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Elections | Elecciones

Reunifying America:

President-Elect Donald Trump’s Greatest Challenge By Maria Alejandra Pulgar @marialepulgar - NAHJ #37172

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Abraham Lincoln, 1858.


onald J. Trump was proclaimed 45th President of the United States of America in the early hours of November 9th, after surpassing the 270 electoral votes needed to call the election. He did not, however, win the popular vote, as he got 59,611,678 vs 59,814,018 obtained by Secretary Hillary R. Clinton, who would have made history by becoming the first woman to achieve the highest office in the country. Those results reflect the deep division that was in crescendo in America towards Election Day, mainly because the divisive and mutually challenging tone and discourse of the campaign. Reunifying the country to work together for the common good is the greatest challenge the Trump Administration will face.

Octubre/October 23, 2016



By the time the 270 electoral votes were called for Trump on November 9th, protests started in California, chanting “Not my President” and “No racist USA”. Protests continued all Wednesday, and spread throughout the country, on the main cities from New York to San Francisco. Protesters gathered to express their discontent with the results of the election. The main reason is fear that the menacing ideas and rhetoric used by Trump in the campaign become the new normal for America: the wall with Mexico; massive deportations, ban on Muslims, etc. And also disgust, for having a misogynist, disrespectful man, capable of mocking a disabled journalist and a prisoner of war, serving in the highest office, representing the highest honor and privilege, the office that is supposed to be a role model for all children in the country. “Ours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible and great movement” said Trump on his acceptance speech. This movement, big enough to get the election, attracted only half of the electorate, many of them working class people, tired of the establishment and the policies of a liberal government; others guided by their extremely conservative religious views; people who feared becoming a minority in an increasingly diverse country, but good citizens looking for a change; however he also attracted groups that foster intolerance, racism, bigotry and bullying, like the KKK; dangerous people who now feel entitled to act thinking they will be ‘protected’ by the character

overshadows the very reason of Congress existence. A balance of power can be challenged in case the Congress does not actually monitors and control the actions of the Executive. The fact that many Republican senators and representatives have moderate views, gives hope that the check and balance will continue regardless of the majority. For non-supporters, the certainty of the Check and Balance by the Congress gives them some peace of mind in the midst of the results of the Election.


and actions of the president-elect; also people who justify that groping a woman, or badmouthing them is socially acceptable as ‘locker room chat’; people that, for ignorance or misinformation, disregard anything and anybody who has an accent or looks different. The Trump movement, under the banner of the Republican Party, became the way to regain power for many who did not feel represented and protected during the Obama administration. Trump was for them the promise of an honest, transparent, uncompromised president who would allow them to continue being a majority in peace. But the division still exists; the millions, who voted for Clinton and other candidates, do not agree with Trump’s vision. And if reaching out and filling that gap does not become a priority for Trump there can be complicated social and economic consequences for the country.


Along with the Presidency, the Republican Party achieved the majority in the Senate and the House. It represents an incredible power for one faction of the political scope in the country. Those who voted for Trump trusting on the possibility of drastic social and economic changes in a short time, such as repelling Obama Care, deporting illegal immigrants, cutting communication lanes with Cuba or appointing conservative Justices, placed their bet on his promise of signing executive actions as a fast lane for approving measurements to fulfill their requests. What many do not know is that ‘expedite procedure’ damages the essence of democracy and

Trump finally had a nice remark for Clinton on his acceptance speech: “Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. I mean that very sincerely.” To gain the trust of the working class electors where his message resonated most, Trump promised to create employment by improving infrastructure, to take care of the veterans, to increase homeland security, control immigration, modify the health system and restore the pride of being American. He vowed to work together with all the people to “rebuild our nation and renew the American dream […] every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential.” However, during the campaign he did not disclose details on the plans to fulfill those promises. It will be a matter of waiting until he selects his cabinet and takes office for the American People, supporters or not, to hold him accountable for what he promised he would do.


Trump vowed to reach out to those who did not support him on the race: “Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division; have to get together. […] it is time for us to come together as one united people. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans, and this is so important to me.” We the people should find common ground to work together and become more politically active to guarantee the permanence and stability of the government in this great nation.

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