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Photo by De’Andre Bush on Unsplash

By David Pilz



Songs have been sung and stories have been written about love in every way, shape and form while we endlessly explore this phenomena with a fervour fanaticism.

We sing about finding love and it fills our heart to bursting, and we sing about enjoying that warm endless never ending forever love, and we sing about being so deflated when it goes away that we wanna die. I’ve yet to hear a song that legitimately shares how powerfully ‘in love with myself’ that I am.

What is this thing that seems so powerfully elusive? We join chat rooms, apps, clubs, parties, gatherings and an eclectic variety of venues to ‘find love’ from that external source that will fulfill us completely. We have a need yet unfulfilled. We internally experience lack when we externalize our love source. What if I told you that Love is an entirely internal experience? When we fall in love there is indeed a chemical reaction that feeds our pheromonal alchemy with entirely personalized happy drugs. It’s so powerful it seems like we are overdosing gloriously and we are so very willing to bask and swim in our own cocktail. The person we assign to invoke these feelings is chocolate cake, fuzzy kittens and a suitcase full of gold all in one. As long as that person inspires these powerful feelings we continue to love .. but do we really love ‘them?’

When that someone makes us feel sexy, smart, courageous, wise and so much more, we love them. What happens when that same person suddenly makes us feel stupid, unwanted and less .. we assume ‘they’ must have changed and we don’t love them quite so much. Why didn’t we see them for the monster they were?

Cuz all love is self love .. sure, folks will twist this up and suggest that it’s narcissism or worse, but truly .. the love experience that we love so much is all about falling in love with ourselves, so why do we perpetually give that power to someone else?

Our children inspire pride love, our parents hopefully inspire comfort and belonging love, our lovers inspire passionate love, our friends inspire acceptance love, our mentors often inspire our success and self confidence love. We fulfill a need within ourselves by honouring all these flavours that already existed within ourselves .. they were merely a sparkly mirror reminding us that we perpetually exist ‘in love’.

My advice, fall hopelessly and helplessly in love with yourself; never to the point of comparison or judgement. You’re not better than anyone else nor are you less than anyone else but you are more than capable of love, of being love. When you are in love with you, you’ll suddenly become your own keeper, your own protector, your own lover and your own inspiration. Show the world how you like to be loved, what’s your flavour .. be the example that you’re looking for. Flex and develop those love muscles by working them. When (never if) someone comes along and starts adding extra value to your life whilst you exist in ‘self love’ you’ll know the difference immediately. No more chasing. No more rejection. No more fear. No more expectation, manipulation or agendas placed upon yourself by yourself. Sitting on the ‘cliche’ front porch in your elderly years with your best friend and lifetime lover are guaranteed if that person is you .. and I bet it’ll dramatically increase the odds of attracting someone to share the bond of how they feel ‘love inside themselves’ whilst in your space too. You’re not in charge of fulfilling their love .. nor are they held responsible for yours .. dangerously close to that unconditional love we really wanna explore.

Born in the 60’s into a homesteading European family environment in Enoch Cree territories, David Pilz grew quickly aware that his paranormal ESP sensitivities were not something that most other people were actively and consciously aware they even had. Although his psychic experiences were dramatic, with practice and discipline David was able to discern and control his own awareness enough to function in a world yet unwilling to explore metaphysical sciences as a reality. In his somewhere around 50 years on the planet, he’s been a contractor, a cook, a musician, a producer, an artist, a land developer, a rancher, a bone fide farmer, a placer miner, a teacher, a healer, a mystic, a business owner, an author, a ghostbuster, an alchemist and many many more hats

David (The Oracle) Pilz CEO, Author, Instructor, Master Healer, Producer, Metaphysical Consultant. DavidPilz.com Ommanna.com

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