Jockey Club CoCoon STEP Impact Report 2017-19

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Why Entrepreneurship Education? 創業教育如何幫助學生裝備自己,面對廿一世紀的機遇和挑戰?在充滿未知性的 未來,我們十分需要具備創業思維的創造者。創業教育能好好裝備新世代的廿一 世紀技能、發揮創意和建構意念。 我們不能預料未來世界如何發展,更沒有幫助學生達致成功的必然方程式。我們 確信創業教育能裝備學生於未知世界中尋找出路。創業教育教授學生如何面對挑 戰,將問題變成機遇,並運用以人為本的方式解決問題。透過經歷不斷嘗試、失 敗、再嘗試,並從中學習堅毅不屈的創業精神,讓他們得知成功不是必然。 學生需要更多機會去發揮創意,創新和合作精神。現行教育制度過分側重考試和 測驗成績,抑壓學生本有的創造力。創業思維不但鼓勵創意,更要求學生將創意 實踐,與人合作,從而發展創新意念。 現時世界需要勇於求變的下一代。創業家希望為社會帶來可持續的改變。於商業 角度而言,創業家積極解決現有生活痛點,希望從達成人類需求的過程中尋找商 機。從社會角度而言,創業家希望正面影響人類生活,為社會創造價值。創業教 育從這兩方面著手,訓練學生能夠針對性以創意解決問題,為世界帶來正面影響。

We live in a world where the future is uncertain, and it belongs to creators and innovators. And that’s why it’s important to learn and study entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education serves as an excellent foundation for the types of creative, innovative ideas we need to succeed in the 21st century. We can’t predict the job market students will enter into- therefore, we can’t predict what studies students will need in order to be successful after they graduate. What we do know though is that our students need skills that will allow them to navigate uncertain waters and chart their own paths. Entrepreneurship education equips students with the needed skills for them to not only survive but thrive. Students need more opportunities for creativity, innovation, and collaboration. As testing and standards take over our education system, opportunities for students to create, innovate and collaborate become scarcer. Entrepreneurship education not only encourages but also requires students to be those things. The world needs students who are looking to make a difference. Entrepreneurs, by definition, want to make a difference. Whether it is in the business or social sense, students trained in entrepreneurship education enter the world not only trained to identify problems that need solving, but also determined to creatively solve problems, meet needs, and make the world a better place. 11

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