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Pages 1-2………………………… Presidents Corner Pages 4-7……………………… Border Area Pages 8 19 …………………… Bosveld Area Pages 20-25 …………………… Drakensburg Area Pages 26-41……………………. Eastern Province Area Pages 42-45……...……………. Free State Area Pages 46-56……………………. Gauteng Area Pages 57-59…………………….. Mpumalanga Area Pages 60-68…………………… Namibia Area Pages 70-75…………………… Northern Cape Area Pages 76-88…………………… South Cape Area Pages 89-91…………………… Natal South Coast Area Pages 92-98……………………. S.N.O.F.S Area Pages 100-113 ……………….. Western Province Area

after having breakfast we made our way to the Zambian Tablers pub crawl. Having enough Mosi beers to last a lifetime. Evening was kickstarted with 5 in 1 club dinner and gala function. Every association had the opportunity to present what they are doing, what projects they are involved in and where they need help or assistance. Round Table, 41’ers , Tangent, Agora and Ladies Circle all presented their fantastic projects and initiatives. Truly amazing. Myself with the help of past area chairman Louis Du Toit ran a workshop with the attendees, loads of fun was had and we came up with a collective reason to keep doing what we doing “We Inspire”. Nothing is more fitting than We Inspire to explain the amazing work that Zambian Tablers and Round Table family does. Thank you to RTI and the Zambian Tablers especially Nathan RTZ president for the amazing hospitality and allowing us the opportunity to come and present.


5 in 1 club dinner

After arriving in Zambia on Friday we had a lunch met up with Tablers and went for a fun filled evening at Table Hall for some good music, great food and superlative Zambian Thehospitality.nextmorning

WernerYIT Swanepoel RTSA President 22/23


6 ROUND TABLE VROUEDAG ROLBALDAG. Op Dindag 9 Augustus het Round Table Aliwal 55 `n Round Table Vrouedag Rolbal dag gehad. Daar het in totaal 14 spanne gespeel ( 4 per span ) - ( 56 mense ) . Die dag het om 10:00 begin tot en met Baie19:00.dankie aan al die borge vir die dag namens die volgende. 1.Guanoborgeboost Danny Muller 2.Karan Beef - Van Zyl Botha 3.Pic `n Pay Aliwal Noord Thank you also to our Round Table legs for the salads, Tommie for the braai, Jaco Mellet for the music and the Bowling club for their help and facilities . Out of the 14 teams we managed to give prizes to the 4 top teams. They are as follows 1.Rock & Bowl, 2. Round Table 3.Kroeg komitee 4. Round Table Buffels Every one enjoyed the day and had a lot of fun. Since it was Women's day the dress code was dress in pink, alhoewel die vrouens hul kant gebring het met die pienk skema was die mans ook op dit Diegewees.geldevir die dag gaan aan skool kinders wat gelde benodig vir skool klere, tasse ens. On the 29th of July 2022 we held our monthly blood drive at the Aliwal North Golf Club we were able to gather 42 pints for the day. Up coming events for 2022 1.Blood drive on the 26 of August. 2.4x4 Day on the 24 of September. 3.Soup kitchen every Saturday. Ludwig Kruger / Impi Round Table Aliwal 55 PRO / IRO


Thanks to East London Events Company for the sound and lighting and DJ’s, thanks to Table 58 Brewing for hosting us again and for the drink specials. Thanks to the tablers and wives who assisted on the night. Overall it was a successful event. We were also donated a beautiful painting from a local artist Desire Jota which we will be auctioning off. Check out our Facebook page to see all the EL1JethroYITdetails.PennyChairman


For the night before women’s day, we hosted our annual Decades Party. 2 years ago we raised almost R20 000 for our winter knights project by doing the same. This year we decided to raise funds for victims of gender based violence. Leading up to the event there was a lot of hype around it, people were really excited, and we were expecting a massive crowd. On the day of the event however we had one of the worst storms East London has seen in a while. Gale force winds and sheeting rain. Although the wind died, and the rain stopped it scared away a few people and we never got the full crowd. However, in saying that we still managed to get 165 tickets sold, and the people that did brave the weather really had a great time.





Winter Knights for Pretoria had our firsthand out with a request from our partners in crime Martin Bester and friends. 200 Blankets were given to Tshwane SPCA and 200 blankets to Wollies.

This was a truly awesome experience as we had a bit of a meet and great with the fur balls themselves from all shapes and sizes from barking to meowing for attention and Seeinglove.

the whole process these animals have to go thru from being found to being adopted or returned home. This was a bit of an eye opener for us. To a happier side we could see that the SPCA does surgeries with them having their own theater to help the animals from being neutered to necessary surgeries to save their an area we could be looking into a bit more to help our best friends and companions. Regards Tiaan PretoriaSchoeman136

11 PRETORIA 136 WINTER KNIGHTS Round Table 136 Pretoria showing a helping hand this winter by donating their portion of blankets to Angels Hotel Care Center For disabled Children collected at the WeWarmFees!areproud to be helping and supporting them again with the form of blankets this Theseyear. are extra ordinary children with most definitely even more extra ordinary stories to tell, if they could. Let’s hope with all the determination and goal driven attitude from their Fairy God Parents from Angles Hotel they will be able to do so. Thank you, Martin Bester, for your contribution in making this a success! #impactfulchange #136Made #136proud TiaanYIT PretoriaSchoeman136


Winter Knights with Brooklyn Mall

The year 2022 and winter came with the speed of the cold wind and Pretoria Winter Knights kicked off with a bit of a slow start but ended with a hard hard bang. Pretoria Collective took hands with our friends at Brooklyn mall and yet again had a few drop off points around the mall for the public to drop off old clothes, nonperishable food and blankets. This year had a bit of a twist as we did not have our famous “boemelaar” homeless person puppet at the main stand, but we did get some awesome CCTV advertising for free all-around Brooklyn Mall. We had Tables standing in turns at the zones collecting these essentials every weekend for 7 weeks in a row. The coffee and donuts from Krispy Kreme most definitely help to get all the Pretoria gents to get involved and standing there with even a bigger smile at the zones with even a bigger belly, I mean chests like a Proud Tabler DOES. This year there were a lot of clothes dropped off with a list consisting of the following: 157 x Ladies dresses, 83 x Adult jackets, 126 x T-shirts, 134 x Adult trousers, 14 x Ladies skirts, 43 x Small pants, 374 x Kids clothes, 66 x Ladies blouse, 19 x Ladies underwear, 27 x Men’s underwear, 26 x Hats, 43 x Adult shoes (pair), 21 x Children shoes (pair). All the above was donated to A Touch From Heaven to be distributed evenly and correctly. This has been a hard year, but we can hardly wait to get started with next year’s Winter Knight as WE as Pretoria Collective will once again be making an impactful change in our communities with pride in our hearts and Table burning from within. TiaanYIT PretoriaSchoeman136



With the combined teamwork of Pretoria Collective, we were able to give each Table a bit of the hard-earned blankets to be distributed to the charity of their choice.

For the gents of Pretoria 19, Pretoria 87 and Pretoria 136 it was a no brainer but to help a charity who indeed helps those around us and those who need it even more. Careson Angel really puts in the hard work to help everyone and when I say everyone, I mean Fromit. helping the local person on the corner to helping Round Table. This charity never backs down as they are always trying to find new and better ways to help everyone. Their hearts are pure and with that said we had made up our minds.

This time it was really amazing to say “let us help you” by donating our 240 blankets to Thisthem.was heartwarming seeing the post made on Facebook and text messages sent by Careson Angel with pictures of families and most of all children snuggling up to their new soft blankets. With only Pretoria 151 and Pretoria201 to hand out their blankets we can say that this was one hell of a combined Pretoria Collective Winter Knights Project……!!! Once again this is what makes a brotherhood strong. Being a gentleman is easy and being strong is sometimes easy too but being a Tabler worthy of the name is priceless.



700 Blankets were brought back to be distributed on the Monday evening the 18th of July 2022 Nelson Mandala Day with the soup and bananas.

With Covid the last few years/months we had to adopt and adapt to our surroundings and do it a bit different, but 2022 had other ideas for us installed as we got back at our A-GAME as only Pretoria Collective knows how to do by jumping to the streets.

All of this could not have been possible without the help of Christo Bezuidenhout with his side kick Hein van Rooyen with 980 blankets collected at the Pretoria Warm Fees and a BIG sum of 8355 blankets and R28000 from Waterfall Mall with the Rustenburg Warm Fees. This could have not been done without the help of the man himself Martin Bester from Jacaranda and friends.

Yes, the main streets – Pretoria CBD streets…. Before doing this, we needed to do some little bit of prep work.


All the Pretoria Tables jumped in and formed the All Proud Pretoria Collective and head out to the streets of Pretoria and with the lead and directions of Christo Bezuidenhoud to find the less fortuned living in the cold street curbs and parks. We had everybody jumping in to give a hand helping and keeping order with our first stop.

160-liter soup was made to hand out the night. A big THANK YOU to Southern Implants for sponsoring 50 liter, Abrie De Villiers from 201 for 10 liter and Jerry our clubhouse keeper for the 100-liter soup he made with the help of 136 donations. Pretoria 87 helped us like the team players they are (CHAMPS) with donating their turn of the bananas from our weekly Banana Drops project for Winter Knights handout.

Pretoria Tablers helped by working hard together making plans to hand out and making sure every person got some food and a blanket.


They're after THE MAGIC of only a Pretoria Collective Tabler will know kicked in with our pride and dignity set aside TEAMWORK started to kick in. Waynand Swart and Blikkies “The Can” took lead with finding those hiding from the cold and danger.



In a nutshell 700 blankets, 160 liter of soup and 30 large boxes of bananas were handed out to those who really need it. We can be proud of this project as we not only helped those on the street, but we helped ourselves to get rid of this covid sleep most of the Tablers and Tables are snoozing in.

This for me as convener and a PROUD PRETORIA TABLER made me proud as the youngster who came in just before and during Covid eyes went open and could see what it means to be a Tabler by helping and working together.

The Pretoria spirit is back, and nobody can break the bond of brothers that work hard together to make a difference in the lives of those who really need help/us yes us, as a Tabler of The Best Organization in The World, ROUND TABLE.

Thanks to Pretoria Tablers for showing the youngsters wat it really means to be a Tabler by leading the way and making a project yet again a big success.


WARM FEES 2022 – RT136

The project is aimed at raising enough blankets for communities all over RoundPretoria.Table

Pretoria collective collected enough blankets to distribute between the different tabler’s beneficiaries and also distributed 200 blankets towards Wollies Animal Shelter and SPCA Tshwane. Working hand in hand with Martin Bester and the team we aim to make next year even bigger and better. Nothing Burns like the cold so Be a Hero to someone and Donate. BECOME A WINTER KNIGHT… "A brother is a friend God gave to you; a friend is a brother your heart chose for you. Other than a parent’s love, I feel that there is no greater bond in love than there is between brothers.”

The winter has finally arrived and South Africans across the country are feeling the cold. Sadly, there are less fortunate people and animal shelters that can do with an extra blanket to keep them warm during the cold winter months. Radio personality Martin Bester, his musician friends, Jacaranda FM, and the Round Table Pretoria collective were on a mission to make sure that all South Africans stay warm this winter. With the Warm Fees, people were able to enjoy a fun filled day with Martin Bester & Band, Ross Learmonth, Loufi, Jemma Catherine, Droomsindroom, Majozi. Your entry fee for the day was a blanket.

#136Made #136Proud #iamawinterknight WianYIT Vogel


With us hitting the half way road of this year we felt like we struggled to get out of the block. There was some concerns of what some of the office bearers thought their portfolio entails. It was then decided on a Team building exercise to better understand each other and build a better bond for the remainder of the year.



So on 22 May 2022 we headed to Paintball City with a whisper of a special guest speaker. Arriving to a cold and wet paintball field we took our seats and awaited the special guest and started to understand what the day was going to be about. Low and behold our guest/motivational speaker was none other than DJ Viper aka Arno “ek was in Affies” Kotse. With the constitution of PTA 136, Bushveld and ARTSA in hand he guided us on a journey through each of the positions with what the expectation and challenges each of these hold. Taking each of them and then opening the floor to us to give constructive criticism and praise to the tabler of each of the positions. This was an eye opener to me as what one thinks and what one should do was in some cases far apart. It was a day of taking our mistakes on the chin and learning from them to build ourselves and our table for the better. Each tabler had an opportunity to put all his concerns and praises on the table without having to hold back, some hard words were spoken but was taken from where it comes from. Having everything out in the open we suited up for the fun part of the day, the time to let all uor frustrations out…Time to shoot the living paint out of one another. This day was one of the most memorial days in the history of Pta 136 as we joined our fellow Paintball tablers Tiaan Schoeman, Chris Merts and Marcu Kriegler on the paintball fields for the first time ever, this was a special day for them, and I could see it on their faces with each paintball leaving the barrel of the gun. I just want to say thank you gents for the meeting and social afterwards, this day really built better bonds between us and I can see the fruits of the day coming to bear. MarkoYIT Hall

We had people going into food lovers Market to only buy one or two small items but ended up bringing an entire trolley full of items to us. In our lives, we all make choices to either help or not help others. You always have this warm sense of fulfilment that arises once you conclude a project that you know will ultimately help someone have a healthy and warm Wemeal.managed to gather groceries products to the value of R11 675.00 in the space of a few hours

As a proud member of Round Table Pretoria 136, we would like to thank everyone that contributed on the day, as well as the Marketing Manager from Brooklyn Mall that was instrumental in making this happen for us on this day.

"A brother is a friend God gave to you; a friend is a brother your heart chose for you. Other than a parent’s love, I feel that there is no greater bond in love than there is between brothers.” Vogel


18 R2 PROJECT 2022 – RT136

Pretoria 136 had the opportunity to do an R2 Project at Lynnwood Lane on the 2nd of July 2022. The beneficiary chosen for this event was Pierneef Primary school. Sadly, there are less fortunate families and children that can do with an extra meal or lunch bag to keep them warm during the cold winter months.

The general idea of this type of project is to help gather some needed non perishable foods and general use products to help get them through the winter. We were absolutely astonished by the number of generous donations we got from the community on the day.

Vice Chairman

After a great meal we quickly finished up out meeting to spend some time with our 41er and have the pipeliners experience a bit of fellowship with our old tabler. The stories from old delighted use and to see where we as table has grown to. Was fascinating to see that however we are the newer generation that our foundations we laid by these tablers and how they look at what we do and feel that table is still strong.


What a honor when a 41er opens his house to a table as a venue for their business meeting. This was the case when the Honorable Pta 136 41er Mr Riaan Louw made his home available for our 5th business meeting of the year.

Arriving to his homestead with a warm greeting we knew this was going to be a good meeting. It was a case of feeling like we where home and relaxed to run a productive meeting, and of course keeping the meeting productive it was fitting in having Mr Louw be the sergeant of the meeting as well. As our meeting ran its course it was insightful have a 41er give an opinion from the side and how it worked when they were but young tablers.

The input, insight and advice was of such that one cannot buy. When it came to dinner time we were spoiled with the best (legendary) chicken soup, so good that some of the guys said their spouses can only wish to do a soup like this. The “pot brood” on the other hand was the 3 hour wait worth (should have only taken about an hour). With the best soup and an awesome “pot brood” we had some of the gents forget about their diets.

I would implore (a new word I learnt from another 41er at our Bushveld AGM, Stiaan Maasz) your tables to do, is to have at least one business meeting hosted by your MarkoYIT41ers. PretoriaHall136

22 PMB 12 - EURO 12 MEETNG

Backing onto the first five days of the Royal Show in Pietermaritzburg, which is PMB 12's flagship fundraiser every year, I had to leave my fellow tablers in the trenches to get on a plane headed for Romania.

I was picked up by a tabler at the airport, Tudor Gheorghe. I met Claudiu and a few of the others in our Hotel in Bucharest and dropped my bags in the room.

Friday saw us taking to the road in Galati 12's custom van to head to the town of AGalati.long trip, several beers and pit stops for chips and water found us in Galati at mid afternoon. We all made our way to our respective hosts and had showers and got ready for the evening festivities.

Just over 24 hours later I was ready to go out and about in Bucharest!

Later we were on the move to our evenings festivities which included delicious local food, traditional Romanian singing and dancing, locally brewed beer and some other alcohol made from grain and served in a tiny vase. Bucharest proved huge fun! We ate, we drank, slowly local tablers and some of the stragglers pulled in and we danced and sang the night away. It was tough because the sun only went down between 9:30 and 10:00 pm! Cruising back to the hotel along beautiful cobble streets and lanes was a treat. We also stopped at multiple places to say hello and see the vibe. The evening finished with us making our way back to the hotel in groups of three or four. Thank you Daniel and Bastion from Germany for figuring out the way and getting us back.

Saturday afternoon we made our way back to the houses to freshen up and put on our number 1's for an evening on a river cruise up the Danube. The Gala dinner and cruise was a great venue for speeches to be made, hand overs of gongs, banners and gifts were done. To conclude would be just a small bit of advice to the tablers who read this. All over the world there are tables who may be associated with yours or may not, but no matter where they are from or what language they speak, their minds and hearts are the same. Use these connections available to you and adventures presented to you, to travel and meet others from this international organisation.

MarkYIT Gouweloos PMB 12


That evening saw us travel to a local restaurant of some renown. It's situated in an old tv tower 100 meters up in the air. with nothing but an elevator between the restaurant and the ground which takes close to 2 minutes to travel up or down. The food was excellent, the wine flowed, traditional dancers came and entertained us and the view was remarkable. Looking north over the Danube we could see the Ukrainian border just 40 km away. As the festivities wound down we grabbed taxis and headed to our homes.



Round Table Estcourt 74 did our annual Winter Knights Project at P&P on the 16th of June. We arrived at P&P and set up for a great fundraiser, we asked for donations and had great assistance from P&P with announcements in the shop. We had a great day and raised a lot from all the people that frequented the shop. We had many trollie loads filled prior to the event and still after the event was done. We left at 1pm after a great day of fellowship and donations. We also had a big sponsorship from gift of the givers and people that donated old clothing. The value of what was raised was around R18000 and will be donated to the Thembelisha Care Project, old age home and Methodist church children in need project.

We as Estcourt 74 would like to thank all who helped with donations and also a big thanks to P&P for the venue and support towards this project.


JustinYIT EstcourtSutherland74

We had our area chairman Hendrik Marais and our guest speaker Marc Powell in attendance for a really special evening. very good words of wisdom from Marc we inducted three new members and then had a fantastic dinner, and then it was time for some great fellowship.


Round Table Estcourt 74 held our 60/61st anniversary dinner at Linglela Lodge on July 23rd . We all gathered at the lodge to see a very delicious sheep on the spit going.

Thanks to all the guests and 74 members/legs for a great evening.


JustinYIT EstcourtSutherland74

On the 8th of March PE West 142 members changed a day in the lives the children at ACVV Haas Das in Algoa Park. The day began with a Easter egg parade showing off some costumes and smiles around the neighbourhood. As all good things come to and end this was just the beginning a fun walk with parents included after the devastation Covid 19 had on freedom and social gatherings. The day started with a sing song jump along with all kids in the back and the teachers and 142 members leading from the front , singing jumping and being a social example to all that needed it. A quick break as all parents embarked on a cookie eating competition and 142 members being called last to see who is the TRUE COOKIE MONSTER….

Also to all our sponsors from the community , cash donations ,easter eggs and so much RuhanYITmore. der Westhuizen



As the day went along we had an arts and crafts session where we taught the kids new skills and had some one on one time with them to ad a smile to their day a day of giving and joyful playtime. We then gave them all hot dogs that was donated to the day by Chelsea Caston , a great thank you to the family business and your caring heart for making this day an memorable one for the children. Play time was introduced with some sweetie packs prepared by the staff members of Haas Das and easter eggs donated by the community as donations filled the empty spaces on the floor and filed a sweet tooths day. Just wan to thank the staff members of ACVV Haas das for allowing us to have them as a beneficiary and for the time put aside to help and make this an amazing day.

MichaelYIT Schnetler




Kirkwood 78 has a fellowship tradition, “Tafeltjie Skuif”, where Kirkwood 78 Tablers and 41’ers ensure fellowship is maintained. The tradition is carried over from the previous years and the Tabler who has the “tafeltjie” must move it to the next tabler before the next meeting or risk a fine from the sergeant. The tabler is totally unaware of the visit and only his partner is informed to ensure that there is something to drink and wood for the braai.

After our biggest project of the year, The Kirkwood Wildsfees, Louis “Springkaan” de Bruin moved the “tafeltjie” to Philip Tibshraeny. The Kirkwood 78 Tablers came out in force after a hard working weekend to build some “gees” between the “manne”. We wait in baited breath to see who gets the next visit.




The Kirkwood 78 Business meeting for the month of July was a very special one for our Tablers, as the RTSA president, Werner Swanepoel, was in attendance as he was travelling on his way to the EP Area Conference. It has been some time since we last had an RTSA President in our clubhouse. In the meeting our pipeliner, Estiaan Ferreira, committed himself to Table and was unofficially inducted by the RTSA President and chairman, and to show his commitment he had to down the 2 beer boot to make it official. (Officially done at Winter Con) After all the reports and projects where discussed, the meeting concluded, and this is when the festivities started. We kitted out the RTSA President in our new Kirkwood 78 K Way jacket and had our accustomed Steak braai to close off the evening, but we couldn’t let the night end there and a few of us ended up at Kirkwood 78 41’er Johan “Cheetah” Bruwer’s house for a few extra beers. This is where the President found a liking in Tabler Daneel “Shades” Meiring’ new Redback boots and after a few minutes of back and forth, Daneel had on a pair of sneakers and the President had a Brand new pair of Redback’s, and so the eventful night MichaelYoursended.inTableSchnetler


One of the things that I wanted to do since I joined round table back in 2008 was to travel abroad and meet more table brothers. Why haven’t I done this earlier? The word procrastination comes to mind. There is always the excuse as to why not. I don’t have time, too much effort for visas, it is too expensive and so the list carries on. This year I was the lucky one to win the travel draw. When this was done it was still uncertain if we would be able to travel abroad due to Covid-19 regulations. As time draws closer it became clearer that we will be able travel and the excitement and planning started to kick in. The original travel plan was to go to the Netherlands. I discovered that Italy had their AGM the week before the Dutch. Since I am already traveling, why don’t join both? And so, I registered for both.

My wife, Freda and I left for Naples Italy. Unfortunately, we could not join the full international pre tour. At least we could join the city tour on E bike to explore parts Naples that you won’t see on the normal tourist travel. We met up with international guests form Italy, Austria and non other than South Africa. We enjoyed lovely Italian wine and cuisine in the vineyards. At the end of the trip, we had some very sore bums. Friday evening was the welcoming dinner. We met the rest of the Italians and some more international guests. After we had dinner and drinks, we hit the streets and had great jol with new friends. Luckily nothing was planned for Saturday morning and we could catch up on some much-needed sleep. The Gala dinner was one spectacular event with the most stunning views and the best pizza. The erotic dancers were the hit of the evening, for the men. Sunday, we had to say our goodbyes at the farewell dinner. Rome was our next stop for a day and half where explored the history of this great city on foot. We walked 21km in one day. I have new meaning to the saying; Rome wasn’t built a day.


33 From Rome we flew to Amsterdam where Etienne picked us up at the airport and took us to Woerden where the AGM would take place. It was amazing to see how much different the infrastructure is to that of Italy. On Wednesday Lucas picked us up for the first part of the international tour. We explored Volendam, Zaanse Schaans and ended up in Amsterdam with some of Dutch Tablers. We had and awesome meal and headed to streets. Needless to say, what happens in Amsterdam stays in Amsterdam. Thursday, we took the train to Amsterdam and met up with Lucas, Zander and some British Tablers. We explored more of Amsterdam, Heineken factory being one of the stops. We had on a boat trip on the canals and ended the day at the Food Hallen. Friday, we had the day for our self and spend some time in Utrecht. Friday evening, we were the welcoming and we kicked the weekend of with a pub crawl. Saturday was their meeting where we could join the opening and went on the international tour to explore more of Woerden. The day ended with the Gala dinner, completely different to what we are used to at ARTSA. A great after party with DJ Jean to celebrate RT Netherlands 75th anniversary. The evening/morning ended at one of the local pubs in Woerden. This has been one heck of an experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. New friends were made and we had a lot of fun. If you ever get the opportunity to travel abroad with table, don’t ever hesitate. You will have the time of your life. Yours in table Louis “Springkaan” de Bruin

I had vague memories of events that I was dragged to as a young child and slept under tables. My father, while not being a Tabler, was an avid supporter of Table events. I remember many a late night mixing with friends and families at Round Table clubhouses in the spirit of true #gees and #fellowship. Beyond the memories, however, I have learned over the last few months that pure #gees, while being an awesome add-on to Table, is not what Round Table is about.

After the Algoa 108 evening I was still not convinced to join a Table in Port Elizabeth. I live in Alexandria and the commute to and from PE was unthinkable. The pressure on my family would have been too much to handle. Little did I know that I had access to a Table on my doorstep in Kenton on Sea. 108’s Willie Opperman, the Tabler who took me to the Algoa 108 Steak and Bean night, was planning to Raid a meeting at Alex/Kenton 210 and do the necessary introductions to the Tablers that I now call my friends. Algoa 108’s raiding plans unfortunately fell apart as all the Tablers' plans turned south when their members were forced to cancel their travel plans for various reasons. This left me with no choice but to abandon my plans to meet up with the A/K 210 lads in fear of not knowing anyone at the club or to ignore all anxiety and trepidation, to take the bull by the horns and to walk proudly into a completely unknown space.



Earlier in the year I was invited to Steak and Bean evening by a member of Algoa 108. Little did I know, my acceptance was to become the start of a journey through a pipeline into a network of fellowship, friendship and family.

I made my choice. After hesitantly locking my vehicle behind me, I walked in. That inconspicuous white building is so close to the beach that if the wind blows hard enough one feels the crashing of the waves in one’s bones. I looked up at the roof covered with little flag-like triangles wondering if I had made the right decision in coming here. The room was full of men from all different backgrounds and occupations. I felt, for a moment, as if I had nothing at all in common with this room full of strangers. This didn’t stop them from welcoming me with open arms. I sat in my first A/K 210 meeting and didn’t understand a word of what was going on. Words were thrown around like alien chanting in an uncharted landscape. ARTSA, RPO, RTI… my mind was exploding with questions and I had no idea of how, when or why I should put them forward.

As I waited outside the club house, I was on the verge of climbing back into my vehicle, heading back home and postponing my introduction to the club. Deep down I knew that this action may have resulted in me giving up on wanting to belong to something that could make a monumental change in my life.

Leaving that evening with a flicker of an impression about Round Table, I knew only one thing. I needed to know more. I was happy when the Chairman of Alex/Kenton 210 invited me to the next meeting because I wanted and needed to know more. So much has changed since that last meeting DwainYIT Goldsmith



Our #PintforaPint blood drive donation is one of two which is organized together with the SANBS, the 1st thereof for the year took place on the 22nd of July at the Kirkwood Golf Club and was supported by Dagbreek Tops, whom sponsored the day’s Donatingbeverages.blood is one of the greatest gifts you can give without it costing a cent. It is an Area supported initiative to assist the SANBS to attract more people to donate live-saving blood and to reach their target of 3500 unit’s everyday nationally.


By hosting #PintforaPint we hope to attract more people who would like to donate blood by rewarding them for their “hard” work, and what better way than to receive a nice cold beer after donating a pint of blood. The day was well supported with a total of 41 units of blood collected on the day, with 3 of the KWD 78 Tablers laying down and taking one for the team. We also have a few fires burning, and create a little social event for Tablers and 41’ers alike to mingle after donating blood and build #gees. We value our continued partnership with SANBS and will be hosting our second #PintforaPint Blood Drive later this year where we hope to improve on the unit of blood donated. Yours in Table Michael Schnetler

Round Table PE West 142 is one of the local clubs based in Port Elizabeth and has been in existence for the last 50years uplifting the community through fundraisers. Winter Knights is a national alliance project, all Round Tables across Southern Africa all get involved and share the same vision by collecting warm clothing or blankets for those in need to help keep them warm during the cold winter.

Round Table Southern Africa exist to make impactful change in our communities and Southern Africa as a whole. We retain and grow our members, young men willing to give up their time, and skills to give back to those less fortunate. We Inspire, We grow, We transform lives, We disrupt, We engage, We CHANGE.

Round Table PE West 142, yet again had another successful Winter Knights campaign. As tablers we took a slightly different approach this year, it was decided to involve local businesses and media partners to expand the collection of warm clothing and blankets. We partnered with various small businesses and media partners across the metro, even as far as Sundays River. Collection boxes was distributed to these collection points and the collection ran over a period over two months. Together with social media marketing, a highlight was partnering with Kingfisher FM a local radio station as a media partner but also as a collection point. The partnership allowed for the word to spread across the metro and added to the success.


PienaarYIT Allers

38 As Round Table PE West 142 we have managed to collect more than 60 Bags of clothing and blankets with estimated value more than R30,000. As a beneficiary, this year it was decided on Vistarus Mission Station. Vistarus, situated in Port Elizabeth provides a safe haven for impoverished, homeless, and addicted people of all races in order to reintegrate them into society. We want to thank the public for the generous donations. A special thank you to our partners as collection points, Sandwich Shop, Kingfisher FM, Debt Review Centre, Laaunch Accounting, The Car Guys, Thule, Michael James Organisation and Taste of ItAfrica.was a very successful project and larger than previous years. It is great to see that the time spend by the members can make such an impact in the community. Together we make an impact on the lives of those in need.

Friday morning there was lots of excitement as Nico had organised to take the President and Johan Cheetah Bruwer and their sons on a father and son hunting trip. Luckily the day went well both boys shooting their first animals. A memory that I am sure will stay with them for a long time.

Friday afternoon the fires were started at 5h30, ready to welcome our fellow tablers to the winter conference. With tablers travelling from all over the province everyone was happy to see each other, and had a fun night filled with fellowship and gees.

With the President, Vice President, National Treasurer, KZN Drak Area Chairman and tablers from other areas attending we wanted to make sure the weekend goes down well.The President and our EP Area Chairman Pienaar arrived in Adelaide on Thursday, and naturally a braai was organised to officially welcome them to our town.

During the planning phase things were quite chaotic at times, with new ideas and plans being made almost weekly. After our final meeting about the project everyone was luckily on the same page.


Adelaide 194 had the privilege of hosting the EP area Winter conference on the weekend of 8 and 9 July 2022.

We had about 60 registrations for the Friday night’s social, 49 registrations for the Winter Conference on the Saturday morning and 50 for the Saturday night’s theme party. So, we were ready for a hectic weekend with almost little to no sleep.


Saturday night we had a “back to School” theme party as the venue was the Primary School Hall. The evening went well with everyone having a good time and enjoying each other’s company. With Loadshedding kicking in at 11pm, it was decided to go back to the Post Office pub for a night cap to sign off the weekend on a high note. All in all, it was an enjoyable weekend. We want to thank each tabler who attended and helped to make the weekend a success.

StephanYIT Lombard Adelaide 194 Chairman

The meeting was well run by our EP area Chairman and included a brilliant presentation by our President and Vice President. After lunch it was time for the eagerly awaited “steek jou dood” competition. After a short drive to a farm just outside of town it became clear what this competition will consist of. A target shooting competition with hunting rifles. Targets were set up at 100m, 175m, 300m and 400m.

Saturday morning, we were up early to get everything ready for the Winter Conference which kicked off at 9am. Adelaide 41 and previous EP Area Chairman, Scott Pringle, opened the conference for us and reminded us of how lucky we are to be tablers, and that you should use your time in table wisely as it goes by so quickly

4 tables advanced to the 300m target, but with everyone missing this target it was decided that a sudden death round was to be held on the 175m target, with Kenton 210 walking away with the bragging rights at the end of the day. Then it was of to the Post Office pub to watch the 2nd test between the Springboks and Wales. Even though we lost the test it was still quite an experience to have so many tablers together in a venue supporting the boks.

After a long wait due to COVID restrictions, the Kirkwood Wildsfees happened again this Twoyear.members of Round Table PE West 142, Schalk Rossouw and Piens volunteered to assist Round Table Kirkwood 78 whom for many years have been running the bars for the entire weekend as a fundraiser.



What an experience for the two members, for the first time helping. It can only be summarised as fun, fellowship with a hint of hard work. To have been part of the experience was amazing and support will be provided again next year for sure!

To the Kirkwood gents and ladies, the way you manage this event is next level. It is weeks of planning and organising and then all come together like a well oiled machine. Well done and congratulations on a great project! Take a well-deserved break, see you next AreaPienaaryear.AllersChairman


Ons het weer in samewerking met Mev. Bloemfontein en Oranje Toyota Bloemfontein op Vrydag 24 Junie voor Checkers Langenhoven Park bymekaar gekom waar ons R5de uitgedeel het vir mense om vir ons nie bederfbare kosse te koop. In die 4 ure wat ons daar was het ons ongeveer R9000 se kos ingesamel danksy die vrygeweige Bloemfontein gemeenskap.

Winter Knights

Winter Knights was nog altyd n baie bleangrike projek vir Bloemfontein 158 gewees.

Die Projek is vir ons nie net belangrik om kos in te samel nie, maar gee ook vir ons gemeenskap n kans om n gesig by die organisasie te sit en ons is dankbaar om te weet Bloemfontein sal ons weer ondersteun. YIT Reinhardt Hedder

Ons het oor die jare sterk bande gebou tydens die projek met Toyota, Checkers en Mev Bloemfontein om n sukses te maak van die dag.

Tydens Covid was dit moeilik om ons R5 projek te doen agv social distancing ens. Ons was baie opgewonde om te hoor dat ons die jaar weer kon hande vat saam met Checkers om nie-bederfbare kos in te samel.

Ons het haar toe menige kere gehelp oor die jare met kos, mikrogolfoond, kaste, skoolklere ens.

Haar man is laasjaar oorlede a.g.v gesonheidsredes wat ook die rede was hoekom hy vir jare nie kon werk nie.

Die laaste maand het ons R1500 ingestem vir vleis en nie bederfbare produkte wat ons van ons BloemCan projek af oorgehad het.


Ansie het my genader so 3jaar terug waar sy by Ultra LIQUORS in Bloemfontein karre opgepas het, en gevra het vir hulp

45 Ansie

Met sy afsterwe het dit veroorsaak dat hulle nie meer sy SASSA gelde elke maand kry nie, wat groter finansiele druk op hulle gesit het. Sy bly saam met haar seun, James, wat nou in Graad 8 is. Ons het ook al op verskeie kere gehelp met skoolklere en skryfbehoeftes vir hom.

Ons help graag waar ons kan, maar die groot behoefte is om vir haar n meer standvastige werk te kry waar sy vaste inkomste kan verdien. Viljoen

47 GOLDEN EAST 181_ RYSKY OUTREACH Round Table Golden East 181 ( Greatest Club in The World) joined forces with Urban Ruins Projects NPO,Team Hope SA to assist RySky with an outreach on the cold 16 June day of 2022 celebrating Youth Day at Blue Sky Informal Settlement. Residence of Blue Sky and families residing in an abandoned railways development, joined us in Boksburg and were gifted with the following: • 220 hotdogs for the kiddies. • Around 300kg of hearty vegetables and chicken stew/soup, 200kgs of pap with 20 loaves of bread for + 400 adults. • 120 or so buddy bottle cold drinks. • Around 50 kiddies pre loved clothed with 3 4 sets of clothes and shoes aging from baby to 10 years old. Individually sorted and packaged. Alongside 50 new children beanies and tracksuits. • 60 new blankets were handed out to the kids and elderly. And 15 pre loved comforters. • 50 pre packed food parcels and 50 meal packs were handed out, along with 250kgs of pasta. • Oranges were enjoyed by the children; they were also given 50 packets of crisps.

48 • Oranges were enjoyed by the children; they were also given 50 packets of crisps. • 300 Kellogg’s snack packs were handed out to the beneficiaries. • We ended the outreach off with handing out 15 children’s immune boosters and 50 packets of nappies. • Never forgetting the fur babies in the community (cats and dogs), 75kg of dry pellets were distributed. • The elderly and physically challenged where assisted to take their meals, blankets and food parcels to their dwellings. Never forgetting to mention the transport and other odds and ends that made this day so amazing and possible... A big thank you to Ilona, Bongani and Tumi. From the community for working side by side with us...without them the above would not be possible WesleyYIT Kloppers

Jukskei 217 did a joint Winter knights project with Curro Schools Midrand whereby Curro donated over R6000 worth of Tinned products for the less fortunate, and we put in the elbow grease. We received the donation from Curro on Saturday, it took a bakkie to collect it.

Yesterday morning Jukskei 217 ran a project at Winmore Spar in Pretoria East to bolster our efforts and help feed the children from Vukuzenzela based in Kya Sands. With some R1 coins glued to some pamphlets we were off on a mission Feed the Wekids.decided to run a healthy competition and split into two teams to cover all the entrances and ensure maximum exposure, the team with the most in their trolley Wewins.tactically

ambushed each passer by from young children all the way up to the elderly who all showed tremendous affection towards the children in need. Our trolleys were filling up quickly. We also made some donations of our own the homeless in need, in the area that saw us running the project and took the time to enquire.


50 After 3 hours of raising some donations from the community, We had raised an additional R3500 worth of food items. Eventually we headed off to Kya Sands where we met with Vukuzenzela and handed over 3 cars full of food. (We kept the cars). We want to thank Curro Schools Midrand for their assistance on this project, their continued support of Round Table Jukskei 217 helps drive impactful change in these Itcommunities.’snotabout the food or the time, it’s about the kids seeing the acts of kindness and love, then them in turn being inspired by our actions to strive for greatness within their own lives, and through these small continuous actions, we drive a very impactful change that shapes the future of our nation from the ground up. If you would like to come to a Meeting at Jukskei 217 and experience Round Table, please send us a direct message and we will contact you. ❤️ #Curro #RTSA #RTGA #Kids #Education #Schools #Food #Charity #Fellowship #Travel #Growth #Gees #Givingback #Impactfulchange #StrongerTogether #ThePresidentsTable

Wes and his wife headed off first thing in the morning while Gerhard, Sulette, AJ, Kieran, Johnathan, Hanno and Almero followed later that evening, great thing we travelled separately because they ended up at a different location out of town with a very similar name. (AMAJUBA not MAJUBA) By 9:30pm all the Gauteng troops had gathered t the bar, all except our fearless leader he would join us the next morning. I was standing at the bar ordering a cold beverage when in the corner of my eye I thought I saw the Tiger King, it was our RTSA President Mr. Werner Swanepoel - donning a mullet with a cap! #priceless

Alarms rang and it was time to freshen up, we put on our game faces and got dressed to attend the conference. Off to the party we went. It was breakfast time, We had 2 brekkie buns with scrambled eggs, bacon and cheese and A LOT of coffee. Hanno had the right idea, crème soda and vodka for breakfast.

The opening night (Friday) we had a delicious chicken curry, followed by Jagermeister and whatever else 2 clicks could get you. Our RTSA branding manager Mr Cameron Day was the master of ceremonies as he welcomed all in attendance, this was followed by our RTSA President Mr Werner Swanepoel who officially opened the conference. We all got down and shook some booty, next thing we knew, the birds were chirping, and it had been an entire evening of meeting new people, sharing stories, sharing traditions and having fellowship to the next level. It was bedtime.

51 WE TRI’D.

It was a warm and sunny Friday morning when we decided to head off to the KZN Tri Area Conference hosted by Ncandu86 in the bustling town of Newcastle KZN.

The Conference was held at Majuba lodge in Newcastle, the venue was very well dressed in fire drums every few meters to keep the cold at bay, to top it off, DJ splashy had a great setup going with all his fancy disco lights.


I told myself 3 chews max then swallow, I nailed it. Unfortunately, the South Coast did not have the Surf’s up Cup there, but they have promised to bring it to BMG. That is the tradition, every year Gauteng goes to KZN Tri Area to raid these trophy’s then KZN comes to BMG to get them back.

In the nick of time Gauteng Area Chairman Mr. JC Duarte rocked up, Gauteng officially made Quorum for the conference, now it became a Raid. Everyone gathered for Aims and Objectives followed by an earth shattering speech by our RTSA VP Mr Louis Radley about previous Tri Areas. We greeted the ladies and then it was conference time, everyone headed off to their respective conference rooms. Round Table Gauteng came with 1 directive, we wanted to claim the Dragon Shield from Drak Area and the Surf’s up cup from KZN South Coast. Lead by our Fearless leader we started in Drak Area. Tradition is that if it’s your first Tri Area you need to take a fine from the Sergeant, this rule applies to all 3 conference rooms…. So Drak area had wasabi on weet bix and a chaser of Maas with vinegar, chili and goodness knows that else… I had the biscuit and I almost died, it was the most brutal fine I have ever experienced, “that was most reasonable, thank you”. Our Chairman almost lost his life, that is how serious it was, but never the less we had beverages and that kept us perky. Our Chairman proceeded to claim the Dragonshield and it was time to stash it. We stashed the shield and Drak Area banner that we raided, it was time to head to South Coast. We spent about 2 hours outside South Coast’s conference room pondering when we were going to make our entrance as the fine was a hefty one. A salty crack with a sliver of a raw chicken heart, masala powder and topped off with some toothpaste to ensure your breath is good thereafter. After spending all that time deliberating, we decided to enter the room, the sergeant did not even give us a fine! Whoa! Then the next minute my phone rings… $$#@$#$!!!

This nurtures fellowship between the regions and helps grow the spirit of Table. We took their IOU and decided to head off when the sergeant was distracted. We ran straight for the beverage station. It was lunch time, we had the most scrumptious burgers, exactly what we needed at that time. At this point Gauteng decided we were traumatised enough, and it was time to get into our comfy clothes, it was beverage Wetime.spent

Salute to Gauteng Area Chairman JC Duarte for keeping traditions alive, this is a pinnacle part of Tabling and every area should keep the traditions alive. We will see you at BMG.

the afternoon sharing stories and making new friends, Gauteng was having fellowship with Bushveld while the rest were meeting. The ladies returned from their exquisite afternoon of learning how to make Cocktails; it was time for them to show us what they learned. Everyone got done with their meetings and it was nap time, We hit a short recharge nap and then got back to it, it was theme party time. The Theme was Loadshedding V3.0, people were dressed in glow sticks, fairy lights, head lamps, boards, it was an absolute thrill. We danced the night away with our new friends and made many new memories which will last a lifetime. In Attendance for the KZN Tri-Area was: J.C Duarte Area Chairman, Gerhard Van Der Berg Area Constitutional Advisor, Johnathan Brest Area Treasurer and Wes de Kock Area IRO/PRO


There was so much more that happened over those amazing 52 hours we spent in Newcastle with the KZN Round Tablers that I cannot mention here, Thank you to KZN Drak Area, KZN NNCA and KZN NSCA for your amazing hospitality. We had the best experience; you are great hosts.

The Venue for the Afternoon was Off the Grid, with Wayne Dillon providing the entertainment. The venue, food and entertainment were amazing. Like many table functions, the vibe was also amazing. It is incredible what can be achieved when you have a team like Northridge supporting you.

On the Sunday, 3rd July, Northridge 117 hosted a successful fund raising event. The event itself was a three course “Christmas” lunch with live entertainment.



The point of this article is not about the actual event, or the funds raised, but more about being challenge and pushed. Stepping out of ones’ comfort zone and making it through the other side a better person. This story started back in March at our bosberaad. During the meeting, our chairman, Chris asked everyone why they table. There are many different reasons why people choose to join round table, but for me, it was about personal growth. I am an introvert, and when I first joined table, I battled to speak in front of people, even my own table.

And what of the challenge you wonder? Well, I ended up doing table grace, with a microphone, in front of over 70 guests for the day. Challenge completed. One thing that I realised during the event is that on your own you can only make a small difference, however, by being a member of an orgaisation like Round Table a person can really make impactful change, not only in one’s community, but also on a personal level.

NorthridgeYIT 117

55 I was called out and a challenge was set, that before the end of this year, I would be talking in front on a crowd of more than 50 people. Challenge accepted. Every aspect of the event pushed me out of my comfort zone. I had never even attempted to organise an event like this, never mind pull it off. There were moments of stress. Fear that the whole event would fail…. I was even at one point considering canceling the whole event, but the power of Table Kicked in. Chris and the rest of Northridge had my back. With less than a month to go, working together, we pulled it off. Christmas in July was a success.



Round Table Middelburg 126 had another successful project where we made a young boy’s dream come true RT 126 got a phone call from a family where they saw a young boy in need of new Tennis shoes and a Racket for him, he is a young tennis star on the rise. We immediately got to work and sorted the Young start new equipment he needed (Tennis shoes, racket, Tennis Balls, string shock controller, straps and socks) He finally can pursue his dream of becoming a pro Tennis player playing on Wimbledon one day The 41er’s of Middelburg Helped in this project. He will forever know how Round Table has supported him in his time of need, we for sure have inspired a future Tabler/community member Round table Middelburg 126 is not just there to make a difference but to inspire along the way. GavinYIT Geldenhuys

On the 25th of June 2022, Middelburg RT 126 hosted our annual hunting project on a beautiful farm near Loskop dam. From the travelling to the hunting and fellowship we had a blast. One of the best things about being a tabler is the appreciation of fellowship and bonds that you create while driving impactful change.

Once a year during hunting season, we set out to distribute and sell raffle tickets with a first prize of a Blue Wildebeest to be hunted down by the winner. Each year we have had a great time with our guests (the winners) where they enjoy drink and food during their stay as well as accommodation. During our hunt last year in 2021 we actually gained a tabler, the winner of 2021 saw what table had to offer and after a few months had gone by, he was inducted and is currently sitting at Middelburg 126 as our secretary, so it is safe to say that our Bok Bok raffle project has yielded great success in the past and present. This year was no exception, from the beautiful landscapes to fellowship and meeting new people, we truly can say that there are no other projects like this. One of the best parts of the weekend was to see the joy on the faces of the little ones, learning how to aim and shoot, staring at the wildlife around them and even just running around and having fun. The game farm that hosted us was generous enough to sponsor a blue wildebeest to Middelburg 126 which we will utilize to help feed hungry mouths in our community.



Middelburg 126 would like to thank Maroela game farm for hosting us on their beautiful property, we would also like to thank everyone who had a hand in making this project a success. Only by driving #impactful change can we make a difference in the world and in the lives of one another Donavan IRO/PROMiddelburgReed126


RUSH 2022



This year we set out on our most ambitious Medic Rush yet, in terms of logistics at least. With COVID 19 making it impossible to have our traditional Medic Rush during 2020 and 2021 we were hesitant in planning for 2022 as we have found that the future was not as certain as we used to think it was in the past. With COVID regulations changing frequently and the regions being opened and closed, groups being restricted and unrestricted and mostly a medical work force being drained by the pressures of a global pandemic, we to felt the pinch of uncertainty. Yet when the announcement came in March that the restrictions were being eased rather than being tightened, we knew we had the opportunity to make a 2022 Medic Rush work. We also had the added motivation that we were opening the second Mobile Clinic in the Marienflus area, and we were given the great news the Hon. Dr Hage Geingob, our president, was going to personally open the clinic we knew that we could not let this go unanswered. We identified the Epupa Area, with the Epupa falls Community, Swartboois Drift and Okongwati communities as the possible areas to host our clinics. We approached the medical team and they were just as excited. The final piece of the puzzle was securing funding and when we approached Nampower Foundation they were more than willing to support the project. This reflected on a relationship we have been building between all the stakeholders of the project over the past 15 years. With all the stakeholders on board we started planning and we had a very quick turnaround to get everything sorted. On the 27th of April the team consisting of 3 Tablers and 3 representatives from Nampower Foundation set out for the journey to the Marienflus Clinic. Little did we know what was instore for us over the next few days.

On 1st of May the second team set out from Windhoek to Opuwo, consisting of 2 tablers, 1 pipeliner, 2 legs, 2 41’ers and a future leg, a driver and 15 Doctors. The big team was on their way. They joined up with the Nampower team and myself in Opuwo and we set out on the Rush Adventure. Our first destination was Swartbooisdrift, a 160km drive from Opuwo.


We overnighted in Opuwo, 700km from Windhoek, on the first night and then set off on the second leg of the journey. This was 300km to the Marienflus area and we were told it will take a minimum of 10 hours to complete. How bad can it be? Well the roads were ok at first, but then they changed into two spoor roads and then in some places to no roads at all. The vehicles were thoroughly tested and we were pushed by the guide from Wilderness to drive as quickly as possible. 5 hours in we managed to get halfway and had a lunch break. The second leg was just as taxing on the vehicles as it was on our bodies and minds, but in the end, 10hours later we had arrived. We made it to the clinic. There was a frantic run around to get everything set up and finalised before the big opening the next day and we settled into camp that night. The next day was filled with all the formalities of speeches and thank you’s and the opening was a great success. The big trek back started and we decided to drive halfway and camp for the night. The next day was a more relaxed drive back to Opuwo. First part done.

The medical team set out at 06:00 and the clinic was up at 09:00. We were able to set up at the local clinic wich had very basic facilities to utilise. Through out the day we managed to see 150 patients. We had two severely ill babies, one of wich had to be rushed to the Opuwo Hospital by one of our tablers and Dr. Vaja as he had a very severely infected leg and the other was also transported by ambulance later that day. The day was a huge success and we camped the night at a great venue, Kunene River Camp. We also had our traditional show night for all our first-time attendees and it was a huge success. The second clinic was held at Okangwati, an 80km drive from Swartboois Drift. The medical team left at 07:00 and the clinic was again started at round about 09:00. We were again able to set up at the local clinic and through assistance from the clinic staff the doctors were able to attend to 350 visitors during the day. We were able to hand out medication and provide medical attention wic the community did not have access to on a daily basis. The day was again a huge success. The team closed up at 15:00 and then they had to drive a further 70km to Epupa Falls Lodge for our overnigh.

Hochland 154 would like to thank Nampower Foundation for assisting with the funding for the project on such short notice. IWewould like to thank the team of Doctors who made themselves available and took their own personal time off to assist a community in EduardYITneed.Gous



So, after pulling off a successful Winter Knights campaign in June, some people decided that I was not pulling my weight and that I need to be raided. I would just like to point out, that none of them can pull my weight therefore their accusation may not stand.

On 04/06/2022

a kaalvoet almost English wannabe, who will remain nameless, let’s call him Bruce, rocked up at my place of Zen with another Tabler’s wife. (Brian, on a side note, that is frowned upon in some communities).

Shortly afterwards more people started arriving and it was clear. I was betrayed, and I was being raided. Some people behaved themselves quite nicely, and some poepol, ag people, hid a pilchard in my scullery. All my dishes were used in true raid fashion, and then Martin thought it a good idea to get buffaloed while drinking out of a pot. The night progressed nicely until we ran out of wood, which led to the Pilchard planters to go beg for wood, which my neighbours were more than willing to share.

All and all, all the drunkards left my place of living by 01:30 and all was cleaned up by 03:00, except for the bloody pilchards. Below are pictures of the pilchard raiders.


67 ���������� ���������� ������������ ������ ���� ������������ ���� ����? We develop fellowship. We network. We develop business skills by running meetings. We teach ourselves how to run projects. We give back to our community. ������ ���� ������ ���������� ���������� ������ ��������������? We identify needs in the community. We will then run various projects according to the needs we’ve identified. ���������� �������� ������ ���������� ����? The charity funds will go back into the community in various ways, wheelchairs, food parcels, spectacles, crutches, etc. Should we raise money specifically for a cause, the money will go to that cause. ���� ���� �������� �� �������� ������? Yes, on some fundraisers. Our constitution allows us to allocate up to 25% to Admin funds. Example, on a golf day fundraiser we might take 25%, whereas with Winter Knights we don't rake off at all. ( ) ������������������ ���� ���������������� ���� ������ ����? To name a few, we host our annual golf day and Football Tournament. We drive the annual Winter Knights Campaign in June. We provide spectacles to Grade 3 kids with our annual Kidz Vision project. ������ ������ ������ �������� �������������������� ��������? We have 5 Round Table clubs in Round Table, Namibia Area: Round Table 34, Windhoek, Walvis Bay 36, Round Table 145,Swakopmund, Hochland 154 (In Windhoek), and Welwitschia 213 Round Table (In Windhoek). Round Table Namibia Area is 1 of 14 areas in Round Table Southern Africa. There are many Round Table clubs all around the globe. LieghYIT Westerdale

68 We performed preliminary eye tests on Grade 3 children who attend Immanuel Reuters Primary School. We identified 66 out of 271 children who possibly need spectacles. Optic Exclusive Walvis Bay was standing by to perform much more accurate testing on the ground. Baywash Group's sanitizing station was used 6regularly.moreschools to go. WALVIS BAY 36 RAIDS THE LIONS CLUB One of our 41er’s belongs to the Walvis Bay Lions Club. One Friday evening we followed him from our clubhouse to the Lion’s Den. It was the first time for a few 36’ers in the den. Lots of beer and Jaeger was consumed that evening. We took ‘The Box’ with. The Box is a 1-200 token draw. The Lions supported this initiative without holding back. We support them, they support us. LieghYIT Westerdale KIDZ VISION 2ND ROUND OF TESTS



Ons as Tafel 79 het ‘n droom gehad om vir Appel na Upington toe te bring en vir baie maande bespreek ons hoe om hierdie droom van ons ‘n realiteit te maak. Na maande se beplanning en begroting, het Tafel 79 van Upington die groot voorreg gehad om ‘n helse show te gooi. Ons nooi toe vir Appel en Danny Smoke om opte tree by Carpe Diem Raisins, in een van hulle groot store. Ek moet bieg, ons het maar ge”nip” oor ons kaartjie verkope, met die dat daar groot rugby was in Bloemfontien (Wales Vs SA) was Upington taamlik leeg. Ons maak toe die somme en besef ons moet 320 kaartjies verkoop om die kunstenaars se kostes te cover. Op die aand van die vertooning daag daar +/- 500 mense op asook +/- 120 VIP gaste. Upington jou lekker ding! Ons het ‘n kontantkroeg bedryf wat omtrent 25 meter lank was. Die tafelaars se vrouens het lekker gehelp met die verkope. Ons waardeer julle hulp altyd! Bubbly Bite Deli het heerlike braaivleis en geregte gemaak en verkoop. Dit was uit die boonste rakke. Vir gaste met ‘n soettand het ons vir The Sweet Tooth gekry om ‘n lekkergoed stalletjie te behartig, die kinders was mal daaroor.

Ek het na die tyd met van die VIP gaste gesels. Daar was baie verwys na die aand as die “kuier van die jaar” Uit en uit was dit vir ons as Tafelaars ‘n groot sukses (teamwork makes dreamwork) en ons glo dat die volgende een nog groter gaan wees! HarmYIT Janse van Rensburg


Niva Café het ook hulle mobile koffie kroeg kom opslaan, vir die gaste wat nie iets koud vat vir die koue nie, maar wel iets warm. Ons VIP’s het hulle eie afsonderlike kroeg gehad met ‘n chill area en eie toilet geriewe.

Carpe Diem Raisins het onsettend baie moeite gedoen met ons venue. Dit was ‘n behoorlike stoor dans. Die DJ het ook gesorg dat daar sommer nog lekker geskoffel word tot lank na die vertooning verby was.


Dit is al 'n jaarlikse instelling en sal beslis weer in die toekoms ook gedoen word.

Altesaam 33 kinders was hierdie keer in Prieska. Lede van die Round Table sowel as hul vrouens en kinders het die dag saam met die kinderhuis gaan geniet.

Sondag 9 Julie 2022 het lede van Round Table Prieska vir "Ons Kinderhuis" van Bloemfontein bederf met 'n lekker ete op die jeugkamp waar hulle gekuier het.

HechterYIT Sandenburg

George 30 recently undertook to sponsor the very popular Charity Trail Run in the George Camphersdrif and mountain areas. This is a very popular and well supported activity in our area, run and hosted by the well known Ground Zero venue. We set out to promote the aims and objectives of Round Table as well as raise much needed funds for our very own Fight4Sight campaign.

By all accounts, we made out presence felt, we spent valuable time with people not so familiar with Round Table and we most importantly made friends and allies to last us a lifetime. This is a project we will look to support on a more regular basis going forward and we are excited for what the fruits of this project will deliver. Well done to our very Dirk Barnard for setting this up and making the success it was.



Yours in Table Niel SouthEnslinCape Area IRO / PRO

It is with great joy and excitement that we at George 30 announce our “Manne Aand” to be held on the 12th of August. The goal is simple. It will be an open night, where we invite and hope to attract as many potential new Tablers as possible. The event is the brain child of our George 30 Chairman, Johan Lochner. In keeping up with the pace of modern life, we went as far as to print key chains with a scannable QR code that will immediately take you to a registration platform for the event. We are extremely excited about this event, as it will put us in direct contact with potential new Tablers. Present at the event will be the entire George 30 team as well as the Southern Cape Executive Council to ensure that no person in attendance goes without rubbing shoulders with a worthy Tabler to help welcome and educate them about the wonders of our organisation. look out for the follow up of this event in next months Inkundla where we will share the results of our endeavour. in Table Enslin South Cape Area IRO / PRO





George 30 recently partnered up with a Start Up NPO, Pinnacle Sport and Education. Their goal is to use the medium of sport to create healthy interests in youths in disadvantaged and gang ridden areas. For this campaign, they set their sights on Thembalethu in George. The goal is to create a cricket academy that invites all willing participants to spend their afternoons learning and taking part in this wonderful game, and hopefully unearth a future protea in the making.

We at George Round Table 30 thought this to be a no brainer. This led us to immediately jump in and supply the boys and girls with brand new cricket kits. This included, bats, pads, gloves and many more. We are confident and trust in our hearts that this will go along way in helping to keep these youngsters off the street and get them to fall in love with sport. Through the medium of sport, we can unite a nation and promote a healthy midset in our youths. Sport creates friendships, bond and life lessons that will last you forever.


Yours in Table Niel SouthEnslinCape Area IRO / PRO


For me it all started with ordering a Round Table Sweden Tartan via Andreas Ekström.Discussions about the freight costs started when the Tartan was ordered, and one person came up with the idea that if we travel down to pick them up, we can also visit WhenARTSA.Iread

FINALLY ON THE WAY At Arlanda airport in Stockholm, me and an Old Tabler by the name Hugo Roodenburg had plenty of time to have a few beers while waiting for the others who couldn’t check in before a certain time. We checked in all the bags in Malmö, so we had plenty of time. The first joint beer for the group was in Ethiopia.

After a long flight to Cape Town, we finally meet up with Egbert to pick up the car worthy of a road trip through southern South Africa, no Land Rover Defender but a Nissan Almera. Someone asked Egbert what the plan was. He said: “This is to be an adventure. Any and all information will be supplied on a need to know basis, and on that basis only, for I have no plan other than our end destination with the Best Off Road car, because it is a rental ” (Written by Christian Jensen RT133, but experienced together)



the discussion about it in our messenger group I was sitting in my warm and nice RV at the end of a ski slope with snow around us. I told my wife about the discussion and her answer was the start of an amazing adventure.You are probably wondering what she said?She said that I am pretty dumb if I don’t go. So there and then the search for a travel route and airplane tickets started. We decided to meet up at Arlanda airport in Stockholm and fly with Ethiopian Airways with a stop at Addis Ababa. I really enjoyed my window seat at my first stretch from Malmö to Stockholm.


RT31 Somerset West is a happy memory now as a result of their really warm welcome, great hospitality and really good food made on the braai. These amazing people also gave us a bed for the night through really nice home Wehosting.woke up to fresh air and beautiful nature that surrounded the house we stayed in.

Later that evening we continued our journey towards Jeffreys Bay and ARTSA, but this night we were not meeting up with a Round Table club, instead we had rented some rooms in Agulhas which is the most southern point of Africa. On this place we got this great picture of the entire group.

After getting in behind the steering wheel that for us were in the wrong side of the car and starting to figure out changing the gear with the left hand, we drove in the traffic of Cape Town and on the way to Somerset where we met up with RT brothers with the wives/girlfriends to eat braaivleis in their clubhouse. Yes, they have a house with an indoor braai and a bar as a clubhouse.

The passenger on the left did his best with trying to brake and steer, since we are used to have the steering wheel on the left and drive on the right side of the road.



During this day we got to see more of Cape Town and Hugo got behind the steering wheel, it is good if we have more than one comfortable driver with international driver’s license, our goal for today was to get up on Table Mountain. At the top we ran into other brothers from Round Table who were doing the official pre tour. Even they seem to have an amazing trip with a great treat.



Before we continued our journey, we were told that there was something planned for us, a surprise had been booked for us with a great discount. It was a tour in a helicopter over Mossel Bay and out over the ocean where we got to see sharks from the helicopter. The pilot even gave us the opportunity to experience negative G, free fall but like when something is dragging you down.

RT32 MOSSEL BAY After a day in Agulhas we travelled to Mossel bay where we got a warm welcome by RT32 Mossel Bay. We had burgers made on their braai and some nice drinks, all to the tunes of Afrikaans Theyhits. held a meeting where we were included, we sang one of our drinking songs and shared Piratens Besk with them. After a great time in their clubhouse, we were also here given first class home hosting. Both from Somerset West and Mossel Bay I now have new friends.

After this fantastic experience and really enjoyable time with new acquaintances we continue our journey towards our destination in Jeffreys Bay.

RT30 GEORGE We had a lunchbreak from driving in George where we also met up with Johan Lochner from RT30 George, Sulette Van Der Berg and her son. Johan told us about Round Table in George and George in general. Sulette who is the wife of Gerhard Van Der Berg (IRO of Round Table South Africa), told us about the official pre tour and where they have been, also that she and her son have been with the pre-tour but decided to get off in George and travel with Johan to Jeffreys Bay and ARTSA. After the lunch and stocking up with food and drinks we jumped into the cars and went on the way again.


FREE FALLING & FOKOF After Wilderness, on the way to Jeffreys Bay, Egbert had something planned. Egbert had made reservations for three of us to do a bungee jump from a bridge, one of the highest jumps from a bridge in the world. David, Hugo and Marcus choose to jump while Andreas and I offered ourselves to hold the cameras while they jumped. So, while they went off on the zipline to get to the jumping point under the bridge the rest of us, Andreas, Egbert and I took a FOKOF and enjoyed the sun and of course held the cameras.

After that experience and some souvenir shopping, we went out on the road again. We arrived at ARTSA and arranged with our arrival to receive our welcome package and the things we ordered and then drove to the beach house that Egbert arranged for us to rent this weekend. After getting the bags in the house, quick fresh up, a few good drinks and getting prepared. We went to ARTSA for the theme evening. I can say that there are many similarities between ARTSA in South Africa and RM in Sweden, but yet very different. It felt like many international guests from all over the world were there, and a fantastic reception from everyone we met. We met up with some of the new friends we have met on the way from Somerset West, George and Mossel Bay.

This day ended up in the middle of the bush, an area with the name Wilderness. There, standing by the car in the middle of a forest in complete darkness, the stars above and the sounds from the surrounding nature, we got informed that we were going to sleep in tents. We got the luxury of one tent each.




A big difference between ARTSA and RM was that in the Swedish RM is always a lot of Ladies Circle, both alone or with their partner, at ARTSA most women were partner to a Round Table man. At ARTSA there were a few Ladies Circle and if I didn’t misunderstand, this was the first year that LC South Africa were attending under their own brand and not as the partner of a Round Table brother.

I have so much more to talk about this trip, but for not making it a novel, which it almost became anyway. I will stop here. But the best I can do instead is to tell you to go there, an experience that is hard to we did, order a tartan in your country colours and decide to pick it up visit ARTSA, you won’t be disappointed



It felt like many international guests from all over the world were there, and a fantastic reception from everyone we met. We met up with some of the new friends we have met on the way from Somerset West, George and Mossel Bay.



On the 6th of July, Round Table Mossel Bay 32 delegates attended the "Welcome The Whales" conservation information session presented by Lloyd Edwards of Raggy Charters Marine Eco Cruises, a cause that many of the coastal Tables are getting behind.

Lloyd Edwards is a passionate wildlife educator & conservationist that has devoted the majority of his adult life to conservation and is currently touring along the African coastline and educating locals on the whale migration route and the threat that commercial fishing poses to whale numbers. As a coastal-based Club, our Members & volunteers believe in a hands-on approach when it comes to ocean conservation-based projects & will be pursuing a course of action to get more involved in causes such as these. Discussed at the session was the plight of scores of whales, dolphins, turtles, & other marine life that become entangled in fishing ropes, fishing gear, or “ghost nets”. In South Africa, most of the whale entanglements are caused by fishing ropes that are attached to pot & trap gear, such as used in the lobster fishery.

marine life & to turning the tide on ocean pollution together!

The purpose of these various information sessions are to raise much needed awareness and offers anyone, whether you’re at the coast or far removed, the opportunity to get involved by adding your signature to this petition that can affect great change: Here's


#ThirtyTwo #OceanConservation #ImpactfulChange YIT

PaulYIT Hoeksema


As a part of the ongoing "You Eat They Eat" project started at the beginning of 2021, Round Table Mossel Bay had the privilege of donating another sizable donation to local poverty alleviation NPO, The Haven Night Shelter on the 1st of July. The basic concept of having an "entry fee" of one item of non perishable food per person every time we have gatherings at our Clubhouse, enables us to have a constant stream of supplements for our projects. The Shelter, a frequent Thirty-Two benefactor, hosts on average up to 80 destitute and displaced individuals each night, sometimes even more as the winter nights take their toll on the less fortunate. The hard-working shelter's mission is to get the homeless home, offer temporary shelter, create rehabilitation opportunities, deliver social welfare services, family reunification services, physical care, and support to adult persons living on the streets who are committed to getting back home Round Table 32 Mossel Bay is committed to making a tangible difference in our community and will continue to support causes such as these. With the winter in full swing, our drive is to fight the cold of the front (pun intended) and to make an impact where it truly matters.

"Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting." Brian Tracy In mid July, we had the privilege of handing out several bags full of warm clothes to the people of Dabiki, a local suburb in Mossel Bay.

Sitting down with members of the community and hearing stories of how Round Table has changed their lives and assisted them in a time of need is true #ImpactfulChange.

To all the other Winter Knights around Southern Africa and Namibia, we salute you. Yours In Table Arno Stander



As a Winter Knights slogan goes: to you it might only be an old piece of clothing, to those in need, it's their only source of warmth this winter. Working together with Elizabeth who is also a resident in Dabiki, helped us to identify the most destitute individuals in the area and enabled us to distribute donations to where it matters the most.

We were also informed that there are a lot of children and elderly people who need help in the form of food, warm clothing & medicine.


91 TRI AREA 2022

Tri Area 2022 was held in Newcastle and although a great deal more travelling for the NSCA brigade – it was one for the books and we would like to thank all those who were involved in the organising of the event a massive thank you for an awesome time!

The festivities commenced on Friday afternoon and lasted well into the early hours of Sunday morning – proving (again) that when the Tablers get together – thy will have an absolute jol! Not forgetting the important bits the 2nd conference of the year went well and the NSCA Tablers were able to discuss and debate several high profile topics but all came away with good direction in how we are to proceed.

We were also treated to a discussion with our esteemed President Werner Swanerpoel on the importance of Table and fellowship rest assured that the message was received loud and clear and we will take this back to the NSCA and continue to drive the MattYours#impactfulchange!inTable




for new sunsets with different horizons, winds from opposite directions and people with colourful stories of there lives. So easy solution, we are going to ARTSA 2022, the HARD WAY, and so the “the hard way unofficial tour” was brought to live once more. With still a-lot of uncertainty of pandemics, looting and even wars raging, we planned the tour basic and easily accommodate for the ladies coming with us this time around. We also decided not to make it an official project with other tables and international tablers, for which it became famous for. BUT KEEP YOUR EYES OUT FOR 2023. In 2016 a love child was born “The hard way down”. It was a massive success and one of the most amazing journeys we as tablers took together ,it was down to ARTSA 2016 MARGATE. Since then we have had a “Hard way Across” in 2018 this one was to ARTSA 2018 UPINGTON, and also a massive success with lots of memories made. In 2019/2020 we had big plans for the “Hard way to sabie” but unfortunately some world wide pandemic stoped that from happening. For ARTSA 2022 we were hungry for adventure,



On the 16th of July Klerksdorp 45 jump in a car and was off to Rustenburg to assist and old ballie Abel Pienaar from dormant Rustenburg 54 with the Martin Bester blanket drive. The morning started after a Friday night project with red eyes and a dik bekke 8am. Some of the girlfriend were still putting on makeup and questioning why are they in love with tablers and why should we leave as early as we did. Before we knew we were in Rustenburg after a 2-hour drive with 41er Andre Neethling, who shines the brightest of bright on any given day (he does not – he is the grumpiest person you will ever Aftermeet).muchcomplaining


no silence we decided to have breakfast before we walk to the gate where we are supposed to be. We met Abel Pienaar (the Rustenburg 41er) already standing over what looked like a mountain of blankets, chatting up families to donate more. As we took our places and started to work with a headache of note, we could see that this was going to be a long day . A few hours passed and a gentleman approach us saying where can he off load the 1000 blanket with a big sigh we started to off load the blankets and loading them directly on to Hein Van Rooyen from Pta 201 big trailer.

96 KLERKSDORP 45 BLANKET DRIVE He told us about the amount of blankets they received and we as perusal did not believe him…coming all the way from Klerksdorp with a 6-foot venter trailer thinking we will load all the blankets… As the day progressed we could see that this is going to be more than what we expect… with Loufi, Demi Lee Moore and Martin Bester as the attraction. After about 4 hours plus multiple complaints from our girlfriends and pipeliner that his feet hurt and what seems to be endless amount of blankets we decided to let people in without donating any blankets. We had reached our goal of collecting more that PTA and Nelspruit. Collectively we received: Between STNOFS RT45, RT54 41er, Pretoria 210 Hein and Boksburg 17 Cuan. We collected 8355 blankets and R28 000 worth of vouchersYIT RusselYIT Human Klerksdorp 45

We kicked off the Winter Knights to a great start with a Court Standing project in Secunda Mall. We had a set up where people have donated clothes and non perishable foods as well as to learn of Round Table and what our cause is to the community.


The Mall Management were more than generous to sponsor us the Court Standing for a full week, which concluded to a R4700 donation for the space from the mall itself. Since the Court Standing our donations consists of the following : 34 full bags of clothing averaging up to a value of R13 600 Non-perishable foods to the worth of R1000 Freezer suits worth of R12 000. Total donations came up to an average of R31 300. A family personally got in contact with us via Facebook requesting help as they were struggling due to a sudden loss of employment. I got in contact with the mother of the family directly to find out where their address is to go and drop off some of the canned foods and soups that we have Igathered.neverthought that seeing such a happy and grateful expression on a mothers face to know that her children will be able to eat for a couple of days brought me joy and purpose in life. This is what it means to be a Tabler. #impactfulchange AlecYIT Senekal


My eerste Council meeting was 'n belewenis as 'n Klerksdorp 45 pipeliner. Met die aankoms was ons vriendelik verwelkom en dadelik was ek bly ek het genoeg kontant getrek vir die kontant kroeg. Daar het paar manne laat opgedaag en paar manne was nogals vroeg daar, mens kon dit in hulle oë sien, en ek het ook so aangeneem deur middel van die klomp leë bier bottels.

Die verigtinge het toe begin en als was rerig baie profisioneel en so nou en dan het die Sargeant bietjie lag geskep in die atmosfeer. Met die strawwe wat uitgedeel geword het, het die wat een gekry amper begin blaf met die hondekos en mens kon dit darem afsluk met bietjie appel asyn.

Proe vir my presies soos appel sap, not nice. Die vergadering het kwart voor gesluit en daarna het ons lekker geëet, en toe begin die ouens die kontant in die beursies tel. Dit was baie lekker en almal het so loop doppie gekry, om die Saterdag behoorlik te begin. Van die ouens het volsterk vastaanend gestaan en deur gedruk tot middernag, welgedaan lede van Stilfontein.

Daar het ek ook vir Donkie ontmoet en dit het nie te lank gevat voor ek agter gekom het hoekom hulle hom so noem nie, hy kan regtig donkie taal praat.

Weereens 'n bitter lekker Counsil. RoundtableHenro 45




My eerst Council meeting as ‘n pipe liner van Klerksdorp 45 Dit was iets heel anders as wat ek verwag het. Ek was heel verbaas om te sien hoeveel mense daar eintlik is wat in round table belangstel en dit ‘n gedeelte van hulle lewens te maak. Alhoewel ek baie jonger is as die meerderheid, het die ou toppies my baie tuis laat voel, en my verbaas hoe party van hulle, hulle siele 21 hou.

Ek wil net graag geluk se aan Russel Human (Area voorsitter van STNOFS) vir sy eerste aanbied van die raadsvergaardeing vir die jaar well done! Ek wil ook net baie dankie se aan Matlosane 219 vir die gerieflike venue en dat julle seker gemaak het dat ons nie doodgaan van die dors ten spyte van dat dit 8 uur die oggend is nie.Dit is ‘n eer om deel te wees van Roundtable SA en om ‘n verskil in mense se lewens te kan maak. Melcolm Van Der Spuy Russel se persoonlike Pipeliner

Dit het my meer opgewonde gemaak om deel van tafelronde te wees, om ‘n kein stukkie van ‘n baie groot puzzle te kon beleef. Die respek tussen mekaar en die profesioneliteit tydens die verrigtinge was besonders en verrykend. Dit was lekker om almal as ‘n eenheid saam te kon sien.. alhoewl dit nog blykbaar net ‘n drupel in die emmer is. Dit was interesant om sekere mense se stories van ARTSA 2022 te kon hoor. En om te kan dink dat ek dalk oor ‘n jaar ook my stories kan vertel.





Traveling for work never sits well, especially when you have the daunting task of doing a three week cold call trip. So I did what I thought was the natural thing to do. I launched my Tabler World App and jotted some numbers down.

Bosveld Gebied Winter Conference was on the books and soon afterwards I had the immense pleasure to be invited by our President to his home. But it doesn’t stop there, my birthday came up and the boys from Impala 157 simply did not allow me to spend this weekend alone and I even had cake with a skapie on top. To make it even more special, I had the privilege of joining in on one Impala 157’s projects. Volgende op die aftieklysie was Tzaneen 96 en ‘n bak stywe pap en plankie steak. Wat ‘n belewnis!! Opad huistoe het ek by Kroonstad 42 gestop om die afskop van die Vrystaat Area Winterkonferensie te beleef. Kroonstad 42 se Voorsitter het sy huis vir my oopgestel sodat ek nuwe vriende kan maak en ou legendes kan ontmoet.

Eerste op die lysie was Loskop 233 se besigheidsvergadering. Dit is hier waar ek die Bosveld gasvryheid vir die eerste keer beleef het. AC en Pieter het gesorg dat hierdie Skaap se pens vol is ‘n paar nuwe idees in my kop gedruk.


Nou, om die Bosveld te betree is een ding, maar om die Bosveld se Winterkonferensie / Manne-naweek by te woon… hel, dit vat ‘n man met moed.

Sounds fun right? So what does this all mean? Join Round Table and you will have friends all over the country? Well, yes, but . But I made more than friends. This wasn’t fun, not even remotely, this was a true, life experience I lived with new family, I would never want to forget. And yes, I did work as well, I even got some leads from the Tablers and made some good business from it.


Van “bokskiet” 06h50 op ‘n manne-naweek tot die familie-tafel van die Swanepoels. Hoe spesiaal is dit nie om aan Tafel te sit saam met ‘n mede Tafelaar en sy familie en by sy seuntjie te hoor van sy eerste bok nie? Van die vreeslike opsien na ‘n alleen naweek, tot ewe skielik omring word deur mense wat jou omvou met vriendskap en uit hulle pad gaan om jou dag spesiaal te maak. ‘n Vriend, wat nou boesem is, mee tyd te spandeer in sy huis en diep dinge te deel. Nuwe ervaringe soos pap met jou hand eet en te sien hoe jou gasheer jou genot waardeer. Dan natuurlik loop jouself vas in die Vrystaat en jy moet jou alles gee om nie in te gee in hierdie mense se warm gasvryheid nie This is what Round Table offers you. All you need to do is call on your Table Brothers. I would like to thank all the Tablers and their families who made my work trip feel like a family reunion. Thank you Regard and Estazel for my special cake. Thank you mr President for your inspiration and Vossa, my pellie, ek kan net dankie sê nog ‘n duisend maal. Conrad, ons families gaan nog lekker kuier en Kroonstad 42 ek sien julle vir ‘n SuperSkaapTafelgroetebraai!

Saldanha 226 het op Sondag 24 Julie besluit om die meer volwasse mense te bederf met n heerlike lamspotjie. In vandag se tye is lamsvleis die selfde prys as die van 24 karaat fyn ons goud. Baie dankie aan CARTOL wat die vleis aan ons geskenk het. Soos julle weet is die manne van Saldanha 226 eintlik manne van die tabernakel maar Sondag se oggenddiens moes hulle maar opsy skuif vir Vredenburg ouetehuis. ñ Paar manne het darem gelyk of hulle deur n trein getrap is toe hulle die oggend 7am by die ouetehuis aankom, so dat die matrone vir hulle wou inboek by die saal vir siekes.

NikoYIT Maree


Ons het maar mooi verduidelik dat ons nie sal kan bekostig dat daai manne ingeboek word nie, want hulle sou dit nie weer uit maak om in die samelewing te wees nie. Ons glo hulle sou tou ingooi en na die anderkant beweeg, maar die res van ons het hulle maar positief gehou en hulle deurgetrek.


41ers Meeting

Somerset Blessed!! Somerset West 31 is blessed to have such a huge group of 41’ers still attending meetings and living their Table passion. Every year, the 41’ers of Somerset West help Somerset West 31 with their Noddy’s Party project. This help is probably one of the reasons why the show is success year on year.

41’ers Association President Nico Mcnamara came to visit the club and brought his “Big Red” gees with him. On the particular night of Big Red’s visit, Somerset West 41’ers Club Chairman (and past 41’er Association President), Mr. Terry Walsh, was proud to also host past RTSA and RTI President, Rikus Badenhorst, Past RTSA President Stuart Hunter, past 41’ers Association President Koos Coetsee and incoming 41’ers President Ben TrulyBurger.areflection of of the impact of Round Table on one’s life. Point of interest, the oldest attending 41’er for the night, became a 41’er 10 years before current Somerset West 31 Chairman was born… NikoYIT Maree

Ons het op die ou end aan Paarl SPCA 15 sakke kos en 30 blikkies kos geskenk. Dit was vir ons n groot sukses en kon ons n lekker skenking gemaak het aan SPCA. TrompiYIT



Ons het aan gebgin gedink daar gaan net so 20 30 mense wees. Op die ou end was di teen groot aand met 70 mense wat dit by gewoon het.

Ons het lekker saam die publiek gekuier en sommer voor die game en half tyd op die big screen ons toekomstige projekte ook gewys indien hulle sou wou betrokke raak.

Op 16de Julie, die laaste toets teen Walis het Round Table Paarl 44 n “Brannas en steak” aand gehou. Ons het big screen rugby uitgesaai. Elke person het eie steak gebring en Paarl 44 het slap chips aan die mense vir skaf. Ons het n ingangs fooi gehad van enige sort honde/kat kos.

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