courant 5 Junie 2019
• Bergrivier 1Swartland Weskus & Bergrivier
• Free • Gratis
Wes-Kaap se #1
Bou saam met goeie nuus
Klein lyfie, groot hart `n Klein mannetjie met `n groot hart het onlangs geskiedenis gemaak vir sy skool, EJ Malgarte in Stompneusbaai. Die twaalfjarige Aston Lewis was die eerste leerder van die skool ooit wat aan `n landlooptipe wedloop deelgeneem het nadat hy vroeg in Mei vir die Patrysberg pretdrafroete oor 5 kilometer aangetree en dit voltooi het. Aston is voorwaar `n baanbreker by hierdie klein skooltjie, wat neffens die Christ The King Anglikaanse Kerk in Stompneusbaai geleë is. Hy het `n medalje en geskenke ontvang vir sy deelname die dag. Aston het self die inskrywingsfooi van R40 bymekaar gemaak en twee dae voor die wedloop aan sy afrigter oorhandig sodat hy kon gaan deelneem. Die draf-gogga het vir Aston gebyt nadat `n nuwe onderwyser, Leon Collison, aan die begin van die kwartaal by die skooltjie begin skoolgee het. Leon, `n boorling van Noordhoek, Laaiplek en woonagtig op Vredenburg, is `n ywerige drawwer en hy het aangebied dat enige kind wat wou, saam met hom kon gaan oefen. Hy glo dat buitemuurse aktiwiteite die kinders besig hou en het al menigmaal gesien hoe kinders se selfdissipline en houding positief verander wanneer hulle aan `n sport begin deelneem. En draf is `n sport waaraan byna enigeen kan deelneem, die drawwer spandeer tyd in die natuur en kan later ook mededingend deelneem. Aston en Leon het twee maal die grondpad oppad Paternoster toe aangedurf maar met nog leerders wat aangesluit het, is die roete verander. Nou het hulle `n splinternuwe strategie – die drawwers, wat gewoonlik bus ry, stuur hulle tasse huistoe met die bus en dan draf die groep almal saam tot by die eerste afklimpunt, Sandy Point Hawe. Die volgende wat afdraai is dié by Steenberg’s Cove en die langste asems gaan tot by West Point Processors, wanneer Leon hulle oplaai tot in Laingville. Langs die roete ry hy ente vooruit en draf dan terug om die kinders langs die pad te ontmoet. In hierdie stadium is Leon slegs vir die kwartaal aangestel, maar daar is hoop dat die tydperk verleng sal word en dit die eerste van baie kwartale by die skooltjie sal wees. En dat die volgende wedloop, kompeterend of vir die pret, sal wemel van deelnemers van EJ Malgarte.
Uitgawe 521
5 Junie 2019
5 Junie 2019
Gimnastiek: Langebaan Stars-
Hopefield gaan groen vir tegnologie
Soos vertel deur graad 8-leerder Jano Reynolds “Die Gr 8-leerplan vir die vak Tegnologie het die tweede kwartaal afgeskop met die tema Herwinning. Dis iets wat ons amper jaarliks van leer, maar min mense of skole het al met herwinning begin. Hoërskool Hopefield se 2019 Gr 8`s is anders… Ons het besef dat ons skool (net soos baie ander skole in die Weskus) nog nie `n herwinningsprojek geïmplimenteer het nie. Ons het dadelik `n taakspan gekies en met beplanning begin. Ons het skaars begin om vir donasies te vra, toe skenk Johan Claassen van Rainbow Village
vir ons twaalf herwinningsdromme. Die tweede stap was om met die munisipaliteit te praat. Hulle was net so opgewonde oor ons projek en het dadelik hulle volle samewerking aangebied en beloof om die dromme op `n gereelde basis te diens. As alles volgens plan verloop, gaan Hoërskool Hopefield op 31 Mei groen! Ons doel is om die projek ook na die ander skole in die Weskus uit te brei. Wie weet… dalk kan ons dit nog uitrol na die res van die Weskaap. Of nee, kom ons droom groot… Suid-Afrika hier kom `n ding!”
Hokkie: Die trotse o.19A-hokkiespan van Hopefield Hoërskool staan hier saam met hulle afrigter, Hannes de Beer, nadat hulle onlangs Vredenburg Hoërskool se span met 2-0 geklop het.
-gimnastiekklub het Saterdag, 18 Mei, aan die Wasabi-kompetisie in Kaapstad deelgeneem. Die gimnaste het goed gevaar en het goud, silwer en brons medaljes verower. Op die inlasfoto is Shani Venter en op die groepfoto is die gimnaste voor links en regs Ankia van Zyl en Amy Jenneker; tweede ry van links Paton Samaai, Mia de Beer, Illine Janse van Rensburg, Martine Reid, Cassidy Solomons en Ile de Beer; derde ry Rachel Janneker, Jayden Valentine, Itumeleng Lehata, Jacob Janneker en Rebekah Milner; en agter Madeleine van der Merwe - afrigter, Jaydene Valentine, Abby van der Merwe, Mieke Pienaar, Leane Olivier en Bianca Pholman – afrigter.
Langebaanweg: Die aanwysing van Mnr en Mej Langebaanweg en eerste en
tweede prinse en prinsesse was `n spoggerige geleentheid wat verlede Vrydagaand by Langebaanweg Laerskool plaasgevind het. Die twee trotse wenners is Justin Andrews en Angela Disetlhe, in die middel. Links van Justin staan die eerste prins en prinses, Braydon Arends en Jerusha du Preez en regs van Angela staan die tweede prins en prinses, Aya Tabata en Kristen Mathews.
Marina Enslin se foto Haarknip het vandeesmaand met die louere weggestap in die onderwerp-kategorie van die Weskus Fotografieklub se maandelikse kompetisie. Die onderwerp was Plastiek. Die beoordeling is waargeneem deur Christo le Grange en hy het die volgende kommentaar oor die foto gelewer: Diefoto wys ‘n haarknip wat so ‘gecrop’ is dat net vier tande wys. Die agtergrondkleur is rooibruin, wat goed kontrasteer met die knip en mens kry die indruk van drie-dimensioneel. Die punte van die tande wat bruin is tel die agtergrond ook baie mooi op.
5 Junie 2019
Port of Saldanha welcomes Weskus se tennisliga skop af brand new iron ore ship
Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) welcomed the iron ore ship SPRING PASSION on her maiden voyage to the Port of Saldanha recently. She docked in Saldanha on Friday, 26 April. To mark the occasion a commemorative plaque was handed over to the master of the vessel by Mzwandile Mhlakela, TNPA’s Pollution Officer at the Port of Saldanha. Built only earlier this year, the brand-new bulk carrier is sailing under the flag of Panama. She has a gross tonnage of 123 088 tons, a deadweight of 243 450 tons and a length of 320 metres.
With a draught of 18.2 metres the vessel was able to take advantage of the largest natural deep-water port in South Africa. The ship loaded 220 000 metric tons of iron ore in Saldanha before departing for Oita, Japan. Port Manager of Saldanha, Vernal Jones, said: “TNPA is delighted to welcome another Capesize bulk carrier vessel to one of the world’s largest iron ore export facilities and we look forward to providing excellent service to the vessel and its agent, Rennies Ships Agency, during what we trust will be a long and successful working relationship.”
Die jaarlikse Weskus wintertennisliga het onlangs op Moorreesburg afgeskop. Elf spanne sê mekaar vanjaar die stryd aan. Malmesbury Tennisklub het vanjaar weer drie spanne ingeskryf en vier spanne van Vredenburg (Vredenburg 1 en 2, `n span van Lugmagbasis Langebaanweg en `n span van die Militêre Akademie op Saldanha) en omgewing neem deel. SAPD, Bottelary, Moorreesburg en Drakenstein is die ander spanne in die kompetisie. Vredenburg 1 het die eerste uitdunrondte met 87 punte gewen, gevolg deur Malmesbury 1 (75) en Moorreesburg (59). Die groot uitdaging is in die middel-rangorde waar die Militêre Akademie, Lugmagbasis Langebaanweg, Malmesbury 2 en Vredenburg 2 sake uitspook om tydens die derde en vierde rondtes in die A-afdeling deel te neem. Die bestuur van Vredenburg Tennisklub het hulle dank uitgespreek teenoor die borge, SASKO, Moorreesburg Spar, Pick-n-Pay Vreden-
burg en die Weskus Tennisvereniging, waarsonder die dag se wedstryde nie so suksesvol kon wees nie. Behalwe vir T-hemde het die borge ook waterbottels en worsbroodjies vir al die deelnemers verskaf.
5 Junie 2019
Saldanha Bay hosts first West Coast ECD Conference Saldanha Bay Municipality, in collaboration with the Western Cape Government and West Coast District Municipality, hosted the first West Coast Early Childhood Development Conference at Protea Hotel in Saldanha from 23 – 24 May. Early Childhood Development (ECD) is the holistic, integrated development of a child during the first years of life in a socio-cultural (physical, social, emotional, spiritual, moral and intellectual development) context. Saldanha Bay Municipality plays a pivotal role in actively promoting a fair and just society that embodies respect, equity, community and active participation for all, especially children. Evaluations of ECD have demonstrated that investments, both monetary and intellectually, are among the most cost-effective investments a country, provincial government and local municipalities can make. It is also evident that ECD’s return on investment is higher than for any other age group intervention, largely due to it being proactive versus reactive and remedial at later stages in life. Further to these, investments in ECD enhances the child’s survival, growth and development. The objective of the 2019 West Coast ECD Conference as a Whole of Society Approach (WoSA) initiative was to improve the standard of service delivery to children, through developing a collaborative approach with local, provincial and national government, state-owned institutions, the private sector and civil society. Delegates discussed the realities of and best practices of ECD, clarifying the municipality’s role in integrated development planning and policy development. The two-day event provided stakeholders with knowledge and practical
tools to utilise in their respective organisations and communities to assist with facilitating the development of children between the ages of 0 – 7 years. Saldanha Bay Municipality has been earmarked through the National Development Plan 2030 as a SIP 5 destination which entails large scale industrialisation, based primarily on the Port of Saldanha and the newly created Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone. The consequence of the above-mentioned will continue to result in an influx of people into the municipal area. The outcomes of the conference through an integrated development planning approach via WoSA was to create an environment where children can grow, thrive and be able to be better prepared for their future roles and responsibilities as functioning, well-adjusted adults within the Saldanha Bay Municipal area. This was achieved through focusing on: Improving stakeholder knowledge on developing a deeper understanding of the current state of ECD at national level, provincial level and more specifically within the Saldanha Bay Municipal area through a WoSA approach; Through the involvement of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), develop a better understanding of how municipalities should interpret the legal prescribed framework to support amendments to the Saldanha Bay Municipality ECD draft policy; Developing a Whole of Society Approach (WoSA) to the delivery of services targeted at children and families within the municipal area, through the participation of the Departments of Health, Social Development, Education and lead-
Some of the stakeholders that attended the ECD Conference are from left Niki Gaika of the Western Cape Department of Education; Alderman Elize Steyn, a Mayoral Committee Member: Community Development of the Saldanha Bay Municipality; Dr Lynette Rossouw of the Western Cape Department of Social Development; Alderman Marius Koen, Executive Mayor of Saldanha Bay Municipality; Mandu Mallane of the South African Local Government Association; and Abé du Plessis of the Saldanha Bay Municipality. ing institutions within the field of ECD; Expenditure and budgeting reduction through sharing resources in service delivery, with the conference as a mechanism to advance towards an integrated approach to ECD services;
and Red tape reduction in the land use and building control application process. The following West Coast Early Childhood Development Conference is scheduled to take place in 2021.
The month of May hosts World Biodiversity Day on 22 May and in order to raise awareness, the Environment and Heritage Section of the Saldanha Bay Municipality and The Department of Environmental Affairs, joined by various Environmental organisations, hosted an Eco-education day in Hopefield. World Biodiversity Day is a United Nations sanctioned international day for the promotion of biodiversity issues such as sustainable agriculture, desertification, climate change, forests, etc. Hundred-and-thirty-seven grade 5 learners of Hopefield Primary School and Hopefield High School met at the local fynbos park to learn about 3 environmental subjects. With the help of two local organisations, Simply Bee and The Hopefield Fynbos Skou, the learners were educated on the importance of bees, the local
fynbos and how trees combat climate change. There was lots of fun to be had, as the learners played Edu-games, explored the fynbos park and ended the day with the ceremonial planting of a wild sage plant. “With young people leading the charge to combat climate change and making a real impact in getting their voices heard, it is important that we educate our children on the environmental issues that affect our communities and help them form a connection and love for the earth,” says Nazeema Duarte, Environmental and Heritage Manager of Saldanha Municipality. She thanked SANParks, Transnet, the Department of Environmental Affairs, the West Coast District Municipality, Saldanha Bay Tourism, Langebaanweg Air Force, the West Coast Biosphere Reserve and Positive Earth Landscaping for making the day possible.
Weskusser sing saam met World biodiversity day Vernon by gospel-aand promoted to raise awareness
Die dansgroep “Team Spirit Dance Group” is van Steenberg`s Cove en het ook die aand opgetree. `n Sestienjarige jong meisie van Steenberg`s glo dat deelname aan konserte die kunstenaars Cove in St Helenabaai het onlangs saam met help om selfvertroue te kry en skep daarom platdie alombekende Weskusser Vernon Vraagom forms om hulle talente te wys. Blootstelling is `n uiters belangrike aspek van en ander plaaslike kunstenaars opgetree in `n Gospel konsert wat in die gemeenskapsaal ge- die proses. Die doel van die konsert was om vir Meleighou is. Meleighke Lopez is `n geestelike danser en sy hke te help met befondsing. Sy is `n matrikulant glo deur hierdie gawe wat sy van God ontvang aan Weston Hoërskool en is een van drie kinders van `n enkelouer in Steenberg`s Cove. het, mense gesond en geseën kan word. Die konsert het suksesvol afgeloop en die Die konsert was gereël deur Phakama Arts Foundation, `n organisasie wat hulle beywer vir gemeenskap van Steenberg`s Cove en St Heledie opheffing van plaaslike kunstenaars en kon- nabaai is bedank vir hulle ondersteuning van die sentreer op die Uitvoerende Kunste. Phakama geleentheid.
5 Junie 2019
Image should be printed in large format
Laura Matzner`s photo made such an impression on the judge at the last meeting of the West Coast Photographic Society that he suggested it be printed in large format and hung on a wall! The impressed judge was Le Roux Malan at Society`s monthly meeting when members submit photos in different categories. Laura’s Naby Papendorf scored 28 points and achieved a COM. One point behind on 27 points each and also achieving COM was Jakes Jordaan`s image Bateleur and Boeta Lochner`s image Netfishing.
The set subject for April was From Above and the winning image was Sidewinding submitted by Jakes Jordaan. He received 26 points and Gold. Another three members also achieved Gold with 25 points each: Ben Jager with Shopping Mission; Ester Schoeman with Snoek Vangs and Michael Germishuys with Coming Into Harbour. New members are always welcome. For any enquiries send an e-mail to admin@weskusfotoklub or call 084 577 7752.
Geeste Groet:
Vredenburg Hoërskool het Dinsdag, 30 April, afskeid geneem van twee groot legendes. Vir 22 jaar was mnr Derek Von Zeuner skoolhoof van dié skool en mnr Koos Meiring adjunkhoof vir die afgelope 30 jaar. Hulle bydrae en onselfsugtige diens sal beslis deur almal by die skool gemis word. Hulle staan hier saam met `n aantal leerders. Die hele skool het vir dié groot geeste `n erewag gevorm terwyl hulle die laaste maal die skool se gange bewandel het.
Kontak ons Redakteur: Izélle Garcia -
Redaksie: Madi Pieterse - Bemarkers: Weskus: Desiré Kriel - Porterville: Marietjie Nel - Piketberg: Karin Neethling - Finansies: Jane Gouws Web: Tel: 022 487 3221
5 Junie 2019
Litter clean-up in St Helena Theatre at the West Coast Fossil Park
Three of the volunteers who cleaned up at De Palm Centre. • Anne Todd “A number of residents concerned about the growing amount of litter accumulating in our beautiful area participated in a Litter Clean-Up held on Tuesday, 7 May between 08h30 and 10h00 at the De Palm Centre and the Spar. The area, measuring approximately 350m x 170m (around 5.5 hectares) was cleaned up and 100 bags of litter were collected. Participants received black plastic bags for rubbish and clear bags for recycling items. Sincere thanks to all members of the public who participated and also to the staff and management of See Ster Coffee Shop, Marais Electrical and St
Helena Bay Spar who also assisted. Thanks also to Saldanha Bay Municipality for their support and for collecting the black bags. The clear bags with items for recycling were collected by the Recycling Company. This is the fifth Litter Clean-Up by some residents of St Helena Bay in the last few months. The area around the Old Graveyard near Steenberg`s Cove has been cleaned twice, the open area in front of AgriMark was cleaned up in April and the Vroue Landbouvereniging held a clean-up in a certain area of the harbour in April and collected 33 bags of rubbish.” Upcoming clean-up dates will be published in the diary section of dié courant.
The internationally sought-after theatrical company, Walking Tall, held a special performance at the new museum at the West Coast Fossil Park on 1 May. Walking Tall has performed in European countries such as Belgium and Germany and is a physical theatre performance that illustrates the story of how life and human kind develo-
ped from shared ancestors into a diverse group of organisms living on earth each day. Really a magnificent theatrical performance of evolution story telling. This unique opportunity was made possible in collaboration with the science centre. Mock dig activities were also available for children after the performance.
5 Junie 2019
Dagboek • Diary • Dagboek • Diary• Dagboek •
Geleenthede Saterdag 18 Mei: Hopefield Skietklub Veteranedag, 09h30 tot wanneer die dans verby is. Wynand du Toit stel ook boek bekend. Kaartjies verkrygbaar by Japie 071 567 0662 / David 082 219 0513 / Winnie 072 354 2068 / Lizelle 071 422 2694 / Arél 083 735 3632 / Ted 076 585 2026. West Coast Kickboxing Event, not to be missed. At White City Multi-Purpose Centre, Saldanha. Tickets R150, VIP R200. Doors open at 17h00, first fight at 18h00 – Wednesday 22 May: Saldanha Dameskring bied aan die baie gewilde eenmanvertoning DONKIE soos vertolk deur Frank Opperman en geskryf deur Dana Snyman by Weskusskool op Saldanha. Die aandvertoning is ongelukkig reeds uitverkoop. Kaartjies vir die ekstra middagvertoning om 15h00 is nou beskikbaar @ R120 per persoon. Kontak Amanda op 082 671 8099 of Erna op 083 285 2729 om te bespreek. Thursday-Sunday 23-26 May: Presidence Trophy Air Race, Saldanha Airfield – 082 460 4970. Saturday-Sunday 25-26 May: Darling Brew Extreme – (021) 286 1099 / / www. Saterdag 25 Mei: Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sondag 26 Mei: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Dinsdag 28 Mei: Weskus Fotografiese Stigting Maandvergadering by Ou Stalle, NG Moedergemeenteterrein, Vredenburg, 18h30. Navrae admin@ weskusfotoklub / 084 577 7752. Onderwerp vir Junie Panning or motion blur. Woensdag, 29 Mei: Vredenburg Tuinbouklub. Kom geniet ‘n oggend saam met ons. Bring ‘n klip om op te verf vir jou tuin. Celba Wessels gaan ons touwys maak by die Ou Stalle om 09h30. Enige navrae kan gerig word aan Elsabé Kruger op 082 416 6305. Saterdag 31 Mei: NG gemeente Saldanha hou hul immergewilde PIK EN PROE om 17h45 in die Kerksaal. Boekies teen R70 elk (10 skeppies) sal by die deure te koop wees. Bring eie eetgerei, drinkgoed, bakke en kom kuier saam! Kontak Erna op 083 285 2729 Saterdag 1 Junie: Car boot market, Catholic Church premises, Suffren Street, Langebaan, 09h00-12h00. Looking for an outlet to sell your unwanted goods, homemade craftwork or farm fresh produce? Contact
Heidi 083 779 5127/ to book your spot. Sunday-Tuesday 2-4 June: Vans Surf Pro Classic, Lambert`s Bay – (022) 921 3292 / 079 529 7137. Sondag 2 Junie: Mykonos Mark, Langebaan, (022) 707 7000. Dinsdag 25 Junie: Weskus Fotografiese Stigting Maandvergadering by Ou Stalle, NG Moedergemeenteterrein, Vredenburg, 18h30. Navrae admin@ weskusfotoklub / 084 577 7752. Onderwerp vir Julie Macro. Vrydag-Saterdag 28-29 Junie: Snoek- en Patatfees, Goedverwacht – 078 316 3988. Saterdag 29 Junie: Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sondag 30 Junie: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Saterdag 6 Julie: Badisa Aan Oewer Dienssentrum, Velddrif het `n pannekoekstalletjie by die Bergrivier Winterkarnaval as fondsinsamelingsprojek vir die dienssentrum. Darling Winter Beerfest – (021) 286 1099 / / Sondag 7 Julie: Mykonos Mark, Langebaan, (022) 707 7000. Saterdag 27 Julie: Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sondag 28 Julie: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Dinsdag 30 Julie: Badisa Aan Oewer Dienssentrum Velddrif hou konsert. Weskus Fotografiese Stigting Maandvergadering by Ou Stalle, NG Moedergemeente-terrein, Vredenburg, 18h30. Navrae admin@weskusfotoklub / 084 577 7752. Onderwerp vir Augustus From Above. Saterdag 3 Augustus: Car boot market, Catholic Church premises, Suffren Street, Langebaan, 09h0012h00. Looking for an outlet to sell your unwanted goods, homemade craftwork or farm fresh produce? Contact Heidi 083 779 5127/ heidi.engelbrecht@ to book your spot. Sondag 4 Augustus: Mykonos Mark, Langebaan,
This includes a wine glass and an entry to win an amazing prize to the value of R26 000!
Ages 13 - 17 - R60 per person Under 12 - No Charge
CONTACT TULBAGH TOURISM FOR MORE INFORMATION: Tel/fax: 023 2301 348 / 375 E-mail: Web:
(022) 707 7000. Saterdag 24 Augustus: Piket Uitdaag, Piketberg – Annelle Vercuiel 073 031 4922. Sondag 25 Augustus: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Groote Post Country Market, Darling, (022) 451 2202 / Dinsdag 27 Augustus: Weskus Fotografiese Stigting Maandvergadering by Ou Stalle, NG Moedergemeente-terrein, Vredenburg, 18h30. Navrae admin@weskusfotoklub / 084 577 7752. Onderwerp vir September Exploding Things. Saterdag 31 Augustus: Hopefield MTB Ride Your Best Ride. Inksrywings vanaf 1 Junie. Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / www. P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sondag 1 September: Mykonos Mark, Langebaan, (022) 707 7000. Vrydag-Sondag 6-8 September: Darling Voorkamerfest – Saterdag 7 September: Piket-Bo-Berg Cycle Challenge & Trail Run – Delanie Jooste 074 117 5743. Saterdag 14 September: Kardoesie N7, Piketberg Track/Cycle Challenge – Hanri Theron 076 508 3523. Vrydag-Sondag 20-22 September: Darling Veldblommeskou – Goedverwacht Erfenisfees – 083 872 7149 / 073 957 3549 / Dinsdag 24 September: Saldanha Erfenisfees – 083 697 4897. Weskus Fotografiese Stigting Maandvergadering by Ou Stalle, NG Moedergemeente-terrein, Vredenburg, 18h30. Navrae admin@weskusfotoklub / 084 577 7752. Onderwerp vir Oktober Low Light. Saterdag 28 September: Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sondag 29 September: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Groote Post Country Market, Darling, (022) 451 2202 /
Sportklub-aktiwiteite weekliks
Langebaan-atletiekklub, elke weeksdag, atlete oefen baan, veld, landloop, tweekamp, stap en pad – Christopher 073 232 0046 / Langebaan Karate, Maandae-Donderdah 17h0018h00 - Elsabé Marx 079 980 8496 / Sensei Jan Marx 082 415 0778. Langebaan Parkrun, Saterdae 08:00, Langebaan Country Estate, Oostewalstraat. Gratis, registreer vooraf – Langebaan Stars-gimnastiekklub, oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae, Gemeenskapsaal, Breëstraat, Langebaan – Madeleine 082 811 8118. Saldanha Fight Club, train Monday to Friday 16:00 to 19:00. Kickboxing, boxing, mma and fitness at 8 Pascadore Road, Saldanha. Morning class 09h0010h00 – Salkoriane-atletiekklub oefen Maandae, Dinsdae en Donderdae – stappers Vernon - 083 392 9356 en atlete Sakkie - 071 427 6731. Vredenburg-judoklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae 17:00-19:00, Louwville-gemeenskapsaal, Vredenburg – Frazer 064 475 3097. Vredenburg-tennisklub oefen Woensdae 16:00 en Saterdae 13:30 – Karin Pelser 064 646 4335. West Coast Combat School, Monday-Thursday 17:00-19:00, Friday 17:00-20:00, mixed martial arts, School Street, Vredenburg - Anthony 076 197 7261. Weskus-klawerjasunie (‘n streekskaartspelliga baie soos troewe). Sondae, kom speel saam – Charles 073 928 9004. KERKDIENSTE SONDAE * CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAYS NG Kerk Vredenburg Akkerdyk, Herculesstraat 09h30 – 022 713 1314 AGS Weskus Lighuis, Hoofstraat, Vredenburg 09h00 – 083 230 5656 / 084 205 6944. Baptist Church, De Klip Street, Vredenburg 10h00 – 076 370 2132. West Coast Vinyard Church, Heuningklip Street, Vredenburg 09h30 - 022 713 4253. Nuwe Lewe Kerk, bo-op FNB, Hoofstraat, Vredenburg koffie vooraf, 10h00 – 073 179 0992. NG Kerk Vredenburg-moedergemeente, Hoofstraat, Vredenburg 09h30 – 022 715 1276. NG Kerk St Helenabaai, 09h00 - (022) 736 1353. Living Waters Ministry, Stasiestraat Vredenburg (AW Boards-gebou), 10h00 - 063 116 9576. St Christopher’s Velddrif United Church, 09h30. All welcome. Contact Ivan 072 458 7705 for further info! Weskusgemeente, Vredenburg. 08h50; Radioprogram Kruispad Dinsdae 20h00-21h00, Weskus Radio 92.3 FM - 084 584 8953. Stuur asseblief inligting vir die gratis dagboek na vóór 10:00 Maandae.
5 Junie 2019
Tel: 022 487 3221
5 Junie 2019
Take flight in amazing race • Mark Mansfield Taking top honors at this year’s President`s Trophy Air Race (PTAR) with an overall gain of two and a half minutes was father and son team, Kobus and Sarel van der Merwe, flying their Mooney M20F. On their heels in second place was Kobus Nel and Martin Grunet that were a minute behind the winners, flying their Pipistrel Virus SW 100. This year there seemed to be more vigor and enthusiasm, the PTAR 2019 WhatsApp group was abuzz weeks in advance as the lead up to the 2019 PTAR began. It must have had something to do with the new format as well as the recent shakeup within the South African Power Flying Association (SAPFA) committee as well as its new chairman, Rob Jonkers. Last year the PTAR almost ‘crashed’ and was revived by Jonkers and his new committee in what can only be described as the ‘Amazing Race’ and truly one of the best PTAR’s in recent years. It became well-known that the PTAR was in trouble with dissent amongst the racing fraternity for the last few years, with a number of factors prevalent. SAPFA had to take stock and look at making changes to recover the image and ethos of the PTAR, which was done in July of 2018, and also on the back of a meeting held in June with the racing community. In this regard
Rob Jonkers stepped up as the Chair of SAPFA to also take on the role of the Race Director, not that he has racing experience to go by, but at least a number of years of competitive rally flying. With this as backdrop, Jonkers started work to review the technical format of the race based on inputs received from the racing community, and was able to design what he believed “is an exciting new style of racing, akin to Formula 1 requiring strategy, hands on piloting skills, and navigators with sharp map reading and terrain recognition skills”, this being an endeavour to bring into play that the Trophy Air Race has the ethos of a true race and eliminate as best possible the temptations of technology. The race should be all about the human and the machine as a combination to seek the best out of both in performance of power and skill. And just as Formula 1 also moves with the times, so does the PTAR, and this year taking that leap of faith in another Race Director with some fundamental format changes is going to be challenging at best, and a test to the racers in acceptance as the race unfolds. “We have at least had the fortitude of starting the Speed Rally circuit which by any means is also a race, just shorter in distance, and a one day event, and have to thank Jonty Esser for the energy he has brought to this type of event, which has for sure helped
in the build-up to the PTAR, and that between us in the dimension of Technical & Brand, we trust that this PTAR will come out as a success, also given that we have the whole SAPFA committee fully committed to support and make this work,” said Jonkers. The 2019 PTAR will go down as one for the record books in that it was a very challenging race for the organisers in that the weather did not play along, which lead to the cancelling of Race Day 1, but was handled with professionalism by Jonkers in his debut Race Directorship as he took the very bold decision to scrub the first day, much to the disappointment of all the eager competitors. It was like telling a bunch of children that were locked in a sweet shop not to eat any of the sweats until the next day! As mentioned, the 2019 race format was changed and in summary - simplify the handicapping formula; allow test flights as a matter of course; review penalty system to be less punitive; improve time taken to obtain results; figure a method for the race to be more about hands on navigation; and less reliant on automatic systems, amongst others. “Most of you will have by now heard of or taken part in the Speed Rallies, that has taken off and gained enthusiastic competitors, and much of the thoughts planned for the PTAR
as listed above and previously communicated have been tried out at these Speed Rallies, as essentially these are mini-PTARs. Having had a number of events so far, we have been able to iron out much of the format which should bode well for the PTAR that is coming up”, said Jonkers Entries opened in January for PTAR to be held at Saldanha Bay from 2nd to 4th May. All proposed rules is available on the SAPFA website. A total of 45 competitors took to the skies on Day 2 and covered around 285nm. The PTAR for next year will be held at Ermelo. It is also the Centenary year of the Aero Club, and in fact in 1920, the Aero Club was only about Power Flying, thus technically it is a celebration of 100 years of Power Flying, and will capitalise and brand this to good effect as a historical milestone. Furthermore, if there is interest, a Governor General’s Air Race will also be planned. This originally took place in 1937 and it would be appropriate to re-enact this with the prestigious GGAR cup as the prize. Then at the same time for SAPFA it is a big year to host the World Rally Flying Championships hosted in Stellenbosch, and also to organise together with the SAAF the Silver Queen Air Rally, with the SAAF also being 100 years old. All in all a busy year ahead.