The South Fyn Archipelago 2024

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S V E N D B O R G · FA A B O R G · L A N G E L A N D · Æ R Ø


WILD NATURE, DYNAMIC CULTURE ...and a World-Class Flooded Ice-age Landscape


GEOPARK Pæregaard Beach, Langeland @Kasper Andersen

A trip to the South Fyn Archipelago is a journey into coastal Denmark at its most vibrant. With unique landscapes shaped by glaciers, charming island life, and historic market towns, South Fyn has plenty to offer throughout the year. Indulge in the culinary temptations, embark on an outdoor adventure, go to a concert, or enjoy new experiences along with the friendly locals. This magazine presents sights and stories specific to each of the four areas constituting the South Fyn Archipelago region as well as activities that are common across the archipelago as a whole: fairytale castles and stately manors, the breathtakingly scenic Archipelago Trail, outstanding gastronomy, and amazing local art and design. Naturally, you can also learn about activities related to the region’s most prominent feature: the archipelago’s blue waters. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE

Despite the short travel times between towns and islands, the South Fyn Archipelago offers a multitude of diverse adventures. After all, the number of islands and islets reaches 55. So whether you are longing for the peace and quiet of island life, or you prefer the buzzing cultural scene of the market towns, we can safely promise that you will be able to find what you are looking for somewhere in the archipelago region. NATURE’S GREAT CONDITIONS

With its shallow waters, numerous islets, and varied coastline, the unique nature of the archipelago plays a large part in the continued development of island life, shipping, and farming across South Fyn and the archipelago islands. As a result of these favourable conditions, the South Fyn Archipelago is regarded as one of the most beautiful regions in all of Denmark – and it’s a favourite among many different groups of tourists, regardless of the season. INTERNATIONAL ATTENTION

We are far from alone in praising the South Fyn Archipelago. The region has attracted international attention and is currently in the process of becoming a UNESCO Global Geopark. There are already lots to experience in connection with Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago.

Welcome to the South Fyn Archipelago!



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70 ÆRØ

VISIT SVENDBORG – SVENDBORGEVENT Havnepladsen 2, DK-5700 Svendborg | +45 62 23 69 51 | | VISIT FAABORG – FAABORG TURISTBUREAU Torvet 19, DK-5600 Faaborg | +45 72 53 18 18 | | VISIT LANGELAND Østergade 23, 5900 Rudkøbing | +45 20 13 02 50 | | VISIT ÆRØ V/ÆRØ TURIST & ERHVERV Ærøskøbing Havn 4, 5970 Ærøskøbing | +45 62 52 13 00 | |

DIGITAL MAGAZINE Available for download at the Visit websites



Knold by Dyreborg @Kasper Orthmann Andersen


GEOPARK THE SOUTH FYN ARCHIPELAGO A geopark is a region in which the unique geological features of the landscape have had a significant impact on life in that region. Naturally, the heart of Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago is the waters and islands of the South Fyn Archipelago – a spectacular flooded ice-age landscape. When the last glacial period ended 11,700 years ago, the large ice caps of the northern hemisphere began to melt, resulting in a dramatic rise in sea levels. The sea intruded on the low lands, while the highest parts of the region remained above water. Those parts are the 55 islands and islets in today’s South Fyn Archipelago. The islands as well as the southern parts of mainland Fyn have a unique geological, natural and cultural history, all of which can be explored on a visit to The South Fyn Archipelago. In 2023, Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago was officially nominated as a UNESCO Global Geopark. Read more at



in Svendborg

1 Drejø @Knud Mortensen

Svendborgsund Bridge @DroneFilmFyn


Lundeborg Beach @Mikkel Groth

Silverrudder @Knud Mortensen



Danish Welfare Museum @Jon Bjarni Hjartasson

Playground at Torvet @Knud Mortensen







Walk across the Svendborgsund bridge, part of the Archipelago Trail, and enjoy the spectacular views before continuing to the scenic island of Tåsinge and the quaint skipper’s town of Troense.

Svendborg offers a ton of events for every taste, from Fight Night and Silverrudder to bridge, jazz, Dansktopfestival and Hansted Live.

Put on your backpack and take the ferry to Skarø or Drejø. Experience the calm, wonderful scenery and the relaxed island vibe.




Enjoy the great fishing spots along the coast at Elsehoved and continue north to one of South Fyn’s best beaches at Lundeborg.

Visit the Danish Welfare Museum and learn about the thoughtprovoking history of the old poorhouse. 2024 marks the museum’s 50-year anniversary.

Have a relaxed cup of coffee while the kids have fun at the playground at the town square. There are also playgrounds at the beaches in Christiansminde and Lundeborg.



in Faaborg


Håstrup Bjerge @Daniel Villadsen @Gærup School Museum

Finstrup Church Ruins @Ard Jongsma


Horse riding trail @Sven Storm

2 Avernakø @Daniel Villadsen



The Nix and the Elf-girl @Lasse Skov





If you want to savour the experience of being by yourself in nature, then the newly-opened nature site Håstrup Bjerge is the perfect choice. Go on a picnic surrounded by juniper bushes and small ponds, and enjoy the spectacular views of the bay of Helnæs.

Visit the small Gærup School Museum, which tells an important story. Gærup Skole was built in 1783 as the first Reventlow school, the precursor to the modern public school in Denmark.

Riderute Sydfyn is a 75-km continuous horse riding trail through some of Denmark’s most stunning landscapes.




The island of Avernakø originally consisted of two separate islands – Korshavn and Avernak – which, in 1937, were connected by a dam called ‘Drejet’.

Enjoy the views of the archipelago and Faaborg Fjord from the ruins of the former Finstrup church. Legend has it that a nobleman had a dog buried beneath the altar – maybe this was the reason why the church was torn down in the 15th century.

“The Nix and the Elf-girl” is a new hiking trail with listening posts introducing you to the myths and legends of the past, featuring magical creatures such as elf-girls and water spirits.


12 art towers @Jon Spangsvig


on Langeland

1 Stengade Forest @Mette Johnsen



Against the Current @Ard Jongsma


Ristinge Klint @Mikkel Jézéquel

Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter @Andreas Mørck Nielsen


2 Ø-skattejagt @Silje Bruun





Let scientist Hans Christian Ørsted be your travel companion on Langeland with the audio walk ‘Against the Current’ (8+ years). Adventure also awaits at Naturdestination Skovsgaard.

Visit Denmark’s longest art exhibition – Langeland’s 12 art towers – presenting works by local artists.

The story has it that Adam Oehlenschläger wrote the Danish national anthem below Oehlenschläger’s Oak in Stengade Skov.




Ristinge is a phenomenal hotspot for water activities and has one of the best beaches in Denmark. Don’t miss Ristinge Klint, a geologically significant cliff offering spectacular views of the archipelago.

Try sailing a traditional smack dinghy at Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter on Strynø.

Find secret locations and stories across Langeland and Ærø on the treasure hunt Ø-skattejagt. Only available in Danish and German.



on Ærø

Ø-CAMINO @Daniel Villadsen


Voderup Klint @Freja Kock Christlieb

Skjoldnæs Lighthouse @Marcel Lesch


Jørbæk Beach @Lasse Hjort

Søbygaard @Marcel Lesch

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Marstal Søfartsmuseum @Freja Kock Christlieb






Try the Ø-CAMINO hiking trail on Ærø & Langeland – lots of kilometres amid the most beautiful surroundings.

Climb to the top of the Skjoldnæs lighthouse at the northern tip of Ærø and enjoy the amazing 360-degree view.

Enjoy your packed lunch at the fascinating Voderup Klint and indulge in the views from atop the terraced cliff.




Make sure to stop by Jørbæk beach, with its small fishing cottages and a bathing jetty leading out to the sandy seabed.

Explore maritime history at Marstal Søfartsmuseum, with authentic exhibitions and salty sea tales.

Visit Søbygaard on Ærø for dinner and popcorn over the bonfire, fishing in the moat, plus more family-friendly activities focusing on nature.


Svendborg Harbor @Claus Nicolajsen

Svendborg is a beautiful and vibrant town, brimming with local culture and historical charm. The beating heart of Svendborg is the harbour. This is where the town’s wealth was generated, along with its broad outlook and free-spirited mentality. These unique conditions created a thriving culture, with a harmonious mix of old and new. The well-preserved town centre, with its crooked alleyways and quaint courtyards, is only a few minutes away from the harbour where the ferries are ready to take you on a trip to the idyllic archipelago islands. 12




Get a heart-warming boost by watching the sunlight reflected in the harbour basin at dawn – that’s the perfect start to another day of roaming the charming streets and taking in the buzzing town life. Svendborg, the Capital of the Archipelago, is full of art, culinary temptations, and – last but not least – music. With more than 700 live concerts every year as well as the largest food market in the Nordics, your biggest challenge will be choosing between the many options.

As a certified Cittaslow town, Svendborg focuses on quality of life, sustainability, and authentic local charm. Svendborg is not just a holiday destination, it’s a breathing space, letting you have a taste of the good life.

Read more about Svendborg on the following pages – and find more information at


Kyseborgstræde @rundt.i.danmark

AN INSIDER’S GUIDE TO SVENDBORG Nikolaj Jacobsen: “I think you have to experience The South Fyn Archipelago”


Hansted Live @Mark Skovbo Olsen

Thurø Rev @Mikkel Jézéquel



“Go on a tour of the archipelago. The small islands of Thurø, Tåsinge, Skarø, Drejø, and Hjortø are all unique in their own way, and easy to visit as they are connected by either bridge or ferry to mainland Fyn. It’s possible to rent boats by the hour at Svendborg harbour, so you can go island hopping on your own. The scenery is incredibly beautiful, and Svendborg itself is such a charming town. There’s also always good vibes on Frederiksø, especially in the summer, thanks to the amazing beach bar.” WHAT TO TRY

“Svendborg Golf Klub is definitely worth a visit. It’s the most varied golf course in all of Denmark. The course is challenging and fairly hilly, so playing a round makes for good exercise. I mainly play golf to have a good time with my friends, in fact, a large part of my social life is centred around the course. In general, the golf club is a great place to network. On Monday afternoon, I always play a relaxed game of golf with my friends. We play a round, chat and laugh it up, and then we enjoy a nice dinner at the club restaurant. I love the fun down-to-earth vibe at the club.”

rants and cafés, and you can always get a good brunch. Prices are fair, the service is top-class, and you’re never far away from a new local dining experience.” WHERE TO GO FOR A WALK

“Svendborg is a mini metropolis in the South Fyn Archipelago”


“I always keep an eye on Borgerforeningen Svendborg Teater’s concert calendar – and the same goes for Harders, which is a legendary music venue.” “Each year, the family-friendly music festival Hansted Live takes place in the park Krøyers Have in central Svendborg. It’s a cool experience, with great music and nice food, and you always seem to run into old friends that you haven’t seen in years.” WHAT TO TASTE

“Whenever we go out to eat, I always find myself feeling satisfied. Svendborg has a wide array of restau-

“I’m not the hiking type – and even if that wasn’t the case, my old handball knees would put a quick end to it. That said, South Fyn is as scenic as anywhere else. I never get tired of standing at the tip of Thurø Rev, looking out across the sea to Langeland.” SVENDBORG’S BEAUTIFUL GEMS

“Svendborg Marina has lots to offer. The kayaking club is located here, there’s an ice-cream kiosk, a stretch of beach and a number of old fishermen’s cottage – and it’s within walking distance from the town centre.” “Gambøt Marina on Thurø is also worth a visit, thanks to the quaint fishermen’s cottages and the splendid views to the sea. The local sailing club is located here as well.” “Before moving back to Svendborg, we had a holiday home at Smørmosen on Thurø, which is another mustsee. There’s a beautiful beech forest, activities for the entire family, and good vibes at the beach.” WHAT MAKES SVENDBORG UNIQUE


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Triple World Championship-winning coach of the Danish men’s national handball team Has lived on South Fyn since the age of 11 Started his career at GOG before moving abroad to play for Kiel in Northern Germany Moved to Thurø in Svendborg in 2018, with his wife and three kids, after being appointed national team coach

“Svendborg is a spectacularly charming seaside town, it is also called the capital of the archipelago. The town centre is located right by the harbour, which is what makes Svendborg special. You can enter the harbour, moor your boat and find yourself in the town centre, all in a matter of minutes." "Svendborg is a mini metropolis in the South Fyn Archipelago.”


DENMARK’S NICEST SHOPPING TOWN Gerritsgade @Knud Mortensen


Due to the unique combination of its active harbour environment, historical buildings and cobblestone streets, Svendborg is one of the most charming shopping towns in Denmark – in fact, in 2022, Svendborg was awarded the title of “Denmark’s Nicest Shopping Town”. The historical town centre offers a great and varied shopping experience, and when you need an energy boost, the perfect choice is to enjoy some local food at one of the numerous cafés. If you’re looking for small specialty shops selling unique artisanal items as well as delicious gourmet products, Svendborg is the ideal place to go shopping. Naturally, you can also find a wide range of the most common high-street stores, so you won’t be missing anything. As the capital of the archipelago, Svendborg is the main shopping town for many islanders. Try visiting on a Saturday morning and be part of the crowd going from one specialty shop to the next and moving between the Market Day stalls on the town square. Besides doing a bit of shopping, it’s a great opportunity to engage in some light conversation and


exchange stories with the merry townspeople, who are fond of enjoying their day at a slow pace. TOP-CLASS GASTRONOMY

Svendborg is home to several high-quality restaurants serving culinary delicacies cooked by dedicated chefs. Every bite tells its own story of carefully selected ingredients and a passion for innovative gastronomy. There’s an abundance of small local food and beverage producers who put their heart and soul into creating authentic taste experiences. Local whisky and gin winning one international award after the other, and an ice-cream being served as part of the exclusive menu aboard Singapore Airlines flights – those are just some of the many top-class products originating in the Svendborg region. Svendborg also has a number of bold micro-breweries making distinctive and innovative beer. Because they dare to experiment and explore new flavours, the resulting beer not only quenches your thirst, but tickles your senses as well.


Pick up a picnic basket and some locally produced drinks at one of the town’s many delicatessen shops and head for Skansen: a picturesque meadow with freely grazing cattle located by the water on the opposite side of the Svendborgsund strait.

Skansen on Tåsinge @Knud Mortensen


If you prefer an attentive waiter serving you delicious courses, visit one of the many authentic restaurants and cafés on the streets of Svendborg. You can also find restaurants overlooking the strait or nestled in the charming courtyards. In Svendborg, you have every opportunity to please your senses – and a lot of the restaurants are focusing on cooking with fresh local ingredients. Read more at

Kulinarisk Sydfyn on Frederiksø@Kulinarisk Sydfyn





Svendborg’s maritime atmosphere is easily felt on a visit to the harbour, especially when you cross the bridge to the shipyard island of Frederiksø where the town’s shipping history really comes alive. You can’t help but be taken aback by the unique interplay between the vibrant cultural scene and the remaining active shipyards on Frederiksø.

Fyn for Historic Ships will once again finish in Svendborg. You can be part of celebrating this living piece of Danish maritime history by joining in the quayside applause as the impressive sailing ships enter the harbour. Silverrudder, the world’s largest single-handed boat race, with more than 400 participants, will once again start and finish in Svendborg, when summer turns to autumn and the wind begins to pick up.

Along the quay, restaurants and cafés offer splendid views of the constantly changing traffic of freighters, ferries, wooden ships, yachts, and kayaks. Nordre Kaj, at the northern end of the harbour, is an impressive sight, the old industrial area having been turned into a site for education and learning. The brand-new SIMAC building (Svendborg International Maritime Academy) sits at the water’s edge, displaying Svendborg’s focus on education.

Whether you’ve got saltwater in your veins or you’re simply longing to get it in your hair, Svendborg has got you covered, as there are plenty of ways to enjoy the archipelago waters. Experience the strait from a sea kayak, go island hopping on the various ferries, jump on board the vintage ferry M/S Helge, glide through the water on a SUP board, or rent a boat and go sailing for yourselves. Read more at

Thanks to its amazing location along the strait, Svendborg is a natural hub for maritime experiences. This year, the Tour of



The two-hour round trip, which has been called the loveliest sea route in Denmark, follows the stunning coasts of South Fyn, Tåsinge, and Thurø – and lets you experience the impressive Svendborgsund bridge from below. Pack a picnic basket and enjoy the sight of the leisure crafts setting sail on the strait, the historic wooden ships, and the kayakers gliding past on the water. You can jump on and off at all the stops along the way. Three suggestions for trips with M/S Helge: 1. M/S Helge has recently added a stop at the luxurious hotel and restaurant Stella Maris, the perfect spot for a coffee break or a delicious lunch. Another option is completing the audio walk ‘The Silence of the Sound’, then sailing back to Svendborg from Stella Maris. 2.

Disembark at the lovely beach at Christiansminde and enjoy a nice lunch at the nearby hotel. Take the opportunity to visit Galleri DGV, exhibiting contemporary art in the remarkable Villa Tårnborg, located just a few minutes’ walk from the jetty.

3. Jump off the ferry in the skipper’s town of Troense and walk down Grønnegade to marvel at its well-preserved half-timbered houses. Finish your trip with lunch or a nice cup of coffee at the harbour-front hotel, right next to M/S Helge’s ferry berth. Read more on the back cover and buy tickets at




M/S Helge @Svendborg Havn




0 ÅR

Svendborgsund Bridge @Knud Mortensen


Inspiration for sights and activities ACTIVITIES

� � � � �

Bowl’n’Fun Gorilla Park SG Huset Thurø Minigolf Wilt ART GALLERIES


� � � � � � �

Atelier Clot, Bramsen & Brunholt Atelier LINDA RIBER Galleri Bag Døren Galleri Bak Galleri DGV Galleri Q SAK Kunstbygning PLAYGROUNDS

� � � � � �

The Danish Yachting Museum @Knud Mortensen

The Rambla of Maritime Experiences Playground at Christiansminde Playground in Lundeborg Playground near Naturama Nørregårdsminde playground Playground at the town square in Svendborg MUSEUMS

� � � � � � � �

The Danish Welfare Museum Denmark's Kostumarium The Danish Yachting Museum Drejø Museum Egebjerg Mølle Johannes Jørgensens Mindestuer Naturama Taasinge Museum THEATRES/CINEMA

� � �

BaggårdTeatret Borgerforeningen Svendborg Teater Scala Svendborg WATER PARKS

� Borgerforeningen Svendborg Teater @Flemming Navntoft


Adventure Water Park at First Camp Bøsøre Strand � Svendborg Svømmeland Read more at




Regardless of when you visit Svendborg, there are lots of things to do, as several sights, museums and galleries are open throughout the year. Explore the exciting theatre calendars, visit something as rare as the most well-preserved poorhouse in the Nordics, or go to the family-friendly museum of natural history. As the capital of the archipelago, the Svendborg region has no off-season. The town is an excellent choice for the culturally curious, and there’s loads of fun options for kids as well – the numerous playgrounds around town, the many child-friendly events organised by local cultural institutions, and the unique treetop climbing park situated in a beech forest outside town. The cultural scene is a constant source of joy and inspiration, combining strong local roots with progressive ideas and taking place in a variety of settings, from lavishly decorated theatres to historical buildings and churches. This visionary attitude has created a great foundation for new and exciting art experiences, enriching your visit to Svendborg. Read more at @Gorillapark




Olympen Live @Camilla Lundbye Photography


The film festival SVEND @Tom Andreasen

The Svendborg region is known for its unique atmosphere and fun-loving inhabitants. The good vibe reaches its climax during the town’s many festivals, concerts, shows, and events. Svendborg and the South Fyn Archipelago host around 30 festivals, and each year sees a new festival popping up. Throughout the years, music festivals such as Hansted Live, Dansktopfestivalen, and Høje Bøge Open Air have captured local hearts, and the new one-day festival Olympen Live is here to stay as well. More than 700 live concerts take place within the Svendborg region every year, across large concert halls, intimate venues and cosy bars. Whether you’re looking for a unifying party atmosphere or prefer a more intimate setting, you can find it in Svendborg all year round.

Skarøfestival @Andreas Bastiansen

Festivals big and small are thriving in Svendborg. And whereas some festivals continue to grow each year, others wish to stay small, such as the scenic Skarø Festival, whose organisers have decided to maintain a low number of guests in order to remain small and cosy. The local festivals don’t just focus on music. This year, the film festival SVEND celebrates its 20-year anniversary by taking over the town centre with open-air screenings, talks, and a big outdoor award show covered by national media and visited by acclaimed actors and actresses. Play bridge at the festival dedicated to the popular card game, learn something new at the educational festival Resonans, or get your pulse racing at the Fight Night boxing event. This is just a small sample of the many large and small events taking place throughout the year.

RESONANS @Mads Bordinggaard

Svendborg offers a wide array of events attracting both locals and visitors from near and far. Try planning your visit in order to attend or participate in a particular event, or explore what’s on while you’re in town. Read more about events in Svendborg at


Located along the picturesque coast of South Fyn, Rundbuehallen and Det Maritime Pakhus offer scenic beauty and maritime charm in an industrial setting. Our versatile venues can be adjusted for your needs – from cosy gatherings to large events. Make your next event memorable!


You’re probably already aware of Svendborg’s scenic location, its proximity to the sea, and the varied cultural scene serving up great experiences for young and old all year round. SVENDBORG ALL YEAR

Svendborg is a popular vacation spot, and every summer sees an influx of tourists, who want a taste of the good life. But what do you do if that summer infatuation develops into a dream of moving closer to the sea, exchanging the hectic city life for a more slow-paced existence, with grass beneath your bare feet and dirty fingernails from working the garden? If that is the case, contact Esther, who is the newcomer guide at Svendborg Municipality. She will answer all your questions about schools, kindergartens, or leisure activities. And if you’re looking for in-depth knowledge about the different local communities within the municipality, she knows who to put you in touch with. FOCUSING ON THE GOOD LIFE

In Svendborg Municipality, we’re serious about quality of life. That’s why Svendborg is part of the Cittaslow movement, a network of towns aiming to improve the conditions for living the good life by promoting values such as quality of life, sustainability, and local consumption. Newcomer guide Esther Hald Andersen Phone: +45 3017 5760 E-mail:



– in your pocket

Skansen on Tåsinge @lasse.hjort


for your phone. VisitSvendborg’s app is Svendborg’s official guide to everything you need to know when you’re visiting Svendborg. Find inspiration for your trip and information about sights, activities, events, accommodation, shopping, restaurants, transportation and lots more.

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– Journey Across the Archipelago

Hop on the ferry and experience the calm and serenity of the small archipelago islands. Each island has its own unique history and scenery, though they also have some things in common: splendid coastal nature and that special island vibe.


Lyø @Mette Krull


Drejø @Knud Mortensen

Take the ferry from Svendborg to Skarø, Drejø, and Hjortø, which is home to only a handful of permanent residents. Bjørnø, Lyø, and Avernakø are reached by ferry from Faaborg. The ferry to Strynø leaves from Rudkøbing, and you can go to Birkholm by ferry from Marstal on Ærø. SKARØ

This small island is known for its beautiful scenery and interesting bird and animal life, though the passionate islanders have done their part as well to put Skarø firmly on the map: Skarø has a music festival held each year in August, an icecream manufacturer selling ice cream all over the world, a summer café with its own smokehouse, an apothecary garden, and lots more in addition to all the scenic sights. The island, half an hour’s ferry trip from Svendborg, has several accommodation options. Read more about Skarø at Get your ferry tickets to Skarø at DREJØ


Bring your bikes when you go to Drejø. From the eastern ferry berth, there are only 4 km to the island’s westernmost point, a cliff offering a spectacular view of the archipelago. The trip takes you past Drejet, a narrow isthmus with water on both sides. On the north coast, the old harbour of Gammel Havn is a charming sight, and Bækkildestrand on the south coast is the best place to go for a swim. Drejø has a grocery store, a local museum, a café, and farm shops selling local products. The island is one hour and 15 minutes from Svendborg by ferry and offers several options for accommodation. Read more about Drejø at Get your ferry tickets to Drejø at




Avernakø is a special island, as it originally consisted of two islands – Avernak and Korshavn – which, in 1937, were connected by a dam called ‘Drejet’. The island has a rich birdlife, lovely beaches and lots of open space. Avernakø is known for its two maypoles, located in the villages of Avernak and Munke. Once a year, on the Saturday before Pentecost, villagers convene around the pole. Only 100 or so islanders live on Avernakø, and they all jointly own the island’s grocery store. There are plenty of nice accommodation options and eateries on Avernakø, which is reached by ferry from Faaborg in either 35 or 60 minutes, depending on your choice of ferry service. Read more about Avernakø at Get your ferry tickets to Avernakø at

Bjørnø is first mentioned in the 13th century, then spelled Byørnø, meaning the island inhabited by bears. Don’t worry, though, there haven’t been any bear sightings lately. Cars are not allowed on Bjørnø, and bikes are not recommended either, but you can walk around the island in a couple of hours. The island has plenty to offer – flat beach meadows, a rich birdlife, and tall cliffs with spectacular views of Fyn and the neighbouring islands. During summer, islanders and visitors enjoy their evening coffee together on the waterfront, watching the sun set over Faaborg and Svanninge Bakker on Fyn. Bjørnø has a charming café, an ice-cream kiosk as well as several accommodation options. The ferry ride aboard ‘M/F Lillebjørn’ is only 17 minutes from Faaborg. Read more about Bjørnø at Get your ferry tickets to Bjørnø aboard the Bjørnø ferry


Located south-west of Faaborg, Lyø is the westernmost island of the archipelago. Lyø’s greatest attractions are its peace and quiet, its clean air and beautiful scenery as well as the old village with its many half-timbered houses. The island’s farms are located around the village ponds in the historic town, which is considered one of Denmark’s most interesting village communities. The dolmen chamber known as Klokkestenen – the Bell Stone – is several thousand years old, and clear notes ring out when you strike it. From Faaborg, it takes about 35 minutes to reach Lyø, where you can find a grocery store, cafés, and several accommodation options. Read more about Lyø at Get your ferry tickets to Lyø at


Birkholm is one of the islands in Denmark with the fewest permanent residents. In fact, Birkholm has fewer residents than houses, a lot of which are second homes for people from all over Denmark, who nevertheless spend a lot of time and energy maintaining them. A small but loyal bunch of bornand-raised islanders keep up the old traditions and make sure that everything remains in order throughout the year. Although you won’t find any eateries on the island, Birkholm has a self-service shop, a charming marina, a landscape suitable for hiking as well as a some nice fishing spots. Read more about Birkholm at Get your ferry tickets to Birkholm at


With only four permanent residents, Hjortø is among the least-populated islands in Denmark. Hjortø’s diverse nature is often visited by flocks of migrating birds, amongst them the majestic sea eagle and the small wren. The islanders have spotted more than 100 different bird species on Hjortø. If you love the outdoors, Hjortø is the perfect choice. You can spend the night in a shelter or put up your own tent. Hjortø is an hour away from Svendborg by ferry. Read more about Hjortø at Get your ferry tickets to Hjortø at SVELMØ

This uninhabited hidden treasure is owned by two families, who rent out Svelmø’s houses as holiday homes. You can’t reach Svelmø by ferry, only via the low-tide road from the road ‘Østergyden’ between Nab and Nakkebølle on Fyn. To reach Svelmø, you then have to wade about 500 metres with water up to your knees. The trip can be made in a more comfortable manner, though, in the back of a tractor. Throughout summer, you can go on a guided tractor tour with local Svelmø expert, Jan. Once you have reached Svelmø, the guided tour continues on foot. The trip is three to four hours long and ends with a dinner on the beach: grilled fish or beef from Svelmø with locally sourced potatoes on the side. Read more about Svelmø at Book your trip to Svelmø at



Strynø was named the island of the year in 2022 and is the largest of the small islands in the South Fyn Archipelago. Strynø is about 30 minutes away from Rudkøbing by ferry. The island has around 190 permanent residents, some of which are farmers or private business owners, while others are commuting to work on the larger islands. Strynø is a well-functioning community on a small scale, with day care centres, a school, a grocery store, a church and several different clubs and societies. Naturally, the close-knit local community is a big part of life on the small island. A visit to Strynø is a good opportunity to gear down while remaining active. Bring your own bike or rent one on the harbour front for only 20 DKK, and go for a tour of the island. Other options include trying out stand-up paddling or learning to sail in a smack dinghy at Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter. Read more about Strynø at Get your ferry tickets to Strynø at

Korshavn @Erling Krebs Sørensen



‘Det Sydfynske Øhav’ is the Danish name for the shallow waters south of Fyn and the archipelago comprising more than 55 island and islets – it’s the world’s largest drowned ice-age landscape. The area was flooded during the Stone Age, which created the islands’ unique hilly terrain. More info on page 2-3 and 6-7



Taarngade @Michael Fiukowski og Sarah Moritz



One of Denmark’s oldest market towns, Faaborg is nestled between the hills of Svanninge Bakker and the South Fyn Archipelago. Faaborg is incredibly picturesque, with roses climbing up the old houses in the narrow cobblestone streets. The old merchant’s houses have been preserved, as has the old bell tower – the town’s landmark. Today, Faaborg is a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts and has a lively art and culture scene. With its three ferries connecting Bjørnø, Lyø, Avernakø and Ærø to the mainland, Faaborg is truly the gate to the archipelago. Read more about Faaborg on the following pages, or go to



The Alps of Fyn @Mikkel Jézéquel

AN INSIDER’S GUIDE TO FAABORG Helene Blum: “Faaborg is a perfect blend of high culture and nature’s free offerings”


Faaborg Harbour Bath @Rune Johansen

Faaborg Museum @Hélène Binet



“A great day in Faaborg might start with a morning swim in the sea, followed by brunch at Soze Kaffebar & Risteri, a visit to Faaborg Museum, and a glass of wine at Vinbanken, before ending your day with a beach dinner, perhaps with some takeout from Dang ved Brønden, the local Thai restaurant. Faaborg Museum is always worth a visit, with fascinating temporary exhibitions and a great permanent collection. Currently, I’m captivated by the life of painter Anna Syberg and the beauty/ephemerality of her watercolours. Faaborg offers an abundance of art and nature.” WHAT TO TASTE WHAT TO TRY

“A visit to the region has to include an island trip. Taking the ferry to the small island of Bjørnø and walking to the other side is a family-friendly choice. Going to Lyø or Avernakø and experiencing the calm of island life is another great option – the ferry crossing itself is incredibly scenic.” WHAT TO EXPERIENCE

“The Helios cinema and arts centre brings the community together. You – and your kids – always feel welcome here. Denmark’s oldest music society is also located here. If there’s a concert while you’re in town, you simply have to go. Remember to look up: the venue’s decorated ceiling is an experience in itself.”

“Whenever I’m away from home, I miss the beach at Klinten and the sea”

“The small art gallery Skitsehandlen, near the town square, is an absolute gem and one of my Faaborg favourites. There’s so much beauty and spontaneity in the gallery’s artistic sketches. Another recommendation is local jewellers Lind & James who make unique and exclusive jewellery.”


“A nice espresso can kick-start even the drowsiest of Mondays, and Faaborg has one of the world’s best coffee roasters. Another culinary attraction are the roadside stalls selling produce and eggs from local farms, in particular Kildegården and Knabegården, the latter specialising in asparagus. Once a year, I book a table at Falsled Kro – and sometimes a room, too. That we can experience this level of luxury in our little corner of the world fills me with a sense of pride.”

Singer and folk musician Helene Blum lives with her husband, violinist Harald Haugaard, and their two children in the hill country of Svanninge Bakker. Helene has released several albums – both as a solo artist and as part of Helene Blum & Harald Haugaard Band. The award-winning band is touring the world, playing their brand of folk music. The two musicians draw inspiration from the works of local classical composer Carl Nielsen.


“Whenever I’m away from home, I miss the beach at Klinten and the sea. I go swimming a couple of times a week, all year round – being close to the water on a clear day is the ultimate luxury. Another well-kept secret is sitting snugly in the harbour-front sauna, watching the sun rise on an icy morning.” WHAT MAKES FAABORG UNIQUE

“Faaborg is a perfect blend of high culture and nature’s free offerings. I need beautiful things in my life in order to feel joy and purpose, and the Faaborg region fulfils that need with its stunning scenery and charming architecture. Moreover, Faaborg is full of wonderful, creative people who have chosen to settle in the region because of its natural beauty and serene atmosphere.” “Every now and again, I meet someone visiting on vacation who is concerned that the region might lose its relaxed and beautiful aura if they were to live here on a permanent basis. All I can say is that I have lived here for 18 years and still appreciate the openness and beauty – even in November.”





Holkegade @Kasper Orthmann Andersen


Accompany the watchman on his evening round, explore the town on your own, or travel back in time to the 1890s.

The Bell Tower @Sven Storm


With the combined map and guide ‘Walk through the town’, you have a local historian in your back pocket. The booklet can be purchased at the tourist office and at A TOWN WITHIN A TOWN

Faaborg Miniby is a historically correct 1:10-scale version of Faaborg in the year of 1890. Take a stroll through the miniature town of 150-plus houses, all built according to original architectural drawings and with authentic building materials – an exact copy, down to the smallest detail.


In 1592, the first night watchman did his rounds in the streets of Faaborg. The watchman’s task was to keep order at night and sound the alarm in case of fire. The tradition was revived in 1995, and so, every evening during summer, the watchman sets off on his round at 8pm from the bell tower. Everyone, big and small, is invited to follow in the watchman’s footsteps – and it’s free of charge.

Watchmen @Lars Skaaning



– Small Town, Great Experiences


Faaborg Museum @Sven Storm


Take your time discovering Faaborg – the market town, which was one of Fyn’s most important ports in the 18th century. With its stunning scenery and interesting cultural sights, Faaborg offers excitement for days.


The former jailhouse is bound to get you thinking. How does it feel when the door slams shut and you find yourself behind bars? A visit to the jailhouse is a great learning experience, for both kids and adults. You will learn about prisons past and present – and about your own attitudes towards justice and punishment. KALEKO MILL

How did we process grain 100 years ago? Find out at Kaleko Mill, which is the oldest preserved water mill for processing grain in Denmark. There is a special vibe to the thatched and half-timbered mill, making you feel as though you have travelled back in time. THE BELL TOWER – FAABORG’S LANDMARK

The bell tower is Faaborg’s best-known landmark. After the Reformation in 1536, the Church of St. Nicholas was torn down, and only the bell tower was left standing. The view from atop the tower, overlooking the town’s red roofs, the hills of Svanninge Bakker, and the South Fyn Archipelago, is simply magnificent. The saying goes that a true child of Faaborg will never move so far away as to lose sight of the bell tower. FAABORG MUSEUM – A WORK OF ART IN ITSELF

Faaborg Museum is quite extraordinary. It is constructed specifically for the artworks of the Fyn Painters (a group of local artists around 1900) and comprises painting, sculpture, architecture, and furniture design. The museum is an architectural gem in itself, and one of the most significant buildings of Danish neo-classicism. Call ahead to book a guided tour in English. Øhavsmuseet @Ard Jongsma


Experience a train ride out of the 1950s aboard the vintage train from Den Syd Fyenske Veteranjernbane. During the halfhour trip from Faaborg to Korinth, you can enjoy the views of the lovely South Fyn landscape and the archipelago. ØHAVSMUSEET – DISCOVER YOURSELF

Øhavsmuseet is the first museum in Denmark to focus on you – the visitor – rather than objects or long explanatory texts. A visit to Øhavsmuseet is all about learning more about yourself and the impact that nature has on you, through your own reactions to different natural stimuli – and, perhaps, the reactions of your friends and family. You can also learn more about the Stone Age, the South Fyn Archipelago, and bog sacrifices in the Iron Age.

The vintage train @Jørn Ungstrup



– great views full of mystery

Svanninge Bakker @Lars Skaaning

The forces at work during the last glacial period shaped a unique hill country almost encircling Faaborg: Svanninge Bakker, also known as the ‘Alps of Fyn’. Many years ago, Svanninge Bakker was a desolate, uninhabited area, overgrown with heather. The townspeople of Faaborg were not fond of passing through the hills at nighttime, and place names such as the Thief’s Button, Hell’s Hollow and the Coffin Lid are a testament to those feelings of fear and superstition. Today, though, the hills, valleys, and forests of Svanninge Bakker are best known as a popular choice for excursions and outdoor activities, as the rolling hills exude adventure, beauty, and romance. The many paths meandering through the hills are perfect for hiking or mountain biking trips. There are also marked routes for those who prefer to enjoy the scenery on horseback. Also note that in case of snow, Svanninge Bakker is where you find the best toboggan runs and ski slopes on South Fyn. Read more at PIPSTORN FOREST

Pipstorn Forest has one of Denmark’s largest collections of prehistoric monuments and burial mounds. There is a special vibe to the forest, stimulating the imagination and transporting you back to ancient times. Around 4,000 years ago, the Pipstorn area started being used as a burial site, and only later the forest grew up around it.


Today, Pipstorn Forest is used for forestry and leisure activities as well as being home to wild animals and plants. Some hundred metres into the forest, there is a combined shelter and bonfire cabin as well as a playground with a course for playing ‘The Floor is Lava!’ There are mountain-biking trails in the forest as well as fixed control points for orienteering. Entrance and parking at the Lucienhøj panorama point. Read more at

Dyreborg Forest @Daniel Villadsen




Throughout the years, Dyreborg harbour has been home to a small fishing community. Today, the harbour is a little gem for yachters and visitors looking for peace and quiet, surrounded by dinghies and fishing nets, with the forest and the beach close by, both ideal places for a walk. FALSLED

The old fishing village serving up gourmet experiences. Falsted has a lot to offer: a pristine coastline with great views to the Horneland and Helnæs peninsulas, thatched half-timbered houses, green forests in the hilly countryside, great locally produced food, and excellent culinary experiences. Enjoy life at the beach, on the harbour front, and, naturally, indoors at the restaurants Falsled Kro, Vandkanten, Vejkanten or Steensgaard Madhus between Falsled and Faaborg. SUNSET TRIPS AROUND THE ARCHIPELAGO

Go on a tour of the archipelago aboard the historic wooden ship Haabet. A sailing trip like this can’t be described – you have to experience it for yourself. Book your trip at

Dyreborg @Kasper Orthmann Andersen



South Fyn – and especially the Faaborg region – is the land of lilacs. Every year, beginning in mid-May, the South Fyn landscape undergoes a magical transformation when the tender green colours of springtime are woven through with a net of violet lines – the flowering lilacs! Ever since the early 1800s, it has been tradition on South Fyn to plant lilacs along roads and property lines and as windbreaks. When you travel along the narrow winding roads of South Fyn in summer, the scent of flowering lilacs pervades the air, and the view of nature’s own decorations is something to behold. The flowering lilacs are best experienced on foot or on bike. If you choose to go by car, just remember to roll down your window to enjoy the scent as well! We celebrate the lilacs in mid-May, with guided tours and samples from the Lilac Country. Read more at


Lilac Country @Daniel Villadsen


Lilac Country @Lars Skaaning


@De Japanske Haver

The Japanese Gardens outside Faaborg is landscape gardening at its finest. Take a relaxing walk through seven themed gardens laid out according to old Japanese traditions. Marvel at the carefully sculpted bushes and trees and their reflections in the lakes and streams. Large rhododendron, cherry, hydrangea, and azalea are among the many fascinating plants in the gardens. A soulful forest experience awaits you in the brand-new forest garden. Read more at



– Mountain Biking on South Fyn

Svanninge Bakker @ Johnny Anthon Wichmann

The hilly landscape of the South Fyn Archipelago offers plenty of challenges for mountain bikers.

international standards and was constructed by professional trail builders in cooperation with local volunteers.

In recent years, several modern MTB trails have been established, suitable for both beginners and experienced riders.


MTB Trails in the Alps of South Fyn In the fall of 2023, the Svanninge Bakker trail was named among the top 10 Danish MTB trails. SVANNINGE BAKKER MTB

Winding its way through the spectacular hill country of Svanninge Bakker, the 8 km trail has been developed according to


Located in the southern part of Svanninge Bakker, southeast of the nature playground, the new Gåsebjerg Sand Bikepark has a so-called pumptrack where the whole family can hone their skills and tricks on the bike, in addition to flow trails and jump lines for the more experienced. MAMMUT TRAIL

Follow in the footsteps of the mammoth on the Mammut Trail in Svanninge Bakker, a unique mountain biking experience for kids. Listening posts along the trail will take you back to the time when the very first people went hunting in Denmark. In fact, it was in this region that people went on the hunt for the large and impressive mammoth. Look forward to an adrenaline-filled ride and engaging storytelling.

OUTDOOR MTB-Bikepark and MTB-Trails @Johnny Anthon Wichmann

Other legendary MTB Trails on South Fyn SKOVHUGGEREN


17 km of extraordinary mountain biking on both medium (red) and easy (blue) trails. Both trails are kept open throughout the year.

At a little under 4 km, this is a great short trail. The starting point is by the former railroad tracks in Pipstorn Forest just outside Faaborg. Categorised as easy (blue), but harder loops are available as well.


Only a short distance from the beach and central Svendborg, this first-class MTB trail offers a 4 km red loop with plenty of technical challenges for experienced riders as well as an easier 4.5 km blue loop with lots of flow – both are perfect for a fun day on the bike. Free of charge.



THE SEA TROUTS ARE WAITING – Hunting the silver of the sea REMEMBER R TO GET YOU SE EN C FISHING LI ge for (free of char r the children unde d an 18 age of ). ns ze ti ci senior

@Fishing Denmark

The coasts of Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago are known for their unique conditions for sea trout fishing. The fine conditions for making a great catch have been more than 25 years in the making, the result of a determined effort to improve living conditions for the sea trout as well as the quality of water. No matter the season and regardless of wind direction and wind force, you will always be able to find a suitable fishing spot along the coast.

your catch. And your host might just tell you about their favourite fishing spots.

All year around, anglers catch large silvery sea trout. When the water temperature rises in spring, garfish and – later in the season – mackerel turn up in the waters around South Fyn. Due to the short distances, it is easy to find a new fishing spot when the weather changes. Spring and autumn are the peak seasons along the coasts of South Fyn. But try fishing during winter as well when the water temperatures get lower. You don’t have to wade that far out, as you can find sea trout at knee depth, where the water is a bit warmer.

Off the coasts of Langeland, you can go sea fishing on the Great Belt. Rent a boat in Bagenkop or Spodsbjerg, or take a trip on a fishing vessel and catch large codfish, pollock, and flatfish.

A winter fishing weekend on Avernakø or one of the other small islands is a special experience. On the smaller islands, you can always find a nice fishing spot sheltered from the wind – and you won’t be far away from the warm stove at home.

Especially in summer, when garfish and mackerel arrive in large shoals, fishing from the pier can be quite exciting. Pier fishing is the perfect choice for children and beginners.


South Fyn has accommodation options specifically suited for anglers, with facilities for drying your waders and freezing


To get an overview of the certified accommodation options as well as maps and descriptions of the 117 best sea trout spots on Fyn, visit BOAT FISHING


Flatfish, garfish, mackerel, and herring are caught in large numbers from piers and quays all over the archipelago.


The Archipelago is a


Svendborgsund @Sara Kjems

The South Fyn Archipelago is a playground for outdoors people who love water – regardless of skill and experience level. Between the many bays and inlets of the archipelago islands, you will always be able to find a suitable spot that is sheltered from the wind.

weather permits, you can go underwater hunting for flatfish, sea trout, codfish, and mullet. It’s possible to go snorkeling and underwater hunting all year round, but conditions are optimal from October to March. WRECK DIVES AND SHORE DIVING


The South Fyn Archipelago is one of Denmark’s best sea kayaking spots and a challenge for both beginners and skilled kayakers. The 55 islands and islets make it a truly special experience, in terms of nature as well as culture. It’s easy to get around due to the short distances between the islands, some of which are only populated by breeding birds.

Dive into a new experience and explore some of the many shipwrecks on the bottom of the archipelago. One of the most stunning dives is the old ferry M/F Ærøsund, which hit the seabed outside Ballen in 2014 after a controlled scuttling. Another cool wreck dive is the four German torpedo boats, scuttled by the Germans themselves in May 1945. They are now located on the bottom of Lunkebugten off the coast of Valdemar’s Castle on Tåsinge.


Whether you are a champion at stand-up paddling, windsurfing or kitesurfing or just beginning, you will find lots of challenges off the coasts of the South Fyn Archipelago. With the coastline spanning a total of 551 km, you will always be able to find both shallow and deep water spots, regardless of the wind direction. UNDERWATER HUNTING AND SNORKELING


You can spend the night outdoors at several locations across Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago, either in your own tent or in one of the many outdoor shelters. Located along the region’s coasts, the Archipelago Shelters are designed to provide a comfortable night-time experience even outside the peak season. Our shelters are popular, so we recommend booking well in advance at

With its shallow waters, numerous reefs, and remains of 40 or so stone-age villages below water, the South Fyn Archipelago is a treasure chest of underwater experiences. When the


Put one foot in front of the other, and return home with renewed energy – in the South Fyn Archipelago, there’s plenty of room to let your mind wander along with your feet. Whether you prefer a brisk two-hour walk, a mini vacation with luggage transfer, or a whole week of backpacking, the region has a perfect route for you.


Denmark's most beautiful hiking route ...If you ask us 46

The Archipelago Trail @Ard Jongsma



At 220 km, The Archipelago Trail is one of Denmark’s longest hiking trails, winding its way through the unique landscape of the South Fyn Archipelago, with impressive castles and manors, stunning scenery, charming villages, laid-back fishing hamlets, and historic market towns. Some parts of The Archipelago Trail follow the coastline while others take you through inland hill country, with great views of the archipelago everywhere you look. The Archipelago Trail is reserved for hikers and open all year round. The entire trail is marked by poles with the blue ‘hiker’ symbol, and it’s divided into seven sections. A great way to experience the trail is to hike one section and then return home by bus. Another option is to combine several sections of the trail and then spend the night along the way. PLAN YOUR HIKE ON THE ARCHIPELAGO TRAIL

Have a tour guide in your pocket! With the Geopark app, you will always be able to find your position on the map when you are out hiking. The app also has information about parking spots, toilets, and tips about detours from The Archipelago Trail, such as fishing spots, diving spots, geosites, Geopark visitors centres and lots more. At the tourist offices, you can also pick up free maps of The Archipelago Trail’s seven sections. Each section of The Archipelago Trail has its own leaflet containing descriptions of sights along the trail, detailed maps as well as practical information. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Faldsled - Svanninge Bakker - Faaborg - Fjællebroen Fjællebroen - Egebjerg Bakker - Svendborg Svendborg - Broholm - Lundeborg Svendborg - Tåsinge - Siø - Rudkøbing Lohals - Tranekær - Stengade Strand Stengade Strand - Rudkøbing - Henninge Nor Marstal - Ærøskøbing - Søby


Audio walks are more popular than ever, so why not explore the South Fyn Archipelago with your headphones on? Listen to the audio walks on location, or enjoy them from the comfort of your home. The app-based audio walks use the landscapes of South Fyn and the islands as backdrop. Here are four great suggestions from BaggårdTeatret: "The Silence of the Sound" in Svendborg "Beneath the Ice" in Faaborg "Against the Current" on Langeland "We, the Drowned" on Ærø



Although Langeland is a narrow island, it is anything but narrow-minded – on the contrary, here’s plenty of room for everyone to be themselves while allowing others the same privilege. his combination of community and personal freedom is what makes Langeland special. You can experience this feeling yourself on a visit to Langeland, whether you come here to soak up the scenery, go fishing, relax on the beach, or taste some of the local produce. Read more about Langeland on the following pages, or visit


Naturdestination Skovsgaard @ELS Production



Tranekær Castle @bybroch

AN INSIDER’S GUIDE TO LANGELAND Michael Falch: “I first came to Langeland on my moped as an infatuated 16-year-old, then the rest of my family followed later”


Hatbakkerne at Vesteregn @ELS Production

Ørstedspavillonen @Søren Stidsholt Nielsen

LANGELAND @Simon Staun


“To the locals, the area around Vesteregn is known as ‘Little Austria’ because the many hat-shaped hills resemble small mountains. This landscape inspired me to write my song ‘I et land uden høje bjerge’ (‘In a country without tall mountains’). Stop by the coast near Fredmosen as well. There is a small fishing net hut, which have always been dear to me.” WHAT TO TRY

“I recommend visiting the Cold War Museum, which is a very special place. Until recently, it felt like a relic from the past, but all of a sudden it’s become frighteningly relevant again.” “The local art is an attraction in itself, especially the Art Towers, for which I once created a work of sound art. Local photographer Jan Nielsen takes world-class bird photos, so whenever his work is on display, that is a must-see exhibition. There are several excellent painters on Langeland as well, including Hans Kjær and Keld Nielsen.” WHAT TO EXPERIENCE

“Another great concert and event venue is Ørstedspavillonen, where I’ve had the pleasure of performing several times.” WHAT TO TASTE

“You have to go to Bagenkop Kro – if you manage to get a table, that is! It’s become a huge success, with people arriving from all over the country. The round raspberry slices from Pastry by Holst & Riess in Humble


• • •


“The trail called Hjertestien takes you from central Rudkøbing and into the woods. It’s amazing that you can walk directly from the main shopping street, pass the old windmill, and suddenly, the landscape opens up in front of you. My wife gets her beloved town life, and I get my dose of countryside.”

“To me, Langeland is the island of love”

“I have to mention our festival, NÆR, a poetic music festival for a seated audience. Several new music events are popping up across Langeland and on Strynø, and in the coming years, there will be four to five very different festivals on Langeland, which is going to create tremendous synergy.”

• • •

are absolutely divine, and at Grand House Burger, Hisham takes pride in making great burgers.”

Born 1956 in Køge Resides in Rudkøbing with his wife Released his first album with Malurt in 1980 and has since put out more than 30 albums and 7 books, and performed in movies and TV shows. Has won awards for his acting, his music and his writing Co-organiser of the NÆR charity festival on Langeland Has performed at Langelandsfestivalen 25 times

“Hiking on the Archipelago Trail along the coast near Egeløkke is an incredible experience. There are many pristine spots across Langeland, and the island is a bit of a hidden gem, but lately, it seems that more people are getting in on the secret. A particular treasure is a stroll through the old streets of Rudkøbing, especially the street called Ramsherred, with its small charming houses.” LANGELAND’S BEAUTIFUL GEMS

“The wild horses at Gulstav are a must-see experience, as is Oehlenschläger’s Oak at Stengade beach, which inspired the Danish national anthem. I also want to recommend Tranekær Castle and the dynamic Sukkerfabrikken – a former sugar factory transformed into a B&B.” “My favourite place is a bench overlooking the sea at Bovballe forest. I sat there every day for over a year, looking east, because my Asian wife couldn’t join me in Denmark.” WHAT MAKES LANGELAND UNIQUE

”These days, Langeland is experiencing quite a boost, and the local mentality is welcoming. The people of Langeland are extremely down-to-earth, but they often come across as reserved and restrained. However, when you get attuned to the tone among the locals, you discover their special sense of humour.


Langeland is synonymous with beautiful and varied coastal stretches as well as unique landscapes characterised by hatshaped hills to the south and lovely beech forests to the north.


Looking out over Langeland’s landscape, you will no doubt notice the wind turbines and solar cell plants. Together, they cover 177% of Langeland’s power consumption. Consequently, Langeland is self-sufficient with regard to electricity. The additional power is diverted to the rest of Denmark. WILD NATURE AND A BEE YARD

Langeland offers several experiences centered around nature and the climate. At a number of sites across the island, you can experience the blooming biodiversity and watch four-legged lawn mowers grooming the landscape – the wild horses and cattle grazing in Langeland’s grasslands throughout the year. In the village of Tranekær, which is known for its castle, you can visit the bee yard and try your hand at extracting honey while learning about the wondrous world of bees and their important contribution to biodiversity conservation.

Naturdestination Skovsgaard @ELS Production


Dovns Klint @Jonas Legarth




When traveling around Langeland, you can’t help but notice the long, straight lines of rounded hills adorning the surroundings. This is the only place in Denmark where this type of landscape is so clearly visible. Geologically, the hat-shaped hills are known as dislocated kames, and all of them – over a thousand – were produced by a glacier that chose Langeland as its end point. The hills have been used for a lot of different purposes, serving as icehouses, as foundations for buildings – the best known of which is Tranekær Castle (page 66) – and as beacon hills from where locals warned nearby villages of possible dangers. Try climbing the hill known as Fakkebjerg on Southern Langeland – all of 37 metres – and enjoy the splendid 360-degree view of the surrounding landscape. From the top, you can see Keldsnor Lighthouse, the town of Bagenkop, and the wild horses at Gulstav. ONE OF THE MOST DIVERSE BIRD AREAS IN DENMARK

Langeland has a lot of ‘nor’ – previously low-lying land, which has been partially flooded, thus creating a type of lagoon wetland. These areas attract a huge number of bird species, and in fact, Tryggelev Nor is considered one of the most diverse bird areas in Denmark. There is a floating hideout, from which you may quietly observe the birds up close. IN THE CALMNESS OF THE FOREST

Located at the northern tip of Langeland, Vestre Stigtehave is among the most beautiful beech forests in Denmark and has a small forestry museum. Further south, Longelse Bondegårdsskov is the closest you get to a primeval forest on Langeland. This forest has been left untouched for more than 130 years, and some of the trees are over 300 years old. North of Spodsbjerg, you can get a live history lesson in Stengade Skov, as it is believed to be this forest, with its wide beech trees close to the salty sea, that Adam Oehlenschläger described in the poem that became the Danish national anthem. The remains of an entrenchment, which was part of the Danish defence during the 1804-1814 wars, is visible in the forest as well. Find more information about nature on Langeland and hiking suggestions at


Welcome to

Broløkke Manor

Indulge in exquisite cuisine, fine beers, exclusive wines, cosy accommodations, and a dash of Danish history. A stately manor since 1758

Following a period of careful restoration, the venerable and heritage listed section of Broløkke manor, dating back to 1758, has been lovingly revitalised with utmost respect. The classical architecture now proudly showcases restored murals. Each salon, in turn, serves as a charming enclave encapsulating a bygone era. Even the grand snooker table in the main house has been rejuvenated, inviting you to engage in friendly competition while savouring a glass of beer from Broløkke’s own brewery. Blending modern comfort with history

Under the current family ownership, Broløkke has blossomed into one of Denmark’s premier manor hotels, seamlessly blending modern luxury with historical grandeur. The restoration has been a testament to their ambition, with significant resources dedicated to transforming the surrounding annexes into exclusive rooms, holiday apartments, and the new events hall, Kostalden. Throughout the undertaking, the soul and narrative of the manor have been meticulously preserved, ensuring that the masonry and structure retain their timeless allure – a prevailing theme throughout the rejuvenated manor. Romantic retreats and luxury apartments

Experience tranquillity and harmony at Broløkke, where the essence of serenity unfolds. Our 13 modern luxury holiday apartments are tastefully designed in a pure-lined Nordic style. The manor boasts various double rooms, each with its unique ambiance, allowing you to either bask in the whispers of history within the manor house itself or indulge in exclusive new rooms nestled in the annexes. Restaurant and Bistro

The Restaurant and Bistro at Broløkke invites you on a culinary journey of southern Langeland. Our kitchen primarily sources local ingredients, complemented by delicacies from the archipelagos of Funen and Southern Zealand. Delectable specialties from neighbouring countries add an international flair, all seasoned with herbs from our kitchen garden. Exceptional beers and spirits

Today, Broløkke boasts its own brewery, where sizable copper kettles grace the bar, embodying a passion for craftsmanship. Our brewmaster fearlessly crafts new beer types, delighting all who appreciate a well-poured tap beer.

Among our distillery specialities is mead crafted using a 1000-year-old method, rendering Broløkke’s mead truly unique. Vodka, gin, eau de vie, and bitter liqueurs are among the offerings that place Broløkke on the map as a must-visit destination. Top-tier wines

Among the nation’s finest, Broløkke’s wine cellar is a well-kept secret. The owner’s penchant for investing in exquisite wines is evident, with the cellar now home to wines capable of melting any wine lover’s heart. Active outdoor activities and new ventures

Broløkke has firmly established itself as a leader in manor house hospitality, further complemented by a grand spa and wellness area scheduled to open in early 2025 – the epitome of relaxation and revitalisation. Currently, we offer a hot retreat in our Finnish smoke sauna. Those who revel in active outdoor pursuits can indulge in a game of paddle tennis on Broløkke’s own court or rent bicycles to explore nature, the seaside, and the local wild horses. In spring, an additional 40 new rooms will be available at Skovriderhuset, with glamping and a pétanque court also on the horizon.

Hedevejen 33, DK-5932 Humble . +45 7090 7080 . .

Gåsetorvet in Rudkøbing @ELS Production

A&B Galleri @VisitLangeland



Rudkøbing Harbour, Bellevue Beach, and the bathhouse are all just a short walk from the town centre. Take a stroll along the coast or go for a swim at the old bathhouse, which is highly popular both summer and winter, before enjoying a lovely dinner at one of the town’s nice restaurants.

Go on a 2.1-km walk through town by following the characteristic red posts. The signs atop the posts tell stories about Rudkøbing. Another way to go exploring is the audio walk ‘Against the Current’ about famous scientist Hans Christian Ørsted who grew up here. The audio walk takes you back in time and guides you through Rudkøbing’s charming cobblestone streets.

From the harbour, you can proceed out into the archipelago by taking ÆrøXpressen to Marstal, or the ferry to Strynø (see page 59) or by going on a trip aboard the schooner Meta. HANS CHRISTIAN ØRSTED – SON OF RUDKØBING

You can learn more about Rudkøbing’s most famous son, the scientist Hans Christian Ørsted, who discovered electromagnetism, at an exhibition in town. At the Gåsetorvet square, right across from the town’s former pharmacy in Brogade where Ørsted was born, there is a commemorative statue. In addition to his scientific discoveries, Ørsted came up with and popularised around 2,000 words – among them the Danish word for butterfly, ‘sommerfugl’. The butterfly has thus become a symbol celebrating Ørsted, and many a gable on Langeland is adorned with a butterfly.


Each August, the Hans Christian Ørsted Research Award is given to a scientist whose work can be connected to Ørsted’s name and legacy. The winner receives a beautiful butterfly made by local artist Sabine Majus.


In the market town of Rudkøbing, you will find a nice selection of chain stores and specialty shops. Remember that parking is always free of charge in Rudkøbing. Despite its relatively modest size, Rudkøbing – and the rest of Langeland – has a wealth of galleries and shops selling local artware. In the streets around Sidsel Bagers Gade, you will find a collection of small boutiques and open workshops selling local art and design. The artist will often be standing behind the counter themselves. Find more experiences in Rudkøbing at



for all ~ together

The largest town on Langeland, Rudkøbing has everything you wish for – and then a little extra! With its secret alleyways and quaint atmosphere, the market town oozes historical charm and is definitely worth a visit. Pedestrian street in Rudkøbing @Andreas Bastiansen


Shores Langeland @Vitus Larsen


for all ~ together

Due to Langeland’s shape, the coast is a naturally prominent feature, offering numerous activities for young and old regardless of the season. And since you’re never more than 5 km from the coast, you can reach both windward and leeward coasts in very little time. The waters to the east of Langeland are deep and unexplored, whereas the archipelago to the west offers shallow waters and safer conditions – and there is plenty of room for fun along the 152 km of unspoiled coast surrounding the island. 58


Take a swim at Langeland’s family-friendly beaches all year round. The island has three certified winter swimming spots, so you are guaranteed to experience a safe swimming environment with high water quality throughout the year. Find more information about water activities at



for all ~ together

Strynø Harbor @Andreas Mørck Nielsen Strynø @Mette Johnsen

Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter @Andreas Mørck Nielsen

Discover the tight-knit community on Strynø, named Island of the Year in 2022. The small archipelago island is ideally suited for a relaxed walk or a bike ride – even for smaller kids, as there is only limited car traffic. The ferry departs from Rudkøbing several times a day, and the crossing is only 35 minutes. There’s an active and artistic local community on the island, with a number of clubs and small businesses, as well as day care centres, a school and a grocery shop. ØHAVETS SMAKKE- OG NATURCENTER

This activity centre is dedicated to Strynø’s nature and culture. Learn how to use the local boat type, ‘the smack dinghy’, hunt for treasures in the shallow waters, go crab fishing at the harbour, try outdoor cooking, or grab your binoculars and go birdwatching. Sea kayaks, stand-up paddle boards, and windsurfing equipment are available for rent. Find more information for sights, activities, eateries, and accommodation on Strynø at



for all ~ together


The Medicine Gardens in Tranekær @Mikkel Lind Juhl

LANGELAND The Medicine Gardens @bybroch


Experience the largest collection of medicinal plants in Northern Europe. The medicine gardens have plants for people suffering from sweaty feet, small bladders, or sore throats. Some of the plants grow wild in nature, some are common in private backyards, and quite a lot of them is not that well known. All of the plants, however, have at some point been used as medicine. In the children’s medicine garden, you will find edible medicinal plants (such as strawberry and mint) as well as a small stream and a sandpit. A fun activity for younger visitors is to go owl hunting in the gardens and search for the answers to the owls’ questions.

What makes Langeland unique? Is it the hat-shaped hills formed during the last Ice Age? Is it the many stone dolmens? The largest medicine garden in Northern Europe? The large number of local artists and artisans? Or the wild horses grazing in the equally wild scenery? Due to the many different sights and activities, Langeland offers something for everyone throughout the year.

The Langeland Fort @Jon Spangsvig


Denmark’s first cold war museum is based at the Langeland Fort, located near the southern tip of Langeland. Since opening in 1997, the museum has welcomed thousands of guests. With its scenic location overlooking the sea, you almost forget that the fort was constructed in the 1950s with the purpose of defending Denmark and all of NATO. Explore the underground bunker and the large exhibition spaces, and discover how a 47-metre-long submarine has ended up on dry ground on Langeland! In addition to the indoor and outdoor exhibits, you can try out the fort’s exercise track, which is specially designed for children – there are many hours’ worth of fun and excitement for the whole family.

Naturdestination Skovsgaard @Marianne Krag Petersen


Learn about nature in a different, fun, and inspiring way at Skovsgaard, an old manor house now serving as an activity centre in the southern part of Langeland. Bring your kids on an exploration of nature, search the thickets and ponds for interesting species, identify poo, discover the sprawling life in a dead tree, and experience wild horses and cattle. When you get hungry, you can cook a bonfire dinner with local ingredients, or visit the café. FISKERIETS HUS IN BAGENKOP

Trawl through the history of commercial fishing at this museum in Bagenkop. Try steering a fishing vessel through Bagenkop Harbour with the interactive simulator, and learn more about how people and technology have shaped commercial fishing throughout history. Find more sights and activities at




FaaborgDyrkeren @Ard Jongsma


Artists have always been attracted to South Fyn because of the scenery and the special light, and in the early 20th century, the Fyn Painters put the region firmly on the art map. To this day, South Fyn is still home to an abundance of fascinating artists and skilled designers whose galleries and workshops are worth a detour. They are attracted by the calmness, the space for large workshops and studios, and, of course, the amazing nature. The creative souls impact their local communities by breathing life into old buildings and promoting innovative co-operation. There are sculptures and art installations on many a street corner and small shops with glassware, ceramics, visual art, graphics, and lots more – so it’s easy to find a souvenir to remind you of your great vacation on South Fyn. Read more about the unique art experiences waiting for you across the South Fyn Archipelago on these pages. THE FYN PAINTERS AT FAABORG MUSEUM

In the late 1880s, an artist’s community based in Faaborg and Kerteminde was formed. Fritz Syberg, Peter Hansen, and Anna Syberg (née Hansen) were central figures in the community. They were all originally from Faaborg and returned home after completing their artistic education in Copenhagen. Also among the group’s core members were Alhed and Johannes Larsen from Kerteminde. The Fyn Painters were called ‘peasant painters’ and ‘clog painters’ because their paintings were inspired by nature and rural life rather than the hustle and bustle of the big city. Several of the Fyn Painters’ well-known paintings are at Faaborg Museum, which was constructed specifically for their artworks. Read more at ÆRØ ART COLLEGE’S ANNUAL EXHIBITION IN SØBY: WHO CARES (SSS BIENNALE 2024)

Every year from June to September, Ærø’s local art college presents an exhibition, at which the art college’s graduating class, a handful of art academy students as well as a number of professional artists all present their work on the Søby harbour front and at various other sites around town.

The 2024 exhibition, which is free of charge, will be the 8th SSS biennale in Søby. Read more at ART IN AND OF LANGELAND’S NATURE

The grounds of Tranekær Castle are dotted with internationally acclaimed artworks in the art form known as ‘land art’ – gigantic site-specific works of art made from organic materials such as wood, soil and rocks. In a remarkable way, these works become part of nature; they are subject to nature’s decomposing powers, and some of the works will eventually disappear. In other words, the artworks constitute an artistic meeting between impressive creativity and the circle of life. When driving up and down Langeland, you are bound to pass by Denmark’s longest art exhibition – the 12 Art Towers, former electrical transformer towers now serving as diminutive art galleries. It’s interesting to see how the artists approach the challenge of curating an exhibition when the ‘gallery’ is only 1.5 metres wide and 1.5 metres long, but 8 metres tall! Read more at GALLERIES AND ART IN SVENDBORG

With an abundance of art galleries of various sizes in close proximity to each other, Svendborg is the perfect place to explore art by local as well as international artists. In central Svendborg, the SAK art space presents changing exhibitions throughout the year as well as a permanent collection of works by sculptor Kai Nielsen (1882-1924). The oldest lithographic workshop in Paris – Atelier Clot, Bramsen & Brunholt, founded in 1896 – recently opened up a gallery and workshop in a beautiful location on the harbour front at Frederiksø. Galleri DGV, located in the historic Villa Tårnborg, combines modern art, splendid architecture, and stunning views of Christiansminde and the Svendborgsund strait. You will also encounter more eye-catching artworks, such as ‘Den blå Dok’ (‘The Blue Dock’), which is painted directly on the side of the floating dock in Svendborg Harbour and is one of Denmark’s largest paintings; the new light art installation ‘De 5 planeter’ (‘The 5 planets’) by Viera Collaro on the side of Haahrs Skole’s sports facility; and the iconic and colourful decorations of the Ærø ferry, created by the artist duo Randi & Katrine. Svendborg is full of overwhelming art waiting to be discovered. Read more at

The annual exhibition tends to offer an alternative and artistic approach to the climate crisis debate. This year, the works in the WHO CARES exhibition are aiming to highlight the materials used in art production. The themes are recycling, carbon dioxide emissions, and how the goal of reducing consumption shouldn’t just apply to everyday life, but also to the field of art production. Beyond this focus, the artists are free to convey their artistic message as they see fit.



Lyø @Kasper Orthman Andersen


A world-class archipelago, proud island societies with 1.000-year-old legends, spectacular coastal landscapes, well-equipped harbours and culinary experiences that are bound to create fond memories for any crew – this is what awaits you when you go sailing in the South Fyn Archipelago.


Many different trips compete for the title of ‘the most beautiful’ in the South Fyn Archipelago. Svendborgsund strait on either side of Svendborg is a nice choice, and so is the trip from Faaborg, passing Bjørnø and Dyreborg, rounding Horne Næs, before arriving at Falsled inside the bay of Helnæs. The route from Ærøskøbing to Rudkøbing, past Birkholm, and perhaps with a stop at Marstal or Strynø, is another that you simply have to experience. DIVERSE HARBOURS

The South Fyn Archipelago has small, cosy harbours as well as larger ones with industrial buildings, shipyards, ferries, fishing vessels, old schooners, and lots of activities. Most of the harbours in the archipelago are located close to the centre of their respective towns and within walking distance to eateries and grocery shops. The larger harbours at Ærøskøbing, Rudkøbing, Svendborg, Faaborg, and Marstal are among the most charming in Denmark. A common feature of the archipelago harbours is that they have maintained their original functions to this day. There are no large-scale marinas surrounded by promenades and tall office buildings. At the archipelago harbours, you can still hear the sounds of two-stroke engines and screeching gulls, and you still have to look out for tar and fish scales when you sit down to enjoy a beer at the quay. Whether your preferred evening includes white wine on the deck or a game of cards at the pub, you will find yourself at home at the archipelago harbours. The scenic views are abundant, and there are plenty of things to do and see on land. If you bring your kids sailing, you will quickly find out that the archipelago harbours are very family-friendly. The kids can catch crabs from the pier and get life-long friends at the swing set, while you cook dinner at the nearby barbecue facilities. There is often a nice sandy beach nearby, so it’s easy to include that essential summer experience on your sailing vacation. Try heading out to the tiny harbours on the small islands. If you do this before or after peak season, you might get the unique experience of having a harbour all for yourself. Outdoor shelters, camp sites and bonfire pits will often be located close to the smaller harbours, which gives you the opportunity to add an extra dimension to your sailing vacation.



...and Half a Kingdom Marvel at the moat reflecting the stately manor house, listen to birds chirping in the brush, and feel the presence of history all around you on a visit to the many castles and manors of South Fyn.

Fyn has a total of 123 castles and manors – a large proportion of which are located within Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago. Several of them are open for visitors. The large estates offer a variety of experiences for nature lovers, history geeks, gourmets, and those with a penchant for waking up in a canopy bed within the solid walls of a castle.

Four fascinating estates on South Fyn EGESKOV CASTLE IN KVÆRNDRUP

Among Europe’s most well-preserved renaissance moat castles, Egeskov Castle enjoys a scenic location within an award-winning garden complex. Egeskov has something for everyone, big and small. Take a walk in Denmark’s most beautiful garden, experience the forest playground, find your way through the huge hedge maze, visit the classic car exhibition or the new camping and outdoor museum. In June, the castle grounds serve as venue for Heartland Festival, focusing on music and talks. Read more at BROHOLM CASTLE IN GUDME

By booking a luxury castle break at Broholm Castle, you get to go on an exciting journey almost 700 years back in time. Enjoy your dinner at the castle’s own gourmet restaurant, play a game of croquet in the park, find local specialties in the shop, take a walk along the fairy-tale path, or visit the museum’s collection of more than 60,000 objects from the Stone Age. Read more at



Built on top of one of Langeland’s characteristic hatshaped hills, the red-painted Tranekær Castle has towered over the surrounding area since the 13th century. Experience the rich history on a guided tour of the castle itself, or take a walk in the adjacent park, which is dotted with amazing land art. Medicinhaverne, with the largest collection of medicinal plants in Northern Europe, is also located within the castle grounds. Read more at SØBYGAARD ON ÆRØ

Until 1867, Ærø was part of the duchy of Southern Jutland, and the historical estate of Søbygaard is a vestige from those times. Ærø’s free bus stops right outside the estate, which is located near Søby and counts a castle mound and a bird area among its neighbours. Today, Søbygaard is an activity centre, open from May to mid-October, as well as for special holiday events, such as a Christmas market and a harvest market. There are plenty of things to do and see for everyone regardless of age, such as exhibitions, activities for kids centred around the moat, the Geopark Visitor Centre, classical concerts, guided tours, and lots more. Read more at

Brahetrolleborg Castle and Church @Jørn Ungstrup

“One of the 50 most beautiful places in Europe”

The Living Castle on Funen Egeskov Castle is one of Europe’s finest Renaissance buildings, featuring spires and a great hall. You are welcome take a look inside the castle and also visit the beautiful historic garden or the playgrounds. Don’t miss a visit to the exhibitions, e.g. the Camping Outdoor Museum and the Classic Car Museum. You will find inspiration for a whole day of fun.

OPEN FROM 27 APRIL - 27 OCT. 2024



2 January - 26 April 2024



The South Fyn Archipelago is a dream destination for a two-wheeled vacation, as it’s easy to explore even the remotest parts of the region on bike.


South Fyn has lots of cycling routes marked with signs along the way. The exciting and diverse terrain offers flat stretches as well as hilly country roads through beautiful surroundings. THE BALTIC SEA ROUTE

If you are looking for a challenge, then try the Baltic Sea Route – or N8, as it says on the signs. The 820 km cycling route traversing southern Denmark is easy to follow due to the signage and is divided into stages. The stages on South Fyn leads you through a unique landscape with rolling hills that seems made for cycling, but was actually shaped by glacial movement in the Ice Age. The route takes you past four market towns around the South Fyn Archipelago – Ærøskøbing, Rudkøbing, Svendborg, and Faaborg, each with a charming townscape of half-timbered houses, narrow alleys, interesting shops, cosy cafés, nice restaurants, and active harbours. THE MANOR HOUSE ROUTE

Fyn has a total of 123 castles and manors, and the Manor House Route winds its way across the whole island, passing 50 estates on the way, half of which are located on South Fyn. Feel free to divide the 660 km route into shorter trips or take a detour along the way. Even though it’s named after the manor houses, the route also takes you past a number of other local sights, farm shops, charming B&B’s and amazing panorama points. The route is marked with signs the whole way, making it easy to follow without consulting a map. TRUE BIKING HOSPITALITY

The people of South Fyn want to show hospitality towards visiting cyclists. Therefore, more than 120 Bike Friends service stations have been set up across South Fyn, with bicycle pumps, puncture repair kits, and drinking water. Some of the stations also have a toilet. Look for the Bike Friends sticker along the way. There are lots of bike rental options across the archipelago. In the larger towns, there are several places to rent a bike – some of them will even deliver it to you and pick it up again when you’re done using it. On a number of the smaller islands, locals will make sure the bikes are ready for you when you arrive.




– on Two Wheels

Balvej, Vester Skerninge @Michael Fiukowski og Sarah Moritz




Bathhouses at Eriks Hale @Freja Kock Christlieb



That’s the message engraved on a red wooden heart hanging on a wall in Ærøskøbing. The sign reveals a profound truth about Ærø – that everything happens at a slower pace here. Perhaps that’s due to the fact that you arrive here by boat – that Ærø is not a place you just happen to drive through, but a place you actively seek out. And once you’re here, remember to take your time exploring the island. Read more about all the sights and activities that Ærø has to offer on the following pages and at

This stunning photo shows the bathhouses at Eriks Hale near Marstal as they appeared in the summer of 2023. Unfortunately, later that year, a storm surge wrecked 15 of the 19 bathhouses on the beach. However, dedicated locals are already making plans for restoring the iconic houses.


Ærøskøbing @Lasse Hjort

AN INSIDER’S GUIDE TO ÆRØ Gudrun Marie Schmidt: “To me, Ærø is a feeling. When you leave the ferry, you enter a different world”


@Marcel Lesch

The Archipelago trail on Ærø @Freja Kock Christlieb



“To me, Ærø is a feeling. When you leave the ferry, you enter a different world. Relax your shoulders, take in the new surroundings and feel your sense of time changing – suddenly, magically, there’s no rush. Soon you’ll discover that you find yourself on an island that feels large and small at the same time. Large enough that you can spend a lifetime exploring the roads, villages, beaches, paths, cliffs, bathing jetties as well as the paved streets of Ærøskøbing with its charming, well-preserved 18th century houses. And small enough that you can climb the ridge on a summer’s day and enjoy the spectacular view of the sea on both sides.” WHAT TO EXPERIENCE

“Off the top of my head, there are three things you have to experience on Ærø. The first one is the night sky. On a clear night, the stars come out in a show of overwhelming silvery beauty, perfect conditions for sleepless souls and deep thinkers. And then there’s the unforgettable natural sight of Voderup Klint, a terraced cliff formed during the Ice Age. A stairway with grass and wildflowers on either side leads down towards the sea. Last but not least, the splendid views from the northern coast of Ærø. Lose yourself in the beauty of the South Fyn Archipelago, gazing at the small islands dotting the horizon. There won’t be a single dull moment for your eyes.”

“I lost my heart to the Archipelago Trail on Ærø long ago”


“I’ve got favourites all across the island. In Ærøskøbing, order the world’s best cup of coffee at Azzurra Vino in the old blacksmith’s workshop on Pilebækken. If you’re looking for a quick bite, grab the burger at Lenda’s Griller on the harbour front – it’s insanely good. Do you prefer eating with a knife and fork? Try the ambitious and charming Kraut & Koala, or the beautiful Arnfeldt where the menu always surprises due to the changing


• • •

Married to Thomas, has three kids and a stepdaughter Arts and culture journalist, host of the daily podcast ”Du lytter til Politiken” Has been going to Ærø all her life and owns a house on the island

line-up of guest chefs. If you’re in Marstal, the arrow points towards Fru Berg, where I’ve had the largest serving of fried plaice of my life, and Marstang Mad & Vin who uses local ingredients and has great vegetarian dishes. If you find yourself in Søby, there’s no avoiding Café Arthur and their great fries!” WHERE TO SPEND THE NIGHT

“Ærø offers accommodation for most wallet sizes, and I myself dream – rather fancifully – of waking up in the small luxury hotel The Monica. Otherwise, I’ll recommend spending the night at one of the island’s smaller properties. The vicarage in Rise has a holiday apartment and the most beautiful garden with tall trees and a feeling of grandeur. Along with my husband and my kids, I have rented the Vandmøllen holiday home in the charming village of Borgnæs every summer for the past twenty years, so I know from experience that this is a place where happiness comes easy.” ÆRØ’S BEAUTIFUL GEMS

“If I have to name one, it has to be the Skjoldnæs lighthouse at the north-western tip of the island. Climb to the top, watch it light up like a diamond, then go to the beach, which, in my opinion, is the best place on Ærø to experience the beautiful colours of the sunset, the milky blue sea and the bright golden sun.” WHAT MAKES ÆRØ UNIQUE

“I’m ashamed to admit it, but a lifetime of visiting Ærø has given me sleepless nights. On Ærø, there’s never far between flea markets and garage sales, and my dreams are haunted by the antique teapots and flower paintings, which I, due to a rare case of willpower, have somehow managed to resist buying.”


Søbygaard @Marcel Lesch


again and again because…

There’s a lot going on at the duke’s old manor house, Søbygaard, from spring to fall, for both kids and adults: exhibitions, activities for kids centred around the moat, classical concerts, guided tours, and lots more.


ÆRØ You might be familiar with Ærø Jazzfestival, taking place annually in the first weekend of August? Jazz enthusiasts convene at the harbour front in Ærøskøbing as world-famous jazz musicians and other big names kick off a huge jazz party.

Christmas marked in Ærøskøbing @Freja Kock Christlieb

In July, the relatively new Øhavet Festival presents upcoming, and often alternative, Danish music as well as inspiring talks. Sink your teeth into local food from one of the stalls and have a blast in the family-friendly atmosphere at the harbour front in Marstal. Lys i Mørket (Light in the Dark) takes place across the first weekend in November; lighting up the darkness of fall. The programme changes every year, with activities for both kids and adults. Highlights of the last couple of years include lantern workshops, watchman tours, candle-lit community dinners, open ferries, and night-time experiences in nature. Go on a tour of a real liquorice factory. Hattesens Konfekt, based in Ærøskøbing, has revolutionised and refined the principles of liquorice allsorts, producing luxury candy in new and exciting flavours. Go on a tour of the brewery Ærø Bryggeri and learn about the local beer production. Grab a nice lunch and sample the beer varieties in the charming brewery garden, which is open during the summer season. In the off-season, the brewery hosts pop-up community dinners and other fun events. Starting in November, you can get into the holiday spirit at the Christmas Market in Ærøskøbing. With its paved streets and crooked houses, the town is straight out of a fairy tale. Christmas tunes emanate from the windows of the old merchant’s house at the town square, mulled wine and deep-fried pastries can be smelled from afar, and the many stalls selling local specialties are perfect for finding Christmas presents.

Are you looking for that unique wedding destination? The idyllic island vibe and fascinating scenery have already convinced a lot of couples that Ærø is the perfect setting for a wedding. Several local wedding planners have made it their mission to help out soonto-be-married couples with planning a memorable celebration of their love.

Dream Wedding on Ærø @Amogh Pant


If you’re only



Bathhouses at Vesterstrand beach @Freja Kock Christlieb

ÆRØ Skjoldnæs Lighthouse on Ærø @Freja Kock Christlieb

� Go to the Skjoldnæs lighthouse and climb the narrow spiral staircase all the way to the top. The reward? The utterly impressive views of both the Lillebælt strait, the South Fyn Archipelago and the Baltic Sea.

� Lose your bearings in Marstal’s winding backstreets – known locally as “snorrer”. The charming historical alleyways hide between the old townhouses and they all lead to the harbour.

� Don’t miss the highly Instagrammable historical bathhouses, which are more than a 100 years old. They are located at Vesterstrand beach outside Ærøskøbing and at Eriks Hale near Marstal. Sadly, a 2023 storm surge damaged the ones at Eriks Hale, but a restoration plan is already in progress.

� Bring your family or a half dozen friends for a unique wellness experience at the small Kleven harbour near the village of Ommel. An outdoor hot tub and a sauna are located right by the water’s edge, and both can be rented by the hour or for the entire day. So put on your swimwear and jump in!

� Enjoy a farm-to-table dinner. Both Marstang Mad & Vin in Marstal and Kraut & Koala in Ærøskøbing have made it their mission to serve up tasty and creative dishes based on ingredients produced right here on Ærø.

� Make sure your route goes through Ærø’s tiny villages, so you can stop by the numerous roadside stalls and fill your car with local farm produce, pickled foods, baked goods, artworks or other cool treasures.

� Visit the cliff known as Voderup Klint on the south coast of Ærø. It’s a great place for kids to run wild or for enjoying the breath-taking views of the churning Baltic sea from the comfort of a bench – and it’s the perfect spot for a packed lunch.

� If the weather is warm, there’s only one place to be – on one of the many beaches along Ærø’s impressive coastline. Chill out in the sand or rent a stand-up paddleboard and experience the island from the water.



Through the Archipelago

@Catriona MacRae @Richard Clark


Arnfeldt Restaurant in Ærøskøbing, where Manja and Ariel are visited by different guest chefs who work their kitchen magic. The inspiration comes from the French food scene, Danish ‘hygge’ and life on Ærø. Prinsebroen Røgeri at Marstal Harbour, where you can enjoy a great lunch at the smokehouse with a view to the sea. Try the ‘Prinsebræt’ fish board or bring the smoked delicacies back home. Solbo Grønt outside Søby, which is Anne and Allan’s lovely little farm with vegetables and woolly pigs. Knock on the door when you stop by – and then go harvest what you need. Find more culinary experiences at ON LANGELAND, RESERVE TIME FOR…

Restaurant KAOS in Lohals, where Benedikte and Simon create memorable gastronomy focusing on seasonal local ingredients in a cosy atmosphere. Treat yourself to the KAOS signature menu. Apple juice from Strynø. In her biodynamical orchard, Mette tends lovingly to both old and new fruit varieties. Sample the many different flavours and fruit combinations. The restaurant and bistro at Broløkke Herregård will treat you to a lovely meal made from local ingredients at the beautiful renovated manor house. Try the beer from Broløkke’s own brewery. Find more culinary experiences at


Here are 12 must-try culinary experiences across the South Fyn Archipelago


@Christoph Näpelt

The South Fyn Archipelago is a mecca of gastronomy, and there’s a very specific reason for that: our local climate, which at times feels almost Mediterranean, enabling farmers to grow large, succulent figs, grapes that are turned into wine, and apples used for gin, rum, and juice. These conditions attract lots of enterprising culinary enthusiasts who care about sustainability and regional identity. @Malene Tswai

@Julie Ehrhorn


The roadside stalls, farm shops and small producers making everything from wine, whisky and gin to juice, chocolate and ice-cream. In fact, the ice-cream is so divine that Singapore Airlines serve it on first class. Read more in the app Taste Funen. Every Saturday is market day at the Svendborg town square, where local producers sell their goods from charming stalls. You can get everything from fish and cheeses to pottery and fresh flowers. Restaurants in town. Svendborg has something for every taste and wallet size – even top-class gastronomy. Sink your teeth into everything from a lavish 15-course tasting menu to a juicy burger made from local ingredients. Find more culinary experiences in our app or at IN FAABORG, GREAT TASTING EXPERIENCES ARE FOUND AT…

Den Lille Franske by Ymerbrønden, where Mads and Birgit serve up great wines, cheeses, and charcuterie. Seasonal quiches and other warm dishes are on the menu as well. Falsled Kro has been at the pinnacle of South Fyn gourmet for 50 years. This exclusive roadside inn has always been driven by gastronomical taste, craft and passion. The farm shop Staldkatessen in Dyreborg offers a wide selection of regional specialty foods in an incredibly idyllic countryside setting. In summer, you can take a coffee break beneath the apple trees. Find more culinary experiences at


Ristinge Strand @Mette Johnsen

Faaborg Havnebad

Lundeborg strand

Lohals Strand Stoense Udflytter Strand

Bøjden Strand Klinten Drejet, Knold, Dyreborg

Christiansminde Strand

Nab Strand Smørmosen Emmerbølle Strand Slotshagen strand

Thurø Rev

Søby Strand Spodsbjerg, Drejet Vesterstrand

Rudkøbing Badeanstalt

Eriks Hale

The best beaches 80

Ristinge Strand/ Hesselbjerg Strand

Bagenkop Strand



No matter where you happen to be on South Fyn or the islands, you are never far from the coast and a nice day at the beach. One of the best beaches in Denmark is located at Ristinge near the southern tip of Langeland: a wide stretch of white sand and dunes covered with lyme grass. There are nice beaches at Bagenkop, Spodsbjerg, Emmerbølle, Stoense, and Lohals as well. Bellevue Beach in Rudkøbing is a charming little patch of sand, and not far from there, you can jump in the waves from the town’s old bathhouse, which is also used in the off-season by the brave local winter swimmers. Ærø is known and loved for its unique bathhouses on Vesterstrand in Ærøskøbing and at Eriks Hale in Marstal. There are nice options for going for a swim in the crystal-clear water near Søby as well. You can go to the beach close to central Faaborg at Klinten, and a short drive away, there are great sandy beaches at Nab, Drejet, Knolden, Bøjden and at Dyreborg, where the setting is particularly charming. If you don’t want sand between your toes, you can dive into the fjord from the bathing jetties at Faaborg Havnebad.

In and around Svendborg, there are plenty of options for a day at the beach: Christiansminde Beach is only about a kilometre from central Svendborg, and Smørmosen on Thurø has a family-friendly beach as well as a playground and a charming miniature golf course. There’s also a lovely beach at the scenic Thurø Rev, not far from Smørmosen. On Tåsinge, Slotshagen Beach just behind the yellow tea pavilion at Valdemar’s Castle is a great choice. West of Svendborg, Lehnskov Beach offers great views of the archipelago, and north-east of Svendborg, at the opposite end of the municipality, the small fishing hamlet of Lundeborg has an excellent family-friendly beach as well as a playground, an ice-cream kiosk and some nice eateries.


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 82

Throughout the year, there’s always something happening in the South Fyn Archipelago, and every year sees new and exciting events popping up. We have put together a calendar of selected events, making it easy to plan


• Svendborg Vinterrevy – Culture • Vinterdage, Faaborg – Sport, Culture


• Suppens Dag – Culinary • Vinterbaderfestival, Bagenkop – Culture


• Påskelørdag, Ærø – Culture • Kunstnernes Åbne Døre, Langeland – Culture


• Knitting by the Sea, Faaborg – Culture • Langelandske Ørreddage – Nature


• Dansktopfestival, Svendborg – Music • Geopark Dage, Det Sydfynske Øhav – Nature, For Kids • Høje Bøge Open Air, Svendborg – Music • Majtræsfest, Strynø – Culture • Outdoor Sydfyn, Faaborg – Sports, Nature • Sydfynske Syrendage, Faaborg – Nature


• Cykelløbet Gran Fondo, Svendborg – Sports • Faaborg Kulturnat – Culture • Fjällräven Classic – The Archipelago Trail – Sports, Nature • Gammelkjøbing, Langeland – Culture • Heartland, Egeskov – Music, Culture • Jazzfestival, Svendborg – Music • Kulinarisk Sydfyn Fødevaremarked, Svendborg – Culinary • Outdoor Sydfyn, Faaborg – Sports, Nature • Risefest, Ærø – Culture • Strynø Litteraturfestival – Culture • Svendborg Sommerrevy – Culture • Øhavsmarked, Langeland – Culture


• Bridgefestival, Svendborg – Culture • Eventyrfest, Ærøskøbing – Culture • Frikadellefest, Langeland – Music • Fyn Rundt for bevaringsværdige skibe, Faaborg and Svendborg – Maritime



your stay. So mark your calendar and get ready to experience the South Fyn Archipelago. Read more at,,, and

• Grollefest, Marstal – Culture • Hansted Live, Svendborg – Music • Musikøen with concerts & festivals, Langeland – Music • M/S Helge fylder 100 år, Svendborg – Maritime • Skarøfestivalen – Music • Søbygaardkoncerter, Ærø – Musie • Vægterture, Ærøskøbing – Culture, Nature • Øhavet Festival, Ærø – Culture


09 10 11 12


• Avernax Festival, Faaborg – Music • Beach Thrown Down, Svendborg – Sports • Cykelløbet Langeland Rundt – Sports, Nature • Jazz Festival, Ærø – Music • Olympen Live, Svendborg – Music • Resonans, Svendborg – Culture • Steensgård Open Air Opera, Langeland – Music • SVEND Filmdage, Svendborg – Culture


• Havørred-weekend, Ærø – Nature • Midtfyns Festival, Ringe – Music • Nær Festival, Langeland – Music • Outdoor Sydfyn – OCR (Obstacle Course Racing), Faaborg – Sports, Nature • Silverrudder, Svendborg - Maritime


• Æbleræs, Svendborg - Maritime • Børnekulturfestival, Langeland – Culture, For Kids • Little Big Air – kitesurfing contest, Langeland – Sports • Ærøskøbing Grand Prix (Sopa car race) – Culture, For Kids


• Fight Night, Svendborg – Sports • Egeskov Julemarked – Christmas • Lys i Mørket – Weekend of culture on both Ærø and Langeland – Culture, For Kids


• Egeskov Julemarked – Christmas • Egeskov Vinteråbent – Culture • Julemarked, Ærøskøbing – Christmas • Juleøen Langeland - Christmas • Kulinarisk Sydfyn Julefødevaremarked, Svendborg – Culinary, Christmas




Skårupøre Vineyard






Café, shop, and vineyard

Skårupørevej 28 5881 Skårup Fyn Svendborg



BR Skaarupøre Vingaard R E E



Bergmannsvej 82,Thurø / 5700 Svendborg Tlf.: 60 57 97 05 / 84

city cen

5 km fr RG SVENDBOte r


Visit our Brewery on 'Thurø' near Svendborg, where we brew and bottle our beers. Here you can enjoy nice cold beers from tap and buy our beers and other local crafted products in our small shop. During summertime, we have parked our foodtruck at the brewery where we offer delicious food that goes good to our beers.


Organic Gin and Whisky Distillery Shop with tastings Guided tours - for booking visit: Tanghavevej 43, 5883 Oure


+ Open every day + Known for high quality burgers + Steaks, sandwich, fish, vegetarian/vegan food + Lovely coffee + Close to the harbour + Take away

Kullinggad e 1 5700 Svendborg 62 22 17 48

Ambitious restaurant with its feet firmly planted in the soil of Funen Resumé’s all-inclusive menus consist of seasonal ingredients and showcase what the South Funen landscape has to offer. “The Universe” is our grand tasting menu, where you’ll experience our entire creative flavor universe. In addition to “The Universe”, we have our “Evenings at Resumé”, which provide insight into our world. See the menus on our website.

Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday 17.30 - 24.00

Lundevej 5 - 5700 Svendborg - Phone: 60388642

Classic French bistro with a twist Salig Simons Gaard is the epitome of a French bistro, exactly as we know them from the wonderful streets of Paris. For lunch we serve an ensemble of French classics. For dinner we serve our all-inclusive menu at a fixed price. Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday Lunch: 11.00 - 16.00 Evening: 17.30 - 23.00

Brogade 37A - 5700 Svendborg - Phone: 60383498




Atmosphere, cosiness and Good food

Svendborg’s restaurant ship at the port


32 42 77 00

• Classic Danish cuisine

• Take away every day:

• Good local produce Call and order

• Terrace with a view of the harbor and Svendborgsund Find out more on our website

H av n e p l a d s e n 5 · 5 70 0 S ve n d b o r g · t l f . 6 2 21 07 1 9 · w w w. r e s t a u r a n t s ve n d b o r g s u n d . d k

GASTROPUB BØRSEN – The sense of enjoyment…


• Outdoor service right in the middle of the pedestrian street • Great food from fresh produce • Large selection of special beers • Homemade smoothies and milkshakes • Barista Coffee Treat yourself to the experience of »Marthastuen« – »Matadorstuen« and »Mogensenstuen«

Restaurant Bella Italia Authentic Italian ambience. Taste a slice of Italy in charming and authentic surroundings. With our genuine Italian passion for food, we serve a menu filled with speciality food and wines. 62 22 41 41

Restaurant Bella Italia Brogade 2, 5700 Svendborg, (+45) 6222 2455


• Come and visit our Gelato ice cream shop We are located in the city center and the harbour with an ice cream truck • We make Gelato and soft ice with organic milk sourced from a local farm • Everything is produced in our store, based on our own recipes

Two temptations in the pedestrian street

Authentic and idyllically situated with a park, lake, moats, and watermill. With a gourmet kitchen and atmospheric surroundings, the castle is worth a visit. • Coffee Shop • Organic barista coffee and filter coffee from four different continents • Handmade pastry cakes, organic bread and croissants • Delicious cold lemonades and non-alcoholic drinks

À la carte restaurant • Gourmet stays Hotel events • Conferences Book at or call +45 62251055



• Restoration of old ships, wood/steel • Repairs • Neubauten • 2 slipways of 150 tonnes and 350 tonnes • Floating dock of 1000 tonnes v/ Peter Ring-Andersen · Frederiksø 7 · DK-5700 Svendborg E-mail: · Tel. +45 62 21 02 68 ·

Familieplads tæt på Svendborg centrum. En af Sydfyns bedste badestrande med badebro og blåt badeflag. Hyggelig og afslappet atmosfære med aktiviteter for hele familien. Gode muligheder for gå- og cykelture i området. Familienplatz nähe Svendborg Zentrum. Einer besten Strände Südfyns mit Badebrücke und blauer Flagge. Schöne und entspannte Atmosphäre mit Aktivitäten für die ganze Familie. Gute Möglichkeiten zum Wandern und Radfahren in der Gegend. Family campsite close to Svendborg City. One of South Funen’s best beaches with bathing jetty and Blue Flag. Nice and relaxed atmosphere with activities for the whole family. Good opportunities for walking and cycling in the area. Smørmosevej 7 • 5700 Svendborg • Tlf. 5118 5254 • www.



Svendborg Sound

Vindebyoerevej 52 · 5700 Svendborg Mobile phone +45 2172 0913

SVENDBORG SUND C AMPING - oasen ved Vindebyøre SVENDBORG SUND CAMPING - The Oasis at V indebyøre

SVENDBORG SUND CAMPING - die Oase am V indebyøre

Skårupøre amping

Skårupøre Strandvej 56a · DK-5881 Skårup T: +45 6223 2147 · mail:

• Mountain Biking & Bike Routes • Hiking Trails & Island Hopping • Pancake & Ice Cream Café • Time for Presence in Nature • Unique Nature Spot in Svanninge Hills

Faaborg Camping, Odensevej 140, 5600 Faaborg, Tlf.: +45 30 60 77 94, 88

Hotels on South Funen Come to Svendborg, the heart of South Funen and stay centrally at one of our 3 hotels, where gastronomy, culture, and nature are within reach.

4 star hotel in the middle of the city

Self-service hotel with easy access to everything

Cozy hotel by the harbor in Svendborg




Hotel Svendborg’s restaurant always has many exciting offers. Visit our website for more information.

Centrumpladsen 1, 5700 Svendborg +45 62 21 17 00

Enjoy a traditional menu in Hotel Ærø’s cozy restaurant located by the harbor in Svendborg.

Brogade 1-3, 5700 Svendborg +45 62 21 07 60

Your stay at the South Funen Archipelago

DANHOSTEL Svendborg Whether your holiday is all about discovering culture, relaxing or being active, our location provides the perfect place to stay on South Funen. Here you can relax in the courtyard or in one of our lovely rooms, cook your own food in our comfortable guest kitchen - or take a walk down the city’s cozy pedestrian streets.

THE SOUTH FUNEN ARCHIPELAGO There are many possible activities when you visit South Funen Experience the culture in Svendborg Take sailing trips in the South Funen Archipelago Rent a Puch Maxi and see the South Funen Visit the South Funen Castles Go shopping in Svendborg Activities for children Visit Ærø

THE BREAKFAST BUFFET Perhaps Svendborg’s most delicious breakfast buffet



5700 Svendborg

Vestergade 45


+45 62 21 66 99



HIGH ROPES ADVENTURES FOR ALL AGES! Fun and Action in Beautiful Surroundings! See you in Vejle and Svendborg!


+ 45 29 16 74 75 |





62 20 61 82 - 30 27 82 11

TAASINGE MUSEUM Captains home - Folklore Archives Elvira Madigan’s love story - Musical instruments Cra�s – Old Toys 1. June – 30. September: Tuesday - Sunday 10.00 - 16.00 Mondays closed Entrance: 60 DKK. Chrildren: Free. Groups: 50 DKK. Open for groups by appointment all year Tlf. 26271851 · ·


Take af trip on the Oldtimer train Faaborg - Korinth Timetable and tickets: See



-THE SECRET OF THE ARCHIPELAGO Throughout the summer, Jan from Svelmø - presents his island.

• Tractor ride through the water • Guided walking tour and the history of Svelmø • Delicious food from the grill Organic cow or freshly caught fish off the coast of Svelmø

Book a guided tour at VISIT FAABORG.DK





244 . marts - 30. april 1. maj - 30. september 1. oktober - 31. oktober

alle dage kl. 10 - 16 alle dage kl. 10 - 17 alle dage kl. 10 - 16

Vognsbjergvej 4 B, 5935 Bagenkop Tlf.: 6256 2700 - WWW.LANGELANDSFORT.DK





Visit Øhavsmuseet’s Archipelago Meeting Place and get free tips for nature adventures. Find souvenirs and Øhavs Coffee in our Shop and enjoy our exhibition ”Discover yourself”


Visit our exhibition

”DISCOVER YOURSELF” Feel the magic of Nature with all your senses at ØHAVSMUSEET. A sensuous museum experience of sounds, lights, special effects and exciting stories that display Nature’s impact on humans throughout history. Free entrance for kids.

ØHAVSMUSEET, 3 Havnegade, 5600 Faaborg


DSØ_Annonce_190x136mm.indd 2

A CAPTIVATING EXPERIENCE Visit our Town Jail in Faaborg

Invite your family behind bars in ARRESTEN. You will get very close to both the past and the present in a Danish town jail. This is an exceptional and educating museum experience that makes young and old reflect. Free entrance for kids.

ARRESTEN -captured by history

ARRESTEN, 19 Torvet, 5600 Faaborg 06/10/2023 11.25


The Danish Railway Museum

Activities at the museum are included in the admission price Experiences for the whole family. Feel the history among the impressive locomotives and beautiful old carriages. Explore the exhibitions and take a ride on the mini train. Let your imagination run wild on our playgrounds and explore the children’s universe, The Couplings. The Danish Railway Museum has its own station and railway tracks. Go full steam ahead on the vintage train on selected days.



The oldest lithographic workshop of Paris - founded in 1896 - has opened a gallery and workshop. The gallery is beautifully located on Frederiksø by the harbor in Svendborg. Original graphics by Ole Ahlberg, Asger Jorn, Anette Harboe Flensburg, René Holm, Martin Bigum, Rasmus Eckhardt, Marco Reichert, Paco Pomet, Jacob Rantzau, Bjørn Nørgaard, and many others.

Frederiksø 16A, 5700 Svendborg Tel. +45 93 20 68 50 · atelierclot ·

Potteriet - handthrown ceramics - potteryshop - open all year (see website)

Stoensevej 17, Stoense 5953 Tranekær Tel: +45 30 48 15 07 96


Bente Sonne Glasblæseriet

Salig Simons Gaard, Brogade 37, Svendborg Tlf: 6222 8373, ma-fr 10-17.30, lø 10-13

Sankt Peder Stræde 7, 5700 Svendborg Åben ons-tor-fre 13-17.30, lør 10-14 samt efter aftale, (+45) 5126 7916




Svendborg Løve Apotek


Svendborg Løve Apotek serves as the emergency service pharmacy of South Fyn. The emergency service pharmacy is located at the shopping mall Svendborg Bycenter. Outside the mall’s opening hours, please use the entrance at Vestergade 16. SVENDBORG EMERGENCY SERVICE PHARMACY



Opening hours:


Opening hours:

Opening hours:


Weekdays: 8am – 7pm Saturday: 8am – 2pm 4pm – 6pm Sunday: 10am – 1pm

Svendborg Bycenter Vestergade 16, 5700 Svendborg Tel.: 62 21 00 62

Weekdays: Saturday: Sunday:

Weekdays: 9am – 5pm (Thursday: until 5.30pm) Saturday: 9am – 1pm Sunday: Closed

Langgade 20 5874 Hesselager Tel.: 62 25 10 03

FAABORG APOTEK Opening hours:


9am – 7pm Møllergade 92 9am – 2pm 5700 Svendborg 10am – 2pm Tel.: 62 21 00 62


Weekdays: 9am – 5.30pm Herregårdcentret 6 Saturday: 9am – 1pm 5600 Fåborg Sunday: Closed Tel.: 62 61 14 70

Opening hours:


Weekdays: 9am – 5.30pm Torvet 5 (Thursday/Friday until 6pm) 5750 Ringe Saturday: 9am – 1pm Tel.: 62 62 10 34 Sunday: Closed


Caring about our common future means caring about nature This simple expression emphasises the importance of prioritising sustainable choices – and this also holds true when we go on vacation. We have collected some tips and ideas on how you and your fellow travellers can make the right choices in an easy way. Here are 10 tips for a more sustainable vacation:



Take the train or the bus as much as possible on your travels – if you do take the car, fill it up with your fellow travellers



Prioritise exploring your destination on foot or on bicycle

Choose environmentfriendly accommodation focusing on sustainability


Support local shops and eateries that offer unique goods and climate-friendly products

Divide your shopping across multiple shops and cafés, thus supporting the local economy broadly

Sustainable travel protects our planet

5 Sort your waste according to the rules at your destination


Don’t buy more food than you can eat, and avoid food waste by eating your leftovers at a later time instead of throwing it out

7 8


Reduce waste from unnecessary packaging by bringing your own travel mug or thermos for coffee and water

Carry a bag in your pocket for picking up any trash you find outdoors


Collect memories and photos from your vacation instead of souvenirs, thereby reducing your consumption as well as your impact on the environment


EXPERIENCE THE GEOPARK By visiting the Geopark, you discover the connectedness of nature and culture across the South Fyn Archipelago. Stop by the visitor centres in Faaborg, Rudkøbing and at Søbygaard on Ærø – or download the Geopark app and explore the geological, natural and cultural history on your own.

Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago is officially nominated for the title of UNESCO Global Geopark.

Hent den nye app og få overblikket over alt, hvad du skal vide for at få de bedste oplevelser i Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav

Damestenen, Hesselager @Mikkel Jézéquel

Svanemærket og FSC godkendt tryksag. Et bidrag til


Mål 12: Ansvarligt forbrug og produktion.

Foto Mikkel Jézéquel

The aim of UNESCO Global Geoparks is to transform the 17 Global Goals set forth by the UN as well as UNESCO’s core values into actual local development and to promote the understanding of how human life is – and always has been – shaped by nature. UNESCO Global Geoparks focus on the geology, nature, and cultural history of specific locations and emphasise the fact that we are all dependent on Earth’s resources, affected by climate change and responsible for creating sustainable development. Currently, there are 195 UNESCO Global Geoparks across 48 countries.


Experience the South Danish Archipelago onboard the vintage ship M/S Helge The trip is about two hours and follows the beautiful Funen coastline close to the Islands Tåsinge and Thurø and under the Svendborgsund Bridge. Bring your lunch and enjoy the sight of boats setting sail, the beautiful old wooden ships and kayaks passing by. Feel free to hop off during the journey and hop back on when M/S Helge comes back around. Svendborg Harbour Office, Jessens Mole 6, 5700 Svendborg, +45 62 23 30 84 Mon-fri 9-12 / Mon-fri 9-14 (Week 27-32)

Plan your trip, see timetables and buy tickets at

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