Jockey Club CoCoon STEP Impact Report 2017-19

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A word from the founders 衷心感謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金一直以來對「賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計 劃」的支持。這個計劃是我們創業家的夢想,如果有穿梭機可以讓我們回到校 園時,我們都很希望有機會聯繫創業家及創新領袖、嘗試各種體驗式的實踐訓 練和機會,從而把握多變性社會的機遇。 我最大的希望是同學透過「賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃」能擁抱著「創業 思維是一種生活技能」的態度,探索世界不同的可能性,尋找自身的獨有天 賦,並努力將天賦在社會實踐,帶領世界走向可持續發展的將來及共同建立面 向全球的社群。

We are most grateful for the support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to fund the Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme. This programme has been a dream for us entrepreneurs, if we could go back in time to the days of school, we wish we had this kind of exposure to founders and innovative leaders and the experiential training to find and act on the opportunities in a rapidly evolving world. Our greatest hope for the students in this programme is that they can adopt entrepreneurship as a lifeskill to navigate the future, find their unique talents and discover purposeful endeavors to build a sustainable, productive and hopeful future for our global community. - 馬衡先生 / 馬殷女士 浩觀創業基金聯合創辦人

- Theodore Ma / Erica Ma Co-Founders of CoCoon Foundation



If we tried to think of a good idea, we wouldn’t have been able to think of a good idea. You just have to find the solution for a problem in your own life. - Brian Chesky, Co-founder of Airbnb


Table of Contents


我們的故事 願景和使命




我們的工作 計劃概覽








親身經歷分享 學生分享








背後的支持 理事及顧問






Our Story Vision & Mission Why Entrepreneurship Education? Our Work About our Programme Milestones Impact By Numbers Programme Details Testimonials Student Sharing Startups / Corporates sharing Teacher sharing Future Plans The People Behind it all Directors & Advisors Network Schools Corporates & Startups

10 11 14 16 18 20 38 44 48 54 58 60 62 7


My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long University education that I never had -- everyday I’m learning something new. - Sir Richard Branson Founder of Virgin Group



Our Story



我們的願景是培育一群具前瞻性的領袖帶領世界走 向一個可持續發展的將來。

We envision generations of pioneers leading the world into a sustainable future.

培育新世代的21世紀創業精神及擴闊其科創 企業網絡。 To foster the next generation’s 21st-century entrepreneurial mindset and connections. 10




Why Entrepreneurship Education? 創業教育如何幫助學生裝備自己,面對廿一世紀的機遇和挑戰?在充滿未知性的 未來,我們十分需要具備創業思維的創造者。創業教育能好好裝備新世代的廿一 世紀技能、發揮創意和建構意念。 我們不能預料未來世界如何發展,更沒有幫助學生達致成功的必然方程式。我們 確信創業教育能裝備學生於未知世界中尋找出路。創業教育教授學生如何面對挑 戰,將問題變成機遇,並運用以人為本的方式解決問題。透過經歷不斷嘗試、失 敗、再嘗試,並從中學習堅毅不屈的創業精神,讓他們得知成功不是必然。 學生需要更多機會去發揮創意,創新和合作精神。現行教育制度過分側重考試和 測驗成績,抑壓學生本有的創造力。創業思維不但鼓勵創意,更要求學生將創意 實踐,與人合作,從而發展創新意念。 現時世界需要勇於求變的下一代。創業家希望為社會帶來可持續的改變。於商業 角度而言,創業家積極解決現有生活痛點,希望從達成人類需求的過程中尋找商 機。從社會角度而言,創業家希望正面影響人類生活,為社會創造價值。創業教 育從這兩方面著手,訓練學生能夠針對性以創意解決問題,為世界帶來正面影響。

We live in a world where the future is uncertain, and it belongs to creators and innovators. And that’s why it’s important to learn and study entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education serves as an excellent foundation for the types of creative, innovative ideas we need to succeed in the 21st century. We can’t predict the job market students will enter into- therefore, we can’t predict what studies students will need in order to be successful after they graduate. What we do know though is that our students need skills that will allow them to navigate uncertain waters and chart their own paths. Entrepreneurship education equips students with the needed skills for them to not only survive but thrive. Students need more opportunities for creativity, innovation, and collaboration. As testing and standards take over our education system, opportunities for students to create, innovate and collaborate become scarcer. Entrepreneurship education not only encourages but also requires students to be those things. The world needs students who are looking to make a difference. Entrepreneurs, by definition, want to make a difference. Whether it is in the business or social sense, students trained in entrepreneurship education enter the world not only trained to identify problems that need solving, but also determined to creatively solve problems, meet needs, and make the world a better place. 11


One of the huge mistakes people make is that they try to force an interest on themselves. You don’t choose your passions; your passions choose you. - Jeff Bezos Founder of Amazon



Our Work


About our Programme 「賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃」囊括多元化的項目、提供創業技 能、思維及機會予同學們,使他們成為新一代的成功領袖。 The CoCoon Foundation operates JCCSTEP (Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme), an innovative model focused on T-shaped learning where the youth will have the widest exposure to the entrepreneurship ecosystem and also an immersive experience in working with start-ups.


T shaped programme 擴闊思維




Our Work 里程碑 Milestones


2019 九 月 SEP

獲童協基金會邀請於敢創社區 設計師論譠主持意念建構工作坊

Invited by by Kids4kids Kids4kidsto torun runthe the ideation workshop workshop for fortheir theirannual annual “Powered by “Powered byYouth YouthForum” Forum”

七 月 JUL

近 近30位來中學生到20間 30 位中學生到 20 間 初創公司當實習生

網絡學校數目增至35間 網絡學校數目增至 35 間

Number Number of of Network network school schools increase increase to to 35 35secondary secondaryschools schools

20+ Closesecondary to 30 secondary school school students interned students interned in in 20 startup 20 startupcompanies companies


四 月 APR 五 月 MAY

HSBC 及 代表支持出席 HSBC 及 MaBelle MaBelle 代表出席 STEP Four:企業挑戰擂台 STEP Four :企業挑戰擂台

五 月 MAY 浩觀創業基金正式成立 浩觀創業基金正式成立 CoCoon Foundation

HSBC HSBC and MaBelle representatives tookpart part representatives took in STEP Four: Four: Corporate Corporate Challenge

officially founded CoCoon Foundation

officially founded


Investing in Youth

九 月九 月 SEP SEP

獲得香港賽馬會慈善信托基金 獲得香港賽馬會慈善信托基金支持啟動 支持開到動「賽馬會浩觀青少年 「賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃」 The創業培訓計劃」 Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities

Trust funds for Jockey Club Thegranted Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities CoCoon Training in Trust Student granted funds for Jockey Club CoCoon StudentProgramme Training in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Programme


2018 九 月 SEP 九 月 SEP

全球20間學校成為網絡學校 全港 20 間學校成為網絡學校

schoolsacross acrossHong HongKong Kong 2020schools successfullybecame becamenetwork network successfully schools schools

八 月 AUG

一 月 JAN

八 月 AUG


與同學參觀Tesla、南豐紗廠、香港寬頻、 信和創意研發室及中電創新坊 與同學參觀 Tesla 、南豐紗廠、 Took students to visit Tesla , The 香港寬頻、信和創意研發室

Running Creativity workshop for Guangdong experimental school Guangdong Experimental Schooland visited CoCoon Foundation visited CoCooninFoundation participated a creativity workshop

HKBN, andTesla, Sino Inno TookMills, students to visit The lab, and CLP Innovation Hub Mills, HKBN, and Sino Inno lab

獲邀於商業電台「同途有心人」 中作分享嘉賓

to share shareatatRTHK RTHKRadio Radio Invited to on “The “The Way WayWe WeAre” Are” Broadcast on 五 月 MAY 五 月 MAY

24 位同學完成遙距初 創實習體驗 24位同學完成遙距初 創實習體驗 24 students successfully

二 月 FEB

恒基兆業地產及HSBC 恒基兆業地產及 HSBC 參與企業挑戰擂台

completed internships 24 students online successfully with startups completed online

internship with startups

Henderson & Land HSBC representative joins Development & HSBC Corporate Challenge representatives joined Corporate Challenge

四 月 APR 四 月 APR 與Swarovski及Smart Energy Connect powered by CLP合作, 與 Swarovski 及 完成首個網上企業挑戰擂台 Smart Energy Connect

四 月 APR

宜家家俬團隊參與參與 宜家家居團隊參與 企業挑戰擂台

IKEA team took take parts part in ina Corporate Challenge 完成第100 場JCCSTEP 場 JCCSTEP 講座/ 工作坊 講座 / 工作坊

Delivered 100100 Deliveredour ourfirst first JCCSTEP talk/workshop talk / workshop



powered CLP 合作 Completed ourby first Online 完成首個網上企業挑戰擂台 Corporate Challenge with the support of Swarovski Completed our first and Online CLP Smart Energy Connectwith Corporate Challenge powered CLP of Swarovski and the by support CLP Smart Energy Connect powered by CLP

十二月 十二月 DEC DEC

十 月 OCT

CoCoon Co C oo n Youngtrepreneur Youngt repreneur舉辦 舉辦 首個網上Coding分享會 首個網上 Coding 分享會 CoCoon Youngtrepreneur CoCoon Youngtrepreneurhosted hostedtheir their first online online coding first meetupmeetup teaching coding

CoCoon Youngtrepreneur籌委 CoCoon Youngtrepreneur 成員主辦Christmas 成員主辦 ChristmasParty Party 籌委


Our Work

工作成果 Impact By Numbers


擴展 40 間網絡學校 Network Schools


接觸 8,400+ 學生 Students Equipped: 8,400+


聯繫 120+ 初創企業 Supporting Startups / Corporates 120+


培育 98 位初創實習生 Internships Matched: 98


見證 882 個學生 Prototypes 及 Pitches Student prototypes created / Student Pitches: 882


團隊足跡走遍 3727.1km Team total travel distance: 3727.1km


帶領 174 個破冰遊戲 Ice Breakers conducted: 174


進行 160 檢討環節 Team Debriefs: 160


累積 423 活動時數 Cumulated Training hours: 423 hrs


Our Work

計劃詳情 Programme Overview 在同學探索創業精神的旅程中,連繫他們與人脈、資源及機會。

STEP 1 創業家分享


互動講座:面對面與創業家交流,聆聽他們第一身職場經驗分享, 接觸創業精神的應用,了解創業、革新、創意、與科技皆緊緊相扣!

Students have the opportunity to hear the experiences of a local entrepreneur, first hand, to understand entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity, technology and their relevance in the 21st century.

STEP 2 意念建構工作坊


工作坊:透過設計思維,與團隊一起解決複雜問題; 並學習自信地把創新意念精要獨到地表達出來!

Through using design thinking, teams will work together to solve a problem and learn how to exercise creative confidence!

STEP 3 職業影子日


初探職場:一天的工作體驗,於初創企業文化 中探索自己心儀的方向,了解各學科於現實世界的應用。

A day of work experience at startup companies to test out the waters of the working world, and exploring individual interests.


As we walk alongside the students entrepreneurial journey, we connect them with people, resources, and opportunities.


一天經驗:讓不同院校的年輕人走在一起,嘗試拆解大小企業 營運時遇上的挑戰,為他們策劃創新有效的解決方案!

Students from different schools team up to try and find a solution to real-life business problems for corporate; and learn how to use a business model canvas to help present their idea!


創新營 INNOVATION CAMP 聯校活動:在4日的創新營裡,學習不同的創業工具、走訪不同的公司 及獲得創業導師指導,進深了解如何策劃屬於自己的商業模式及自信地表達自我。

A four day camp where students get to define their own problem and find a solution. They learn how to utilise the lean canvas model to present their idea, meet with mentors from different professional fields, visit various companies before pitching their final idea.










Lasting 2 weeks, the summer internship participants can gain a valuable working experience, dive deeper into individual interests in the field and expand their professional network.


An interschool opportunity to meet startup representatives, learn and practice interview skills and build their own CV in order to understand the needs and desires of the future work environment.




Our Work



We connect them with.. People 除致力拓展同學創科人脈外,浩觀創業 基金提供機會讓同學認識志同道合的朋 友,建立同輩支援網絡。因應本年度社 會轉變帶來的契機,同學更能以網上形 式與創業家及企業家交流。

We want to not only expand students’ professional network but also connect them with like minded peers so that they can encourage each other through the journey. This year, we continued to bring entrepreneurs to schools to share their journey and connect corporates with fresh ideas. We also brought these elements online!


學習經歷非常深刻,比起之前更理解創業需具備的條件及 特質,了解到自己是否適合創業,知道自己的創意程度, 自我審視。 - 王瀞謙


這個經歷讓我受益匪淺。我和組員是在導師的幫助下認 識的。導師先讓我們各自介紹,然後再告訴我們需要 做甚麼。之後便一起討論,一起製作 PPT,一起練習 present,相互幫助。我們在最後成功介紹了的解決方 案。企業代表也指出了我們未曾考慮到的地方。這次經歷 讓我難以忘記,我知道了團隊合作的重要性,知道了企業 可能會遇到哪些難題,也讓自己對創業的興趣越來越高, 也提升了對創業的信心。 - 劉舒欣



通過這次學習,我更了解創業思維,懂得和朋友合作, 一同完成。創業不是一朝一夕的事,應該懂得堅持,不 放棄,方能有所成就。 - 祁藍黎


在其他組別裡得到了更多的啟發,讓我對創業也有了更多 的認識,更擴闊了自己的社交圈子,認識到更多優秀的 同學。 - 林恩如

風采中學 (教育評議會主辦)

我認識了原來創業並不是我想的那麼困難, 亦不需要很 多金錢才可以創業。創業是需要自己去尋找社會上的問 題“然後根據這個問題加以延伸拓展以及自己的創意所 整合出來的一個能讓社會認可的一個解決方案。” - 施景濤

明愛屯門馬登基金中學 25


Our Work



We connect them with.. Resources 浩觀創業基金深信,只要讓同學擁有 適當資源,便能啓發他們的創意,從 而推動社會進步。配合本年度遙距初創 實習體驗,我們舉行網上面試及履歷工 作坊。讓同學率先感受未來職場及工作 文化。

We believe that given the right resources, students will be able to take their ideas forward and shape a new reality. This year, we taught students online how to present themselves professionally in interviews, hosted workshops on how to create a resume, as well as share what the Future of Work is and how they should prepare for it. Students had the opportunity to experience remote working through an online internship as well!


在面試技巧工作坊中,我學會了面試的基本技巧及面試 需要准備什麽。並且在 Zoom Live 中,我學會了 CV 的製作,十分實用。其次,在網上搵工平台上,我瞭 解到原來香港有那麽多的初創企業。最後在網上面試日 中,我從與面試官的交流中瞭解到若投身此行業需要具 備什麽資歷,也讓我瞭解到這些崗位到底需要做什麽, 方便我思考日後的發展方向。 - 張嘉婷

風采中學 (教育評議會主辦)

The Online Internship Expo has given me some insights into startup companies and interview skills and also how to build a good cv. I believe that the skills gained through this workshop will be useful in my future interviews. - 竺子朗



在這次面試中我見識了很多不同公司的業務。向它們對 職位的需求並非單一,例如見一間公司的業務主打雲端 服務,卻想聘請市場研究實習生,這是希望了解市場需 求,新的技術等,為客戶提供更合適的建議和方案。除 此之外,我亦從中發現我可以準備更多,例如閱讀相關 方面的書籍和資料,而不是等待他人的教導。 - 湯詩穎


這次實習活動給了我難得的機會去當實習生,雖然無法 親身在公司和同事工作,但是 Home Office 對彼此的 聯繫感也是很好的。我十分感謝 CoCoon 和 StudioR 的包容和關懷,在短短兩星期,除了增加了對初創企業 的認識,我學會了團體精神的重要性。一個人可以跑得 很快,一群人可以跑得很遠。 - 葉靖儀



CoCoon Foundation 今個學年的活動令我獲益良多,包括有一些創業家的理 念、他們為何想改變社會和如何用他們的方法去改變社會。 例如在 Step 5 面試體驗活動中,我了解到有公司設立平台簡化聚會的繁瑣工 作,從而促進朋友間的關係和提供便利予不同人士設立聚會;又例如有公司希望 改善市民的飲用水體驗,設立不同的飲水機在不同商場、學校、甚至郊野公園 中,提高了市民的飲用水質素。這些公司的共通點都是留意市民生活上細微的痛 點,在設立公司營運生意,令這個想法可以在城市中持續發展。這一個想法正正 啟發我,並鼓勵我在日後往這方面發展。 在 Step 7 實習活動中,我到一間公司為學校提供平台作教授用途的公司中實 習,他們給予我的工作是蒐集不同公司提供的課程資料,整合並進行報告。在蒐 集的過程中雖然苦悶乏味,但最後進行資料分析並報告結果時卻感到喜悅,我也 在活動中增強了使用文書程式及報告的技巧。 總括來說,我推薦 CoCoon 的活動給一些未確定自己方向的同學,因為了解不 同初創公司的理念可以清晰對未來的方向,亦可以在活動中提升自己的硬技巧和 軟技巧。 - 何曜鋒





Our Work



We connect them with.. Opportunities 即便是年輕的同學,他們擁有我們意想 不到的天賦及創意。當在機會面前, 同學亦能與成年人一樣,憑自身之力 為社會創造改變。我們推出網上意念 工作坊,以互動形式教授設計思維及 Pitching,為同學提供在家自主學習 機會。除線上以外,我們亦不忘線下體 驗,帶領同學到 Tesla、南豐紗廠、香 港寬頻、信和創意研發室等公司了解最 新科技。

Sometimes we are all just waiting for the time to shine. We want to connect students with relevant opportunities for them to use their talents, skills, and ideas to create an impact. This year, we not only taught students Design Thinking and Pitching at school, we also launched an interactive workshop online for students! We brought students to check out the latest technology from Tesla, The Mills, HKBN, as well as Sino Innolab!


今次的創新營是出乎意料以外的好玩同學到很多東西,因為原本創業對我來說是 很遙遠的事。因為我仍是一個中學生,這對我來說並不十分相關,但經歷了創新營 後,我發現學到了的創新思維並非一定要創業才用得著,其實在日常生活也能用 到這些技能,就例如如何跳出框框去思考,或是堅持,有遠見等,在未來也能用 得著。 我覺得我每一次參加 CoCoon Foundation 的活動都看到有進步,每一次失敗並 無令到我放棄,反而令我更了解自己的不足,我再次多謝 CoCoon Foundation 一班同事,希望你們可以繼續進步,加油!我支持你們! - Eve Li Wing Yan



我覺得整個 camp 令我獲益良多,對我的人生目標一個大前進。我的夢想是成 為一個創業家,但我一點都不知道做一個創業家需要具備什麼特質。當我參加完 一次有一次的 CoCoon Foundation 活動,我對創業家有更深入的認知,了解, 而我對我的目標越來越明確。我很感謝 CoCoon Foundation 一班團隊很用心去 設計每一個活動,不會因為我們是一班學生而去隨便教我們。除次之外,每一次 跟 CoCoon Foundation 團隊聊天,她們都有很多有用的意見給我。這些我都很 欣賞。 我覺得我每一次參加 CoCoon Foundation 的活動都看到有進步,每一次失敗並 無令到我放棄,反而令我更了解自己的不足,我再次多謝 CoCoon Foundation 一班同事,希望你們可以繼續進步,加油!我支持你們! - 蔡泉葵




A lot of people complain about yesterday. We have no power to change yesterday. But this very day, 30 years later, is what we can control and decide. Change yourself, take baby steps, and stay determined for ten years. I thank the times of change and everyone’s complaints. Because when everyone is complaining, that is your chance, an opportunity. It’s only in times of change that someone can be clear of what he has and wants, and what he needs to give up. - Jack Ma CEO of Alibaba



Testimonials 學生分享

Student Sharing 透過同學親身分享,最能感受社會未來主人翁是如何將問題轉化成機會。

Meet the next generation leaders. These are the students that always choose to step up and see pain points as opportunities.

I joined CoCoon Foundation’s STEP programme because I was interested in learning more about social entrepreneurship in the first place. My internship experience at Cocoon Community has been very rewarding. I had my doubts at first given that my internship is held online and remote, but I’m so glad that I tried my best to get the most out of my internship period by challenging myself with tasks that I was not familiar with. It encourages me to constantly think out of the box and delve into new areas of knowledge. I would recommend JCCSTEP to my peers and just anyone who is inquisitive and passionate about social entrepreneurship! - Angel Wong Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong


I would like to thank my school principal Ms. So, my school teacher Mr. Anson Man and CoCoon Foundation for helping me get closer to my goals and achievements. I wanted to join the summer internship so that I can understand the process that happens behind the success of building a company that later turns into an empire of hopes. You see, my future goal is to become an entrepreneur, an influencer and an investor. I am always willing to give my best when it comes to these things- I am never a shy person, This is why I come to CoCoon Foundation feeling like this is the home of opportunities, home of entrepreneurs, and business minds. As I was working in the startup that CoCoon Foundation paired with me for 2 weeks, I met amazing people. I got to network with them and learn the skills that I have been wanting to learn. One of the most important lessons that I learned from my internship was: I am not meant to be an employee. I should strive to be a founder because I have ideas and visions that I know I can turn to reality. I hope I can build the finest team and together we will make a dent in this world. It’s funny how I got to know my future at such an early age. We must all try to figure out our lives by dipping our toes into oceans, lakes, and different pools to discover the different parts of ourselves. We must try to make an impact starting from the small things we love. - Garauvdeep Rosaryhill School


「我希望可以幫助到與我有同樣經歷的人」現年大專一年級生, 林家賢 Steven說。 由自身出發 創業助人 從小不是個學業出眾的學生,Steven 一直希望可以找尋分數以外 的自己。機緣巧合下,透一個活動,Steven 深深被 Steve Jobs 這位代表創新、創業的標誌性人物所吸引,從此令他對創業產生 興趣。在熱烈的 STEM 氛圍下,透過參與不同的創科活動及比 賽,Steven 開始找到自己的興趣、專長。 但要更好建立自我,何不建構屬於自己的創業意念?「自小我的數 學成績便不太好,更因此令我在朋輩、師長相處上遇到困難。我希 望可以幫助到與我有同樣經歷的人。」Steven 坦誠地道出一段小 時候的不愉快經歷。了解到創業意念是由問題出發,Steven 乾脆 以此為起點,與三位志同道合的同學組成團隊,一起往目標進發。 揉合學習與趣味,Steven 與成員創立 M.E.C.S. 遊戲數學卡牌, 旨在令小學及初中同學可以在輕鬆的環境下更好掌握數學,讓數學 不再是令人卻步的學科。 在創業社群 再度上路 「我不敢多想自己有什麼長處,我害怕會自滿。」被問及自己有什 麼成功之處,從 Steven 的答案看得出他對自己的要求嚴格。卡牌 除獲老師賞識而在校內活動中使用,街外銷售亦表現理想,初出版 的數量已全部沽清。創業路途滿有阻礙,所有成果得來不易,使他 時刻提醒自己腳踏實地的重要。 M.E.C.S.團隊的組成,將四位中五(當時)的同學由朋友變成戰 友。團隊合作是 Steven 在創業旅途上的最大得著,與隊友共同成 長更為他帶來莫大滿足感。察覺到人脈、團隊的重要,Steven 希 望在這方面再自我挑戰。 賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃中的學生主導社群 — CoCoon Youngtrepreneur,目標連繫對創業懷有熱誠的年青人與他們 同行開創未來的可能性。在學校連繫下,Steven 在 Youngtrepreneur 的社群上積極爭取不同資源及機會,更在當中 擔任起學生領袖的角色。與數學卡牌的初心不謀而同,在自身經歷 影響下,透過領袖角色,為社群參與者設計活動。 「在這個社群內,我十分享受認識不同相同興趣的朋友,我更感受 到我與身邊的人一起成長。」 - 林家賢


「從前,我是一個等待機會的人;現在,我勇於踏出安舒區尋找機會」,來自香港科技大學的一年級 生林維雋(Marco)自信地分享他的生活哲學。 中學生涯積極參與不同活動 Marco 來自地區名校,在學時期已嘗試參加多項活動,希望藉此找到自己的興趣。作為經濟學會的 主席,校內茶會、校慶統籌,以至協助老師帶隊的港交所參觀都安排得井井有條;而訴說最為難忘的 活動,則是參與校內辯論隊。 報名參加活動最老掉牙的原因,通常都是陪朋友參加活動,但最終只有自己入圍,而 Marco 的辯論 之旅也是這樣開始的。他興奮地分享,辯論最吸引之處就是整個團隊為目標進發,很熱血,無論最後 如何,我們也會共享成果。除此之外,Marco 亦認為,辯論的過程中,能訓練他的思維邏輯及處之 泰然面對各種特如期來的事。而此時,學校剛好有一個機會,能應用他在辯論隊學到的技能 - 賽馬 會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃。 學以致用 將技能解鎖 Marco 分享,計劃的三大部分最吸引他,分別是建構人際網絡、連繫創新資源及​擁 有實踐機會,但 考慮到在學時期,已參加了很多不同的校內活動,他只選擇連續兩年參加了計劃中的創新營,而這個 經歷吸引他繼續支持計劃發展。在第一年的創新營中,Marco 與團隊一起建構方案解決社會問題, 最後更在台上與大家分享方案,對他來說是一個很大的成功感。回想第二年參與創新營,Marco 由 參與者的角色,變成小組的隊長,帶領新一屆參與創新營的同學融入團隊、參與不同的項目,他亦能 運用到在辯論隊中學習的思維邏輯協助參與同學建構方案。 Marco 笑言,升讀大學後也很想繼續在這計劃中成長。與其他計劃不同,Marco 表示浩觀提供的彈 性很大,而浩觀的團隊視我們為「每個獨立的個體」,給予他們很多的自由度作決定,所以他升讀大 學後決定接受計劃學生籌委的邀請,與另外4位學生籌委一起策劃不同的活動給予來屆參加計劃的同 學。 我們能開創傳統 「在這裡,我們沒有『上莊』傳統限制,我們能開創不同的可能性,創造屬於 CoCoon Youngtrepreneur 的傳統和文化」Marco 分享時眼露光茫。他續說,認為現在有年齡的優勢,在 不同試錯的機會中成長,在了解自己不足同時,找到自身有興趣的發展方向。在過去半年中,Marco 已與學生籌委團隊舉辦兩次分別線上和線下活動,有超過60名來自10多間學校的同學參與。 Marco 笑言在籌備活動中的待優之處是相互間的協調,「大家來自不同的背景,現在在不同的大專 院校升學,課堂時間各有不同,要多加溝通才能有更佳的協調效果」。作為學生籌委成員,他下半年 的目標是設計更連貫的活動體驗,與同學在生活層面上了解更多創業思維的應用。 - 林維雋



作為中學生,我對創業的認識不多,卻一直於心中有一份對創業的熱誠。我不知道創業的第 一步是什麼,唯有逐步去了解職場社會,再嘗試去創業,為此我在 CoCoon Foundation 實習了兩星期。雖然只是短短的兩星期,我學會的事物卻是終生受用。 「人總有很多不認識的事情」,這是我學會的第一件事。上班的第一天,我根本不知道自己 要做什麼,工作不懂得去做、軟件不懂得去用,其實我不認識的又何止工作、軟件?我希望 學會所有的事物,令我可以自己創業。但世界之大,我沒有可能學會一切。我在實習的期間 只可以盡力學習,將知識變成我創業的基礎。接納和認識自己的不足,是我第一個得著。 「團隊合作」,是我學會的第二件事。正因為每個人都有不認識的事,每個人之間的合作更 顯得重要。在實習的兩星期內,我觀察到 CoCoon Foundation 的團隊合作無間,她們互相 欣賞各自擅長的領域,各自發揮長處,完成不同的工作。互相欣賞、團隊合作,是我第二個 得著。 「一天只有 24 小時,無論對誰也是一樣」,是我學會的第三件事。這句句子看似簡單易 明,但當中卻含意不少。每人一天只有 24 小時,而每個人都值得擁有其私人時間。時間過 去了,買不回也追不回,因此尊重別人的時間是十分重要的。抓緊自己的時間,學習自己不 認識的事物,不浪費一分一秒;珍惜各人的時間,發揮團隊合作,在緊逼的時間完成不同的 工作。同時尊重自己以及別人的時間,並在有限的時間、資源內,把其價值無限地放大,這 就是創業的人。創業家其實與別人無異,只是他們懂得尊重和珍惜每人的一分一秒。 我進行實習的日子多少其實並不重要,重要的是從中領悟的得著,大家不妨細心回想以前, 看看自己能得到什麼啟發。 - 汪梓煒





Testimonials 企業和初創公司分享

Startups / Corporates sharing 他們的意念十分吸引我。回想我還是他們這個年紀, 我沒有辦法想到這麼創新性的點子,並用邏輯思考及 故事形式 去表達意念。對我而言,這是一個學習的 過程。

- Tina Chen Head of Strategic Sourcing at SWAROVSKI

他們整體的點子十分創新,亦看得出他們有了解我們 的工作,不是隨便做一個點子。認清敵人是十分重要 的事,他們有做到這件事。

- Serena Pau Head of Product Management at Smart Energy Connect CLP


今天同學問了我們一個問題,而那問題是我們團隊在實踐 過程中真實面對過。我發現原來同學的創意程度與成年人 差不多,我十分欣賞他們。

- Alice Shih Product Officer HKTVmall

當同學展示意念時,他們的點子讓我發現到在工作過程中, 我們只著重如何讓客戶去購物,而忽視了目標用戶的需要, 這是我們團隊值得向同學學習的地方。我亦十分欣賞有同學 在公佈結果後,向我詢問可以如何再改進。他力求完美的態 度是我們所有人都需要學習的事。 創業精神是每人都需要的技能。現在社會中,有很多不同用 家都賞試去創做不同的 app,解決生活上不同的痛點。他 們的創意讓人類可以不斷進步,這是創業精神的重要之處。

- Henman Tsui Assistant Manager at HKTVmall

從同學的成果中,我感受到他們的無限創意和突破框框的 想法。這次的活動並不只是我們給予同學機會,他們亦啓 發了我們的思維。

- Irene Leung Senior UI/UX Designer at HKTVmall


網上面試和遙距實習能讓同學更了解現時及未來職場趨 勢,透過遙距工作亦能訓練同學的自主學習、與人協作及 解難能力,這是廿一世紀職場必備的條件,而這些中學生 的工作表現更不亞於大學生工作水平。

- Kow Hong Yee Founder of Gobuddy

我十分喜歡賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃,因為在我讀 中學的時候並沒有機會接觸創業這個範疇,所以只是在大 學的時候才有創業的念頭。即使在大學的環境中,創業亦 是一個新的概念,結果令我在創業的過程中經歷了很多挫 拆,包括了金錢、時間的損失等。這個計劃最好的地方是 有機會讓中學生從創業家身上了解創業家的歷程,特別是 創新營,有機會讓同學建構自己的商業意念,從一些實際 的範疇,如成本結構、競爭對手等深入地了解創業。

- Anthony Lam Director of Marketing and Business Development of Venture Solutions 46

賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃的好處是讓同學有實踐的 機會,例如在創業家分享中,同學有機會去對創業家發 問,而對比學生從書本中了解創業更直接,可以面對面的 交流;另外,在暑期實習的部份,讓中學生可以嘗試在初 創企業中工作,觀察公司同事的態度,讓他們有更多的職 場體驗。

- Anson Suen Co-Founder and Director of FundPark

「書到用時方恨少。」很多人在創業時會遇到很多問題, 而賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃中可以裝備同學一些需 要的知識及技能,如透過利用設計思維去幫助同學設計出 一個產品,這是十分重要的過程。

- Leo Yeung Founder of Magicube



Testimonials 老師分享

Teacher Sharing


再次感謝賽馬會浩觀創業基金舉辦青少年創業培訓計劃! 現代社會於面臨急劇轉變,擁抱以往墨守成規想法只會逐漸被社會洪流所淘汰,而 創新及解難能力正是面對新時代最需要的特質。然而,這些能力難以透過傳統課堂培 養,必須通過親身體驗及實踐,才能轉化為參與者自身的能力。去年因緣際遇得知這 計劃,即時引起我的濃厚興趣,計劃中的多元化活動正是培養創新力及解難力的大好 機會。 這計劃提倡的創業精神亦可推動當代年青人發展應付時代所需的特質︰主動、外向、 堅持、合作,並且提供實習和體驗機會予學生走出課室進入真實職場。參加計劃的高 中學生不約而同表示,整個計劃的不同活動能夠提供多元化且另類的學習經驗,由到 校的創業工作坊開拓學生對於創業的全新視野,到面試工作坊讓學生獲得最真實的見 工體驗,再到初創公司擔任實習生的工作機會,這些均使到參與學生大開眼界,而且 明白到職場的運作,更重要是讓學生走出安舒區進行自我審視,甚至直視自己的不 足,再思考如何在未來加以改善。以上這些絕非日常課堂能夠學懂的人生體驗,正是 推動學生成長的助燃劑。 整個計劃設計全面且周到,浩觀的同工亦充滿教育熱誠及創意,即使面對疫情來襲也 臨危不亂,即時將活動改為網上進行。事後更提供詳細和專業的檢討及分享,使到老 師也能有所裨益,反思日常教學以及當代學生真正需要甚麼,這些經驗對於教育界同 工更是難能可貴! - 資優教育組主任





To prepare students for the rapid change in the job market, I would strongly recommend JCCSTEP. This is the first year our school is joining this programme. We arranged the activities of STEP One and Two in the second term, looking forward to the impacts on the F.4 students. Unfortunately, the school was suspended due to the COVID pandemic. I thought it was a pity that the activities had to be cancelled. Nevertheless, the CoCoon team was quick to respond and prepared videos and interactive online platforms so that the workshops can be conducted online. The student’s participation rate for the sharing by entrepreneurs was satisfactory. Most students found that the experience and spirit of entrepreneurs are relevant to them regardless of what their career goals are. It is truly important to let students understand that perseverance and swift adjustment of strategies in response to the situation are the keys to success. I am deeply grateful to the CoCoon Foundation team for their efforts in the preparation of materials and the arrangement. Interested students were invited to join the interactive online workshop on design thinking after STEP One. I personally have gone through the process. I am amazed by the immense amount of work the CoCoon team has input to produce the interactive workshop. Within one hour, students can develop a basic idea using design thinking and pitching. I believe these skills and concepts are crucial for students to be competitive in the workplace. It is never too early to allow students to be exposed to these concepts. We sent two students to participate in STEP Four Corporate Challenge. They cooperated with students from other schools to work on a business plan to promote sustainability. Students got the chance to understand the real problems faced by commercial companies and applied their knowledge in an attempt to solve it. After the activity, the students shared with me that they learnt a lot from the challenge in terms of problem solving, collaborative skills and pitching. They expressed that these skills are definitely useful in equipping themselves for the future. They also requested to join other activities from the programme to further widen their horizon. I believe the Innovation camp in August would be enjoyable and beneficial to the students. I believe students can expand their network and get more insights about their own career path. It promotes knowledge, skills and a much needed mindset in students regarding life planning and career development. I hope we can continue to cooperate in the next school year to equip more students. - Lilian Ho Careers Teacher

Holy Trinity College



I think the number one advice I can give is — you just have to start it. Just get your feet in the water and do it. I learned a lot from just trying it out. - Yoshikazu Tanaka Founder of GREE



Future Plans 踏入計劃的第二個三年,我們會繼續將創業教育帶入本地學校,更 會籌辦「創新指南」工作坊,在三方面鞏固同學的商業意念:意念 建構,資源運用及意念實踐。同時會在在每個學年年終舉辦香港青 年創業擂台比賽,讓同學展示創新意念。 疫情之下,工作模式急速 改變。我們會舉辦未來職場博覽,向同學預視未來職場工作模式。 本計劃更希望與老師攜手合作,將創業教育的元素融入學校課程和 教學活動當中,一同推動本地創業教育,重燃香港創業精神。


In the upcoming three years, we will continue our programme and deliver entrepreneurship education in local secondary schools. Apart from the original elements of the programme, we will organize “Innovation Compass” workshops to help student’s ideas mature. We will equip them with resources that they need and teach them how they can turn their ideas into actions. Students will also be able to showcase their innovative ideas in the Hong Kong Youngtrepreneur Pitch at the end of the academic year. In this competition opened to all Hong Kong local schools, students will be paired up with an industry expert as a mentor. As the world begins to change, we need to become better at preparing our students for the future of work. We will organize a Future of Work Expo to equip students with insights of the working environment in the future. We will also work with teachers in the promotion of entrepreneurship education and integrate relevant elements into school curriculum and learning activities. 55


Life is not just eating, drinking, television and cinema. The human mind must be creative, must be self-generating; it cannot depend on just gadgets to amuse itself. - Lee Kuan Yew Former Prime Minister of Singapore



The People Behind it all 理事 Board of Directors





Mr. Tony F. Chan

Ms. Eva To





Mr. Henry Chan

Mr. Stephen Ng

President of KAUST

Former Executive Director of The Hong Kong Jockey Club 58

Founder of Little Dalton

Former Chief Executive of Tung Wah Group Hospitals

顧問 Advisors


Baker & Bloom 創辦人

Ms. Renee Boey

Founder of Baker & Bloom

游子威先生 科控資本執行合夥人

Mr. Roland Yau Managing Partner of

CoCoon Ignite Ventures





Ms. Simone Chao

Mr. Andrew Kwan

Managing Partner of CoCoon Ignite Ventures

Venture Partner of CoCoon Ignite Ventures



The People Behind it all

40+ 網絡學校

Network Schools Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College

Ning Po College

Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School

Pak Kau College

Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School

PLK Lee Shing Pik College

CCC Ming Yin College

PLK Ma Kam Ming College

CCC Mong Man Wai College

Elegantia College (Sponsored By Education Convergence)

Christ College

Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College

Rosaryhill Secondary School

Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School Shau Kei Wan Government Secondary School

CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School

SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School

CNEC Lee I Yao Memorial Secondary School

St. Mark’s School

Elegantia College

St. Paul’s Co-educational College

Heung To Middle School (Tin Shui Wai)

Tin Ka Ping Secondary School

HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School

TWGHs Chen Zao Men College

HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School

TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College

HKUGA College

TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College

Holy Trinity College

TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College

Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School

TWGHs S. C. Gaw Memorial College

Kwun Tong Maryknoll College

Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School

Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong

Yu Chun Keung Memorial College

Marymount Secondary School Munsang College (Hong Kong Island)




The People Behind it all




Corporates & Startups


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