ExTe Magazine 01|2018

Page 15


“There are now pretty much just the finishing touches left on the major investment we have made in production,” states Magnus Johansen, Production Manager. “We want to get all the processes and procedures in order so that everything is where it is supposed to be. Both the Design Department and the workshop personnel, who make fixtures based on drawings and who carry out practical tests, are moving to the same premises as the rest of production. This is extremely important. We are establishing closer collaboration and simpler, faster communication between the various functions. “Another thing, which admittedly does not have anything to do with the investment, is that those of us who work with design and production ought to spend more time with the hauliers. We need to travel with them and hear their opinions, straight from the horse’s mouth. After all, we are producing solutions for their working day, aimed at improving the efficiency and profitability of their transportation operations,” says Magnus. “For us in the Development Department, moving to the same premises as production planning and production technology is ideal,” says Roger Larsson, who is responsible for the Development Department. “This is only positive and is resulting in closer contacts, better communication and faster decisions – in other words, we will be even more efficient. “I agree with Magnus, that it would be great if those of us working within development and production could get out more and meet hauliers, in order to see, listen and gather ideas. “The Sales Department is also moving into the same building as production. This is positive for the same reasons. Closer contacts between the various functions results in better collaboration and greater efficiency.”

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