ConPRmetidos Annual Impact Report 2022

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Impact Report 2022 & 10th Anniversary Issue

About ConPRmetidos A Message from Executive Director Map of Impact Our Impact at a Glance Aligning to a Global Agenda Collaborative Impact Grants Hurricane Fiona Relief El Comeback Meet the Team 10th Anniversary Donors & Sponsors How to Support Us 3 5 7 8 9 10 34 38 42 46 50 54
Table of Contents

About ConPRmetidos

Founded in 2012, ConPRmetidos is a Puerto Rican, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that connects individuals, organizations, and the private sector in order to generate solutions for the many social and economic challenges that the island faces. Our mission is to create a stable, productive, and self-sufficient Puerto Rico.

Meet Our Team Impact Report 2022
From left to right: Giannina Trigo, Deborah Rodríguez, Aurora Hernández, Isabel Rullán, Ana Laura Miranda, Paola Romero, & Miguel OrtÍz

A Message from Our Executive Director

As we reach our 10 year Anniversary since the organization was launched, the word that comes to my mind is Thank You.

We have met many people throughout this journey who have helped in one way or another: friends that supported us from the start, entrepreneurs that gave us our seed funding, key business leaders that listened to our vision and guided us, professionals in the US and on the island that became our mentors and some, eventually, board members, and individuals that like you have donated their time and money. Community leaders, and fellow non-profit leaders on the island, have partnered with us and given us their trust. Our families, throughout these last 10 years, have been our rock. And, our amazing team members have worked tirelessly and wholeheartedly to achieve our mission.

Even though our work is far from complete, on this 10yr Anniversary I want to pause and celebrate the more than 20,000 Puerto Rican lives that we have been able to help in some way or form. Whether it was rebuilding homes, handing out clean water and a warm plate of food, or it was providing a microloan and guidance for a new business, or a job opportunity, or even crop seedlings to replant a devastated farm, it all made a tremendous difference to our island and our people.

While ConPRmetidos has become a key player, responding to emergencies in times of great need - in the aftermath of Maria, the earthquakes, the pandemic, and Fiona - the organization has always been guided by our core belief in investing in long-term impact and systemic change. As we enter a new decade, we will dive even deeper in order to understand and address the root causes behind the challenges our island faces. And we will continue developing programs and services that will help create a stable, productive, and self-sufficient Puerto Rico.

Together with your help, and in partnership with those on the Island and the many abroad, we will make this a reality.

Thank you for your continued support, and for remaining always committed to Puerto Rico,


Impact Report 2022

Where Our Partners are

Albanisteria en la Brega

Conocimiento Digital en Tus Manos, Inc. (CODEM)

Fundación Atención Atención

Fundación OE

Impacto Juventud GC Instituto Tecnológico de Vieques (ITEC)

Mentes Puertorriqueñas en Acción

Fundación Monte Azul Impact Report 2022
Juana Díaz Santa Isabel Naranjito Corozal Aibonito Salinas Coamo Villalba Barranquitas Dorado Vega Baja Vega Alta Barceloneta Morovis Ciales Orocovis Jayuya Utuado Adjuntas Ponce Peñuelas Guayanilla Yauco Lajas Guánica Sabana Grande San Germán Las Marías Lares San Sebastián Aguada Aguadilla Isabela Moca Quebradillas Rincón Hormigueros Mayagüez Añasco Maricao Cabo Rojo Florida Arecibo Hatillo Camuy Manatí Toa Baja Toa Alta Comerío

Collaborative Impact Grants & Hurricane Relief

M unicipaliti es Assist e d 78 loC l a b orativeIm p a ct Grant s M a ed $155,000 bsiD u r s e d forHurr i caneFion a R e feil $60,000 tS r a tegicPartn e rshipsFor m e d 25 hceT n i c a lSuppor t andMent o r s pih $26,700 V o lunteer Ho u rs Provid e d 595

Value of in-kind hours

El Comeback Partner C ompanies43 oeP p l e Registere d in the Pro g r ma 2,700+ Indu s tries Tech Finance Pharma NGOs

Our Impact at a Glance ]

Aligning to a Global Agenda

In 2016, the United Nations made a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet’s resources, and ensure that all people on this earth have access to a good quality of life. ConPRmetidos recognizes the importance of adhering to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in every program and project we undertake and support. We are consciously advancing these U.N. development goals in everything we do. The following chart shows how we have deployed our resources and efforts to meet these during 2022.

Impact Report 2022
100% 35% 7% 7% 15% 15% 7% 15% 100% 15% 35% 20% 30% 15% 7% 100% 9

About our CIG Model

For the past five years, our team has impacted nonprofit organizations through the Collaborative Impact Grants (CIG) program. The CIG framework provides a mix of funding, technical support, and mentoring to community-based organizations. ConPRmetidos helps incubate organizations and build their capacity for long-term impact by providing access to resources in pursuit of eliminating barriers that limit their organizational development.

Through the CIG Mentorship Initiative (CIG-MI), nonprofit leaders work on specific goals, build capacity, and receive direct guidance from our team and experts in different fields who volunteer their time. To learn more or sign up as a mentor, please visit

11 Impact Report 2022
12 Impact Report 2022 Impact of the CIG Mentorship Initiative (CIG-MI)
of Mentorship & Support Website Design Tax exemption filings Leadership Development Program Mangement & Evaluation Strategic Planning Budgeting & Accounting Board Development Marketing and Communications Legal & Human Resources Fundraising tneM o r s & technic a l support p r o v sredi 16 OGN s p articipati n g in theini t i a t evi 11 Grant-writing

Mentors & Technical Support Providers

Mentors & Technical Support

Aixa López Ángel León

Javier Wolmerdoff

Mellie Torres

Aurora Hernández Galliano

Paola Romero

Diana Pastrana

William Suárez

Giovanna Álvarez Negretti

Tania “Río” Cruz

Pablo Rivera

Verónica Colón

Ferraiuoli LLC

ConPRmetidos Team

Isabel Rullán

Miguel Ángel Ortíz

Cristina Salazar Piñeiro

13 Impact Report 2022
CIG-MI Phases Needs Assessment of Organization Phase 2 Preliminary Technical Support Phase 3 Reporting
6 Mentorship & Incubation
5 Selection
NGO Phase 1 Matching Phase 4
of an


Currently, the ConPRmetidos team is managing two cohorts that started in January and September 2022, respectively. These cohorts include the following organizations:

14 Impact Report 2022

From Mentors & Mentees

Aixa López, Mentor to Piñones Aprende y Emprende (PAYE)

My experience as a mentor was an inspiring one. Both ConPRmetidos and PAYE were deeply committed to the process. ConPRmetidos has an organized and thorough process in place, assuring the effectiveness of the mentoring. The mentee organization I was working with was exceptional. Together, we were able to work on strategic planning, operational tools, and revenue stream diversification. We established goals and a timeline, and with the support of ConPRmetidos, we accomplished them all. It was an honor to mentor and help Puerto Rico from the diaspora in the state of New York.

Cristina Salazar Piñeiro, Technical Support Provider & CIG-MI Co-Designer

The CIG Mentorship Initiative is an indispensable program for our local nonprofit sector. Leveraging ConPRmetidos’ network and expertise in service of nonprofit organizations in Puerto Rico is a game-changing strategy that will surely elevate how we support, innovate and grow. By providing an individualized incubation approach to ConPRmetidos’ grantees, we ensure that each organization and its leadership receive mentorship and technical support in exactly what each of them needs.

Tanisha Gaspar, Executive Director of Piñones Aprende y Emprende (PAYE)

For me, the ConPRmetidos mentoring initiative was one of the best things that could happen to me personally and to my organization, PAYE. Thanks to Aixa, we were able to meet the proposed goals in a short period of time. I really enjoyed the process and felt accompanied all the time. Aixa is now a part of the PAYE family.

Dara Guadalupe, Executive Director of Instituto Tecnológico de Vieques (ITEC Vieques)

Receiving technical help from ConPRmetidos was the best thing that could have happened to ITEC. The project went from being incomplete to having a structure and started to serve the community well. We were able to perfect the business plan, among other essential items. Río was the ideal mentor since she possesses the knowledge and experience to mentor us to success. She is also passionate about helping the Vieques community since she is also from the island. Thanks to the help and support provided, I can feel more secure in the foundation on which our program is being built.

15 Impact Report 2022

Preventing Financial Exploitation Through Digital Literacy

Partner CoDEM


In October 2022, the AARP published a report1 that stated a sharp rise in financial exploitation and scams preying on the elderly, through the internet and other forms of technology, since the start of the pandemic. Because technology evolves so quickly, it can take a lot of work for the elderly to keep up, leaving them open to misinformation and scams. In addition, as a consequence of less frequent human to human interactions, loved ones may not notice signs of financial problems till it’s too late. An older person who feels lonely due to their isolation, for whatever reasons, may be more receptive to an outside predator who appears to care about them.


Conocimiento Digital en tus Manos (CoDEM) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to increase skills and knowledge on how to safely use the internet, and other forms of technology, for elders from disadvantaged communities in Puerto Rico. With ConPRmetidos’ grant, CoDEM was able to achieve the following:

a) prepared a new curriculum and edited and published a digital education manual;

b) offered workshops at the ACUTAS community center in the municipality of Toa Baja; and

c) taught adults/elders ways to protect themselves from financial exploitation and fraud through technology devices such as the phone.

adults and elders impacted 40 hours of workshops and tutoring provided 30 age range of people impacted 44-73

Support by CIG-MI

• Marketing & Communications

• Board Development

• Tax exemption filings

17 Impact Report 2022

Focusing On Education After the Pandemic

Partner Fundación OE


This year, results in standardized tests evidenced the pandemic’s impact in learning.2 Puerto Rico was one of more than 40 U.S. jurisdictions with a marked reduction in the proficiency of mathematical concepts between 2019 and 2022, with a 6-point decrease in the results of both fourth and eighth-grade students. The Secretary of Puerto Rico’s Department of Education alerted that the prolonged closure of schools due to COVID affected the teaching and learning process of our students and possibly set us back between two to three decades.

Fundación OE aims to improve the quality of education in Puerto Rico by incorporating technology and other academic resources through their digital platform, “La Nueva Escuela Virtual” (NEV). The NEV contains comprehensive curriculums and complimentary materials, such as activities and quizzes, on all major subjects, giving teachers and parents the tools to support their children’s education. The platform also provides teachers with planning materials and data to measure the progress of all students. Thanks to ConPRmetidos’ grant, third, fourth, and fifth grade students and teachers, at the Daniel Vélez Soto school in Lares, were provided access to the NEV. In addition, the teachers managed to maintain high academic performance in their students, specifically in the subject of Mathematics, thanks to a large number of exercises practiced.


students and teachers in Lares had access to the platform for one year 100 hours spent using the platform in the classroom and at home

19 Impact Report 2022
by CIG-MI • Fundraising • Marketing & Communications
Impact Support
By the Numbers (with our grant)

Reducing Gaps Through Education

Partner Impacto Juventud GC


After the disasters of the last five years, rural communities have taken matters into their own hands and created partnerships with others that can provide the services they need. This is the case of Barrio Rucio in Peñuelas, where the well-being of the community’s children has become the top priority.This community is located in the southern mountainous region of the island, and every time there is prolonged rain, it gets cut off due to landslides. Additionally, unreliable electric power and internet service create an environment not conducive to a good quality of life or education.

Impacto Juventud’s Aula en la Montaña (Classroom in the Mountain) is an educational tutoring project that aims to fill the gaps experienced by children living in rural and underserved communities in Puerto Rico. Their program includes tutoring, agroecology, bomba classes, and physical activity. During the year, psychometric evaluations of these young participants are completed through a collaboration with professors and students from Carlos Albizu University. Aula also provides trainings on how to cope with anxiety after identifying post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms (PTSD). ConPRmetidos’ grant has allowed Impacto Juventud to hire a project coordinator for this program and provide much-needed stipends for some of their volunteers.

21 Impact Report 2022
Impact Support by CIG-MI • Program Management & Evaluation • Grant-writing • Tax exemption filings By the Numbers (with our grant) children impacted 20 hours of educational programming 900 volunteers 50

Channeling Resources for Children and Community Development

Partner Piñones Aprende y Emprende (PAYE) Grant Extension $5,0000


According to a study conducted by the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, the closure of an alarming amount of the island’s public schools at the end of the 2017-2018 school year had a disproportionate impact on Puerto Rico's rural areas, where the population typically lives below the poverty level and lacks the resources to travel to urban areas where services are readily available.3 Preoccupied with the state of education in the barrio of Piñones, a group of local women created an after-school program at the only school facility in the community, the former Emiliano Figueroa Torres Elementary School, to meet the needs of children and families who live there.

Piñones Aprende y Emprende's (PAYE) after-school education program provides a safe space where the children of Piñones (K-6th grade) can develop creativity and critical thinking skills through reading, writing, and art activities. The program also pays special attention to local culture and identity and promotes healthy self-esteem. ConPRmetidos’ grant helped cover the rehabilitation of their classroom and enabled them to offer a fair wage to their teachers. Furthermore, with the grant extension made possible by our donor Amy Hubbard, PAYE was able to support their teachers for a longer period of time and hire a community member to build an outdoor learning space.

23 Impact Report 2022
Impact Support by CIG-MI • Strategic Planning • Budgeting & Accounting • Fundraising By the Numbers (with our grant) students impacted 25 tutoring sessions 72 workshops provided to students and mothers 32

Future Projects

Partner Albanistería en la Brega

Grant: $20,000

Albanistería en la Brega Inc. is a nonprofit organization that develops DIY and cabinetmaking skills in women and girls to: a) empower them, b) break cultural norms, and c) reduce the gap in access to non-traditional jobs for women. Currently, they provide five workshops where participants learn how to install door locks, fix cabinet hinges, and do basic electrical and plumbing work, among other skills.

ConPRmetidos’ grant will support the development of self-sufficiency and non-traditional employment and empowerment skills for women and girls from vulnerable (violence survivors) and underserved populations (low-income communities). Albanistería will provide workshops to participants of the following organizations: Taller Salud in Loíza, Siempre Vivas in Mayaguez, Casa Juana in Comerío, Hogar Fátima in Bayamón, and Centro Paz para Tí in Adjuntas.

Support by CIG-MI

60 hours of workshops

Goals women and girls will develop non-traditional, employable skills


68 nonprofit organizations impacted

• Budgeting & Accounting

• Fundraising

• Program Management & Evaluation

25 Impact Report 2022

Partner CoDEM Grant: $15,000

CoDEM is a nonprofit organization that seeks to close the gap between the virtual world and elders from disadvantaged communities in Puerto Rico. ConPRmetidos and CoDEM have partnered for a second project that will start in 2023. This grant will impact three communities with digital education tutoring, workshops, and the distribution of manuals on the use of cell phones. CoDEM will also use this grant to grow and strengthen their organization with the creation of a new web page so others can learn about their services. In addition, this grant will build the organization’s internal capacity to find new sources of funding for their programs and services.

Support by CIG-MI

100 manuals will be delivered

Goals adults/elders will be impacted


200+ hours of workshops and tutoring

• Marketing & Communications

• Board Development

• Tax exemption filings

26 Impact Report 2022

Partner Fundación Atención Atención Grant: $20,000

The mission of Fundación Atención Atención is to ensure that each child becomes the best version of themselves by providing creative educational experiences and innovative tools, to them and their parents/caretakers. This nonprofit’s holistic approach of supporting both the child and the parents/ caretakers’ learning experiences ensures success and excellence every step of the way.

ConPRmetidos’ grant is funding new modules of their online educational program for students aged 3 to 10 years old, called “AA Academy,” that includes mathematics, language acquisition, and reading in an integrated manner. The grant will also provide in-person activities in Puerto Rican public schools through their “La Magia de Leer y Jugar” program, which develops reading and writing skills in a fun way while integrating arts and crafts.

Support by CIG-MI

430 users to be impacted through new modules

Goals public school students to be impacted through in-person activities


2,250+ AA Academy users (an increase from the current 79,000)

• Grant-writing

• Marketing & Communications

27 Impact Report 2022

Partner MPA Grant: $20,000

Mentes Puertorriqueñas en Acción (MPA) is a nonprofit organization focused on developing the next generation of young Puerto Rican leaders committed to social justice and to solving the island’s challenges. Their mission is to create a more supportive, participatory, and fair society. The “Programa de Apoderamiento y Retención de Agentes de Cambio” (PARACa) is a social action internship program with yearly and summer sessions that provide experiences and tools to develop agents of change for Puerto Rico. As part of this, participants complete a social impact internship in nonprofit organizations around the island while receiving a professional development and social awareness curriculum.

In 2022, ConPRmetidos supported the PARACa summer program by financing the placement fee of interns for three (3) nonprofit organizations, Conocimiento Digital en tus Manos (CoDEM), Piñones Aprende y Emprende (PAYE), and Impacto Juventud. The grant will also fund the programmatic expenses of the 20222023 PARACa full-year fellowship and the PARACa 2023 summer program.

Goals interns (university students)

Support by CIG-MI

80 nonprofit organizations to receive interns

50+ hours of direct service to NGOs


• Leadership Development

• Budgeting & Accounting

28 Impact Report 2022

Partner Monte Azul Foundation Grant: $20,000

Since 2018, Monte Azul Foundation has been providing education and tools to youth and farmers in Puerto Rico so that they can become leaders in the sustainable agriculture movement on the island. Monte Azul aims to develop rural communities capable and empowered of producing their own food and help farmers become agents of change for a sustainable Puerto Rico. Their farm workforce training program, called the Academy of Sustainable Agriculture and Innovation, is a holistic approach to incubating sustainable farmers.

ConPRmetidos’ grant will cover three cohorts of their Agricultural Entrepreneurship 101 course that will train a total of 75 farmers. Each cohort will last eight weeks and consist of eight pre-recorded online modules that cover the basic components of starting and maintaining an agricultural operation. The inperson phase will incorporate teaching about crop diversification through demonstrations of commercial hydroponic system operations. Four (4) additional farmers will be helped by purchasing mitigation equipment through their Farmer Mentorship Program.

Goals farmers to be impacted 75+ hours of training

1,575+ age range of farmers 23 to 71

Support by CIG-MI

• Program Management & Evaluation

• Fundraising

• Legal & Human Resources

29 Impact Report 2022

Partner Mumas Renaciendo

Grant: $15,000

Mumas Renaciendo is a non-profit organization focused on the empowerment and transformation of women and their families so that they are part of and actively contribute to Puerto Rico’s economy. Mumas works hand-in-hand with women of limited economic resources to help them achieve personal and economic empowerment, while minimizing their dependency on others.

ConPRmetidos and Mumas have partnered once again on the professional development of women so they can become economically independent. This will be achieved through their “Mumas Emprenden” program, which provides participants with tools to achieve emotional stability while encouraging them to explore their talents through blended arts, sewing, and basic business development courses.

Support by CIG-MI

Goals women and mothers to be impacted


10 hours of training 250+ of participants will come from disadvantaged backgrounds

• Marketing & Communications

• Website Development & Design

• Program Management & Evaluation

30 Impact Report 2022

Partner Piñones Aprende y Emprende Grant: $15,000

During 2022, ConPRmetidos supported Piñones Aprende y Emprende’s Education Program. PAYE’s mission is to build an educational community through tutoring, workshops, and experiences that develop the identity and citizenship skills of children and youth in Puerto Rico, in a fun, loving, respectful, and fair environment.

For 2023, we are supporting their Community Program, which will offer workshops on conversational English, art, and literacy, among other topics requested by community members.

Support by CIG-MI

Goals community members will be impacted


50 community workshops

• Strategic Planning

• Budgeting & Accounting

• Fundraising

31 Impact Report 2022

Partner PROCAFE Grant: $10,000

Since 2018, ConPRmetidos has partnered with Productores de Café de Puerto Rico (PROCAFE) to help the island’s coffee farms recover. The organization works towards the long-term sustainable recovery of the local coffee industry and advocates for a better quality of life and education for farmers across Puerto Rico. ConPRmetidos has helped PROCAFE with projects that focused on distributing high-quality coffee trees and plantain seedlings, inputs, and technical knowledge transfer. PROCAFE will participate as the principal sub-recipient of the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA)/Cooperative League USA (CLUSA) for a project under the USDA-NRCS "Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities" program. Starting next year, in a period of four years, the project is aimed at impacting 2,000 small/medium farmers and 10,000 acres of planted land, adopting climate-smart agriculture and forestry practices for the production of coffee and other commodities. Our current grant to PROCAFE will strengthen their infrastructure and further develop their organizational and institutional capacity. With this work, we can ensure their readiness to manage the $2MM budget allocated to PROCAFE and successfully implement the project.

Goals hours of technical support

Support by CIG-MI

200+ farmers will be trained in climate-smart agriculture and forestry practices in 2023


• Strategic Planning

• Program Management & Evaluation

• Fundraising

32 Impact Report 2022

Partners VCHT & ITEC Grant: $15,000

The Vieques Conservation & Historical Trust (VCHT) is involved in scientific and technical work supporting the conservation of the Puerto Mosquito Bioluminescent Bay. The Instituto Tecnológico de Vieques (ITEC) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to develop better-paying job opportunities in Vieques and Culebra so that their local residents do not have to migrate elsewhere to earn a fair wage and have job security. In 2023, ConPRmetidos and VCHT will work on an initiative that seeks to provide skills and encourage resilience in Vieques’ communities. This is an educational project which includes trainings offered at local schools and through community meetings, in addition to the distribution of educational material designed for different age groups. VCHT will also help ITEC obtain their 501(c)(3) and the 1101.01 exemptions and strengthen their capacity to manage grants and funds.

* Support to VCHT by the CIG Mentorship Initiative will start in 2023.


schools to be impacted 6 hours will be invested in the project

800+ hours of support to ITEC 30+

Support by CIG-MI


• Business model canvas directed to NGOs

• Marketing & Communications

• Board Development

33 Impact Report 2022

Hurricane Fiona Relief

Acting for Immediate Relief While Creating Long-term Solutions

On September 18, 2022, Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Fiona. The island received the heaviest rainfall recorded in 123 years, more than 25 municipalities were severely flooded, and hundreds of residents lost their homes and belongings. There was once again an island-wide blackout that, in some areas, lasted for more than a month.

As a response, ConPRmetidos launched a fund aimed to:

• Give grants to trusted community organizations to address local emergency and long-term needs.

• Support local farmers by distributing their produce to families experiencing food insecurity.

• Set up generators and distributed water.

• Donate home appliances to families who lost their belongings.

• Provide step-by-step guidance/counseling to local leaders and residents so that they can begin the process of securing FEMA funds.

We will continue focusing on investing in long-term recovery projects that will promote a better quality of life for our people, such as: strengthening vulnerable infrastructure, supporting economic development programs that provide health and wellness support, extended learning, skills training, and creating job opportunities.

Impact Report 2022

People/organizations received FEMA relief application orientation (through a workshop held with Claridad Financiera) Impact Report 2022 P a r ticipants i n worksh o p By the Numbers Distributed by ConPRmetidos Municipaliti e s Assisted 40 Families I mpacted 6,000+ Established P artnerships 14 Farmers S upported 30 Gene r ators 5 Solar L a nterns 25 Ounces of Water 139,000 Pounds o f Produce 6,200 Appli a nces 50 142 52 Bed I t ems
Sheets, & Towels
Mattresses, Box Springs, Bed Frames,
Stoves, Washing
& Refrigerators 36


• Centro ESCAPE

• Claridad Financiera

• Community leaders in Añasco, Naguabo & Santa Isabel


• Impacto Juventud

• Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (UPR Mayaguez Campus)

• Martex Farms

• Mumas Renaciendo

• Municipality of Yabucoa

• Piñones Aprende y Emprende (PAYE)

• Plenitud PR

• PRoduce

Impact Report 2022

What is El Comeback?

El Comeback is a program created by ConPRmetidos that attracts and retains professional talent for Puerto Rico-based companies and organizations.

After almost two decades of suffering an economic recession, Puerto Rico has risen again. Many innovative companies and organizations have moved to, or been created on, the island, boosting the economy, and creating new jobs. Now, many of these companies and organizations need help finding talent due to the significant exodus of people that took place over the last three decades, and a disconnect between those graduating locally and local recruitment strategies.

El Comeback was built to help move the Puerto Rican economy forward. By assisting the companies on the Island to find the talent and therefore keep growing, we move the local economy. We seek to connect people that want to live permanently in Puerto Rico and find a full-time job. This directly impacts Puerto Rico’s economic development, strengthens companies and puts more money into the local economy!

Register for Jobs and learn more about the program at

39 Impact Report 2022
40 Impact Report 2022

Comeback Stories

Luis Arniella Vega is a Quality Analyst Engineer at Rock Solid Technologies. He moved from Austin, Texas, to San Juan, Puerto Rico, in 2021. "For me, coming back was both an emotional and a political decision. When many are leaving -for very understandable reasons- I decided to come back and build beautiful things for me and everyone on this island,” said Luis.

Fianeli Arvelo is a 24-year-old graduate of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus (UPRM), where she studied Industrial Engineering with a minor in project management. After graduating, with the help of ConPRmetidos, she received a job offer and is working in Red Ventures as a Digital Marketing Analyst. Fianeli had great faith that through The Comeback, she would find an employment opportunity on the island. That is why, "even though job opportunities came up, I didn't take them into consideration because I had no interest in leaving Puerto Rico," recalled Fianeli, a native of Bayamón.

Jonathan Pacheco studied Finance at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. After graduating, he moved to Texas, where he excelled for several years in investment banking. "One of the most important things I learned while living abroad was self-confidence. It also helped me identify my values and how I wanted my life to be. By November 2021, I was already convinced I wanted to return to Puerto Rico. I was very intentional and took action through El Comeback to be back", he said.

41 Impact Report 2022
Fianeli Arvelo Luis Arniella Vega Jonathan Pacheco

Meet the Team

Isabel Rullán

Executive Director

Deborah RodrÍguez

Communications Lead

Aurora Hernández

Program Lead, CIG

Program Officer, El Comeback

Miguel Ortiz

Program Compliance Officer, CIG

Cristina Salazar

Co-Designer, CIG Mentorship Initiative

Paola Romero Intern, CIG


Mili Landrón, Co-Founder

Denise Byrne

Cecile Rivera Llorens

David Matías, Carrasquillo CPA Group

FPV & Galindez

Alberto de la Cruz

Luis Alonso

Carlos Dávila

Gabriel Rivera

Giannina Trigo Intern, El Comeback

Yesenia Avilés

Yuisa Sonera

Marly Rivera

José Fabián Rosa

Impact Report 2022
Ana Laura Miranda

Board of Directors

Advisory Council Impact Report 2022
Natalie Trigo Reyes Director & Co-Founder Fahad Ghaffar Maria Elena Carrión Camille Álvarez Director Anabel Pérez-Wills Director Ciara Napoli Director & Co-Founder Carlos Meléndez Past Chair Isabel Rullán Secretary & Co-Founder Miguel Ferrer Chair Elena Hernández Vice-Chair & Treasurer Juan Ramos Director Inés Soler Director
Eric Stephenson Director

A Message from Our Board

Dear friends,

Ten years ago, ConPRmetidos’ young founders came together to try to answer a simple question: Can the government alone solve Puerto Rico’s most pressing challenges?

As you can imagine, the answer was “no”. If it takes a village to raise a child, it would surely takes all of us to help Puerto Rico turn things around.

Armed with conviction and creativity, ConPRmetidos has engaged with fellow citizens, leading institutions, impacted communities, government, and friends all over the world, to help create a stable, productive, and self-sufficient Puerto Rico. Over these ten years, ConPRmetidos has provided technical support and/or mentoring to, and directly invested $3.3 million in 70 strategic community projects generating an economic impact of over $24 million.

But, while we celebrate and take stock in the journey so far, we also must recognize that the answer to the question asked long ago by the founders remains the same. If we’ve learned anything in our first ten years, it is this: Puerto Rico’s challenges are solvable, but the will to tackle them and make the necessary investments and changes depend on all of us.

Looking towards the next decade, through the newly launched El Comeback program, ConPRmetidos seeks to address one of the most pressing challenges facing Puerto Rico today: closing the existing gap between the talent needed for the island’s growing economy, and the available talent on the island. And, although this is a great challenge in Puerto Rico, and in other parts of the world, we know that we will succeed with your support.

In closing, on behalf of our entire board and team, we want to say ¡Gracias siempre! for embarking with us on this epic journey - yesterday, today and tomorrow.


Impact Report 2022
10th Anniversary ConPRmetidos is proud to celebrate 10 years of serving Puerto Rico. C o mmitted t o Puerto Ri c o $3.3MM In Econo m ic Impact $24MM People I mpacted 20,000+ S trategic P a rtnerships 70 Regis t ered 4,000+ ] Professionals that have registered in our PR Global & El Comeback programs Technica l Support 5,000+ ] Hours in technical & mentorship support to NGOs

Our Organization's Timeline

ConPRmetidos launched in the summer of 2012 in NYC, Miami, DC, and San Juan as a movement to get Puerto Ricans involved in moving our island's economy forward. During the first years, ConPRmetidos focused on understanding the needs and opportunities to support the Island. The founders realized a gap no one was fulfilling: engaging the diaspora in the island's economic development efforts. After extensive research, studying programs worldwide, and visiting Puerto Ricans abroad for feedback, ConPRmetidos launched the Puerto Rico Global Initiative. The initative was created to connect Puerto Rican professionals, students, entrepreneurs, artists, investors, and philanthropists worldwide, with the shared purpose of supporting the Island’s economic development. A digital platform allowed for these connections, events in different cities and for personal outreach from the ConPRmetidos team. Members became involved with the island's start-up ecosystem, international talent was connected to local job opportunities, and business relationships were created. These first years cemented the creation of a network supporting Puerto Rico.



The Puerto Rico Global Program launches in NYC with a mission to connect Puerto Ricans worldwide. We we were accompanied by José Vázquez, President of the PR Chamber of Commerce, and Alberto Bacó, Secretary of the Dept. of Economic Development and Commerce of PR.

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ConPRmetidos launches in San Juan Puerto Rico. 2013 Interview and resume workshops to support youth in obtaining job opportunities 2012 2012 The then United States Ambassador to El Salvador, Mari Carmen Aponte presenting her "Idea for Puerto Rico" at our launch event in Washington, DC. 2014 Our Executive Director, Isabel Rullán, showcases the work done after two years of ConPRmetidos. 2013 Last of the three month photography workshops in Loiza. Proud students showing their participation certificates at their photo exhibition 2016 Executive Director Isabel Rullán and Operations Director Mili Landrón presenting Puerto Rico Global at the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez.

Puerto Rico's post-Maria situation led ConPRmetidos to rethink our approach as an organization and led us to re-direct all fundrasing efforts to recovery intiatives. More than 18,000 people worldwide donated to our Hurricane Maria fundraising effort, making us one of the organizations in Puerto Rico that raised the most money during this period. Our campaign, "Maria: Puerto Rico-Real Time Recovery Fund" was recognized by Indiegogo as one of the most successful crowdfunding campaigns in the United States.



In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, ConPRmetidos' team and volunteers celebrate reaching the milestone of 1 million dollars raised thanks to the support of donors.


A delegation of changemakers met with over a dozen New Orleans leaders and organizations to learn valuable post-Katrina lessons that could be applied to Puerto Rico's recovery.


PROCAFE members at the inauguration of their offices. Through our grant and the Proyecto de la Montaña Project, coffee farmers received 750,000 coffee trees to help them plant crops after the devastation of Hurricane Maria.

ConPRmetidos was one of four organizations recognized nationwide by Marriott International through its #LoveTravels Beyond Barriers program. Alongside Marriott International, we hosted a closing event following a week's long press tour alongside, actress Justina Machado, CIG Grantees, and singer Luis Fonsi.


The 2019 ConPRmetidos Team visited one of the CIG program's projects in Utuado, PR that received a $75k grant.


The ConPRmetidos' Board and Team met in November for a two day hands on strategic planning retreat. The Collaborative Impact Grants (CIG) program is created.


In partnership with Sol es Vida and G-8 Caño Martín Peña, thirty-four houses and roofs were reconstructed in the communities of Sol es Vida in Toa Baja and Caño Martín Peña in San Juan.

48 Impact Report 2022 2012 - 2022

Through hurricanes, earthquakes, and a global pandemic, ConPRmetidos invested more than $3.3 million in strengthening Puerto Rican non-profit organizations and communities. This created an economic impact of more than $24 million. After five years of the CIG program, the organization has impacted more than 36 organizations and invested in 70 projects throughout the island's 78 municipalities to improve the quality of life of more than 20k+ Puerto Ricans. To expand this impact we created the CIG Mentorship Initiative as an incubator to help non-profit leaders work on specific goals, build capacity, and receive direct guidance to create the infrastructure needed to sustainably impact their communities. ConPRmetidos also returned to its roots as a connector between people outside of Puerto Rico and what is happening on the island through El Comeback. The new program's mission is to retain and attract talent back to Puerto Rico.


At the beginning of 2022, ConPRmetidos and InvestPR collaborated and elevated conversations on how the island is ready to welcome & support talent.



On January 7, 2020, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake caused serious damage in southern Puerto Rico. After assessing the needs, ConPRmetidos invested more than $150k in funds for earthquake relief projects.


El Comeback is launched, a program to retain and attract talent back to Puerto Rico.


In 2021 ConPRmetidos decided to invest in education projects such as Aula sin Paredes by Impacto Juventud.


The CIG Mentorship Initiative is introduced as an incubator of Puerto Rican nonprofits where the ConPRmetidos' team and experienced professionals donated their time and knowledge to 11 NGOs.

49 Impact Report 2022 2012 - 2022
Visit of the ConPRmetidos team to the workshop and offices of Mumas Renaciendo. This organization has received over $100k in funding and technical support from ConPRmetidos.

Donors & Sponsors

10th Anniversary Sponsors

We want to thank our 10th Anniversary event sponsors for helping us continue promoting education and economic development in Puerto Rico through our main programs Collaborative Impact Grants and El Comeback.


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52 Impact Report 2022
10th Anniversary Sponsors

ConPRmetidos Donors & Supporters

Fahad & Glenda Ghaffar Foundation

Pantera Capital

A. Friends Foundation

Edward S. Moore Family Foundation

Act 20/22 Society

Alexander Avila

Alfred Annunziato

Charles Wiggins

Chris Cassidy

Cordes Foundation

Derek Jaeger

Evan Segal

Fundación Rimas

Foxwoods Resort & Casino

Gerrish H. Milliken

Harold Mattson “Skip”

Ibrahim Odeh

Integro Foundation Inc.

Jeff Parke

Kaufman Rossin Group

Kimco Realty

Manuel Reyes

Matthew & Kristine Gaier

Michael Nguyen

Michael Potack

Nikolas Baron

Phil Shawe

Piloto 151

Ricardo Jimenez

Ruben Gonzalez III

Simon Mu

Stephen Ryan Rzepecki

Steve Madden Corporate Foundation

Taina Knox

CIG Mentorship Initiative Supporters

53 Impact Report 2022

How to Support Us

Investing in causes such as women's empowerment, education, capacity building, community resilience, food security, and economic development is the surest way to enable a better future for our island.

Our Committed to Puerto Rico club is a fundraising initiative that helps provide stability to our organization, ensuring that the grassroots organizations we partner with deliver the needed programs to help their communities and local economies thrive and grow.

Join the club at!

55 Impact Report 2022
56 Impact Report 2022 Other Ways to Support Us /ConPRmetidos Donate through ATH Móvil Visit for our one-time donation link in the “Support Us” section Online Donation conprmetidos corp PayPal Account ConPRmetidos, PO BOX 16146, San Juan, P.R. 00908-6146 Send a check by direct mail @ConPRmetidos Venmo Phone: +1.787.665.5673 Email: Wire Transfer


1. Gunther, J. (2022). Responding to the Pandemic-Era Uptick in Financial Exploitation. AARP Banksafe Initiative. dam/aarp/money/scams_fraud/2022/10/aarp-banksafe-pandemic-report-10-3-22.pdf

2. López Alicea, K. (2022). Baja el desempeño de los estudiantes de Puerto Rico en Matemáticas. El Nuevo Día.

3. Hinojosa, J., Meléndez, E., Severino Pietri, K. (2019). Population Decline And School Closure in Puerto Rico. Center for Puerto Rican Studies.

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