December 2018 Newsletter - Vol. 1 | Issue 8 | Edmond North Key Club

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2018 r e b m e c De VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 8



2,3,4 DCON

5 Articles

6,7,9,10,12 Governor's Project

8 District Project

11 Service Partners

13, 14 Contact Us


in this issue...

Editor's Note

editor's e t o n Hey guys! I hope you've had a great winter break so far and a happy new year! Now that we're getting into second semester, remember that points are due in May. Make sure you look out for meeting dates and volunteer signups on Remind. I can't wait to see what we'll accomplish in 2019! Yours in Service, Alisha Arshad

december g n i t ee m

We had a December meeting in the cafeteria earlier this month. There, we did the usual: reciting the pledge and reading the agenda. Remember that the agendas are on Remind if you ever miss a meeting! Also, there will not be an events calendar in this newsletter for January because of winter break.


LTG s n o i t c e l


LTG elections were held and now we have an LTG elect! Hannah Vaught, a Junior from Jones High School, will be our Lieutenant Governor next school year!


angel ree t

"I had so much fun doing Angel Tree! It made me feel like I was doing something real to help real people and I was so impressed by the generosity of our club members."

Rachael Kingrey, Angel Tree Chair



improving communication by Haley Johnson

Hi, my name is Haley Johnson and I

I have had multiple people come up to

am the Welcome Chair for Key Club here

me a or so after a meeting telling me

at North. In my opinion, one thing our club

they were not aware we had a meeting.

can improve on as we enter 2019 is

Also, many freshman are new to this

communication. Key Club at Edmond

organization and are not aware of how

North is huge. We have hundreds of

this club works. We do sent out a

members from all four grades

reminder a day or so before we have

participating in various volunteering

meetings and before events to remind

opportunities throughout the year. In

members, but often people will overlook

addition, there are a large amounts of

it or forget about it.

projects being organized by the

To first solve the problem of members

hardworking officers making sure everyone

not realizing when there are meetings, I

has many opportunities to get points.

would suggest that we send out multiple

Between the large number of members

messages in the week leading up to the

and large number of projects, things can

meeting. Such as one message a day just

get overwhelming and often get lost in

reminding everyone the date, time, and


location of the meeting. In order to make

Communication is important because it

sure everyone also knows about all the

is how we get stuff done. It is important

opportunities they have to volunteer, we

that our club members are aware of all

can send out multiple reminders in the

the opportunities they have to earn points

weeks leading up to these events as well

as well as when we have meetings. Yes,

as a reminder the day before. I also think

members of Key Club should be coming to

it would be a good idea for us to turn to

meetings and keeping track of what we

our members and ask them what we can

tell them on the agenda, but some people

do for them to get all information. We

are not able to make it to meetings due to

can ask them how we can communicate

other commitments or may not even be

better because it is sometimes hard to

aware that there is a meeting in the first

know ourselves what is the best for




my plans for


by Alysha Siddiqi

As 2019 steadily approaches, I would like to

of the club. With Key Club being one of the

reflect on Edmond North Key Club’s work this past

largest student organizations at ENHS, I would

year. When I was elected President of our chapter

like to increase the amount of networking

earlier this year, I did not anticipate all of the

opportunities students have with community

amazing things I would get to experience with Key

service organizations in the Edmond/OKC area. I

Club. Key Club is an organization which embodies the “holiday spirit” year round—I would like to say that our club has given to others and spread joy throughout the entirety of this year. A few weeks ago, we held our annual Angel Tree wrapping party, giving to families who cannot provide gifts during the holiday season. This annual tradition is a perfect way to end the year: giving to others and engaging in service is the reason why I joined Key Club four years ago, and I’m sure it’s the reason

believe this can be done by educating club members about the way these organizations run — such as taking a tour of the Infant Crisis Center, or spending a meeting to talk about food insecurity in Oklahoma. By doing this, it will increase the likelihood that as members graduate high school, they take Key Club with them and will participate in service efforts throughout their life. In addition, I would like to introduce senior members to Circle K, the largest student-led service organization for college

why many others join. This year, Edmond North Key

students. Circle K is a part of the Kiwanis family;

Club has given to others in many different ways—

having former Key Club members join Circle K

whether it be through our engagement at the Hope

would be a testament to individuals continuing

Center, with BALTO events, or purchasing canned

the legacy of ENHS Key Club on a larger scale.

goods for a local center, the initiatives students of

I am excited to see the amazing opportunities

Edmond North have taken to help our community

Edmond North Key Club will have this upcoming

grow are monumental. I have no doubt in my mind

year. As author Edith Lovejoy Pierce once said:

that the beginning of 2019 will bring many more

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We

great things to our community.

The new year rolls around, and so do new beginnings. As President, I would like to prioritize facilitating member relationships in and outside

are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.” I cannot wait to see all of the adventures Key Club members will embark upon this year!


For this year's governor's project, help raise awareness for



looking d r a w r o f

by Jamil Ahmed

One major thing our club can improve on is

I think we should hold some kind of event that gives

communication. Getting information to our

back to the community and our members, so we

members works fine, but the communication

can help strengthen inter-club unity and

through the officers could use some work. Our

communication. It needs to be more than just an

faults in communication really showed though

event on the calendar. There should be some sort

when we held the “ice cream social." Many

of reward for going, like double points, or free

members came to the social, but not a lot of

(insert food item here), so that we have more

officers were there to get the members any ice

people attending, especially since December

cream. It could have been resolved if whoever

seems to be the month where participation

was holding the social told the other officers that


they could not be there. Without any real communication with the team,

Reflecting on the past year, and years before, I think Key Club has come a long way here at

things won’t be well going into 2019, and the

Edmond North. We have become one of the

future officers will have a bad example to look

biggest clubs in the school even though we

towards. Everyone should take some action in making sure that the events we hold go smoothly. Many officers are busy with their other extracurriculars, but being part of the club comes with some responsibility, and you have to make sacrifices to keep the club running smoothly. December is one of the more stressful months in high school with finals coming around, deadlines for projects, and holiday celebrations; everyone has their share of chaos. In the feel of such events,

started out as a small group of people. Without all the work and effort the past officers put in to communicate, we couldn't have made it to where we are today. This semester, I felt that the club as a whole was missing something. Key Club became just another thing to slap onto your list of things you have done in high school. It's more than that, isn't it? We seem to be missing the passion and communication that the past years have had, and that is one thing that we really need to work on in 2019 to bring back for a better community and a better club.


YOF grant by Elden Bruner

Hello everyone. My name is Elden

Bruner and I am the Treasurer for Edmond North Key Club. As the treasurer, one of my jobs is to apply for grants to help support future projects of the club. One of those grants is called the YOF (Youth

I decided that for the project, I would like to make 75 no sew fleece blankets for children in the hospital. To further the progress of the project, I had already contacted Jennifer Ho who is the Key Club and Kiwanis connection for Children’s Miracle Network, which is one

Opportunities Fund) Grant, which offers

of Key Club’s service partners. stated

grants from $100 to $2,000. The Youth

above, I was given a range from $100 to

Opportunities Fund is an endowed fund of the Kiwanis Children’s Fund and it provides grants to Key Club and Key Club members for scholarships and service opportunities.

$2,000 and I chose the amount of $1,900. To prove why you needed a certain amount of money, I had to provide them with a chart of the cost to make these 75 no sew blankets along

As the first treasurer in my club’s history to

with important materials needed to

apply for this grant, it was very

produce these blankets.

challenging to get everything together as I

The application was due on October 15th,

did not have helpful tips and tricks from someone who had done this before. The main point of the application is to explain

reviewed by the Key Club board at their November meeting, and the grant recipients will be notified in the first week of January. If the club is provided this

the importance of the project, so they ask

grant, we will make it a service project in

you questions about why it would be

either January or February, and possibly

important for your community, how does it

include some of the other clubs within

solve problems for your community, and even how you’ll be able to save money. Although it was hard, it was very fun to put together a service project for the less fortunate.

our district.

We will fold the blankets and

tie them off with gold and blue ribbon to represent Key Club, and then hand deliver them to the hospital. Results for the grant come out very soon, so keep your fingers crossed:)


The District Project this year is "Keep T-O (TexasOklahoma) Beautiful." This means that we will try at least once a month to have a project centered around helping the environment. If you have any ideas on projects we can do, please contact the Lieutenant Governor or the President listed in the Contact Information page.


my e c n e i r expe by Nabil Ahmed

While volunteering for Key Club, I have

Top Soccer is a fantastic organization which

found many new friends who share the same

involves children that have had unfortunate

interests as me while we helped our

conditions wrought them, and it was our job to

communities in Fall Fun Fests in various

make sure every child could experience the

elementary schools. We were connected

outdoors and play soccer.Many of them had no

through our dedication to service. The Key

outside experience and had not seen more than

Club of Edmond North is an amazing place to

a hospital room in their time on the planet; any

grow, yet there is much that can be improved

child whose childhood was stripped from their


lives should know that there are people that are

My Key Club experience has helped me

there for them, and the world is not as harsh as it

achieve greatness within myself and to help

seems. Top Soccer accomplishes this greatly

others achieve the same. Key Club is the way

with the whole community gathering together to

to succeed, as I was able to see firsthand as

make these children understand that very fact.

many lives were changed before my eyes. All

The child I was teaching soccer to would not see

volunteer opportunities allow me to grow as a

outside his hospital bed for another three years

person, because my community service

because his situation was dire. The parents had

allowed me to take a first hand look on

not disclosed the disease, but there was nothing

people who were needy, that required

that was to be seen to inhibit the child's abilities

assistance from adversities away from their

as he was enthusiastic and very energetic. All

control. No being should be left in the dark,

that matters is that I was able to make his day in

and that is what Key Club stands for.

a small period of time by helping him find an

People are unknowingly changing people’s

outlet for his energy through playing soccer. That

lives, just like one organization I frequently

is what Key Club is about, and it is exactly what

volunteer at does.

should truly matter.


The Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference and encourage others to join in the effort.


Since the 1940s, Key Clubs have worked with March of Dimes to make a positive im pact in the lives of babies everywhere. Today, Kiwanis members continue that cultu re of service by supporting the March of Dimes all year long by hosting service proj ects, raising funds and educating communities about the crisis of preterm birth.

Members work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service p rojects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your local CMN hospital and invit e a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership.

UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working wi th other United Nations bodies, governments and nongovernmental organizations, UNICEF helps to provide for children’s needs in more than 150 developing countries through communitybased services in primary health care, basic education and safe water and sanitation.


contact us District Governor – Addi Dirkson

District Treasurer – Addie Flores

District Secretary – Bunsri Patel

District Editor – Kyra Burke

Regional Advisor – Steven Baringer

Lieutenant Governor - Lauren Ross


contact us Sponsor - Emily Gravchikov

President - Alysha Siddiqi

Vice President - Jessica Xia

Secretary - Maya Ferrell

Editor - Alisha Arshad

Treasurer - Elden Bruner

Webmaster - Amal Jamshed


happy r a e y new

text 81010 @enhskeyc


newsletter made by Alisha Arshad

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