October 2019 Newsletter - Vol. 2 | Issue 6 | Edmond North Key Club

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CONTENTS Upcoming Events



Quote of the Month


Service Partners






Divisional Project


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Continue September's Culture4Caring during October and November!

UPCOMING UPCOMING EVENTS EVENTS Key Club Week- November 6thNovember 10th Club Member Meeting- November 7th Ongoing Events: Bingo at Bradford: 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month Food Banks: Anytime! (sign up)

Other events will be disclosed during the November meeting!


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt


Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference and encourage others to join in the effort.


falling in love w/ volunteering Elden Bruner, Vice-President


My love for Key Club has been integral to who I am since the beginning of freshman year with the different opportunities I had to volunteer. It all began with my very first volunteer opportunity. I had decided to volunteer with some friends at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma--now one of my favorite places to volunteer--and had no idea what to expect. When I walked into the building, I was greeted by a few of the other volunteers from Key Club and automatically knew that this would be the organization for me. After having our introduction to what we would be doing that day, we headed down stairs and began to sort and pack boxed goods. After the project was over, I was able to walk out of the building with a smile on my face and sticker in hand knowing that I had just done something to help out my community. I would come back again and again to do many more fun jobs including boxing up breads and bagging frozen green beans. Although I had fun at the Food Bank, I decided to give other opportunities a try. One night, I decided to go volunteer at a local church’s fall festival. I got to work in the play area where they had a bouncy castle, face painting, and other cool little games for the kids to play. It was really neat getting to see the kids’ faces light up when they had just won their game or just transformed into a fierce tiger or beautiful butterfly. Another neat experience I recently had was at the Regional Training Conference for club officers in Moore. We were all advised to bring an old or unwanted t-shirt and a pair of scissors along with us. While we were there, everyone cut up all of the t-shirts into strips and then braided some of the strips together. The purpose of this project was to make these tshirts into toys for dogs. I enjoyed the whole project as it was creative and economically concise. While these are just a few opportunities I have had volunteering, they are some of the many reasons I love Key Club. Key Club also really shows you the many different things you can do for organizations or events while volunteering , and all of them make an impact, no matter what the cause is.


Members work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your Members work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your local CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership.ocal CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership.


PAST EVENTS junior rep,










Key club is one of my favorite clubs that I am a part of at school. I joined Key Club my freshman year. It was one of the first clubs I ever joined. My sister was previously in the club too, so she pushed me to join. Many of my friends were also joining Key Club so I thought it would be nice to join. I love the concept of having a club that I could volunteer in to get the experience of helping people.There are many cool events throughout the year that I could volunteer for, raise money, or buy products. I also joined my sophomore year because I was still interested in the club. One of my favorite events was volunteering for the Cross Timbers mom and son dance. I was there for three hours helping set up, working at a station, and clean up. I worked at the stand giving out popcorn and candy such as M&M’S, twizzlers, skittles, and cinnamon hot tamales. They provided food and drinks for the volunteers which I was thankful for. I loved interacting with the kids and parents. I also volunteered at the Regional Food Bank. I would volunteer regularly in middle school with my mom and siblings because my mom wanted us to volunteer. I loved boxing food and packaging the. So when Key Club gave the opportunity to volunteer at the Regional Food Bank, I took it. I also loved the popsicle social they had last year. It was very fun and interactive. It was an easy way to get a point. So that is why at the end of the year I thought I should run for an officer position. I ran for Junior Representative and ended up winning. I was very excited and knew what a big commitment Key Club would be. This year I volunteered again at an elementary school for their fall festival. It was Northern Hills Elementary School. I came straight after school to help set up each of the stations and stayed till clean up. My specific station was throw a sponge at a teacher. I would organize each kid in a line and had to tell them when to go. I also handed them sponges so they could throw them at their teachers. It was very fun and entertaining. I helped put away the station. This year I am excited to volunteer at Free to Live because I love animals. I am also excited for Balto week because Key Club gets to raise money for the recipients as well.



This year, me and a group of friends went to volunteer at the Clegern Family Fall Festival. I went there expecting a fun, relaxed, and quick two hours of volunteering. Though I did experience all of that, I also experienced so much more. In truth, the greatest memory wasn’t found until the end of the night. I got to my former elementary school (go cougars!), met up with some friends at the front gate and then checked in for a productive night of volunteering. We all reminisced about our time at Clegern and pointed out the many changes throughout the school. We saw the newly-built, overarching playground in all its grandeur and finesse along with some new teachers. We also saw new walls, new classrooms, and new computers. The most astounding sight was the new dome-shaped play-area that engulfed most of the terrace, creating a sort of palace-esque feeling. Through our brief journey throughout the school, we all realized how much truly changed in five years. Once our journey had ended, we all walked toward the carnival. And by the time we had reached the ticket booth, children were piling on top of each other attempting to grab one of three things: popcorn, glowsticks, and even MORE tickets. The parents had to fend off the ticket booth for just a moment, and after a couple of fingers were wagged, everything returned to normal. Our volunteering opportunity had finally began. We gave out tickets, collected money, and watched as the children played carnival games, painted their faces, and ran around. After about an hour or so, I was assigned to the bouncy castle housing about eight or so kids. While answering a text from my friends when a little third grader tapped my shoulder. “Thank you for helping today!” said the little third grader as he ran off into the soccer field. I wasn’t able to reply, but a smile remained on my face for the rest of the day and so did a realization. I was in that little third grader’s position once upon a time. I was young, at the same festival, and as clueless as ever. It was due to the hard work of many people, parents and key-clubbers alike, that I was able to have such a great time seven years ago. So, as I sat back on the bench for a water break, I looked upon the festival with a new sense of belonging. I saw the infamous “slide of electricity”, named for the static generated while going down. In the case of the Clegern Fall Festival- I realized that the infamous slide wasn’t the only thing that had remained constant.


UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working with other United Nations bodies, governments and non-governmental organizations, UNICEF helps to provide for children's needs in more than 150 developing countries through community based services in primary healthcare, basic education and safe water and sanitation.

UNICEF: https://www.unicef.org


my favorite event amal jamshed, president


Hello everyone! My name is Amal Jamshed and I am the President of the Edmond North High School Key Club! This is my fourth year being a member of my school’s Key Club, and I am very excited that my last year of high school will be spent serving others through this amazing organization. Throughout the years that I have been a member of Key Club, there have been many events that have been especially significant for me. This year, my favorite service activity that our Key Club has taken a part of so far is our candy drive for the Children’s Hospital Foundation! I was informed by a member of Key Club that the hospital was looking for candy donations for a Halloween themed event that they were having soon. Having volunteered in a couple of hospitals myself, I knew just how important these types of events were in raising money to continue volunteer programs, etc. I also knew that the Edmond North High School Key Club would be a perfect way for them to receive the candy that they needed. Our drive lasted for a majority of the month of October. It was fun to see the many, many Key Club members contribute their resources to help us raise the candy for the hospital’s event. One more thing that I particularly liked about the drive was that it allowed Key Club members with busy schedules to participate in Key Club volunteer opportunities through donating. I know first hand that with school work, extracurricular activities, competitive sports, music, and more, it can be very difficult to make time for anything else. Volunteering is no exception. This candy drive allowed Key Club members the opportunity to serve others in a less time consuming way that is still beneficial to others! Being inclusive means allowing everyone to participate in service, no matter how much load they have on them! We are so glad that we were able to help the Children’s Hospital Foundation with their Halloween event! Our drive was a success, and I look forward to considering the possibility of having more drives in the future! Our candy drive for the Children’s Hospital Foundation’s Halloween event was my favorite volunteer opportunity our Key Club has had so far because it was easy to participate in for students with loaded schedules. Also, it was a huge success for the Key Club members. Key Club is a great organization because every member is there to serve, and this could be seen through this drive as so many members came together to serve the hospital!





Youth Homelessness is Division 40's focus for the year. By volunteering at local food banks, raising funds, and taking donations for the basic necessities every human needs, we will be one step closer as a division to putting an end to youth homelessness.


maintaining hope through the

HOPE CENTER Faith Lagge, Tre a surer 14

Edmond North Key Club offers many service events each month. This gives our Key Club members many service events to choose from. Personally, my favorite service event I have volunteered at since the beginning of the school year is the HOPE Center. This past Saturday, October 19, Key Club had a service event at the HOPE Center. There are many reasons why the HOPE Center is my favorite service event.One reason I enjoy volunteering at the HOPE Center is because it is a nonprofit organization. This means the HOPE Center is a business that has been granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) because it furthers a social cause and provides a public benefit. The HOPE Center is designed around helping others in need of clothing and food. Another reason I enjoy volunteering at the HOPE Center is because I have been volunteering at the HOPE Center since my freshman year, so I am very familiar with volunteering there. I know what to do and where things go. For example, when we go through donations, I know if the donations should stay at the HOPE Center on the shelves, go to HOPEfully Yours, or go to CT. I am also familiar with the people that volunteer there because I have been volunteering there for three years now. I have created relationships with people that work and volunteer at the HOPE Center. The final reason volunteering at the HOPE Center is my favorite service event is because I get to see the people that are being helped because I chose to take time out of my day to volunteer at the HOPE Center. The HOPE Center has people come in that are in need or clothing, food, towels, dishes, cups, sheets, blankets, school supplies, etc. While I volunteer, I sometimes see people that come in to get those items, and I see how grateful they are for the items the HOPE Center provides for them. They always say how they are thankful for the HOPE Center.The HOPE Center is my favorite service event because I enjoy volunteering there, and it is a non-profit organization. I have been volunteering there since my freshman year, and I get to see the lives I impact. The HOPE Center allows resources to people that need help, and I get to see them get the help they need. The HOPE Center is a very rewarding service event to volunteer at.




District Governor - Ashna Patel governor@tokeyclub.com

District Treasurer - Katherine Chao treasurer@tokeyclub.com

District Secretary - Kareena Patel secretary@tokeyclub.com

District Editor- Vivian Thai editor@tokeyclub.com

Regional Advisor – Steven Baringer steven.baringer20@gmail.com

Lieutenant Governor - Hannah Vaught hvaught01@gmail.com

Convention Liason- Dillion Grisham cl@tokeyclub.com

Tech Producer- Lacey Thomas techassistant@tokeyclub.com




Sponsor - Cassie Pastor cassie.pastor@edmondschools.net

President - Amal Jamshed ajawesome0134@gmail.com

Liutenant Governor Division 19Alisha Arshad alishaarshad.kci@gmail.com

Editor - Steven Fu stevenfu998@gmail.com

Secretary - Katherine Lee katherineunhyelee@gmail.com

Treasurer - Faith Lagge fglagge@gmail.com



for reading text @b4dhkb to 81010 @enhskeyclub


newsletter made by Steven Fu


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