Iconic Vinyl Art creates contemporary pop art, portraits, and paintings from unconventional and/or recycled materials. Aged barn wood, salvaged redwood planks, pallet oak, weathered steel, oil pans, car hoods, and more are repurposed to create thought-provoking images of iconic, popular, and controversial figures of the 20th century.
Lorenzo Crockett’s goal and passion are to build a bridge of visual art and open narratives about our past through deceased or living
icons and public figures. Images of those who made an impact or difference on humanity and acknowledgment of them on this unique artistic platform can be used as a teaching tool and demonstrate the similarities we share rather than our differences.
Check out Lorenzos on: Instagram: @iconic_vinyl_art Facebook: @iconicvinylart
Studio Location: The Vintage Vagabond Gallery & Flea / 310 Georgia St, Vallejo, CA 94590
This article was brought to you by the Commission on Culture and the Arts
Broadway Project Breaks Ground

Broadway Project, the City’s Homekey funded project, has broken ground!
The City of Vallejo received $12.1M from the Department of Housing and Community Development Division through their Homekey Round 2 grant to fund the Broadway Project which is designed to serve the unhoused population in our community. The project will include 47 permanent supportive units, 1 managers unit, a community room, courtyard and access to a rooftop deck. The City has partnered with Firm Foundation Community
Housing to develop and build the project and Factory OS who built the modular units. The City will also be partnering with Shelter INC who will provide supportive services once the project is opened. These services will include on-site case management, outside service coordination, life skills classes (including budgeting, stress management, computer skills, job training, nutrition, and hygiene) and public transportation assistance.
The City looks forward to the completion of construction and a successful opening in 2023.
To follow along on the project visit myvallejo. com/broadwayproject
2022 Economic Development Strategic Plan
Economic Development Strategic Plan
New Survey Question!!!
Tellusaboutyourshoppingexperiencein Vallejo!
As part of the City’s 2022 Economic Development Plan to guide the future of Vallejo, we need to hear from you! Share your ideas and concerns about issues and opportunities in

Vallejo and in your neighborhood, by answering the questions posted weekly on the ED Plan webpage: myvallejo.com/2022edplan. This week’s survey question... “Stay Informed” - Let us know how you stay informed/keep up to date about what is happening in the City now!
While you are there – be sure to subscribe to the 2022 Economic Development Strategic Plan page to get the latest news and updates on the plan as it is being developed.
City Hall Holiday Closure
Happy Holidays from the City of Vallejo!
Please note that City offices will be closed in celebration of the holidays from Monday, December 26, 2022, through Monday, January 2, 2023.
City Hall will reopen on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.

GVRD Holiday Events!

Looking for something for youth to do to celebrate the season? The Greater Vallejo Recreation District is hosting a variety of funfilled events for the whole family throughout the month of December. To pre-register, see the schedule of programs and events, or for more information, please visit their website at www.GVRD.org
Festival of Lights!
Children’s Wonderland Park -360 Glenn Street, Vallejo
FREE Event! Fun for the entire family! Crafts. Holiday Lights. Concessions.
Flannels and Flap Jacks
South Vallejo Community Center- 545 Magazine Street, Vallejo Session 1: 8:00am Session 2: 10:30am Tickets: $18/person (2 and up) Ticket includes a delicious breakfast, photo with Santa, wrapped gift, live music entertainment, & more! Don’t forget your flannels! For more info visit www.GVRD.org or call (707)648-4600
Holiday Toy Giveaway
Children's Wonderland Park- 360 Glenn Street, Vallejo 4:00pm-8:00pm
Pre-registration required! To learn more and register, click here.
QUESTIONS? Please contact (707) 648-4600
Upcoming City Council Police Oversight Model (POM)
The City Council, the Vallejo Police Department, and City Leadership staff have made a firm commitment to our ongoing police reform efforts. One of the key aspects of the ongoing efforts is the establishment of a model of independent oversight for the Vallejo Police Department. The following upcoming meeting dates have been established.

• MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2022 (Workshop)
• THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2022 (Possible introduction of the ordinance)
• TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2022 (possible adoption of POM ordinance)
The meetings will occur in City Council Chambers at City Hall, 555 Santa Clara Street in Vallejo.
Please visit MyVallejo.com/POM to learn more about POM and subscribe to POM updates.

The McCune Collection Foundation presents: A Demonstration of Printmaking by Thomas Wojak
Please join Master Printer and Professor Emeritus, Thomas Wojak, at his studio The W.O.R.K.S in downtown Vallejo on Sunday Dec. 11th at noon. The artist will explain, show samples, and demonstrate the medium of screen printing as it applies to limited edition fine art prints.

DATE/TIME: Sunday, Dec. 11, 2022 @ Noon
LOCATION: 437 Georgia St. Light refreshments will be served
Screen printing is the most versatile of all the print mediums with no real limitations of size, substrates and multiple color prints. The foundations and concepts of stencil methods of printing date back to early Chinese and Japanese artists and the use of paper stencils. (N.B. the studio is an oil-based printing facility) Wojak’s studio was founded in San Francisco in 1972 and in 2002 relocated to the Vallejo showroom, studio and live/work facility.
Thomas holds an MFA Degree in Printmaking and is past Chair of the program at California College of the Arts in Oakland and San Francisco (CCA).
This article was brought to you by the McCune Collection Foundation
On Tuesday, November 15, 2022, The city of Vallejo, in partnership with PG&E, shared a hands-on lesson on environmental remediation with 30 high school students at MIT Academy and over 100 middle school students at Griffin Academy at the former Vallejo Manufactured Gas Plant remediation project (located at Curtola Parkway and Sonoma Avenue).

Staff from PG&E showed the students air monitoring equipment similar to what is currently being used at the active project site. The presentation allowed the high
school students to operate a hand-held air monitoring device and perform their own air monitoring "tests" using Sharpie pens and highlighters.
The presentation also focused on how to pursue a career in the environmental remediation field. One student expressed that she thought she had "found her future career" after listening to the presentation!
Plans to make the presentation available to other schools in the Vallejo area are underway.
For questions about the remediation project work, please contact the PG&E toll-free response line at (866) 247-0581 or email remediation@pge.com.
Local students get excited about environmental science careers!

Eligible Veterans can get a no-cost flu shot. This includes anyone enrolled in VA who received care from a VA or in-network community provider in the past 24 months.

A flu shot is your best protection against the flu and possible complications.
When and where can enrolled Veterans get a no-cost flu shot from VA Northern California Health Care System?
Enrolled Veterans can call 1-800-382-8387 to schedule an appointment.
Visit the VA Northern California influenza vaccination page for clinic times and locations.
If you got your flu shot outside of the VA, please give your primary care nurse at the VA that information, so we can update your records.
As a reminder, The VA asks that you please consider a pneumonia shot if you are 65 years or older.
VPD Conducting a DUI checkpoint
On December 16, 2022, the Vallejo Police Department will conduct a driving under the influence (DUI) Checkpoint on December 16 from 6 pm to 2 am at an undisclosed location.

DUI checkpoint locations are determined based on data showing incidents of impaired drivingrelated crashes. The primary purpose of DUI checkpoints are to promote public safety by taking suspected impaired drivers off the road.
“Impaired drivers put others on the road at significant risk,” Sgt. Rashad Hollis said. “Any prevention measures that reduce the number of impaired drivers on our roads significantly improves traffic safety.”
Vallejo Police Department reminds the public that impaired driving is not just from alcohol. Some prescription medications and over-thecounter drugs may interfere with driving. While medicinal and recreational marijuana are legal, driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal.

Drivers charged with a first-time DUI face an average of $13,500 in fines and penalties, as well as a suspended license.
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
555 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590 Facebook.com/cityofvallejo Instagram.com/cityofvallejo For maintenance emergencies, please call: (707) 648-5235