Delta Phi Epsilon TRIAD Spring 2020

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TRIAD Spring 2020 1

Be Social

Editor-in-Chief Nicole DeFeo, ΦΤ International Executive Director Editing Manager Steve Giannino, ΦΚΣ Fraternity Director of Communications and Development


Editorial Contributors Brooke Goodman, ΠBΦ Fraternity Senior Director of Collegiate Experience Sophie Hough-Martin, BΠ Strategic Initiatives Intern Art Direction Devon DiMatteo, ΔΝ Coordinator of Digital Media and Design Founders Dorothy Cohen Schwartzman Ida Bienstock Landau Minna Goldsmith Mahler Eve Effron Robin Sylvia Steierman Cohn

Beta Lambda Chapter educates potential new members about Cystic Fibrosis on their first night of recruitment!


Mission: To provide a sisterhood experience rich in tradition, innovation and opportunities for growth. Vision: To inspire and empower our sisterhood to engage in a lifetime of leadership and service. The TRIAD, official magazine of Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority is owned by the Sorority, edited and published under the direction and control of its International Governing Board. Published twice a year.

@dphiecaital The Gamma Kappa Chapter pins their fall 2019 new member class!

All submissions become the property of the Sorority and may be used for promotional purposes.

@dphieimdearborn A sister from the Alpha Mu Chapter represents DPhiE as the winter commencement speaker!

Delta Phi Epsilon is a member of the Fraternity Communications Association and the National Pannhellenic Conference.

@tamukdeephers Sisters from the Gamma Delta Chapter assembled and donated 105 feminine health care packs to The Purple Door!

Delta Phi Epsilon International Headquarters 251 S. Camac Street Philiadelphia, PA 19107 P: 215.732.5901 F: 215.732.5906

@dphiehofstra @dphie_ku Sisters from the Beta Theta Chapter pose for a photo on the first night of recruitment!

Sisters from the Epsilon Rho Chapter celebrate their fall 2019 big and little reveal!

In This Issue

Fall 2019 Features

Changing Minds About Partnership 6 Strategic Initiatives; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 10 Rechartering at The University of Tampa 12

Updates 6

Letter from the President 4 International Leadership Forum 2020 5 A Grand New Tradition: NPC Annual 9 Educational Conference Chapter Updates 13 Alumnae Association Updates 17 DIMES 4 DPhiE 18


Member Announcements 19 Chapter Eternal 21 Chapter Roster 22

On the Cover Sisters of the Alpha Delta Chapter at Seaton Hall University.


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Message from

the President


ear Sisters,

A new year brings so many possibilities and renewed hope for achieving goals. This year is even more special as many discuss the idea of a new ten-year period of growth and change. Just as individuals build experiences that shape their path, so too does Delta Phi Epsilon. In reflection of the last biennium, I find we have accomplished much, yet have so far to go in some areas. As I take pen in hand to write this, my final TRIAD letter of my two terms as International President, I am filled with mixed emotion. The last six months have been filled with formal reflection, through surveys and assessments, and there are more to come. We participated in the first-ever diversity, equity and inclusion survey of our membership, as well as, embarked on difficult discussions that are being generated by the results of that survey. You can read about them in this issue. This conversation will be on going and as a board we are seeking ways to make room for a more open dialogue with the general membership. In chapter news, the long-awaited return of our Delta Upsilon Chapter at the University of Tampa was recognized. The Alumnae Association of Tampa Bay was integral in their chartering process. You can read more about the event and the importance of alumnae involvement on dormant campuses in the department section in the pages that follow. As spring turns to summer, our focus will turn toward our biennial convention, The International Leadership Forum, presented by the Educational Foundation of Delta Phi Epsilon. The line-up of speakers for this much-anticipated event is chock-full, including Senator Barbara Boxer as a main keynote. Returning to Walt Disney World’s Coronado Spring Resort is always a highlight. We hope you will consider joining us from July 23-26, 2020. As we continue on our own personal DPhiE journeys, I hope our paths will cross one day soon and we can share a story or two about our experiences. It has been an honor to serve and lead our sisterhood.

Yours in True Sisterhood,

Stacy Segal

International President


TRIAD Spring 2020

Join hundreds of sisters from around the world at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando, Florida! ILF provides attendees with renowned, mission-driven programming focused on becoming one’s best self. Professional and personal development opportunities facilitated by professionals and experts in their respective fields. Gather your sisters and meet us in Disney this summer where you will have the opportunity to network with sisters from all over the world. We can’t wait to see you July 23 – 26, 2020 in Disney!


Barbara Boxer

Colton Underwood

Christene Barberich


ABC’s The Bachelor, season 23



TRIAD Spring 2020 5

CHANGING MINDS ABOUT PARTNERSHIP It is no secret that as the higher education landscape evolves, fraternity and sorority organizations are increasingly called to justify their existence on the modern college and university campus. Fraternity and sorority organizations work tirelessly to tackle issues such as sexual violence, hazing, substance abuse and exclusive membership practices. These issues require immediate, short term, and long-term solutions from a partnership of stakeholders that interact with, challenge, and support the fraternity and sorority experience. As organizations that provide readily made communities rich with opportunities for intellectual, social, professional, personal, and moral development, the potential positive impact Greek-lettered organizations have is endless. When done well, effective partnership between fraternity and sorority organizations, institutions of higher learning, and community partners allows for the realization of the mission and values of higher education and individual fraternal organizations. When done well, the result of this partnership is heightened belonging, a strong sense of community, deep connection to one’s alma mater and organization, and the development of productive citizens that can navigate an increasingly global society. When done well, this partnership helps facilitate a transformational personal and professional experience that one can only find in organizations rooted in the unique connection that is sisterhood and brotherhood. Delta Phi Epsilon exists to do all of these things through its mission to provide a sisterhood experience rich with tradition, innovation, and opportunities for growth. Achieving this mission is only possible through trusting, communicative, creative, and committed partnerships.

THE ONGOING EVOLUTION OF DELTA PHI EPSILON’S MEMBERSHIP EXPERIENCE Since its founding, Delta Phi Epsilon has sought to redefine the sorority experience. In 1917, the organization was formed with


TRIAD Spring 2020

Sisters of the Alpha Eta Chapter at Montclair State University particpate in a walk supporting our partner The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

inclusion at its core and the intent to provide a home to any individual, regardless of race or religion. Today is no different. Whether it be through the organization’s Human Dignity Policy, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force, Health and Wellness philosophy, or policy on Transgender/Non-Binary Inclusion, Delta Phi Epsilon consistently strives to adapt and evolve to ensure this organization is a place where all members experience belonging. True belonging, however, can only occur if one’s basic needs are met. Within Delta Phi Epsilon, we obviously view this as food, water, and safety. We also take it a step further, however, and increasingly aim to center the membership experience on cultivating an environment where collegiate and alumnae members can thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, academically, and spiritually. In other words, we prioritize a membership experience that facilitates holistic health, wellness, and growth. We know every member – collegiate and alumnae – is multifaceted and complex. Undergraduate members are often called to navigate academics, work, internships, co-curricular involvement, volunteering, social lives, relationships with loved ones, and an additional array of experiences based on identities, interests, responsibilities, and passions. Alumnae members are similar in the vast number of identities, experiences, and commitments that shape who they are and how they spend their time. These pieces – intersecting identities, interests, and commitments – make every Delta Phi Epsilon member whole. This means Delta Phi Epsilon must be a place where the various aspects of one’s identity can intersect. It must be a place committed to the whole person. It must be a place constructed and uplifted by effective partnerships that touch all areas of members’ lives so all members can find belonging as their truest and most authentic selves.

HAVE YOU TAKEN YOUR IRIS EXPERIENCE SURVEY? If not, check your email for your unique survey link or see your Chapter President for more information. Survey closes April 14, 2020 #20MinutesMakesADifference

STRENGTHENING THE MEMBERSHIP EXPERIENCE TO INCREASE BELONGING In recent years, the aim to create a holistic membership experience centered on belonging and adaptive to an evolving societal landscape has driven all aspects of Sorority operations. Critical to this goal is the partnerships initiated, developed, and maintained that provide external perspective, additional resources, and content area expertise to supplement the commitment to and vision for this work. The following five partnerships are only a few of the relationships that make the realization of a membership experience built upon Delta Phi Epsilon’s mission, vision, founding principles, and global purpose possible.

CAMPUS PARTNERS: When it comes to the collegiate

experience, campus-based professionals are one of the most important stakeholder groups Delta Phi Epsilon has. As an organization that was founded within, and is sustained by, higher education and the existence of fraternity and sorority life within it, campus partners are our greatest asset in facilitating an experience that simultaneously embodies Delta Phi Epsilon’s ideals and achieves institutional learning and engagement objectives. A focus on holistic wellness calls for extension of partnership beyond the fraternity and sorority life office. It calls for increased partnership with diversity, equity, and inclusion offices, multicultural centers, health and wellness offices, student involvement departments, student conduct offices, and gender resource centers. Whether it be collaborating with campus partners on educational programs, conducting joint investigation and outcome development efforts, sharing assessment data and research, or simply communicating chapter successes and opportunities for growth, meaningful relationships with campus partners are critical to ensuring undergraduate chapters receive

the seamless and comprehensive support needed to ensure members can thrive.


that historically, and still today, fraternities and sororities are viewed as one collective whole. To those outside of the fraternity and sorority experience, there is no differentiation between organizations – Greek letters all look the same and one headline can define all. As such, collaboration among and across groups – at the international, national, and local levels – has never been more important. We are past the times of competing for members, reluctance to share program ideas or best practices, and viewing each other as competition. The only way the fraternity and sorority experience can prosper in this evolving climate is through strong collaboration, relationships, and sharing of ideas among interfraternal organizations. Delta Phi Epsilon is committed to these partnerships and utilizing relationships with other fraternity and sorority organizations to challenge the status quo, introduce innovative concepts, develop “better” practices, and move the fraternity and sorority experience forward.

DYAD STRATEGIES: In February 2020, Delta Phi Epsilon

embarked upon a multi-year quantitative assessment of its undergraduate membership experience. Every Delta Phi Epsilon undergraduate member – active and inactive – will be asked to participate in a survey to inform continued efforts to establish a sisterhood experience rooted in belonging through better understanding current membership and chapter realities. This survey aims to assess member attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions on a variety of topics including but not limited to sisterhood, organizational commitment, diversity and inclusion, hazing tolerance and motivation, sexual assault mentality, and

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trust and positive relations. The data gathered by this survey will be analyzed and reported on a variety of levels, woven into educational programs, member services, and communication strategies, and will inform the shaping of Delta Phi Epsilon’s membership experience for years to come.

MJ SORORITY: In July 2019, Delta Phi Epsilon chose to

maximize its already strong relationship with MJ Sorority by entering into a consulting partnership to assist with the creation and implementation of a holistic wellness framework. This partnership has resulted in the development and introduction of a Health and Wellness philosophy statement, revised International Alcohol, Hazing and Risk Management Policy & Procedures, creation of in-person and online learning resources for policy education and implementation, and strategy for increasing alcohol education at the chapter level. This ongoing partnership also informs and intersects with Delta Phi Epsilon’s current development of a wellness educational programming model that maps the organization’s strategic objectives of diversity, equity, and inclusion, mental health, and advocacy to the founding principles of Justice, Sisterhood, and Love.

LAUNCHPOINT: In August 2018, Delta Phi Epsilon partnered

with LaunchPoint to introduce DPhiE Learning – a central hub for virtual learning to complement in-person trainings, workshops, and educational programs. This platform hosts the Be DPhiE New Member Orientation experience, Team Excellence Onboarding trainings, advisor trainings, and an ever-evolving library of transferable skills-based modules to assist collegiate and alumnae members alike in navigating the challenges they face in leadership and life. This partnership allows us to meet our members where they’re at – in a virtual space – where we know undergraduate members, especially, increasingly exist within.


TRIAD Spring 2020

EMBRACING CHANGE TODAY TO CREATE THE SORORITY EXPERIENCE OF TOMORROW It is no secret the fraternity and sorority experience is at a crossroads. Organizations and campuses alike have critical decisions to make regarding how they want to move forward to address the issues that plague the fraternity and sorority experience and create opportunities for redefining that experience. For Delta Phi Epsilon, this means embracing change, challenging the status quo, maximizing partnerships, and prioritizing strategic and innovative thinking to cultivate a sisterhood experience that honors its past, adapts for the future, and creates spaces where members can show up every day as their most authentic selves. This type of experience is one where holistic wellness and personal and professional growth are championed and prioritized. This type of experience is one where members are empowered to be courageous, lean into discomfort, support the causes and issues they believe in, and advocate for equitable experiences for all. This type of experience is one that exists within and positively contributes to the evolving contexts and realities of higher education and the environments undergraduate chapters exist in. Delta Phi Epsilon strives to lead within the sorority and fraternity landscape. To do that, we must continue to be a good partner, seek out good partners, embrace change and new opportunities, and remain committed to redefining the sorority experience within today’s ever-evolving global context.


From Oct. 3-5, 2019, the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) hosted the inaugural NPC Annual Educational Conference at The Peabody Memphis – The South’s Grand Hotel – in Memphis, Tennessee. Nicole Defeo, International Executive Director, and Stacey Segal, International President, attended on behalf of Delta Phi Epsilon. “In conjunction with NPC’s new organizational and governance structure that took effect July 1, we have introduced what is ‘Our Grand New Tradition’ – an annual educational event with programming of interest and value specifically to those working for and with women’s-only organizations,” said NPC Chairman Carole Jones. “That includes member organization staff and volunteers, NPC volunteers and other interfraternal partners.” Jones noted this year’s event featured both large and small group educational sessions, with topics generated by the 2019-22 NPC Strategic Plan and NPC’s Advocacy Building Blocks. The NPC Foundation provided significant financial support for the educational sessions, as did many sponsors who supported programming, meals, refreshments and other meeting services. “NPC is already looking forward to next year and building on the success of this inaugural educational conference,” said NPC CEO Dani Weatherford. “We’re already at work incorporating feedback from this year to plan the 2020 NPC Annual Educational Conference, and we hope you’ll save the date, Oct. 29-31, at The Galt House in Louisville, Kentucky.”


TRIAD Spring 2020


TRIAD Spring 2020

JUNE 2018

SEPT 2018 IHQ created a DE&I task force comprised of alumnae volunteers and staff member liaisons.

Delta Phi Epsilon IHQ hosted a summit on diversity, equity and inclusion at the International Headquarters. This event provided a forum for discussing diversity, equity and inclusion within Delta Phi Epsilon, and ways to create and enhance inclusive spaces and practices within our membership. Members from around the world participated virtually, asking questions to panelists and providing insights from their lived experiences.

Delta Phi Epsilon partners with J.A Stollman Consulting to develop the “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Climate Survey.”

The task force met for its first meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

AUG 2018


APRIL 2019

The task force completed its service and the DE&I climate survey was sent to the entire membership.

FEB 2019 Every biennium, the International Governing Board (IGB) creates a plan for Delta Phi Epsilon to ensure its long-term success. As the organization entered into its second century of existence, the priorities of the organization shifted to encompass a more holistic understanding of the Delta Phi Epsilon member experience in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion. Delta Phi Epsilon partnered with J.A Stollman Consulting, experts in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion, to create a “DE&I climate survey” for our members. The results of the survey provided valuable information about the composition of our membership and their understanding of the organization’s DE&I initiatives and policies. From this, Stollman helped the IHQ staff develop the next steps forward in educating our undergraduate members, alumnae, volunteers and staff on how to live our global purpose of creating a sense of belonging for ALL members.


48% Southern 23% Midwest 15% Mid-Atlantic 5% Canadian 4% Western 3% Southwest 2% Northeast


TRIAD Spring 2020

SEPT 2019

JULY 2019

J.A Stollman Consulting provided IHQ with an executive summary of the survey results for review.

A diversity, equity and inclusion committee is formed and begins creating action plans based on survey results.

The IHQ staff participated in sensitivity training.

IHQ executive staff attended Advancing Inclusion in the C-Suite program through the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce

An optional pronoun field was added to membership database.

JUNE 2019

JAN 2020

AUG 2019










Black/ African-American









.72% .57% .23% Hindu

Not Listed






Roman Catholic


Native American/American Indian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian, African, Alaskan Native




Caribbean, West Indian, Latin American,Middle Eastern



.5% Other

99.5% Women









Questioning or Unsure



Not Listed




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THE UNIVERSITY OF TAMPA Chapter: Delta Upsilon Charter date: November 16, 2019 Founding members: 68 Location: Tampa, Florida NPC Organizations: Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Delta Tau, Sigma Kappa Installed by: International President, Stacy Segal

Though we’ve only been here for a quick 5 months, we have done so much as a chapter, and I have seen the individual growth in each of our sisters. We are a strong group of women, capable of truly making an impact here at the University of Tampa and the community we are a part of. Founding president, Erin Hanson

The Tampa Bay Alumnae Association worked for close to a decade to make this happen. We couldn’t be happier to have our chapter back at such a great university, which has been an amazing partner to DPhiE Tampa Bay Alumnae Association Member, Marcia Narod 12

TRIAD Spring 2020

The women within this chapter are kind and I can already see the everlasting bonds being created. Delta Phi Epsilon helped me find a part of myself—a part that was missing. Founding Member-at-Large, Tamar Shimon

Stephanie Cockerl | Delta Rho Chapter

Kristin Morgan | Alpha Chapter


Stephanie Cockerl

Kristin Morgan

Stephanie is an initiate of the Delta Rho Chapter at Cornell University. Since 2013, she has served as the president of the New York City Alumnae Association. During her tenure, the association received several recognitions for its fundraising and community service efforts. In 2019, Stephanie became the president of the New York City Panhellenic Alumnae Association.

Kristin is a DPhiE alumna initiate of the Alpha Chapter at New York University. In 2002, Kristin began an illustrious career of service to the organization. Over the past two decades, she has served as a chapter advisor, a member of the International Leadership Council, the DPhiE National Panhellenic Delegate, as well as a member of various committees.

“Kristin and Stephanie are spectacular examples of how sorority women can build their leadership skills though volunteer opportunities. Each of these women has helped move Delta Phi Epsilon forward in their past roles. I look forward to their addition to the educational foundation board as we work together to continue to help build women leaders of tomorrow.� - Gina Curtis, president of the Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation TRIAD Spring 2020 13

Chapter & Alumnae Association


Chapters GAMMA

Syracuse University

The gamma chapter was the highest fundraising Greek organization for the second year in a row at Ottothon, Syracuse University’s 12-hour dance marathon. We welcomed 60 new members into our chapter bringing it to 198 sisters.


University of Pittsburgh

We raised over $15,000 at our annual Deepher Dude! Out of all of Greek Life, we have raised the most money for philanthropy.

DELTA ETA University of Michigan- Ann Arbor

We were recognized as the sorority with the second highest average GPA on campus. We welcomed 50 new sisters and our living room had a beautiful design refresh.

DELTA IOTA Queens College

Our chapter welcomed Nicole Defeo came for a one day seminar on sisterhood. We are excited for informal recruitment!


Temple University

We raised over $41,000 at our annual Deepher Dude!



University of Georgia

We had an amazing formal recruitment welcoming nearly 60 new sisters to our chapter. Our house is about to undergo a major renovation to add more bedrooms and meeting space. Go Dawgs!!

Rider University

Our annual Haunted House was showcased on November 1-2 to raise money towards Cystic Fibrosis. This year we were able to raise over $3,700 and received recognition as a Family Weekend event on campus.

DELTA EPSILON Drexel University

The chapter was honored at Drexel University’s Student Life Awards for being the most well rounded Panhellenic chapter on our campus.

DELTA UPSILON University of Tampa

The Delta Upsilon chapter successfully rechartered at the University of Tampa! We are so excited to be here!

Chapter updates for the Fall 2020 TRIAD can be submitted through My DPhiE on the Chapter Update Form. Updates must be received by June 1, 2020 to be published.


TRIAD Spring 2020


Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Our philanthropy event for CFF, was a trivia night and we raised more money than our chapter ever has before with over $1,200.



We hosted Camille Kostek as a part of our ANAD week. Camille Kostek spoke of her struggles with confidence and body image in the modeling industry, inspiring not just our sisters, but the whole Northeastern community. The event had 300 Northeastern students in attendance.

We hosted a Deepher Dodgeball Tournament event to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! We had 17 teams from Hofstra University participate and raised over $500.

Northeastern University

Hofstra University


Jefferson University

PHI LAMBDA Emory University

We hosted our annual Eat to Beat for Cystic Fibrosis event. We had a huge turnout from lots of campus community members. We were happy to bring Emory’s campus together while raising awareness for a great cause.

This year we surpassed our goal and raised about $3,600 for Cystic Fibrosis in our annual Deepher Dude!


Montclair State University



Widener University

Our VPP planned and executed an ANAD Fashion Show where our sisters wore their favorite pair of jeans and strutted on stage to raise awareness for body positivity. We fundraised before and during the event, raising a total of $1569 for ANAD!

Alpha Eta hosted our 25th annual Deepher Dude through which we raised money for and awareness about cystic fibrosis. We had approximately 300 attendees and raised nearly $1,600 for the CF foundation!

ALPHA THETA Stockton University

Reed Kanakis, Gillian Ranes and Shaye Zyskowski further embodied our motto by being inducted into the Upsilon Gamma chapter of Order of Omega. As a chapter, we focused on ensuring everyone’s overall mental, physical and emotional safety through the creation of a Team-Of-Wellbeing. Finally, we received an award for Academic Achievement as a chapter and our president Julia Araneo won the Outstanding President Award.


Towson University

The Phi Phi chapter raised over $25,000 from our 65 Roses Gala in honor of our sister Marianna, who passed due to complications associated with CF.


Binghamton University-SUNY

This semester we hosted a Dodgeball Tournament, called Dodging for Donations, we raised almost $1,000 dollars for Cystic Fibrosis!


SUNY College at Geneseo

Our chapter received the honor of being recognized by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for community partnership and for our participation in the CF Walk in September.


Fairleigh Dickinson University-Madison

We were able to give out 19 bids to a group of innovative, unique women who are beautiful on the inside and out. The week after initiation they planned, decorated, and executed a fun-filled social event for our sorority. Almost every Beta Nu ran and won a coordinator position, and we are looking forward to see what these women will contribute to our chapter in the near future.


University of Michigan - Dearborn

Raised $2,000 at out 3rd Annual Walk For the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

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BETA THETA Kean University


Winona State University

We had an amazing semester celebrating each other as sisters while embodying what it means to be a member of this wonderful organization! Through sisterhood, social, service, scholarship and self, we have grown the chapter to new heights and are working towards more self and organizational growth.

We had two guest speakers, a husband and a wife who recently had a double lung transplant. They had a viral video on Facebook and YouTube of the wife being able to breathe fully for the first time. Hearing their story only sparked more passion and love for raising money and awareness for the Cystic Fibrosis foundation.




Ramapo College

We held our annual Deepher Dude where we raised over $550 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.


St. Cloud State University

We put on our CF event this year, rebranding it, and making it a better fit our chapter and community. Our chapter raised triple what we have raised in previous years.

Nova Southeastern University

We hosted our Mr. Fintastic event that raises money for Cystic Fibrosis. We had male contestants from other organizations compete and raise funds for our philanthropy. Our sorority raised $7000 that night.

Bloomsburg University

Our sisters helped Baylen and his family to throw him a huge birthday party! Baylen suffers from Cystic Fibrosis, but thankfully, he was able to attend the incredible party his friends and family had for him. It was a beautiful day for a wonderful celebration!



During ANAD Week we raised over $300 over the course of the week through a basket raffle, bake sale, and Dance-o-thon!

Our chapter was very proud to host Engage U at our campus this past Fall! We also had a successful semester with our 15th annual Mr.RIT, raising nearly $4,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Lawrence Technological Institution


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

We did a fundraising event for Cystic Fibrosis by selling roses for $2. We sold over 200 flowers.

Rochester Institute of Technology


University of New Haven

We hosted our annual Deepher Dude male beauty pageant in support of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The chapter set out with a goal to raise $20,000 and raised over $21,000.


University of the Sciences

We hosted our annual Deepher Dude and we raised over $2,700 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.


New Jersey Institute of Technology

We completed 625 hours of community service this semester.


TRIAD Spring 2020


University at Buffalo

We held a yoga for DPhiE event! All of the proceeds went to ANAD!



At our Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards Ceremony, our chapter was recognized as having the Highest Chapter Cumulative GPA of Spring 2019.

Our new member class, Zeta, held their new member fundraiser to help raise money for Cornerstone: Housing for Women. Their fundraiser helped raise over $450 for Cornerstone and is the most successful new member fundraising Zeta Epsilon has had thus far.

Bridgewater State University

GAMMA LAMBDA Caldwell University

Our chapter was able to internally fundraise $1,379.

Carleton University


California State University Los Angeles


The chapter had their very first annual 65 Roses Gala! They sold red roses and tickets for the event and all the money went to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

We had 3 sisters inducted to the National Society of Leadership Success. Two of those sisters are on our Leadership Team



During URI Homecoming weekend, we held our second annual Alumni Brunch. During this event, we raised $1,000 for the Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation.

North Carolina Wesleyan College

Rhode Island College

University of Rhode Island

The Gamma Xi chapter at Rhode Island College had their first 65 Roses Gala and raised over $1300 that went directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

ZETA KAPPA Union College


University of Toledo

We held our first annual Deepher Dude! The theme was Fresh Prince of Delta Phi Epsilon. With weeks of fundraising, selling shirts, and generous donations the Zeta Kappa Chapter raised over $3,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

We hosted our 3rd Annual 65 Roses Gala and we raised $5,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.


Southern Illinois University- Carbondale

Murder Mystery is Gamma Chi’s annual philanthropy dinner benefitting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We raised $5,357 for the CFF.


Farmingdale State College

We had our first 65 Roses Gala and raised a little over $8,000 dollars.


Kutztown University

We held our second annual Deepher Dude event and raised over $2500 for The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

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METRO ATLANTIC Alumnae Association

On a warm Saturday in May, the Metro Atlanta Alumnae Association members laced up our sneakers and supported the local CF chapter by participating in the Atlanta Great Strides walk. Collectively, our team raised $500 for the CFF. Five sisters represented our alumnae association by walking at the event.

TOLEDO AREA Alumnae Association TWIN CITIES Alumnae Association

We’re a group of unicorns that reside in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas. We’ve been busy strengthening our sisterhood with events like our annual reunion BBQ and helping out at our local Cystic Fibrosis Foundation chapter events like the Breath of Life Gala in Minneapolis. We’d love to have you at our next event if you’re in the area so check us out by searching for our tag @dphietcaa on Facebook. YITS!

INDIANAPOLIS Alumnae Association

Stacy Petko Reisdorf, 2016 alumna initiate of the Delta Delta chapter and founder of Indy Alum Association became the first democratic woman elected to the Mishawaka City Council in more than 20 years. Her presence on the city council brings greater diversity to local government and helps create a council that is more representative of the city. The entire association is proud of her.

The Toledo Area Alumnae Association is hard at work to prepare for our chartering next spring. We had our first get together this past October and are still building our association. We look forward to growing and for what the future has in store for us.

NEW YORK CITY Alumnae Association

We are excited to announce that our own Stephanie Cockerl, Delta Rho chapter at Cornell University is the newly elected New York City Alumnae Panhellenic President. Stephanie has been a member of the Panhellenic Board for three years serving in various roles. She has also served as Delta Phi Epsilon New York City Chapter president. Jamie Cristello, vice president of programming for the association served as alternate delegate during the meeting in December, 2018.

ST. LOUIS Alumnae Association

The St Louis Alumnae Association have been off to a great start this fall. We have cooked dinner at the Ronald Mcdonald House 3 times, have gone on a ghost tour, and volunteered for the CFF Reach for the Stars Gala. We are also taking two new alumnae initiates this fall.

DELAWARE Alumnae Association

This past fall, members of the Delaware Alumnae Association began volunteering with Planting to Feed, Inc., a local non-profit organization that runs a community garden and serves hot meals to those in need in the Wilmington, DE area. Planting to Feed was founded by our alumnae sister, Jessica Wescott. It is a pleasure being able to support both our community and her. Our sisters also spent a day making dreamcatchers for the children who are patients at A.I. DuPont Hospital for Children. We delivered holiday gifts to the children and are planning to spend the day volunteering with them and their families this spring.

PACIFIC NORTHWEST Alumnae Association In October, Vashtina Boyce, a current IGB member and the PNWAA vice president, planned the first sisterhood retreat for the PNWAA in Vancouver, Washington. She is a leader who is managing many hats and planned a retreat where sisters from all over Washington and Oregon met, some for the first time. We learned about each other and had a blast. If you are a leader in the Pacific Northwest and want to get involved with the alumnae association, reach out to us on our Facebook page or email


TRIAD Spring 2020

CONNECTICUT Alumnae Association

This summer, a group of CT alumnae sisters took a train to NYC and saw the Broadway musical Mean Girls. In September, we held a fundraiser painting unicorn themed wine glasses. In October, we had a wonderful meeting and ritual to welcome an alumna initiate member to the CT Alumnae Association, Jessica Casseus. In November, we had a successful dinner celebrating the 10th anniversary of the founding of the CT Alumnae Association. If you live in or around Connecticut and are interested in joining our Alumnae Association, please email for more information. YITS!

DELTA IOTA Alumnae Association

This year the Delta Iota Alumnae Association teamed up with our Alpha Chi Rho brothers at a holiday potluck dinner and joined forces to benefit the shoebox project. We collected essentials and little presents and made boxes to be given to women in homeless shelters. It is a rewarding project that we look forward to working on annually. This was our third year participating.



4 BRACKETS ALPHA GAMMA Alumnae Association

30 Years of Alpha Gamma Gala: Recently, the Alpha Gamma chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon celebrated turning 30 by hosting a gala for sisters. Sisters spent the evening dancing the night away and catching up with one another.


CALIFORNIA Alumnae Association

46th Annual North Country Fair (Arcata, CA) California Alumnae members and some of HSU CAB members earning those Civic Pearls!!! They Volunteered their time making Fish Tacos. All the money raised goes to: Arcata Kiwanis College Scholarships-for local youth.

Alumae Association updates for the Fall 2020 TRIAD can be submitted through My DPhiE on the Alumne Association Update Form. Updates must be received by June 1, 2020 to be published.

TRIAD Spring 2020 19





Epsilon Epsilon: Brad and Lucy Andres welcomed Sebastian “Bash� Andres on March 5, 2019. 14

Delta Sigma: Alyssa Ruggiero married Trevor Turner.

Alpha Eta: Tara Davis welcomed daughter Emily Dawn Davis on 5/21/19. 15 Beta Mu: Karolyn Bianco and Lawrence Bianco welcomed Daniel Lawrence Bianco on 9/23/19. 9 Beta Tau: Brittany Acosta welcomed Ethan Luis Acosta-Nijamkin on 4/23/19. 2 Gamma Mu: Melissa Spears welcomed Amelia on 10/17/19. 20

Engagements Phi Upsilon: Julia Moore got enganged to Shae Stobert. 8 Phi Psi: Kayla Romaniello got engaged to Bryan McEwan. Phi Phi: Ally Dickstein got engaged to Mike Capucci. Alpha Gamma: Lauren Garcia got engaged. Alpha Eta: Kaitlin Conway got engaged to John DeGrasse. 13 Alpha Eta: Cheyenne Borkowski married Jon Finocchiaro. Alpha Kappa: Blake Gorka got engaged to Dennis McInerny. Alpha Phi: Megan Kierce got engaged to Jason Amabile. Beta Rho: Katherine Taylor got engaged to Cory Cummings. Beta Phi: Lauren Elias got engaged to Ryan Beuschel. Gamma Nu: Jordan Keys got engaged to Tyler Bennett. 3 Gamma Nu: Julie Scarbury was engaged to Zach Moreland. Gamma Nu: Avery Booth was engaged to Ian Tackett. Gamma Nu: Brii Brothag got engaged to Joey Dillon. Gamma Nu: Brittany Willett got engaged to Samuel Rogers. Gamma Nu: Erin Seifert was engaged to Chris Jones. Gamma Chi: Paige Liddell got engaged to Bradley Thornton. 16 Gamma Omega: Christina Horton got engaged to Dalton Greene.

Phi Psi: Kelsey Hubbard married Anthony Cappuchi. 17 Alpha Kappa: Ashley Drew Flora married Josh Sigmund. 1 Alpha Pi: Colleen Gore got married. Alpha Sigma: Kelsy Pielmeier got married Dylan Foose. 5 Alpha Phi: Katelynn Kurgan got married to Sam Weinberger. Beta Eta: Stacey Olender married Thomas Boyd. 19 Beta Iota: Emily Wehmann married Matthew Mosolf. Beta Omega: Ashley Macias married surrounded by sisters. 18 Gamma Kappa: Cora Reiff married Timothy Kehr. 11 Gamma Nu: Ruthie Chaban married Daniel Kahn. Gamma Tau: Laura Kochendorfer married T.J. Oaks. 4 Gamma Tau: Taylor Kershner married Robert Vogel. 12 Gamma Omega: Michaela Smith married Alexander Willson. Zeta Beta: Megan Steighorst married Isaiah Winkelmann.

Professional Achievement Alpha Upsilon: Melissa Wilbur has successfully passed the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification exam. 7 Beta Delta: Hollie Morgan is currently working as a Special Ed teacher in Maryland, and was recently appointed the fundraiser ambassador for Buddy Cruise Inc. 10 Gamma Nu: Whitley McCallister graduated with a Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy. Gamma Nu: Claudia Ndenge graduated in December with a Masters of Science in Health Sciences. Gamma Nu: Hailey Adams graduated with a Bachelors degree in English Humanities. Gamma Nu: Elaina Davenport graduated with a degree in Occupational Therapy. Gamma Sigma: Amanda Kennedy accepted and began her Doctorate of Public Administration program at West Chester University of Pennsylvania.

Member announcements can be submitted year round through announcement and are printed at the discretion of the editor.


TRIAD Spring 2020

Other Gamma Nu: Sarah Waddell reenlisted in the Air Force and received the ranking of Staff Sergeant. 6 Gamma Nu: Jasmine Currie and her husband Orlando became licensed foster parents in September and became foster parents to a 7 year-old girl in October 0f 2019.





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TRIAD Spring 2020 21

Chapter Eternal We honor our Delta Phi Epsilon sisters who have passed away. International Headquarters was notified of the passing of these sisters between December 6, 2018 and July 12, 2019. To report a sister’s death, please contact the IHQ office at 215.732.5901 or email Badges and other Delta Phi Epsilon artifacts are welcomed donations to the Delta Phi Epsilon archives.

DELTA Hunter College

DELTA OMICRON New York University-Heights Campus

ETA University of Pittsburgh

DELTA SIGMA Sigma Rider University

Minerva Lopez

Rina Lerner

Carrie Schultz Touzet

CHI University of Texas

PHI TAU Rutgers University-Camden

Selene Gorel

Karen Weisberg

PSI University of Georgia

EPSILON UPSILON Humboldt State University

OMEGA University of Miami

ALPHA MU University of Michigan-Dearborn

Katherine Jacobs

Mickayla Matarazzo

Cassandra Elmore

BETA THETA Kean University

Tara Higgins


Joelle Severini

TRIAD Spring 2020

Mariam Chaaban

CHAPTER ROSTER | Spring 2020 Alpha Gamma Eta Lambda Psi Omega Delta Delta Delta Epsilon Delta Eta Delta Iota Delta Kappa Delta Nu Delta Xi Delta Pi Delta Sigma Delta Upsilon Delta Omega Phi Gamma Phi Eta Phi Lambda Phi Pi Phi Chi Phi Tau Phi Upsilon Phi Phi Phi Psi Epsilon Gamma Epsilon Delta Epsilon Epsilon Epsilon Zeta Epsilon Eta Epsilon Iota Epsilon Kappa Epsilon Lambda Epsilon Mu Epsilon Xi Epsilon Omicron Epsilon Pi Epsilon Rho Epsilon Chi Epsilon Upsilon Epsilon Phi Alpha Alpha Alpha Gamma Alpha Delta Alpha Theta Alpha Epsilon Alpha Eta Alpha Kappa Alpha Lambda Alpha Mu Alpha Pi Alpha Rho Alpha Sigma Alpha Tau

New York University Syracuse University University of Pittsburgh Adelphi University University of Georgia University of Miami Indiana University Drexel University University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Queens College University of Florida Temple University University of Maryland-College Park Pennsylvania State University Rider University University of Tampa Monmouth University Indiana University of Pennsylvania Northeastern University Emory University Widener University University of Maryland-Baltimore County Rutgers University-Camden Robert Morris University Towson University Keene State College Stevens Institute of Technology Binghamton University-SUNY SUNY College at Albany LaSalle University SUNY College at Fredonia SUNY College at Geneseo SUNY College at Cortland Michigan Technological University SUNY College at Brockport SUNY College at Oswego Clarion University of Pennsylvania SUNY College at Plattsburgh Hofstra University William Paterson University Humboldt State University Thomas Jefferson University West Chester University Florida International University Seton Hall University Stockton University Kennesaw State University Montclair State University Fairleigh Dickinson University-Madison York College of Pennsylvania University of Michigan-Dearborn Southern Connecticut State University Pace University Saint Francis University Winona State University

Alpha Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Chi Alpha Psi Beta Alpha Beta Beta Beta Eta Beta Theta Beta Iota Beta Lambda Beta Mu Beta Nu Beta Xi Beta Pi Beta Rho Beta Chi Beta Tau Beta Upsilon Beta Phi Beta Psi Beta Omega Gamma Alpha Gamma Beta Gamma Epsilon Gamma Gamma Gamma Delta Gamma Zeta Gamma Eta Gamma Iota Gamma Kappa Gamma Lambda Gamma Nu Gamma Mu Gamma Pi Gamma Xi Gamma Omicron Gamma Rho Gamma Tau Gamma Chi Gamma Sigma Gamma Upsilon Gamma Psi Gamma Phi Gamma Omega Zeta Alpha Zeta Beta Zeta Zeta Zeta Delta Zeta Gamma Zeta Epsilon Zeta Eta Zeta Theta Zeta Iota Zeta Kappa Zeta Lambda

Johnson and Wales University Ramapo College of New Jersey Bloomsburg University Lawrence Technological University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott University of the Sciences in Philadelphia New Jersey Institute of Technology Kean University St. Cloud State University University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Rowan University Wesley College The College of New Jersey Concordia University University of Illinois-Chicago St. Norbert College Nova Southeastern University Rochester Institute of Technology Central Michigan University Brandeis University St. John’s University Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Florida Atlantic University University of New Haven Schreiner University Texas A & M- Kingsville Webster University University at Buffalo Bridgewater State University Capital University Caldwell University Shawnee State University Ferrum College North Carolina Wesleyan College Rhode Island College Georgia Southern University University of Maine University of Toledo Southern Illinois University Carbondale Tarleton State University Campbell University Johnson and Wales Charlotte St. Joseph’s College University of North Georgia Tennessee Technological University Truman State University Young Harris College Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kutztown University Carleton University California State University Los Angeles University of Rhode Island Northern Arizona University Union College Farmingdale State College

TRIAD Spring 2020 23

Delta Phi Epsilon sisters could save even more on auto insurance with a special discount from GEICO. | 800-123-4567


TRIAD Spring 2020

Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO contracts with various membership entities and other organizations, but these entities do not underwrite the offered insurance products. Discount amount varies in some states. One group discount applicable per policy. Coverage is individual. In New York a premium reduction may be available. GEICO may not be involved in a formal relationship with each organization; however, you still may qualify for a special discount based on your membership, employment or affiliation with those organizations. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company, Washington, DC 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc. subsidiary. Š 2019 GEICO

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