Hope Through Education | 教育成就未來

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Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme Organised by Funded by future of education from the eyes of the community 賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃 教育成就未來:聆聽社群對未來教育的展望 主辦機構 捐助機構
future of education from the eyes of the community
3 主辦機構 捐助機構
READER’S NOTE 創 辦 人 的 話

Dear Innovator,

We are most grateful for the support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to fund the Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme

As entrepreneurs and investors, we know how important a limitless learning mindset is, it helps us navigate an unknown future with hope and optimism. We love our home city, it is an international platform for many successful businesses We see startups as a part of Hong Kong's transformation into an even more dynamic innovation and technology hub where capital and technology meet When that happens, jobs grow We care a lot about the future of work because jobs enable selfactualization and livelihood. This goal has become even more significant since COVID when so many jobs have changed, disappeared, and new jobs have been created The CoCoon Foundation continues to be a platform where the future of work happens, what better way to prepare ourselves than to work in startups that are building the future? Landing students in internships inside startups is our favourite part of the program because we believe that working is the best way to learn

CoCoon Foundation strives to unfold the future of education together with the future of work by delivering conscious education programs where we embrace the voices and strengths of the students and teachers in the community to find and develop their growth pathways As learners and educators, our greatest hope for the future is that trying, failing, and persevering to create a world we want to live in becomes a part of our limitless learning journey We support youth innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives with the hope to help nurture curious and innovative minds who can bring a positive impact to the future of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area From here, we hope that entrepreneurship as a life skill enables everyone to find their unique talents and discover purposeful endeavours they can realise for our global community

With gratitude, Erica & Theodore Co-Founders of CoCoon

中心,初創企業也在這個資金和科技融匯 的營商環境佔據 席位。隨著營商機會增 長,工作機會隨之上升。我們非常重視未 來職場,因為工作能讓我們達到自我實現 和持續生活。自疫情以來,當許多工作產 生變化或消失,同時也創造了新的工作, 這 目標變得尤其重要。浩觀創業基金仍 是為年輕人裝備未來工作的 個平台,有 什麼比在建構未來的初創公司裡工作更好 的方式來裝備自己? 讓學生在初創公司實 習是我們最喜歡的環節,因為我們相信透 過工作是最好的學習方式。 浩觀創業基金致力提供極具意義的培訓計 劃來展現未來教育和未來工作,在推行過 程中,我們不斷聆聽社區聲音,發掘學生 和老師的優勢,為他們尋找和建構成長途 徑。作為學習者和教育者,我們希望能透

親愛的創新者: 我們很感激香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助 「賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃」,讓 我們可以為香港中學生裝備創業精神。 作為企業家和投資者,我們知道求知若渴 的學習心態是如此重要,它幫助我們帶著
習之旅的 部分。我們全力支持青年創新 和推動創業精神,希望培養富有好奇心和 創新精神的人,為香港和大灣區的未來帶 來積極正面的影響。我們希望讓每個人都 能夠將創業精神轉化成生活技能,同時找 到他們獨有的天賦和潛能,繼而發揮他們 對全球社會的影響。 Erica & Theodore 浩觀共同創辦人
希望和樂觀的態度面對未來。許多成功企 業在我們所熱愛的城市的國際平台不斷發 展,隨著香港邁向至更具活力的創新科技
過積極嘗試,即使失敗仍堅持不懈去創造 個我們所期待的世界,成為我們無限學
目 錄
7 OUR STORY 我們的故事 8 Foreword 序言 11 Vision, Mission & Values 願景、使命和核心價值 13 Our programme 關於我們的計劃 18 Milestones 里程碑 20 Our Network 我們的網絡 AN INTERVIEW 一個採訪 26 An Ideal Future in Education 教育的理想未來 VOICES FROM THE COMMUNITY 創業同行:我們的故事 32 Principals & Teachers 校長和老師 56 Students 學生 74 Startups & Corporates 初創公司及企業代表 FEATURE ARTICLE 專題文章 90 Educators for the Future - Case study: Lee Shing Pik 案例分析:保良局李城璧中學 LOOKING TOWARDS THE FUTURE 展望未來 98 Hope Through Education: Visioning into the future of education 教育成就未來:展望未來教育 104 Our Learnings & Reflections 我們的得著和反思 110 Thanks 感謝辭 114 Equipping the next generation 與我們攜手合作裝備下 代的 - 創業精神

Dear Readers,

Close your eyes and think of something that happened over the last 10 years that you would never have expected to happen Be it Covid-19, bitcoin, smartphones, AI, or online shopping and schooling… the truth is that the world is in a state of perpetual change Indeed, the future never ceases to surprise, and to prepare for it we have to expect the unexpected.

In looking to the future, this year ’ s book examines the Future of Education. Complementing the first volume Hope Through Transformation: The Future of Work, this volume turns the spotlight onto the role of education At CoCoon Foundation, we believe the future of work and the future of education are intrinsically linked, and this book is a starting point for a more systemic future of work conversation that involves our community stakeholders.

Too often, we think of school as a fixed rail-path that we all have to follow: teachers teach curriculums; students learn it and demonstrate their information retention through public exams - students’ futures are seemingly set

Yet as the pandemic has shown, the rail-path can be fragile. At the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, 1 6 billion learners were affected by school closures across the globe. There is a pervasive feeling of vulnerability about the present and uncertainty about the future Many of our young people do not feel adequately prepared for the unprecedented challenges they will face in a world that is changing rapidly.

As we continue to provide Entrepreneurship Education through the Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship programme (JCCSTEP) in this new and complex landscape, we have seen firsthand how teachers want to do more to help our future leaders prepare for what comes after school; how students have a strong desire to gain more real-world exposure; how companies and entrepreneurs want to find ways to engage the future workforce and participate in issues that extend beyond the bottom line

為了迎接這些改變,我們都需要預備好自 己,迎接那些從未想過會發生的事情。 放眼未來,本年度的主題是未來教育。作 為第 期「成就創新蛻變」的續集,這期 的焦點放在「教育的角色」。浩觀創業基 金相信未來工作模式與未來教育是唇齒相 依,這本書正是 個起點,希望讓社會上 各種持份者有系統地交流教育意見。

很多時候,我們認為學校跟從 個特定模 式的 —— 老師按課程指引教學,學生上 課學習並在公開考試發揮所學;這樣似乎 規範了學生的未來。

自疫情出現後,固有的發展變得不堪 擊。在新冠疫情的高峰時,停課安排已經 影響全球逾16億學生,周圍瀰漫著 種 對現在感到不知所措、對未來感到不安的 氣氛。在面對瞬息萬變的社會環境,大部

親愛的讀者, 閉起雙眼,回想這十年間你從未想過會發 生的事:新冠疫情、比特幣、智能電話、 人工智能( AI)或網上購物及學習 事實上,全世界都在經歷著永無止境的改 變。未來將會持續帶給我們更多的未知。
即使在這全新和複雜的環境,我們持續推 動「賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃」的 創業教育。當中我們親眼見證老師們付出 心力和資源培養未來的領袖,讓他們為將 來做好準備;學生們熱切期望接觸現實工 作環境;公司和創業家設法吸引未來人才 起解決社區上的問題。 我們都共同認為未來教育需要裝備年輕人 未來工作的必備技能,包括人際溝通技 巧、抗壓能力、批判性思考和解難能力。 AI 16
分年輕人並未為前所未有的挑戰做好充分 準備。

All agree that the future of education needs to teach young people the interpersonal skills, emotional resilience, critical thinking and problem-solving skills required for the future of work Teaching by rote, preparing to pass exams, focusing on getting the best grades… ultimately, a life of tests does not prepare our youth for the test of life. Instead, we have learned that students and teachers look forward to developing new and more creative skills; skills that cannot be replaced by technology. They also know that such skills can only be learned through experiences that are relevant to real-life and provide sufficient space and support for students’ self-learning

When it comes to work, jobs pay workers essentially to solve problems Entrepreneurs by definition are people who turn problems into opportunities by solving them and in doing so creating value for others. If we can equip more young people with these critical and transformative life skills, we believe we can prepare them to thrive in their futures.

At CoCoon Foundation, we see a vital role in addressing these worthwhile challenges Together with our community of students, teachers, schools, startups and corporates, Hope Through Education inspires us all to script a better story for the future of education

With warmest regards, Michele Wong Raphael Head of Education

如果只是機械性地死記硬背、追求考試合 格、如何獲得優異的成績等等,這 系列 的考試並不能裝備我們年輕 代從容地面 對人生的考驗。相反,我們了解到學生和 老師期待發展 些無法被科技輕易取代的 技能,例如創造性的技能。老師也清楚知 道,只有提供體驗式學習,並為學生的自 學提供足夠的空間和支持,學生才能學習 到相關技能。

在職場環境裡,公司聘請僱員是為要幫公 司解決問題。然而,創業家是 群懂得如 何把問題轉化為機會的人,從而造福社 會。如果我們讓更多年輕人具備創業精神 如獨立思考及追求改變的創業技能,相信 必能為他們的將來做好充分的準備。 我們深信浩觀創業基金擔當著重要的角 色,以解決上述值得被關注的挑戰。我們 希望能與參與我們計劃的學生、老師、學 校、初創公司及企業,攜手並肩,共同編 寫更精彩的未來教育! 浩觀創業基金 教育計劃總監 MICHELE WONG RAPHAEL

We envision generations of pioneers leading the world into a sustainable future. 我們希望培育對未來有遠見的人才, 帶領世界進入可持續發展的未來。 培養廿 世紀的生活技能、 創業思維和建構人際網絡。 We value relationships based upon integrity We respect purposeful people and ideas We are active problem-solvers We seek to collaborate To foster 21st Century life skills, entrepreneurial mindsets, and connections. 11 OUR VISION 我 們 的 願 景 OUR MISSION 我 們 的 使 命 WE VALUE 我們重視基於誠信的關係。 我們鼓勵創新。 我們追求積極求解。 我們尋求團體協作。 我 們 重 視
NUMBERS 數 字 12 15,000+ Students Equipped 接觸 15,000+ 學生 45+ Network Schools 與 45+ 間網絡學校合作 Collaborated with and supported by 180+ startups and corporates 與 180+ 間著名 企業及初創企業合作 Matched 190+ internships 配對了 190+ 同學進行實習 30+ teacher beneficiaries from our Teacher Training programme 30+ 老師參加教師培訓計劃 A total of 500+ students have joined our CCY Student Community 500+ 學生參加CCY學生社群 45+ 15,000+ 190+ 30+ 180+ 500+

CoCoon Foundation's journey began in 2017 when our co-founders recognised the need for secondary students to have access to entrepreneurship education Through education, we embarked on a mission to empower the next generation with entrepreneur sharings, application of design thinking, and collaboration with corporate innovators We hope students can be inspired by stories, empowered to tackle opportunities and connected with future work experiences We also pride ourselves on the internship programme, which hopes to inspire students to explore different possibilities in their own future career paths by providing workshops, interview clinics and an opportunity to intern in a startup environment To date, the programme has reached over 15,000 students, 180 startups and corporate organisations and more than 190 internships.

我 們 的 故 事 13 在2017年,馬殷女士和馬衡先生發現中學生缺乏對創業教育的認識和創業支 援。因此,他們聯合創辦浩觀創業基金。我們的使命是希望透過教育賦權年青 人。當中,透過聆聽創業家分享他們如何在21世紀成立初創公司,和學習設計 思維的基礎,我們希望學生更有自主和能力決定自己未來的道路。 2017 21

by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, JCCSTEP is a year-long entrepreneurship programme that enables, connects and equips students for a sustainable future with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals in mind. How do we do this? By taking students on an immersive learning journey composed of eight different progressive elements

「賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃 」為期 年,透過讓學生了解17 項聯合國 永續發展目標,裝備他們實踐並朝著可持續的未來進發。為了達到這個目 標,我們會領學生走進體驗式學習的旅程,經歷八個從淺入深的活動。 If you are interested in learning more about our programme, you can visit us at our website: 如果你對於我們的計劃有興趣,可以瀏覽我們的網頁去了解更多: https://foundation.hkcocoon.org/. 17

unique ‘T-shape’ programme enables learners to possess a breadth of knowledge in innovation and entrepreneurship and depth of knowledge in at least one discipline This allows them to work effectively with professionals in other disciplines to bring their ideas to life.

journey, CoCoon Foundation:

Enables Connects Equips
15 students
spot opportunities & come up with innovative solutions 掌握廿 世紀所需要的生活技能,例如創意,團隊合作和解難能力等等 與來自不同學校的學生,初創社群和導師建立聯繫 裝備自主學習,抓緊機會並提出創新的解決方案 我們獨特的「T 字型」培訓計劃讓學生掌握至少 門範疇的全面知識,並發 展他們的創造力和創業精神。這讓他們能夠更有效率地和不同範疇的專業人 士合作,把嶄新的意念帶到現實生活中。 隨著 年的「T 字型」學習之旅,浩觀創業基金讓學生能夠: 21st-century life skills of collaboration, creativity & problem solving T T
walking with students throughout the school year along this ‘T-shaped’
to other students, startup communities & mentors students to guide their own learning,


里 程 碑

OUR NETWORK Network Schools Supporting Startups & Corporates 我 們 的 網 絡 網絡學校 初創公司及企業


Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School

Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School

CCC Ming Yin College

CCC Mong Man Wai College

Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School

Christ College

Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College

Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School

CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School

Concordia Lutheran School

Confucius Hall Secondary School

Elegantia College

Heung To Middle School (Tin Shui Wai)

HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School

HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School

Holy Trinity College

Hotung Secondary School

Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun)

Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School

Lam Tai Fai College

Li Po Chun United World College

Lock Tao Secondary School

Man Kwan QualiEd College

Munsang College (Hong Kong Island)

Ning Po College

PLK Lee Shing Pik College

PLK Ma Kam Ming College

Pui Ying Secondary School

Queen's College

Rosaryhill School

Sacred Heart Canossian College

SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School

St Antonius Girls' College

St. Clare's Girls School

St Mark's School

St Paul's Co-educational College

Stewards Pooi Kei College

Tai Kwong Hilary College

Tin Ka Ping Secondary School

TWGHs Chen Zao Men College

TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College

TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College

TWGHs Mrs Wu York Yu Memorial College

TWGHs S C Gaw Memorial College

Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School

Yu Chun Keung Memorial College

網 絡 學 校
- AN INTERVIEW 教 育 的 理 想 未 来 - 一 個 採 訪

I think people who design curricula in schools should reexamine both our traditional academic content, and also think about how to connect it with deeper human needs and wants. There can be topical, thematic, and natural connections between the academic and vocational. There can be many ways to deliver this: after-school programs, curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular, experiential learning internships, etc. For our school, we are trying to build something that makes the most sense within Hong Kong’s context and culture.

我認為設計教育課程的時候應該關注並重新審視傳統學術內容,同時思考如 何理想地聯繫更深層次的人類需求。職業和學術之間自然地會有主題性的聯 繫。其實有很多方法可以實行這 點:課後計劃、課程、課內活動計劃、課 外活動、體驗式學習實習等。在對於我們的學校,我們正在努力打造學校與 課程,為求能做到最合適香港背景和文化的教育場景。
Renee Boey

Renee has long been a source of inspiration and wisdom for us at CoCoon Foundation with her progressive thinking and approach to education. Since 2012, Renee has always challenged us to push to the cutting edge of entrepreneurship education and advised us on how to deliver the best curriculum to students. Coming up, she shares her thoughts and opinions on the topic of the future of education

梅可欣女士 直以她前瞻性的思想及方法推動教育事業,為浩觀創業基金創 造更多教育靈感及智慧。在機構成立初期,到現在走到第五個年頭,每次與 梅女士見面,都能令我們重新的反思。接下來,她會分享她對於未來教育的 些想法。 Renee Boey Founder & Head of School at Bloom KKCA Academy Advisor at CoCoon Foundation 梅可欣 百卉九江書院創辦人兼校長 浩觀創業基金顧問

What is the first thing you think of when you hear “future of education”? (4-5 words)

Real- World Project-Based Learning Values-Based Education Adapt Entrepreneurial


With a hyper-focus on exams, which serve school admissions and rankings, education has become quite removed from the real world Assessments can foster professionalism, but we hear quite often about employers saying that fresh grads and young employees are ill-equipped for their jobs. The pace of technological change and the constantly changing nature of work make this gap between school and the workplace increasingly wide If we were to illustrate what education looks like right now with a Venn diagram: there used to be a big overlap between skills that are explicitly taught in school and work skills. Now, it has moved apart to the point of barely even touching. The part that does overlap – core, transferable skills like language and communication, are taught, but in an old-school, exam-based manner

Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning, on the other hand, is interdisciplinary, collaborative, relevant to the students themselves and teaches those skills employers find missing You might be writing a modern-day myth based on The Odyssey, starting a podcast about the metaverse, studying sustainable architecture and building a model of a sustainable house, you might be writing a business model for a board game that you designed, or organizing a community event to promote mental wellbeing. Learning that simulates real-world scenarios and problems gives purpose to learning – and cultivates the type of agency, intrinsic motivation, complex problem-solving and collaboration that the future (well, the present really) will ask of our young people. And it’s just more fun!

And I thought of “entrepreneurial” because – as CoCoon Foundation also sees it – I view entrepreneurship skills as life skills and a mindset that is well suited for our times - that ability to reframe a problem as an opportunity, to not only design a product but to create value. This too should become an important part of general education.

But to return to the idea of real-world learning – I think there are two sides to it: one is related to careers, cutting-edge industries and concepts, and applied learning and I think

斷變化的工作性質,使學校和職場之間的 差距顯得越來越大。如果我們用溫氏圖 (VennDiagra) 來闡釋教育:在過去,學 校教授的技能和工作技能兩者有很大的重 疊;現在,這兩者已經分開到幾乎沒有重 疊的地方。確實兩者重疊的部分是可轉移 的核心技能,如語言能力、溝通技能等 —— 然而,我們仍是以考試為本和傳統 老派的方式教學生語言知識。 專案導向學習

另一方面,專案導向學習的學習是跨學科 的、共同合作並與學生本身相關的,並培 養學生一些所欠缺的職場技能。你或許正 在撰寫基於《奧德賽》的現代神話,開始

29 與現實接軌 專案導向學習 價值主導教育 靈活變通 創業精神 當你聽到「未來教育」,你首先想到的是 什麼? 請用 4-5個字形容。 與現實接軌 考試制度在學校招生和學校排名佔據非常 重要的地位,過度重視考試制度,導致教 育遠離現實世界。考試和測驗可以提升專 業形象,但我們經常聽到雇主反映應屆畢 業生和年輕員工的技能尚未足夠應付工 作。技術和工作性質技術變革的步伐和不
進行關於元宇宙的播客,研究可持續建築 並建造可持續房屋;你或許正在為你所設 計的棋盤遊戲建構商業模式,或正組織促 進心理健康的社區活動。透過模擬現實世 界場景和問題進行學習,為學習賦予了目 的——並培養年輕人的多樣性、潛在學習 動機、複雜的解決問題和協調能力,這是 未來對我們年輕人的要求,同時學習也會 變得更有趣! 專案導向學習也令我想起「創業精神」 —— 與浩觀創業基金的想法 致,我將 創業技能視為生活技能和非常適合現時的 思維方式。。透過創業精神,可以讓了解 如何將問題轉成機會,而不僅僅是設計一 件產品,還會造福社會。我覺得這也應該 成為教育的一個重要的部分。 當回到「與現實接軌的學習」的想法,我 4-5 Venn Diagram

project-based learning is one path to achieve it; the other, has more to do human values, psychology, and culture

Values-Based Education

Because of the break-neck speed of technological advancement, we are at this unique point in history when there is growing awareness of the power and responsibility borne by those who have the power to program and design technological innovation. To prepare our children for this responsibility and to face the ambiguities and complexities of life with positivity, I think we need to teach them character and moral values Because ultimately, education is more than preparation for work, it is preparation for life

Value or moral education at schools used to be predominantly religious, but in our day and age and the future, schools are likely secular In which case, it is up to communities and countries to decide upon which values to foster Regardless, they can give young people a framework to navigate the world and make decisions Social-emotional skills and mental welling are also critical, especially because we have to do everything with constant changes in a rather unprecedented way.


Let us consider adaptability through this analogy: if you just want fitness, you could ride a stationary bike to exercise. If you want to ride a marathon; you’d want thin and lightweight tires so you can go. If you are training to ride on terrain that will continuously change, you will need to know how to change your wheels and have more sturdy wheels You need different tools for different experiences It’s not only different gears that are needed but also knowing that the bike might break at some point along the way and that you’d have to know how to fix it. In short, adapting means you have to be ready for everything if you have to ditch the bike and run, you have to know how to run

This is what I mean by needing to face constant, dramatic change in the future. It is totally different from the past when the rules did not change much: the younger you start, the harder you work, the better your technique, the better You didn’t have to change that much But now, the rules keep changing This means that now, being resilient to adaptability is no longer effective.

越意識到那些有能力對技術創新進行編程 和設計的人所需承擔的權力和責任。為了 讓我們的孩子為這一責任做好準備,並以 積極的態度面對生活的不確定性和復雜 性,我認為我們需要教他們品格和道德價 值觀。因為歸根結蒂,教育不僅僅是為工 作做準備,更是為生活做準備。

過去,學校的價值觀或道德教育主要是宗 教教育,但在我們這個時代和未來,學校 可能是以非宗教性質舉辦的。在這種情況 下,價值觀的培養便由社區和國家所決 定。無論如何,它們可作為年輕人在探索 世界和做決定時的指引框架。社交情感技 能和心理健康也是十分重要,尤其是因為 我們生活在這前所未有和不斷改變的環境 下。


我想以 個比喻來和大家分享

30 認為可分為兩個方向: 個是學習與職 業、尖端行業和概念相關的,我認為「專 案導向學習」是實現這方面的一種途徑; 另一方面,學習與人類價值觀、心理和文
由於技術以驚人速度不斷進步,我們正處 於歷史上這個獨特的時刻 —— 人們越來
化相關的。 價值主導教育
—— 如果 你只是想要健身,你可以用靜止的自行車 鍛煉你的主要肌肉群;如果你想參加自行 車馬拉松比賽,你會想要輕巧的車輪,這 樣便會騎得又快又順暢。如果你正在不同 的地形訓練騎自行車,那麼你將需要掌握 如何更換車輪並需要使用更堅固的車輪以 應付訓練。從以上不同的情形可見, 當 你進入不同類型的體驗或訓練,你便需要 不同的工具;另外, 你不僅需要不同的 裝備,而且你還需要應付在途中可能發生 的壞車事故,所以你必須學會修理自行 車。簡而言之,你必須為 切做好準備 —— 如果有人讓你必須放棄自行車並跑 步,那麼你必須知道如何跑步。 這正是我認為我們需要面對未來綿延不絕 和突如其來的轉變,這與過去沒有太大變 化的情況完全不同:以前你越早開始,你 就越努力;你的技術越好,成果就越 好。以前的你不必改變那麼多;但現 在,規則不斷改變,你必須靈活變通才應 對改變。

What is the most important element of the future of education?

I think people who design curricula in schools should reexamine both our traditional academic content, and also think about how to connect it with deeper human needs and wants There can be topical, thematic, and natural connections between the academic and vocational There can be many ways to deliver this: after-school programs, curricular, cocurricular, extra-curricular, experiential learning internships, etc. For our school, we are trying to build something that makes the most sense within Hong Kong’s context and culture

What does the Future of Education mean/look like to you?

Whatever field you are in, taking a multi-disciplinary, more applied approach is where education is going As you know I am building a school, our school takes this approach It is about marrying academic learning and vocational learning It is hard to give all the details, but it looks like taking things from both academics and vocational learning.

On the academic side, it is to add intellectual rigour What is really worth teaching for each subject? For example biology, students nowadays can learn it a lot faster because they have technology that we did not have before Things like VR, AR, and video clips are more sophisticated. I used to look at plastic models during science and it was hard to imagine being made of cells and molecules, now kids as young as 8 or even 5 can understand simply by seeing them under a microscope

On the vocational side, since we are in a different type of economy, we have to think about what the real human challenges are. I am sure it would be hard for my grandfather to imagine that one could rent your own home to other people and get paid doing so - but of course, AirBnb appeared because there was a need in the market It is hard to predict what jobs there will be in the future Even if you understand the technology, you still will not know what will be computeroperated or human-operated. In this case, I think we should be focusing more on human functions: what will humans always need and want; what will the planet need and want If you can identify what you like and what the world needs, vocational learning should be a pleasure and should be very practical


無論你在哪個領域,我們可以看到多元化 培訓和應用教學正是現今教育的趨勢。我 的學校正是以此培育學生,希望能把學科 知識和職業導向的知識結合在一起。未來 教育意味著什麼其實難以詳細解釋,但是 最核心應該是從傳統學習與職業學習各自 抽取並融合。 傳統學習來說,重點是要謹慎審核和評估 知識。每一科裏有什麼是真正值得教育的 呢? 例如現代的小朋友因為擁有VR.、 aIA、視頻等我們以前沒有的技術,所以 能夠學得比我們的年代快。我小時候在科 學堂期間只有塑料模型,其實對於小朋友 來說很難想像我們是由這些細胞和分子製 成。現在不要說 8 歲,其實甚至 5 歲的 小朋友只要在顯微鏡下看到它們就已經可 以理解了自己是由這些細胞和分子所成 的。 在職業學習方面,由於我們已經處於與以 前不同的經濟中,我們必須考慮現實中人

31 未來教育最重要的元素是什麼? 我認為設計教育課程的時候應該關注並重 新審視傳統學術內容,同時思考如何理想 地聯繫更深層次的人類需求。職業和學術
之間自然地會有主題性的聯繫。其實有很 多方法可以實行這 點:課後計劃、課 程、課內活動計劃、課外活動、體驗式 學習實習等。在對於我們的學校,我們 正在努力打造學校與課程,為求能做到最 合適香港背景和文化的教育場景。
AirBnb 的出現當然見證了 這個市場的興起與需要。其實我們很難預 測未來會有什麼工作。即使你了解這項技 術,你仍然不會知道什麼會是機器操作或 人工操作。在這種情況下,我認為我們應 該更多地關注最基本的人類功能:人類總 是需要和想要什麼? 地球需要什麼和想要 什麼? 如果你能確定你喜歡什麼,世界需 要什麼,職業學習應該是 種樂趣,而 且非常實用。 VR AR 8 5 AirBnb
到一個人可以將自己的房子租給其他人並 獲得報酬,但
創 業 同 行 : 我 們 的 故 事
Through our Teacher Training programme: Educators for the
we have
deeper insights
the struggles that teachers
three teachers share their
hopes and dreams
ideal future in education would look like. 今年,我們花了更多時間與 些理念相同的老師, 起展開我們的活動。透 過我們的教師培訓計劃 —— 未來教育者,我們更深切地體會到老師們在當前 所面對的 些困難和挑戰。接下來,讓我們了解 下他們對理想的未來教育 的想法、希望和期望吧! 校 長 和 老 師
face in the present day. In the coming section,
for what an
馮雅詩校⻑, 保良局李城璧中學
Principal Fung Nga Sze, PLK Lee Shing Pik College

What is your vision as a principal for school and your teachers?

Once I became a principal, I found that my impact and responsibilities were a great deal more than when I was a teacher. One of the biggest changes is that I am no longer spending day in and day out with the same class of students. In the beginning, it was definitely something that took time getting used to Now, I realise that it is an opportunity for me to speak and share with teachers, helping them to understand how to guide students towards positive change. I truly believe that education is not about achieving perfection, but rather to constantly strive for growth. When we lead students towards change, we understand that change takes time; as a past teacher and current principal, I think that we need to keep providing students with the time and opportunities to practice and grow.

Aside from being a space, schools are also a community. Even in the midst of huge technological developments in the 21st century such as artificial intelligence (AI), cultivating human resources through education will never be a career that becomes redundant. Why? Because people are emotional creatures; for humanity to continue to develop, people need to build stronger connections to be able to thrive healthily. Schools are the key component to achieving this In order for communities to grow and thrive, existing education should provide more spaces for schools to place more emphasis on cultivating opportunities to inspire students

What is a teacher’s role in a student's life?

In my eyes, I believe that teachers cannot stop at just teaching textbook knowledge There is a traditional saying: 「師者, 所以傳道

授業、解惑也」, which means “A teacher is one who transmits knowledge, provides for study and dispels confusion”. More and more, I think to “dispel confusion” as a teacher is very important. Teachers accompany students on their road of learning; looking ahead for future potential obstacles and advising students on what they need Being a teacher is far from easy and it is impossible to ever reach a 1:1 ratio of teacher to student. Nevertheless, I still believe that teachers can and should go outside of the class , room to bring knowledge to students - something as simple as observing the mechanics and technology behind rides at Disneyland would help students understand how classroom concepts are brought to life

Teachers should also help to “dispel confusion” when it comes to matters of career planning and student’s future studies I have noticed that more students are thinking of, or want to

求完美,反而應是要不斷追求進步。當 我們推動學生改變,並不是三兩天便能 看到效果。我們應要抱持耐心的態度, 不斷嘗試並給予學生充分時間練習和醞釀 —— 這也算是我當校長後得到的 些領 悟吧。 我們要讓學生從學習中獲得啟發,這也 就是學校存在的重要性之 。無論二十 或二十二世紀,即使在人工智能的時 代,我相信培育人才仍是個不會被淘汰 的職業;因為人是擁有情感的動物,人 類的發展需要人與人的連結。我相信人 類正面的發展必須由社群而來,學校正 正是 個群體生活的場所。因此,當前 教育制度需要給予學校更多空間,以製 造更多啟發學生的機會。 老師在學生的生活中扮演什麼角色? 這是 個很值得讓人深思的問題。在我 心目中,我認為老師不能只停留於講解

35 作為校長,你對學校或老師有什麼願景? 當我現在成為 名校長,我能感受到我 的影響力和責任都比以前更大。現在我 不能每天和自己班級的學生緊密地相 處。 開始也會覺得和他們之間有層隔 膜,但我發現成為校長後,可以透過與 老師分享,更進 步感染老師並引領學 生正面的轉變。我常認為教育並不是追
書本上的知識。雖然傳統思想的「傳 道、授業、解惑」是不變的,但「解 惑」這部分顯得更重要。老師是學生學 習道路上的陪伴者,需要兼具前瞻性地 告訴學生學習的規範和需要。 即使這不 是 件容易的事,畢竟師生比例並非 對 ,但我仍深信老師們將來可以走出 教室傳授知識。例如到迪士尼樂園看看 機動遊戲機器的運作,從而讓學生了解 些相關物理知識 。 另外,當學生對自己的人生規劃或對事 情有所誤解時,老師應該為他們「解 惑」和指點迷津。舉例來說,當學生想 要成為 個偶像明星時,老師應像是人 生教練。不是只打消他的意志,而是指

become idols in the future. In this scenario, I think teachers should take on the role of a life coach. Instead of immediately batting down their hopes and dreams, teachers should take a more pragmatic approach and help students to map out what needs to be sacrificed or prioritised, how much effort will go into pursuing this career and then guide students into setting goals for how to achieve this dream People might think that creativity and discipline are two things that conflict each other In reality, creativity is born from a wild imagination; and imagination is born from detailed observation and analysis. This is how groundbreaking solutions are found, a process we often call innovation.

Teachers should be there every step of the way to motivate students rather than just being a mouthpiece for the curriculum On top of students having good interpersonal relationships with each other, there should also be a positive relationship between student and teacher When I was a teacher, something I often reflected on was: rather than make students anxious about learning, why not create an exciting learning environment instead? In classes, instead of instilling worry into students, I hope teachers can build positive relationships with them so they can enjoy coming to school. This may seem straightforward and obvious, but it requires time to explore and establish.

What is the most important element of the future of education?

I hope that the future of education will place more emphasis on life skills that students can cultivate in the community that is the school I also hope that schools can walk towards the flipped classroom approach, giving students the opportunity and space to learn anywhere, be it at home or in their own time. Another thing that I think is really important is teamwork. Similar to STEP Five - Innovation Camp, schools and teachers can create more opportunities for group work between students; working together towards the same goal will help students to cultivate their problem solving and teamwork abilities

Although online classes are now a recognised form of teaching, I still believe that in-person classes have their value for students to learn how to get along with their peers Due to the pandemic, students have barely had the chance to experience “ campus ” life in the past couple of years. But in actuality, school life is full of an array of experiences, aspects like natural leaders in the student body who are popular with the rest of the school population, these are phenomena that only occur within school grounds and culture. By immersing oneself at school, students can develop their own leadership and interpersonal abilities by interacting with one another I think schools are like a microcosm of society or a community, where students are able to work together to achieve common goals

出想要達成這個目標所需付出的代價和努 力,從而引導學生知道,從現在開始應 該做些什麼才能達到目標。人們常說創 意和紀律性是有衝突的,我覺得這是個 謬誤的想法。創意是由天馬行空的想像 而來,想像要由細微的觀察和分析,這 樣才能得出 個突破性的想法解決問 題,也就是我們常說的創新。

作為老師是要循序漸進地激發學生,而 非只說教。我認為不只學生之間要互相 尊重,老師和學生之間也要建立這樣的 正向關係。在我仍是老師的時,我領悟 到 —— 與其讓學生感到焦慮,不如營造 有趣的氣氛讓學生學習;在課堂,老師 不應過分讓學生感到焦慮,反而要令他 們享受學習。我希望老師也能以這樣的 方式與學生相處,雖然看似簡單,但或 許需要時間探索和建立。 未來教育最重要的元素是什麼? 我希望將來的教育模式有所改變,更注 重學生之間如何在學校這個規範的小社區 裡學習生活的技能。我所預期未來教育 會培養學生可以在家或以私人時間完成課 堂和功課,鼓勵反轉教室模式;另 方 面,學生在學校 —— 就像STEPFive- 創 新營 樣,他們可以以小組形式進行活 動,共同為完成

個任務而相處和共同 討論解決方法,從而提升解難和協作能 力。 我相信網上教學是 種輔助形式,實體 課堂仍然有其價值,因為學生還是需要 透過與別人相處從而學習 些軟技巧。 舉例來說,在過去這兩年,因受疫情影 響,學生幾乎沒有實體校園生活。但其 實學校生活豐富多彩,例如學校有各種 領袖和風雲人物,是在實體校園生活才 容易產生的 種校園文化。在這種實體 的校園生活,同學可以透過與別人相 處,培養自己的領袖能力。我認為學校 將來可以營造 個小社區,讓學生們共 同完成 些任務或項目。 STEP Five

How do you feel about the addition of “Entrepreneurship” in the EDB guidelines?

In university, I studied Business for my undergraduate degree and later on, I taught Accounting so I am quite familiar with the term “entrepreneurship” Around 5-6 years ago, entrepreneurship was already a trending topic and often discussed; Cyberport and Science Park also saw rapid development, reflecting that startups and entrepreneurship was becoming a blooming industry. In recent years, entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly prevalent, with HKEDB also introducing elements of STEM and Entrepreneurship Education into the secondary school curriculum I agree with integrating Entrepreneurship Education, and I believe that it should allow for various degrees of flexibility in implementation as every school’s learning culture is different. In order to encourage its integration, I would suggest allocating resources for prizes and awards to motivate students in developing an entrepreneurial spirit

Throughout my teaching career, I have led students to participate in activities like JAHK (Junior Achievement Hong Kong); and now have the pleasure of working with CoCoon Foundation to execute our Entrepreneurship curriculum (See page XX for more on the curriculum!) What I have come to learn through working with external organisations is that the new experiences really help to motivate and stimulate students into trying new things; and at the same time, schools are also able to receive this much needed support.

In a short amount of time, Hong Kong has been able to develop into a truly international city, filled with impressive talent. It is precisely because of the development of entrepreneurship education that we can see how Hong Kong people have a limitless potential. Hopefully, with more emphasis and prevalence placed on entrepreneurship education, schools can use the opportunity to develop and expand their ideas and methods for learning

你是如何看待教育局在課程指引中加入 「創業精神」的? 我大學時候就讀的是商科,也曾任教會 計科,所以我對這詞彙並不陌生 。約在 5-6 年前,我們已經觀察到不少人討論創 業精神,而近年數碼港和科學園的發 展,也讓我們能感受到創始公司越來越 被重視。近年創業精神愈來愈受到重 視,譬如教育局大力推動創新實驗室和 STEM 課程也正逐漸把創業精神的元素融 入其中。我認同推動「創業教育」,但 需要給予 定的自由度予學校,而非要 讓所有學校推動數學課程 樣遵從規範的 模式, 因為每所學校的校園文化和發展 步伐不盡相同。我覺得教育局可以加強 提倡和推動,給予 些獎項的肯定,從 而鼓勵學生去培養創業精神。

5-6 STEM


在我的人生中,創業教育佔據重要的 環 —— 早在我作為 名老師時,我帶著 學生們參加 JAHK 當時推出的 些活動; 現在我們學校有幸能與浩觀創業基金合 作,推動創業教育課程。這些經歷讓我 明白,由 些專業團體或機構帶領學生 體驗創業精神是很好的模式,因為他們 能帶給學生新的刺激和想法,同時學校 能獲得更多支援。

在這短短的發展歷史,香港這彈丸之地 卻擁有豐富的人力資源,成為非凡的國 際城市。而這正正體現創業教育的成 果,顯然香港人發展潛力無窮。當我們 現在更大力推動創業教育,希望學校能 獲得更多自由發展的機會。

Cultivating human resources through education will never be a career that becomes redundant. Why? Because people are emotional creatures; for humanity to continue to develop, people need to build stronger connections to be able to thrive healthily. 即使在人工智能的時代,我相信培育人才仍是個不會被淘汰的職 業;因為人是擁有情感的動物,人類的發展需要人與人的連結。我 相信人類正面的發展必須由社群而來。 Principal
Yuen, PLK
袁啟新⽼師, 保良局李城璧中學
Lee Shing

“We need to be able to be risk-takers and explore different approaches during these times where the world is ever changing. In my eyes, an entrepreneur is an adventurer, they are willing to take on risks and use Design Thinking to help them overcome obstacles. In order to face an uncertain future, students must learn how to be risk takers and overcome obstacles.”

What does the Future of Education mean/look like

Part 1: Internal: Knowledge, skills, attitudes

to you?

At the end of the day, I believe that face-to-face teaching will always have its own value and teachers will always be able to teach things in person that are not necessarily found in books or texts. However, there are also instances when a teachers’ interpretations skills may be less developed - this results in them becoming more of a “middle man ” , connecting students to knowledge

For example, a teacher may lead students to learn something through an experience. After this experience, the teacher may develop the student’s understanding further via means of assessment - this is also a valid method for teaching Each student’s experience will be different, therefore it is important for the teacher to summarise the key points, connecting theory to experience can leave a greater impression on the student’s overall learning experience. All of the above require human interaction in order to be successful. Throughout the process, videos or online learning is not always the most effective way to teach students; in contrast, when a teacher is face to face with their students, they can utilise different methods to connect and communicate with them.

As a teacher myself, I believe that others can consider this: “What kind of person do you hope your students will become?” There are teachers out there who believe that their job is to mark assessments and provide the right answers to exam questions, however, I believe future educators should understand that is not our only role. During these everchanging times, we should be accepting of change. As educators, there is no doubt that we need to follow EDB’s policies, however I truly believe that no matter who we are in the education sector - whether you are part of the EDB, a principal or a teacher, we should always be striving to discover opportunities for change so that we can build even better learning environments for students.

「 中間人」連繫學生。

舉例來說,老師帶領學生 起透過經歷和 體驗進行學習,體驗過後,老師透過考核 進 步鞏固教學內容,也是教學理論,讓 學生更清晰了解自己的所學,這是很重要 的。由於每個學生的經歷都是不同的,老 師在課堂總結時需要歸納學習重點,並讓 學生明白如何把知識和體驗連結起來,從 而加深對體驗學習的印象。以上這些都是 需要「人」進行的活動,當中所涉及的技 巧是很難透過影片或藉由互聯網方法教導 學生,因為這些媒介不能有效針對學生的 需要;相反,老師在面授時卻可透過不同 方法,與學生進行溝通。

未來教育對你來說意味著什麼? 第 部份:內在:知識、技能、素質 我認為面授課堂有存在的價值,就是老師 仍會在課堂上教導書本上的理論和知識。 老師或會以影片作輔助工具教授,但當老 師的演繹能力不是很好時,他就可作為
我作為 名老師或是未來教育者的前輩,
」以前有些老師或許會認為 老師的工作是提供評分、參考答案讓學生 背誦而考取佳績。雖然我認為學生考取好 成績和這個想法是沒有衝突的。然而,未 來教育者應要明白,老師這個角色並不是 個「標準答案」,無須只跟從以往做 法。在這個日新月異的時代,我們應該要 接受改變。雖然我們要跟從教育局修訂課
程的決定,但我認為無論是上至教育局, 下至前線的工作者,即老師們,都應要多 作討論並探索尋求改變的機會,創造更適 合學生的學習方式。 「我們需要在這個瞬息萬變的世界裡,不斷冒險和尋求解決辦法。在我眼中,「創業家」 就是 名「冒險家」,他們願意承擔風險,運用「設計思維」這個工具有效地解決困難。 在面對未知的將來,學生需要學習如何冒險和解決困難。」

The internet has had a huge impact on society, in particularit has affected the way students learn; for example, we used to have to verbally explain theory from books. However, we now see taking notes via pen and paper as taxing and inefficient and a lot of information is easily found online When I was in school, finding the answers to past exam papers was no easy feat and students looked to teachers as the only source of this information Now, students can easily find this information online and this can sometimes result in them feeling like teachers are not needed in order to learn

I believe that the future of education should go in the direction of allowing students to personally experience or even create activities It is very difficult for teachers to verbally explain an experience, thus I hope students can have more experiences to better their learning experience.

Throughout my teaching journey, I have felt the significance of students having access to entrepreneurship education. I used to lead entrepreneurship education for F.4 and F.5 students at my current school They had to build their own company from scratch; from their business plan to presenting their research to overseas corporate companies to receiving interviews. Students were able to personally experience business concepts in a real life setting through this project, further helping them to understand how these concepts translate in real life.

I would really recommend teachers to help build these learning experiences for students, just like how we are collaborating with CoCoon at this very moment in order to bring a new type of learning experience for students!

和筆記展示的內容變得很廉價,因為我 們在互聯網很容易便能找到這些內容。 舉例來說,當我在求學時期,評分的參 考答案是很珍貴的。學生認為老師是唯 能夠提供知識內容的對象和渠道。反 觀現在學生可輕而易舉地在互聯網找到某 份功課的參考答案,這讓他們覺得既 然可以輕易地從互聯網上找到答案,就 無須接收老師在課上的傳授。 我認為未來教育的新方向之 是增加讓學 生親身接觸、互動或實踐的活動。老師

Part 2: External: resources, curriculum, environment
41 第二部份:外在:資源、課程、環境 互聯網的影響力甚大,是其中
很難透過口述傳達這些經歷,只有學生 親身體驗,才能獲得更好的學習效果。 在我教學過程中,我能感受到創業教育 的相關活動佔據 個舉足輕重的地位。 例如我曾帶領 群中四和中五的學生體驗 創業教育,他們需要自行創立 間公 司;建構商業計劃書並向外國大型公司 匯報;接受傳媒訪問等。學生能親自經 歷這些現實商業社會中發生的活動,並 可實踐和運用書本所學的知識解決困 難,我認為這些活動對他們的意義深遠 我建議老師為學生搭建 些學習情景, 就好像我們學校和浩觀創業基金合作, 提供了更多機會讓學生嘗試、接觸和學 習新事物。 What kind of person do you hope your students will become? 你期望學生成為 個怎樣的人? Mr Yuen
個改變 學習生態的媒介。原本透過口述、書本

What is your role in a student's life?

Some people consider teachers as a student’s companion, but I do not really agree. In my eyes, when a teacher accompanies a student in their learning journey, or gives guidance - they can be considered a companion However, I think teachers have a more important role to play in the way we deliver curriculum or design learning experiences.

The way teachers teach the curriculum now is quite different to how it was when I was in middle school When I was a student, a lot of the learning material was from a teacher’s notes, textbooks or orally transferred. Nowadays, I try to use other/different methods - such as working with CoCoon Foundation to give students a space to learn skills or knowledge outside of what is in a textbook. I think that if we did not offer this kind of learning to students, they may not have a chance or a way to learn more

As an Economics teacher, aside from just the syllabus, I want to make sure students understand that what they are learning is actually important/useful I hope that as a teacher, I can help students to find the joy in learning

What is the one skill that students are really lacking currently that the current education system cannot help to develop? Why is it so important?

I think that a majority of Hong Kong students, especially government-funded or local schools, typically use “cramming” or pure memorisation as a teaching method and these students lack problem-solving skills These students prefer to have the “right answer ” and without guidance, they may not know how to approach or answer the question. I believe that it might be because these students lack motivation to learn, especially due to several external factors in the past few years which have drastically affected their motivation and interest.

Entrepreneurship education or design thinking are honestly great tools to help students learn how to solve problems. I believe every student will come across obstacles in their lives, or even have problems they wish to tackle already If students are able to learn how to tackle problems by themselves, I think it will give them a great sense of satisfaction. I hope that by helping them learn how to tackle problems, students will be able to find interest and motivation in learning

方向時,就是 名「同行者」。但我認 為,老師在提供學習內容的方式或設計 課程時是扮演 個很重要的角色。 現在老師在提供教學內容方法,就跟我 小時候有所不同。在我當學生時,大部 分的教學內容都是由老師的筆記、教科 書和他口中的教學內容組成的。現在當 我在教學時,則會使用另 種教學方 法。當然或許約 半教學時間,我是透 過教科書和筆記傳授給學生,但同時我 也會提供額外學習內容。例如,我們與 浩觀創業基金合作,便可讓學生學習書 本外的知識和技能。然而,若我們沒有 提供這些學習內容,學生或許沒有門路 和方法學習更多。作為學生的長輩,我 希望能提供學生更多學習的方向。

我作為 位經濟科老師,除了教學,我 覺得讓學生明白學習是有用處也是很重要 的。雖然學生有時認為學習的內容是沒 有用處,但我作為老師,希望學生能找 到學習的樂趣。

你認為學生目前缺乏哪 項技能是當前教 育系統無法幫助發展的?為什麼你覺得這 項技能如此重要?


者,但我個人就不太同意。在我眼中, 當老師陪伴學生學習,或指導學生學習
生正接受填鴨式教育,這些學生缺乏自 我解決問題的能力。他們普遍喜歡按照
道該如何解答問題。我認為主要原因是 因為這些學生缺乏學習動機。特別是近 年來受外在環境因素影響,他們求學的 動機和對學習的興趣減弱不少。 創業教育或設計思維的教學,則可讓學 生學習如何解難。我相信每個學生總會 遇到困難,也相信他們內心是想要解決 困難的。如果我們能讓他們學習如果使 用解難工具,靠自己的能力解決困難 後,學生會感到十分滿足的。我希望這 樣能讓提升解決困難的能力,從而提升 學習動機和興趣。

What is the most important element of the future of education?

If we are talking about in 5-10 years time, or even today - the education field or how things are being taught have already seen a lot of gradual changes Like we talked about earlier, I believe that more traditional schools will still exist but even then, their teaching methods may gradually see change and using videos as a medium for teaching may become the norm. For example, teaching in Mainland China or other Western countries is quite different to Hong Kong. From what I know, they have “star teachers” in China that teach large sized classes with teachers that help individual students afterwards Another example would be how some Western schools use simulations to help students learn debate skills by mimicking how the UK Parliament holds debates.

If I were to imagine a future where an ideal school exists, it would look like: classrooms are no longer limited to just being a classroom, instead, it can be a space where many different experiences and situations can exist so that students can learn and develop themselves from in-person events rather than only from paper.

些 特別的學習情景,把學生分成正反兩 方,讓學生學習辯論技巧;又舉例來 說,現時我們常討論的 STEM,也是讓學 生親自動手,體驗教學內容。我覺得我 們現在所要做的事,就是把 些現實生 活中的情景放到學習內容,增加學生的 體驗機會和學習效果。


我所幻想未來理想的中學情景會是:學 校的課室不再局限於「課室」,而是 個擁有很多現實情景的地方,讓學生透 過體驗進行學習,不再局限書本內容。

未來教育最重要的元素是什麼? 以五年或十年後的教育環境,抑或就現 今學校的學術環境來看,已經開始逐漸 產生變化。例如,剛才提及到 些傳統 的教學演繹方法或許還會繼續存在,不 過這些傳統方法在教育層面上的比重可能 會有所改變,教學影片可能會成為主 流。 例如在中國內地或者 些西方國家的教學 方法和香港的有所不同。據我所了解, 中國內地的「星級教師」——以集體大 班級形式授課,同時還會有老師個別指 導班上的學生;西方國家方面,則會參 考英國國會辯論場景,在學校佈置
⾦浩暉⽼師,裘錦秋中學 (屯⾨)
Mr Kam, Ju Ching Chu Secondary School

“As a teacher, I think one of the most important things you can do is to stand in your student’s shoes to think from their perspective - which is what we call “empathy”. I hope that students feel they can openly communicate with me, otherwise it is difficult for me to see the reasons behind why their grades might be slipping. If I cannot create a foundation for communication, I will forever only be able to see what’s happening on the surface with my students, unable to find a way to help them without knowing the root cause of their problems. I hope that whenever they are facing hardships or uncertainties, I can empathise with them, see things from their perspective and try to find ways to help them so that they feel like I am someone who is helping them to find their own direction.” 「作為一個老師,我認為最重要的是如何站在學生的角度思考,這也是我們常說的「同理 心」。我希望我能讓學生們願意溝通,否則我不會了解到他們學習成績下滑真正的原因。 如果不能建立有效溝通,我就永遠只能看到事情的表面,也不能理解他們為什麼不尋找解 決方法的真正原因。我希望在他們面對困難的時候,我能透過站在他們的立場思考,並提

does the Future of Education mean/look like to you?

Part 1: Internal: Knowledge, skills, attitudes

A while back, I visited the Netherlands and Spain and went to some schools there. I found that some of these schools would arrange for 1-2 “free” classes, allowing students to take charge of what they want to do during these periods I saw how most students would do things that they enjoyed, but at the same time, they did things that helped them with their own learning goals; in the process, they would learn and master new skills. I believe that if schools or teachers in Hong Kong were open to “letting go ” and give students 2-3 classes every week where they decide what to do with their own time, this can help them to practice different soft skills I often remind myself: “Students can learn through almost any type of activity” If we could get teachers to understand this, I believe students would have more chances to develop their soft skills.

I think the future of education, including future educators, needs to be in the direction of giving students the confidence and power to take charge of their own learning whilst teachers should be more of a guide or companion on their journey to educate themselves. I can see how AI can take the spot of teachers in their role as “knowledge providers” in a student’s life; I think more importantly, a teacher should guide students towards learning how to differentiate between right and wrong/black and white, as well as provide mental support Even if in the future, a lot of what students are learning is vastly different to what teachers learnt when they were in middle school, I believe that teachers need to keep an open mind to change and explore/learn new things alongside students in order for the education system to change for the better

兩節 自主學習的課堂,讓學生自由地活動。 經我觀察,雖然學生們都在做自己喜歡 的事情,但其實他們都有自己的學習目 標,並在過程中學習新事物和掌握新技 能。我認為如果香港的學校或老師願意 放手,留白 2-3節課讓學生自由發揮,他

未來教育對你來說意味著什麼? 第 部份:內在:知識、技能、素質 我曾在數年前到訪荷蘭和西班牙的 些學 校,發現當地的 些學校安排了
任何形式的活動學習。我覺得應該在師 資培訓中讓所有老師明白這 點,相信 學生的軟技巧能得到更好的培養。 我覺得未來教育或未來教育工作者要給予 學生掌管學習的權利,老師的角色則是 與學生同行探究知識。我可以預計將來 機械或許能取代知識層面的東西,重要 的是老師需要進行教導學生分辨是非和心 靈輔導等人本的工作。即使將來學習的 內容可能是老師在學生時代也沒有學習過 的。只要老師抱持願意改變的心,並和 同學們 齊學習和探索新事物,教育系 統才會變得越來越好。 45 2-3
—— 學生可以透過

Part 2: External: resources, curriculum, environment

Right now, students lack motivation to learn because a lot of what is being taught to them, is not what they want to learn. An ideal future in education would look like conversations and discussions with students to determine what is being taught I am aware that in the education field, “project-based learning” has been a topic of discussion for a while, but this method still hasn’t really been implemented in most subjects in middle school.

Aside from visiting Holland and Spain to visit schools, I have also been to Mainland China to visit and observe schools there In particular, there was a school where their F3 students had to individually complete a research projectwhich was a requirement to graduate from lower middle to middle school. When I came back to Hong Kong, I shared this idea with some of my students who were soon to take college entrance exams; completing the project really helped a lot of them to solidify what career path they wanted to pursue I think that Hong Kong schools and students would really benefit by implementing a similar research project for lower middle school students as it could help them to develop skills related to their project These skills could range from writing their own powerpoint report, researching and analysing information and data, and developing an initiative to self learn which are all skills that will benefit them in middle-high school as well.

What is your role in a student's life?

I think of myself as a guide or companion of sorts From the first year that I started working as a teacher, I have had the same thought, which is that I want my students to know that I am their companion in learning. A lot of people think that to accompany students in learning, means to cater to all of their whims and opinions Rather, I think that to accompany them means to first understand their thoughts and perspectives, guide them to head in the right direction and support them in moving forward with their learning. A lot of the times, when students have their own opinions, they always assume that others will not understand their point of view, which can sometimes also be a reason why they easily clash with their parents As such, I think that in the process of being a student’s companion in learning, the most important aspect is to always try to see where they are coming from and understand their perspectives, from there we can guide them towards heading in the right direction.

第二部份:外在:資源、課程、環境 現在學生缺乏學習動機的其中 個原 因,就是老師教的內容並不是他們想要 學習的。我認為最理想的未來教育課程 將不是由老師決定教學題目,而是透過 和學生溝通和討論,決定教學內容。雖 然教育界討論「從活動中學習」這個學習 方法 段時間了,但是專題研習所佔學 科內容的比例還是相對較少的。

我記得之前參觀中國內地的 些重點學 校,看到 些學校的初中三年級學生均 需要獨立完成 個研究,是他們初中畢 業的要求之 。透過 些應考高考的學 生分享,我得知他們在實踐這個計劃 後,十分清晰地知道自己的未來生涯規 劃道路。在短期內,我認為香港可先在 初中年級推行這個專題研習報告計劃, 這可以讓初中生透過專題報告培養 些相 關能力,例如練習匯報技巧、收集和分 析數據的能力和自學自習的能力等,這 些都是對他們高中學習是莫大裨益的。 你在學生的生活中扮演什麼角色?

我會覺得我是扮演 個同行者的角色, 我從成為老師的第 年就有這個想法: 要讓學生們認為我是他們的同行者。有 些人認為「同行」就是老師要跟隨學生的 想法,我則認為「同行」是在了解學生 的想法後,指導他們正確的方向,並陪 伴著他們前進。學生們都會有自己的想 法,他們總是覺得別人不了解他們,這 也是他們容易與父母產生衝突的原因。 所以在「同行」的過程中,我認為最重 要的是嘗試從學生的角度出發並了解他們 的想法,從而指引他們前進的方向。


What is the one skill that students are really lacking currently that the current education system cannot help to develop? Why is it so important?

I have been teaching for about 7-8 years now, and throughout this time I have gradually come to realise that school curriculums are not keeping up with the changes we are seeing in society At the same time, I have seen students who are clear of their future path but are unable to pursue or choose electives that would be suitable or relevant to their future paths, simply because of how limited and restrictive the current education system is Around the world, I am seeing that other countries are placing more and more emphasis and significance on Entrepreneurship Education; meanwhile, I have also seen how it has had a positive effect on young students through my own research and observations. As an educator, if you hope that you can help students prepare for their future, Entrepreneurship Education/equipping them with an entrepreneurial mindset is a solution to our current education system’s blind spots

What are you preparing students for during secondary school?

I actually have a short story I can share about this Around 6 years ago, I was teaching a few students who were interested in design, and wanted to take the relevant electives but were receiving a lot of pushback from their parents When I found out about the situation, my first action wasn’t to blindly support my students and tell them just to pick what electives they wanted to study; rather, I advised them to try and show their parents their passion for design through action At the time, because of how lessons were planned there weren’t a whole lot of opportunities for students to practice their passions in school. Instead, I and a few of these students volunteered to set up a booth at a New Year’s Eve festival, hoping that it would give the students an opportunity to grow and practice what they were interested in At the time, you could say I played the role of investor, investing in their creations, whilst the students were artists and designers who put forth their creations for sale. That experience alone revealed to me how restricted the current school curriculum is, where students do not really have a lot of opportunities to practice their interests and passions outside of academics I spent a great deal of time after, thinking of different ways in which I might be able to integrate something similar into my own classes.

Something else that I personally think is immensely important is moral education As a teacher, I have very high expectations for my students; aside from achieving good grades for assignments and exams, I place a lot of importance on their morals and etiquette. Some small examples of how I might

你認為學生目前缺乏哪一項技能是當前教 育系統無法幫助發展的?為什麼你覺得這 項技能如此重要?

在我近7、8年間的教學,逐漸發現課程 並沒有隨著社會變化而改變內容。同 時,我發現即使有些學生對未來發展方 向有個人的想法,無奈由於現時教育制 度的限制,他們可以選擇的學科未必能 適當地切合他們的想法。 總觀全球,我 發現部分地區越來越重視創業精神的教 育。我也透過閱讀不同文章和觀察不同 地區的發展,發現創業教育對青年人發 展有正面影響。我認為我作為 個教育 工作者, 若想要幫助學生的未來發展, 創業教育能彌補現今中學課程的 些盲 點。 你正如何為學生在他們的中學階段作裝 備? 我有 個小故事可以分享,大約在6 年 前,有數個對設計感興趣的學生想要選 修相關科目,但遭到家長反對。當我得 知這個情況後,我並不是盲目地支持學 生們的想法,而是提議他們以實際行動 向家人表達對設計科目的熱誠。鑑於當 時課程體制不能讓他們實踐自己的想 法,我和這幾名學生 起競投年宵攤 位,希望學生們藉此得以發揮。當時我 的角色是 名投資者,他們以設計師的

角色設計並售賣產品。事後,我深感到 即使學生有想要做的事,但現今的教育 課程並沒有提供機會讓他們實踐。這令 不斷思考如何在課程中為學生增加類似的 學習體驗。 除了希望他們能考取優異的成績,我還 很重視他們的品德教育。例如在教學生 練習公開試的口試時,我會要求學生雙 手遞上電腦計分紙、小組討論時不要抖 腿等禮儀。由於這不是從教科書能學習 的知識,當學生沒有接受相關的教育 時,就會忽視這些細節而讓考官留下不 好的印象。另外,將來或許不少工作會 被人工智能和科技取代,但我相信有些
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reinforce these are requiring students to hand in their grading paper with both hands during oral exams, or stopping students who bounce their leg under the table during discussions. These are all things that students might easily overlook because there are no books that teach them these things, which in turn might affect an examiner’s impression of them In the future, there will be a lot of jobs or careers that are easily replaced by AI and robotics, but I believe there will always be jobs that only people can excel in because nothing can really replace human morals and character, which is why I place so much emphasis on moral education.

What is the most important element of the future of education?

When I think about how future education might progress, I think the current curriculum design will need a lot of change. Take a look at NFT’s, which have been a trending topic for the past couple of years, or if we look even further back, AI has been a well discussed topic for the past 10 years, but even then this hasn’t been reflected in our school curriculums in any shape or form. I think there is definitely a lot of debate in the education field surrounding the topic of if our current education system is really helping students to step into society in the future, and a lot of educators would probably answer “ no ’ to this This is exactly why I think the content of our schools’ curriculums need change, only with change will students be able to prepare for their futures. Another thing that comes to mind when I think of future education is the metaverse. I think in the near future, students should definitely begin to pursue or look into hard skills like analytics or coding

Aside from hard skills and technology, I think moral education is equally important. Let’s imagine a future where there is even more technology and AI integrated into society, which I can foresee will be inevitable - what would happen if the people who are creating and coding this machinery and intelligence do not care for morals or important human values? I believe that this could truly become quite dangerous, or even catastrophic for the human race in general. That’s why I think that alongside learning subjects or skills like maths, analytics, coding or robotics, there should also be an emphasis on teaching students information literacy and moral education I believe moral education should be strengthened and remain in past, current or future education

職業還是需要人類才能勝任,因為人類 的高尚道德是難以取代的。故此,我十 分重視學生的德育培養。 未來教育最重要的元素是什麼? 我認為在未來教育的發展上,課程設計 需要大改變。舉例來說,非同質化代幣 (NFT)是這兩年很熱門的話題,即使是人 工智能(AI)這個議題已經普及了10 多 年,但這些都不能即時地反映在現在的 課程內容。雖然教育業界經常討論: 「我們現在所教的課程是否能幫助學生應 對將來的社會?」我相信許多同工都認為 是「不能的」,所以我認為課程內容需 要改革,才能應對學生未來的發展。說 到未來教育,我會馬上想到「元宇宙」 這類的主題,所以學生的數理和編程的 能力也應要得到提升。 另外,我覺得品德教育也相當重要。我 可以幻想未來是 個機械科技的世代, 如果訓練人員沒有高程度的道德水平, 整個世界或許會陷入危機,甚至產生難 以控制的災難。所以,學生除了在課堂 上學習 些數理、編程和電腦科技知識 外,資訊素質和品德價值教育也是非常 重要,我覺得品德教育無論是在過去的 傳統教育、現在或者未來教育,都必須 持久進行並不斷強化。

Mr Kam The most important aspect is to always try to see where they are coming from and understand their perspectives. 我認為最重要的是嘗試從學生的角度出發並了解他們的想法。
HELLO, MS LEI Ms Lei, Munsang College 李如茵⽼師, 港島⺠⽣書院

When it comes to book knowledge, a teacher’s role should be an “ encourager ” , to encourage students. A lot of the time, when students are already motivated to learn, what they need from the teachers is simply encouragement - someone to tell them that it is okay to take a break and tackle the problem at a later time, or that they’re doing well when they’re tired.

What does the Future of Education mean/look like to you?

Part 1: Internal: Knowledge, skills, attitudes

Part 2: External: resources, curriculum, environment

Truly, I do not think anybody anticipated the pandemic would last this long In the beginning, everyone was very hesitant towards putting all our learning content online for the students, even adamant that it would not work. Something that I have observed is that, no matter what is happening - the general consensus for students is just that they need to make their studies work - it is difficult to adapt and change and continue to learn, but at this point, they need to figure out what works the best for them

This brings me to my first point, which is that I think education and learning is becoming more student-centred. What I mean by this is that because of virtual learning, students have to take up their own responsibility in learning and figure out what works for them So in the future, I think that a very set curriculum will become obsolete as it no longer makes sense for every student, who is so different, to learn everything in the exact same manner.

For example, right before the first serious wave of the pandemic - one of the school clubs was acoustic guitar! When Covid-19 got worse, classes went online and I really doubted that it would be effective because I was of the mindset that something like an instrument had to be taught in person, so that the teacher could physically point out if your hands were in the wrong position etc

There were definitely a number of obstacles in the beginning, but as time went on - gradually mindsets shifted: if not now, then when? Students used their own ways to figure out how to make their own learning experience better, whether it was buying better web cameras or recording themselves practising to send to the teacher rather than doing classes over zoom This method of recording themselves is also a method that some students used for an international music exam they were

地認為這是行不通的。據我觀察,無論發 生了什麼事情,學生都在設法讓學習能夠 進行。而很多時候,他們難以在不斷學習 時又要適應改變。此時,他們需要找到最 適合自身的學習方法。

這讓我想到未來教育和學習將會變得更以 學生為本。在虛擬學習時,學生必須承擔 起自己的學習責任,並找出適合自己的學 習方法。所以在未來,我認為 套非常固 定的課程將會變得過時,因為這對每個獨

未來教育對你來說意味著什麼? 第 部份:內在:知識、技能、素質 第二部份:外在:資源、課程、環境 老實說,我相信沒有人想過疫情會持續這
麼長時間。在疫情初期,大家對於把學習 改以網上形式進行而感到卻步,甚至堅決
式進行學習是不適合的。 例如: 在第 波疫情時,首當其衝受到 影響的是學校的結他社團。當疫情變得漸 趨嚴重,結他課程改以網上形式進行。 我和學生們在既定的網上學習條件下,不 斷地尋找並嘗試找出讓提升學習體驗的不 同方法。 開始進行網上吉他課的時候總遇到 些 障礙,但隨著時間的過去,我們逐漸意會 到:「現在不正是 個好時機去迎接挑戰 作出改變? 」無論是添置更好的攝像鏡 頭,還是紀錄自己的練習影片發送給老 師,學生們都用自己的方式嘗試讓自己的 學習體驗更好。 當談到書本知識層面,老師的角色應是 名「鼓勵者」。當學生已具備學習動力時,他 們需要的是更多鼓勵;當他們累了,老師告訴他們:「你們做得很好了,可以先好好休 息一下,再繼續努力解決問題。」 51
無二的學生來說,以完全 致的學習方

taking. Some people might think that it is not fair or that it could be considered cheating, but I think that if the student is still the one playing the instrument in the recording - who is to say that is cheating just because they get to select the video where they feel they performed the best?

Going back to the idea of a curriculum- a lot of the time, we think that we have to abide by the structure or system that was set before us, and that everyone has to follow it in order for the results to mean something An exam marking scheme still makes sense and is important, but a rigid curriculum is no longer necessary or appropriate for the current times. Just because a syllabus ends at a certain point, does not mean one ’ s learning for that topic should as well which is why I think that in the future, students will and should be the ones who take charge of how deep into, and what pace their learning goes

What is your role in a student's life?

I’m going to answer based on different levels or types of students I have encountered

First of all, as a science teacher it is really difficult to be able to teach all aspects of science subjects online. For example, most experiments cannot really be conducted at homewhether it is because I lack the materials or tools or because it is a huge safety hazard, there is a lot that I cannot really show them unless it is in an in person experiment demonstration However, I can still use other resources like online images or videos as a supporting resource in the time being, to help demonstrate concepts like what atoms might look like in a certain state etc. When it comes to knowledge or theory, the internet is so vast and has so much information that can be found

回到課程系統方面,我們經常認為必須 遵守眼前已設定好的課程或指引,這樣 才能得到我們想要達到的成效。考試的
或是因為實驗存在巨大的安全隱患,學 生不能在家進行大部分的實驗。 不過, 目前我可以利用其他資源,例如使用網 上的照片或影片展示原子在某種狀態下的 型態,讓學生了解相關概念。所以當我 作為傳道授業的角色,我利用互聯網獲 取更多資訊,讓學生在既定的網課形式 下,盡可能獲得更大的學習體驗。 當談到書本知識層面,老師的角色應是 名「鼓勵者」。當學生已具備學習動 力時,他們需要的是更多鼓勵;當他們 When students are already motivated to learn, what they need from the teachers is simply encouragement. 當學生已具備學習動力時,他們需要的是更多鼓勵。 Ms Lei 52
評分準則仍是重要,但現在並不需要 個嚴格的課程指引。當 個課程完結 時,並不意味著學生的學習就此結束, 這也就是我認為在未來,將由學生負責 自身學習的深度和進度的原因。 你在學生的生活中扮演什麼角色? 我會根據我所遇過的不同學習程度或類型 的學生來分享這點。 首先,作為 名任教科學科的老師,我 發現以網上形式進行科學相關的學科是非 常困難。例如,由於缺乏材料或工具,

When it comes to book knowledge, a teacher’s role should be an “ encourager ” , to encourage students A lot of the time, when students are already motivated to learn, what they need from the teachers is simply encouragement - someone to tell them that it is okay to take a break and tackle the problem at a later time, or that they’re doing well when they’re tired

Finally, for students who might struggle more with selflearning, I think it is best for the teacher to use a more traditional approach i.e. setting a curriculum with learning goals, homework etc. So, to summarise, I think different kinds of students need different things from their teachers

Is there a reason why she considers the role of “ encourager ” so important/crucial?

One of the main reasons why I find being an “ encourager ” makes more sense for me as a teacher, is because a lot of the time, the things/topics that they are interested in - I know nothing about When this is the case, can I still “ accompany ” them on their learning journey? Or from another perspective, perhaps if the topic or direction the student is going in is something I am also interested in or I agree with, perhaps I can still be a “companion”; but what happens when what they are pursuing is something I do not agree with?

Being a musician is something I know nothing about, nor can I say I agree with 100% when it comes to a student pursuing this as a career path. But rather than dissuading them or chastising them, telling them that if they put half the amount of effort they put into practising guitar into their studies that they would have top grades, my role is more of asking how their shows are recently, asking them to consider if the decisions they are making are worth what they are doing right now in a constructive manner. To me, I think being able to do something that you really want to do is so wonderful!

There are probably so many people out there, who if you were to ask them right now whether there are things they regret not doing when they were younger the list would be never ending. So to my students right now, if you asked them if it is really difficult to balance school and their part-time job, they would probably say yes If you asked them if it is difficult when they know their family is not necessarily supportive of them pursuing this dream right now - they would probably say yes But at the end of the day, if you asked them if this was worth it - I think they would say it is still definitely worth it. So for now, I will continue to be an “ encourager ” to my students and help them pursue what they want to do

學生,我認為老師最好沿用較傳統的方 法,例如訂立學習目標、給予功課等。 總括而言,我認為不同類型的學生有不 同的學習需要。

「鼓勵者」的角色如此重要/至關重要有 什麼原因嗎?

作為 名老師,我發現成為「鼓勵者」 對我來說是極具意義的。很多時候,我 對他們感興趣的事情或話題 無所知。 在這種情況下,我還能「陪伴」他們的 學習之旅嗎?或從另 個角度來說,我 對學生所追求的主題或方向是感興趣或同 意的。在這情況下或許我是他們的「同 伴」;但是當他們追求的是我反對的東 西時,那又會怎樣呢?

我對於成為音樂人相機的事理解不多, 我也很難百分百支持學生以此當成 輩子 的職業。如其勸阻或責備他們,我們不 如告訴他們 —— 若然把練習結他的 半 精力投入到學習,便能取得優異成績, 我的角色通常會是去關心他們最近的演出 表現、鼓勵他們思考現在所做的決定是

累了,老師告訴他們:「你們做得很好 了,可以先好好休息 下,再繼續努力 解決問題。」 最後,對於可能在自學方面比較困難的
否值得。對我來說,我認為能夠做自己 真正想做的事情很美好! 如果你現在問那些中年人 ——你有後悔 過在年輕時沒做 些事情嗎? 他們馬上 能列出 連串的事情。 如果向我的學生 提問:「你是否覺得難以在學業和兼職工 作 取 得 平 衡 ? 」 他 們 可 能 會 答 你 : 「是。」 如果你問學生,「當你知道家 人不 定支持你在讀書時期追夢時,是 否覺得很辛苦? 」——他們的答案也是肯 定的。 但最後,如果你再問 次他們對 於追求自己的夢想是否值得 —— 我想他 們會回答「絕對值得!」 所以,我會繼 續成為學生的「鼓勵者」,鼓勵他們找 尋自己想做的事。

What is the one skill that students are really lacking currently that the current education system cannot help to develop? Why is it so important?

I think that students are really lacking in experiences in active listening, listening to other people’s thoughts and perspectives Something that I have observed that has really exacerbated this problem, is how much time the younger generation are spending on social media. What happens on social media is that you consume things that you like or that you agree with because that’s the content that you follow. Whatever thoughts, opinions or ideas you have are constantly being validated and pushed to the extreme It might feel like everyone is agreeing with what you are saying and thinking because that is what the algorithm is feeding you.

If you try to teach them that what they think they know is wrong, or that there is another side to it - it is very difficult Which is also why I think the role of the “ encourager ” is so important If that positive relationship between teacher and student is already well established, when the student comes around wanting to know more about the other side/other perspectives, their egos hurt less and it is easier for them to approach to ask you because of that positive relationship

I want to tell students that there are other perspectives they should try to consider For example, a lot of what is popular in Hong Kong is actually imported; whether it is trends in fashion or entertainment, a lot of what people like or is popular are not native or local. So this is already an example of them being open to the outside world and to other cultures or ideas I want them to understand that when you interact with so many different kinds of people and cultures, there are inevitably going to be differences in the way you think. When you encounter these differences but find that you are unable to accept them, it will just make you more and more narrowminded, unable to step outside of your comfort zone

What are you preparing students for during secondary school?

Something that I have really been focusing on this year has been to find activities or experiences for students outside of school which are of good quality When we have the time, no matter if the event or activity goes well or not - it can still be a learning opportunity for everyone involved, including myself.

Aside from these other activities and experiences, the other thing that I am trying to maintain is to be the “ encourager ” that I mentioned previously I encourage my students to try new things and to step out of their comfort zone. At the

你認為學生目前缺乏哪 項技能是當前教 育系統無法幫助發展的?為什麼你覺得這 項技能如此重要?

我認為學生真正缺乏的是主動聆聽、傾 聽他人的想法和觀點的機會。 就我觀 察,年輕 代在社交媒體上花費大量時 間,這確實令他們缺少了聆聽他人的機 會。在社交媒體所看到的都是他們喜歡 的或同意的內容,這是因為社交媒體會 自動篩選,叫我們只看到所想要關注的 內容。無論我們有什麼想法和意見,都 會不斷被證實是對的並推向極端。 我們 可能認為每個人都同意自己所說所想, 但其實這是演算法正在滿足我們的慾 望。

如果你試圖告訴其他人的想法和意見是錯 誤的,或者從另 個角度看待事情,這 是非常困難的事。這也是我認為「鼓勵 者」的角色如此重要的原因。 如果老師 和學生之間已經建立良好的關係,當學 生開始想了解對方和其他人的觀點時, 學生們會更願意向老師請教,他們的自 尊心受到的傷害相對較少。

我想告訴學生應該多嘗試從其他角度思 考。 其實香港流行的事物很多來自外 國,例如時裝、娛樂等。人們喜歡或流 行的很多東西都不是來自本地,這已是 他們對外界和其他文化或思想開放的 個 例子。 我想讓學生明白,當他們要與多 元化的人及文化交流時,他們的思考方 式必然會與別人有所不同。 當他們遇上 差異,卻發現自己難以接受時,只會讓 他們的視野越來越狹隘,無法踏出他們 的舒適圈。

備? 今年我很重視的事情是為學生尋找高質的 校外活動或體驗。 無論活動進行得是否 順利,對所有人而言,仍然是 個學習 機會,包括我自己在內。 除了這些活動和經歷,另 件我想要 直做的事,是成為學生的「鼓勵者」。 我鼓勵學生嘗試新事物並走出舒適圈。

same time, when they are stepping out of their comfort zone - I also try to make sure that there’s a “safety net”, which means that what they’re trying to do isn’t too difficult. I think it is also important to make time to check-in more on students who we know have difficult situations at home and to give them more opportunities to try these various activities

What is the most important element of the future of education?

When you first sent me this question, I also spent a lot of time thinking about it I thought back to the first question, and I think that a lot of the things listed like resources, curriculum, learning environment etc. - these things are all already there. So if all of these technical things are available, then what is left is really going back to the basics, which is human interaction or social interaction - and what is needed for this is the adequate time and space or environment These two “things” are incredibly difficult to carve out in the current state of Hong Kong education

I do not know what the solution is or how we might achieve it - but a lot of what I see in how other people now interact with each other leads me to believe in placing more emphasis on going back to the basics, of establishing more time and space for people to interact with each other in a positive and constructive way. Instead of communicating with one another and speaking to one another, I see a lot of people opting to “numb” themselves in the face of their problems.

With Covid presenting so many uncertainties in the past few years, a lot of studies have shown how detrimental the impact has been on Hong Kong’s mental health. At Munsang, we also place a lot of emphasis on fostering healthy mental well being - so my line of thought is: is there a way we can create more time for students, teachers and parents to learn again how to interact with others? I think this is something that is really important when thinking about how to move forward with education right now.

同時,當他們走出自己的舒適圈時,我 也會努力確保學生背後有 個「安全 網」,就是確保他們想做的事情富有挑 戰性的同時,又不會太難。 我認為亦要 花更多時間,確保家境有困難的學生有 更多機會去嘗試不同的活動。 未來教育最重要的元素是什麼? 我花了很多時間思考這個問題。 回想起 第 個問題,我覺得很多東西都列出來 了。例如教學資源、課程、學習環境等 等,這些東西均已存在。因此,如果以 上所有技術性的東西已存在,那麼我們 應該要回到最真正的起點,也就是人與 人、人與社會的交流,均需要足夠的時 間和空間才得以發展;但在既定的香港 教育制度下,這似乎難以得到足夠的支 援。

我不知道有什麼解決或實現它的方法, 但我從其他人的互動中讓我相信我們應該 回到起點:善用時間及空間,大家都能 以積極和更具建設性的方式交流。 我看 到很多人沒有交流和交談,而是選擇在 面對困難時「麻醉」自己。 過去幾年,新冠疫情帶來太多的不確定 性。許多研究指出,新冠肺炎對香港人 的心理健康造成了負面的影響。 在我們 學校,我們也非常重視培養學生的心理 健康。所以我的想法是:「有沒有辦法 讓學生、老師、家長等,願意花更多的 時間重新學習如何與他人互動? 」 我認為 在探討如何促進未來教育時,這也佔據 了 個非常重要的位置 。

創 業 同 行 : 我 們 的 故 事
Talking about the “future of education” would definitely not be complete without the perspectives of those who are in the midst of it! This year ’ s sharing features both students who appeared in last year ’ s book as well as some new faces Read on to see what our students are thinking and feeling about learning and education. 談到「未來教育」,怎能缺乏身處其中的學生們的看法呢!? 今年我們既邀請 了去年書中出現過的學生,也有 些新面孔。讓我們 起來了解我們的學生 對學習和教育的想法和感受吧! 學 生
禤百悅, ⽥家炳中學
Abbie Huen,
Ka Ping Secondary School

Hello! My name is Abbie and I am currently a F.5 student at Tin Ka Ping Secondary School (this is Abbie’s second year being featured in our book!). I am very interested in learning big data. Something that I enjoy doing in my free time is visiting Disneyland; I go pretty often - especially after school when I have no extracurriculars that day!

Future of Education

What is the first thing you think of when you hear “future of education”? (You can type 4-5 words/phrases)

Technology Artificial intelligence Self-discipline Improvement

What would your ideal school look like in the future?

With the development of technology, we become more reliant on technology and electronic devices in different parts of our lives. A good example is how iPads have replaced chalkboards at most schools Even though sometimes we encounter technical difficulties, I still think that the use of electronic devices in the classroom has helped to make learning more efficient. Another aspect of digital learning is that it replaces paper, making it more environmentally sustainable. However, I still think we should have physical, in-person classes, especially for subjects like Physical Education and Visual Arts which can be difficult to do at home since there is a lack of facilities or materials Although I think the use of technology has helped to make learning more accessible during the pandemic, I am still of the belief that online learning cannot fully replace offline learning. This is because no matter what, it is very hard to have the same interaction between people, such as group work, in an online setting Even with functions like breakout rooms in zoom, it cannot replicate the same exchange and discussion you get from interacting in person. To summarise, I think an ideal school would use both new technology in classrooms, as well as keeping face-to-face lessons at school.

What would your learning look like without your teachers?

Currently as a student, a lot of our time everyday is spent at schools taking classes, with our schedules set by the school and teachers. We do not really get to decide what time can be

如現時iPad取代了傳統黑板。我相信若 排除技術問題,利用電子產品會使課堂更 順暢地進行。另外,無紙化學習,以 iPad電子書取代實體書籍更環保。然 而,我認為我們依然需要實體課堂,特別 是體育課和視覺藝術課均難以在家中進 行,這些課堂需在學校運用更大的場地及 設備舉辦。再者,我亦認為網上教學不能

科技 智能 自律 進步 未來教育
些 小組討論和分組活動的運行。儘管科技發 展可以讓大家在網上進行分組討論,例如 Zoom的分組討論功能,但始終欠缺了人 與人之間面對面的交流,小組活動的成效 仍是存疑的。總括而言,我認為理想的學 校是使用先進科技的同時,課堂仍是以面 對面的形式進行。 如果沒有老師,你的學習將會變成怎樣 的? 作為學生,我們日常大部分時間都花在學 校上課,老師已經幫我們安排了每天的上 課時間表。如果沒有老師,我第 個想到 你好,我是就讀田家炳中學的中五學生 Abbie(這是 Abbie ,第二年出現在我們的書 中!)。 我最感興趣學習的是大數據!我在空閒時最喜歡去迪士尼樂園玩,只要沒有其 他課外活動,我就會去那裏玩! 59 4-5 iPad iPad Zoom
當你聽到「未來教育」時,你首先想到的 是什麼? (用4-5個簡單詞語回答) 你理想中的學校會是怎樣的? 隨著科技發展,我們更依賴電子產品,例

allocated to different activities including our studies, exercise and sports, as well as extra-curricular activities If there were no teachers, I think the first thing I would do would be to organise my time according to my own interests and hobbies. Aside from allocating time to studying from books and textbooks, I would want to spend more time on sports and learning about it, especially since the time we usually have allocated to P E in school is relatively short Of course, this arrangement would also depend a lot on my own self-discipline but I would try hard to balance both studies and exercise so that I can grow both in mind and body!

I guess if there were no teachers, it would also make more sense for my home to be my primary learning space; aside from learning book knowledge, I think I would also allocate time to learning other skills. Society is constantly changing and I do feel that sometimes, the knowledge we learn from books and in school are not enough to prepare us for such an ever-changing society I think I would really like to develop existing and new life skills such as cooking or photography through videos and other online resources. I think if I were the one to organise my own time and daily schedule, it would help me to understand myself better, as well as strengthen my mindset of improving and growing myself instead of competing with others

What part of your life do you wish your teacher could help you with?

At school, our career teachers usually help us with instructions on how to fill in our JUPAS (Joint University Programmes Admissions System) and in general, teachers give guidance on this aspect, but I do wish they were able to give us more concrete advice and opinions regarding careers and the workplace. I often feel lost and confused regarding my future because I do not know that much about the job market and future workplaces If teachers were able to help give advice regarding these matters, I would feel much more confident to set goals

Something else that I think teachers could help with is informing us of different possible future studies or careers that are related to different subjects so that we can understand more about how each subject is relevant Currently, my electives are chosen based on my own personal interests. Right now, my electives are economics, history and biology but I want to know more about marketing as I hope to find a career in that industry one day. If schools could provide more resources and information about future careers and pathways, I think that would be super helpful

的是我可以自由地按照自己的興趣愛 好,安排每天的學習時間表。除了把每 天的時間分配於學習書本上的知識,由 於平時在學校體育課的時間較短,我希 望分配更多時間在學習運動相關的知識 和練習相關運動,更提升我的運動發 展。當然我的學習進度亦取決於我的自 律性,我會盡量平衡學業和運動的時 間,讓我的「智」和「體」這兩部分的 發展得以均衡發展。

另外如果沒有老師,我的學習場所將是 以在家裡為主;除了在家學習書本上的 知識,我還會把時間分配於學習其他技 能。面對瞬息萬變的社會,我認為現在 書本上的知識或許未能足以應對未來的 社會。故此,我希望即使是在家裡,我 能以自學方式,透過網上影片學習 些 生活技能並強化自己的興趣愛好,例如 烹飪、攝影等。我希望能透過自己適當 安排每天的時間,讓我在各方面有更全 面的發展,提升個人競爭力。

除了學習上,你希望老師能幫助你生活中 的哪些部分?

我們學校有負責生涯規劃的老師,這位 老師給予 些有關如何填寫 JUPAS 的意 見。老師確實在這方面提供給我們 些 方向和指引。然而,我希望老師還能提 供更多關於生涯規劃的建議及職場的資 訊。由於我對未來職業的認知及了解較 少,有時會因著未能確定將來投身的行 業及路向而感到迷惘;我希望老師能給

我們介紹未來職場的資訊,為我們提供 更多實習機會,讓我們有更明確目標並 清晰未來發展路向。我相信這亦能提升 我們的學習動力。 由於我們現在是按自己的興趣選修不同 科目,我覺得老師可以按照不同的科 目,並介紹相關的未來職業,讓修讀這 些科目的同學更深入了解自己學習的科 目如何應用在未來職場。舉例來說,我 現在選修經濟、歷史和生物科。我對市 場營銷相關的職業特別感興趣,所以我 希望將來投身於市場營銷相關的工作。 若能在學校有機會了解到相關行業職業 路向的資訊,這必定會很大幫助。 60 JUPAS

Have you ever experienced a time when your teacher helped you non-academically? How did it impact you?

My teachers often encourage me to try out different activities. Aside from introducing CoCoon Foundation’s JCCSTEP, they have also introduced other educational organisations to us, hoping that we can try out different things and develop our own skills outside of school However, because of the pandemic, many of our extra-curricular activities were cancelled. Even so, my teachers encouraged us to sign-up for CoCoon Foundation’s online activities. During the pandemic, I have been able to meet new people including mentors from different industries and students from various schools This experience has opened my eyes to new things and perspectives.

Personally, I really like my school’s teachers - aside from teaching us the curriculum, I think they are also very caring and often notice when we make small improvements Each year group has two head teachers, one focuses more on the administrative side of things, the other focuses more on our general wellbeing. When the teachers have time, they invite us to have conversations with them so they can understand more about our current progress in our studies, as well as our life outside of school I know that after these conversations, our head teachers also share what they have learnt with our class or subject teachers and I think this really reflects how much our teachers care for us from all perspectives.


What do you learn at JCCSTEP that you feel like is helpful and can be applied at school or other settings?

This year, I participated in STEP Four - Corporate Challenge & STEP Five - Innovation Camp as a CCY (CoCoon Young Leader & Facilitator) , both times the experience left a deep impression in me As it was my first time stepping into the role of a facilitator and being more of a student leader in group work, I found that the way I thought through different challenges, as well as my overall perspective was also different. By leading students through the STEPs, I learnt how to be more of a leader; I also reflected back to when I was participating in different STEPs just as a regular student and how I used to respond or behave - I think the experience has motivated me to be more enthusiastic so that I can motivate others to feel more engaged during their experience.

I also got the chance to participate in STEP Eight - Job Exposure Experience this year and I think my biggest takeaway was a change in my mindset and perspective. Whilst working on the research project that our startup host gave us,

老師經常鼓勵我參加不同的活動。除了浩 觀創業基金活動,老師還介紹了一些其他 教育機構給我們認識,希望我們能透過不 同的活動鍛鍊和培養自己的能力。過去兩 年的疫情,很多課外活動都被取消了。即 使如此,在老師的鼓勵和推動下,我參加 了浩觀創業基金舉辦的不同網上活動。即 使是疫情期間,我仍能認識不同的人包括 不同行業的導師和不同學校的學生,擴闊 自己的眼界。


給予我們充分的肯定和鼓勵。我們學校的 每班均有兩位班主任,一位主要負責行政 方面的事宜,另外一位則非常關心我們的 身心發展。老師有時私下約見我們聊天, 關心我們的學習近況,例如是否難以應付 最近學習的內容;也會關心我們的生活近 況 —— 特別在疫情期間的狀態。往往在 和班主任聊天後,他們都會把我們的狀況


老師在非學術層面有否曾經幫助過你?這 又怎樣影響了你?
和 STEPFive - 創新營。這兩次的經歷都讓我印象深 刻。這是我第 次以Facilitator 的角色參 加 JCCSTEP 的活動,由於身份不同了, 我思考的方向和角度也有所不同。這次兩 次經驗讓我學習到如何帶領活動,並促進 活動更順利地進行。這也使我在以參加者 身份參與學校活動時,更積極地作出回 應,帶動其他參與者一起投入活動。 另外,今年我還參加了 STEPEight- 職 場探索。經過這次的探索經驗,我也覺得 我的思考角度有所改變。當時我們進行資 61 Facilitator STEP Four STEP Five Facilitator JCCSTEP STEP Eight JCCSTEP
顧。 JCCSTEP 在 JCCSTEP 中,你學到了什麼有助或可 以應用於校園生活/其他地方的? 今 年 , 我 以 Facilitator 的 角 色 參 加 了 STEPFour- 企業挑戰擂台

our group looked into different information and aspects of KOL’s (Key Opinion Leaders) Previously, I think I would always research from the perspective of a customer or consumer, however this time, we had to look through the lens of a company. What kind of KOL would be beneficial to work with from a company standpoint? The project helped me understand how to look at things from more than one perspective which I try to remind myself to do in daily life as well.

What soft-skills do you wish you were better at?

I am really interested in the marketing and public relations industry which is why I signed up for STEP Eight - Job Exposure Experience this year and was luckily matched with WeUnion, a startup that is from the industry of my top preference. Before this STEP, I already knew and understood that this career would need talents that are adept at communication because of the different types of people you would need to speak and interact with I made an effort to communicate with my peers during this activity and I hope I can continue to improve myself and my communication skills in the future.

Something else that I have also noticed, is that society and the job market is very competitive; if I want to stand out, there are quite a few things that I need to develop and improve in order to be able to stand a chance. That’s why, I hope to continue to challenge myself and join different activities so that I can be more adaptable and agile.



另外,我意識到社會競爭激烈,若想要在 讓自己脫穎而出,需要進行不同的調節以 適應不同的挑戰。所以我希望能透過參與 不同活動,不斷挑戰自我,從而培養自己 對日新月異的改變具備 定的適應和靈活 性。

Society and the job market is very competitive; if I want to stand out, there are quite a few things that I need to develop and improve in order to be able to stand a chance. That’s why, I hope to continue to challenge myself and join different activities so that I can be more adaptable and agile.

社會競爭激烈,若想要在讓自己脫穎而出,需要進行不同的調節以適應 不同的挑戰。所以我希望能透過參與不同活動,不斷挑戰自我, 從而培養自己對日新月異的改變具備 定的適應和靈活性。
Abbie Huen
料蒐集是以 KOL 為主題的,以往都是以 消費者角度來思考 KOL,但透過這個活 動,我嘗試以公司角度來思考。這讓我了 解到從不同角度思考同一件事,所獲得的 見解也不盡相同。現在在日常生活,我也 會提醒自己應要多方面思考和分析。 你希望提升自己的什麼軟技能? 就如我之前所分享過的,我對市場營銷或
公關相關的商業工作非常感興趣,所以我 參加了今年 JCCSTEP 舉辦的 STEPEight - 職 場 探 索 , 並 和 其 他 同 學 起 在 WeUnion這間公司進行了 系列的活 動。在參加這個活動前,我認為從事市場 營銷或公關工作都需要良好的溝通技巧。 畢竟這些工作需要頻繁地與人溝通和交 流;透過這次活動,我也從中培養和組員 一起討論和溝通的技巧,共同完成公司匯 報;我希望將來能更提升溝通技巧。

A CCY Facilitator is a student leader that plays a leading role in student groups, helping to facilitate and accompany them during STEP activities. Why did you decide to become one and what did you learn from the experience?

At the beginning, I came to know of this role through a CoCoon Foundation team member After getting to know more about what it would entail, I decided I should definitely try it out, step out of my comfort zone to meet new people and develop different soft-skills.

As a facilitator for both STEPs Four and Five this year, I found both experiences to be memorable in different ways For STEP Four, my group was active and engaged, I did not need to spend too much time helping them to ice-break and get to know each other. Instead, I focused more on listening to their ideas and helping to summarise their thoughts, making sure that their discussion did not go off topic In contrast, my STEP Five group gave me more of a challenge - although the students were all from the same school, they were more quiet and passive. I tried different methods to encourage them to share and participate whether it be verbal encouragement, or utilising the “raise hand” function on zoom during group discussions Regardless, I am really happy to have been able to help out through these events, and at the same time develop my own soft-skills I look forward to being able to approach problems calmly in the future and use what I have learnt to find solutions.

CCY Facilitator JCCSTEP

CCYFacilitator是 名學生領袖,帶領組 員參加 JCCSTEP 小組活動並發揮協調作 用。如果你目前是CCYFacilitator,是什 麼讓你想成為Facilitator?你從這次經歷 中學到了什麼? 最初,我從浩觀創業基金其中一位同事得 知,他們正招募CCYFacilitator。聽完他 們的介紹,我躍躍欲試,希望踏出自己的 舒適圈,同時結識新朋友和培養不同的軟 技巧。

CCY Facilitator Facilitator CCY Facilitator CCY Facilitator STEP Four STEP Five

今年我以CCYFacilitator 角色帶領了兩組 同學分別參加 STEPFour- 企業挑戰擂台 和 STEPFive- 創新營,這都讓我留下了 難以忘記的深刻回憶。參與企業挑戰擂台 的組員都非常積極主動,我並不需要花費 太多時間鼓勵他們投入活動,主要是聆聽 他們的分享後總結討論結果,確保他們的 思考和討論並沒有偏離軌道。相反,我在 參與創新營時所面對的挑戰較大 —— 組 員們雖然是來自同一所學校,但是她們較 文靜被動,我嘗試以不同的方法鼓勵她們 參與活動,例如鼓勵她們輪流分享,利用 網上平台的「舉手」功能,確保每個組員 都能參與討論。我非常開心能透過這些活 動,實踐並培養自己的技能。我期待將來 當我面對一些問題或挑戰時,淡定地尋找 解決方案,並運用我所掌握的技巧解決所 有問題。

鄧杰恆, 聖保羅男⼥中學
Justin Tang, St. Paul’s Co-educational College

Hello everyone! My name is Justin and I am currently studying at St. Paul’s Co-educational College and something I would really like to learn more about right now is 3D animation. One fun fact about me is that I love to learn - there are very few things that I want to learn but do not know about yet as I usually make it a goal to try it out immediately!

Future of Education

What is the first thing you think of when you hear “future of education”? (You can type 4-5 words/phrases)

Student-centred learning Flexible curriculum Out-of-classroom experiences Workspace immersion

What would your ideal school look like in the future?

In my ideal school, I hope that students would be given the freedom to explore the topics they are the most interested in, and are given the flexibility to choose a direction to delve deep into Learning will be taken out of classrooms and to places where students can observe what is happening on their own Standardised tests and exams are replaced by evaluations of real-life applicable skills and knowledge.

If there was an example of what this might look like right now, it would be Minerva University in the US I know that what they are doing is quite a new concept, where all their courses and course content are purely online - however, it does not mean that all the learning is only done virtually! Instead, students actually need to travel to different countries to conduct projects and learn. As a concept, I think it is super cool and aligns with what I hope the future of education is like - which is to prepare for jobs that will exist in the future Right now, the university does not have a lot of options for courses yet as it is such a new institute - so you would definitely have to be really brave to try it out! I do not think that the mindset of society has come far enough yet to accept accreditation from such a newly established institute yet though; a lot of the most high-paying jobs right now are still careers like banking or consultancy

Another thing that I think is really important, or that I hope will be more focused on in education in the future, is preparing


當你聽到「未來教育」時,你首先想到的 是什麼? (用4-5 個簡單詞語回答)

以學生為本 具彈性的課程 課室外體驗 職場學習


我理想中的學校是我們能夠自由地探索自 己最感興趣的課題,並能夠彈性的選擇深 入研習的方向。學習將在課室外且學生可 主導他們的學習。統一測驗和考試會被現 實生活中技能和知識的評估所取代。

如果要舉一個類似的例子,那就是美國的 密涅瓦大學 (inervaUniversity)。我知 道他們正實踐一個全新的概念——他們所

大家好,我是來自聖保羅男女中學的鄧杰恆,現時我最想學習更多3D動畫的知識。關於 我的一個有趣的事是我很喜歡學習 —— 我想學習但還不知道的東西很少,因為我通常 把立即嘗試學習新知識作為目標!
學習。我覺得這是一個很嶄新的概念,並 且與我所希望的未來教育 致——也就是 為未來工作做準備。目前,這所大學還沒 有太多的課程選擇,因為它是一所新學院 ——所以必定要夠勇於嘗試才會報讀,哈 哈!可是,我認為現時社會氣候未必太容 易接受新機構成立,因為現在很多熱門的 行業仍是最高薪的工作,例如銀行或諮詢 等職業。 另 件我認為非常重要的事或我希望未來 教育更重視的——是讓我們為未來將被淘 汰的工作做好準備。在很多時候,我認 65 4-5 Minerva University
有的課程都是以形式運作的。然而,這並 不意味著所有的學習都是網上的!相反, 學生需要前往不同的國家進行專題研究和

for future jobs that may not already exist I think that a lot of the times, when a curriculum is set - it might not necessarily be the best method, as society is constantly changing. Traditional education cannot keep up with all these changes, so sometimes the knowledge that we are learning does not translate or adapt to future workspaces

What would your learning look like without your teachers?

As of right now, I would categorise myself as a self-directed learner and the role of my teachers is to inspire me and motivate me to pursue knowledge But in this digital era where knowledge is becoming more freely accessible, I think perhaps I would turn to more online resources should I have no teachers.

Another thought I have regarding this is, no matter if there is a teacher or not to help me with my learning journey, I want to experience more hands-on things and projects For example, if it is a STEM subject, I want to try building and conducting my own experiment and projects; if it is business or economics, it would be really cool to consult real life clients for different kinds of cases - this would also help with what I touched on earlier, which is to help students prepare to adapt for an evolving career landscape

What part of your life do you wish your teacher could help you with? (Maybe social skills/career advice)

Teachers could share with us more of their real-life experiences in work, or to demonstrate how in-class knowledge is applied to real life Education in the 21st century should transition from ‘theory’ to ‘application’; training me to become a life-long learner that bears an open mind wherever I go.

Creativity and communication skills are two soft skills that are essential in the future workspace Teachers could introduce more interactive elements in class to encourage discussion between students, such as debates, group discussions, competitions, and presentations.

Have you ever experienced a time when your teacher helped you non-academically? How did it impact you? (eg exposure, personal growth)

When I was in Form 4, my class teacher encouraged me to challenge myself and take part in the UNICEF Young Envoys programme This turned out to be a great decision, in which I got the chance to hone my communication, collaboration and organisational skills These are important skills that must be acquired outside of the classroom setting.

為設立一個固定的課程是不切實際的。社 會瞬息萬變,傳統教育無法跟上所有變 化。因此,有時我們正在學習的知識無法 轉化或適應未來的工作職場。

如果沒有老師,你的學習將會變成怎樣 的?

我會把自己歸類為自主學習的一個人。老 師的角色是鼓勵我追求知識。但在這個知 識變得更加流通的數碼時代,如果沒有老 師傳授知識,我想我或許會轉向從網上資 源獲取知識。

另外,無論有沒有老師幫助我完成我的學 習之旅,我都想有更多體驗式學習和專題 研究的活動。例如在 STEM 學科,我想 嘗試建立和進行自己的實驗和項目;在商 業或經濟學科,可根據不同的類型案件諮 詢真實的客戶也是 件很有趣的事情—— 這也有助於解決我之前提過的問題,就是 幫助我們為瞬息萬變未來的職場環境作好 準備。

除了學習上,你希望老師能幫助你生活中 的哪些部分? (可以是社交技巧/職業規 劃的建議)

老師可以與我們分享更多他們在工作中的 真實經歷,或者展示課堂知識如何應用到 現實生活中。 2世紀的教育應要從「理 論」轉為「應用」,培養我成為一個無論 在哪裡都是思想開明的終身學習者。 創造力和溝通技巧是未來工作空間中不可 或缺的兩項軟技能,老師可以在課堂上引 入更多的互動元素,藉此鼓勵同學討論,

例如辯論、小組討論、比賽和匯報等活 動。 老師在非學術層面有否曾經幫助過你?這 怎樣影響了你? (例如增廣見聞的機會、 個人成長) 當我在中四時候,我的班主任鼓勵我挑戰 自我並參加聯合國兒童基金會青年使者計 劃。事實證明,這是 個很好的決定, 我有機會磨練自己的溝通、協作和組織能 力,這些是必須在課堂以外獲得的重要技 能。 66

During the programme, I was in charge of journalism in my team - the project was called GenAction, which was based on the local, social issue of families struggling to maintain healthy parent-children relationships. As it was during covid times, we had to conduct a lot of our group work online and I was never able to really meet my teammates in person However, we all worked hard and planned an activity to help address this social issue: we prepared report cards which prompted children to “grade” their parents on different aspects of their relationship and then acted as a mediator between parent and child to discuss these different issues.

What impacted me the most was how through this project, I was able to talk to and meet a lot of people from different cultural, racial and economic backgrounds. It broadened my understanding of how these factors might affect them in their daily lives. I also felt that it helped me to understand that there are actually a lot of unseen problems in Hong Kong that are going unnoticed and that I should care more about finding them and trying to solve these issues I am glad that I was able to experience this opportunity thanks to the encouragement from my teacher.


What do you learn at JCCSTEP that you feel like is helpful and can be applied in school settings/other places?

My most memorable experience during the programme was STEP Eight - Internships I interned at DRESIO, which is a tech start-up, and was able to directly interact with the CEO of the company We were given different kinds of research and experimental tasks where I learnt valuable first-hand information and opinions on the skill sets required in this specific workplace, as well as insights on how a business is run. This made me more aware and curious of the potential applications of knowledge that I am learning at school, which also impacts my decision when choosing university programmes.

What soft-skills do you wish you were better at?

During my internship through JCCSTEP, I realised the importance of team management skills, especially when there is a need to assign tasks to team members based on their skills and talents. In real-life, I have had a few opportunities to work with a diverse team, which is the reason why I need to improve my skills in this area

這個計劃稱為GenAction,計劃建基於本 地的社會問題,就是幫助一些對維持健康 親子關係感困惑的家庭。在整個活動中, 我在團隊負責新聞工作。由於活動在疫情 期間展開,我們不得不在網上進行很小組 工作,而我從來沒有真正親自見到我的隊 友。然而,我們一起努力工作並計劃了一 項活動,從而幫助解決這個社會問題。例 如,我們準備了成績表,讓孩子們在與父 母關係的不同方面給父母「評分」,然後 我們充當父母和孩子之間的調解人,一起 討論這些不同的問題。

這個計劃令我最深刻的是我能夠認識來自 不同文化、種族和經濟背景的人,並可以 和他們交談。這加深了我對這議題如何影 響他們日常生活的理解。同時這也讓我明 白香港存在很多不為人知的問題,我應該 要更關心尋找相關議題並嘗試解決這些問 題。好開心因為老師的鼓勵,我有了受益 匪淺的學習經歷。


在 JCCSTEP 中,你學到了什麼有助或可 以應用於校園生活/其他地方的? 我最印象深刻的是STEPEight- 暑期實 習,當時我在 DRESIO 實習,這是 家 科技初創公司,能夠直接與公司的創辦人 互動。我們被安排了不同類型的資料蒐集 和試驗的工作。在實習中,我獲取了寶貴 的第一手資訊、關於這個特定行業所需技 能以及對企業運營方式的見解。其中所學


到的加深了我在課堂裡學習過的知識,並 好奇如何將這些應用於工作環境內。這也 影響了我在選擇大學課程時的決定。 你希望提升自己的什麼軟技能? 在 JCCSTEP 實習期間,我意識到團隊管 理技能的重要性。尤其是當需要根據團隊 成員的技能和才能分配工作時。在現實生 活中,我有過幾次與多元化的團隊合作機 會,這就是我需要提高這方面技能的原 因。 67

A CCY Facilitator is a student leader that plays a leading role in student groups, helping to facilitate and accompany them during STEP activities. Why did you decide to become one and what did you learn from the experience?

Becoming a CCY Facilitator was born from my hope to share my skills with peers or participants, and to practice my communication skills Throughout my facilitation for activities like STEP Four - Corporate Challenge 21/22, not only was I able to share insights on how to polish a presentation deck, but I also learnt a lot about teamwork, and communication skills while discussing with my group

If we look specifically at my experience with being a student leader for STEP Four - Corporate Challenge this year, I learnt a lot from CitySuper’s company sharing during the kickoff session and came to understand some of the many factors that they have to consider Things like what goes on behind the scenes operationally, how customer feedback helps to inform changes, how different business concepts work in real life as well as how valuable our generation’s ideas and opinions are to these big companies. I also learnt that, in order to be a good student leader for my team, I had to be more familiar with the challenge and the elements and information that are provided to us so that I can help guide my team I was able to practice skills like active listening, summarising, facilitating the team to find a consensus, giving constructive feedback and asking relevant questions to help them think a step further.

What was your motivation in participating in STEP activities again this year? What was something new that you were able to learn or achieve?

No two STEP activities are the same. Every activity means new opportunities to meet new people, enhance my skill sets, and workplace learning opportunities that would benefit me immensely no matter where I go This year, the most important new skill I was able to practice was to lead a group of people whilst staying flexible and being aware and responsive to their different personalities.

Something that I discovered from this year ’ s activities being mostly online was that, actually not being face to face is not necessarily a bad thing Whether it is education or work, we are becoming more hybrid, so we need to start developing these skills such as communication and teamwork online to stay flexible and adaptive.

CCY Facilitator JCCSTEP CCY Facilitator Facilitator

CCYFacilitator是 名學生領袖,帶領組 員參加 JCCSTEP 小組活動並發揮協調作 用。如果你目前是CCYFacilitator,是什 麼讓你想成為Facilitato?你從這次經歷中 學到了什麼?

CCY Facilitator

STEP Four 21/22

成為一名 CCYFacilitator源於我希望與朋 輩或其他參與者分享我的技能,並加強我 的溝通技巧。在我在STEPFour- 企業挑 戰擂台 21/2帶領小組的過程中,我不僅 能與其他朋輩分享如何完善簡報的見解, 而且在與小組討論時,我還學到了很多關 於團隊合作和溝通技巧的知識。

STEP Four CCY Facilitator c!ty’super

如果特別回顧一下我作為今年STEPFour企業挑戰擂台的CCYFacilitator的經歷, 我從c!ty’super啟動禮時的公司分享中學 到了很多東西,並了解到作為企業必須考 慮的一些因素,例如幕後的運營情況、客 戶反饋如何導致改變、不同的商業概念在 現實生活中如何運作,以及我們年青人的 想法和意見對這些大公司有多大的價值。 我還意識到想要成為團隊中稱職的學生領 袖,我必須更熟悉活動內容和所提供的相 關元素和信息,我才可以帶領我的團隊。 我能夠練習以下技能:積極聆聽、總 結、促進團隊達成共識、提供建設性建議 和提出相關問題以幫助組員進一步思考。


動?你在這 年學習/
每個 JCCSTEP 活動都是不 樣的。每項 活動都意味著有新的機會結識新朋友,提 升我的技能,以及職場的學習機會。讓我 無論去到哪裡,都讓我受益匪淺。今 年,我能應用到最重要的新技能是領導團 隊,同時意識到如何因應團隊成員的不同 性格在帶領時作出相對調整,保持靈活 性。 我從今年的活動中發現的一點是,實際上 不能面對面進行活動並不一定是壞事。無 論是教育還是工作層面,當前社會的發展 正趨向混合模式的軌道上,因此我們需要 透過網上形式,開始培養溝通和團隊合作 的技能以保持靈活性和適應性。 68
今年有什麼促使你再次參加 JCCSTEP活
李念縈, 嘉諾撒聖⼼書院
Catherine Li, Sacred Heart Canossian College

Hello, my name is Catherine! I am currently studying at Sacred Heart Canossian College and I am in F.5 this year. Something that I am really interested in learning more about is investment and finance!

Future of Education

What is the first thing you think of when you hear “future of education”? (You can type 4-5 words/phrases)


Smart medicine Technological Social innovation STEM

What would your ideal school look like in the future?

I hope that in the future, my learning will be authentic to myself - regardless of location, I will still be able to access information at my fingertips For example - when a student was ill before covid times, we would miss a lot of important content in class; now, and hopefully, in the future - there are ways for us to catch up and learn in an engaging and innovative way!

My own preference is that there will still be a school space as I enjoy being able to interact with peers and teachers in person Even if schools are a lot more technologically advanced in the future, I think it is important to still have a school space and get to interact with peers as it helps a lot with both social skills as well as your mental wellbeing Something else that would be possible in my future ideal school would be that I can ask teachers questions and get feedback immediately if there is something I am stuck on. A lot of the time now, I often have to wait until after class before I can find them to help answer questions I have; if they are not there or have already left, I have to wait until another day to find them again Often, the waiting means that I may have already forgotten the context regarding my question or that the situation has already passed I really wish for an environment or system in place where teachers are available to help answer our questions right away in the future.

Lastly, I would hope for there to be more chances to learn about IT-based subjects at school - especially as so many


當你聽到「未來教育」時,你首先想到的 是什麼? (用 4-5個簡單詞語回答)

可持續發展 智能醫療 技術 社會創新 STEM

你理想中的學校會是怎樣的? 在未來,我希望仍可以最真實的方式體驗 學習。無論身在何處,我仍能輕而易舉地 掌握到所需的資訊。例如:在疫情發生之 前,若我們因生病而不能回校上課,我們 會錯過很多課堂的重要內容;現在,並希 望將來,我們會以更多互動、創新的方式 進行學習!

對我們的社交技巧和心理健康都是大有裨 益。另外,我所希望未來的學校是——當 我遇到困難的時候,我仍可以隨時尋求老
最後,我希望能有更多機會在學校學習資 大家好,我是來自嘉諾撒聖心書院就讀中五的李念縈!現時我最想學習有 關投資及金融的知識。 70 4-5
個人而言,我希望將來還是會有一個學校 的空間,我仍然能夠實體與同學和老師們 互動。即使未來學校的科技更加先進,我 認為同學們在校園裡互動是很重要的,這
師的幫助並獲得反饋。反觀現在,我經常 要等到課後才能尋求老師幫助並回答我的 疑問;如果碰巧他們已經離開學校了,我 必須等到第二天才能再次尋求幫助。通 常,在這個等待的過程,我已經忘記了我 一開始的疑問,或者所需解決的事情已經 淡卻了。我真的很希望將來有一個學習空 間或系統,能讓老師可以立即解決我的疑 問。

things are transitioning to have a technical aspect right now I am also really interested in investment and think that it would be really useful and interesting to learn more about it at school; currently, I look for other resources to learn about it myself.

What part of your life do you wish your teacher could help you with? (Maybe social skills/career advice) What do you hope the teacher can provide more for you?

To be honest, I think it would really help me understand more about my own future career path or what I want to pursue if there were more resources available at school for this. I think that it would be really helpful if we could talk to our teachers about it as they have more life experience in general At the same time, I am still at a point in my life where I am unsure of what I want to ask; I think if I were to speak to the Career Mistress or Master, I would not have a very concrete question so their advice might be too general I sometimes also feel discouraged from approaching them as they do not really know me so it feels a bit strange to ask them for advice, I think it would be easier to ask my homeroom teacher as they have known me for a longer time and see me more often!


What do you learn at JCCSTEP that you feel like is helpful and can be applied in school settings/other places?

This year, I not only participated in a few STEPs, but I also joined as a CCY Facilitator - meaning that my role during activities has changed a bit from just attending STEPs, to being more of a student leader. Throughout these STEPs (such as STEP Eight - Job Exposure Experience) I learnt how to present myself professionally so that I can stand out from other candidates, for example, when introducing myself, I now know that I should prepare something to say that aligns with what the company values or are looking for

I also learnt more about and practised using a Lean Canvas during other STEPs, which is helpful not only for my academics, I am currently studying accounting and economics at school, but also my future By learning how to effectively use a Lean Canvas, I can more effectively cater to my target audience’s pain points, whilst being able to consider how I can financially sustain my idea in the long run.

訊科技有關的學科,尤其是現在很多東西 都已經逐趨科技化。我對投資非常感興 趣,如果能在學校學到這方面的知識,一 定非常有趣和有用。目前的話,會嘗試尋 找其他學習相關知識的渠道。

除了學習上,你希望老師能幫助你生活中 的哪些部分? (可以是社交技巧/職業規 劃的建議)你希望老師在學習上可以有什 麼帶給你更多?

其實,我很希望學校可以提供更多資源, 來幫助我了解未來職業導向或未來目標。 因為老師通常有更多的生活歷練,如果我 可以更多和老師有這方面的討論,相信會 對我有很大的幫助。我現在處於一個不太 清楚自己想要問什麼的階段。即使我找負 責生涯規劃的老師,希望他能給予一些建 議,我還是提不出實際想問的問題,這亦 令他不能作出具體的建議。有時候,我會 因著未能令他們真正了解我而感到氣餒, 也逐漸覺得向他們諮詢意見是很奇怪的 事。我覺得我能更輕易地向班主任尋求意 見,因為他們和我相處的時間更多,也更 了解我。


在 JCCSTEP 中,你學到了什麼有助或可 以應用於校園生活/其他地方的? 透過STEPEight- 職場探索,我掌握了如 何以專業的方式展示自己並在眾多同學中 脫穎而出,例如:我在自我介紹時,我 了解到我應該說 些貼近該公司價值觀或

他們期望的事情。同時,我在參加其他 JCCSTEP 的活動時,學會了如何使用精 實畫布並進行實踐和練習,這不僅對我現 在在學校學習的會計或經濟學科有幫助, 我相信對我的未來也是非常有益的。通過 學習如何有效地使用精實畫布,我可以更 有效地解決目標群眾的痛點,同時也能讓 我考慮到我的意念如何在財務方面得到長 期維持。 而這 年,除了參加了 些
活動,與以往不同的是,我還以 CCY Facilitato的身份參加了 JCCSTEP 的 活 動,學習如何成為領袖的角色。 71

A CCY Facilitator is a student leader that plays a leading role in student groups, helping to facilitate and accompany them during STEP activities. Why did you decide to become one and what did you learn from the experience?

A big factor of why I joined as a facilitator this year is because I am currently a F5 student so next year, a lot of my time will be spent on preparing for the DSE (Diploma of Secondary Education Examination). Knowing that, I wanted to make the most of this year and try out more things before I need to focus on my academics. I went into it without a lot of expectations as I know it is a new position in CCY this year and did not know much about it I think I expected to pass on what I learned last year as a participant of STEP to newer students this year, and maybe even share some advice.

I think my experiences this year have really helped to broaden my horizons When we had facilitator gatherings in the past, a lot of other facilitators talked about being interested in entrepreneurship in the future and their conversations have definitely inspired or moved me. If my peers also feel like they can tackle something like entrepreneurship, I believe that I have the potential to do so as well; in the future, if I have a chance, I would also love to take a shot at being an entrepreneur

In the coming years, I really want to try doing more internships so I can interact with different kinds of people which relates back to what I mentioned earlier about learning how to facilitate different kinds of people. There are also some hard skills that I want to develop, but I need to think more about what kinds of hard skills before I go into it

What soft-skills do you wish you were better at?

As I mentioned a bit earlier, this year I joined many of the STEP activities as a CCY Facilitator As a student leader during these activities, I learnt a lot about both myself and others, as well as what it means to work in a group After my experiences this year, I think I would like to work more on how to stay patient when facilitating a group of people who are very shy and not used to taking the initiative to discuss or ask questions I truly think that this is a really important skill, not only for educators, but for other different careers of jobs as well All careers require people who are able to take the initiative or take action to be the one who speaks out first.

CCY Facilitator


CCY Facilitator Facilitator


CCYFacilitato是 名學生領袖,帶領組 員參加 JCCSTEP 小組活動並發揮協調作 用。如果你目前是CCYFacilitato,是什 麼讓你想成為 acilitator?你從這次經歷 中學到了什麼? 我今年加入成為CCYFacilitator的 個主 要原因是 —— 我現在是 名中五的學 生,所以明年我將需要為香港中學文憑考 試投入很多時間。意識到這點後,我想在 技放所有時間於學業前,充分利用這一年 時間嘗試更多事情。在我加入之前並沒有 太多期望,因為我了解到這是 CCY 新的 一個元素。除此之外,我對此的認知並不 多 , 但 我 還 是 希 望 把 我 去 年 參 加 過 JCCSTEP 活動所學的 些知識傳遞給新 參加的同學們,甚至或許還可以和他們分 享一些我的建議。

我認為我今年的經歷確實開闊了我的視 野。在過去的CCYFacilitator聚會,有很 多Facilitator談到對創業感興趣,他們的 談話無疑啟發並鼓勵了我 —— 如果我的 同齡朋友覺得他們可以解決創業相關的困 難,我相信我也有潛力這樣做。日後如果 有機會,我也想要嘗試一下創業。

CCY Facilitator Facilitator Facilitator CCY JCCSTEP

正 如 我 之 前 提 到 , 今 年 我 成 為 了 CCY Facilitato並參加了很多 JCCSTEP 的 活 動。在這些活動中,我擔任學生領袖的角 色,令我更了解自己和他人,以及團體合 作的意義。這些經歷,讓我更想要學習如 何耐心地帶領一群非常害羞、不習慣主動 討論或提問的同學的小組活動。我打從心 底裡認為,這不論對教育工作者,還是對 從事任何職業的人,都是一個非常重要的 技能。不論是甚麼行業,都需要主動積極 的員工去表達他們的想法。 72
在接下來的幾年,我真的很想嘗試爭取更 多實習經驗,這樣我就可以與不同的人互 動 —— 這與我之前提到,想要學習如何 帶領不同的人一起參加活動有關。當然, 我亦想要培養一些硬技能,但我需要再深 入思考 下,究竟甚麼硬技能對我有幫 助。 你希望提升自己的什麼軟技能?

Was there an incident when you encountered a group of people who were all shy? How did it affect your team work?

Yes, there was! I was a facilitator during STEP FourCorporate Challenge at Foodpanda for my group back in March 2022 The students in my group were not particularly enthusiastic, and it made it quite challenging as well when I did not know any of them, which was in contrast to when I helped facilitate a group for an earlier Corporate Challenge with City’super, where the students were from my school and were all quite enthusiastic. Throughout the challenge, I learned that I had to be more hands-on with this group, such as sending follow-up messages and assigning who would research or work on which parts to help make sure the pitch was ready before the final showcase. I struggled with figuring out how to facilitate students who might not necessarily have the heart to participate, for example, participating for the sake of getting OLE (Other Learning Experiences) hours, but in the end, it was definitely a huge learning experience for me

STEP Four foodpanda facilitator c!ty’super

有沒有遇到 群人害羞的人?這如何影響 你的團隊合作? 的確是有這樣的經歷!這發生在2022年3 月的時候,我擔任STEPFour- 企業挑戰 擂台(foopanda) 場次的acilitator,我所 在的組別的同學們表現得不是特別投入。 另外,由於我事前並不認識這些同學,讓 我覺得更具挑戰性。這次的經驗與我帶領 另 外 個 小 組 參 加 企 業 挑 戰 擂 台 c!ty’supe的場次形成了明顯的對比。當

Other Learning Experiences

備好電梯簡報。在這個過程中,我苦苦思 索如何帶領那些不是因感興趣而參加的同 學參與活動(例如,為了獲取「其他學習 經歷」(therLearningExperienc) 學分 而參加),但是整體來說,這對我來說 絕對是大有裨益的學習經歷。

動,例如:透過發送訊息跟進他們的進 度,把資料蒐集和其他任務分配給每個組 員,以確保他們在成果展示日前已充分準
時參加的同學們來自我的學校,而且他們 對活動十分投入。在整個活動過程中,我 了解到我必須更主動地帶領他們參與活
2022 3
創 業 同 行 : 我 們 的 故 事
Having listened to teachers, principals and students – another irreplaceable part of our programme is the support we receive from our network of startups and corporates. As people who are in the pipeline of looking to work with future talent and the future generation, let us take a look at what they have to share about their thoughts on the future of education as well. 另 個無可取替的部分是與我們合作的初創公司及企業給予我們的支持。作 為正在尋求與未來人才和下 代合作的人,接下來,我們了解 下他們對未 來教育的想法吧。 初 創 公 司 及 企 業 代 表
Joyce Tsang Digital Marketing 的創辦⼈及內容營銷者
and Content Marketer at Joyce Tsang Content Marketing
One, Eight
Joyce Tsang

When you hear the phrase “future of education”, what are the first things that come to mind? You can use 4-5 words or phrases to describe.


Throughout my life, I have had a pretty diverse educational upbringing; for example, I was born in Hong Kong, then went to primary school in Canada, moved back to Hong Kong to study at an international school during my middle-high school years, and then went back to Canada for university. As a result, I have never really had a traditional, local school education in Hong Kong This means that a lot of the time, when I do interact with or come into contact with the local school education curriculum, I am looking at it from an outside perspective, from a third person point of view.

When I say “embrace”, it is from a lot of my observations of secondary school students now - I see that a lot of them do not have a channel or a space to embrace all aspects of themselves: whether it is their thoughts, opinions or even really grand ideas they have about their futures, themselves or anything else. By “embrace”, I do not mean that they have to persuade everyone else to think the same way they do, but it definitely feels like there’s a lack of space or environment for them to embrace themselves for who they really are without being judged


Being able to join CoCoon Foundation events this year, something that I noticed whilst I was interacting with students during STEP Eight - Job Exposure Experience was that, despite all of them having very different personalities and different areas that they were confident in, all of them lacked confidence in one area: analytical skills. Often when I asked them to tell me why they thought a certain way or the reasoning behind an idea, they were not able to articulate the “why” This is also something that I observed during my time teaching at university, or in my peers back when I was in university, so I would definitely say that this is something that people need to practice more on.


I feel like this is something that is not really encouraged, particularly in East-Asian households. When we look at opportunities for discussion in the current secondary school curriculum, there is very little time allocated to this, add on top is that students are so focused on their individual

樣化,例如,我出生在香港,在加拿大 念小學,中學時又回到香港的國際學校 就讀,接著在加拿大完成我的大學學 位。因此,我在香港從未真正接受過傳 統的本地學校教育。這意味著很多時 候,當我接觸本地學校教育課程或與學 生互動時,我都是從 個外界的角度 —— 以第三者的角色來看待。

當我說「欣然接受」時,是從我對很多 中學生的觀察中得出 —— 我看到他們當 中很多人沒有 個渠道或空間接受自己 的各個方面:無論是他們的想法、意 見,甚至是他們對自己的未來、自我或 其他任何事情的重要想法。我所說的 「欣然接受」,並不是指他們必須說服 其他人以與他們自己以相同的方式思 考,但確實能感受到他們缺乏空間或環 境,讓他們在不被批判的情況下欣然接 受自己。

77 當你聽到「未來教育」,你首先想到的是 什麼?請用4-5個詞語形容。 欣然接受 在我過去的人生,我的教育背景非常多
今年我參加 CoCoon活動,特別在 STEP Eight- 職場探索與學生互動 期間,我注 意到 點:儘管他們都有非常不同的個 性和擅長的領域,但他們都對「分析能 力」領域缺乏信心。當我問他們為什麼 以某種方式思考或某個想法的背後原因 時,他們無法清楚地表達「為什麼」。 這也是我在大學教學和念大學時在同齡 人身上觀察到的,所以我堅定地認為這 是大家需要加強鍛鍊的 個領域。 討論機會 我感受到討論並不是備受鼓勵的事情, 在東亞家庭尤其明顯。當我們觀察當前 中學課程學生的討論機會時,其實很少 分配時間進行討論;此外,由於學生如 此專注他們的學業成績,以至於他們覺 得沒有太多時間去追求其他事情。討論 4-5 CoCoon STEP Eight

academics that they do not feel like they have much time left to pursue other things I think discussion is so important because it gives you an opportunity to learn other perspectives which actually ties back into the previous word: analyze.


There is a bit of a difference between the first word: “embrace”, and this last word. To me, besides knowing what your likes and dislikes are, it is also about your gut feeling and knowing what you stand by. I’m not saying that these elements are not present in today’s educational system already, but what I have noticed is that at least for local schools in Hong Kong, I have yet to see it being incorporated in a well-rounded way in the middle school curriculum.

What big changes do you think need to happen that would help us to step towards “future of education” for you?

The next thing that I think needs to see reform or change is our current grading system Perhaps this is more because of my own life experiences, but there was a period of time where I taught a branding lecture at The Hong Kong University. During my time here, something I realised that I did not necessarily agree with, is the grading system or how exams are marked So generally, as a lecturer you are asked to prepare a marking scheme for the assignments or exams that you will give to your students. How it works is that you are meant to list different points a student should hit in their answers in order to score points; for example, there might be 3 elements to answering a particular question, if a students mentions 1 thing then they get 1 point, if they mention all 3 things then they get the maximum number of points But what happens when students answer an exam question with answers that are not on the marking scheme simply because I did not think of those answers at the time? The student is still correct in their answer, but because of the marking scheme I am unable to award them marks for that question

The difficulty here is when I, as the lecturer, disagree with the institute with how marks should be awarded. Personally, I believe that if students can only be awarded marks then their answers are word for word, the same as the marking scheme, all this does is create students who are good at memorising answers instead of analysing the situation themselves and coming to a conclusion. Of course, the flip side of this is that learning bodies or institutes must have some form of system in place regarding grading so that students have an idea of which direction they should be studying towards This is a really grey area type of problem where there is not a wrong or right answer to how this should be approached, but I do believe that the current system is not helping Hong Kong students to be able to develop their own critical thinking skills.

中沒有這些元素,但我觀察到的 —— 至 少對於香港本地的學校來說,我還沒有 看到它被全面地融入中學課程。

對你來說,你認為需要發生哪些重要改變 才能幫助我們邁向「未來教育」?

我認為接下來需要改革或改變的是我們 目前的評分系統。也許這是因為我自己 的生活經歷,有 段時間我在香港大學 教授品牌行銷的課程。在那段時間裡, 我意識到我不 定同意評分系統或考試 的評分方式。 般來說,作為 名講 師,你需要為你給學生的作業或考試準 備 個評分準則。也就是說,講師需要 在評分準則裡列出學生所寫的答案中應 答對的哪些重點才得分;例回答 個特 定問題或共有 3 個因素,如果學生寫出 個因素便會獲得 1 分,如果他們能寫 出所有 3 個因素,便獲取最高分數。但 如果學生的答案包含 個僅僅因為我在 準備評分準則時沒有想到的因素時會發 生什麼事情呢? —— 即使學生的答案仍 然是正確的,但受限於評分準則,我無 法給予他們得分。 當我作為 名講師,我所面對的困難在 於我並不同意這個評分準則。

78 正正可以讓你有機會學習從另 個視角 獲得知識;這實際上與前 個詞 —— 分 析,有緊密聯繫。 真實性 這與「欣然接受」是有 點區別。對我 來說,除了要了解自己喜歡什麼和不喜
歡什麼,你的直覺和了解自己的立場也 是很重要的。我不是說今天的教育體系
我個人認 為,如果學生的答案只能與評分準則 字不差的情況下得分,就這 切就會變 成培養學生背誦答案,而不是鍛鍊學生 透過自己分析從而得出結論。 當然,另 方面是因為學習團體或機構必須要提 供某種形式的評分系統,以便學生了解 他們應朝著哪個方向學習。這是 個非 常灰色地帶的問題,對於應該如何解決 這個問題並沒有錯誤或正確的答案,但 我確實相信目前的這個制度並不能幫助 香港學生培養他們的的批判性思維能。 1 3

It is so interesting to hear how many different identities you ’ ve had in your life up to now! Besides starting your own business, you ’ ve been a dance teacher and a lecturer at the university. From your perspective, what kind of role does a teacher have in a student’s life or learning journey?

I think something that I have learned throughout my life as an educator in different fields, different levels are that the most important thing or the most impactful thing that a teacher can do is to lead by example. Something that happened, today actually, was that an old dance student of mine who is now working, actually sent me a direct message on Instagram She told me that she is so inspired by what I do and that it has shown her that she should take opportunities that come her way! She ended the message with congratulating me for where I am today and to keep doing what I am doing. I realised then that she was not the first to tell me something like this; I’ve had clients, HKU students, or even students I used to tutor reach out to me with the same message My learning from this is that, as a teacher, you should constantly be trying to find new methods to try and convey the message you want to convey to help your students. There is no point in sticking to traditional methods for every single thing because they do not always work!

What does entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship education mean to you?

Entrepreneurship Education is equipping the younger generation with new opportunities. What this means is, that it might not be that they did not have these opportunities because they lack the skill set or the ambition, but rather that they are not even aware of these opportunities in the first place. For example, after covid-19 hit Hong Kong, there were probably so many 9-5 employees who started to think about starting their own business, but they are just as confused as secondary school students The confusion is precisely because there’s a lack of knowledge surrounding entrepreneurship, that is why I think that when you are teaching these students or people about entrepreneurship, helping them to develop these skills, you are giving them an option. It is not a backup plan for when things go south, but rather they have the knowledge to consider another option, another pathway

How do you think our programme (JCCSTEP) helps students?

STEP Eight was honestly a really enjoyable experience for me! As an entrepreneur whose business is solely based on herself, I do not really have a team to introduce to students or an office for them to tour since I work at home, and there are no meetings I can invite them to sit in. This is why it was so

份真是太有趣了!除了自己創業,你還擔 任舞蹈老師、大學講師等。在你看來,老 師在學生的生活/學習過程中扮演著怎樣 的角色? 我認為我作為 名教育工作者,在不同 領域、不同層次學到的是:老師可以做 的最重要或最有影響力的事情就是以身作 則。實際上今天就剛發生了 件事 —— 我的 個很久以前的舞蹈學生,她現在 已經投入工作職場了,她今天居然在 stagram上傳送了 條訊息給我。她告 訴我,我的經歷讓她備受鼓舞,同時讓 她意識到她應該要抓緊身邊的機會!在 訊息的結尾,她祝賀我今天的成就並繼 續努力地做著自己想要做的事。那時我 意識到她不是第 個和我說這些的人; 我的客戶、香港大學的學生,甚至哪些 我曾經輔導過的學生都向我傳達了同樣的 訊息。藉此,我了解到作為 名老師, 應該不斷地嘗試尋找新的方法來傳達你想 要傳達的信息,以幫助你的學生。不能 總是以傳統的方法來解決每 件事,因 為它們並不總是有效的! 創業精神或創業教育對你意味著什麼? 創業教育提供新的機會讓學生裝備自己 們,這意味著,他們可能不是因為缺乏 技能或野心而沒有這些機會,而是他們 甚至 開始就沒有意識到這些機會。例 如,在2019冠狀病毒病影響香港後,或

79 聽到你到目前為止生活中有多少不同的身
許 些朝九晚五的上班族開始考慮創 業,但他們也許和中學生 樣感到困 惑。這種困惑恰恰是因為缺乏有關創業 的知識,這就是為什麼我認為教這些學 生或人們創業,幫助他們發展這些技能 就是給予他們 個選擇。這不是當事情 旦失控的時候的後備計劃,而是他們 擁有知識從而考慮另 選擇和途徑解決問 題。 你覺得我們的計劃 (JCCSTEP) 如何幫助 學生們? 參與STEPEight對我來說是 次非常愉快 的經歷!作為 個只靠自己做生意的創 業家且在家工作的緣故,所以我不能 Instagram 2019 JCCSTEP STEP Eight

pleasantly surprising that you considered me as a potential host, and what I gained from the experience was also a lot more than can really be put into words. From my own experience, I really enjoyed the flexibility of the event - even in such a short span of time of around 3-4 days, I was able to go through those processes we mentioned in the first question: embrace, analyse, discuss and authenticity I especially found the mock interview really interesting because it gave me a chance to individually get to know the students better. Getting to know them on an even more personal level, allowed me to give them really specific feedback or comments regarding how they can improve for future interviews

A small example would be, during the mock interview, one of the students told me that she does a lot of things outside school. My first reaction was to ask her, “Isn’t it tiring if you ’ re doing so much?” She then went on to explain that it is and that one time because she was so set on trying to balance so many activities and so scared of not being able to help people, it ended up in her being physically sick and throwing up so she had to miss out on another activity! Of course, in a real life interview, this is not something that your employer would want to know; but to me, I found this information really valuable because I did not think that secondary school students would push themselves to this degree Following this, I discussed a lot with this student about how she could better prioritise her time and different activities she wanted to do, as well as how she could phrase this better in future interviews. To me, this is a really important form of education! I’m not sitting here and grading papers but guiding them in a process of learning how to present themselves to future employers

With insight into the industry you are working in now, what do you think big companies or startups can do to help shape the future of education?

I cannot say that I would do this with my own startup as I do not have the ability right now to hire interns or other teammates and kind of teach them how to really work at a company, but if we were talking about other organisations or companies that do have the capacity to hire fresh graduates or interns, my first line of thought is to stop treating them as just interns I think one of the first things you should allocate to these new hires or interns, isn’t just to introduce them to the team or have them “shadow” someone, but rather to implement them at the company ’ s strategic level. What do I mean by this? For example, a lot of companies now will ask interns to do market research, or write a social media post whilst these interns have no idea why they are doing these tasks Using content marketing as an example, rather than only asking them to write posts, it is teaching them to think about why they are doing these posts, and why this content is

向學生介紹我的工作團隊可以介紹,也 不能帶他們參觀辦公室,也沒有可以邀 請他們參加的會議。這就是為什麼浩觀 創業基金將我視為潛在的參與公司時, 讓我感到非常驚喜的原因,而我從這次 經歷中的收穫也遠遠超出了言語所能形容 的程度。根據我自己的經驗,我真的很 享受這個活動的靈活性 —— 即使在3-4 天這麼短的時間內,我也能夠完成我們 在第 個問題中提到的那些過程:接 受、分析、討論和真實性。我特別喜歡 模擬面試環節,這真的很有趣,讓我有 機會與學生單獨相處並更深入了解他

論,從而幫助他們提升未來面試的表 現。 舉個小例子,有 個學生在模擬面試中 與我分享她在校外做了很多事情。我的 第 反應問她:「要兼顧那麼多事情不會 累嗎? 」她接著解釋說—— 有 次,因 為她 心 意地想要平衡所有活動,並 害怕無法幫助別人,結果她身體不適並 嘔吐,導致她不得不錯過另 個活動! 當然,在現實生活的面試中,你的僱主 不會想聽到你分享這些事。但對我而 言,這是非常有價值的信息,因為我認 為中學生不會強迫自己到如此程度。接 著,我和這位學生討論了很多關於她如 何更好地安排她的時間和她想做的不同活 動,以及她如何在未來的面試中更好地 與別人分享。對我而言,這是 種非常 重要的教育形式!我不是坐在這裡為他 們的表現評分,而是指導他們學習如何

向未來的僱主表現自己。 深入了解你現在從事的行業,你認為大公 司或初創公司可以做些什麼來幫助塑造教 育的未來? 我不能以我公司名義來分享,因為我現 在沒有能力聘請實習生或團隊成員,也 沒有能力教他們如何在公司真正工作, 但如果我們談論的是其他機構或公司確實 有招聘應屆畢業生或實習生的能力。我 的第 個想法是,不要把他們視為只是 個實習生那麼簡單。我認為要以公司 發展層面來安排這些新晉員工或實習生 3-4
們。藉由在更個人的層面上了解他們, 讓我能提供他們他更具體的反饋或評

being marketed, bringing us back to the importance of analysis and understanding why they are doing what they are doing Only by doing this can we foster talent and help them to grow and find opportunities to climb the ladder to different positions, otherwise, companies will find that they are just constantly trying to replace talent

些工作,而不僅僅是把他們介紹給工作 團 隊 認 識 或 讓 他 們 成 為 職 員 的 「 影 子」。這是什麼意思呢? 舉例來說,現在 很多公司要求實習生進行市場分析,或 者撰寫 篇社交媒體貼文,而這些實習 生不知道做這些任務的原因。以內容營 銷為例,我們不是單純要求學生撰寫貼 文,而是希望他們能夠思考為何要撰寫 這些貼文、為甚麼這些文案需要推廣。 這種思維模式都能帶他們回歸到分析的重 要性和理解實行的方式和背後的原因。 只有這樣做,我們才能提升學生的天 賦,幫助他們成長,以致能把握機會, 成功攀上職業的階梯。否則,未來的僱 主只能不斷地尋找適合的人才。
HELLO, KEVIN Kevin Wong c!ty’super 的學習及發展部⾼級經理 Senior Manager (Learning & Development Division) at c!ty’super STEPs: Four 的學習及發展部高級經理

When you hear the phrase “future of education”, what are the first things that come to mind? You can use 4-5 words or phrases to describe.

Technology Bottom-up Approach

Learner Leading Approach Big Data Integration

What big changes do you think need to happen that would help us to step towards the “future of education” for you?

Whether it is targeted towards children, secondary school students, or adults, education is a way to prepare people to be able to tackle any obstacles they may encounter in the future In a way, education is like a stage rehearsal before one steps into society. I believe that trends across professions and future development will encapsulate topics like technology, bottomup approach, learner leading approach and big data integration

Through working with students, we realised that they have limitless potential. I believe that if we are willing to give students opportunities to experience the business or corporate world, it will benefit them greatly in considering what future pathway they want to pursue whilst at the same time, developing different soft skills These kinds of activities act as a starting point and I hope that from there, the younger generation can approach the future with more hope in the direction they want to go.

Previously, I also joined a mentorship programme for a university where I am an alumni During my time as a mentor, I deeply felt how different the skills needed by students for today’s society are from when I was in university. This has especially been the case for the past few years due to the pandemic; I can see how students have adapted quickly to online learning, but at the same time, they are struggling with other aspects that have changed due to covid-19, in particular, it would be their social skills Many students have had to cope with the changes of attending classes and other activities virtually, as a result, there has been a huge loss of face to face human interaction. I think it is hugely important that social interaction does not stop at social media; rather, students need to learn how to transfer these social skills from the online to the offline world I have seen quite a few movies and TV shows that predict society completely integrating with a virtual reality. From this, I would say it is undoubtedly important that we learn how to balance ourselves between the offline and virtual worlds so that we do not lose our social skills

什麼?請用 4-5個詞語形容。

年人來說,都是讓他們為接受未來挑戰 做好準備的 個重要的方式,所以,我 覺得教育就是進入未來真實社會前的 個 綵排。就如我剛才所提及的對未來教育 的 個想法,我認為行業趨勢和未來發 展將會融合了這些元素。 透 過 和 浩 觀 創 業 基 金 合 作 Corporat Challeng活動,我們察覺到學生的無限 可能性。我認為如果我們願意給予機會 並協助學生,讓他們體驗真實的商業世 界,並從活動中掌握 些軟技能,有助 於他們思考自己的未來路向。這些活動 就是他們未來的 個起點,希望他們從 中思考並更輕易地找到人生方向。 另外,我參與了我自己當時就讀的大學 的學生輔導計劃,當我作為大學生的導 師時,我能感受到現在學生所需要的技 巧與我當時作為大學生時所需要的是大不 相同的。特別在發生疫情這兩年來,我 能感受到學生們能夠透過網課追上學業的 進度,但是也能感受到他們遇到

83 與科技相關的 由下而上並具備互動性質的教學方式 以學習者主導的形式 結合大數據 當你聽到「未來教育」,你首先想到的是
些困 難 —— 特別是社交技巧方面。無奈地, 他們只能以網上形式進行課堂或參與活 動,缺少了面對面人際交往的機會。我 認為社交技巧不能只停留在社交媒體層 面,相反,他們應該要學習如何把在社 交媒體學習到的社交技巧,運用在現實 生活中。我留意到有很多電影或者電視 劇預測我們將進入 個虛擬的世界,那 麼學會如何在現實和虛擬世界取得平衡是 非常重要的;否則,我們將會缺乏了至 關重要的社交技巧。 4-5 Corporate Challenge
對你來說,你認為需要發生哪些重要改變 才能幫助我們邁向「未來教育」? 教育,無論是對小孩子、中學生還是成

Could you share what your hopes and feelings are regarding future education?

I believe that in the future, education will focus more and more on technical skills as this is an area where society will continue to mature and advance; which is why it is also important that we can learn how to balance learning and developing technical as well as interpersonal skills If society becomes too focused on advancing technology and technical related skills, education will become very one-faceted, which is why I believe that future education should place more emphasis on growing and developing students’ social and interpersonal skills

How do you think our programme (JCCSTEP) helps students?

It is not difficult to find new and trending businesses right now that actually started off as start-ups From what I have seen and observed, I think a lot of students are hoping to either be able to start their own businesses or to work at a startup rather than work at a large company. I believe the reason behind this is that the younger generation wants to learn and experience what it means to be entrepreneurial, by working at a startup with a young and energetic team culture I think entrepreneurship education is very important and I really admire The CoCoon Foundation for the work it is doing to equip students with the tools to navigate their futures. For example, internships are a great opportunity for students to learn and experience what a startup working culture is like. Broadening students’ horizons and giving them the space to try new experiences helps to stimulate their curiosity and new ideas

Aside from our programme, what opportunities do you think companies like c!tysuper can give to students who want to prepare for the future?

I do not think education has to take place in a formal manner where it is obvious that “education is currently taking place now!” If we are only learning through lectures, classes or workshops in order to gain knowledge, then education will come to a stand-still I agree that education should not be limited to one method or only the traditional method Companies should reflect on how they want to attract students or youth to learn or recognise a brand which in itself is also a learning experience for the company.

In the past 10 years, we have welcomed 1-2 students every year to intern at our company and gain real-world experiences I can feel they possess a very high desire to learn and are just in need of more learning opportunities. During

可以分享下對未來教育有什麼期望或者感 受嗎?

我相信未來教育在技術層面漸趨成熟, 並且會更重視這方面的發展。我們要思 考究竟如何在發展科技相關技能和人際技 巧兩者之間取得平衡。若過於重視科技 相關技能的發展,教育也便會變得單 化;但未來教育應是多元化的。未來教 育應要重視培養和鍛鍊學生的社交技 巧。

你覺得我們的計劃(JCCSTEP)如何幫助學 生們?

我們不難發現市場上的 些新興企業都是 由初創公司發展而成的。據我對部分學 生的了解,他們都會想要投身初創公司 的職場工作,而非傳統的大公司,我想 其中 個原因是年輕 代的他們期望能夠 體驗年輕有活力的公司文化,並從工作 中體驗創新的精神。我認為創業教育是 很重要的,我非常欣賞浩觀創業基金為 學生舉辦不同類型的活動讓他們為未來做 好準備,例如提供實習機會讓學生體驗 並深入了解初創公司的工作模式。這些 讓學生增廣見聞的活動,同時也提供學 生新的體驗方式嘗試新事物,刺激他們 產生新的想法。

如果學生要為將來作準備,了解將來做什 麼 , 除 了 我 們 這 些 機 構 , 你 覺 得 c!ty’
公司可以給予學生什麼機會可 以讓他們繼續接受不同範疇的教育? 我認為進行教育的時候,不需要打正旗 號 告 訴 別 人 : 「 我 們 現 在 進 行 教 育 啊!」如果我們只以授課或工作坊教導 學生知識,教育便會停滯不前。我同意 教育不應局限於單 方式,或以傳統的 形式進行。 公司應要思考要透過怎樣的 方式吸引學生來認識 間公司或 個品 牌,從而更進 步了解公司的運作,藉 此學習。 在過去10年,每年1-2 位學生到我們公司 實習,我能感受到他們具備很高學習意 欲,只是缺乏學習機會。在實習期間, 他們能體驗真實的職場生活,並學習 JCCSTEP c!ty’super 10 1-2

the internship, they can experience the real-world working environment and learn non-academic soft skills For example, during their internship, they have to prepare a company report, which requires them to think from the client and audience's perspective to attract their attention. This is very different from conducting a presentation at school From listening to the students, we can see they are a bunch of young people who want to improve themselves In the past 10 years, the positive attitude of every student has left a deep and inspiring impression on us and is a reason why we continue to support different youth programmes, such as JCCSTEP.

39 些非教科書的軟技能;例如他們在實習 期間準備的公司匯報,需要從顧客角度 思考應該怎麼做才能吸引更多注意力, 而非像在學校只是遵循評分準則準備匯報 內容。在聽過他們的反饋後,我們更可 以感受到他們是 群想要更進 步學習並 增強技能的學生。10年來,從來沒有任 何 個學生缺席—— 這是我們持續參加 不同計劃的動力來源之 。學生的正面 態度給我留下深刻的印象,他們的這種 態度不斷鼓舞我們參加不同教育計劃, 希望能幫助更多的學生。 10
遊戲湯麵的創辦⼈ Founder
One, Three, Eight

When you hear the phrase “future of education”, what are the first things that come to mind? You can use 4-5 words or phrases to describe.


Integration of online and offline Digital Citizenship Metaverse

Digital citizenship: In the real or physical world, our actions and behaviours are dictated by laws and social norms, but in the digital world, people often forget that these rules should also be applied For example, in the physical world, we know that we cannot destroy other people’s things or property, or that indiscriminately spewing thoughts and opinions is inappropriate. But in the digital world, people often forget or think these same rules do not apply, leading to unsavoury behaviour. I think it is important that moving forward, people practice being a good digital citizen; even if the setting or the activities happening are different or virtual, laws and moral decency are the same whether you are in an online or offline setting.

In moral & civic education, teachers teach students what rights and duties a citizen has I think it is important that students get the same type of education regarding the digital world and what it means to be a digital citizen Something to consider for example: how do we look for information in the digital world? It might sound like a simple question, but how do we filter or distinguish what information is actually relevant to us? These are skills that we should be cultivating when we are stepping into a world that is more and more digitalised

What big changes do you think need to happen that would help us to step towards the “future of education” for you?

Although more and more schools are gradually including more elements of technology into student’s learning, there will always be some degree of restriction as schools are not able to integrate technology into every subject nor is it necessarily relevant for every subject. I think it will take time for us to see eventual change but we can start by incorporating available technology into classrooms and curricula and diversifying online education so that we can achieve a balance between both online and face-to-face education

當你聽到「未來教育」,你首先想到的是 什麼?請用 4-5個詞語形容。

數碼公民指的是數碼世界的公民,在現 實世界,我們的言行舉舉止收到法律和 社會的規範,但在數碼世界,你可能會 忘記了這些現實生活中的規則,導致有 些不 樣的行為。舉例來說,大家在 現實世界 致認同 —— 我們不能破壞別 人的東西、不可以胡亂發表言論等,但 當我們在數碼世界,有些人可能就會忘 記這些規範,不遵守規則。所以我們要 學習如何成為 個良好的數碼公民,即 使我們在數碼世界,我們都要遵守和現 實世界中 致的社會規則,只是呈現的 方式和所進行活動的場所有所不同。

在學校的公民教育,老師教育學生作為 個公民享有什麼權力和需要履行的義 務;我認為學生也應透過數碼世界的公 民教育,學習相關的知識和技巧。舉例 來說 —— 究竟我們如何在數碼世界瀏覽 資訊呢?雖然聽起來好像很簡單,我們

科技 網上與現實的融合 數碼公民 元宇宙
時候需要學習的 些技能,並有義務分 辨資訊的真確,但現時的教育制度很少 提及相關的技能。 對你來說,你認為需要發生哪些重要改變 才能幫助我們邁向「未來教育」? 雖然現在學校逐漸把不同的科技元素融入 校園學習,但我覺得受限於課程的編 排,學校無法在每 個科目都加上科技 元素。在現在的課程框架下,顯而易見 地並不是線上和線下像融合。我覺得這 是需要循序漸進的改變,逐漸增加使用 科技元素進行教育,例如增加網上教學 的多元性,並在線上和線下取得平衡。 4-5
如何在網絡搜尋過程中,過濾並分辨出 些合適及正確的資訊呢? 這些都是我們 作為 個數碼公民在網絡世界進行活動的

If students are looking to learn and understand more about technology and A.I., what do you think they should learn?

Rather than a certain ability or skill, I think students need to practice how to differentiate between right and wrong. As adults, it is impossible to be able to learn everything and even in university, we are told to choose one thing to study But online, there are not the same distinctions and it is easy to feel like there is a lot we do not know and thus should learn about. I think it is important that we can guide students to recognise what they want to know and learn more about, instead of blindly following trends and what seems popular at the moment A really good example of this are NFTs and cryptocurrency both being huge trending topics right now If you were to blindly follow and learn about finance and how these work, you would just be forcing yourself to learn something just because it is a trending topic. I think it would be very beneficial for schools to develop systems that help students understand and differentiate things they want to learn when it comes to new technology; there should not be limitations on age or topics, what is more, important is being able to recognise whether knowledge about these topics is appropriate for your own knowledge level.

Teachers can also add relevance to their curriculum by including topics that are current affairs, integrating knowledge about new technology into school subjects Using the same example as earlier, Economics teachers can teach the concept of supply and demand using the concept of NFTs - this is one way to not only learn about trending new technology or topics but also in a way that integrates this daily life knowledge with traditional knowledge A lot of the subject matter and curriculum taught at school have not seen a change in a long time; But in the meanwhile, students’ daily lives are filled with new updates, ideas and concepts. I think teachers can consider using similar methods to help expose students to more current affairs and topics through their subject matter and integrate in lesson materials

How do you think our programme (JCCSTEP) helps students?

The first thing that comes to mind is: learning by doing, learning through real experiences This year, I have had the pleasure of taking part in multiple STEPs such as STEPs One, Two, Three and Eight. Throughout every STEP, I saw how students had to learn by doing something themselves. In each activity, students have an opportunity to practice “book” knowledge Continuously trying and accumulating learnings and experiences, helps to produce a sense of achievement for students I think that if we could provide more of these “learning by doing” experiences for students in school,

學習的科目。在網絡世界並沒有設定太多 分類,我們很容易就會覺得自己什麼都不 懂,想要學會所有知識。但是,我認為我 們需要帶領學生認識他們想要接觸學習的 範疇,不應盲目跟隨主流思想。舉例來 說,現在的非同質化代幣(NFT) 和加密貨 幣(Cryptocurreny)所涉及的都是金融財務 的知識。當你要盲目跟從主流思想學習這 些,那就好像強迫自己學習金融財務知識 樣,這是不太恰當的事。我認為學校應 該要有系統地要讓學生學會分辨自己是否 適合學習哪些科技相關的知識,不僅僅是 考慮年齡和主題,最重要的是要分辨這個 科技知識是否適合自己知識水平。 我認為老師可以提高課程內容的靈活性, 把現在學科知識和網絡知識互相結合,舉 例來說,經濟科老師在教授「供給和需 求」的概念的時候,可嘗試以非同質化代 幣(NFT)作為例子,去解釋這個概念;引用 生活例子讓學生能夠對這些網絡知識有基 本的概念和認識。學校所使用的課程內容 可能已經多年未曾改變,但是學生在現實 生活中每 天都會接觸到日新月異的新概 念所以我會建議老師可以嘗試透過以上的 方式讓學生融合更多網上新知識融合到課

88 你覺得現在的學生若想要學習科技相關的知 識,應要學會什麼? 我認為學生應該要具備明辨是非的能力。 作為 個成年人,我們也不能學會所有知 識,例如現實生活中我們也要選擇自己要
堂學習上。 你覺得我們的計劃(JCCSTEP) 如何幫助學 生們? 我馬上想到的是——從實踐中學習,從實 戰經驗中學習。我相當欣賞「賽馬會浩觀 青 少 年 創 業 培 訓 計 劃 」 的 STEP One 到 STEPEght 活動提供不同機會讓學生自己 動手實踐。今年我非常榮幸能參與其中的 STEPOne、Two、Three和STEPEight。 在這其中,我都能感受到學生透過實踐進 行學習。當學生要完成 個任務,他能把 書本上學到的知識醜入其中,反覆嘗試, 並從箇中累積經驗,收穫成功感。假如我 們能提供學生「從實踐中學習」的機會, 加強學生們鞏固在學校裡學習的知 NFT Cryptocurrency NFT JCCSTEP STEP One STEP Eight STEP One Two Three STEP Eight

students can transform their knowledge into skills that can be used in daily life

With insight into the industry you are working in now, what do you think big companies or startups can do to help shape the future of education?

From my observations, a lot of students' internet skills and literacy are quite high. They are very used to using laptops and other electronic devices in their everyday lives. Working in the tech industry, I know that a lot of the talent is very young, but if students lack these kinds of experiences provided by entrepreneurship education, then it is difficult to be able to grasp these opportunities As someone who has more experience than students, I think we need to share our experiences with them to help unlock their potential abilities. For example, when I teach students about designing games, I often encourage them to think about the skills and techniques they just used and how to apply them to daily life Skills that students learn when building games can be applied to event planning; experience from marketing their own game design can be applied to other areas of digital marketing. Students might not be able to immediately understand how skills learned from these kinds of experiences and workshops can be applied to other areas of their lives I believe we should help to guide students in realising their skills and abilities and provide opportunities for students to learn how to apply them in different situations.

深入了解你現在從事的行業,你認為大公 司或初創公司可以做些什麼來幫助塑造教 育的未來?

就我觀察,普遍來說學生使用互聯網的 熟練程度水平都很高,他們都習慣使用 電腦和電子器材等。我們可以看到很多 年輕的數碼人才,但如果學生缺乏實踐 體驗,便難以得到發展。作為 個過來 人,我希望透過我們的經歷幫助他們解 鎖 些潛在的能力。以我教學為例,當 我教學生關於創作遊戲知識的結尾時, 我鼓勵他們思考 —— 創作遊戲當中所學 到的技巧,如何把它和現實生活互相結 合。我認為學生在創作遊戲所學到的 些技巧能應用在將來舉辦活動所需的技 巧;在思考如何推廣自己設計的遊戲, 也可以應用在市場推廣所需的技巧。當 學生尚未察覺到在這些數碼課程中所學的 技巧如何應用在日常生活中,我們正正 應該要引導和提供機會給學生學習該如何 運用和實踐。

學生便能把這些知識轉化成 些在日常生 活中能夠運用的技能。
CASE STUDY: LEE SHING PIK F E A T U R E A R T I C L E 案 例 分 析 : 保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學 What is the “Teacher Training: Educators for the Future” programme? 「教師培訓:未來教育工作者」的計劃是什麼呢?

Scaling Up & Going Deep

Having run JCCSTEP for the past 5 years, our team has learned a lot throughout the ups and downs of our experiences. One of our biggest learnings is realising that ultimately, it would be too difficult with our limited manpower to scale up and reach all secondary school students across Hong Kong So, how could we achieve this? How can we bring Entrepreneurship Education to more teachers, schools and students? Here we saw the unique opportunity to solve this pain point by creating the “Teacher Training: Educators for the Future” programme

In fact, the Teacher Training programme has seen quite a few iterations in the past few years - especially as we have adapted and changed due to covid-19. We began with introductory workshops, where we focused on introducing Design Thinking to teachers and helping them to utilise this process to approach problems they faced within their own classrooms From there, we realised it was necessary to go deeper in order to help teachers truly implement this key element of entrepreneurship into their curriculums Therefore this year, we are excited and honoured to work closely with one secondary school to co-create an Entrepreneurship Education curriculum together. Read on to find out about this inspiring journey.

Our hope is that one day, Entrepreneurship Education will become a central pillar in Hong Kong’s secondary school education system so that it is self-sustainable as an official subject With this, more students across Hong Kong will be able to learn how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, cultivating pioneers who will lead Hong Kong into a sustainable future

School profile:

School Name: PLK Lee Shing Pik College

Banding: 2A

Principal: Principal Fung Nga Sze

Lead teacher for Entrepreneurship curriculum: Mr Yuen (Economics Panel Head)

Subject: Economics & Business Fundamental Form: 3

Total course duration: 6-8 weeks, 660min/11hrs

As mentioned earlier, this year we took a step further and dipped our toes into co-creating an Entrepreneurship Education curriculum alongside one of our network schools: PLK Lee Shing Pik College. Coming up, let’s take a look at an overview of how we achieved this!

所中 學緊密合作,共同打造創業精神教育課 程。請繼續閱讀以下文章以了解我們如 何在運行 JCCSTEP 活動吧! 我們展望將來有 天,創業精神教育將 成為香港中學教育體系的核心支柱,成 為正式課程。藉此,全港更多學生能夠 學習如何成長和發展創業思維,並培養 他們成為引領香港走向可持續發展未來的 開拓者。


擴大規模和深入發展 在過去5 年,我們 JCCSTEP 團隊汲取了 不少經歷和經驗。當中,我們深深意識 到基於有限的人力資源,我們的課程很 難 直擴大規模並覆蓋全港的所有中學 生。那麼,我們怎樣才能達到這個目標 呢? 如何把創業精神教育帶給更多的老 師、學校和學生呢? 於是我們找到解決這 個痛點的獨特機會 —— 推出「教師培 訓:未來教育工作者」的計劃。 事實上,在過去幾年我們的教師培訓計 劃中經歷多次改變——尤其因為 Covid的緣故, 我們 直進行調整和改變。 開始我們為老師們舉辦介紹設計思維的工 作坊,幫助老師利用這個工具來解決在 教學時面臨的問題。從那時起,為了更 持續推動創業精神教育,我們意識到有 必要更深入地幫助老師們把創業精神教育 的關鍵要素真正落實和融合到他們的課 程。因此,今年我們很榮幸能與
步,與我 們的其中 所網絡學校:保良局李城璧 中學共同創建了創業精神教育課程。接 下來,讓大家看看我們是如何實現這個
學校檔案: 學校名稱:保良局李城璧中學 組別:2A 校長:馮雅詩女士 創業課程主任老師: 袁啟新老師 (經濟科主任) 學科:經濟與基礎商業科 年級:中三 總課程時間:6-8星期,660分鐘/11小時 5 JCCSTEP Covid-19 JCCSTEP 2A 6-8 660 11

Lee Shing Pik joined our Teacher Training programme and attended the one-off Design Thinking Workshop

During the workshop, teachers worked together in groups to tackle problems that can often be found occurring in schools.

Initial Discussion: Lee Shing Pik approached CoCoon Foundation, expressing their interest in asking for our expertise in building a curriculum together for F3 students.

The subject would be called: Economics & Business Fundamental Defining the objective of this subject → More students would be interested in selecting Business or Economics as an elective subject in F4 Encourage students to consider alternative career paths in their future such as entrepreneurship.

Setting an overall timeline for preparation and execution

工作坊期間,老師們以小組形式共同合 作解決學校經常出現的問題 李城璧中學的老師參加我們的教師培訓計劃 並參加了一次性的設計思維工作坊。
課程名稱:經濟與基礎商業 定義課程的目標: 更多學生有興趣選擇商業科或經濟科 作為中四的選修科 鼓勵學生考慮未來可選擇的職業道 路,例如創業 設定事前準備和實際執行課程的時間表 初次討論:李城璧中學與浩觀接洽,表示有 興趣尋求我們的幫助和專業知識,共同為中 三學生創建創業課程 92

Foundation begins curriculum design and preparing lesson materials including detailed lesson plans, powerpoints, worksheets and educational videos

Session: CoCoon Foundation meets with Lee Shing Pik to go over the now completed curriculum design to align and confirm the key elements

Foundation conducts “Train-theTrainer” workshop to prepare teachers for delivering the curriculum with lesson materials.

浩觀開始設計課程內容和準備課程材料,包 括詳細的課程安排、簡報、工作紙、教學短 片等等。 93 Co-Creation
共同設計會議:浩觀與李城璧中學老師會 面,共同檢視已完成的課程設計, 並調整和 確認課程的重要元素
浩觀舉辦「教師培訓」工作坊,讓老師為教 授創業課程和使用課程素材做好準備 Objective: To understand what works and what may not to help inform us of what can be improved, for example, what obstacles
running these classes? Lesson Observation: CoCoon Foundation sits in during these lessons conducted
目標:了解課程的每個部分是否能有效 運作,有助於將來改善課程,例如老師 在課堂上遇到哪些困難呢? 課堂觀察:浩觀旁聽李城璧老師的授課
face when
by Lee Shing Pik.

Now that we know more about the behind the scenes efforts of curriculum design, what exactly are the key components? Why are these so core to Entrepreneurship Education and what do we hope students will gain out of it? Let’s take a look at the main pillars are that make up this subject!

In this first chapter, we tackle the idea of “What is entrepreneurship?”. We discussed why being “entrepreneurial” is important in the 21st century, encouraging students to explore how developing an entrepreneurial mindset is not only for entrepreneurs, but for everyone! 在單元 ,我們將討論「什麼是創業精神?」的概念。我們探討為什麼「創業精 神」在二十 世紀這麼重要。我們希望可以鼓勵學生探索創業精神,不僅對創業 家,而且對每個人都適用!

Chapter 2: Design Thinking 單元二:設計思維

Chapter 1: What is Entrepreneurship? 單元 :什麼是創業? Design Thinking is a core pillar of what we want to teach students in almost every part of our programme, so it is no surprise that we believe teachers and students alike should get to know how they can use this tool. In Chapter 2, students go through each component of Design Thinking and learn how they can utilise this tool. 設計思維是 JCCSTEP 裡幾乎每個部分都會傳授學生的核心元素,因此我們深信老 師和學生都應該了解如何使用這個工具。在單元二,學生將深入了解設計思維的 每個元素,並學習如何使用該工具解決困難。

Chapter 3: Lean Canvas 單元三:精實畫布

being entrepreneurial, one of our core beliefs here at CoCoon Foundation is empowering students to learn how they can turn their ideas into reality. By teaching students how they can use a Lean Canvas, we want to encourage them to consider how business viability can and should affect how they build their idea!

Chapter 4: Pitching 單元四:電梯簡報

Although pitching might sound like a skill that is reserved for entrepreneurs who are just trying to secure investment, a lot of the techniques and tricks can be used to help navigate other situations that students might face! From learning persuasive pitching techniques to understanding how to appeal to their target users, pitching is definitely a skill everyone can take a crack at mastering!

既然我們對課程設計的籌備工作有更深了 解,那麼當中究竟包含什麼內容和元素 呢?為什麼這些元素對創業精神教育如 此重要,而我們又希望學生從中獲得什 麼呢? 讓我們來看看組成這個課程的主要 內容和元素是什麼吧! 儘管簡報聽起來像是創業家為了獲得資金而使用的工具,當中很多技巧可幫助學 生在面對 些情況的時候找到正確的方法。從學習如何說服別人到了解如何吸引 目標用戶,電梯簡報絕對是每個人都可以掌握的技能!
成現實。透過教授學生如何使用精實畫布,我們希望鼓勵他們在建構自己的意念 時,同時要考慮意念在商業上的可行性。
除了「創業精神」,我們的其中 個核心信念是讓學生學習如何把自己的想法變

What does the future hold?

This project has been a huge learning experience with a very steep learning curve for our team At the same time, it is vastly rewarding to know and see how Entrepreneurship Education is becoming more and more mainstream in secondary schools; helping students to prepare for an uncertain future ahead “Teacher Training: Educators for the Future” is a culmination of so many inherent values that we believe are critically important here at CoCoon Foundation: from blended and experiential learning to designing studentcentred lessons using the concept of flipped classroom, to understanding how the hybrid mode is how society will most likely be moving forward in the future.

We will continue to learn and share our experiences with you all, and gain more knowledge and wisdom from these opportunities to grow so that hopefully, one day all Hong Kong students can experience what it means to be entrepreneurial

未來該怎麼發展呢? 對我們團隊來說,這個項目是 個大有 裨益的學習過程。與此同時,我們了解 和意識到創業精神教育如何在中學逐漸成 為主流,幫助學生為未來做好準備。 「教師培訓:未來教育工作者」融合了 我們認為至關重要的潛在價值,當中包 括利用「翻轉教室」的概念設計以學生為 本、具混合教育模式和實驗性質的課 堂,讓學生從中明白到這種混合學習模 式將會是未來的大趨勢。 我們將繼續和大家共同學習和分享經 驗,希望能收穫更多知識和經驗從而不 斷發展,希望將來有 天所有香港學生 都能體會創業精神的意義! 95
展 望 未 來

Inspired by the students, teachers, startups and corporates who have participated in and supported the Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship programme, we are passionate and committed to grow through learning and apply entrepreneurship thinking to every aspect of the programme going forward. It is our hope that the next generation of youth can live their lives purposefully and feel excited to contribute their talents.

97 受到參與過計畫的學生、老師、初創公司及企業的啟發, 我們致力透過學習與 應用創業思維去成長,並推動計畫各方面的發展。
教 育 成 就 未 來 — — 展 望 未 來 教 育 H O P E T H R O U G H E D U C A T I O N : V I S I O N I N G I N T O A U T H O R : H A Z E L L A I

What is happening with Hong Kong’s education system right now?

According to the 2017 Borgen Project, experts claim schools in Hong Kong overly stress “reciting” material and focus too much on reciting the correct answers. Similarly, in a 2012 SCMP article, the education system was commented on as “spoon-fed” Both point toward how our education system is too knowledge-based and passive, leading to students’ lack of communication, and critical thinking skills, as well as causing immense stress due to the competitive nature of purely knowledge-based education Research from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2018 shows that over 70% of students rely on unreliable news sources such as social media. Despite this, over half of the interviewed students still reported having no knowledge of news-feed algorithms. The research explains how the numbers show how local students not only have poor internet or news literacy, but also a lack of critical thinking.

Our traditional education system of knowledge-based learning, is content-focused and imparts a broad base of general knowledge on traditional subjects It usually involves recapping previous knowledge, presenting new knowledge, and then practising through repetition tests or exams While the system minimises attainment gaps, teachers and educators alike are starting to realise that it lacks the development of various skills students would need both in and out of class. This is where skill-based learning jumps in.

育制度被形容為「填鴨式教育」。兩篇 文章均指出本地教育制度過於知識為本而 且十分被動,導致學生缺乏溝通與批判 思考的技能。處於知識為本的教育制度 下,學習氛圍競爭大,令學生承受沉重 壓力。浸會大學在2018年的 份研究顯 示超過70%的學生依賴公信力低的新聞來

99 香港現時的教育制度發生了什麼事? 根據TheBorgenProje於2017年的 篇 報道,專家指香港學校過度著重「背 誦」課文,及背誦正確的答案。同樣, 在2012年南華早報的文章中,香港的教
源,例如社交媒體。即使如此,超過 半的受訪學生仍是對社交媒體對動態消息 的演算法 無所知。調查數字正正顯示 學生不單對於網絡或新聞認識薄弱,更 缺乏批判思考。 傳統的教育制度是以知識為本的學習(知 識基礎制度),俗稱書本教學,往往著 重課文內容,在傳統科目的框架内傳授 咨詢和知識。這種教育制度 般包括重 溫固有知識、教導新知識、然後透過重 覆測試考試練習使用知識。雖然傳統教 育制度能夠拉近不同人之間的知識程度差 距,但不少老師和教育人士也開始發 現,這種制度未能有效訓練和發展學生 於課內與課外,同樣需要的各項技能, 這就是我們需要「能力本位」教學的原 因。 1 1 2 2 3 3 The Borgen Project 2017 2012 2018 70%

]Skill-based learning focuses on skills over textbookknowledge. It involves experiential activities, personalised learning, as well as interactive learning. Unlike knowledgebased learning which is teacher-led; most skill-based learning is teacher-student interactive As reflected in a 2017 article by Forbes, it is believed that such a learning system encourages students to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world as well as develop skills to solve different types of problems Through engagement, research, collaboration and presentations of their personalised projects, students can develop their capacity for critical thinking and problemsolving, along with interpersonal skills such as communication and empathy.

New developments in education trends in Hong Kong

With the increasing understanding of skills over textbook knowledge; awareness of students’ mental health; and understanding of students’ personal and individual developments in Hong Kong, there has been a rise in experiential and personalised skill-based education trends This article discusses the key trends that are shown to be rising in popularity in Hong Kong’s local education system.

Most familiar education trend: STEM & STEAM

STEM and STEAM are probably the most well-known education trends in Hong Kong right now STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and maths; and in STEAM, art is also incorporated. Educational promotion on STEM had started as early as 2015 by the Hong Kong Education Bureau. A 2016 report on the promotion scheme, “Unleashing Potential in Innovation'', published the contexts, purposes and principles along with 6 different suggested strategies So it is not only the most familiar but probably also the most developed education trend in Hong Kong, with various education centres specialising in STEM or STEAM for both in and out-of-class activities. Most might just see those courses as another just knowledge-based class, but STEM and STEAM are more experiential and personalised than you might think The curriculum often focuses on letting students learn through trial and error in their various projects and is shown to provide students with more experiences and understanding of critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity.

「能力本位」教學專注於書本以外的技 能。這包括了體驗活動、個人化學習和 互動學習。跟老師主導的知識基礎制導 學習不同;能力本位學習多是師生互 動。Forbe於2017年的 篇文章提及, 專家相信這種學習系統能夠鼓勵學生於變 化急速的世界中適應和茁壯成長,更能 培養他們的問題解決能力。透過參與、 研究、合作和展示他們的個性化項目, 學生能從中培養他們的批判性思考和解難 能力,同時發展人際關係管理,如溝通 能力和同理心。


社會正對於能力本位教學的認識、學生 心理健康、以及學生個人發展的瞭解逐 漸增長。隨著這些增長,我們看到本地 教育有增加運用體驗式教育和個人化教育 的趨勢。 最為人熟知的教育趨勢:STEM及STEAM STEM 及STEAM 可能是香港現時最廣為 人 知 的 教 育 趨 勢 。 STEM 代 表 科 學 (Science)、科技(echnology) 、工 程(Engineer.i)及數學(athematics); 而STEAM 更包含了藝術(Arts)。香港 教育局早於 2015 年便開始 進行 STEM的 教育推廣。於2016推廣計劃的報告《推 動 STEM教育——發揮創意潛能》,發佈 了有關 STEM的內容、目的、主導原則, 以及 6種教學策略。這正正顯示它不僅是 香港最廣為人知,更是現時發展最完善 的新教育趨勢。現在有不少教育機構專

門舉辦 STEM 或 STEAM 的課內和課外活 動。雖然大多數人可能只是將這些課程 視為另 種新的知識型課程,但STEM 和 STEAM 其實比我們想像中更具個性化和 體驗性。這種課程通常看重讓學生以各 種專題研究中的反覆嘗試與實驗,體驗 並學習,為學生提供更多的經驗,並且 體驗和學會批判性思考、解難和發揮創 意。 1 1 2 2 3 3 Forbes 2017 STEM STEAM STEM STEAM STEM Science Technology Engineering Mathematics STEAM Arts 2015 STEM 2016 STEM STEM 6 STEM STEAM STEM STEAM

Most improved education trend: Digital Citizenship and Internet Literacy

The digital world is so incorporated with our daily lives, that it is impossible and impractical to prevent students from it. With information being so readily available online, it is important for students to build up knowledge on digital citizenship and internet literacy Digital citizenship is defined as “the ability to use technology and the Internet both effectively and appropriately”. This, along with internet literacy, which is the implementation of various applications and online sources, can aid students in both learning and creation This trend has drastically improved along with the popularised use of digital devices such as tablets in physical classes or teaching students how to use applications such as Adobe or Microsoft office. This trend has also rocketed after online classes were implemented due to the pandemic. It not only increases students’ interest in class but also teaches them responsible ways of using devices and the Internet In addition, digital literacy guides students to actively search for information and divide between trustworthy and unreliable sources

Newest recognised trend: Bite-sized Learning

With digital learning, bite-sized learning is also on the rise While traditional classes are often half an hour to an hour-long of one-way lecturing; bite-sized learning often cuts the hourlong classes into small sessions of a maximum of 15 minutes. Like cutting a piece of bread into slices or small chunks, it helps students focus on digesting and understanding the information instead of trying to have them remember all information in one sitting Wanting to minimise screen time

4 4 Adobe Microsoft Office 15

於實體課堂裏普及化,以及Adobe 或 MicrosoftOffic等應用程式的教學,其 實也見證了這個趨勢。新冠疫情下實施 大規模線上課程後,網絡教學更是快速 發展。這不單只增加同學對上課的興 趣,更同時教導他們怎樣負責任地使用 電子產品和互聯網方式。這同時也能教 導學生積極搜尋資訊,並劃分可信賴與 不可靠的資訊來源。 最新得到認可的趨勢: 口即食的微學習 隨著數碼學習,「 口即食」的微學習 亦有上升的跡象。傳統課堂 般都是半 小時至 小時半的單向教學。新型「 口 即食」教學將 小時的課程切割成每個 最長只有 15分鐘的課節。就像將 個麵 包切成小塊,這種模式能幫助學生更專 注消化及理解所有資訊,避免要求他們 下子記下所有內容。為了盡量減少使

改善最多的教育趨勢:網絡公民意識及網 絡知識 數碼世界與我們日常生活息息相關,阻 止學生使用互聯網已經不可能,更是不 切實際。由於網上很容易取得有關不同 資訊,對學生而言,認識數碼公民的身 份以及具備互聯網知識是至關重要。網 絡公民意識其實就是擁有有效率和適當使
用科技互聯網的能力。這伴隨著網絡知 識(包括運用各種應用程式和網絡資源) 可以幫助學生的學習和創造。平板電腦

but still increase interaction, such an education trend has been in use mostly in online classes during the pandemic. However, a lot of teachers also realised that this kind of learning system teaches students specific academic skills with brief, focused activities Many realised that it allows students to learn real skills that build in shorter bursts over time instead of all at once in long classroom lessons or lectures It not only considers a student’s capacity for long and focused lessons from home but also helps students improve their focus on important information, increasing the chances of them retaining the knowledge

Slowly rising trend: Mastery Based Grading

Hong Kong’s education system has mostly and is still mostly grade-reliant. However, the education trend of mastery-based grading has been slowly rising Instead of comparing students to their peers, mastery-based grading measures how well students have developed the skills they learned While students still attend tests and exams, assessments would focus on their ability over their answers An example would be how a student’s creativity counts towards a heavier percentage over their grammar: this ensures that creativity and self-expression would not be overlooked simply because of poor sentence structure or lack of vocabulary. Similarly, the effort is often also incorporated as a grading standard: a student with a poor attitude can answer all questions correctly, but might still get a lower grade than a student who had worked hard despite barely passing This system helps students, teachers and parents understand a student’s learning path and selfexpression It also minimises competitiveness and stress amongst students, resulting in better peer relationships and enhancing their enjoyment in achievements With the rising awareness of students’ stress and mental health, masterybased grading is on the rise, in hopes of teaching students, parents and teachers alike that growth and mastery is more important than comparison and competition.

Possible upcoming trend: Social Emotional Learning Education

As mentioned, there is a growing awareness of students' stress and mental health Mental health and self-care has been a trend in post-secondary education, and it is possible that it will be an upcoming education trend in secondary and presecondary education as well While there has been awareness of such topics before the pandemic; as social distancing continues, there has been a growth in this area. Mental health and self-care are not only important personal needs but also peer needs letting students be each other's support will enhance their empathy as well as their interpersonal skills.

So, what does the rise in such trends mean?

Skill-based or mixed learning systems allow students to access, process and then express the knowledge and information they


行,並套用在網上課程。然而很多老師 也意識到這樣的學習模式能通過簡短、 集中的活動來培養學生的知識與技能。 同時,不少老師也發現長期的微教學比 般重複的教學令學生印象更深刻和有效 培養技能。這種新模式不僅考慮了學生 長時間於在家中學習的專注力,更提高 學生的專注力,幫助學生著重於重要資 訊、鞏固他們的知識。

剛開始、比較緩慢的趨勢:能力為本的評 級制度

雖然香港目前仍很依賴分數評級制度, 但能力為本的評級制度的認受性慢慢有著 上升的趨勢。與注重學生之間比較的分 數評級制度不同,這種評級制度拿學生 與自己相比,主要評估學生技能發展與 成熟程度。當然,學生仍然需要測驗及 考試,但要求並不在於答案是否百份百 完全正確。例如,於作文考試裏,創意 分會比文法分佔更大的比重。這樣的評 級制度能確保學生的創意及個人表達不被 錯誤結構或缺乏詞彙等錯誤而被忽視或蓋 過。同樣,不少運用能力評級的制度的 考試也會用「付出」作評分基準之 : 個答對所有答案但自大或態度惡劣的學 生會比 個努力學習但求合格的學生的評 級或評分更低。這種制度能夠幫助學 生、老師和家長了解學生的學習過程、 能力和自我表達能力。同時,能力評級 制度可以大大減少學生之間的競爭心態和 壓力,從而建立更好的同伴關係,提高 他們的成就感以及享受成果。隨著對學

往上升趨勢,期望讓學生、家長和老師 都明白健康成長和掌握技能都比競爭來得 重要。 未來可能出現的新趨勢:社會情緒學習教 育 上文提及到學生壓力及精神健康問題正在 增長。精神健康及自我覺察早已是高等 教育中的熱門話題,而這很可能將會成 為中小學教育的未來教育趨勢。疫情期 間,大家慢慢意識到學生精神壓力值得 關注; 而隨著社交距離的措施的持續, 個人的精神健康意識亦急劇增加。 精神
生壓力和心理健康意識的提高,以掌握 能力和學習心態爲本的能力評級正慢慢走

健康和自我照顧不僅是重要的個人需 求,也是同伴的需求。社會情緒學習教

那麼,這種趨勢的上升意味著什麼? 能力本位教學或混合學習模式的教學能讓 學生接觸、消化、理解並展現自己所學 的知識或資訊。與此同時,教導學生個 人成長和幫助他們實現個人目標比達到嚴 格的標準更為重要。這樣不但能減少競 爭和比較,更能改善學習環境及氣氛。 這些為教育帶來希望的趨勢不僅顯示到社 會對學生個人需求的意識正在增長,更 示出我們正在努力培養下 代適應未來所 需的思維與工具。

References 1 2 3 4

Xin, G (Ed ) (2017, November 12) Education in Hong Kong: Problems and solutio The Borgen Project Education in Hong Kong: Problems and solutions. Retrieved July 24, 2022, from https://borgenproject.org/education-in-hong-kong-problemsand-solutions/

Parkes, D (Ed ) (2022, April 29) Are soft skills really more important than academic subjects to employers? Are soft skills really more important than academic subjects to employers? South China Morning Post. Retrieved July 24, 2022, from https://www.scmp.com/news/hongkong/education/article/3173423/are-soft-skills-really-more-important-academics-how-hong

Moreno, H (Ed ) (2017, December 19) Higher education goes Digital, deepening student engagement Forbes Higher education goes Digital, deepening student engagement Forbes. Retrieved July 24, 2022, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesinsights/2017/12/ 19/higher-education-goes-digital-deepening-student-engagement/?sh=1434a5a94c44

Education Bureau (2016) Report on Promotion of STEM Education Unleashing Potential in Innovation Report on Promotion of STEM Education Unleashing Potential in Innovation

Retrieved July 24, 2022, from https://www edb gov hk/attachment/en/curriculumdevelopment/renewal/STEM%20Education%20Report Eng pdf

learn. It also teaches students that personal growth and reaching personal goals are more important than reaching hard-set standards. This minimises competition and comparison and improves both the learning environment and atmosphere These promising trends not only show that there is a rising awareness of students' needs, but it also shows that we are getting better at equipping our youth with adaptive mindsets and tools for the future 育能讓學生幫助自己以外,更讓學生成 為彼此的支持力量,從而增強他們的同 理心和人際關係與溝通。
我 們 的 得 著 和 反 思

As the 2022 school year - and this book - draws to an end, our team would like to conclude with our learnings from this colourful year The pandemic continued in the academic year of 2021-2022. Yet, CoCoon Foundation has strived to stay positive and agile towards the rapidly changing situation to ensure that students have the best experiences and learnings no matter in a physical or online setting.

Adapting Our Programme

Due to the pandemic, Hong Kong’s secondary schools arranged for a new “ summer holiday” in March-April, meaning that many of our original summer STEPs had to see some reorganisation Within a tight time frame, we changed the format of STEP Eight - Internship to STEP Eight - Job Exposure Experience, to make sure students still have the chance to experience a similar job shadowing opportunity. Many students said that these two activities had enriched their holiday break despite the pandemic.

105 來到2021/2022學年年度,也是這本書 的尾聲,藉由我們團隊的反思作為 個 總結。即使疫情在這學年內仍然持續, 浩觀創業基金仍然在疫情下保持積極應對 的心,務求無論是實體,抑或網上形 式,都希望盡力讓學生有最好的體驗與 學習。 靈活調整我們的計劃 因應今年疫情下學校「提早暑假」的安 排,我們把原本於暑假的創新營和暑期 實習提前於三、四月舉辦。我們將暑期 實習的模式改為職場探索以求在緊逼的時 間內讓學生體驗最多。不少學生都表示 這兩個活動充實了他們在疫情下的假 期。 2021/2022

Teacher Training

In the past two years, our Teacher Training began with workshops focusing on introducing Design Thinking to teachers, and helping them to approach problems they faced within their own classrooms From there, we realised it was necessary to go deeper in order to help teachers truly implement these key elements of entrepreneurship into their curriculums to scale up and bring greater impact Therefore this year, we collaborated closely with Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College to co-create an Entrepreneurship Education curriculum for their Form 3 BAFS students. The process of co-creation involved train-the-trainer workshops, curriculum design, co-creation meetings and lesson observations, in order to bring systematic change within the school setting. We are looking forward to evaluating this year ' s curriculum and sharing our experiences in the education field, to encourage more schools to embrace Entrepreneurship Education

教師培訓 過去幾年,我們教師培訓計劃 直提供 設計思維工作坊,幫助老師解決在教學 時面臨的問題。 不過,我們意識到如果 希望更持續推動創業教育,有必要把創 業精神的元素真正落實和融合到學校課 程,由老師教授創業課程,藉此擴大規 模和影響力 。 有見及此,今年我們有幸 能與保良局李城璧中學合作,透過提供 設計課程內容,共同檢視會議和課堂觀 察等元素共同打造創業教育課程,希望 帶來系統性的改變。我們亦期待檢視課 程內容和向教育界分享今年的成果, 讓 更多學校參與成為我們的 份子。

Student Leaders: CCY Facilitators

This year, we have put more focus on our student community - CoCoon Youngtrepreneur. The leadership role of “CCY Facilitator” was newly established this year, and provides students with the opportunity to play a leading role in JCCSTEP activities We have found that Facilitators cherished the opportunity to lead student groups and were very conscientious We saw a huge growth in their leadership abilities after attending different leadership and facilitation workshops As we shifted to online workshops during the pandemic, their presence and efforts during JCCSTEP activities were crucial and contributed to a better learning experience for other students.

學生社群:CCYFacilitators 今年,我們投放更多焦點於學生社群CoCoonYoungtrepren。其中增設的角 色是CCYFacilitato,讓學生在 JCCSTEP 活動中有機會作帶領的角色。我們發現 Facilitato們很珍惜帶領小組討論的機 會,表現非常盡責。在參與過領袖工作 坊及作過團隊帶領的角色後,他們的確 成長了不少。非常感謝他們在 JCCSTEP 的投入和參與,讓其他參與同學有更好 的學習體驗。 CCY Facilitators CoCoon Youngtrepreneur CCY Facilitator JCCSTEP Facilitator JCCSTEP
109 我們很榮幸能夠與各位分享我們社群的心聲和希望。在浩觀創業基金,我們 希望這些對未來教育的訪問、想法及見解,能夠啟發您對教育的熱誠,培育 未來領袖的重要性。
has been a real pleasure to share these voices from
community with you At CoCoon Foundation, we hope that the interviews, thoughts and insights regarding the Future of Education can inspire and ignite your passion for education and its significance for the next generation of future leaders.
感 謝 辭

A huge thanks to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for supporting and funding the Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme. Thank you for believing in the power of entrepreneurship education.

Massive thanks to the students, teachers and schools that participated in the programme, giving their time, energy, creativity and ideas to build the community Your participation, passion and support are the raison d’etre of the work here at CoCoon Foundation.

We are also immensely grateful to our network of startups, mentors and corporates who have offered their time, knowledge and expertise Thank you for your kind generosity to nurture future leaders by offering mentorships, talks, internships, and company visits.

Finally, a big acknowledgement of the efforts of the CoCoon Foundation team, including our student interns and our designer who helped to write, translate and design our book so that we may showcase the variety of voices from our community.

非常感謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金支持並 捐助我們的計劃,以及對青少年發展和 教育作出重大貢獻。感謝你相信培育創 業精神的影響力,及其對於青少年心智 發展和建立人際網絡的重要性。

同時,我們亦十分感謝曾參與我們計劃 的學生、老師和學校!你們付出了時 間、精力、創意和意念來建設社會。你 們的參與、熱情和支持是我們浩觀創業 基金存在的理由。

我們亦很感激曾與我們合作的初創公 司、導師和企業,你們付出了時間、知 識和專業技術。對於你們慷慨地提供導 師會談、講座、實習和企業探訪,以培

養未來社會的領袖,我們深表謝意。 最後,我們非常感謝為我們撰寫、翻譯 文章和設計書籍的人,包括我們的團 隊,實習生及設計師,為我們的這本書 籍作出了巨大的貢獻。 Curation & Editing
Denise Lee Evonne Ng Translation 翻譯: Hazel Lai (CoCoon Foundation intern) Fiona Leung (CoCoon Foundation intern) CoCoon Foundation Team Design 設計: Gloria Chan from Ikigai Creative
BOARD MEMBERS 理 事 會 112 MR. HENRY CHAN 陳承楷先生 ⾹港賽⾺會 前策略性及業務發展執⾏總監 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Former Executive Director MS. EVA TO 杜巧賢女士 阿⼘杜拉國王科技⼤學 阿⼘杜拉國王科技⼤學校⻑ 道爾頓幼稚園及道爾頓基⾦會 創辦⼈ Dalton Learning Lab Founder MR. STEPHEN NG 吳志榮先生 東華三院 東華三院前執⾏總監 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Former Chief Executive 陳繁昌教授 PROF. TONY F. CHAN King Abdullah University Third President 馬殷女士 MS. ERICA MA 浩觀 聯合創辦⼈ CoCoon Co-Founder 馬墉傑先生 MR. MAX MA CoCoon Co-Founder 浩觀 聯合創辦⼈
ADVISORS 顧 問 113 梅可欣女士 MS.
MR. ROLAND YAU 游子威先生 CoCoon Ignite Ventures Managing Partner MS. SIMONE CHAO 曹志瑪女士 CoCoon Ignite Ventures Managing Partner MR. ANDREW KWAN 關兆安先生 Delight Founder and CEO
KKCA Academy
& Head of School
與 我 們 攜 手 合 作 裝 備 下 一 代 的 - 創 業 精 神 If you would like to take part equipping our next generation leaders, take a look at the ways you can get involved on the right for more information! 如果你有興趣與我們 起透過創業精神為未來建構充滿盼望的道路,請馬上 聯繫我們吧!
你的經驗可以激發學生將意念實踐。 花點時間與他們分享你的故事! Let students gain valuable working experience early on and begin learning how they can contribute to society. With your experiences and learnings, meet with students that have a developed idea and help them take it further 與具備成熟想法的學生會面,分享你的經驗與學習, 並幫助他們進 步發展。 Your journey can inspire students to take action. Take the time to share your story with them! 115 BE A MENTOR 成 為 一 位 導 師 SHARE YOUR STORY 分 享 你 的 故 事 PROVIDE INTERNSHIPS 讓學生儘早獲取工作經驗, 並開始體驗如何為社會做出貢獻。 提 供 實 習 機 會 If you too are inspired by the stories and voices in the book, we invite you to join us in paving the way for a hopeful future through entrepreneurship. Let us know what you think and how we can collaborate at step@hkcocoon org! 我們誠邀你與我們攜手透過建立新 代創業精神去建構 個有希望的未來。 如果你有意與我們合作,可以將你的想法電郵至 step@hkcocoon.org
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