June 2019 Newsletter - Vol. 2 | Issue 2 | Edmond North Key Club

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In this Issue 1

Editor's Note


Service Partners




Divisional Project

12,13 Contacts!

p.s. please email me stevenfu998@gmail.com for any comments, concerns, suggestions and questions!

Nothing can dim the light that shines within -Maya Angelou

EDITOR'S NOTE Dear ENHS Key Clubbers, The month of June has passed and July has now fallen upon us, and as Summer continues goes into its dog days, I'd like to encourage all of you to go out and serve. With each day, there is a new opportunity to serve, whether it's sorting books at the library, serving food at the Regional Food Bank, or just helping a friend in need. Please keep in mind the ever so famous Key Club mantra “Caring – Our way of Life.”

T-Ogether in Service, Your Editor,


Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference and encourage others to join in the effort.



of socials

by Katherine Lee

Edmond North has been having several socials each year. The most memorable social for me, and for most people would be the ice-cream social.

I think ice-cream socials are the best way to encourage members to participate and earn points, and also others that aren’t in Key Club to join. Ice-cream socials are very fun, easy, and simple. The officers designated to help out the ice-cream social brings several tubs of ice-cream, or sandwich ice-creams, and hand it out to the people. Because it’s free, and it’s ice-cream, people get really hyped-up to attend the social.

When I was just a member of Key Club during my Freshman year, I was so surprised that there was an ice-cream social. I dragged my friend to it, and we made an ice-cream sundae there. Also, it really encouraged me to participate in the socials.

Another social we have in Edmond North is the Letters to Veterans social, during the month of Veterans Day. mbers come to the social area and receive blank colored papers from the officers, and write thankyou letters to the veterans who served our country. Personally, this social is not a typical fun type of social. However, it’s a very thoughtful time to write letters to the veterans and show our gratitude. My Sophomore year was the first time I participated in this social. I was part of the officer team, so I handed out papers and also collected the letters. I also wrote a letter, too. I’ve never had a chance to give thanks to the people who served our country, so it was a first-time and unique experience for me. This is why I love this Letters to Veterans social so much.

I don’t believe that I’m the only person that haven’t ever wrote a letter to the veterans. There are people who never had a chance to show appreciation to the people who deserve our thanks. So, through this social, people like me would have an opportunity to show gratitude to them. Socials are great ways to encourage the members to participate in Key Club activities, and get an easy volunteer point. Without them, Edmond North Key Club would not be as fun and interesting as now. If there are any Key Clubs that do not actively support socials, I encourage them to do so. Socials really change the image of Key Club as a general volunteering club to an enjoyable, special volunteering club. Socials are what makes Key Club stand-out from other volunteering clubs.




SUMMER volunteering by Amal Jamshed My name is Amal Jamshed and I am the current Vice President of the Edmond North High School Key Club. While volunteering throughout the school year is extremely beneficial, I believe that it is also very important to continue volunteering throughout the summer vacation. Not only does it keep us active during a period where all we want to do is binge watch the latest season of our favorite show on Netflix, but it also can be really fun and self-beneficial if you chose to volunteer in teen volunteer programs, like me. This summer, I am volunteering with the OU Medical Center Teen volunteer program. The program requires that we volunteer a minimum of nine days at the hospital, each day being eight hours long. Some of the tasks we are assigned are the popcorn and cookie table, coffee cart, patient gifts, patient rounding, department help, and info desk. These tasks vary very much, but each one helps make a difference. For example, in patient rounding, two or three volunteers go around to patients’ rooms on all of the floors to ask them if they want a word search puzzle or coloring page to pass the time. While this may not seem like much, many patients have told me how grateful they are that there is a volunteer programs providing them with fun games to help pass the time or take their minds off of certain stressors. One of the most beneficial aspects of this OU Medical volunteer program is that not only does it help others (hospital patients, staff, visitors, etc.), but it also helps myself by providing me with a light to help guide me to make my summer vacation really count. I have learned countless leadership skills, social skills, and even have been allowed to explore and be familiar with a hospital setting, which could help me in the future if I want to pursue a career in medicine. I would not trade any of the memories that I have experienced in my time with the OU Medical Center teen volunteer program because I have gained so much irreplaceable knowledge and perspective by pushing myself to have a more productive oriented summer vacation. If you are wondering whether or not you should join a summer teen volunteer program or just volunteer in summer in general, my answer is definitely yes. Spending your time helping others and learning new skill sets is a much better way to spend your summer time than sitting around.


Members work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your lMembers work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your local CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership.ocal CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership.



@ Ou Med

by Aleena Ali

This summer I decided to volunteer at the OU Medical Center for the Summer Teen Volunteer Program. I also volunteered last summer and choose to do it again because I created many new friends, got an insight into the medical field, and learned leadership. Volunteering is one of my favorite things to do whether it be during the summer or during the school year. We volunteer from 8:30-4:30pm. In this program we have to volunteer a minimum of nine days throughout the summer. I choose to volunteer more days because it’s fun and a great learning opportunity. The volunteers and I get assigned to many different tasks. We sell cookies and popcorn to help raise money for more wheelchairs and for the adult and teen volunteer services. We work at the two info desk that OU Medical Center has, East Info desk and Outpatient Surgery Info desk. We direct family members to their loved one’s room and give out directions. We get sent to departments in the OU Medical Center and the Professional Presbyterian Building to aid them in filing, paperwork, or by restocking rooms. We also get to go to each patient’s room to hand out welcome gifts and crossword puzzles for their enjoyment . Through this program I have learned leadership and how to give back to the community. This is much like Key Club as its goal is to provide its members with the opportunity to provide service, build character, and develop leadership. I get to use my volunteering hours as my 10 hours outside of Key Club when filling out a point card. Volunteering during the summer is beneficial because it allows me to explore career options and experiment with my time. Through this summer volunteering I have discovered that I love medicine and providing a service to others. I will hopefully utilize these experiences and skills I have acquired through my patient-student interactions and implement them in real life circumstances which include better communication and empathic abilities. Leadership stems from these traits, so having attained them has contributed to me building this base for my future. I have taken initiative in this activity such as going up to new member volunteers and helping orient them because I understand the struggle of being in a new environment. The hospital has given me a sense of courage enhancing my leadership qualities as I often have to face challenges of angry family members and hard to sell to visitors. Without these traits I may not have developed as much and am thankful for all the mentorship and growth I have received from this organization.


UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working with other United Nations bodies, governments and non-governmental organizations, UNICEF helps to provide for children's needs in more than 150 developing countries through community based services in primary healthcare, basic education and safe water and sanitation.



spend your summer by Elden Bruner Volunteering is one of the best ways to spend your summer as the days slowly pass by and you are patiently waiting until you can go to your next camp and/or vacation. I have decided to spend part of my summer this year by volunteering at The University of Oklahoma’s Medical Center in Oklahoma City as a part of their teen volunteer program. I was super excited when I was accepted into the program because it was recommended to me by many of my friends, and I am wanting to go into the medical field, so this would possibly give me a little insight of what my future could be!

At the hospital, I can help doing many things like making cookies and popcorn, do some patient rounding, and work in departments. I think working in departments is one of my favorites since I am able to help professionals with important jobs and go places most people cannot. I also enjoy departments because there are so many places I could work, like the emergency room, or even work in some of the back offices and getting to see what else happens within the hospital other than the familiar aspects with doctors and nurses. I think a close second would be making popcorn and cookies since the money we raise goes to such a great program. With the money raised throughout the summer, we will be able to buy more wheelchairs for the hospital and put more money into the program to make it better! I also enjoy the selling part of cookies and popcorn because I see many people give donations for our Pay It Forward program, so that people who do not have money on them are able to purchase something. I enjoy that because it shows how genuine some people can be and how a simple act of kindness can make someone’s day.

Along with volunteering at OU Medical Center, I am hoping to volunteer for the iCan Bike Camp in Oklahoma City. This is a program where you are teaching children with disabilities how to ride a traditional two wheel bike! I am interested in it because it is a volunteer opportunity that I had not heard of before and it sounded like it would be fun and life changing for those individuals at the same time!

I hope you all are having a great summer and have the opportunity to volunteer:)


Divisional Project-

Youth Homelessness Youth Homelessness is Division 40's focus for the year. By volunteering at local food banks, raising funds, and taking donations for the basic necessities every human needs, we will be one step closer as a division to putting an end to youth homelessness.









of key club

by Taylor Foster With this being upcoming school year being my last year in Key Club, through the years I have found that my favorite aspect of Key Club is the part of getting to know and grow with different people from your school that you normally wouldn’t talk to and people around your community that you wouldn’t have connected with if it wouldn’t have been for Key Club. I have personally built friendships with people in the club that I wouldn’t have met or been able to get to know if it weren’t for this club. This club brings people with the same goals together and allows them to grow together to better the community as a whole through volunteering and mentoring others. Every time that I have gone to volunteer for Key Club, I always meet such cool individuals from the other volunteers to the people that we are volunteering for. For instance, when I went to volunteer for a place in Edmond that allows children to come in before the spring and before the fall to pick out a completely new outfit, I was able to meet so many neat kids with different background stories. Although it was difficult to process what some of them are going through, it allowed me to see my life from a different perspective and gain a new appreciation for things that I didn’t necessarily have an appreciation for before this moment of volunteering. I also was able to get to know the people that I was volunteering with. They were super neat people. They came from schools all around Oklahoma and I realized in that moment that if it weren’t for Key Club and the volunteering that comes with it, I would not have ever had the chance to meet any of these people that I had met that day while volunteering. I have never left a place I volunteered at feeling as if I wasted my time or I could have spent my time I spent volunteering doing something else. Volunteering has allowed me to grow as an individual through high school and it definitely has made my high school experience different because of all of the people I have met through it. When I first began Key Club my sophomore year, I never really would have thought that I would have met so many people and grown closer with ones that I had previously known just because of this club. This club is different from others because it brings different and unique people together by getting together to better the community that surrounds us.




District Governor - Ashna Patel governor@tokeyclub.com

District Treasurer - Katherine Chao treasurer@tokeyclub.com

District Secretary - Kareena Patel secretary@tokeyclub.com

District Editor- Vivian Thai editor@tokeyclub.com

Regional Advisor – Steven Baringer steven.baringer20@gmail.com

Lieutenant Governor - Hannah Vaught hvaught01@gmail.com 12



Sponsor - Cassie Pastor cassie.pastor@edmondschools.net

President - Alisha Arshad lisha7302@gmail.com

Vice President - Amal Jamshed ajawesome0134@gmail.com

Editor - Steven Fu stevenfu998@gmail.com

Secretary - Katherine Lee katherineunhyelee@gmail.com

Treasurer - Faith Lagge fglagge@gmail.com


Thanks for Reading! text 81010 @enhskeyc



Newsletter made by Steven Fu


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