March 2023

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Dear First UMC family,

Each of you are surely aware that a pivotal time in the life, history, and future of our church is quickly approaching. On March 5th at 2:00 in the CLC, Professing Members will be given the opportunity to express via a vote the pathway forward for the storied congregation we call home.

Over our 130 year history, we have in fact been several different manifestations of the strong

Methodist witness for Jesus Christ in the world. We began under the Methodist Episcopal Church, South banner in 1892. In 1939, three different Methodist bodies (Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Methodist Episcopal Church, North; Methodist Protestant) united creating the Methodist Church. In 1968, the Methodist Church merged with the Evangelical united Brethren (another historic body with Wesleyan roots) to create the United Methodist Church. This is simply a part of our story.

On March 5th, we will join with saints from the past to make decisions that will affect the trajectory of our future and witness for unknown years to come. Like many other times in

our past, we are asking people to approach this time prayerfully with an eye to the future.

Though I am aware some people feel as if we have explained the voting process ad nauseum, I want to make sure we understand how things will transpire on March 5th. There will be a sign-in process as you enter the building where you will receive your simple ballot. We are including a sample copy of the ballot so you can see the options as well as an explanation of what these options mean. This is what you can expect:

1. Sign-in tables will be open in the CLC hallway at 1:00. You can approach any of the tables and sign in either as a Professing

March 2023 | The Window PAGE 1 A Publication of First United Methodist Church
MARCH 2023 1411 Broadway | Lubbock, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 |
Pg. 02 Sample Ballot and Instructions for March 5 Vote Pg. 05 Aspire Women’s Conference at First UMC Lubbock Pg. 07
and Honorariums
Creating grace-filled environments where Jesus Christ transforms lives.
SENIOR PASTOR Todd Salzwedel

Member or a guest. Only Professing Members will be given a ballot to vote.

2. After you have signed in, you will be directed to move to the CLC where voting will take place. We are asking you to arrive early in order that we do not create a bottle neck for signing in and that we can begin on time.

3. At 2:00, our District Superintendent Rev. Don Boren will call our meeting together to state our purpose for being present and to give instructions for casting your ballot. He will also go over the two choices before us one last time.

4. After you mark your ballot, you will be asked to drop your ballot in the provided containers that will be placed around the CLC and monitored by tellers/counters

prior to being removed from the CLC to the counting room. Each person needs to drop their individual ballot in the container themselves, like the manner we participate in Communion. For those with mobility issues, there will be provisions made and detailed at the onset of our meeting.

5. As soon as all the ballots have been collected, they will be removed to a counting room supervised by Rev. Boren with a team that will count and verify the tally. We expect this to take about 15 minutes.

6. During the tally, we will ask you to remain in the room to hear the result of the vote as soon as it is available. We will ask you to be in an attitude of prayer as music plays in the background.

7. When the vote has been counted, Rev. Boren will reconvene the body and announce the result of the vote. Regardless of the outcome, there will be brief statements shared with the body by the three clergy.

8. After the clergy have shared, we will close with a prayer and the meeting will be adjourned.

Shortly after the vote, we will also make the results of the vote available for those who were not able to attend and be present.

In order that you are aware of what the ballot contains, we are including a proof copy of the ballot for you here. This ballot was designed by the NWTX Conference Trustees, and has been the same ballot used at every church vote in the Northwest Texas Conference. As you will see, there are two options. I want to explain clearly

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what these options mean for the purposes of the vote on March 5th.

The first option states, “Yes, I vote for my local church to LEAVE/EXIT the United Methodist Church”. Marking this option indicates your desire for our church to no longer be a part of The United Methodist Church and to choose a new path forward through disaffiliation. These options might include remaining independent or joining another established body (i.e. The Global Methodist Church, Nazarene, Wesleyan, etc.). This option requires a 2/3 majority vote to disaffiliate. To join another body will require research and discernment, and eventually another vote to determine that pathway forward.

The second option states, “No, I vote for my local church to REMAIN/STAY in The United Methodist Church”. Marking this option indicates your desire for our church to remain as a part of the United Methodist Church. For this option to pass, 1/3 of the voting members must choose this option.

I know the weight and stress decisions like this place on each of us individually and collectively. Please know that I and so many others have held each of you in our prayers continually. And we have prayed through this process as well.

This church has been a hallmark of faith in action to the community, and

Grace Orphanage Partnership

Last Fall, FUMC began a partnership with Grace Orphanage, a community center in Yadgiri, India. Grace Orphanage currently houses 33 boys and offers computer classes, sewing classes, and more to the surrounding community. Graduates from the program come back to help raise up the next group of boys. The boys also regularly go out into the community to serve and share the Good News. In February, FUMC was able to make a donation to Grace Orphanage that will allow them to begin construction on a Dormitory and Child Rescue Center. To the right is a rendering of that building. FUMC looks forward to a continued partnership with Grace Orphanage. If you feel called to donate, you can do so at

I expect that March 6th, regardless of the decision, we will continue in that manner due to the amazing people that make up this amazing congregation! God will sustain us, we will rely on the example of Jesus, and Holy Spirit to guide our steps.

Please make plans to be present at the vote on March 5th. And may we join in one accord by our faith and witness to love and respect one another. May our love of God and others be on display as an example of the Kingdom of God at work in our lives and our world!

Grace and Peace, Pastor Todd

March 2023 | The Window PAGE 3

Dear church family, Have you ever noticed the weather forecasters’ prediction of windy conditions are almost always right? If you remember, some locations in West Texas received hurricane-force winds around the middle of February. Frankly, I don’t know anyone who enjoys such strong winds, but they come roaring in every year about this time whether we like it or not. We expect the weather to change daily and seasonally, but when change comes into our lives, even if the change was anticipated, it often leaves us uneasy and uncomfortable. Some of us cope with change with more equanimity than others, but we all realize that change is predictably unpredictable, but it comes, nevertheless.

Let me suggest these ideas as a means to cope with the winds of change:

Let’s REMEMBER these four things:

God doesn’t change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

(Hebrews 13:8)

God is faithful and an ever present help in times of trouble. (Psalm 46:1)

God’s promises never fail. What He has promised, He is able to perform.

(Romans 4:21)

God loves us and wants the best for us. The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fails. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

God’s purpose never changes. “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

(Jeremiah 29:11)

Let’s DO these things:

Pray. Just talk to God as you would talk to your closest friend. He knows

what’s happening, and He knows your future. He was not taken by surprise and He will lead you through the transitions.

Rehearse the presence and faithfulness of God that you have seen throughout your life as well as that you read in His scripture. Because God does not change, He will be as faithful in the midst of your current situation as he has been in the past!

Prayerfully plan and take action. Take whatever action God directs you to… we feel better when we have done what we can!

Practice being present in the moment instead of worrying about the future. Don’t miss the good things now because they may change in the future.

Remember, we are the Body of Christ given to one another to walk through the winds of life together. What a privilege!

Soli Deo Gloria, Shera

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

– Lamentations 3:22-23



Are you interested in growing in your discipleship? If so, contact Shera Atkinson at for information

Join the many who have started the Individual Spiritual Formation Plan process. This holistic process is a personalized aid to assist you as your grow in your discipleship. To obtain your information packet and continue your journey on the disciple pathway, contact Shera Atkinson, satkinson@

PAGE 4 March 2023 | The Window
Shera Atkinson Minister of Spiritual Formation and Congregational Care
about obtaining a personalized plan for growth.

Aspire is a one-night women’s event full of laughter, learning, stories and music with three ladies–one Bible teacher, one comedian, one musician–taking the stage.

Aspire was born out of the desire and need for women to enjoy a night out, with fellowship and spiritual growth.

Aspire stands on the promises of God that He is enough, and that aspiring after His purpose will affect the lives we lead as well as the people we interact with.

The first event began in September of 2014 in Arizona and continues to be a one-night three-hour evening of music, comedy, and teaching that speaks to the hearts of women; to inspire, encourage, and remind them of God’s love and purpose for their lives.

Aspire is a brand of Extreme Faith Productions (EFP). EFP has been promoting concerts and events across the United States since 2002. We exist to serve God’s people by providing quality events to the Christian community.

Author and speaker, Heather Dixon, answers to all of the following names: child of God, wife, Mommy, daughter, sister, friend, student, Bible teacher, Disney nerd, library geek, that girl who has that weird medical thing otherwise known as Vascular EhlersDanlos Syndrome, and Heather.

Aspire Schedule

6:00 pm

VIP Doors Open

Join us for a Q&A with all speakers and artists. Early entry also allows you to chose your favorite seat.

Choosing to hope in God’s plan for her life, her goal at The Rescued Letters is to equip women to trust in God, face their greatest fears, and choose life, especially when life presents its most difficult circumstances.

Comedian, Michelle Miller, was born in a small town in North Carolina where she made others laugh as soon as she could talk. Michelle’s talent has taken her around the world, but her southern roots still remain strong. Her quick wit and southern charm are infectious. She was voted at top of the Florida’s Funniest Competition for three years and has been featured on Nickmoms Night Out, Dr. OZ, and on the New Comedy Revolution DVD. She’s a regular at some of the best comedy clubs in the country and her versatile show has delighted crowds at fund raisers, corporate parties, and churches.

As a singer/songwriter and worship leader, Mia Koehne’s soulful music reflects the painful beauty of human struggles and a passion to worship the God who saves. Her life is a compelling story of sin, surrender, sanctification and song. Living as a testimony to God’s grace and His forgiveness, she is inspired to share that message of hope with others through music as a recording artist, a writer and a speaker. Mia is the wife of Bob and the mother of three children, Chris, Aaron and Miriam.

Join us at First UMC Lubbock on March 24 for an amazing ladies’ night out! Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at, or scan the code.

6:30 pm

Doors Open for General Admission

Come in early to shop and visit speaker and artist tables.

7:00 pm

Event Starts

Join us for 3 hours full of laughter, learning, stories, and music.

March 2023 | The Window PAGE 5

Sunday, March 5

Sunday Night Students

Sunday, March 12 No Sunday Night Students

Sunday, March 19

Sunday Night Students

Friday & Saturday, March 24–25


Sunday, March 26



May 21

This is a great opportunity to be in fellowship with one another, help people in need here in Lubbock, and meet some wonderful people from our church. Please consider what your role will be as this outreach grows and develops.


PAGE 6 March 2023 | The Window FIRSTSTUDENTS UPCOMING EVENTS @firststudents_lbk @FirststudentsLBK
ENCOUNTER March 24–25 $50 Sign-up at HAPPENING THIS
Sunday Night Students SUNDAY
Seniors, we want to celebrate you! Sign-up for the festivities at
To view dates and sign-up, please visit
Friday, April 7
WEBSITE FOR SIGNUPS AND EVENTS May 27, 2023 SAVE THE DATE come serve with us HELPING HANDS MINISTRY SERVICE Scan for info piano recital Performance by Top prize winner of Tchaikovsky (Russia), Queen Elisabeth (Belgium), Leeds (England) International Competitions, Piano Professor at New England Conservatory in Boston, MA, HaeSun Paik has been hailed as a “sensitive and thinking musician with stunning virtuosity.” Haesun Paik First United Methodist Church 1411 Broadway • Lubbock 26 Sunday March at 5 pm free concert This performance has been graciously underwritten by the FUMC Friends of Music. Childcare available for ages four and under and with RSVP at
Sunday, April 9 VISIT OUR
Helping Hands Ministry is a mission at First UMC Lubbock working to help elderly homeowners make their homes safe and dry. Working in partnership with a local organization, Backyard Missions, Helping Hands Ministry uses a list of homeowners who have applied for assistance and been approved based on financial need.

Memorials & Honorariums – February 15, 2023


In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by DeeAnn and Holly Holder


In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Jim and Nancy Moore

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Don and Dena Houchin

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Samuel and Joy Allen


In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Haney and Tanya Wells


In memory of Bernhard T. Mittemeyer by Joe and Pam Murfee

In honor of Martha Webster and Kitty Harris-Wilkes by HI Robinson Sunday School


In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Seekers of Grace Sunday School

Our Life Together


Congratulations to Zac and Jennifer Tollett on the birth of their son, Liam Edward. Liam was born Thursday, February 2. He weighed 11 lbs 2oz. Liam has two sisters, Zoey and Ava.

Congratulations to Carla Oden on the birth of her granddaughter, Mae Madlyn Brinkley born on February 18 Round Rock. Proud parents are Cory and Meryl Brinkley. Carla has been a member of First UMC Lubbock since March 2, 2008.

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Beverly Bowen

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Harold Bob and Ruth Bennett

In memory of Dub and Denece Harris, Bryan Ross Smitherman, and NanWoolam by Ann Williams

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Bob and Kay Salem

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Stewart and Julia Hicks


In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Darren and Misty Penn

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Donna L. Courville

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Gayle Myers

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Scott and Melissa Collier

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Sharalyn Barsch


Welcome to Jon Crowson on joining First UMC Lubbock Sunday, January 29, in the Contemporary service by Rev. Bailey Barkley. Jon is transferring from First Christian Church in Sulphur Springs.

Welcome to Jerry and Sue Hudson on joining First UMC Lubbock Sunday, January 31 in the Chapel service by Dr. Shera Atkinson.

Welcome to Samuel White on joining First UMC Lubbock, Sunday, February 12. He is transferring from Kileen UMC.

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Jeri Strange

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Jeff and Laurie Brehmer

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by the Brown family (Mike, Lisa, Parker, Nick, and Hunter)

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Mamie Hurt

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Suzy Lanier

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Julie S. Boles

In memory of Bryan Ross

Smitherman by Curtis and Susan Stewart


In memory of Robert “Red” Tipps on his 106th birthday by Hannah and Shelby

In honor of Bob and Dana Craig by Hannah Tipps and Shelby Loveland


Sympathies to the Kuhne family on the death of Cecil Kuhne. Cecil passed away Friday, January 6. Cecil was a member of First UMC Lubbock since October 11, 1970.

Sympathies to the Mittemeyer family on the death of Bernie. Bernie passed away, Thursday, January 26. A memorial service was held Friday, February 17 in the sanctuary officiated by Dr. Todd Salzwedel, Dr. Jim Jackson, and Dr. Shera Atkinson. Bernie was a member of First UMC Lubbock since October 10, 1993.

March 2023 | The Window PAGE 7
PAGE 8 March 2023 | The Window 1411 Broadway Lubbock, TX 79401 Return Services Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Lubbock, Texas Permit No. 594 FIRSTLBK MOVED BY JESUS. LOVING PEOPLE. SERVING ALL. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH•LUBBOCK LBK FIRSTLBK MOVED BY JESUS. LOVING PEOPLE. SERVING ALL. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH•LUBBOCK WORSHIP SERVICES Traditional 8:45 a.m. - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary Contemporary 9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center 1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock @fumclbk @fumclbk
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