2 minute read

Grant Yourself Some Grace

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Grant Yourself Grant Yourself Some Grace Some Grace


By Lori Chenger

It is February and the month of the “heart”. During this month when the focus can largely be the giving of love to others, I would like to change the focus to the giving of love to ourselves first. Do things from love not for love.

The answers to anything in life are always “an inside job”. Emotions such as love, happiness, peace etcetera; exist naturally within us. The problem is they are hidden behind the barriers that the mind creates as “problems”.

First look to find what is preventing you from feeling these natural emotions, seek to find the barriers and the gift will be lying there waiting to come alive with your recognition of its existence. There is a lot of talk being generated regarding “finding balance “and topics asking women how they balance work, life and play for example. This can cause unnecessary anxiety as we interpret it as just one more thing that we are “supposed to do”.

Understand that not all baskets in which you place your priorities in will be exact and proportionate to one another and that IS OKAY.

Just breathe and know that what you accomplished or did not accomplish is just exactly as it should be. Tomorrow is another day, and you will be able to pick up where you left off with fresh eyes and a new perspective.

One breathing exercise I like is 5-5-5 with a couple of additions to this.

• First, place your hand over your heart. This allows us to feel our own presence and produces a calming effect throughout the body.

• Next, place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth when breathing as doing this connects you to the calming relaxation portions of your brain.

• Then follow the 5-5-5 breathing patterns of inhaling through your mouth for 5 seconds, wait for 5 seconds and exhale slowly for 5 seconds.

• Repeat for 5 repetitions and end the repetitions with identifying 5 things you are grateful for. This allows us to have mental pause during our daily tasks.

Instead of measuring yourself by the tasks you complete and the deadlines you meet, work at measuring yourself by the love and gratitude you felt towards yourself when you were involved in your daily routine. Were you able to notice the joy you felt within yourself as you accomplished your activities or were you simply aware that you had ticked off one more item on your to-do list?

Know there is no failure in life because as long as there is learning from obstacles, how could there possibly be failure?

Grant yourself some grace and know that you may not end each day completing all your tasks, but you will end each day being complete. Contact Lori at Echo of Yes if you would like to know how to use NLP and hypnotherapy in your life to remove barriers from experiencing the joy and love that you are!

View my website for a more complete list of services to help you say YES to living an empowered life.

Email: Lori@echoofyes.com Call: 780-218-7831

Private sessions include life coaching, hypnotherapy/NLP as well as bookings for staff training sessions in dementia care. I am also available as a keynote speaker.