April 2019 Newsletter - Vol. 1 | Issue 12 | Edmond North Key Club

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Editor's Note

Upcoming Events


DCON Recap


New District Board

5, 7, 9,11


6, 10

Service Projects

8, 12

Service Partners

13, 14

Contact Us










Dear ENHS Key Club,

Wow! The year is already coming to an end and it feels like we just started school.

This year was the most awesome and exciting experience I've had in Key Club so far and it's all because of you. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be an officer. Establishing a foundation for future newsletters is very important and I'm glad that you all put the trust in me to do it.

Also, through Key Club, I've met so many awesome people who have a passion for service just like me! I've been able to make many connections, allowing me to further grow and mature into the upcoming senior I am today, and it all began with you last February.

Sadly, this is my last Key Club newsletter, but you will still see me again next year (you can't get rid of me just yet)!

Now, I'm officially handing off the responsibility of Editor to Steven Fu. He's going to do a great job and I can't wait for you to see his newsletter for May!

Yours in Service, Your Editor, Alisha Arshad



events May 6

Donate to UNICEF ELIMINATE in room W256


May 11 Chalk Art at the Children's Hospital 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Classen Curve






district board District Governor Ashna Patel

District Treasurer Katherine Chao

District Secretary Kareena Patel

District Editor Vivian Thai




Key Club is so much more than a volunteer organization that you are a part of at school. It is an entire community that is here to build you up and make sure that you have people to lean on. This year as your Lieutenant Governor I wanted to bring back the community into our K-Family. From Divisional Council Meetings with Kiwanis and CKI to Food Bank volunteer sessions, I am happy to say we are on the right track to accomplishing that goal. For the first time ever, our Regional Training Conference broke a twenty member attendance. In fact, we had over 115 people attend the training at the International House at UCO. From there, we only went up with the first ever Fall Rally to be hosted in Oklahoma. With over 300 in attendance, it was a day to remember. More important than the numbers and events is the people that we were able to affect due to our actions.

Helping run the awards for the National Kayaking Regatta, volunteering to stuff packets at the Edmond Turkey Trot, helping at the Edmond arts festival, and the numerous other events at Epworth Villa, Bradford Village, TOP Soccer, Project 66, and others have helped us make an impact on our community. Key Club is only as strong as the volunteers that make it up. I am happy to say that Edmond North is one of the strongest clubs I know.

District Convention this year was the 70th annual convention, with a 70’s theme as we all celebrated the year by grooving into service. I am sad to say Edmond North only had one attendee. We are so strong on the local level. It is my challenge to everyone this next year to try and get as involved as possible on the district level. As a club that has such a large amount of people, our school is strong enough to have some national and international positions in the upcoming years. This club gives you so many opportunities to make a difference and I fully believe that we have the power to make that difference. We have over 150 members across our four grade levels. We are the largest club at Edmond North, so let’s take this next year and make a change for good

Let’s get out there and make a change in our homes schools and communities. Let’s work hard to create the change we want to see in the world because we are the leaders of today and we have the power to bring that change to life.

Signing off, Your Lieutenant Governor, Lauren Ross






tips and tricks by Maya Ferrell

As the school year draws to a close, a year recap is always a good idea. After spending four years in my school Key Club, I have come to realize that although many succeed in the club with years of dedication and commitment, there are also a few things to keep in mind to make things go more smoothly. The first of this is organization. Being organized and knowing when events are happening is probably the most basic step but a necessary one. In order to be a functional Key Club member, you must attend the events the club hosts and be willing to earn your points without having someone micromanage you. My advice would be grab a calendar at the beginning of every month and write down when events are happening and see what you can and can't attend. My second tip is accountability. One of the most helpful things from my years in the club was being in it with my friends. We were able to hold each other accountable for how many hours we had completed and plan to go to things together. Make sure you surround yourself with a strong support system at the beginning of the year and the rest is downhill! My third tip is have enthusiasm for whatever you are doing in the club. Whether it be a monthly board meeting or animal shelter volunteer opportunity be excited about what you are doing and what it is because with a positive mindset the rest is easy, even if you don't want to go to that meeting. My next piece of advice is don't stress. Stressing about completing points in September wont do you any good, as long as you are keeping up with what you can things usually figure themselves out by the end of the year. Because our Key Club has events available all the way until May you can finish off those final few points after your AP tests or big projects. If you let the club come in between things you care about more, the fun will go away and every other piece of advice I gave you will be for nothing. Hopefully this article will help everyone prepare for a great year of Key Club next year and finish off this one strong. Talk to your officer team if you have any questions about points this month of next and get excited for summer!





by Elden Bruner Hey everyone! My name is Elden Bruner and this was my third year being a part of Key Club! Not only was I a member this year, but I was also an officer! It was my first year being an officer, and being an officer is such a different experience than being a member. This year, I was the Treasurer of Key Club and it has been one of my favorite positions held in a club so far! As an officer, you are not only a leader of the club, but you are also there to improve the club. One of the main jobs that is a requirement of all officers, is finding volunteer opportunities around the metro area. This was fun as you are able to find interesting volunteer opportunities for the members that they will enjoy while helping others. As an officer you also get to do cool things for the club. This year as treasurer, I decided to do something new that no other treasurer prior to me had done. The cool project that I did was applying for the Youth Opportunities Fund grant so that our club would get a service project partially paid for, or even in full. I created a project called Kuddles for Kids, which is a project where we as a club would make no sew blankets for the children in the hospital. This interested me as most of the kids in the hospital are facing tragic medical issues and the blankets would be able to provide some sort of comfort and delight during their extended stay in the hospital. Being able to do projects like said above have made my experience even better. If I had not been an officer this year, I would not have known the opportunities that I would have been able to make to better my community and help others. As an officer, not only are your opportunities for change greater, but the possibilities to meet great people and get closer to them are awesome. The officers that you work alongside with are genuine people and have the same goals as you. They are there to serve their community and make the club runs the best it can. I have truly enjoyed being an officer this year and cannot wait for next year. I also recommend that if you have the opportunity to run for office next year, to go outside of your comfort zone and do it!




connections by Rachael Kingrey

One thing about Key Club that has affected my life is the connections I have been able to make with people, both those I serve and those I serve with. Because I've been really fortunate, I take a lot of things for granted and I'm largely blind to some of the struggles that other people have. Key Club has helped me become less ignorant and more empathetic towards others and appreciate the things I have. And some volunteer opportunities have just been really fun, like volunteering at elementary school carnivals. Those are really fun because you get to spend time with kids playing games, but also get to have fun with friends. Key Club really is a great place to have fun experiences with people you like; it's not "boring" or "pointless" like some people who aren't in Key Club think it is. I have also had tons of fun with other people who are just as enthusiastic about service as I am. Spending 4+ hours with someone early on a Saturday morning makes you appreciate them (and also all the weekend mornings that you don't have to wake up at 7 :)) All year I have been so impressed with people who are willing to give up hours of their time, money that they've earned, and their talents and resources for free. I love seeing how many people come to various events and volunteer organizations just because they want to be of service others. Club involvement is something I really want to work on for next year. As social chair, I am in charge of organizing opportunities for Key Club members to have fun in ways that aren't necessarily service related, like the socials and ice-skating nights we've had this year. I think that the more people are passionate about Key Club, the more involvement we'll have in all aspects of the club. I want people to be EXCITED about coming to socials and get their friends to come, which is a great opportunity to get more members to join. Overall, being in Key Club has brought me some of the most fun things I've worked on in high school. I'm grateful for everything I've learned, all the people I've become great friends with, and the opportunity to be involved in something I'm passionate about. I'm really excited to finish strong next year as a senior and make it a great year for me and everyone else in Key Club!




CONTACT District Governor – Addi Dirkson governor@tokeyclub.com District Treasurer – Addie Flores treasurer@tokeyclub.com District Secretary – Bunsri Patel secretary@tokeyclub.com

District Editor – Kyra Burke editor@tokeyclub.com

Regional Advisor – Steven Baringer steven.baringer20@gmail.com

Lieutenant Governor - Lauren Ross laureneross40w@gmail.com



CONTACT Sponsor - Emily Gravchikov emily.gravchikov@edmondschools.net President - Alysha Siddiqi alyshasiddiqi14@gmail.com Vice President - Jessica Xia jessxia4301@gmail.com

Secretary - Maya Ferrell mayaferrell@icloud.com

Editor - Alisha Arshad lisha7302@gmail.com

Treasurer - Elden Bruner eldenbruner@yahoo.com


thank you for reading! t e x t

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@ e n h s k e y c l u b

e n h s k e y c @ g m a i l . c o m

newsletter made by Alisha Arshad

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