The Window - November 2022

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Greetings First Methodist Family!

As I sit to write this article, it’s impossible to not think of the impending holiday season! For each of us, different memories and traditions are called to mind that help to shape our experience of the upcoming months.

For instance, until the past few years, our family often hosted Thanksgiving for various members of our extended family. It’s always been a great time of celebration and joy and the occasional family drama… you all know what I mean! But it’s also a time when I get to cook! Most of the time, I’m tasked with getting the turkey for our large gathering taken care of, and I take my job seriously!

Truth be told, my cooking has been relegated generally to the holidays and the grill outside. If you’ve ever seen the Muppets, you might remember the Swedish Chef that would make such a mess. Well, that would be me in the kitchen! I dirty every pan, surface, and wall around me! But the food tastes great! So, over the years, my cooking rights have needed to be tempered to consider the amount of cleaning required afterwards. It’s kind of a cost/benefit practice I suppose! Alice, on the other hand, is an amazing cook that keeps order, cleanliness, and a more realistic menu before us. But this wasn’t always the case!

When Alice and I got married, I did all the cooking. In fact, Alice made a deal that

I would do the cooking and she would clean up afterwards. I thought this sounded great! But you remember that Swedish Chef comparison? You can imagine that this arrangement was not going to last! But thanks be to God, He gave us an opportunity to grow in our cooking capacity and our relationship with one another.

I can’t help but think of Rev. Roland McGregor as he, Darla, their family, and friends share some last moments together as Roland’s journey in this life is reaching its final days. I am so grateful for all that I had the opportunity to learn and glean from Roland not only in a ministry sense, but also in how my own personal faith journey has been shaped. But he and Darla played a vital role in the harmony of Alice and my marriage! You see, Darla helped Alice not strangle me due to the messes I created in the kitchen by teaching her to cook! They did weekly cooking practice together, and in short order, I was largely removed from my post in the kitchen! In the end, this was for the best as it helps promote marital harmony for us and she simply cooks healthier than I do. It’s taken me some time, but I thank God for all of that too!

In this time of thanks, I am grateful for our church and all of you. I’m grateful for the diverse and broad ways in which this church has historically worshipped, served the community, and adapted our approach to the shifting nature of culture to continue in our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ! In some sense, we at times might mirror the messiness of the Swedish Chef and I in the

(continued on page 2) THE WINDOW A PUBLICATION OF FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1411 BROADWAY | LUBBOCK, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 | FUMC.COM |NOVEMBER 2022 LBK FIRSTLBK MOVED BY JESUS. LOVING PEOPLE. SERVING ALL. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH•LUBBOCK What’s InsIde Page 03 Coming Up Page 04 Feed Seniors Recap Page 05 KBC Treasure Day Page 07 Memorials Our mission is to create a grace-filled environment in which Christ transforms lives. DEALING WITH MESSINESS SENIOR PASTOR todd salzWedel

Dear Church family,

Does it feel like our whole world is spiraling out of control? Russia’s aggression against its neighbor, Ukraine, shows no end in sight. China’s sabre-rattling is unsettling as they eye Taiwan and other Pacific nations. And, of course, North Korea’s leader shoots missiles uncomfortably close to Japan. Closer to home, two of our greatest rivers, the Mississippi and the Colorado, are at historically and dangerously low levels. Locally, the grocery stores don’t always have products in stock we are accustomed to seeing. What in the world is happening? Is there anything we can we do?

and now, how can we cope, personally, and how can we be reflective of He who is the Light of the world?

May I suggest the following steps you and I can take on our Disciple Pathway?

First, seek God daily. If a daily concerted time with God seems daunting, just follow these steps:

“I have said these things to you, that in me you can have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” John 13:23

I truly believe He has overcome the world, but in the here

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kitchen, but generally, the result has been so good! At times though, such variety has also caused gnashing of teeth and disbelief at how such a mess could be created (I’m having memories of Alice looking at the kitchen early on when I was doing something “really” special!).

Great diversity, I think, reflects the nature of God in His magnificence. But it also can cause consternation for us individually in our understanding of one another. While I don’t think God’s truth changes, how we understand and respond to it has continued to be shaped and adapted in lives around the world for thousands of years. We’re still a work in progress. And in a church like First Lubbock, the “ingredients (us)” are much more varied than in some other

Read a scripture passage systematically working through a book of the Bible a small passage at a time. As you begin to read, pray for understanding and insight. Then meditate on the passage, rereading, emphasizing different words, looking for keywords or phrases, looking at surrounding passages for context and asking what the message was then and how does it apply now. Respond to the word with a specific physical, emotional, or mental action that you will take. Finally, pray again, make your commitment to act on the word and thank God.

Second, commit to notice, serve and demonstrate patience with others. You will find that you have more peace when you focus on others before yourself.

settings. If left to our own devices, we could be in a constant mess. But under the guidance and direction of God, we are a magnificent representation of at least a portion of God’s beautiful Kingdom. This is not the result of our own doing, but of the work of God in our lives and in our church.

Over the next few weeks, you are going to receive some information about an informational survey that we want the entire church to participate in. This survey is not meant to be the mechanism by which the church decides one way or the other about direction, but it is designed to offer information to both the leadership of the church and the congregation. The information will be made available to everyone, so we all have a sense of the beautiful breadth of our congregation, and to help us move

boldly into whatever future God has in store for us!

We have so much to be thankful for here at First. Our amazing legacy, the fantastic mission field in which we minister, and the brothers and sisters we worship with and serve with bless not only ourselves but far beyond the walls of our church. The “ingredients” here help to make that a reality! And while things might at times seem messy, like the Swedish Chef is in the kitchen, I personally trust that the result will be so good… because God will always be at the forefront leading us forward!

I give God thanks for each of you and I’m proud to serve alongside you!


Pastor Todd

Caregiving to those with varying illnesses or dementia can be both rewarding and stressful, lonely and exhausting. But, as the song says, “we get by with a little help from our friends!” First Lubbock is pleased to announce a new caregivers group on the first Wednesday of each month from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The group will be led by Dr. Jonathan Singer, psychology professor at Texas Tech University. Dr. Singer specializes in health in aging, illness, and caregiving.

Contact Dr. Shera Atkinson, satkinson@ with questions or more information.

Calling All Caregivers GThanks iving NOVEMBER 17 Cost: $15 per plate ALL SENIOR ADULTS ARE INVITED Come enjoy a thanksgiving lunch served by First Methodist Staff and a presentation. 11:30 A.M.-1:00 P.M. CLC RSVP: or 806.763.4607 ext. 240 Senior Adults COMMUNITY Advent Devotional B ook is year's Advent Book is All the Good: A Wesleyan Way of Christmas and invites us to hear the good news of Christmas and respond to it as well! Begins November 27 Purchase books beginning November 13 $10
CHRISTMAS ALMOST A WOMEN’S MINISTRY ADVENT 01 DEC 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. | CLC 106/107 COMMUNITY All ladies are invited to a lunch and Advent retreat exploring how to bring commitment to Christ during the Christmas season. Cost is $10. Please RSVP to Shera Atkinson,, or 806-763-4607, x240. Childcare is available with reservations only at Music for All Saints SUNDAY • NOV. 6, 2022 • 5 P.M. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1411 BROADWAY • LUBBOCK Free Admission. Childcare provided Reception to follow. This performance has been graciously underwritten by the FUMC Friends of Music. 806-763-4607, ext. 241 • Johannes Brahms A German Requiem CONCERT SERIES Vesper Amanda Key – Soprano Dr. Gregory Brookes – Baritone Bradley Vogel – Organ FUMC Chancel Choir and Chamber Orchestra Dr. Seung-Won Cho – Artistic Director


Dear friends,

We wanted to thank you for your outpouring of generosity to help Meals on Wheels provide weekend snack packs to homebound seniors that are at risk of being without food. Our church’s Feed Seniors Now campaign benefiting Meals on Wheels collected 550 pounds of food and over $1,800.

Thanks to every individual, and Sunday School Class that participated in this event. We love it when FUMC can be the hands and feet of Christ.

With Love and appreciation, Kathy Phillips and Michael Spaulding, Director of Missions and College Ministries


First Lubbock will once again provide a community Thanksgiving Meal for our neighbors. After a couple of years as a drive-through, due to Covid precautions, we are happy to once again be serving back inside with our friends sitting around tables together. We are planning to serve up to 1,500 meals, and we need your help! Online sign-ups can be found at thanksgivingvolunteer. Some families

and individuals in our community won’t have access to food or even be able to celebrate Thanksgiving this year so, please join us in being a part of sharing the love of Christ and a hot meal to our neighbors as we all reflect on the blessings and gratitude we have in our lives.

Contact Michael Spaulding,

Mission Opportunities

November 5

Habitat for Humanity Veteran’s Day Build

Help Habitat build a house for a veteran. Contact Michael Spaulding,

November 19 Community Thanksgiving Meal

Mark you calendars and sign up to volunteer to serve a Thanksgiving meal to our neighbors. We need volunteers to make this ministry possible so please sign up to help. Sign ups can be found at thanksgivingvolunteer

DECEMBER Missions Offering

Please be in prayer about how you can help support missions for the next year!

December 17

Christmas Box Distribution at the South Plains Food Bank. Families are invited to pass out Christmas food boxes to our neighbors at the Food Bank. Sign up information coming soon.



Kids Beach Club was back in action in September at Bayless Elementary. One of the highlights of Beach Club is Treasure Day. This is a day when students who have attended Beach Club at least three times are given a bible. Those who have received a bible in previous years, and had attended three times were given a devotional book. Those who qualified for sneither were not left out on this day, they received a special KBC book mark. And if they attend two more times, they will also get their bible.

Kids Beach Club meets on school campuses for one hour a day,

one day a week for 24 weeks to present the gospel to students and connect them to a local church. Each student who attends is given a KBC Explorer’s Study Bible.

Students discover God’s word in a small-group and large-group setting. High-energy games, worship and bringing the bible to life in an active learning environment is facilitated by volunteers.

If you would like more information about how you can become a part of KBC as a volunteer, contact Leslie Moss at




UPCOMING EVENTS @firststudents_lbk @FirststudentsLBK More info & payment links: Middle School Trip Nov. 18–20 Dallas, TX $250/Student High School Ski Trip Jan. 1–5 Wolf Creek, CO $500/Student No Sunday Night Students on November 20— Happy Thanksgiving! First Students Christmas Party Wednesday, December 14 Wednesday Night Worship November 16 Community Thanksgiving Saturday, November 19 Sign-up with your fam: Night inBe lehem December 4 4:30-6:30 p.m.Memorial Ha Come savor the sights, sounds and excitement of the very first Christmas! Families will interact with local shopkeepers and create unique keepsakes during this Christmas adventure. Volunteers Needed! Contact: Tessa Armes tarmes@fumc.comHOSPITALITY Join the many who have started the Individual Spiritual Formation Plan process. This process is a personalized aid to assist you as your grow in your discipleship. To obtain your information packet and continue your journey on the disciple pathway, contact Shera Atkinson, satkinson@ SPIRITUAL FORMATION PLANS (ISFP) INDIVIDUALIZED Are you interested in growing in your discipleship? If so, contact Shera Atkinson at for information about obtaining a personalized plan for growth. GROWTH
Concert Series Delirium Musicum Orchestra Sunday, December 4, 2022•7 p.m. Delirium Musicum is a self-conducted orchestra led by French violin virtuoso Etienne Gara, dedicated to providing impassioned and engaging musical performances that deeply connect the audience to the musicians. This immediate, visceral experience is rooted in L.A.’s bustling artistic mosaic.

our life togetHer


Welcome to Melva and Mandy Kitchens on joining First Lubbock, Sunday, September 18. They are transferring from First United Methodist Naples.

Welcome to Jonathan, Mitzi, Nathan, and Viviana Ziegner on joining First Lubbock, Sunday September 25, in the 11 traditional service by Dr. Todd Salzwedel. They are transferring from Lake Ridge UMC.


Sympathies to Nancy Johnson and family on the death of Jimmy. Jimmy passed away September 25. Visitation was held September 30, a memorial service was held October 1 at Resthaven officiated by Rev. Bailey Barkley. Jimmy had been a member of First Lubbock since November 26, 2006.


Sympathies to Lynn Owens and family on the death of Eddie. Eddie passed away Monday, September 19. A memorial service was held September 26 in the sanctuary officiated by Dr. Shera Atkinson and Ray Spradling. He was a member of the Generations Sunday School and a member of First Lubbock since January 12, 1997.

Sympathies to the Moss family on the death of their mother and grandmother, Frances Lucile. Frances passed away September 2. She was laid to rest in a private ceremony next to her loving husband, James, in the Mausoleum at Resthaven. She was a member of First Lubbock since February 1, 1987.

Sympathies to David and Susan Moyer and family on the death of Susan’s mother, Louisa House. Louisa passed away October 3. A memorial service was held October 6 in the Christian Life Center officiated by Reverend Bailey Barkley. Louisa had been member of First Lubbock since July 20, 2014.

Sympathies to Kitty and Linn on the death of their mother, Denece Harris. Denece passed away October 11. A memorial service was held October 14 in Bowman Chapel officiated by Dr. Shera Atkinson and Dr. Todd Salzwedel. Denece was a member of Friends of Music, the McMillan Sunday School class and First Lubbock since October 19, 1975.

MeMorials & HonorariuMs


In memory of Kyle McFarren by the Pacesetters Sunday School

In memory of Eddie Owens by Tom and Susan Clark

In memory of Joann Berry by Ambassador Sunday School


In memory of Eddie Owens by Generations Sunday School


In honor of D’aun Green for Bayless by WSCS

– october 15, 2022


In honor of Cari Dillon for her birthday by Charles and Paula Key

In memory of Eddie Owens by Charles and Paula Key

In memory of Kyle McFarren by Jerry and Tobie Bailey

In memory of Denece Harris by Charles and Paula Key


In memory of Wanda Peacock by Arritta Bruton


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1411 Broadway Lubbock, TX 79401


8:45 a.m. - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary

Contemporary 9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center

1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401

The Window is a

of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock

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