: Edition: Date: Page:

Caterer, The {Main} Friday 26, August 2016 55

Kirk Westaway The chef de cuisine at Jaan, a modern French restaurant in the Swissotel the Stamford in Singapore, tells Katherine Alano why working out of his comfort zone has made him a better chef in Singapore have formed a community and we share ideas.

What's the attraction of working overseas?

I have always believed in working overseas to get out of my comfort zone, to continuously challenge myself in different situations and to meet new people from all walks of life. It has broadened my horizons and definitely played a part in shaping me to be the chef I am.

Any dislikes?

None at all. I have learned that stepping out of my comfort zone has enabled me to adapt to different cultures. What are the major challenges of working in Singapore?

The high expectations of diners. Having said that, it is their expectations that keep me on my toes and push me to strive for more.

You have been working at Jaan since 2011. You joined as a sous chef and were promoted last year. How has your role changed?

Since taking over the helm, my role has expanded beyond the kitchen. Not only am I responsible for kitchen operations, I also make a point to be aware of what is happening in the restaurant, by checking the guest list and working with the service team. I personally serve every dessert course as it gives me an opportunity to engage with the diners. Tell us about Jaan being awarded a Michelin star.

Jaan is an internationally recognised restaurant, with a wellregarded reputation for its exquisite culinary and service experience. It is an intimate space with a sophisticated interior that features a stunning Murano crystal and silver free-form chandelier spanning the entire length of the ceiling, with breathtaking views of Singapore. How does the local culture and the ingredients influence you?

I take a lot of inspiration from Singapore's multi-ethnic culture. For example, we serve spanner crab, which we marinate and coat with a Thai-style curry sauce. The crab is mixed with apple and caviar and encased in a cauliflower foam that rests on a base of crab jelly, made from a seafood crab consomme,

Are there any other Brits working at the restaurant?

I am the only Brit in the restaurant, although I have a Polish sous chef who understands the jokes that I crack as he also worked in the UK for a while.

"I take a lot of inspiration from Singapore's multi-ethnic culture"

What advice would you give a young chef thinking about working abroad?

vegetable stock and egg whites. The dish is finished with coral dust made from crab roe and topped with Oscietra caviar.

Respect the culture, never be comfortable and always challenge yourself. Never settle and keep pushing to outdo your best.

You are originally from Devon what do you miss about the UK?

What's the hardest thing about working abroad?

Kitchen banter - something the Brits are well-known for.

The adjustment process is always a steep curve when you first arrive in a new country. Adapting to the way things work and falling in line with systems and processes usually takes some time. It took me a while to find my place and make sense of it.

Will you return to work in the UK?

cv 2015-present Chef de cuisine, Jaan restaurant, Swissotel The Stamford 2011-2015 Sous chef, Jaan 2009-2010 Junior sous chef, Greenhouse restaurant, London 2007-2009 Sous chef, Patterson's restaurant, London 2001-2005 Exeter Catering College

I'd love to return to my hometown, where there is an abundance of fresh seafood and dairy farms. Setting up a small restaurant serving only the freshest produce to diners is something I have always dreamed about. What do you like about living and working in Singapore?

The locals are friendly and interested to find out what goes on in the kitchen. I also love the fact that the head chefs of each restaurant

Is there anywhere else in the world you would like to work?

New York. I love the speed and aggression of the city and how they have many cuisines. I am inspired by how diverse the dining scene is; from top finedining restaurants to the vibrant food trucks that line the streets.

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