The Window - May 2023

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Greeting First UMC family!

This Spring has a different sense than previous years. In some sense, I understand that this is a recognition of the turbulent past year we have experienced as a church, as a conference, and as the people of God. It would be understandable for us to lament and be caught in the mire of negative feelings we might have deep inside us – the sense of loss, damaged friendships, and uncertainty about

the things we hold so dear. To be sure, I’ve had those moments.

But as I’ve further reflected, I’ve come to realize that the gnawing in my gut has more to do with the possibilities that lie before us. The potential of reaching people for the Kingdom of God is unbounded, and our role at First is really without limitation! Our time to stand bold and secure in the loving arms of God is now! We must take confidence in the direction that God is leading us and trust that God will continue to strengthen and assure us in our journey forward!

I have been accused in the past of thinking about the potential of the future while failing to recognize the hurt of the present. I suppose

that might be the case at times. In my defense, that isn’t due to my lack of empathy, but rather a deep conviction that, amid the most tumultuous times of our lives, God is most at work! I am so proud of our church and the legacy that has brought us to this point. Surely there have been obstacles and potholes throughout our long history. But we have learned along the way and adapted to our new realities with sure knowledge that God had us in His mighty hands! That truth holds for us today as it has for those saints that have gone before us throughout Scripture!

There is no doubt that there are things to be attended to in our midst. And when we look to Scripture,

May 2023 | The Window PAGE 1 A Publication of First United Methodist Church
MAY 2023 1411 Broadway | Lubbock, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 |
Pg. 04 Mission Service Opportunities Pg. 06
Creating grace-filled environments where Jesus Christ transforms lives.
Vesper Concert Chanticleer Pg.
Memorials and Honorariums
SENIOR PASTOR Todd Salzwedel

those moments of anxiety present amazing opportunities for innovation and charting a new way forward! We find ourselves in this exciting situation in the life of our church! Most immediately, we need to make sure we attend to the needs of the contemporary service and our other established ministries so we can continue to be a community where God is praised and worshiped, and where community can be curated for the glory of God!

To that end, we have developed a short-term plan to evaluate and vision for an exciting future in the contemporary worship setting. I am personally excited that our very own Dakota Bybee will be at the forefront of this new chapter. Dakota and Rev. Steve Rogers are currently providing leadership. Moving forward, Dakota will be growing in his own leadership as we help him to cultivate a call on his own life. I would remind you of our very own Auggie Aguilera as a corollary to the model we might follow in cultivating a new vision forward. This does not mean we will not be bringing a new Associate Pastor on board, but that we will be deliberate in finding just the right person. It might mean that we need to look outside the conference, that

it might take more time than usual, and that their role would be different. Regardless, I’m confident and excited about Dakota and the gifts we find already among our church family!

Our church will also be playing a pivotal role in the transition the Northwest Texas Conference will make later next year by merging, or uniting, with another Conference. There are currently groups of displaced people around our conference that did not desire to disaffiliate with the United Methodist Church that have been meeting together. Some gather for worship to watch worship online through the conference or a church like ours. They participate in Bible studies, building community and serving others through missions.

These courageous groups will be connected to local churches like First, which will serve as hubs for ministry. Some of these groups might become satellite or second campuses. Others might eventually launch as their own stand-alone congregations. Several of these groups will be connected to First in the coming months as we become their home in this transitional time. To help accomplish this, the conference is appointing

individuals to serve amongst us that will play a role in our existing ministries with a deliberate eye to those outside our walls. In the next few weeks, I hope to be sharing news of the people that will be joining our team. Additionally, the conference will be providing generous funding to cover those expenses so as not to hinder the already vital ministries here at First.

These are exciting times at First, and we have immense opportunity and potential ahead of us. It will require that we be innovative, that we focus on purpose rather than preference, and that we begin with prayer. Rather than dwell on what was, we must turn our eyes to what might be! And that means inviting others to join on that journey with us!

The most substantial times of First UMC are before us, I believe! We will play a pivotal role in what God is doing in our church, our community, and here in West Texas! I’m proud to be traveling this road with each of you and those who join us along the way!



Thank you to the Easter Lily crew who decorated our spaces with Easter lilies. The beauty of the lilies helped to enhance the spirit of the Easter season in our church as we celebrated the risen Christ.

Thanks also to those who purchased the lilies to decorate our church. Our Easter services were made even more meaningful and memorable because of the Easter lilies and all of the hard work of our volunteers, musicians, and staff here at First UMC.

PAGE 2 May 2023 | The Window

city and county of Lubbock. It appears that TXDOT and other road construction companies have designated Lubbock as the training ground for new civil engineers as well as surveyors, foremen, heavy equipment operators and all the other personnel required to tear up and reconstruct paved roadways. And I’m sure some of the intended consequences occurring with this widespread disruption are the opportunities for us to review the importance of reading signs, adjusting our speed and rerouting our travel throughout the city as we adapt to the ever-changing scenarios. Why else would so many differing locations be made available for us to practice our driving skills and desire to improve our capacity for patient acceptance?

That being said, the other day I found myself at a red light behind a concrete truck. You know, those great big trucks with big colorful spots that mix the concrete as they travel to various construction sites? Ever on a quest to find meaning in whatever situation presents itself, I was thinking about the ingredients that make concrete; I.e., concrete, sand, gravel and water. Swirling around in that gigantic mixing bowl ahead of me, those rough ingredients tumble around, losing their original consistencies. When the truck reaches its destination, the gravel, sand, water and concrete have become a new substance which can be molded into a smooth, hard surface enabling a person, vehicle or even a building to be constructed.

Sounds a little like the apostle Paul’s explanation about the church members as a body: some are the hands, some the feet, some the heart, others eyes and ears.

All of you are part of the same body. There is only one Spirit of God, just as you were chosen to be God’s people. We have only one Lord, one faith and one baptism. There is one God who is the Father of all people. Not only is God above all others, but He works by using all of us and he lives in all of us. (Eph.4: 4-6)

The body of Christ has many different parts, just as any other body does. Our

bodies don’t have just one part. They have many parts. Suppose a foot says “I’m not a hand and so I’m not part of the body.” Wouldn’t the foot still belong to the body? Or suppose the ear says, “I’m not an eye, and so I’m not part of the body.” Wouldn’t the ear still belong to the body? If our bodies were only an eye, we couldn’t hear a thing. And if they were only an ear, we couldn’t smell anything. But God has put all parts of our body together in the way He decided is best. (1 Corinthians 12: 1, 14-18)

We may sometimes feel as though we are in that concrete mixer, thrown in with people we don’t know or aren’t part of “our group”. We don’t like being tumbled about and thrown every which way. We start one way and yet, there’s road construction and detours. But if we will decide to join together, as one body, together we can form something smooth and strong that Christ Jesus can to expand His Kingdom, to meet the needs of others, and to grow together as disciples. I urge you to become and to stay involved with our church community. Look for the places God calls you to use your gifts and look for groups in which you can grow in your discipleship.

This year you are invited to participate in the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 4, by engaging in two simple steps.

First, order a National Day of Prayer Yard sign that will let your neighborhood know that members of FirstLBK are praying for them.

Second, commit to prayer for those in your neighborhood,

our community, schools, first responders, and state and national leaders.

The cost for each sign is $5. Signs may be picked up at church or delivered to your yard. If you would like to volunteer to deliver yard signs, please contact Shera Atkinson at or calling Shera at 806-796-4607, ext 240.

May 2023 | The Window PAGE 3
Dear church family, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it does seem that there is quite a bit of road construction going on all around the
Shera Atkinson Minister of Spiritual Formation and Congregational Care
National Day of Prayer - Yards Signs $5
The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16 FIRSTLBK MOVED BY JESUS. LOVING PEOPLE. SERVING ALL. NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER
First United Methodist Church is PRAYING for you, our community, state, and nation.

Helping Hands Workday - May 27

Helping Hands is an outreach mission of First LBK. The goal of the Helping Hands ministry is to help elderly homeowners that are in need make their homes safe, warm, and dry. To date, Helping Hands has repaired seventeen homes that belong to elderly homeowners here in Lubbock. Some of the work we complete is exterior painting, storm window installation, basic carpentry repairs, exterior door replacement, locks etc. We have many tasks that require no experience, special skills, or getting on a ladder, so all volunteers are encouraged to participate!

This community outreach is rewarding for both the homeowner, and for our volunteers. Come and join and experience the joy of spreading God’s love to a neighbor in need.

Our next project day will be on May 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided.

Contact Frank or Kathy Phillips if you have questions or want to sign up, or visit

Kathy Phillips (806) 787-3600 Frank Phillips (806) 317-9099


Service Opportunities at Second Helpings

Second Helpings has been a ministry of FUMC for over 30 years. Through the faithful service of staff and volunteers over that time, God has impacted thousands upon thousands of lives. Participants trust that they can receive a free meal every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. That need is met, but we have identified a deeper need, one we all likely share: the need for positive relationships.

To meet that need, we are inviting new volunteers to come and eat with participants, listen to them, and pray for them. You would commit to come once a week for at least 75% of the weeks in a three-month period. You would receive a free (and delicious!) meal. You

do not need to be an ordained pastor or have seven degrees in communications, you just need two ears to listen and a heart to care.

If you feel called to this ministry or are interested in learning more, please fill out the interest form. I am excited to witness God moving in the lives of these participants. Grace and Peace, Michael Spaulding

Hygiene Product Collection

May 2023

Through the month of May, blue bins will be throughout the church for the collection of hygiene products for inmates at the John Montford Unit.

Items Needed:




Bar soap

Clear gallon Ziploc bags

Contact: Michael Spaulding, Director of Missions


We are grateful for our Second Helpings volunteers who faithfully serve every week.

PAGE 4 May 2023 | The Window
“…whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers
sisters of mine, you did it for Me.”
– Matthew 25:40b

Gifts of the Spirit





TUESDAY, MAY 2nd ~ 6 P.M.


First UMC has a long legacy of making disciples and caring for and shaping the lives of those in our church and in our community. This legacy has been accomplished through intentional worship, loving congregational care, compassionate mission, deep spiritual formation, and lifestyle evangelism. We often think of a legacy as something left and therefore as something finite. However, in a church, the legacy is shared from generation to generation and grows, changes and advances

while maintaining the core goals and principles. Our Legacy Keepers Ministry, formerly known as our senior adults, continues to play an integral role in the keeping and advancing this church’s legacy through their engagement in hospitality, community, growth, generosity and service. Please join the Legacy Keepers as they host the First Annual Legacy Keeper’s Recognition Banquet on Tuesday, May 2 at 6 p.m. At the banquet, members of the church will be recognized for their advancement

Luncheon Mother’s Day

Sunday, May 14 | 12:15-1:30 p.m.


Join us for a steak and baked potato lunch for our mothers. $15 per plate. Contact Shera or 806.763.4607. ext. 240, or just show up.

of and commitment to worship, congregational care, evangelism, mission, and spiritual formation. Come, and enjoy fellowship, a good meal, and discover this year’s recognized members.

Reservations can be made by contacting Shera Atkinson at or calling Shera at 806 796 4607 Ext 240.


The troop is in its 99th year of service to the church and as an outreach mission. Students learn scout skills and citizenship, go camping, and grow in community. They also attend a week long camp every summer. Students in grades 4-8 are invited to join us! Cost to join is $100. They meet Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m. in the Outreach Center - Boy Scout Room.

Contact: Jim Mason, 806-4418235 or jimmason46@gmail. com for more information.

May 2023 | The Window PAGE 5 Salad, Roast Beef Dinner, Dessert  $10 per person  RSVP to Shera Atkinson 
Senior Adults  Families  Youth  Keepers of the FUMC Legacy:  Faith  Service  Tradition  Community

Our Life Together


Congratulations to John Ross and Courtney Norton on the birth of their son, Oliver Alexander. Oliver was born April 8.


Welcome to Chuck and Carloyn Darden on joining First Lubbock in the 11 traditional service April 16 with Dr. Todd Salzwedel. Chuck and Carolyn are transferring from Shallowater UMC


Sympathies to Susan Sechrist and family on the death of her husband, Albert. Albert passed away April 4. A memorial service was held April 7 at First Christian Church.

Congratulations to Bradley and Grace Vogel on the birth of their daughter, Clara Martha. Clara was born April 14.

Sympathies to Mindy Hatch and family on the death of her brother, Michael David Morgan. Mike passed away March 27. A Celebration of Life was held April 5 at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. Father Justin Gibson and Deacon Paige McKay officiated.

Sympathies to the Boyd family on the death of Blake. Blake passed away April 8. A memorial service was held April 11 in the sanctuary. Blake had been a member of First Lubbock since July 28, 2002.

GRAMMY® Award-winning ensemble to perform May 7

selling over one million recordings and performing thousands of live concerts to audiences around the world.

Frequently called “an orchestra of voices”. All 12 singers are full-time personnel on annual salary, which is rare for a vocal ensemble. Has made more than 40 albums for Teldec/Warner Classics & Chanticleer Records. Tim Keeler joined the ensemble as Music Director in August 2020. Chanticleer’s newest recording, Chanticleer Sings Christmas, was released in October 2020

The GRAMMY® Award-winning vocal ensemble Chanticleer is known around the world as “an orchestra of voices” for its wide-ranging repertoire and dazzling virtuosity. As part of the Vesper Concert Series of First UMC, Lubbock, the group will perform a free concert, Sunday, May 7 at 5 p.m. This performance has been graciously underwritten by the FUMC Friends of Music.

Founded in San Francisco in 1978 by singer and musicologist Louis Botto, Chanticleer quickly took its place as one of the most prolific recording and touring ensembles in the world,


The multiple Grammy Awardwinning all-male vocal ensemble is comprised

of 12 singers hailing from across the U.S. Chanticleer’s repertoire spans ten centuries from Gregorian chant, Renaissance polyphony and Romantic art song to contemporary music, jazz, spirituals and world music. The group gives approximately 100 concerts a year throughout the world, appearing regularly in New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Chicago, and Internationally, as well as its home base of San Francisco.

Named after the clear-singing rooster in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.

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Memorials & Honorariums – April 15, 2023


In memory of Joyce Adams, Beverly Stirman’s mother, by Eric and Cheryl McKnight

In memory of Doyle Roberts by Ambassadors Sunday School


In memory of Bernhard T. Mittemeyer by Cheryl Neeb

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by Robert and Sharen Musselman

In memory of Mary Ellen Jones by Robert and Sharen Musselman

In memory of Waldeen Pearson by Robert and Sharen Musselman

In honor of Dr. and Mrs. David Bush by City Bank


In memory of Mary Sheridan by Cindy Harendt

In memory of Wendell Howard by Sandy Howard


May 31-June 2 - Lil Ceta Camp

June 26-30 - One Way Camp

September 17, 24 - Engage

October 1, 8, 15 - Engage

October 22 - Corn Maze

November 26 - Advent Brunch


In memory of Paula Brashear by Shelah Lile



June 7 - Summer Kick Off

June 12-16 - Middle School One Way Camp

June 19-23- High School One Way Camp

July - Thursday Lunches (various locations)

August 4-6 - Renew LBK (Mission Weekend)

August 8-10 - Rush Week (6th Grade Welcome Week)

@firststudents_lbk @FirststudentsLBK

SENIOR SUNDAY May 21 Rose Breakfast | 9:30 A.M. in Memorial Hall Class Presentation | 11 A.M. in the Sanctuary VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR SIGNUPS AND EVENTS is coming! Be on the lookout for more details!

June 12–16

Grades 9–12

June 19–23


May 2023 | The Window PAGE 7
HAPPENING THIS MONTH Sunday, May 7 Sunday Night Students Sunday, May 14 No Sunday Night Students Sunday, May 21 Senior Sunday Last Sunday Night Students
In donation in honor of Treasured Times Ministry by Hugh and Mary Jane Archer BREAKFAST & DINNER SIGNUPS
To view dates and sign-up, please visit ONE
Grades 7–9
$370 Per Student Sign up at
PAGE 8 May 2023 | The Window 1411 Broadway Lubbock, TX 79401 Return Services Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Lubbock, Texas Permit No. 594 FIRSTLBK MOVED BY JESUS. LOVING PEOPLE. SERVING ALL. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH•LUBBOCK LBK FIRSTLBK MOVED BY JESUS. LOVING PEOPLE. SERVING ALL. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH•LUBBOCK WORSHIP SERVICES Traditional 8:45 a.m. - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary Contemporary 9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center 1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock @fumclbk @fumclbk
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