The Window - February 2023

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Greeting First UMC family,

As you may have already heard through verbal or written announcements at the church, our church will be holding a vote that will have a profound impact on our future direction as a faith community. On Sunday, March 5 at 2 p.m., we will decide whether we remain a United Methodist congregation or choose to take a different path forward through the tools of disaffiliation. It is imperative that you make every effort to be present, as that is the only way your

personal wishes will be counted. I can’t stress that enough.

From the moment this pathway was made available, I have sought to do my best not to drive the church in one direction or another. My intent has not been to remain neutral, but to respect that this is a decision the church needs to make about its own future. I still affirm this is a decision the church needs to make, not one that should be driven or directed solely by the clergy, or a few select leaders.

Nevertheless, through much prayer and discernment on my own and the counsel of several entities within and outside our church, I do find it necessary that I share my own assessment of what I foresee is the best path forward for our church. I do this out of a deep love for the whole

of the church, not for any particular perspective or group.

As a part of my role as Senior Pastor, one of my responsibilities is to care for and lead the entire congregation rather than specific interests. Historically, our church has embodied what is often characterized as the “Big Tent” within our community, and certainly within the United Methodist realm. This has been true not only within the Northwest Texas Conference, but regionally and nationally as well. Under that tent, we find we are a diverse and beautiful array of people from various backgrounds, walks of life, and theological perspectives. It is one of the characteristics that makes First the most unique and special congregation in our area – in my humble opinion! From the decades of amazing music, the varied missional

February 2023 | The Window PAGE 1 A Publication of First United Methodist Church
FEBRUARY 2023 1411 Broadway | Lubbock, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 |
Pg. 03 God’s Promise to Israel, and to Us Pg. 05 Confirmation Class Confirmed January 22 Pg. 06 Memorials and Honorariums
Creating grace-filled environments where Jesus Christ transforms lives. SENIOR PASTOR Todd Salzwedel

outreach opportunities, the vibrant Sunday School classes and small groups, and the multi-generational offerings, we embody a profound cross-section of the body of Christ. This is one of our greatest gifts and attributes! And it has been a hallmark of who we are for a very long time!

This same phenomenal gift can also be difficult to manage and maintain at certain times when competing values come into play. We find ourselves in that type of situation now where we might be inclined to be in conflict in our hearts and with our brothers and sisters. I understand and recognize this potential.

The question has been asked of me frequently as of late, “What path or decision has the greatest potential to harm our beloved church”? Stated in a more positive manner, “What, in your estimation, Pastor Todd, allows our church to move forward with the character, sense of community, and opportunity to maintain and build upon the strong history of service our church has been known for”? In short, my response is absolutely to remain United Methodist.

I recognize that my stance and perspective will not make everyone in our church happy. I’m aware of the vast difference of opinion on this matter within our body. And I give my perspective as the pastor of First, desiring first and foremost the most faithful and fruitful path forward to continue making disciples for Jesus Christ in our context. But this is the honest and most prayerful assessment I can give… and I feel it is my responsibility to offer it. My thoughts have been influenced by cultural, practical, and theoretical considerations in our midst, and have become more solidified as time has gone by.

Our church has never been characterized as a congregation that has been either ultra-progressive of ultra-conservative. Surely, we have beloved friends that might more closely identify as such within our church, but taken overall, First United Methodist has put Christ first so that wherever we might fall on such a spectrum individually, it was our desire to serve God and neighbor that

unified us above all. I believe that is the foundation of our great church!

My heart breaks for the pain and discord this situation has already caused. I have witnessed, and been the recipient of, words and actions that I believe fall outside of what God would desire from any of us. These are emotional responses to very emotional topics and situations. Many of you might have seen a recent email that one of our former senior pastors, Rev. Jim Jackson, puts out daily that included this statement:

“The denomination to which I devoted my life is experiencing schism. There are two power groups. One is saying “A single issue, sexual behavior, is enough to divide the Body of Christ”, and the other is saying “sexual behavior don’t matter.” Both sides are obsessed with being right.”

I do believe there is more to the divide than the issue of human sexuality, but I also agree with the last statement Rev. Jackson makes… too often we are more obsessed with being right. My hope is that we desire first to be faithful… to God and one another.

I do not offer my assessment and perspective lightly, nor do I expect others would either. I do so with a profound sense that for some, this will feel as if I am speaking against them. Others will feel affirmed by my statements, I’m sure. Please understand, I offer my perspective because I believe it most closely reflects the present reality of most of our congregation as well as the historic character of our congregation. I believe it is that same spirit and strength that offers the most effective and faithful path forward to live out our mission of making disciples for Jesus Christ.

I’d like to offer just a brief word to those who would wonder and be concerned about potential changes that might occur within the United Methodist Church in the future, and therefore their place if a decision is made that they would disagree with. I am orthodox in my faith, meaning that if it says it in the Apostles Creed, I believe it… fully! I believe the doctrine found within the United Methodist

Discipline and will preach the virgin birth, the resurrection Jesus, the divinity of Christ, the authority of Scripture, and the grace of God which surpasses all understanding, among others.

These historic doctrines have defined and guided our church for over a century and are the foundation of my being. I believe they are still the foundation of our church as well, and I will maintain these as long as I am pastor here at First United Methodist.

I want to offer one final thought. The apostle Paul writes to his audience in Rome, “Where sin abounds, grace abounds more” (Romans 5:20). I know in my own life, it’s often much easier to see the sins of others before my own. But I take heart in Paul’s words, and I am confident they are true… that God’s grace far surpasses our sinfulness. Given that reality, if I am going to err on one side or the other, I pray that God always nudges me to err on the side of grace. I know I need it every moment of my life, and I pray for God’s grace and peace for each of you.

I’m proud to serve as your pastor, and to be a part of this amazing church. I don’t take the privilege of serving among you lightly. I know we are in a season that is uncomfortable, but I put my trust and assurance in God, who has promised to sustain and bless us when we are faithful to Him. That has been the posture of this church historically, and I believe will continue to be our posture moving forward.

My prayer for each of you will be for discernment, for peace, and for grace. The decisions we make and the manner in which we relate to one another, and the world, will potentially have an impact for generations. But I am confident God will guide each of us and that we will bless one another as we journey along this path together.

Grace and Peace, Pastor Todd

PAGE 2 February 2023 | The Window

Dear church family, One of the blessings of being part of FUMC is “doing life together”. We see one another in good times and difficult. We support one another. We celebrate, grow, and learn together. Currently, I am facilitating a Bible Study about the wilderness experience of Israel. Israel had its roots in a covenant made between God and Abraham. In this covenant, God promised many things. He personally promised that He

would make Abraham’s name great and that the nation that would be his descendants would be blessed (Genesis 12:2). One of the wonderful promises God made was that through Israel, all nations would be blessed (Genesis 18:18). Then, in Genesis 22:18, God continues to make promises about the people of Israel saying: “And through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me”.

Israel would be blessed not for blessing’s sake alone, but so that other nations would see their blessing as they obeyed and followed God. Then, in following, they too would have the blessings that come with choosing to worship Yahweh. Why this review of the Abrahamic covenant? I believe that we have the same mission that Israel had. We are to love and worship God, to follow the example of Jesus, God made flesh, so

that other’s see us, our community, example, and blessings, to the end that they choose to follow and serve God and receive the blessings we share. Our mission underscores the importance of our witness in daily life. We are to be different from the world in how we live, love and support others and in how we interact with those with whom we disagree.

Our church has a difficult vote coming up and I pray that we will be a blessing to those in our community so that we can be an example and a blessing to those not yet a part of our community. We can disagree without anger or insult and instead choose to be at peace with all people… even with those who think differently.

February 2023 | The Window PAGE 3
Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God, Alone), Shera
Shera Atkinson Minister of Spiritual Formation and Congregational Care

Thank You, FUMC!

Thank you, FUMC, for your generous support of Family Promise. Special thanks to the following Sunday school classes: Generations, Through the Bible, Pathfinders, and H.I. Robinson and to WSCS for helping with a special Christmas project.

FUMC has a long history of contributing to Family Promise Lubbock. For years, we have provided volunteers, meals, and financial support to this local ministry that helps homeless families with children. In November, we were asked to help provide Christmas gifts for a family of five. As the Family Promise coordinator for FUMC, I asked four Sunday School classes and WSCS to “adopt” a family member and get

gifts for that individual. The response was not only positive, but it was also very generous. Each family member received needed clothing, shoes, and a personal item. For the children, that meant toys. For the moms, it meant books and household items, including prayer shawls from the church’s shawl ministry.

The first week of December, I received a call requesting that we “adopt” another family of three that had just entered the program. WSCS quickly stepped in and purchased gifts for the mom and her two daughters. Again, I was overwhelmed by the generosity. However, I was not surprised. This church has always been more than willing to help others.

Thank you for blessing these families. As one person told me, “This is what we are supposed to be doing during this season (Christmas).”

We have an upcoming rotation with Family Promise. Each rotation we are to provide basic groceries, one evening meal, and, if possible, an adult class for the parents or an activity for the children. Our first rotation for the year is the week of Jan. 30-Feb. 5. If you would like to help with the meal or children’s activity on Thursday, February 2, please contact me at, 806787-4256:

Aspire was born out of the desire and need for women to enjoy a night out, with fellowship and spiritual growth.

We stand on the promises of God that He is enough, and that aspiring after His purpose will affect the lives we lead as well as the people we interact with.

PAGE 4 February 2023 | The Window
Friday, March 24, 2023 Aspire Women’s Conference One night - three hours Just for Women An evening full of laughter, learning stores and music. First United Methodist Church, Lubbock 7 p.m. Advance Tickets at
Zoellen Fields
Save the Date


Bella Alizabeth Cantu

Baylee Raygan Capehart

Kaylee Marie Cottrell

Elly Catherine Craft

Scarlett Gayle Denson

Andrew Collin Hull

Lila DeeAnn Keller

Wade Michael Massengale

Beau James Pipkin

Ella Marie Polk

Clara Julia Sanchez

Frederick Nolan Stangl

Vivien Claire Welch

@firststudents_lbk @FirststudentsLBK


Sunday, February 5

Sunday Night Students

Sunday, February 12

No Sunday Night Students

Wednesday, February 15

Game Night w/ Wolfforth UMC

Sunday, February 19

Sunday Night Students

Wednesday, February 22

Ash Wednesday Service

Sunday, February 26

Sunday Night Students


Parents, we need your help to provide breakfast on Sunday mornings and dinner on Sunday evenings. To view dates and sign-up, please visit


March 24–25

Sign-up information coming soon!


May 21

Seniors, more information will be coming your way in March!

February 2023 | The Window PAGE 5
The students were confirmed in the 11:00 traditional service on January 22.

Memorials & Honorariums – January 15, 2023


In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Tommy and Vicki Bynum

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Sig Ep Brothers and Wives


In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Bob and Dana Craig

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Robby Vestal

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Cindy Sherrod

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Glenda Robinson



In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Walt and Terrie Eads


In memory of Linda Brown by Mike Brown

In memory of Cecil Kuhne by Generations Sunday School

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Tom and Susan Clark

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Danny Norris


In memory of Paula Brashear by Pat and Martha Ginn

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Generations Sunday School

In memory of Paula Brashear and Bryan Ross Smitherman by David and Harriet Bush

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Doug and Sherry Saffle

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Betty Bowen

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Laurin and Sharon Prather

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Tim Brown

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Ralph Tamper

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Jerry and Maribeth Williams

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by John Dorman

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Colby and Kay Altom (Sigma Tau Fraternity Brother and Mom)

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Pat and Loretta Thornton

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Paul Lundberg

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by GQ and Donna Nell


In memory of Larry Hagood by Keith Vandivere

In memory of Charles Neeb by Keith Vandivere

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Keith Vandivere

In memory of Tony Ross Smitherman by Keith Vandivere

In memory of Pete Harland by Keith Vandivere

In memory of Dub Harris by Keith Vandivere


In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by John Glass

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Denny and Debbie Milam

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Tommie and Jeannie Patterson

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Sand Creek Ranch, Inc.

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Mark and Ida Wilson

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Betty Van Ness

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by John White

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Joe and Pam Murfee

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Bob and Dana Craig

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Leanna L. Elbert

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Sig Ep family, and Ken and Shar Files

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Jill Nelson

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Larry and Su Hess

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Greg and Betty Jones

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Cleatis and Betty Hayes

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Ricky D. Neal

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Through the Bible Sunday School

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Don and Robin Walker

PAGE 6 February 2023 | The Window

Memorials & Honorariums – January 15, 2023

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Charles and Paula Key

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Dr. Jeremy L. Brown and Frances Brown

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Miles and Jennifer Hornak

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by JC and Linda McAnear and family

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by Patricia Helmuth

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Gary and Pam Jephcott

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Janet Neugebauer

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by Jim and Wanda White

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by Eric and Cheryl McKnight

Our Life Together


Congratulations to Keith and Kristen Welch on the baptism of their daughters, Viven and Adeline. Dr. Shera Atkinson baptized them January 15 in the 11 traditional service.


Welcome to Alice Starnes on joining First Lubbock Wednesday, January 11. She moved her membership from St. Luke’s UMC.

Welcome to Janice Pruett on joining First Lubbock on January 15 in the 9:30 contemporary service by Rev. Bailey Barkley.

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by Larry and Sandy Adrian

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Alwyn and Nancy Barr

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by Albert and Susan Sechrist

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by Carl and Sylvia Dowell

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by Jack and Carolyn Witherspoon, Bill and Suzan Sanders, Diane Sanders, Patty Hill, Mark and Lesley Simpson, Brent and Sarah Sanders, Brad and Lisa Palmer, Brad Sanders, and JoBeth Bates

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by Rick and Linda Langston

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by Warren and Kathy Hunt

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Jerry and Tobie Bailey

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Robert and Jean Suddarth

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Hannah Tipps and Shelby Loveland

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by David and Patty Vannoy

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Kelly and Cynthia Pratas

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Jay King and Gordon Havens


In honor of Hannah Tipps by Bob and Dana Craig

Welcome to Anisse Reynolds and Tammy Ray on joining First Lubbock by Profession of Faith on January 22, in the Chapel service by Dr. Shera Atkinson.


Sympathies to the Brashear family on the death of Paula. Paula passed away January 1. A memorial service was held January 6 at Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers. She was a member of the Friends of Music and a member of First Lubbock since December 31, 1978.

Sympathies to Bryan and Carol-Anne Smitherman on the death of Ross, son and brother. Ross passed away January 5. His mother, Lisa, who passed away in September of 2016, precedes

him in death. Visitation was January 10 at Combest Funeral Home and the memorial service was January 12 in the sanctuary. Ross was a member of the Chancel Choir and a member of First Lubbock since December 16, 2001.

February 2023 | The Window PAGE 7
PAGE 8 February 2023 | The Window 1411 Broadway Lubbock, TX 79401 Return Services Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Lubbock, Texas Permit No. 594 FIRSTLBK MOVED BY JESUS. LOVING PEOPLE. SERVING ALL. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH•LUBBOCK LBK FIRSTLBK MOVED BY JESUS. LOVING PEOPLE. SERVING ALL. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH•LUBBOCK WORSHIP SERVICES Traditional 8:45 a.m. - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary Contemporary 9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center 1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock @fumclbk @fumclbk
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