3 minute read

Why Only One Phone Call Can Shatter Dreams

Photo by Brian Wangenheim on Unsplash

By Dixie Norman


If you're like most moms, you know when you have an "off" day, your children seem to have an "off" day with you. If you are also a stay at home work mom, you know how fast these days affect business, and can destroy dreams.

There are days when you wake up with a productive business plan; as the day progresses you quickly learn it has other plans...

You wake late, the mind goes into a frenzy and starts spinning out of control. Next thing you know, you spill milk all over the kitchen floor. You clean up the spill, watch your child spill their juice all over themselves, the baby is fussy, you step on lego twisting your ankle (luckily not falling with baby in arms), then suddenly you feel that urge to lose your cool as your frustration level goes into overload.

At this time, you realize that the beautiful day you planned seems unlikely. You look at yourself in the mirror realizing it's midafternoon and you're still in pajamas, snapped at your children, tired because of the overwhelm and unproductiveness of the day; then it hits you.

The negative thoughts come in, you start to question your capability, or if you made the correct decision to do this business, and question if you should only focus on motherhood. Only a few minutes later you're calling a friend asking why you even bothered. And you're feeling stuck in a rut asking them for their opinion and advice. If you reach out to the wrong person in these moments you could shatter your dreams, because friends, parents and significant others usually love and protect you. Hence, giving you advice to take the easy route and give up on goals that are growing you.

It is at this turning point, that every Work from Home Mom must be prepared to know what to do.

What you do at this point could make or break your decision to move forward and progress toward your goals.

Who do you call in those moments?

If you reach out to the wrong person in these moments you could shatter your dreams, because friends, parents and significant others usually love and protect you. Hence, giving you advice to take the easy route and give up on goals that are growing you.

In your low times you must attach to someone else who has belief, and can pull you upwards and out of the rut.

Do you want to succeed? If so, commit to yourself today. Affirm your commitment to call the right person when it matters most. Your team members, coaches and business partners are here for that. CALL US. Whoever that is in your world.


I am a business minded women and mother of 2, soon to be 3 children. Left the Oil and Gas industry in 2012 to complete a Business Administration Management Diploma, and then went back into the Industry because nothing compared to the income received working as a Safety Advisor in Oil and Gas.

Then at age 32 I had my first child, but I struggled in many ways as a single mom. Got my life back on track (with many steps in between) to make it work as I decided to go back to school. I worked part time as a safety advisor while a full time student in Architectural Technology. During that time there I was, a single mom, raising Daxon. Then in the last year of school, I met Chris. It wasn’t long after this I became pregnant again and I medically withdrew from school due to pregnancy complications.

Soon after my daughter Zyra was born I was soon pregnant again, and at 40 years old, I realized my maternity would run out and out of options. Remembering the pain I felt as I was pulled away from my son while working long hours, I decided to get serious about networking. I’m honest with myself about my age, and I acknowledge that I have less time to build a significant income. Luckily I can now do both; increase my income and be present to mother my children all while staying at home.

If you are curious to find out how I am building this income while raising my children, click on the coupon or check out my website.