Create the Ripple Magazine February Issue

Page 21

Dear Lonnie: Can I date someone with different values? It's less about the what and more about compromise right? From, How important are values

Some values could be a touch bendable, like, you really love to volunteer to give back to the community, and he isn't into it but encourages you to continue. That's ok. That's where compromise comes in. But, some bigger values could make the difference. Let's say you don't share the same beliefs but you want to get married and have children. Then, what does the wedding look like? What faith do you raise your children to follow? Are you on the same page about responsibilities with aging parents? Are you willing to compromise on these big issues or others? Even in your day to day life, your values play a roll. Whether you realize it or not, they are at the forefront of your behaviour. If you are with someone that doesn't share the same values, it can lead to disagreements, hurt feelings, feeling misunderstood and failure.

Dear, How Important are Values,

Nothing is ever a 'never'. There's a chance it could work, with very clear communication and respect on both ends. But I believe it will take a lot of work. So it's really up to you to decide how much extra effort you want your relationship to be? Also as a reminder, it's important that neither of you lose who you are in compromises. If the compromises aren't balanced by each of you, the relationship becomes one sided.

The shor t answer, in my experience, is no not successfully. Let me explain.

This person might make a better friend then a partner. I wish you luck for the best outcome.

Your values and morals are what make you who you are. They are the driving force of the person you are from day to day. They are built from the things that you find important or believe matter. So let's say you meet a guy, you seem to get along. You've gone out for dinner, movies, met a few of his friends and he makes you laugh. All of this stuff on the surface seems great! You're happy and excited to see him again. No w if yo u r int ention is to j us t date th i s g u y f o r f un. To hav e a good time, then go fo r i t . However, if you are dating with the intention of it becoming serious, then it's a really good idea to have some conversations. Where do each of you stand on getting married? Having children? How to raise them? Pets or no pets? Do you have the same beliefs? This is where the values will step in.

I See You Thank You for Writing in Lonnie XX I have a gift for seeing what others miss. I offer the truth as I know it. I offer this from my own life experience and my intuition. I hope to inspire you to have courage to look at your life, to help you feel empowered to do what you already know you need to do and as you sift through my “advice” - you will find the answers to your own questions”.

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Articles inside

Success through Vision ~ A Healing Journey

pages 74-75

Self Love = Self Care

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pages 56-57

What is Love, Really?

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Igniting Your Self Love

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Self Love Defined by You

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Unshakeable Confidence

pages 66-67

Self Love

pages 64-65

Why Only One Phone Call Can Shatter Dreams

pages 62-63

Loving My Inner Child, Loving Myself

pages 60-61

Self Love What Does it Mean to You?

pages 58-59

Salt of the Earth Gallery

pages 50-51

Ina’s Gallery

pages 52-53

The Water Lilly Boutique

pages 46-47

Davlyns Restaurant and Tinkers Damn

pages 48-49

Trust the Niggle

pages 54-57

KALOS Couture

pages 44-45

FUEL Coffee Bar

pages 42-43

Gossamer Gallery and Gifts

pages 40-41

Grant Yourself Some Grace

pages 32-35

Into the Depths of Love

pages 30-31

Carvel General Store

pages 38-39

3 Ways You Can Use Palmstones

pages 26-27

Ask Lonnie

pages 20-21


pages 16-17

The Power of Unfollow

pages 12-13

Self-Love for Businesses

pages 10-11

Self-Love and a Give-aWay

pages 18-19

Do Your Show Your Shoebox Love

pages 22-25
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