July 2019 Newsletter - Vol. 2 | Issue 4 | Edmond North Key Club

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t s u g u A




Upcoming Events

Quote of the Month

Editor's Note








Service Partners




UPCOMING UPCOMING EVENTS EVENTS Club Club DuesDuesOctober October 25th 25th Fall Fall RallyRallyOctober October 26th 26th


The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

- Helen Keller 2


e t no

Dear ENHS Key Club, School in Edmond, Oklahoma began three weeks ago. It has been a wild start for me and many other of my fellow classmates adjusting from freshmen year to sophomore year. So many things are being thrown at us all at once- Euro notes, AP Psychology flashcards, a new building, and new teachers are just what comes to mind. With that being said, I would just like to emphasize that there are a lot of times throughout the year that we may all feel stressed out, hopeless, or exhausted. During these times, we should look to one another and be a light to others.

Yours in Service, Your Editor, 3

BEFORE WE BEGIN... Let's all congratulate former ENHS Key Club President, Ali sha Arshad on being sel ected as the Li eutenant Governor for Di visi on 19! We are so proud of you, Ali sha!


Congratulations! 5

tips for the year BY







As school starts, it also means that Key Club begins to pick up its pace as well as other extracurriculars. Many students find it hard to balance school and clubs and it is totally understandable! There is so much work that needs to be done in so little time. So, how do we manage? I’m giving you a few tips to stay on top of things that I’ve learned (quite frankly the hard way) throughout my last three years of high school. Tip #1: Keep an agenda. Yes, all those years of elementary and middle schools forcing us to get and use agendas were for a purpose: organization. Many times, it’s hard to keep important events like meetings, tests, etc. in our heads. We tend to forget until the last minute and that’s not a very good feeling. This is why an agenda/planner is perfect. You can write events on the calendar and more details in the weekly sections. Color-coding your agenda to different topics like school, Key Club, and other activities would also help more easily differentiate between them. I’ve been using agendas since freshman year and they’ve definitely helped me make sure I do things in a timely manner. I recommend getting a durable one so it doesn’t break so easily! Tip #2: Use the Reminders app on your phone. Sometimes there are small but important tasks I have to do (like sending an email) that I don’t write in my agenda and tend to store in my head for later. Unfortunately, I also tend to forget them easily. This is why I use the Reminders app on my phone. I can change the settings to show how important the task is, choose a certain time to remind me, and can make the reminder repeat at certain times if the task frequently occurs. This helps out a lot in just everyday life and I suggest that you use it. It makes your life so much easier. Tip #3: Don’t Procrastinate. I know… it’s easier said than done. But if you put your mind to it and force yourself not to take those very frequent ten minute breaks, you can do it! Not procrastinating does require some mental effort, but once you get past that roadblock, it feels awesome. Getting things done early leaves you with more time to focus on what you like and that’s always great! I hope these tips help and you try to make use of them as we start school!



BY ALEENA ALI Junior year will be a very busy and hard year for me. I am in AP classes, Pre-AP classes, clubs and an organization. It can put a lot of pressure on a student by being part of many extracurriculars. I am taking 3 AP classes including AP Psychology, Chemistry , and Language and Composition. I am also taking Pre-AP Trig Pre-Calc, DECA, Spanish III, and U.S History. I am president of Huskies for Equality, historian of American Sign Language Club, Junior Representative of Key Club and vice president of hospitality for DECA. This year I also decided to do Husky Mentorship and join Project Period OK which is an organization that's mission is to get menstrual products to local shelters. Being a part of many clubs, I have to keep my schedule balanced. I have to not procrastinate doing my work and not shrink my duties. I try to give my best in all I do. The last two years of high school I would procrastinate a lot and do stuff last minute. This has taken a toll on my grades. This year, I hope to be able to get better at time management. I want to make sure I will incorporate Key Club into my schedule. I want to make sure that I get my twenty hours for Key Club quickly rather than procrastinating and waiting for the last month to get everything done. This year, I volunteered over summer at the OU Medical Center. This way I got my ten hours of outside points. I am hoping to volunteer two hours a month to finish my Key Club card so I also have time to volunteer for the National Honor Society. Freshman year I finished my ten hours as well by volunteering at the OU Medical Center. I waited until second semester to complete the other ten hours which was very hard to do. Now I use an agenda to organize my school activities. I have also used a Google Calendar which is very beneficial if you enjoy technology rather than writing your plans down. I delegate my hours to a specific class and its homework. Usually if I get homework on weekends I would choose to finish it Friday if I had no plans. I would try to get it out of the way rather than finishing it Sunday night and staying up past 12. This keeps your sleep schedule and your duties in line.




e h t g n i d n i F e c n a l a B

by Elden Bruner

Heyo everyone! My name is Elden Bruner and I am going to give you some advice on how to make your busy life as easy as possible!! As I am going into my senior year of high school, I believe that I have almost achieved that perfect balance between school, Key Club, other extracurriculars, and even the chance to spend time with friends! One of the main things that helps out in my crazy life with all those AP classes, homework, volunteering, and activities outside of school is STAYING ORGANIZED!!! I know right, sounds kinda basic, but it helps out in the scheme of things. I do this by using my planner. I put all of my homework, upcoming tests, and projects on there, but I also put events pertaining to other activities that I do, and important due dates (this is especially helpful when you are applying for college and there are a multitude of due dates for certain things). Not only do I write those down, but I even put down adventures planned with friends, because you can forget things when your life gets super busy!! In addition to my weekly planner, I also have an app on my phone that tracks all of the homework that I have. This is super helpful since my phone is always with me and I can see if I am up to date with all of my homework and if I have any tests, quizzes, or projects coming up. And it is convenient since you can just cross things off of your list as you go and plan for the things to come. My other point kind of ties in with my last, and that is to plan ahead. Most of the clubs that I am an officer in have meetings either in the summer or at the very beginning of the school year and plan all of the important things, like t-shirts, our first club meeting, and first big event. With some of the clubs, we even plan for the whole semester so that we know what we are doing and will not have to worry about it during the school year as our schedules get busier. This also helps the members since their lives are just as busy as ours’ and they can know of any events that are coming up!Those are my two main ways of balancing this thing we call life, and I hope they you have gained some sort of knowledge from it to help you out in the future! And do not take everything that I said to heart, because something that works for someone, might not work for you! I hope you are enjoying the beginning of the school year so far have an amazing year:)


Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference and encourage others to join in the effort.



continual volunteering by Amal Jamshed, President


My name is Amal Jamshed and I am the current President of the Edmond North High School Key Club. While volunteering throughout the school year is extremely beneficial, I believe that it is also very important to continue volunteering throughout the summer vacation. Not only does it keep us active during a period where all we want to do is binge watch the latest season of our favorite show on Netflix, but it also can be really fun and selfbeneficial if you chose to volunteer in teen volunteer programs, like me. This summer, I volunteered with the OU Medical Center Teen volunteer program. The program requires that we volunteer a minimum of nine days at the hospital, each day being eight hours long. Some of the tasks we were assigned were the popcorn and cookie table, coffee cart, patient gifts, patient rounding, department help, and info desk. These tasks vary very much, but each one helps make a difference. For example, in patient rounding, two or three volunteers go around to patients’ rooms on all of the floors to ask them if they want a word search puzzle or coloring page to pass the time. While this may not seem like much, many patients have told me how grateful they are that there is a volunteer programs providing them with fun games to help pass the time or take their minds off of certain stressors. One of the most beneficial aspects of this OU Medical volunteer program is that not only did it help others (hospital patients, staff, visitors, etc.), but it also helped myself by providing me with a light to help guide me to make my summer vacation really count. I have learned countless leadership skills, social skills, and even have been allowed to explore and be familiar with a hospital setting, which could help me in the future if I want to pursue a career in medicine. I would not trade any of the memories that I have experienced in my time with the OU Medical Center teen volunteer program because I have gained so much irreplaceable knowledge and perspective by pushing myself to have a more productive oriented summer vacation. If you are wondering whether or not you should join a summer teen volunteer program or just volunteer in summer in general, my answer is definitely yes. Spending your time helping others and learning new skill sets is a much better way to spend your summer time than sitting around.


nd a s t en v e g in s i a r nd u f s. g l n a i r t i o sp ns o o h p s s ' en by r r d l e i h h c et l g a o g c t n o i l k s r i r i o a he dr t s w n r t u e f a b g ts n i c r e j o Mem s o pr on p e s c i y 's v r b n e r e s r e d h il et ing h t c g c l o u t a rk oc l o r cond i w e s th t ber a m s e ct M e a r j u o e r o t i y p v e in c i act d v t r n n e a o C al g s t i n i p t s c ho du a n N e o t M c a C e d cr al an c d s o t l n n r a ou as eve y e t d c i ta re n a a o h s C o t . o s t e l g tiv ita n i a p t t s e n o h se me e r b p u l e r a a c e o t t i inv ve i t p. d i a n t h a s n r l e s ita tne r p s a o p repre h N te a M a C e l r c ca d o . n p a i s sh a r e e d n i t re par a h s to g n i t ee m b clu



t c e j o r p

Youth Homelessness is Division 40's focus for the year. By volunteering at local food banks, raising funds, and taking donations for the basic necessities every human needs, we will be one step closer as a division to putting an end to youth homelessness.


Keeping Keeping up up With With Key Key Club Club by Faith Lagge, Treasurer

School can be very stressful trying to balance AP and Pre-AP classes, Key Club, extracurriculars, and other clubs. Some extracurriculars are athletics, playing an instrument, art, having a job, going to church, and volunteering. At Edmond North, it can be hard to decide how many clubs to participate in or which ones to join. My freshman year I was not in Key Club. I decided to join my sophomore year, and I am so happy I did! Last year (sophomore year), I had to learn how to balance my homework, extracurriculars, and other clubs, so I will share a few tips I learned throughout last year.At first, it can be very stressful figuring out how to balance school, Key Club, and extracurriculars, and other clubs. One tip to finding a balance would be to create a personal daily schedule that works for you. The schedule should include when homework will be done and weekly or daily events and extracurriculars. For example, if you babysit every Wednesday, do not sign up for Key Club events or plan other extracurriculars during that time. Another tip would be to do your homework before you do any extracurriculars. In the long run, it will benefit you to do your homework and make good grades rather than going to an extracurricular activity or event and risk your grades. Key Club is a flexible club that can fit into anyone’s schedule! Throughout the year (including the summer), twenty hours (points) are required to get credit for Key Club. Ten of the hours could be outside hours from volunteering from somewhere else. For example, in the summer, I volunteered at a hospital and got more than ten hours, so I can use those hours towards Key Club hours. Some outside hours could come from the Hope Center, hospitals, churches, food banks, etc. Also, a Key Club social counts as a point! Something different Key Club is doing this year is we are going to have more Key Club socials. Key Club socials are an easy way to get points; all you have to do is show up during tutorial during Key Club socials. If you get your ten hours of outside hours and go to most of the Key Club socials, you will only have to go to a few events to reach your twenty hours! However, I recommend going to more events to meet more people and become more involved with Key Club as long as it works with your schedule! These are just a few ideas on getting Key Club points quickly and efficiently


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District Governor - Ashna Patel governor@tokeyclub.com

District Treasurer - Katherine Chao treasurer@tokeyclub.com

District Secretary - Kareena Patel secretary@tokeyclub.com

District Editor- Vivian Thai editor@tokeyclub.com

Regional Advisor – Steven Baringer steven.baringer20@gmail.com

Lieutenant Governor - Hannah Vaught hvaught01@gmail.com

Convention Liason- Dillion Grisham cl@tokeyclub.com

Tech Producer- Lacey Thomas techassistant@tokeyclub.com




Sponsor - Cassie Pastor cassie.pastor@edmondschools.net

President - Amal Jamshed ajawesome0134@gmail.com

Liutenant Governor District 19Alisha Arshad alishaarshad.kci@gmail.com

Editor - Steven Fu stevenfu998@gmail.com

Secretary - Katherine Lee katherineunhyelee@gmail.com

Treasurer - Faith Lagge fglagge@gmail.com



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thank you

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enhskeyc@gmail.com newsletter made by Steven Fu

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