What Else is Possible? Sept/Oct '17

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Number Nirvana @tammymariecampy.com

September Welcome September! Fall is here, leaves are changing, the harvest is in and seasons change! What does September mean in the realm of numerology? Given it is the 9th month of the year and ending the 3rd semester of the year....this time allows us a great opportunity to reflect on what has transpired so far in 2017 for us all. Had you created your intention for the year? The year of new beginnings? Remember what we are doing this year will set the stage for the next 9 years! Now, seriously....no pressure of course....just opportunity for clarity and implementation or review of what was and obtaining some clarity of what you truly desire! Now 9 is the month of enlightenment...and opportunity to really observe what in your life you maybe willing to let go of that no longer serves you. What patterns, beliefs, people things? A perfect time to reflect, release and surrender! Truly....what is there that is holding you back from what you want? Thoughts? Patterns? Out dated beliefs? IT is time, to allow those things to surface, heal them, send them love and let it gooooo, let it gooooo, let it goooo....yes my friends just like in "Frozen" ! What weight are you holding onto, any unforgiveness? For yourself? Others? When we add the year of 2017 it equals a 1 when reduced. So we can review and end things in September what we are willing to surrender to the highest good to feel free and have new beginnings occur in our lives! Who is in?! I know I am! It's time for healing, and what supports the ultimate transformation....LOVE.....love whatever is not in alignment for you and so it may heal and you can LET IT GO!! XO

October October is a beautiful Month.....a month of transformation....the scents of the leaves, the colors, the weather. AND no doubt a month of new beginnings! A 10 month reduces to a 1, 1+0 = 1....however, the one is about ourselves and our true authentic connection, and the 0 represents our higherself, God, Father, Mother, Spirit, the Divine, Jesus, the Universe...what it is for you....So who are you? What makes you unique in the world? What have you been blessed with? What qualities and gifts? What lessons are you aware of? What default or challenge do you witness yourself experiencing? Please remember to observe yourself with love and grace, there is no right or wrong, good or bad....just where we go when we forget who we truly are in our authentic beingness! This is a great month for personal reflection, connecting to your higher self to start something new....remember the releasing you were willing to do in September? Now, you have a beautiful opportunity in October to reflect on who you are what you desire and start something new with support! Feel, experience and love the newness that is available to you! What brings you joy? What makes your heart sing? I encourage you ..... DO THAT !

Love and Light and beautiful blessings!


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