July 2019 Newsletter - Vol. 2 | Issue 3 | Edmond North Key Club

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y l u u J J 9 1 9 1 0 0 2 2 Vol. 2 | Issue 3 REGION 2 DIVISION 40 WEST EDMOND NORTH HIGH SCHOOL


e u s s s I I s i This h T In In 1


Editor's Note







Service Partners

Divisional Project


Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. -Martin Luther King Jr, 1957

Editor's Note y l u u J J

has been a very productive monthÂ

 for our club. We had a very productive officer

meeting in the early days of the month, prepared for S.P.U.D, just a couple of weeks ago, and are gearing up to get some more members this coming week. Per usual, I would like you guys to send me some feedback on my newsletters and even some suggestions at stevenfu998@gmail.com. Please continue to be involved in our communities and continue to uphold characteristics of leadership, integrity, and positivity throughout the rest of the summer.

Yours in Service,



Hard at work, ENHS Key Club Officers prepare posters, paperwork, and various other projects for S.P.U.D.





August 6thSeniors August 7thJuniors August 8thSophomores August 9th-

!!!elbat bulc yek eht @ su teem

Schedule Pick-Up Day

Freshmen 3



by Lily Lee, Webmaster

Summer is almost everyone’s favorite season. A season of no school, freedom, vacation, and no stress. We have nothing to worry about, but to prepare for our vacations, summer camps, or even just get ready to sleep in everyday! Since we have stressed enough on our homework and school related events during our school season, many school clubs tend to fall off easily due to the lack of students’ attention during summer. It is definitely understandable because obviously summer is there for you to enjoy and relax. Since the 2018-2019 school year has ended, we had elected new officers for our Key Club for 2019-2020 school year. It is challenging to smoothly hand over positions and run the club smoothly right off of the bat. For us, we had a rocky start the beginning of the summer because many of our officers were out of town. I think the key to a successful club is communicating, but communicating was really difficult for us. We would talk over Group Me, trying to get all of the information across everyone about our future projects and events, but due to everyone being gone, I’ve got to say, it wasn’t easy. As we are still trying to figure out many different upcoming events, our president, Alisha Arshad, has worked her hardest to get everyone involved. On top of that, she has been trying to get our Key Club to be the top 25- which we succeeded that yesterday! I can definitely see how hard it was for her to get the word out to all the Key Club Officers. I totally understand her struggle, but realistically, it is hard to keep up with all the events during summer because it is our summer break. As I said for the hundredth time, communication is one of the key criteria for running a successful club. I have been thinking of many different ways other than Group Me to talk to each other, but to be honest, there isn’t no other way, but to physically communicate with each other. From the start, our Key Club officers aren’t close with each other to where we will go out of our ways to talk about many different problems in our club. I feel like there is a desperate need for us to work on that during this upcoming school year. For us to improve our communication skills and just to have a successful club, our Key Club officers and even members should work on getting to know each other and actually have a passion for helping our community.


UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working with other United Nations bodies, governments and non-governmental organizations, UNICEF helps to provide for children's needs in more than 150 developing countries through community based services in primary healthcare, basic education and safe water and sanitation.




by Rachael Kingrey, Social Chair

Hey guys! My name is Rachael Kingrey and I’m one of the Key Club officers for this year! I know that a lot of you, especially freshman, may not know about what Key Club does or why it’s so great. So here are a few of my favorite experiences and top reasons to join: Key Club is all about service. We work with organizations that benefit the homeless, atrisk children, animals, veterans, and so many more people that need our help. Taking time out of our busy schedules to serve others can seem difficult, but my years in Key Club have proved otherwise. There is something so special about using your time and abilities to help others who need it. Key Club has so many awesome members, and it is one of the biggest clubs at North. Every month there are opportunities to do something with friends and to meet new people. Key Club really does have something for everyone. One of my favorites is the Angel Tree project we do in December where we adopt a family or two for Christmas and provide gifts for them. It is so much fun to go shopping for kids who wouldn’t get gifts otherwise. That feeling applies to so many other projects— preparing food at the OKC Food Bank, playing with pets who don’t have homes, the list goes on. It is so fun and so rewarding! Another one of my favorite experiences is going to the elementary school carnivals. I always have so much fun running games and interacting with kids and their families, as well as hanging out with my friends. Lots of people think that service is only helping people move or mowing their lawn, but it actually is so much more, and so much more fun! Key Club has given me the opportunity to learn more about careers that I am potentially interested in. I love working with kids so I volunteer at the elementary school carnivals every year. You can use Key Club to learn more about something you’re considering as a career. Volunteering is actually really fun. Find something you’re interested in, go with some friends, find a way to make it exciting, not just another box you have to check off. I hope to have lots more amazing members this year and I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together!






by Sana Arshad, Sophomore Director This year I was elected as sophomore representative for Edmond North’s Key Club. I have only been an officer for such a short period of time, but I have learned so much from seeing my other peers involved in this club. We all work together super well and communicate frequently to catch the amazing ideas being thrown. This team of officers for the 2019-2020 school year will put in all their effort to make sure this club does great. We are super excited for the fresh start to the school year! Although it has been amazing we have had our fair share of conflicts. One of them being finding out different ways to reach out to new students and incoming freshman finding their way at Edmond North High. So, to figure out different and new ways to reach out, we had a recent meeting this summer. We all sat around a table listing pros and cons of the club. Obviously one of the cons was reaching out. We jotted down many different ways to reach out. Being in the world we are today, social media was one of our big ways to reach out to our fellow students. Not like sliding into DMs or anything but being more active on our social platform. We started an Instagram recently and it was active at first but slowly died down. So, one of our goals is to

do more Instagram polls, Q&A’s, and follow more of our underclassmen. Also, posting picture of them actively volunteering seems to work really well. We also decided putting our representatives for each grade in charge of telling and promoting Key Club to their peers. Basically, informing everyone that it is not just about keys. Sorry for the dry humor but having

our representatives be a recognizable face for their grade will encourage people to join the more they promote it. We also added a Key Club table for SPUD (schedule pick up day). Our officers got together and assigned people to days that are not their grade’s certain day to promote and bring new people into this club. Another idea was having our own members write an article for the club. It would make them more passionate about the newsletter just knowing something they wrote was featured in it. We came to the conclusion that our main issue was spreading word about the club so hopefully this year with our new ideas we can improve!


Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference and encourage others to join in the effort.




by Sweta Chataut, Historian

Many people think that the Key Club or volunteering is a strange concept; spending your time for the benefit of others with no rewards. To me, Key Club is more than an extracurricular activity; it is a way for me to affect the lives of many in a positive way. Key Club has been a part of much of my high school journey, and it has been a great experience. Key Club is a chance for me to interact more with my school and my local community. The organization allows me to reach much more people than most other clubs. There is joy in helping others that you feel with being a part of the Key Club. To see the impact of what volunteering at even the smallest events can do is an amazing and gratifying feeling. Through the Key Club, you learn the value of volunteering and serving others. It also allows me to connect and create bonds of friendship. You see and interact with amazing people when you are a part of the organization. Volunteering at the events held by the Key Club is also a lot of fun. One of the events I love that we hold is the annual Northen Hills Fall Fun Fest. I used to attend Northen Hills, and as an elementary schooler, I loved the fall fun fest, and it's so fulfilling now as a high schooler to go back and see kids have just as much fun as I did and for me to be a part. Key Club has made me think about what I should do to help people in my everyday life. It has made me do even the tiniest things for people like opening a door for a person. Being a part of Key Club has made me more active within my community. It has allowed me to connect more with my surroundings. It is something that I enjoy doing and something that will impact someone out there. Key Club has allowed me to reach out to others and connect while pursuing the goal of a better world. Key Club has helped me improve the world I live in even if it is in a small way. The organization has helped create new unforgettable experiences and has created a way I can give back to my community.


Members work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your lMembers work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your local CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership.ocal CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership.



Divisional ProjectYouth Homelessness

Youth Homelessness is Division 40's focus for the year. By volunteering at local food banks, raising funds, and taking donations for the basic necessities every human needs, we will be one step closer as a division to putting an end to youth homelessness.








by Steven Fu, Editor

When I was first asked to be the editor by current ENHS Key Club president, Alisha Arshad, I was still very unfamiliar with the process. I accepted the position with reluctance. And just like an intern their first day of work, I was lost. And along with that lost feeling, I was also very curious about the position. Before getting to work on the newsletter, I asked many, many questions which were then answered by the former editor and current club president, Alisha. A few examples are: What are the crucial parts about this position? How long does it take to complete a newsletter? What type of apps do I need on my computer? And best of all, What is even in a newsletter? (I had to ask myself that one.) And after getting all those questions out, I began working on the May Newsletter. Just like any other newsletter, it all began with the articles. Each month, five Edmond North Key Club Officers are selected to write an article and have a choice to either write on the prompt given by the District Editor, or to write about anything within Key Club. And as you may have suspected, I was one of the five officers that were required to write an article for this month’s newsletter. After receiving submissions from the five officers, I embarked on the task of creating a cover for the newsletter. I began to tinker around with different fonts, shapes, templates, and finally found one that suited the month of May. A floral pattern wrapped around the sides of the cover. 13

Next, I worked on the “In this Issue page”, started formatting the articles, creating the templates used to advertise our service partners, contacts, and divisional projects, and finally capped it off with the “Thanks for Reading” page at the end. I had in total spent around 16 hours on my first newsletter. But don’t worry, most of the time was spent experimenting, asking questions, and gaining inspiration from looking at other newsletters around the T-O district. To be honest, the May Newsletter turned out a lot better than expected, and was then submitted onto Issuu and sent to the District Editor, Vivian Thai, for a grade. About a month later, Vivian emailed me in the early morning and congratulated me on creating a top five newsletter of the month for the Texas-Oklahoma District. With all that being said, creating a newsletter is not an individual task in the slightest. Club officers take time out of their days to write articles. The historian has to submit photos of the events. And Alisha especially took a lot of time to help me with any problems I had formatting, answered all my questions, and pushed deadlines so I would not miss them. Finally, the Key Club community is what makes this all possible. With all of your hard work, it enables me to create and have fun writing newsletters for you guys. So because of that, all I can say is a thank you to all of you.




District Governor - Ashna Patel governor@tokeyclub.com

District Treasurer - Katherine Chao treasurer@tokeyclub.com

District Secretary - Kareena Patel secretary@tokeyclub.com

District Editor- Vivian Thai editor@tokeyclub.com

Regional Advisor – Steven Baringer steven.baringer20@gmail.com

Lieutenant Governor - Hannah Vaught hvaught01@gmail.com

Convention Liason- Dillion Grisham cl@tokeyclub.com

Tech Producer- Lacey Thomas techassistant@tokeyclub.com 15



Sponsor - Cassie Pastor cassie.pastor@edmondschools.net

President - Alisha Arshad lisha7302@gmail.com

Vice President - Amal Jamshed ajawesome0134@gmail.com

Editor - Steven Fu stevenfu998@gmail.com

Secretary - Katherine Lee katherineunhyelee@gmail.com

Treasurer - Faith Lagge fglagge@gmail.com


Thanks for Thanks for Reading! Reading! text 81010 @enhskeyc



Newsletter made by Steven Fu

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