The Window - June 2023

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Greeting First UMC family!

People who have known me for any period know that I love projects. I enjoy the dreaming, the preparation and most of all, the uncertainty of what might be ahead. It’s exciting to me to anticipate and prepare for the unexpected! I rather enjoy problem solving through the unforeseen obstacles. And I love to see the completion of such projects. But I must admit that I always dreaded

the maintenance of such large-scale undertakings.

Over the past number of years, I’ve noticed a shift in how I view the mundane chores that inevitably fill parts of my life. Taking out the trash, normal house maintenance and lawn chores have always been tasks that bored me. In fact, I would actively look for anything else to do to put them off as long as possible! But in the past three years or so, I’ve noticed that these simple tasks have provided a sense of consistency for me. They are tasks that have an ending and completion… until they need to be done again, that is! Accomplishing these simple chores also gives me a sense that I’m contributing to the whole of our household, to the peace

of mind, knowing that at least these things have been taken care of.

I’ve been reflecting on my propensity to like projects of maintenance as well as the shift that has taken place in my own life over the past number of years. At the same time, God has been working on me through many of the Apostle Paul’s writings. In every letter attributed to Paul, there is one theme he always mentions – unity within the Body of Christ. He calls the church in Corinth to “agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought” (1 Corinthians 1:10). And yet, we recognize that there is a difference of thought that leads to divisions among us. In his letter to

June 2023 | The Window PAGE 1 A Publication of First United Methodist Church
JUNE 2023 1411 Broadway | Lubbock, TX 79401 | 806.763.4607 |
Pg. 02 Legacy Keepers Honorees Pg. 04 Graduating Class of 2023
Creating grace-filled environments where Jesus Christ transforms lives.
Pg. 06
Community in Lubbock
SENIOR PASTOR Todd Salzwedel

the Galatians, he tries to focus on our similarity rather than our differences by stating, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)

Paul, in my estimation, enjoyed the boldness of undertaking projects that he knew he could not accomplish on his own. He knew he would need people’s resources to accomplish all that he was being asked to do. But I also think he was abundantly aware that even that would not be enough. He understood the difference of thought and strategy would be a constant obstacle through which he would need to work. Sometimes that meant some of the relationships he held dear would be tested. Look no further than his interactions with Peter, Barnabas, and every one of the churches that he helped establish as they inevitably veered off track in some respect. It was clear Paul experienced fully and understood the complexities walking in the steps of Jesus entailed.

It’s no surprise then that Paul gave instruction as to how we might maintain the unity he sought while

seeking after the bigger vision (the audacious project) of expanding the reach of the Kingdom of God. He directs us back to the actions of Jesus when he implores the church at Colossae:

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” (Colossians 3:13-14)

I still struggle at times with the maintenance aspects that we must all undertake in our work, our relationships, and our faith. Maintenance seems never-ending! Paul reminds us though that the steadfast love of Jesus helps to maintain our connection with Him and with one another. It is the source of strength that helps us to bear all things. And it is the glue that binds us together in unity amidst the various things that threaten to divide us regardless of preference and differing thought.

When we heed Paul’s guidance in our lives and our church, we are given the opportunity to do our part in

maintenance of the economy of God. We are invited to participate in the grand project of salvific work of Christ in our lives and the lives of others. Ultimately, we are granted a glimpse of the Kingdom of Heaven where our divisions are broken down and we are grafted into the Body of Christ for which we were created to begin with. It is my belief that the church is the only place such a miraculous undertaking can occur. The church is the answer to the brokenness we experience throughout society. It requires we maintain the practice of love and forgiveness with one another. Only then do begin to grasp the enormity of the unity of the Body of Christ!

Blessings as you begin this summer! I look forward to seeing you each week and hearing the many adventures you have in living out that unity with one another! Let’s undertake this, the most worthy and holy of projects!



Embracing the Spirit of Service, Worship, and Love

Legacy Keepers Honorees

Congregational Care

Challa Goedeke


Maddie Armes

Marian Barker


Charlie Pitner

Don & Nell Furgeson


Tom Clark

Robin & Don Walker

Spiritual Formation

Gwen Morgan

Pat Purvis


Sue Smith

Warren Hunt

In every community, there are individuals whose dedication and commitment to their faith and local church shine as beacons of inspiration. At the First United Methodist Church, we had the privilege to honor and celebrate our Legacy Keepers Honorees — a group of exceptional volunteers who have devoted their time, energy, and talents to various aspects of church life. From missions and worship to service and spiritual formation, these remarkable individuals embody the essence of love for Jesus and our church. Their unwavering devotion serves as a reminder of the transformative power of selfless service and the profound impact it can have on our congregation and the world at large.

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Shera Atkinson & Challa Goedeke Shera Atkinson & Gwen Morgan Don & Robin Walker


my house and watching the baseball and soccer teams practice. My favorite groups are the tiny kids who aren’t really sure where first base is and how to get there. But they are determined to try. They have colorful uniforms and gloves that are way too large for their hands. The whole scene provides me with a brief respite, entertainment and admiration for the parents/ coaches who are doing their best to teach technique and sportsmanship.

Many of you will be scheduling vacations and other out-of-town trips. Perhaps you are planning a class or family reunion or maybe a trip to another country. May I suggest you NOT travel to Peru? Machu Picchu looks just like the pictures. If you need any further discouragement for travel to Peru, please see me and I will once again regale you with the difficulties we encountered trying to get back home. No, this year we are staying much closer to home. My sister, nephew and I are going to Colorado for some white water rafting. My sister drives and stays at the hotel while Sergey and I tackle class 4 rapids.

As you make your vacation plans, even if a stay-cation is planned, please remember that we never take a vacation from our relationship with God. He is always present, always leaning into relationship. Just as on vacation, we make hotel reservations, Google a route and buy sugary snacks to eat along the way now. While on vacation, let’s seek out the Word of God, lean into relationship, pray and look for where God is working.

Even as you plan your trips, please allow me to encourage your continued presence in worship. We know the Bible encourages us to “consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10: 23-25NIV):

Here are some reasons why church attendance matters:

Church attendance is a way of honoring God and showing gratitude for His grace. God has given us His Son, His Word, His Spirit, and His Church. He deserves our worship, praise, and thanksgiving. When we gather together as a church, we express our love and devotion to Him and acknowledge His lordship over our lives.

Church attendance is a way of growing in faith and knowledge. God has given us His Word to teach us, correct us, instruct us, and equip us for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). When we attend church, we hear

the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, which helps us to understand His will and His ways. We also learn from the examples and testimonies of other believers who share their faith and experiences with us.

• Church attendance is a way of experiencing fellowship and community. God has given us His Spirit to unite us as one body in Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13). When we attend church, we enjoy the company and support of our brothers and sisters in Christ, who encourage us, pray for us, serve us, and bear our burdens (Galatians 6:2). We also have the opportunity to use our gifts and talents to bless others and edify the church (1 Peter 4:10).

• Church attendance is a way of fulfilling our mission and purpose. God has given us His Church to be His witnesses in the world (Acts 1:8). When we attend church, we join forces with other believers to proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and serve the needy (Matthew 28:19-20; James 1:27). We also participate in the ordinances of baptism and communion, which signify our identity and unity as God’s people (Romans 6:3-4; 1 Corinthians 11:2326).

I would love to see the Orders of Worship that you bring back. Enjoy your trips!

Soli Deo Gloria,

LOOKING AHEAD: Summer Bible Study:

When you Pray

June 7, 12-1 p.m.

7 weeks Room 206

Women’s Ministry Summer Retreat: Be Thou My Vision

July 27, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

CLC Worship Center

Cost $10, Includes Lunch and Materials

Registration information coming soon.

June 2023 | The Window PAGE 3
Dear church family, Summer is here and one of the things I enjoy most is driving to the
Shera Atkinson Minister of Spiritual Formation and Congregational Care


Monterey High School

Future Plans: United States Naval Academy, major in Mechanical Engineering

Grandparents: Tommy & Norma Cooke

Idalou High School

Future Plans: Texas Tech University, major in Business

Affirmation of Faith

We believe in God who is the Creator, Infinite in wisdom, the head of the Trinity, and is Love.

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. He is our Savior; he died to save us from our sins. He healed and teaches us.

We understand that the Holy Spirit is inside us, a part of the Trinity, he represents Truth.

The church is made up of differing denominations, it is both a holy place where we worship, pray, and sing, and is us as people.

We look to the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments as God’s textbook for our lives.

We believe all people will die, but as God’s sheep we will have a new beginning in heaven.

(Written by the 2017 Confirmation Class)

PAGE 4 June 2023 | The Window
Jon Weston Boutwell Kasi & Chris Boutwell Austin Davis

Parents: Jason & Daun Lipetska Monterey High School

Future Plans: University of Arkansas, major in Nursing

Parents: Steven & Yvette Nelson Talkington School for Young Women Leaders

Future Plans: Rawls College of Business at Texas Tech University

Parents: Heather & Scott Pasewark Coronado High School

Future Plans: Whitacre College of Engineering at Texas Tech, major in Mechanical Engineering

June 2023 | The Window PAGE 5
Emma Lipetksa Allie Nelson Preston Pasewark First UMC Class of 2023: Allie Nelson, Emma Lipetska, Preston Pasewark, Patrick Camp, Jon Weston Boutwell, and Austin Davis

on 82nd

West End on Slide

Hey Incoming 6th Grad s!

Join us for Rush Week, a three day event (August 8–10) to welcome you into our ministry. We'll have fun, play games, and spend time getting to know each other. Sign up at

You are also invited to join us for Mondays in July and Thursday Lunches this summer! See you soon!

Rise Academy Charter School is a tuition-free, independent public charter school located in Northeast Lubbock where commitment to learning and academic performance is the top priority. It exists to provide underserved children with a better prospect in life. Rise Academy was recently selected by the Texas Education Commission as a National Title 1 Distinguished School Award recipient for the consistently high academic performance by its lowincome student population.

They recently hosted a summer kickoff event attended by over 100 students with bounce houses, firetrucks, and water games. The event also included a community resource fair, where FUMC Lubbock partnered with HOME Ministries and Atmos Energy to provide snack packs. As missions director at First

UMC, I was able to attend. FUMC Lubbock looks forward to continued partnership with HOME Ministries and involvement in community development in East and Northeast Lubbock. May the kingdom of God come to earth as it is in heaven.

Thank you!

Michael Spaulding Director of College and Missions

PAGE 6 June 2023 | The Window
@firststudents_lbk @FirststudentsLBK June 7: Summer Kick-O @ the Welches' 12–16: Middle School Camp 19–23: High School Camp 29: Lunch @ Rosa's on 82nd July 3: Fireworks Show @ the Erwins' 6: Lunch @ Rudy's 10: 4ore! Golf 13: Lunch @ Torchy's in West End 17: Movie Night @ the Church 20: Spanky's 24: Sand Volleyball Tournament 27: Capital Pizza on Slide 31: Worship Night @ the Church August 4–5: RENEW LBK Service Weekend 8–10: Rush Week for incoming 6th Graders 13: Promotion Sunday 16: First Day of school Aug t July S M T W T F S June Join us for various activities every Monday in July from 6–8 p.m. July 3 // July 10 // July 17 // July 24 // July 31 // Cookout & Fireworks 4ORE! Golf Movie Night Sand Volleyball Worship Night The Erwins' House // 16203 Belmont Ave At the Church 6801 34th St At the Church Pool Party Wednesday, June 7 6–8 P.M. The Welches' House 5819 Woodrow Rd. Lubbock, TX Meet us for lunch at 11:30 a.m. June 29 // July 6 // July 13 // July 20 // July 27 // Rosa's
Cafe Rudy's Torchy's Tacos Spanky's Capital Pizza 2023

Memorials & Honorariums – May 15, 2023


In memory of Waldeen Pearson by Don and Robin Walker


In memory of Joyce Adams by Pat and Martha Ginn

In memory of Barbara Chalmers, Cynthia Davis’s mother, by Pitts and Cynthia Davis

In honor of Dr. Cho for his birthday by Robert and Sharen Musselman

Our Life Together


Congratulations to Cole and Gail Shooter on the birth of their son, Connor Cade. Connor was born April 24. Cole and Gail have an older son, Zane. The Shooters have been members of First Lubbock since April 15, 2018.

In memory of Joyce Kelly Adams by Kathryn Houser

In memory of Joyce Kelly Adams by Sherick Memorial Home Advisory Board and Staff and Ida Mae Oldham Trust


In memory of Mary Sheridan by Cindy Harendt

In memory of Wendell Howard by Sandy Howard


Welcome to Dave and Carrie Donaldson on joining First Lubbock April 30 in the 11 traditional service with Dr. Todd Salzwedel. They are transferring from Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, TX.

Welcome to Chad, Whitney, Wyatt, River, and Georgia Tarske on joining First Lubbock May 7 in the 11 traditional service with Dr. Todd Salzwedel.


In memory of Barbara Chalmers by John White

In memory of Milt Draper by Haney and Clark Wells

In memory of Mary Ellen Jones by Don and Robin Walker

In memory of Bryan Ross Smitherman by Dena Houchin

Dallas. She was a member of the Canterbury Sunday School and a member of First Lubbock since September 11, 1955. She was 101 years old when she passed.

Sympathies to Pitts and Cynthia Davis and family on the death of her mother, Barbara Chalmers. Barbara passed away April 26. Barbara was a member of First Lubbock since August 5, 2018.

Congratulations to Travis and Kellie Eggl on the birth of their son, Lane Warren. Lane was born May 3. He weighed 8lbs and was 21” long. Travis and Kellie’s other children are Claire, Allie, and Grady.

Welcome to Janet Hickman on joining First Lubbock Wednesday, May 10. She is transferring from Lakeridge UMC.


Sympathies to Mary Miller and family on the death of Mary’s aunt, Dorothy Filgo. Dorothy passed away April 17. Her burial will be in

Sympathies to the Bakeman family on the death of Ann. Ann passed away May 4. A memorial service was held at Carillon. Ann was a member of First Lubbock since April 13, 2003.


Teacher’s Appreciation Week is a special time to honor and appreciate the dedicated educators who shape the minds of our future generations.

In a gesture of gratitude, the Kids Beach Club Team recently organized a fun event for the staff at Bayless Elementary, where they prepared and served an old-fashioned styled church

potluck lunch. The event not only brought joy and appreciation to the teachers and staff but also showcased the power of community and collaboration in showing gratitude. We are thankful for our hard-working teachers and for our dedicated KBC volunteers! Please consider how you can be a part of this great team!

June 2023 | The Window PAGE 7
PAGE 8 June 2023 | The Window 1411 Broadway Lubbock, TX 79401 Return Services Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Lubbock, Texas Permit No. 594 FIRSTLBK MOVED BY JESUS. LOVING PEOPLE. SERVING ALL. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH•LUBBOCK LBK FIRSTLBK MOVED BY JESUS. LOVING PEOPLE. SERVING ALL. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH•LUBBOCK WORSHIP SERVICES Traditional 8:45 a.m. - Sanctuary 9 a.m. Bowman Chapel 11 a.m. Sanctuary Contemporary 9:30 a.m. Christian Life Center 11 a.m. Christian Life Center 1411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 The Window is a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Lubbock @fumclbk @fumclbk
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