CityLife Magazine December 2019

Page 43

Tai Kwun

Centre for Heritage and Arts The revitalised Central Police Station compound, the largest heritage project in Hong Kong, has opened its doors to the public as Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts. The CPS compound comprises 16 historic buildings, including three declared monuments (Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison), on a 13,600-square-metre site in the heart of Central. An international-grade art gallery and an auditorium have been added to contribute to the adaptive reuse of the site. The heritage site includes new art galleries and the Parade Ground and Prison Yard. Entry is free of charge, however places are limited, especially during peak times, and visitors are encouraged to get a Tai Kwun Pass, which guarantees access. 10 Hollywood Road, Central. 11am – 11pm.


古蹟及藝術館 古蹟及藝術館全港最大型古蹟保育項目,中區警署建築群完成活化,將以「大館」:古蹟及藝術 館的名稱,向公眾開放。中區警署建築群包括前中區警署、中央裁判司署和域多利監獄三項法定 古蹟,共16幢歷史建築及數個戶外空間,佔地13,600平方米,位處中環核心地帶,加上新建的 國際級美術館與綜藝館,配合場地的活化再用。大館首階段開放包括11座歷史建築、新建的美術 館和綜藝館、檢閱廣場和監獄操場。公眾可透過大館網站預訂「大館證」,持有「大館證」將可 保證入場。中環荷李活道10號。預約詳情請參閱官方網站

Hong Kong Space Museum

Reopening of Permanent Exhibition Halls

"Man in Space" showcases the history of human space exploration 「人類在太空」介紹人類勇闖太空的歷史

Covering a total area of 1,600 square metres, the "Hall of the Cosmos" and "Hall of Space Exploration" house a hundred new exhibits, of which about 70 percent are interactive. With the aid of interesting hands-on exhibits and advanced equipment coupled with lighting effects and environmental decorations, the exhibition vividly introduces astronomy and space science. The "Hall of the Cosmos" showcases the Universe from near to far, travelling from the solar system that we are living in, to the stars, Milky Way and galaxies further away and exploring the science and evolution of the universe all along the way. The "Hall of Space Exploration" depicts the development of space exploration and space technology. Closed on Tuesdays (except Public Holidays). Standard ticket HK$10. 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2721 0226.


"Shenzhou Re-entry Capsule" provides a 3D photo effect for visitors inside a re-entry capsule 「神州號太空船返回艙」讓觀眾躺臥在返回艙內, 拍攝極富立體感的照片

展覽廳重新開放 香港太空館設有兩個展覽廳,分別為「宇 宙展覽廳」和「太空探索展覽廳」,合 共面積 1,600 平方米,當中設置約一百件 新展品,其中約有七成屬互動展品。展 覽透過有趣的互動展品和先進儀材,配 合燈光效果和環境布置,介紹天文及太 空科技新知。「宇宙展覽廳」展示探索宇 宙由近至遠的概念,從我們身處的太陽系 開始,再推展至恆星,銀河系及更遙遠的 星系,以至探索宇宙的演化及相關的科 學。「太空探索展覽廳」主題則環 繞 太 空 探 索 和 太 空 科 技 的 發 展 。逢 星 期 二 休館(公眾假期除外);標準票HK$10; 尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號; 2721 0226 ;

"Icy Bodies" creates comets with dry ice to simulate their jets and movements 「冰封天體」利用乾冰製成彗星, 模擬彗星的噴流及運動




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